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SL Cinema
Guild Shares
Half Profits
Allocation of. the half-dollars
which week-end movie goers pay
at the Cinema Guild box office and
supervision of the behind-the-
scenes operations before a movie
gets to the screen are the chief
responsibilities of the Student Leg-
islature-Cinema Guild Board.
The Cinema Guild, a service pro-
ject which was taken over by SL
in the spring of 1950 when the Arts
Cinema League folded, serves a
dual function. It brings back old
movies which the board feels are
of interest to local movie goers and
it provides a source of funds for
student organizations.
* * *
THE seven-member student Cin-
ema Guild Board, which is ap-
pointed by SL, reviews the peti-
tions of student organizations
which want to sponsor movies, se-
Student organizations wishing
to sponsor Cinema Guild movies
after March 7 may pick up peti-
tions at the Student Legislature
Petitions are aue at 5 p.m. to-
lects the movies that will be shown
and lays down basic Cinema Guild
p$olicy. It also appoints a student
manager who carries out board de-,
cisons and keeps it informed on
what movies are available.
Student sponsors are chosen on
the basis of three criteria:
)1 The degree to which the
activities aided by Cinema Guild
funds "affect the entire student
body or useful and charitable
2) Their relative need of funds.
3) The past record of the or-
ganization in similar undertak-
ings and the degree of respon-
sibility shown in handling funds
and promoting events.
A new policy for the distribu-
tion of Cinema Guild profits was
set up by the board last semester.
Its chief purpose, according to
Dave Gross, '56, chairman, was to
build up the Guild's insurance
German Films
T Be Shown
Two German films will be fea-
tured at the International Center
Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
The two movies, which will be
shown free of charge to the public,
are "Where Did the Dollars Go?"
and "Krone Frpnkens." Refresh-
ments will be served after the
Group To Discuss
Republican Term
Ree Christensen, editorial writer
%f the Toledo Blade, Deil Wright,
and Morris Ogul will discuss "One
Year of the Eisenhower Adminis-
tration-An Appraisal" in a polit-
ical science round table at 7:45
p.m. today, in the Rackham Am-
The meeting is open to the pub-
Groups Hear Chalmers'
Discussion of Religion
Bringing a new approach to Boston University School of The-
campus on theories of religion as ology. -
Activi ties
applied to social situations, Prof.
Allan Knight Chalmers has spent
the past eight days meeting for in-
formal discussions with groups in
classrooms and dormitories.
Raised in Saginaw, Mich., Chal-
mers is now a professor of Preach-
ing and Applied Christianity at the
Tra]vis Talks
On Business
Citing .the bank crash of 1929
as an example, Noble D. Travis,
vice-president of the Michigan
Trust Co., yesterday explained that
no business can be successfully run
for a long period of time without
good personal relations with the
Speaking at a Public Relations
Forum sponsored by the School of
Business Administration, Travis
stated that if the public had been
given the opportunity to know and
trust the banking system, the run
on the banks could almost certain-
ly have been averted.
Telling the necessi y of good
public relations to the success of
a large corporation, Fred Black,
director of public relations for
Nash-Kelvinator Corp., stated that
most large companies today rea-
lize the important of being "good
neighbors" to the public.
Funeral Set
For 1McDonald
Funeral services will be held at
3 p.m. tomorrow in Muehlig's
Chapel at 403 S. Fourth for Mil-
dred I. McDonald who died at her
home yesterday.
Dr. Edwin C. Ganzhorn, local
coroner, termed Mrs. McDonald's
death suicide as the result of an
overdose of sleeping pills. She was
employed as administrative as-
sistant to Dean of Women Debor-
ah Bacon.
Before her employment in the
Dean's office, Mrs. McDonald .was
secretary to University Provost
James P. Adams. She was first em-
ployed by the University in 1931.
Her husband died in 1930. Sur-
vivors ihclude her mother, Mrs.
Robert Shankland of Ann Arbor; a
sister, Miss Leah M. Shankland
of Lansing and a brother, Robert
B. Shankland of Valparaiso, Ind.
Military Governor
To Speak Today
Colonel Basil Herman, Military
Governor of the Negev of the State
of Israel and Senior Israel Delegate
to the Israel-Egypt Armistice Com-
mission under United Nations aus-
pices will address the Thursday
Luncheon Club at noon tomorrow
in the Methodist Church.
Dahlberg To Talk
At Kellogg Today
Dr. Albert A. Dahlberg of Chi-
cago will speak at 3:30 p.m. today
in Kellogg Auditorium on "Con-
cepts and Interpretations of Tooth
Morphology Which are Basic for
the Understanding Dentician."
The meeting is open to the pub-
TERMING himself a "trouble
shooter," Chalmers described his
work as traveling to different parts
of the country straightening out
problems in racial and religious
discrimination. He and his asso-
ciates often move into a com-
munity and work on not only dis-
crimination cases, but also ,on
problems in juvenile delinquency,
he explained.
He says that in most commu-
nities where this work is done,
there is a 72 per cent decrease
in criminal activities.
Chalmers' trouble-shooting has
carried him over thousands of
miles, in this country and abroad.
He spent eighteen years in New
York's "Hell's Kitchen" and re-
cently saved an innocent boy from
Besides these activities, Chal-
mers is treasurer of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People, and also serves
on the NAACP's "Committee of a
Hundred," which raises money to
rectify injustices in cases through-
out the country.
A graduate of Johns Hopkins
University, Chalmers' ninth book
will be released soon.
Wernette Sees
U.S. Economic
'System Sound
Prof. J. Phillip Wernette of the
business administration school dis-
cussed, "What Future Economic
Progress Means to You" yesterday
in the first speech assembly of the
The present pessimism about the
future of ~our country is too over-
played, he said.
Inflation, deflation and depres-
sion, excessive taxation, decline of
the spirit of enterprise, war and a
possible moral and spiritual de-
cline were cited by the professor
as the chief menaces to American
economic progress.
Fries To Discuss
Linguistics Today
"Linguistics and Literary Criti-
cism" will be discussed by Prof.
Charles C. Fries of the English de-
partment, at a joint meeting of the
English Journal and Linguistics
Clubs at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 3R of
the Union.
The discussion Is open to 411 stu-
dents and faculty inembers.
Scholten To Show
Film on Cameras
Dudley J. Scholten, a vice-pres-
ident of Argus Cameras, Inc., will
spear and show a movie on the
manufacturing and marketing of
cameras at 4 p.m. today in Rm. 131
of the Business Administration
Bldg. during a meeting of the Mar-
keting Club.
The meeting will be open to the
Conference Slated
Twenty-five industrial leaders
will meet at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in
the Rackham Bldg. for a one-day
conference sponsored by the Bur-
eau of Industrial Relations.
It isn't too often that one has occasion to visit a few offices and
meeting rooms of student organizations, but when he does he makes
some disconcerting discoveries.
First of all he finds it difficult to uncover the home of a parti-
cular organization or activity. And when he finally finds it, he is
lucky if he can squeeze in and be noticed among the busy throng.
IF HE WANTS the office of the service fraternity, Alpha Phi
Omega, he asks around until he is told it is in the basement of the
Student Legislature Bldg. To get to it, he must wind around corridors
and struggle down narrow steps. He finds an oversized telephone
Doug Bailey, '56, AVO vice-president, describes the office as
inadequate for administrative work and impossible for meetings.
For meetings, the service fraternity obtains a room in the Union.
Such a room is adequate for meeting purposes, but it is often hard
to get one at an opportune time, according to Bailey.
The Gilbert and Sullivan Society has no definite meeting place,
but uses the League Ballroom for those meetings at which there is
a large number of people and other League meeting rooms for smaller
affairs. The Society's biggest headache, however, is the crowded fa-
cilities it has for constructing sets in the basement of the SL Buildng.
* * * *
MANY OF THE organizations that use Union rooms find them
inadequate. Some because of the difficulty in obtaining a meeting
room when they desire one, others because their offices in the Unon
are too small for the work they attempt to do.
The Interfraternity Council, with offices in Rm. 3-C of the
Union, is an example of an organization working undef crowded
conditions. According to John Baity, '55, executive vice-president,
each desk in the office is shared by three or four men. A long table
that seats about 15 is used for gatherings of 25 and 30.
Across the toitidor in Rm. 3-0
of the Union, the Glee Club holds
its practices under conditions that
hrProf. Philip Duey, director of the
Glee Club, describes as unsuitable.
2 The room is such that members
must sit in a wide semi-circle fac-
ing the longer side with the oppo-
site wall close at their'backs. This
makes for poor'acoustics and diffi-
culty in directing, explained Prof.
Connected to this long narrow
room is a tiny office where the Glee
Club carries on administrative ac-
tivities such as poster-making. Bob
McGrath, '54SM, considers the of-
fice much too small.
* * *
NEXT DOOR to the Glee Club
office is one of equal size used by
Union Opera. For administrative
purposes, it, too, is inadequate, ac-
cording to Mimes president Harry
Blum, '54BAd.
Along the short hallway from
the Union Opera office to the
corridor is a door which opens to
a closet used by the Glee Club
for storing music. One look re-
veals the tight condition espec-
ially since other organizations
also use it for storage.
And office space is no better at
the League although the facilities
are an improvement because new
equipment and furniture were
placed in the offices after Christ-
One room containing two desks,
one table, a few chairs, and two
bulletin boards is shared by Pan-
helleic Association and Assembly
Association. During office hours,
there is often hardly any room to
move around according to Panhel
President Martha Hill, '54.
Many other organizations; such
as Sphinx, Triangles, other honor-
aries and political clubs, have no
definite meeting places, but must
rely on their chances of obtaining
one of the Union's or League's
meeting rooms when they need
one. And it is often difficult to
get ,one at the right time.
Often an organization needs a
larger room than any of these and
must attempt to obtain the Union
or League ballroom-not always
an easy matter.
A further difficulty in holding
meetings in rooms other than its
offices is an organization's task of
carrying records and other para-
phenalia to and from the meet-
ings. This trouble is even more pro-
nounced for those that have no
office at all.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society,
Sphinx, and many others do not
have an office. All records and
papers, in these cases, are kept
at the home of an officer of the
organization and must be trans-
ported to and from the meetings.
It is not hard to imagine the ad-
ministrative difficulties of these
student activities.
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