GE rouR
A Sound
THE STATE Department has recently an-
nounced that preliminary talks on ex-
tending financial aid to the European Steel
and .Coal Community have been conducted
and that "concrete ways" to offer such aid
are to be discussed in the near future.
To this the "isolationist" will probably
reply "here we go again, pumping mil-
lions of wasted dollars into Europe." This
indeed, is a cloudy view. If such aid were
extended, it would be a loan not a gift-
a sound investment.
The prime objective of financial aid from
this country is to strengthen the West u-
ropean community with an eye to future
Soviet expansionist tendencies'
The advantages of the Steel & Coal Com-
munity are significant. Western Europe
through the years has consisted of nation
states with a sense of individual identity.
Necessitating a partial pooling of sovereign-
ty for a common purpose, the Steel and Coal
Community is one means of uniting these
age-old rival states into an organization
which eliminates past political antagonisms
and economic boundaries.
The primary aim of the Schuman Plan is
to place under a supernational agency the
control and production of two key resources
-steel and coal. Through- this controlling
agency the plan aims at reducing tariff bar-
riers and establishing a single market for
these two products. The econimic advan-
tages of so large a market would not only
pass on to industrialists and government
but also to the workers in the form of a
higher living standard.
The plan is also a partial means of re-
solving the traditional antagonism be-
tween France and Germany. With the two
united together in a single group based on
mutual interest, German encroachment on
France would be improbable.
The machinery of the Schuman Plan has
been functioning now for a relatively short
time and though it is not yet working per-
fectly, it has resulted in substantial im-
An integrated European community for
trade, production, and defense is imperative
today. President Eisenhower and the Uni-
ted States Commission on Foreign Economic
Policy have both recognized this fact and
have lent the organization support. Any loan
by the United States to further economic
unity in Western Europe is a sound invest-
ment, which in time will pay off.
-Joe Pascoff
At the State..
RELDOM does a war film capture the un-
heroic, grubby, dreariness of actual combat
with such realism as does Cearse Fire. Into
the routine of a single patrol is packed all
the elements that make up the futility of
war. Without any pretensions at forcing the
pattern of action, the story is told by those
who actually participated in the Korean ac-
The use of ordinary army personnel as
the cast was a gamble for the director
which in this instance worked out with
remarkable results. Each person retained
his individuality while still maintaining
the group unity. There are no outstand-
ng personalities; all blend into a compo-
sition which is always moving, alive, and
thoroughly human.
Within the patrol unit all values are sub-
ordinated to the elemental desire to stay
alive. This is demonstrated by the rigid
discipline enforced by the lieutenant as he
seeks to attain his objective while main-
taining the unit. Any lapses result in death.
There is no second chance in war. This at-
mosphere permeates the film, particularly
in such scenes as the probing of the mine-
field by the men with their bayonets.
Subtly contrasted with the modern im-
plements of war such as tanks and jets,
are the rather primitive hand-held weap-
ons of the infantrymen. Yet without the
age-old individual soldier walking to com-
bat there is no final taking of the objec-
tive. Thus the old and the new are inte-
grated into the pattern of modern war-
Both the acting and the dialogue lack the
usual Hollywood touch of smoothness and
superficiality substituting instead the earthi-
ness and realism of the actors own words and
actions, a definite asset in this movie. Oft-
en the obvious is said and the emotions are
crude, but this is war and no one trys to act
like a dilettante with death all around.
Of interest to Ann Arbor viewers is the
presence of Bill Elliott 56L as the Elliott in
the film. He does extremely well in a role he
should know intimately.
Cease Fire is certainly one of the mere
worthwhile films to be seen this year.
-Dick Wolf
A NEW APPROACH to the problems of
peace and well-being is clearly needed.
The old approach has been too costly in
lives, misery and property values. The old
approach may yet end man's life on this
globe. It may, even before that, end many
of the values which make that life desirable.
The Winchell House Walk-Out
TO THE OBSERVER it now looks as if
the withdrawal of Winchell House from
the West Quad Council is completely wrong.
This is, for the most part, a false impres-
A Council member has stated that quad
government cannot function if every time
a dispute arises the house involved walks
out of the meeting; this is true.
But, reguardless of the comparatively mi-
nor point that led to the walk-out, it should
be noted that in a minority-majority dis-
agreement, compromise is the only way to
resolve differences without completely dis-
regarding the minority.
Winchell House's president, agreeing that
it was a minor point, nonetheless said that
the house was merely seeking a compromise
in the new dining hall rotation system that
could seemingly be put into effect with lit-
tle trouble. But the Council did not give
The new system has the women of Chi-
cago House take their meals with the other
houses of the quad on an alternating two-
week basis. (Winchell House previously had
been Chicago's full-time dining hall com-
panions.) Under this plan, most of the
other six houses would switch dining halls
for one or more two-week periods.
Winchell House, which is not scheduled
to eat with Chicago again, is to change
halls three times during the semester.
Their compromise entailed an alteration
whereby they would move only twice;
this would mean only that another house,
which was scheduled not to change at
all, would move once.
Before Tuesday's Council meeting, Win-
chell had been invited back to their old
dining hall for the evening meal by some
of the Chicago women, and this caused no
disorder. That same evening, some 40 Win-
chellites serenaded the women, still keeping
everything on a humorous level..
The Council, however, showed that it
took this as a personal affront, whereas
the issue could, and should, have been
worked out in discussion.
It is easy to say that a house is merely
being different or difficult just for kicks;
perhaps Winchell House's action began as
such. But Winchell has a valid case and
should not now give ground-how else can a
minority express its opinion except, at times,
by the relatively drastic step of a walk-out?
-Harry Strauss
Coil 4
Con . . *
THE ATTITUDE of Winchell House since
the West Quad Council voted to rotate
the houses, allowing all West Quad men to
eat with Chicago House, has been one of
belligerance and a refusal to cooperate.
Since the plan went into effect last
Monday, the majority of the men in Win-
chell House have refused to eat in the din--
ing room assigned them. Instead they
have lined up in front of their old din-
ing room, asking girls from Chicago House
to invite them in as guests.
While rationalizing their secession from
the West Quad Council on the grounds that
"the council held a negative attitude," and
"our proposal was fundamentally better for
the system," the fact remains that Winchell
House walked out because they were not
willing to accept gracefully the decisions of
the Council.
Whether or not the men in Winchell
House were justified in feeling that they-
were being treated unfairly, they had no
right to walk out on the Council. Quad gov-
ernment, in order to function efficiently
within its already limited sphere, needs the
cooperation of every house.
This immature means of retaliation is not
to be tolerated at the college level. The
men of Winchell House stand to gain noth-
ing from their actions-the West Quad
Council certainly will not cater to the whims
of a single house. By refusing to accept the
Council's decision, they have made a mock-
ery of student government and have acted
in a manner detrimental to West Quad-
rangle men.
--Lee Marks
"Farm Program's Coming"
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good' taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defa'matory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Just A Minute ...
To The Editor:
V. Moore presided over thei
Common Council meeting in City
Hall Thursday night (as your
front page for Friday has it) then
I presume I am slated to run the
School of Music. I would enjoy
that. When do we start?
-Ald. A. D. Moore
(Erstwhile in Engineering)
,., ,,e
with many readers, since one of
my friends had heard the party
was "raided." Also, many of my
girls have been asked, specifically,
by their friends if the Party was
held here. The party was held in
a beautiful home, properly chap-
eroned, and there were soft drinks
for minors."
The party was not in honor of
the pledges. It was a Christmas
dance, not "formal" but semi-
formal. For years, Sorosis has
given their Pledge Formal in the
The Parting of the Ways
Questionttaire ,..
LAST WEEK the country was treated to.
a double dose of humiliation. The Chief
Justice of the United States was defamed
by the chairman of the Senate Judiciary
Committee and Senator McCarthy insulted
and tried to intimidate an honorable and
gallant officer of the United States Army.
These two events, each a spectacular exam-
ple of our descent into lawlessness, have
broughtusto a parting of the ways.
We have gone as far as we can go
without endangering profoundly the peace
and order of this country. We cannot
continue to put up, with this lawless in-
vasion of the Administration of the Am-
erican government and this assault on the
system of American justice. The country
is faced with a usurpation of the execu-
tive and of the judicial powers by these
investigating committees, and with a re-
bellion against the principles and the
procedures and the usages of liberty ,and
justice under our law.
This is said advisedly. Mr. Warren, nomi-
nated by the President to be Chief Justice,
has been accused by the chairman of the
Judiciary Committee on ten counts. Of these
at least seven are accusations which, if they
were true, would call for criminal indict-
ment, trial, conviction and a prison sen-
tence. They are not, in short, the mere
WASHINGTON-Sincere Secretary of the
Army Robert Stevens got himself in
the predicament of being summoned before
the TV cameras of Senator McCarthy's com-
mittee today only after an amazing series
of backstage events, including a telephone
call to his chief, the President, at Palm
Springs, Calif.
The events illustrate what happens to an
official, whether Democrat or Republican,
if he either appeases or stands up to Mc-
Stevens' phone call to Eisenhower in
California was for the purpose of asking
Ike whether he should issue a statement
throwing down the gauntlet to McCarthy
and charging him with "unwarranted
abuse of our loyal army officers." Ike gave
the green light. As a result, Stevens is
now getting the full force of McCarthy's
well-known penchant for revenge.
But some months before, Eisenhower had
issued a contrary order to Stevens and to
other cabinet officers-namely, to coperate
with McCarthy and give him whatever he
wanted. It was the President's position at
that time that McCarthy was a problem for
the Senate of the United States to deal
wtih, not the executive branch of the gov-
ernment, and that he, Eisenhower, would
cooperate with McCarthy's probes.
Since Ft. Monmouth, Stevens has come
to the belated conclusion that it doesn't pay
to appease the Senator from Wisconsin.
The conclusion results from the following:
name-calling of rough and tumble politics,
and they are not to be pooh-poohed by the
tough boys whd think that anything goes.
If Earl Warren is guilty of the things of
which he is accused, he has committed
crimes; if he is not guilty, he has been li-
Senator Langer, in his office of chairman
of the Judiciary Committee, has published
these accusations on his own motion and
decision. They have not been investigated
by his committee. Not one shred of evidence
has been brought forward to support them.
Though they are unsupported, unexamined,
unverified, the allegations made by these
unknown defamers are protected, they have
immunity against any legal redress because
the Senator is a privileged man.
This is an intolerable outrage. It violates
the first principles of our law. The Sena-
tor has a power to injure other men in dead-
ly ways while he himself is subject to no
rules of law or evidence when he does it.
He is answerable to no one when he does it.
This is abhorrent to the spirit of our so-
ciety, and good men will not and cannnot
accept it.
* * *
SENATOR LANGER meant to destroy Earl
Warren. No man would or bould charge
another man "permitting organized crime
to make its national headquarters" in his
state, or "knowingly" appointing "dishonest
persons as judges," unless he meant to kill
him as a public man. It does not mitigate
the horror of Senator Langer's offense that
in fact Earl Warren is unscathed because
his character is invulnerable. The offense
is against the American people far more
than it is against Earl Warren. This law-
lessness on the part of a Senator is a threat
against the power of the law to protect the
liberties of our people.
It is no adequate remedy or sufficient
compensation for the offense that Earl
Warren should be promptly confirmed by
an overwhelming vote. He should be con-
firmed by an overwhelming vote. But the
Senate of the United States has a respon-
sibility in this matter which it will not
have discharged merely by confirming
Earl Warren.
The Judiciary Committee is a committee
of the Senate and Mr. Langer is the chair-
man of that committee. The Senate is ans-
werable for him and his committee. It is
answerable for the failure to bring this
committee under the rules of decent and
lawful procedure.
The Senate cannot condone this offense.
It should rebuke it. It must act to assure
the country that it will not happen again.
This must be said not merely as an ex-
hortation but primarily as a warning. Law-
less action breeds lawlessness, and when
the lawless behavior is in so high a place
as the Senate of the United States, then
those who practice it and those who coun-
tenance the lawlessness are playing with
The Senate must be' warned that in
failure to restore law and order within
its own committees, it is creating griev-
ances for which there is no lawful rem-
edy, it is permitting abuses for which there
is no lawful redress.
These arbitrary men who exercise the
To The Editor: Third:
One girl, only, was involved.
FIRST I WOULD like to thank For the reason, "using her car for
you for seeing that the first social purposes." Her date was
report on the Women's League not a University of Michigan stu-
questionnaire received such prompt dent.
attention. Fourth:
However, I would like to clarify "Several members" were "not
one statement that has led to mis- picked up by the authorities later."
understanding of proper channels pit
for changes in women's rules and Fifth:
regulations. The statement to We have never been on "Social
which I refer is the one which Probation" for a pre-party. I be-
mentions that the results of the lieve, it is true, that Sorosis is,
entire questionnaire will be re- perhaps, the first Sorority to have
ferred to the Campus Action Com- paid a monetary fine. There has
mittee of the Student Legislature. been a case or two of "Social Pro-
In my phone conversation with bation" for this offense, with no
the reporter Tuesday night, I men- publicity of this nature involved,
tioned that the result of the sec- and rightly so. If, from this case,
tion concerning women's opinion has come the Ban on further pub-
on 1:30 permissions was released licity of this type, some good then
to the Campus Action Committee will have resulted. I commend the
to aid them in preparing a recom- members of the Judiciary Council
mendation to the Student Affairs for their stand. It is a confidential
Committee for calendaring of such body, in every sense of the word,
permissions. The information and should remain so.
gained from this questionnaire is I recommend that the reporters
available to any group that may on The Daily take every precau-
wish to use it. tion, in the future, to thoroughly
There is a misconception, how- check "reliable sources." Too many
ever, in the understanding of the organizations, here, have been
proper channels for changes in harmed by such publicity.
women's hours. The Women's
League Constitution (Art. VIL sec. I have been the Resident Direc-
VII) establishes as one of the du- tor of Collegiate Sorosis for four-
ties of the Women's Senate the teen years, and am very proud of
power to "initiate new rues, regu- our record on Campus. I feel im-
lation, and policies pertaining to pelled, therefore, to write this let-
Women Students," with the pro- ter, that the facts may be known
vision that changes or additions to your many readers. To erase
shall "be in accordance with Uni- from their minds, the erroneous
versity Policy and must therefore impressions left by the various
be reviewed by the Dean of Wom- articles you have printed on the
an hried by hmDqan of Wom- Sorosis so-called "Drinking Party."
fi ~jiz thii' .,ainto~ *
(Continued from Page 2)
C'toral Union Members are reminded
to pick up their courtesy passes for
the George London concert (Sun., Feb.
28, at 8:30) on the preceding Friday, Feb.
26-between 9:30 and 11:30 and between
1:00 and 4:00 p.m.
ISA Invites Organizations. Any organ-
ization whose purpose is the promotion
of international understanding may pe-
tition for representation in the House
of Representatives of the International
Student Association for the current se-
mester. Petitions should reach P.O. Box
2096 by Fri., Feb. 26, 1954.
The Radcliffe Club of Ann Arbor is
offering a partial fellowship for 1954-55
to the Radcliffe Graduate School in
Cambridge, Mass. Women students who
are interested may apply to Mrs. Hans
Ltepman. 2003 Day Street, phone
NO 2-6221.
Detroit Edison Scholarships. Applica-
tion blanks for two scholarships offered
by the Detroit Edison Company may be
obtained at the Scholarship Office, 113
Administration Building. To be eligible
for consideration, an applicant must be
a resident of the State of Michigan and
have completed either (a) at least one
year of study in the College of Engi-
neering with intentions to major in
those phases of mechanical or electrical
engineering that relate to the electric
utility industry or (b) at least one year
of study at the University in a field
that relates to the electric utility in-
dustry, such as economics, accounting.
or business and personnel administra-
tion. Stipend for each scholarship is
$250 for the 1954-55 school year. Appli-
cation deadline is April 15, 1954.
The Following Student Sponsored So-
e(la Events are approved for the com-
ing week-end. Social chairmen are re-
minded that requests for approval for
social events are due in the Office of
Student Affairs not later than 12 o'clock
noon on the Monday prior to the event.
February 25, 1954
Anderson House
February 26, 1954
Alpha Tau Omega
Delta Theta Phi
Gilbert and Sullivan Soc.
Lambda Chi Alpha
Lloyd House, W. Q.
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Palmer & Allen Rumsey ses.
Phi Delta Phi
Zeta Beta Tau
February 27, 1954
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Alpha Omega
Alpha Rho Chi
Beta Theta Pi
Chinese Students Club
Chi Phi
Delta Kappa Epsilon
Delta Sigma Delta
Delta Sigma P
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Theta Phi
Delta Upsilon
Huber & Taylor Hses.
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Sigma
Phi Sigma Kappa
Sigma Alpha Mu
Sigma Chi
Tau Delta Phi
Theta Xi
February 28, 1954
Delta Theta Phi
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Kappa Sigma
Interviews for Summer Employment.
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New
York City will have representatives at
the Bureau of Appointments Thurs.,
Feb. 25.toatalk to all interested actu-
arial students regarding summer em-
ployment. Juniors and seniors or grad-
uate students returning to school next
fall are eligible to interview. Please call
371 for appointments.
Summer Employment. The Bureau of
Appointments will have a meeting from
1 to 5 p.m., Thursday afternoon, Feb.
25, at the Michigan Union in Room 3-A.
All students interested in camping, re-
sort, business, or industrial work for
this summer are invited to attend.
Personnel Requests.
A Company in this vicinity has open-
ings for six people, men or women, to do
clerical work, full-time, for two to three
months. Typing is not necessary.
The Seventh Region, U.S. Civil Serv-
ice Commission, has announced exami-
nations for Administrative and Staff
Service positions, Grades S-7 to GS-
13, for duty in Federal establishments
within the States of Illinois, Michigan,
and Wisconsin.
Tremco Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, is
interested in contacting alumni or June
graduates for the firm's Sales Training
For additional information concern-
ing these and other employment oppor-
tunities, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
University Lecture, auspices of Land
Utilization and Regional Planning Sem-
inar, Department of Conservation.
"Planning for the American Heartland,"
Charles W. Eliot, former Executive Di-
rector of National Resources Planning
Board, Thurs., 4:15 p.m., R~ackham Am-
Illustrated lecture, sponsored by the
College of Architecture and Design.
"The Copenhagen Metropolitan Region-
al Plan" by Steen E. Rasmussen, Dan-
ish architect and town planner, Fri.,
Feb. 26, 4 p.m., Architecture Auditori-
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet alternate Thursdays from 2-4
p.m., in 3201 Angell Hall. The topic will
be "Sequential Analysis." The first
meeting will be held Thurs., Feb. 25,
at which Professor Craig will speak.
Make-up Examinations in History will
be given Sat., Feb. 27, 9 to 12 a.m., 2429
Mason Hall. See your instructor for
permission and then sign list in History
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Feb. 25, at 4 in 247 West
Engineering. Speaker: Dr. I. Marx. Top-
ic: On the Structure of Recurrence Re-
Department of Biological Chemistry.
Dr. W. W. Ackrmann, Associate Profes-
sor of Epidemiology, will speak on
"Some Aspects of Metabolic Integra-
tion" at the seminar of the Department
of Biological Chemistry held in 319 West
Medical Building at 10:15 a.m., Sat.,
Feb. 27.
Doctoral Examination for Paul Rowley
Mclsaac, Electrical Engineering; thesis:
"A Study of the Initial Permeability of
Ferromagnetic Metals at High Frequen-
cies," Fri., Feb. 26, 3521 East Engineer-
ing Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, S. S.
Events Today
The Political Science Round Table
will meet this evening at 7:4 p.m., In
the Rackham Amphitheater. A panel
composed of Reo Christenson, editorial
writer of the Toledo Blade, Dell Wright,
and Morris Ogul will discuss "One Year
of the Eisenhower Administration-An
Appraisal." The meeting is open to the
The Kaffee Stunde of the Deutscher
verein will meet this afternoon at 3:15
in the taproom, of the Union. An ex-
cellent opportunity to converse in Ger-
man with Mr. D. Baay, of the German
Dept. faculty. All welcome., ,
U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting at 7:30
p.m. tonight in 311 West Engineering
Bldg. There will be a short business
meeting and the first shore school for
new members will be held.
Arts Chorale. The regular weekly re-
hearsal will be held this evening from
7 to 8:30 p.m. in Auditorium D, Angell
Hall. All those wishing to sing in the
Inkster concert on Friday are required
to be present.
La p'tite causette will meet today
from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of
the Michigan Union Cafeteria. Now is
the time to begin improving your
French conversation. Everyone welcome
Gilbert and Sullivan Society. Rehear-
sal tonight for the chorus for "Thespis"
and "The Sorcerer" in the League at
7:15. Rehearsal for principals of "The
Sorcerer" only, in the Union at 7:15.
SL Academic Freedom Sub-Commis-
sion will meet in the Union today at 5
Alpha phi omega. Initiation of
pledges, this evening at 7:30 p.m., at
Lane Hall.
Young Democrats will meet this eve-
ning at 7:30 p.m., in Room 3-L of, the
Union. Mr. Charles W. Eliot, former
Executive Director of the Natural Re-
sources Planning Board, will speak on
"Natural Resource Policy of the Dem-
ocrats and Republicans." All members
please try to attend. Any students in-
terested in Mr. Eliot's views on resource
policy will be welcome.
Marketing Club.sMeeting today, 4
p.m., 131 Business Administration
Building. Mr. Dudley J. Scholte, vice-
President and Director of Sales and Ad-
vertising, Argus Cameras, Inc., of Ann
Arbor, will speak on the problems in
marketing Argus cameras and show a
movie on the manufacturing and mar-
keting of cameras. Refreshments in Bus.
Ad. Lounge afterwards. Everyone inter-
ested is heartily invited.
Bahai Student Group. "There Is No
Function to Religion," the third in a
series of discussions on the Baha'l
World Faith, will be given at 8 p.m. this
evening at the Michigan League. Come
to help decide this question.
The English Journal Club and the
Linguistics Club will hold a joint
meeting tonight at '8 p.m. in
Room 3R, Michigan Union. Professor
C. C. Fries of the English Department
will lead ' a discussion on "Linguistics
and Literary Criticism." All interested
students and faculty members are In-
vited to attend.
Kappa Phi. There will be a supper
meeting today at the Methodist Church,
at 5:15 p.m.
International Center Weekly Tea will
be held this afternoon from 4:30 to 6,
third floor, Rackham Building.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m.,
Fireside Room, Lae Hall. All are wel-
Lydia Mendelssohn Bpx Office is open
from 10 a.m. until 5 .im. today for the
sale of season tickets for the Depart-
ment of Speech 1954 SPRING PLAY-
BILL. Tickets for individual perform-
ances will go on sale Mon., Mar. 1. In-
cluded on the series are Richard
Strauss' comic opera, ARIADNE OF
NAXOS, produced with the School of
Music, March 2-6; Shakespeare's THE
and Eugene Hochman's 1953 Hopwood
WAY, April 22-24. Season tickets are
available at $3.25-$2.60-$1.90. Student
seasontickets for the three opening
nights are $1.50.
I.A.S. Meeting. Feature Program,
"NATO Aeronautical Research and De-
velopment in Europe," by Professor W.
C. Nelson. Business meeting-spring
programs for I.A.S. (meetings, field
trips, picnic, etc.). Michigan Union,
Room 3-M, 7:30 p.m. this evening.
Refreshments. All interested are invited.
The Congregational - Disciples Guild.
Freshman Discussion Group, "The Holy
Spirit," 7 to 8 p.m. Mid-Week Medita-
tion in Douglas Chapel, 5:05-5:30 p.m.
Coming Events
Episcopal Student Foundation. Can-
terbury Club, 7:30 p.m., Fri., Feb. 26,
at Canterbury House. Recordings and
discussion of T. S. Eliot's "The Cock-
tail Party." Refreshments. All students
Episcopal Student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 5:15 at Canterbury House,
Fri., Feb. 26. All students invited.
S.R.A. Saturday Lunch Discussion,
12:15 noon, Lane Hall. The group will
discuss India, then leave for theInter
cultural Outing. Reservations at Lane
S.R.A. Intercultural Outing featuring
en oeiore tie cn anges can go n~
The Women's Senate will wel-
come any suggestions or recom-1
mendations submitted to the
Chairman of the Committee on
Rules and Regulations by any in-
dividual, housing group, or any
interested organization. Such re-
commendations would receive
prompt consideration by the Com-
mittee and Women's Senate.
The response to the question-
naire was most enthusiastic and
a complete report will be released
as soon as possible.
* Susan Riggs
. -
-Irs. Boaler Rowles,
Resident Director,
Collegiate Sorosis Sorority.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
.Editorial Staff
ourvan.* *Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter ............... City Editor
To The Editor: irginia Voss.......Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
I SHOULD LIKE to correct an Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
impression left your readers by Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor
Gene Hartwig's article in The Helene Simon........Associate Editor
aof February 13th.Ian Kaye.............Sports Editor
Michigan Daily rhPaul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
The headline was Sorosis Penal- Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
ized $100, for Unauthorized Drink- Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
ing Party." Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
The Cocktail Pa'rty was not held Business Staff
at the Chapter House. This im- Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
has evidently been leftIWilliam Kaufman Advertising Manager
pression h dnyHarlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
HERE IS enough vivid history Don Chisholm....Circulation Manager
in recent years to show all na- T
tions and also the local power Telephone NO 23-24-
groups in them, that the old ways Member
of dealing with the world and its
people have failed. Not only are ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS
new ways needed, but the new
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