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February 17, 1954 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-17

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Union's 'Little Club' Opens Friday
Featuring New Campus Combo

Educator Shows Concern
Over Teaching Shortages

-~Launching this semester's list
of social events scheduled by the
Union, the "Little Club" will be
"open to students from 9 p.m. to
midnight Friday in the North
Lounge of the Union.
Celebrating the spring-term
opening of the weekly campus
"club" will be the first appearance
at the. Union of one of the newer
bands on campus, the Diplomats.
LED BY Hans Stoehr, who
plays tenor saxophone, clarinet
and flute, the four piece outfit
includes Jim Heier, playing the
bass and Bob Stoner, who presides
at the. keyboard and also takes ov-
er on the vibraphone and trom-
bone. Drums are also included in
the group.. -
The men, who have been

playing together since last Sep-
tember, provided music for sev-
eral campus dances during .the
past semester.
Individually, the band members'
have each had considerable addi-
tional experience in the dance
medium. During summer vacation
both Stoehr and Stoner played at
a cocktail lounge in Port Huron,
Michigan, while Heier was featur-
ed at a night club in Philadelphia.
* * *
ALL ARE members of the Mi-
chigan Marching Band, and both
Stoehr and Stoner have played
with the navy band as well.
Open to students who wish to
spend the whole evening dan-
cing, as well as to those who
want to drop in after the "mov-
ies," the "Little Club" provides

the dimly-lit atmosphere of a
night club.
In keeping with the cabaret de-
cor, cokes and pretzels are avail-
able at tables covered with red
and white checked tablecloths. Ar-
ranged around the dance floor,
these tables are lighted by candles
in whiskey bottle holders.
* * * *
arranged for intermission relax-
This week's "Little Club" is
the first of five openings to be,
presented this semester. Accord-
ing to committee chairmen San-
to Ponticello and Harvey Rut-
stein, it will be open once more
in February and three times
during March.
Tickets, which may be purchas-
ed at the door, are priced at $1.00
per couple.
Also on the agenda at the Un-
ion this weekend is the weekly
Record Dance held from 8:30 to
10:30 p.m. Sunday in the Ter-
race Room. Admission is free for
this informal dance.

You Can Now Say "Charge It"
ben You Shop at Mademoiselle

Sir 9
c A N{,






' ff



Is Tremendous .
when it's
Top flattery in this
curvaciously cut suit
with the deft detail
of Arthur Jay
designing . . White
leather tabs at the
collar, white leather
buttons and hip
pocket trim .
slender 6-gore skirt.
Tan gr Blue
for sizes 9 to 15.


dule for JGP rehearsals will be
as follows: Today-3:15 to 5:45
Kay Frauenthal, Robin Renfrew,
Jo Craft. Tomorrow-4 to 6 p.m.
Senator McSmarty and Hench-
men 7 to 10 p.m. Act Four. Friday
-4:15 to 5:45 p.m. Elsie and Tri-
bal Singers.
be a meeting of the' League Coun-
cil from 7 to 9' p.m. today.
bers of Junior Panhel are asked
to be present for the regular
meeting of the Association at 4:30
p.m. today in the League. The
room number will be posted.
* * *
JGP-The JGP central commit-
tee will hold a meeting at 8:30
p.m. today in the League. -
There will be a meeting of all
junior women interested in work-
ing on scenery for JGP at 7 p.m.
today in the League.
* * *
important meeting will be held at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union by
the Michigras Parade Committee
for all Float Chairmen of the
housing groups.
" 0.
WAA-There will be an organ-
izational meeting of the badmin-
ton club at 7 p.m. today in the
fencing room at Barbour Gym.
After the meeting, badminton will
be played.
B/// P

Concern for the shortage of
teachers was expressed by Miss
Nancy Duke Lewis, dean of Pem-
broke College, Brown University,
in an interview recently.
Miss Lewis spoke of the work
that the Education Committee of
the American Association of Uni-
versity Women, of which she is
chairman, is doing in looking for
women to teach.
SHE ALSO outlined some of the
other activities of her committee.
With members interested in
the educational use of television,
and radio, the group is especially
worried about an apparent short-
age of college teachers in the
The committee has also made an
extensive study of what college
graduates think of their under-
graduate education.
AFFILIATED with an interna-
tional organization, the group has
been working to encourage a fel-
lowship program.
She also felt that many wo-
men do not realize what a con-
tribution AAUW has made. When
women first were admitted to
colleges, and conditions were far
from ideal, the AAUW refused to
approve schools until they met
certain requirements.
Visiting Ann Arbor as a guest of
the local group of AAUW, Miss
Lewis addressed a dinner meeting
last week attended by members
from a wide radius around Ann
* * *
INSTALLED in her post at Pem-
broke College in 1950, she is the
fifth dean of the college.
Previous to her work on the
Providence, R. I. campus she
served six years as counselor
with special duties in academic
advising at the Woman's Col-
lege of the University of North.
After an inquiry about women's
hours at Pembroke, Miss Lewis felt
that the lateness of the hour that
women should be allowed to re-
main out depended largely upon
the location of the college and op-
portunities for activities on the
campus itself.
* * *
LATER HOURS are in effect at
Pembroke because of its nearness
to Boston.
Pembroke is part of Brown
University and the curriculum of
Brown is open to the women stu-
dents. However extra-curricular
activities are divided so that wo-
men have a chance for top cam-
pus positions.
Teaching a course in math along
with her other duties, Miss Lewis
feels that cooperation between the
students and faculty is great.
Miss Lewis spoke of the honor
system established at Pembroke.
Women are on their honor con-
cerning checking in and out. She
expressed belief that the system
had produced a change in morale
with the added responsibility plac-
ed on the students. It also chang-

ed the relation between the stu-
dents and the dormitory heads.
Miss Lewis believes that a small
school offers greater opportunities
for the dean to become acquainted
with the students.
Detroit Trip
Ticket Sales
Remain Open
With two buses already filled for
Sunday's trip to "The Moon Is
Blue," Union members in charge
of plans have extended the dead-
line for making reservations to 5
p.m. today in the first floor Stu-
dent Offices.
By so doing, they hope to give
students who would like to go, but
have not yet signed up, an oppor-
tunity to do so. Fifteen more stu-
dents are needed to fill a third
With the total cost per student
budget-priced at $3.50, the trip
represents a savings of $2.50 over
the individual total for transporta-
tion and tickets.
Students making the trip to De-
troit will watch the hit comedy,
to be presented- at the Schubert
Theatre, from very good orchestra
seats, according to chairman Mark
Gallon. The savings is made pos-
sible through the purchase of a
large block of tickets.
The Detroit showing will feature
the same cast that closed the show
on Broadway after three years of
successful performances.
University buses, which will
carry students to Detroit, will leave
the side entrance of the Union at
6:30 p.m. Sunday and will return
about 1 a.m. Late permission has.
been granted to swomen making the
hop.ing to bring back to students
a program of activities popular in
previous years; the committee has
made tentative plans for four or
five more Union trips this semes-
If this trip is successful, addi-
tional trips to Detroit to see per-
formances of the musical "Okla-
homa" and Pulitzer prize play
"Picnic" may be scheduled


To Present
Annual Dance
Decorations Feature
Pharmacy Apparatus
At 'Mortar and Pestle'
Couples attending "Mortar and
Pestle," the second annual Apothe-
cary Ball from 9 p.m. to midnight
Friday in the Vandenberg and
Hussey Rooms of the League will
find themselves surrounded by an
atmosphere of decorations por-
traying various pharmeceutical
Students of the College of Phar-
macy have been working feverishly
on decorations for the event. The
Hussey Room will feature carica-
tures of the graduating class while
the Vandenberg Room will carry
out the pharmeceutical motif with
decorations depicting apparatus
and methods which will bring back
memories to chemistry students
past and present.
TICKETS for the all-campus
dance went on sale Monday and
may beapurchased for $1.50 per
couple at either the College of
Pharmacy office or at the dance.
Paul McDonough and his or-
chestra, playing numbers from
Union Opera, hit parade tunes,
old favorites and request num-
bers, will furnish music for the
An ancient prescription in the
form of an old parchment scroll
will be presented as a souvenir to
all coeds attending the dance.
Camp will benefit from the pro-
ceeds of the dance.
Last year's Apothecary Ball,
"Drachm and Scruple" featured
an old apothecary shop and cari-
catures of the faculty. According
to Dick Allen and Pat Pauling,
co-chairmen of the committee in
charge of the affair, last year's
dance proved so successful and
was so well attended that it has
been instituted as an annual
event by students in the Col-
lege of Pharmacy.
Allen emphasized that although
pharmacy students and their
guests are especially invited, this

/ For Teau-ug
or Two-ing

Petitioning Ends Today
for League Positions


1 ".

Petitions are due today in the
Undergraduate Office of the Lea-
gue for 22 senior positions which
include general chairman, social
and booth chairmen and secre-
tary of orientation, and chairmen
of the house committee, social
committee and special projects
The orientation committee has
charge of providing group leaders
to assist freshmen and transfer
women during orientation week.
House Committee duties include
taking care of the League Library,
the Barbara. Little Music Rooms
and various other League facili-
All social events in the League
are the province of the social com-
mittee. It sponsors bridge lessons
and weekly tournaments, open

.r 0



houses and joint affairs with the
Union and assists Mrs. Hatcher
with the open houses in her home.
The Special Projects chairman
is responsible for the League
Council's part in League Night,
assists in the production of Gul-
antics and has -charge of any spe-
cial new projects that are intro-
duced during the year.
Other positions which have been
covered in previous articles, are
president, vice-president, secre-
tary and treasurer of the League,
chairman and secretary of inter-
viewing, chairman and finance
chairman of dance classes and
one senior captain.
There are also positions avail-
able as chairmen of Merit-Tutor-
ial, Women's Judiciary, commun-
ity service and public relations.

is an all-campus
mary purpose of
provide students
an insight into
The American
Association, Phi
Lambda Kappa

dance. The pri-
the event is to
of other schools
the College of
Delta Chi and
Sigma are the




302 South State Street

pharmacy organizations sponsor-
ing the dance.
WAA Will Offer
Weekly Bowling
Free bowling for coeds-that's
the plan offered by the WAA Bowl-
ing club this semester.
Teams, composed of six coeds
will compete in Leagues. Petitions
for entry into the Leagues may be
picked up at Barbour Gym and are
due Friday.
Bowling will start Tuesday and
be held every Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday afternoons at the
With six members on each team,
one coed will set pins each week.
If not enough members in a house
sign up for one team, they will be
placed on another squad.
Representatives from houses in-
terested in participating will meet
at 5 p.m. today at the WAB.

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The look.., a slim cap-sleeved sheath polished with 'cottoi
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just One of Many of the New Spring Dresses

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our dynamic
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plaid umbrella
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Wondrous way to greet a rainy day
. . . in our water-repellent cotton
poplin raincoat, a new approach to stormy
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plaid gingham at the obvious collar and
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and slim jim umbrella. Wear it cinched
with the leather-like cord belt, or
free and flowing. White or pink with plaid.




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is jr.


E _ _ I


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