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February 17, 1954 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1954-02-17

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Educators Oppose Professors
In Teacher Certificate Battle


Reviving a battle between pro-
fessional 'educators, working to
increase the number of education'
hours required for holders of
teacher certificates, and profes-
sors in the liberal arts, who op-
pose the would-be requirement,
was this statement: "It is the feel-
ing of the Subcommittee on Re-
vision of the State Certification
Code that the prospective teacher
who demonstrates that his inter-
est is primarily in the acquisition
of knowledge in a particular sub-
iect matter field, cannot be cal-
culated to have an equally funda-
mental interest in the welfare of
The statement appears in a re-
port issued recently by the sub-
committee as a defense for pro-
posed revision of the state certi-
Film .First.
To Hiohight
Movie Fete
Something new has been added
to the coming Flaherty Film Fes-
tival, according to Prof. Richard
Boyes of the English department.
Along with the originally sche-
duled- "Nanook of the North," Feb.
22, a UNESCO film, "World
Without End" will be shown. It
was filmed simultaneously in Mex-
ico and Thailand.
Produced by Paul Rotha and
Basil Wright, the documentary
has not yet been released in the
United States.
* * *
BOTH ROTHA and Wright are
members of the British Committee
of the Flaherty Foundation.
Priced at $2, tickets for the
English department - sponsored
series are on sale from 1 to 4:30
p.m. daily through Friday and
from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday in
the Administration Bldg. lobby.
SL Bookstore
Tops Record
The Student Legislature-spon-
sored Student Book Exchange
wound up its operations for this
semester with a total of $7,248.19
worth of business.
Students who have not yet pick-
ed up their checks can get them
from 3 to 5 p.m. today through
Friday at the SL Bldg. Remain-
ing unsold books will be returned
from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday,
Feb. 26. at the exchange. located
in the north corridor on the first
floor of Angell Hall.
Tickets Available
For May Festival
Season tickets for the May Fes-
tival are now on sale in the Uni-
versity Musical Society office in
Burton Tower.
Six concerts given during four
days, April 29 through May 2, will
feature the Philadelphia Orches-
tra in' all performances. Eugene
Ormandy will conduct four of the
concerts, while Cincinnati Sym-
phony conductor Thor Johnson
will direct two pograms.
Season ticket sales will continue
until March 10. They are priced
at $12, $9 and $8.
Legislature Seeks
Movie Sponsors
Student organizations wishing
to sponsor Student Legislature
Cinema Guild movies after March

7 may now pick up their petitions
at the SL Bldg.
All petitions must be turned in
at the SL Bldg. by Feb. 25.
Nornberg Takes
The local Air Force ROTC unit
has announced that Rhody Norn-
berg, '56E, has shot the highest
score in this year's national ROTC
rifle team competition to qualify
him as the winner of the annual
William R. Hearst national award
for individual ROTC rifle shoot-
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fication code. Previously the sug-
gestions made by the group to the
State Board of Education, which
aimed at a 40 hour requirement in
education courses, was denounced
by non-education school instruct-
ors throughout the state.
BOMBARDMENTS of criticism
by college teachers who feel an
increase in general education re-
quirements would lead to a situ-
ation where students "wouldbe
learning how to teach everything
and knowing nothing to teach,"
followed the proposal.
Minor changes in the first re-
commendation by the subcom-
mittee have been made in the
proposals. In the original report
the group listed courses in -gen-
eral education from which
teacher certificate candidates
could chose to get the required
number of hours. The list has
been abolished and in its place
a section headed "inter-discipli-
nary requirement" has been
This requirement, according to
the report, "shall consist of:
coursesdor organized experiences
designed so that applicants can
gain better insights into democra-1
tic living, the components of cul-
ture, and the ramifications of
community living."
* * *
subcommittee is that 20 hours in
professional education courses
plus ten additional hours of di-
rected teaching should be requir-
Further increases in educa-
tion course requirements are re-
commended by the group: a
jump from 30 to 35 hours for
dual certificate candidates, and
an increase from 15 to 20 hours1
of education courses for the
conimunity college certificates.
The five man subcommittee, in
its report defending the proposed
increase, stated that preparation
"in a wide. number of areas" is
necessary, and went on to make
the observation that certificate
candidates' concentration on ac-
quisition of knowledge would sub-
tract from the "interest in the
welfare of children."
Canty To Address
Legal Societies
Alan Canty, executive director
of the Detroit Recorder's Court
Psychopathic Clinic, will address
a combined meeting of the Stu-
dent Bar Association and the pre-
legal society Michigan Crib at
7:30 p.m. Thursday at 120 Hutch-
ins Hall.'
.Mr. Canty is a nationally known
authority on the lie detector and
criminal interrogation..
Boat Club To Meet
All students interested in sailing
ar invited to attend an open
house given by the Sailing Club
at 7:30 p.m. today on the third
floor of the Union.

SL Agenda
Student Legislature will meet
at 7:30 p.m. today in Strauss
House dining rm. of East
Quadrangle to discuss the fol-
lowing topics:
Appointment of elections di-
Appointments to fill eight
vacated Legislature seats.
Election of treasurer.
Motion on Student Activities
Report on Student Book
All interested students and
faculty members have been in-
vited by SL to attend the meet-
SDA Group
To Convene
"C i v Ii Liberties and Civil
Rights" will get an airing at 8
p.m. today in the Union when
James Farmer, Field Secretary for
the Student League of Industrial
Democracy addresses the opening
meeting of the Students for Dem-
ocratic Action.
Farmer who has been travelling
the campus circuit delivering
speeches on varied topics, is an
ex-Race Relations Secretary of
the Fellowship of Reconciliation.
The meeting will also concern
itself with the election of officers
Ski Club Sets
Weekend Trip
Ski fans will have their first
opportunity of the year this week-
end to practice their sport under
the auspices of ULLR Ski Club.
Setting out for Boyne Moun-
tain Lodge in northern Michigan,
the group will leave by University
bus at 6 p.m. Friday, returning
by 11 p.m. Sunday. Round-trip
fare will be $7 or $8.
Bus seating capacity limits the
group to 35, with preference given
to Ski Club members. Everyone in-
terested in the trip may attend
Ski Club's meeting at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Union, with $5 de-
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To further clarify your thinking, to
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NAS can do this because, as adver-
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We're merely volunteering our serv-
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Their information should first of
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4:00 P.M.

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