WITH CONTINUAL loss of officers and
members, it appears that the Student
Legislature has chosen to fashion its own
coffin rather than face the possibility of be-
ing "reorganized out of existence" sometime
later this year because of an entirely new
plan for student government.
The Legislature suffers perhaps most of
all from the fact that its whole reason for
existence has never been made clear. Some
members treat it as a popularity contest
and are severely disillusioned when they
find it wins them no recognition; others
use it as a tool to practice petty politics
and forensics, and a third group makes it
a sounding board on which to drum the
merits of some favorite individual project.
If it were given any power by the Univer-
sity or if it gained some power of its own
to bargain with in accomplishing specific
projects, the Legislature might win import-
ance and authority. But it has never been
given any power and at no time has SL
become truly responsible to a group of active
voter-supporters that would give it bargain-
ing power, aid and direction. It has not even
become responsible to itself. Members choose
to shirk duties wherever possible, and meet
together without any awareness of why SL
was organized or what goals it is working
toward. Without such fundamental agree-
ments, no discussion on the means to be used
in specific actions is meaningful.
Because of this lack of foundation, to-
gether with indirection and apathy, the Leg-
islature is breaking down internally.
No issue over student tax, representation
on some University board or reorganization
of student government will be needed to
complete the process. Even if strong leader-
ship and enthusiasm were now injected into
SL through replacements for those that
have dropped off, it is doubtful if the Legis-
lature would complete the semester as a liv-
ing organization.
May is rest in peace.
-Dorothy Myers
A Call
For Cooperation
TE DRUMBEATING at East Lansing for
a change of title has stilled, but much
discontent exists between state schools in
Michigan at a time when educational co-
operation should be at a maximum.
Prior to the push for a new name for
Michigan State College, action on budget
requests for the coming year stirred up
discontent: the Governor turned down a
University funds request for research in
humanistic fields while he approved a
comparable sum for animal research at
In addition, feelers went out recently from
the State Board of Agriculture, governing
body for MSC, as to the possible expense
entailed in starting a medical school. While
a prohibitive estimate was arrived at, the
question itself probably added to the exist-
ing ill feeling.
While this educational bickering goes on,
statistics have appeared predicting future
enrollments at the nation's colleges: the
University of Michigan can expect to enroll
about 25,000 students in 1960. Other schools
will be comparably bigger.
With these figures in mind, the state's
educational administrators should be co-
operatively planning to meet this problem.
At present it looks like the plans are being
made on the individual institution level,
when the problem is one which must be
handled by increased cooperation among
the state's educational leaders.
Undoubtedly the schools have good mo-
tives in their individual goals, but dupli-
cation will crop up, and maximum use of
existing space and personnel will not be
made. Students will suffer accordingly, and
funds will be wasted.
Among other things, administrators are
hampered uncoordinated variety of
governing bodies for the state's colleges.
The University is under a Board of Re-
gents; Michigan State College, well out
of the agriculture-school class, is under
the State Board of Agriculture; and other
schools such as rapidly expanding West-
ern Michigan College at Kalamazoo are
under the State Board of Education.
The problem can be met by voluntary
cooperation among the schools concerned
or by a complete revamping of the organi-
zation of higher education in the state. In
any case, the present unfriendly atmos-
-phere is unwarranted in view of the future.
-Wally Eberhard
THE WORLD is full of dangerous ideas,
and we are both naive and stupid if we
believe that the way to prepare intelligent
young men to face the world is to try to
protect them from such ideas while they
are in college. Four years in an insulated
nursery will produce gullible innocents, not
tough-minded realists who know what they
believe because they have faced the enemies
of their beliefs.
Looking Back-A Cold Smile?
"Cheer Up - They've Found A Controversial
sm m.r m
The Daily welcomes communications from itsreaders on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series
of articles on the foreign student written by a
graduate student in journalism from Amster-
"A COUPLE OF students from Pakistan
were invited to an American univer-
sity. Before they left, a set of questions was
put to them in order to evaluate their opin-
ions about this country. When they return-
ed to Pakistan the same questions were
asked. The response then was considerably
less favorable towards the U.S." (Quote
from a University professor).
In the preceding articles, an attempt
was made to shed some light on the in-
tricate problems involved in the field of
foreign-student exchange. One conclusion
seems to be rather obvious; no conclu-
sior can be drawn until a comprehensive
study by some scientific institution (10-
cal patriotism seems to suggest the Sur-
vey Research Center of the University)
has been made about the opinions of for-
eign students in this country, before,
during and after their stay. In view of
the large number (34,000) involved and
the great amount of money spent on their
behalf, this project seems to be worth-
From the preceding articles; some trends
can be distilled which can be summarized
under the following main headings.
1) The technical organization on a na-
tional scale seems to be working smoothly.
The foreign students are met when they
enter this country; a number of them are
put through an introduction course; they
are introduced to Americans and their ma-
terial problems are dealt with politely and
efficiently. On the local scene the Interna-
tional Center operates efficiently from a
practical point of view. Its organization
provides the foreign student with a wide
variety of activities and the counselling in
technical and personal matters is in com-
petent hands. Most of the criticism against
the International Center seems to stem from
a lack of diplomacy and human warmth
displayed in the past by some members of
its staff.
2) Those students who are brought here
on public funds with the obvious implica-
tion that they will on their return spread a
feeling of goodwill towards the U.S. stay
only one or two years in this country.
3) The irritation of the foreigner
against his host-country mounts steadily
during the first year of his stay in the
U.S. Cultural shock, a feeling of loneli-
ness, irritation about what he perceives
to be collectivistic tendencies in the large
university communities, seem to outweigh
his basic favorable attitude towards the
U.S. and his initial enthusiasm on meet-
ing Americans.
4) Barring those who do not want to be
socially integrated into the American scene,
most of the foreign "grant-students" come
open-minded, bent on meeting and under-
standing Americans. But they find that
the officially organized group-mixers do not
provide them with personal contacts among
Americans. This is especially true for the
students from Asia. The result is often
loneliness and irritation towards the host
What can be .done to improve the situa-
The foreign students' advisor at this Uni-
versity, Robert B. Klinger, suggests that the
Americans often do not follow up their
contacts with foreigners. Also little interest
is shown by the student body in the prob-
lems of one thousand foreign students on
the campus. There have been vague plans
in the spring, but when the fall semester
comes along those plans are not put into
The most ideal opportunity to make
friends is not the mixer, nor the residence
halls but frequent presence in a small,
rather close-knit community. There are
more than sixty of those small communi-
ties on the campus: the fraternities, sor-
orities, co-ops and other special groups.
Out of the one thousand foreign students
on the campus, three lived in a fraternity
during the fall semester. It is well known
that the fraternities' rooming facilities are
limited. But would it be impossible to se-
lect from those foreigners who wish to
come, one or two paying guests for each
There is one other method which sug-
gests itself. It was tried at Vassar and
seems to be working quite well. Immediate-
ly on arrival the foreign student is assign-
ed to one (and only one) "father" or "mo-
ther" of the same age group. He or she ac-
companied the student when he goes room-
hunting and later there is a suggestion to
visit the American student and meet his
friends. If after a few weeks both sides
find out that their temperaments do not
match, another student takes care of the
foreigner. This relationship is continued
during the whole year. The only snag in the
system seems to be that volunteers will have
to be found to carry out its work,
WERE YOU EVER invited to a family
home for dinner without knowing your
hosts? Did you ever ring the doorbell with
that strange and adventurous feeling? The
family which asks a foreigner over for
Christmas dinner does a marvellous thing.
But how many close personal relationships
are established in that artificial way? It
seems a bit of a blot on the reputation of
the student body at Ann Arbor that he In-
ternational Center has to establish these
artificial contacts because the American stu-
dents have not found a way to bring them
about more naturally.
There are hundreds of foreigners at the
University who are completely integrated,
who rarely feel lonely, who are satisfied
with their work and who generally have
a rip-roaring, most interesting time. They
have started to love this country and are
prepared to stand up for it when they
return to their homes.
They like almost everything about this
place. The long fall evenings, with every-
body back from holidays meeting every-
body else; the walk to school in the cool
mornings with the faint odor of the trees
in full colors all around; the happy ex-
citement of the thousands trekking to the
football games; the equally happy days be-
fore Thanksgiving and Christmas; the long
winter evenings with huddled figures hur-
rying along the dark, snow-covered streets
towards the warmly-lit library; the first
spring sun on the benches of the diagonal;
the warm summer evenings with coeds talk-
ing in subdued voices on the grass in front
of the houses; the dates which develop into
long evenings of farewells; the arboretum,
at all times. Wouldn't it be a pity if some
people in Buenos Aires, Calcutta or Rome
look back on all of this with a rather cold
ran .:
' .
,A -
--- --l
Foreigners ...
Dear Editor:
PODAY I received a letter from
the Protestant Counselor for
International Students, inviting
me to various gatherings for for-
eign students; and a card from
the International Center which
said, "welcome to newly arrived
foreign students." Since Hawaii is
an integral part of the United
States, and all people born in the
Territory of Hawaii are American
citizens, Ibconsider it a personal
insult to be regarded as a "for-
eigner" by my fellow Americans.
A friend of mine from Hawaii
received a card requesting her to
register as an alien. We wonder
whether this is the necessary re-
sult of being classified as foreign-
ers by the International Center.
We think that this foolish busi-
ness about considering and label-
ing us American citizens from Ha-
waii as foreigners should come to
an immediate conclusion now, in
view of the fact that Hawaii has a
strong possibility of becoming the
49th State of the Union.
-Alvin K. Chock
* * *
Kenton Crew ..
To the Editor:
N REGARD TO Mr. Donald Har-
ris' review of the "Festival of.
Modern American Jazz."
I appreciate the recognition of
talent. Mr. Harris could not have
paid greater respect to a finer ag-
gregation of jazz artists than the
Erroll Garner Trio, Dizzy Gillespie,
Charlie Parker, June Christy, and
Candido-who definitely deserve
the public praise. However, in Mr.
Harris' attempt to criticize pro-
gressive jazz and the Kenton crew,
he forgot to include one major fac-
tor which a true jazz critic must
possess-he lacks the capability of
serious comparative jazz interpre-
"Collaboration" naturally differs
from Kenton's other arrangements
in that it was the only selection
played from his earlier interpreta-
tions of jazz under the heading of:
the "Artistry in Rhythm" series of
the early 1940's. It depicts an in-
termediate period in the develop-
ment of American modern jazz.
To applaud Charlie Parker's fine
sax soloings without mentioning
Lee Konitz's alto sax capabilities
is an unpardonable misinterpreta-
tion. The American jazz world
recognizes Konitz for the perfec-
tion of his improvisation and dis-
play of precise technique plus im-
aginative quality, rendering him
As for Harris' statement "there
was a quality of sameness to many
of the solos," refutation is unnec-
essary. Those followers who listen
and appreciate progressive jazz,
recognize the intensity, counter-
melodic linings, color and authen-
tic flavor of the Kenton portion
of the program. To state "same-
ness" between the Afro-Cuban
touch of "23 degrees N-82 degrees
W" to the Frank Rosolino impro-
visatorial trombone stylings in
"Frank Speaking" is falsehood. I
could carry this analysis out in de-
tail for the entire "Festival" show,
but it is not necessary.
Mr. Harris, the response with
which the American public is re-
sponding to Stan Kenton, his fol-
lowers, and the modern progres-
sive jazz (Hill Auditorium was fill-
ed to capacity for two perform-
ances.), is voice enough of their
arrived success and classical foun-
-Gerald Jackowskl
YD's and Scholle .. .
To the Editor:
MURRAY Frymer in Saturday's"
Daily was justly harsh in his.
treatment of Gus Scholle'sspeech
to the YD's. There was-injustice,:
however, in the implication, par-
ticularly in the first and last para-
graphs, that Mr. Scholle was
speaking for the Democratic Party
Let it be emphatically clear that
Mr. Scholle does not speak for the
Democratic Party; he speaks for,
the C.I.O.
It is true that labor leaders have
been impatient with the view that
the wealth of the nation will even-
tually "trickle down" to the labor-
ing classes; and so in working for
quicker and more direct means of
bettering the lot of laboring peo-
ple they have found commOn
cause with liberal Democrats..
The Young Democrats of Mich-
igan believe that the approach of
Mr. Schollenin his speech was:nOt
a liberal one. We hope that: th e
Democratic Party will campaign
hard and vigorously but with, dig-
nity and tolerance dhid justice.
That we prefer Stevenson's tac-
tics to $cholle's is -perhaps best
illustrated by pointing out that it
was a member of the Executive
Board of the YD's who questioned
Scholle on his approach.
-Charles Sleicher,
President, Young Democrats
Whatch It, GM
WASHINGTON-Though the Democratic leaders of the Senate arer
supposed to be among the top-ranking leaders of the Democratic
party, they came close to boycotting the gala Jefferson-Jackson dayt
dinner to be held in Miami March 6 rather than appear on the sameI
platform with the party's head, Adlai Stevenson. f
Inside fact is that the trio who run the Democratic side ofI
the Senate-minority leader Lyndon Johnson of Texas, Demo-
cratic whip Earle Clements of Kentucky and Sen. Dick Russell of
Georgia, the real power behind the scenes-are secretly groomingt
their own candidate, Missouri's handsome, able Stuart Symington.I
Therefore, when Stevenson accepted an invitation to head the
celebrity list at the Miami Beach dinner, the Johnson-Clements-t
Russell group seriously debated whether they should attend. TheirI
bright young political disciple, Sen. George Smathers of Florida, whou
got the assignment of introducing Stevenson, also considered whethert
he should go through with it or turn the job over to ex-Sen. Claude
Pepper, leader of Florida's liberal faction. Smathers was in a difficult
position because Pepper seems almost certain to run against him
in 1956.I
All these political implications were solemnly weighed by John-t
son, Clements, Russell, Symington and Smathers at an island hide-
away off the Florida coast where they spent four days of fishing andt
political angling. In the end, they decided that appearing in thet
same spotlight with Stevenson would not necessarily constitute an
endorsemen of him for renomination in 1956. They also agreed to
make the March 6 dinner a great show of Democratic unity with1
Democrats of all political shades slapping backs and breaking bread
Note-Meanwhile, the Stevenson-appointed Democratic National
Chairman, Steve Mitchell, has been playing up to the conservative
Southern wing. He has deliberately cold-shouldered the liberal ele-
ments in the South, and has even gone out of his way to boost
Senator McClellan of Arkansas who backed Strom Thurmond of
South Carolina against President Truman in 1948.
$COTT, McLEOD, the State Department security officer who brought
a storm of Democratic wrath down on his head as a result of his
Lincoln Day speeches, has had wrath brought down inside the State
Department for some time.
One wrath-provoking incident occurred some months ago
when McLeod wanted to move his personal furniture from one
house to another and drafted two members of the State Depart-
ment security organization to help. The moving occurred on a
Saturday afternoon and the two men were paid overtime. They
were paid, furthermore, not by McLeod but by the State De-
When this writer queried the State Department regarding this
highly unusual, if not illegal transaction, the official reply was "no
comment." Finally, and following publication of the above facts, it,
was learned that McLeod had called in the two State Department'
men, asked them to refund the original payment to the government,
and he substituted his own personal check.
Following his, McLeod arranged to give the chief of police of
Hanover, N.H., Andrew Ferguson, an expensive junket to Europe,
also at the taxpayers' expense.
Ferguson, whose family came from Scotland, wanted a trip
back to the old country last summer, so McLeod, who used toj
work for the late Sen. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire, appoint-
ed the police chief as an alleged guard to a State Department
courier. The courier was quite able to protect himself, had done
so before in the past. Furthermore, he was not going to an Iron-
Curtain country, but to such safe and friendly countries as
France and Germany.
However, McLeod arranged for the New Hampshire police chief
to take this nice trip to Europe-at a cost of about $2,500.
Other bureaucrats might have trouble using State Department
personnel to move their furniture or to send a friend on a European
trip, but McLeod happens to have been the former assistant to Sena-
tor Bridges, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee who
helps allocae funds to the State Department. Another McLeod friend
is Sen. Joe McCarthy, also a member of the appropriations committee.
When a bureaucrat has two powerful friends on the appropriations
committee he is sometimes above State Department discipline.
THOUGH IT HAPPENS to be on the other side of the globe, a
forthcoming American policy move in Pakistan may be as import-
ant as the loss of China to the free world. Some observers fear that
the proposed military pact with Moslem Pakistan will alienate the
second most populous nation in the world-India.
Among the observers returning from India with this fear is
Congressman Emanuel Celler of New York who had a significant
interview with Premier Nehru. In it the Indian eader vigorously
warned against the U.S.-Pakistan military alliance.
"Look at the advantages you could gain if you spent the same
amount of money in helping Pakistan economically instead of helping
her militarily," Nehru told Celler.
"Instead, what you are doing will cost India a lot of money.
It will upset my five-year plan. For, when Pakistan builds up its
army, I have to build up the Indian army to meet the threat from
the north. That takes money out of our economy."
CONGRESSIONAL acceptanc of Michi-
igan's Senator Homer Ferguson's pro-
posal to insert the words "under God" into
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag will un-
doubtedly make the United States top man
on the "I can cut off my nose to spite my
face better than you" totem pole.
,Designed to "highlight one of the real
fundamental differences between the free
world and the Communist world" this
proposal would change the ending of the
pledge to read, "one nation indivisible
under God with liberty and justice for
It would in effect become a limiting factor
on the beliefs of those citizens-admittedly
in' the minority-who either profess a be-
lief in no god or who, believing, do not
choose to shout ths belief from the house-
tops and from ball parks and from Fourth
of July rallies. It would certainly force aliens
declaring citizenship into the unfortunate
position of swearing adhearance to the relig-
ious beliefs of the great American majority.
Wherefore the Four Freedoms?
The proposal, made this week and cur-
rently under consideration by the Senate
Judiciary Committee has perhaps an even
more striking political implication.
For some time the United States has re-
acted to every Soviet move by adhering to a
policy that was as far as possible the direct
opposite to that of Soviet Russia. In this
latest move Senator Ferguson has bent over
backward to continue this trend.
The question we might ask now is-where
will it stop? Russia forces the denial of a
God. The United States must believe. Rus-
sia rules in Germany with an iron hand.
The United States is correspondingly len-
ient. Russia is currently making great in-
idustrial strides. When is the United States
going to close down General Motors?
-Fran Sheldon
(Continued from Page 2)
the third floor of the Union at 7:30
p.m. Two Air Force and one Army
combat film will be shown as enter-
tainment. Uniforms need not be worn.
Hillel. Reservations for the Friday
Evening Kosher Dinner must be made
by calling the Hillel Building before
Thursday at 5 p.m. Cancellations will
be accepted no later than Thursday.
J.G.P. Scenery Committee. There will
be a meeting of all junior women in-
terested in working on the Scenery
Committee for the Junior Girls Play at
7 p.m. today at the League.
Roger williams Guild. Tea and Chat,
Wednesday afternoon 4:30 to 6:00 at
the Guild House.
student Affiliate, American Chemical
Society, will meet this evening at
7:30 p.m. in 1400 Chemistry Build-
ing. Dr. R. C. Taylor of the Chem-
istry Department will speak on "Spec-
troscopy in the Study of Molecules."
U. of MI sailing Club. Open meeting
tonight, 7:30 p.m., in Rm. 3-M of the
Union. Slides of the club's activities
and a movie of the Timme Angsten Re-
gatta will be shown. Refreshments will
be served. Everyone is invited.
All Pershing Riflemen will report to
T.C.B. at 1925 hrs. in uniform fortregu-
lar Company drill.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Discussion Group at Guild House on
this evening, 7 p.m. Subject: "The
Church in Modern -Society."
ULLR Ski Club will meet at 7:30 to-
night in the Union to discuss plans for
this weekend's trip to Boyne Mountain
Lodge. Everyone interested in joining
the trip must attend. A film will be
Corning Events
The Student Bar Association and the
Michigan Crib, Pre-Legal Society, will
present on this Thurs., Feb. 18, a speech
by Alan Canty, Director of the Psycho-
pathic Clinic of the Recorder's Court of
Wayne- County. Mr. Canty's speech is
entitled, "Psychology and Law." The
meeting will be held in 120 Hutchin's
Hall in the Law School and will begin
at 7:30 p.m. All are cordially invited to
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast following 7 a.m. service,
of Holy Communion, Thurs., Feb. 18, at
Canterbury House.
A.S.P.A. Social Seminar. Ali students
International Center Weekly Tea will
be held Thurs., Feb. 18, from 4:30 to S,
third floor, Rackham Building,
La p'tite causette will meet tomor-
row afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 pm-
in the wing of the Michigan Union
Cafeteria. All are welcome.
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship meets Thursday morning at 7 a.m.
in the Prayer Room.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Mid-Week Meditation in Douglas Chapel
on Thurs., Feb. 18, 5:00-5:30 p.m. Fresh-
man Discussion Group, "The Nature
of God," 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Christian Science Organization. Tek-
timony meeting Thurs., Feb. 18, at 7:30
p.m., Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are
Alpha Phi Omega. Important meet-
ing Thurs., Feb. 18, 7 30-8:15 p.m.,;,
G-103 South Quad. All actives and A
pledges attend.
Kappa Phi. supper-and meeting
Thurs., Feb. 18, at 5:15 p.m. at the
Methodist Church. Please be present.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of-
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board'in Coptrol of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric vetter..................City Editor
virginia voss.........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor
Helene Simon... ... .Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye............ Sports Editor'
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Womien's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.... .Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey...Chief Photographer.
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seden.....Finance: anager
Don Chisholm..Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 2 3-24-1
POW Investigations
BAILING OUT of the flaming Jet, the
pilot was captured by the Chinese Com-
munists who for the next few months put
him through unending mental and physical
torture. For suffering from severe injuriesj
he was put untreated into solitary where his
pain was interrupted only by Communist in-
vestigators who solicitously offered hospital-
ization, food and cleanliness in return for a
"confession" that the United States had
used germ warfare during the Korean war.1
Eventually, his endurance gone, the pris-
oner succumbed to his captors' requests.
Even though they received reports of
what these soldiers went through, the
United States Marine Corps and Air Force
are going to conduct further investiga-
tions to determine whether Communist
cruelty is sufficient cause to excuse an
American prisoner of war from making
false confessions of germ warfare.
One would ordinarily think that the com-
piled reports of the 107 American prisoners
from whom the Chinese tried sometimes un-
successfully to extract confessions would rep-