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April 24, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-04-24

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Negotiations & Surrender

Speaking on the record at Cincinnati on
Tuesday evening, Mr. Nixon tried to re-
pair the damage done by his remarks on
Friday. The difference between the two
speeches is crucial. In the first he left
everyone belieing that he had ruled out a
negotiated settlement; in the second he
said that we would seek to negotiate an
"honorable and peaceful settlement"-ruling
out "any settlement which means surrend-
There is a vast difference between being
opposed to a negotiation and being op-
posed to a surrender. Friday's speech
was a cardinal mistake. That was not
because it accepted the possibility of dis-
patching American forces to Indo-China.
A possibility of that kind is always in the
background of all diplomacy. The car-
dinal mistake was that the Vice-President
appeared to place Secretary Dulles in the
Indefensible position of refusing to ne-
gotiate at a conference called for the
purpose of negotiating. This is not in
fact the American position and the Vice-
President's Friday speech misinterpreted
the true position and needed an im-
mediate correction.
It will not be easy to repair the damage
and to convince the uncommitted nations of
Asia and our own allies that we do in fact
intend to negotiate in good faith. We may
believe it and I for one do believe it. But
there are many Americans who do not be-
lieve it and most people abroad will find
it hard to believe. That is because there
is a deep division of opinion not only of
Congress and in the Republican party but
within the Eisenhower administration it-
There are those who think that the mak-
Ing of the Korean armistice was a mis-
take. They contend that the only way to
prevent Red China from becoming the
dominant power in Asia within a generation
is by keeping it engaged and threatened
in a great semi-circle extending from Korea
through Formosa to Indo-China. But in-
fluential as they are, they are not now
dominant in the pisenhower administra-
tion,-not in the White House, the State
Department, or the Pentagon.
They could, and almost certainly will,
become dominant if there is no progress
towards and no prospect of an honorable
and peaceful settlement at Geneva. Foreign
governments will have been misled if they
assume that what Mr. Nixon said on Friday,
rather than what he said on Tuesday, is
the present policy of our government. But
they should also understand that if there
is a failure at Geneva, the supporters of the
present policy will almost certainly cave in.
It is, therefore, of vital importance-to
speak plainly it is an issue of life and death
for countless people-that the constructive
and statesmanlike forces in all the countries
concerned should gain the ascendancy at
Geneva. On what common ground could
they begin to build? On the ground, we
may suppose, of a common understanding
of what is the real problem of a negotiated
We may begin, I think, by saying that
the basic principle of an armistice (which
must be distinguished from the final set-
tlement) is an agreement as to where the
opposing organized military forces are to
stand still and to cease firing. An arm-
istice of that kind would in no sense be a
surrender. For at least until there was
an agreed political settlement, such an
armistice would sanction and confirm the
physical presnce of the French Union
forces in the main ports and cities of
To say that we shall stand opposed to
surrender is to say, when we translate it
concretely, that we oppose the military eva-
cuation of the country and the acceptance
of the military mastery by Ho Chi Minh
of Indo-China from the Chinese border to

Composers' Forum
Leslie Bassett: Sonata for Trombone and
Fred Coulter: Trio for Clarinet, Viola,
and Piano
David Tice: Four English Songs
Wayne Slawson: String Trio
Roland Trogan: Sextet
Fred Fox: Sonata for Solo Viola
Edward Chudacoff: String Quartet
THE LIST OF WORKS on this concert
readily reveals its variety; there was
perhaps more than on any program this
season. Equally present was its originality,
fostered by the younger composers search-
ing for a personal expression and the older
more mature ones seeking new paths for
their inspiration.
Foremost among the first, group was Rol-
and Trogan's Sextet, which was given a
virtuoso performance by the University
Woodwind Quintet assisted by pianist Bruce
Wise. With jagged rhythms and melodies
that wer e scattered among the instruments
much like colorful points on an abstract
canvas, it arrived at a fabric which was
both suitable to the percussive quality of'
the piano and the many coloristic combina-
fHinnc orf +tm heinnin A nuintef

Saigon. A negotiated armistice would be
one in which there remain substantially
equal opposing forces in being.
*$e *
This is, I firmly believe, the true military
principle for us in Indo-China. It is
to support the French Union in negotiating
such an armistice,-based on a decision not
to withdraw until there is a political settle-
ment agreed to and confirmed by the
principal powers of the world. This is
something which all the world knows we
are able to do. For it is no commitment to
destroy Ho Chi Minh or to make Hao

Dai the
Nam. It
Chi Minh
policy of
policy of
-can be

undoubted emperior of all Viet
is a commitment to deny to Ho
the mastery of Indo-China. The
denial-as distinguished from a
military victory and pacification
carried out by that "peripheral
which is the natural strategy of

a sea power like the United States. It is
appropriate to Southeast Asia which is a
peninsula, where many critical points are-
because of the primitive internal communi-
cations-in effect islands.
It is, it seems to me, defeatism caused
by a failure of diplomatic energy and re-
sourcefulness in the Western world, to
assume that any armistice is tantamount
to a Communist victory. I think there is
'at least as good reason for regarding a
negotiated armistice of the kind I have
described as the best immediate practical
measure for preventing a Communist vic-
The thing which I think we have most
to fear is that Ho Chi Minh will think so
too and will try to obtain a military de-
cision in the north of Viet Nam before
an armistice is agreed to. The prospects
at Dienbienphu are not good and there
are, according to Mr. William L. Ryan of
the Associated Press, who has gotten out
from under the censorship, ominous signs
of a mass uprising in the Red River delta.
Let us bear it in mind that the troops we
are saying we might conceivably be sending
there are far away, comparatively few in
numbers, and have a long way to come.
They count in the situation at the moment
not as a military force in being in Indo-
china but only as they may influence the
attitude of Peiping and Moscow, of London
and Paris, in the negotiations at Geneva.
The negotiations of an armistice which is
in substance the recognition of a balance of
power is the foundation on which a political
settlement might be constructed. But it is
also true that the negotiation of that arm-
istice will be helped and may well require
some agreed conception of a political set-
To this we can contribute, not expect-
ing or seeking to take the leading part.
The problem of a political settlement is,
reduced to its elements, as follows: The
Indo-Chinese states have not been pre-
pared for independence and they are not
now ready for it: when they cease to be
colonies of France, how are they to be
protected against becoming satellites of
This is a problem which must be solved
if Southern Asia is not to become the battle-
field of a very great war fought for the
paramount control of Southeast Asia. Since
we will not give paramount control to China
and the Chinese will not give it to us, the
problem is soluble only if the uncommitted
Asian powers intervene and produce that
third force which they talk about so often.
The prime ministers of India, Pakistan,
Ceylon, Burma and Indonesia are meeting
at Colombo on April 28. Can they provide
a place in their community of Asian states
for an independent Viet Nam, Laos and
Cambodia? We could ask for nothing more
and hope for nothing better than that the
people of Indo-China should be as they
are-liberated from the old colonialism and
independent of the new satellitism-and
with a place of their own in Asia and in
the world community.
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
The two trios, by Fred Coulter and Wayne
Slawson were both tremendous steps for-
ward for these composers. Coulter's work,
played by clarinetist John Dudd, violist
George Papich, and the composer, was high-
ly contrapuntal.sIts effect was like asuite
of different moods, many of which, such as
those in the first and last movements, were
skillfully conceived.
Slawson's Trio, performed by cellist
Camilla Heller, violinist Carolyn Lentz and
Mr. Papich, left the banality of his piano
pieces of a few months ago in the distant
past as he found newer more expressive
ideas in the richer texture of the string
trio. Both this work and that of Coulter
were successful in their sincerity of musi-

cal feeling, something an audience im-
mediately recognizes, yet both leave open
a certain expressive gap that only more
craft and continual compositions will fill,
The "old guard" took the fore at the pro-
gram's beginning and its ending as Leslie
Bassett's Trombone Sonata began the pro-
ceedings and Edward Chudacoff's String
Quartet (the first two movements only) end-
ed them. Their point was well made; they
showed us young folks a thing or two, the
onata, with its mlndv nutlined in crafts-

The Voice
AND THE hallowed voice rang out from
the Senate Chambers, saying:
"All ye who support public housing are
"All ye who favor national health insur-
ance are Communists.
"All ye who believe in progressive taxation
are Communists.
"All ye whom the Daily Worker favors are
"All ye whom the Daily Worker attacks
are Communists.
"All ye who read the Daily Worker are
"All ye who attack me are Communists.
"All ye whom I attack are Communists.
"All ye who try to take the lime-light
away from me are Communists , . etc.,
etc., etc.
But as The Voice droned on, the Little
Man, sitting in the balcony grew calm. Now
that he was included in the list of Com-
munists, he could work for the Justice De-
partment at $25-dollars-a-day and grow
wealthy by turning in his friends' names.
-Dorothy Myers
The McCarthy
THE HEARINGS in the case involving
Senator Joseph R. McCarthy and the
United States Army have now begun in an
atmosphere quite different from that which
usually prevails when Mr. McCarthy is on
the giving instead of on the receiving end.
True, the batteries of television and
movie cameras, the ubiquitous news pho-
tographers, the crowds of spectators, all
contribute a familiar circus touch to the
hearing and all help to give it the some-
what less than judicial aspect that per-
sons who follow the McCarthy procedures
have come to expect. But here the re-
semblance ends. The Senate subcommit-
tee under the acting chairmanship of Mr
Mundt has adopted a set of rules designed
to give fair and equal treatment to all
parties at interest in this dispute. For
once Mr. McCarthy has no special advan-
tage over his adversaries and for once
the people whom he has accused are
placed in a position where they can ade-
quately defend themselves.
A number of factors contribute to this re-
markable situation. For one thing, Mr. Mc-
Carthy is for all practical purposes tem-
porarily divested of his privileged position
as a committee member and he finds him-
self, instead, at one end of a table with his
aides and on exactly the same basis as the
other principals in the case. While he has
the right of cross-examination that he has
never given any witness before his commit-
tee when he was chairman, the other prin-
cipals have that right also. The subcom-
mittee will hold no sessions unless a mem-
ber of the minority party is present-an in-
novation where Mr. McCarthy is concerned.
Both sides have the right to call witnesses
and both sides have had plenty of oppor-
tunity to prepare their case-again a de-
parture from Mr. McCarthy's usual pro-
cedure... .
So far as the testimony itself is con-
cerned, obviously it is much too early to
draw any conclusions. Mr. McCarthy's in-
sistence that his quarrel is not with the
Army but with a handful of what he con-
temptuously referred to as "Pentagon
politicians" is a patent effort to run away
from the major issue that he himself has
created. His quarrel is really not just
with the Army but with the entire Exe-
cutive Branch of the Federal Govern-
ment ... .
It is an excellent thing that the hearings

are being covered fully by the press, tele-
vision and radio. The American public will
be able to judge for itself the relative rherits
of the Army's case and of Mr. McCarthy's
case. For the first time we will also 'have
the opportunity to see what Mr. McCarthy
looks like when he is fighting on the de-
fensive, and not on his own terms.
-The New York Times
New Books at Library
Alexander, Holmes-Tomorrow's Air Age;
New York, Rinehart, 1954.
Bonner, Paul Hyde-The Glorious Morn-
ings; New York, Scribner, 1954.
Dodson, Kenneth-Away All Boats; Bos-
ton, Little, Brown, 1954.
Hayes, Joseph-The Desperate Hourp;
New York, Random House, 1954.
ch Mkra,roSre
Schorer, Mark-The Wars of Love; New
York, McGraw-Hill, 1954.
Truscott, L. K.-Command Missions; New
York, Dutton, 1954.
Peace instead of bringing quiet to the
world has brought the assurance of con-
tinuous tumult instead, a Cold War that
at any time may turn hot, a hot war in
Korea that may never turn cold, storm and
stress in Indo-China, in Malaya, in the Near
and Middle East.
The new generation brought up on such
a diet, has a right to fell a little grim and
suspicious. It finds difficulty in accepting
readily all the old values. Its faith in the

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"Here Goes"

The Price Case ...
To the Editor:
Whoever was involved in the re-
cent Shaffer-Price case, Shaf-
fer plays only a secondary role.
And the game of the young girl
playing a "spy" certainly does not
have my sympathy. Politically
unexperienced, she got involved
in a human conflict, with herself
and her environment. Here I go
along with Mr. Richard LaBarge
referring to the necessity of any
person confronted with politics to
know his own stand and hold a
clear viewpoint about the rights
and duties of a member of a free
society. I disagree with him in
his criticism of Mrs. Silver. Mr.
LaBarge is still too idealistic, may-
be too immature to interpret in
a correct way Mrs. Silver'; edi-
The performance of Miss Price
is not the important factor in this
case-it is the background of Mr.
Shaffer. I know that a number
of innocent students will feel sym-
pathy with this poor man, who
gave a birthday party for his
girlfriend while she spied on him.
Well, the same "poor man" was
for years an active member of an
instrument which is tr ing to rip-

j ettei' TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 34 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


WASHINGTON-The inside story has never been told of how close stroy our existing pattern of life.
Sen. John McClellan, Arkansas Democrat, came to a fist fight Mr. Shaffer realizes that he was
with Sam Sears, the Boston attorney who was kicked out after one and through his former action still
week as chief counsel in charge of investigating the Army-McCarthy is an outsider in our society. I
row. don't believe that he is today an
Behind closed doors McClellan demanded why Sears had lied anti-Communist. But we excuse
to the Senate Investigating Committee about his past support his actions in the past with the
for Senator McCarthy: Earlier, Sears had claimed that he had phrase: yes, in our society we have
never expressed an opinion on McCarthy "publicly or privately," freedom, of thought and action.
but it developed later that he had been an ardent McCarthy rooter This so-called tolerant and liberal
and was once even recommended by Mrs. McCarthy to take the viewpoint gives full rein to the
pro-McCarthy side in a debate. hand of the Kremlin, which is
But at the closed-door meeting. Sears blandly claimed: "I told certainly satisfied about this feel-
Senator Jackson (Washington Democrat) about my past statements ing of Americans in general. But
onc a k(m)yy"m at the same time the institution for
which Mr. Shaffer was working
"That's asinine;" shouted McClellan. "I was there when you with all his personality is killing

troduced to the fact that there
may be in your class a neighbor
spying on you is one of the ter-
rible facts in our modern life.
Against a totalitarian system you
have to use certain methods of
prevention. But these methods
should be fair and democratic. In
this case they were not. But that
Mr. Shaffer should be supported
by our own moral code there is
something basically wrong too.
-Peter Kalinke
* * *
Very Juvenile *
To The Editor:
There is no good reason WaY
the co-ed FBI informer
should feel guilty for what she
did and even less reason for the
mysterious graduate student to
feel persecuted or nobly indignant.
The whole thing is really very
very juvenile.
It seems to me that the motiva-
tion behind participation in Com-
munistic activities by an American
is identical in quality with that
which leads old ladies to join the
DAR. And little girls who become
"co-eds. for the FBI" are dramati-
cally unbalanced, influenced too
much by the Matt Cvetik tales.
It would not be pleasant to be
ruled by either General Motors or
General Timoshenko to my way of
thinking and while any retribution
meted out to Communists or in-
formers might be the result of
their own childish romanticism, it
seems that squares like myself,
who do not want to be dictated to
by the Lord Bishop or the Lord
Bretheren, are the only genuine
-Bob Washbunne
As the tool of a world-wide con-
spiracy, Communist propaganda is
no more invincible or infallible
than the conspiracy it serves. Its
function is to aid in the seizure,
consolidation and maintenance of
power by Communist minorities.
Communist propaganda has one
function inside the Soviet Union
and the satellite countries, and
quite another in the rest of the
world. Internally, it is used in
conjunction with the police power
of a ruling group that has complete
control of the entire administra.
tive apparatus of the state, to keep
its citizen-targets docile and mal-
leable ...
Externally, it seeks to make men
into mobs that can be swayed eas.
ily by emotional appeal.
--The Reporter


talked to Senator Jackson!"
"I don't remember ever meeting you before," shrugged Sears. Yet
McClellan and Jackson had spent an hour with Sears, questioning him
about his past, and had actually taken Sears in to meet the other
members of the subcommittee.
The Arkansas Senator was so furious at Sears' bland denial that
he had to be restrained from going after him with his fists,
* * * *
T HE PRESIDENT'S economic advisers are more worried than they
like to admit over the spring business boom.
Reason for worry is that the boom hasn't been as big as they
expected. There has been a seasonal spurt of prosperity, particu-
larly in the construction business. But retail sales are down,
though the figure has never been made public.
And a flood of high school and college graduates will pour into
the labor market in another month and a half. This almost certainly
means worse unemployment this summer-unless rumors of war in,
Indochina pick things up.
S* * *
DESPITE A PAST record of anti-farm voting, Senator "Jumping
Joe" McCarthy has cocked a political ear to Wisconsin rumblings
and has sent his investigators to comb the Agriculture Department.
Their orders are: ferret out the "secret Communists" responsible for
"undermining the farm economy.''
Joe has already taken the stump against Benson's flexible
price-support plan, and has added his voice for high, rigid price
supports. In fact, he has gone the farm bloc one better and called
for 100 per cent of parity instead of the present 90 per cent.
However, this just happens to be an about-face for McCarthy-
and a belated one. For in the past he has fought for a sliding scale
of price supports ranging from 90 down to 75 per cent of parity. His
position was identical with Benson's. When Georgia's agriculture-
minded Sen. Dick Russell rammed legislation through Congress in
1949, pegging support prices at 90 per cent of parity on the six basic
commodities, McCarthy joined in the motion to recommit the bill. E
He wanted to substitute the sliding, 90-to-75 per cent scale, instead.
* * * - *
r "HIS DID NOT end McCarthy's anti-farm voting record, however.
He has voted against the farmer right down the line.
When the Commodity Credit Corporation wanted to increase
its borrowing authority by $2,000,000,000, so it could pay the
price supports, he voted no.
And when the Truman Administration wanted to increase storage
facilities, McCarthy also voted no. This was the worst blow "Jumping
Joe" has struck at the national farm program, and, partly as a re-
sult, farmers' surplus grain was left overflowing the bins and rotting
on the ground.
McCarthy has also voted repeatedly to cut vital appropriations
for the Agriculture Department, including a straight meat-ax slash
of 5 per cent on May 19, 1949. Later, on July 26, 1951, he backed a one-
third cut in the funds for helping farmers obtain machinery and other
production materials.
On the critical subject of soil conservation, McCarthy has voted
six times to sabotage the program. Agriculture experts now agree
that inadequate soil conservation is a basic cause of the tragic "dust
bowl" in the Southwest.
Since he first came to the Senate, McCarthy has also had 15
chances to vote for rural electrification projects bringing electric
power to the farms. On the 15 roll calls, he voted 12 times against
the farmers.
But today he has suddenly become the farmers' passionate, new-
found friend, probing for "Communists" in the Agriculture Depart-
ment who are "sabotaging" the farmer.
* * *
SEN. JOHN SPARKMAN of Alabama, who ran for Vice-President on
the Adlai Stevenson ticket, is'-paying the penalty of accepting the,
Democratic national platform. He's also paying the price of being a
conscientious Senator.
Because the Democratic platform contained a civil-rightsI
clause-which isn't popular with some people in Alabama-and
because Sparkman automatically had to accept it, he is faced with
nrmarvfi-h r om L,,-aur,. atte. a nicebt on the whole inno-

and holding millions of people in
concentration camps behind the
Iron Curtain. It seems to me
there is something wrong with our
"liberal, democratic viewpoint."
Yes, Mr. Shaffer should be able
to follow his religion. The FBI
should be able to take care of
him. But when he spreads his
poison into the minds of his fel-
low students, and even in The
Daily quotes America as a "police
state", then the students should
be able to make a judgment, clear-
ly from precise knowledge, as to
where humanity lies, in the Com-
munistic or our democratic sys-
That our campus is now in-




The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it Is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday)..
VOL. LXIV, No. 140
University Lecture, auspices of the
Geological and Mineralogical Journal
Club, "Structural Geology of Finland,"
Dr. Heikki V. Tuominen, Professor of
Geology from Finland and now visit-
ing Professor at Lehigh University,
Mon., April 26, 4 p.m., 2054 Natural
Science Building.
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
the fourth of a series of monthly open
houses for University faculty, staff,
and townspeople on Sun., Apr. 25, from
4 to 6, at the President's House.
Academic Notices
The Department of Biological Chem-
istry will hold a seminar in 319 West
Medical Building at 10 a.m., on Sat.,
April 24. The topic for discussion will
be "Indoleacetic Acid Oxidase in High-
er Plants," conducted by C. R. Noll.
Diving Class. A diving class for wo-
men students, whose physical educa-
tion requirement is completed, will be
held in the Women's Swimming Pool
on Fridays at 3:20 beginning April 30.
Sign up in Office 15, Barbour Gym-
IDoctoral Examination for Gaylord
Kirkwood Finch, Chemistry; thesis:
"The Effect of Alkyl Groups in Nitro
and Nitroso Phenols," Sat., April 24,
3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 11 a.m. Chair-
man, W. R, Vaughan.
Seminar in History of Mathematics
will meet Mon., April 26, at 3 p.m., 3231
Angell Hall, Mr. Riordan will speak
on Approaches to the Solution of the
Cubic and Quartic.

urged to visit the "Pfefferkuchenhaus"
booth at Michigras Friday and Sat-
urday nights. Members of the Ger-
man Club will present a Hansel and
Gretel puppet play, and gingerbread
wi-l be sold.
Coming Events
The Russian Circle will meet Monday,
April 26, at 8 p.m. at the International
Center. Refreshments will be served
and all students interested in Rus-
sian are urged to attend.
Undergraduate Math Club. The next
meeting will be held in Room 3-B of
the Union on Mon., April 26, at 8 p. m.
Prof. Kazarinoff will speak on G. T.
Bennett's Mechanism and Torus. . All
interested are invited to attend.
Informal Folk Sing at Murial Lester
Coop, 900 Oakland, Sun., April 25, at
8 p.m. Everyone invited.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter................City Editor
Virginia Voss....... . Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter. ... sceEditor
Helene Simon..........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
PaulGreenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell...,.. Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler... .Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin . Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Sesden.......Finance Manager
IAnita Sigesmund. .Circulation Manager


Concerts -Telephone NO 23-24-1
a o

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