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SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1954 A E~'~
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Russian Tells Impressions of U.S.
Nickolos Gubin, 57 year old
South Quad janitor, who fought
against the Communists in the
Russian Civil War of 1920, criti-
cizes the strikes of American in-
dustries, believing that they are in-
spired by the Communists.
"The workers have too much
freedom," he said in Russian. The
interview was carried on with Al
Monks, Grad., a Russian language
student here, who acted as trans-
lator. "People are very well off in
America," he emphasized, "yet
they are always striking or hop-
ing for better things."
"BUT I'M not a citizen yet, and
I feel that I haven't the right to
criticize a country to which I don't
belong," he said smiling. He
strongly added that he was grate-
ful for having America accept him.
In 1951 he was deported by
the Communists because of ear-
lier anti-Communist activity. He
has lived in Ann Arbor since his
arrival in America in 1951, ex-
cept for three days in New York
and two weeks in Detroit. He
lives alone and at present is
striving to learn English, for he
can only speak a few words. In
three more years Gubin will be-
come a citizen of the United
States, by then having remained
in this country for five years.
Commenting on America, he
said contemplatively, "Very rich
country and very hospitable peo-
Gubin was once a Russian musi-
cian, composer, and conductor. He
began his music career in high
school at Warsaw, where he stud-
ied clarinet. After high school he
attended a military academy at
Moscow. There he conducted a
View Teaching
-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
NICKOLOS GUBIN--A 'one-time Russian composer, conductor,
musician, and Russian Civil War soldier.
military orchestra and began his
military career.
AFTER THE Russian Civil War,
he journeyed to Yugoslavia where
he met his Hungarian wife, who is
still living in that country. The
following year, in 1921, he con-
ducted a choir and during this
time also played clarinet and the
cello. At the seaport city of Du-
brovnik, Yugoslavia, he taught
music and conducted in high
school, later playing in the Du-
brovnik Symphonic Orchestra as a
Gubin said that he worked
long and hard at music. "I stud-
ied and learned most of the
music on my own," he said. "You
not only have to have intelli-
gence," he continued, "but you
Of Individual
At Symposium
Discussion at yesterday's forumr
on college and university teaching
centered around methods of teach-
ing the student as an individual.
Leading off the three-member
symposium was Prof. Warren A
Ketcham of the education school;
who explained what reasearch in
the education school shows aboui
differences in individual abilities.
THE EDUCATOR reminded the
audience of teachers and graduate
students that learning takes place
in each individual, even though
they are group members. "As peo-
ple grow older, they become dif-
ferent, he explained, adding that
the greatest difference in the
spread of knowledge occurs at the
college age."
Taking up the discussion,
Prof. Warner G. Rice, chairman
of the English Department, ex-
plained methods of the English
department in individualizing
teaching, particularly for the
better student. Personalizing the
freshman English course by add-
ing student-faculty conferences
makes all the difference in the
world, he pointed out.
Small writing classes for crea-
tive writers and the honors pro-
gram are also part of the depart-
ment's methods of individual
r teaching, according to Prof. Rice.
Prof. Algo D. Henderson of the
education school concluded the
symposium with illustrations from
other colleges of ways to individ-
ualize the program. Examples giv-
en were the seminar method for
honors students at Swarthmore
College and the program at Johns
Hopkins University where the stu-
dent starts out with specialized
J workand then advances at his own
The last of the series of forums
sponsored by the Committee on
College Relations will be held
also have to
have a gift from,
Since he has come to America,
he has stopped most of his music
playing and writing. "You have to
have the mood and objective in
order to create any music."
Perhaps many South Quadders
have seen this snowy-haired man
with sharp features and gentle
eyes around the corridors and lob-
bies mopping or dusting. "Being a
janitor isn't the best job," he said,
"but I like the working conditions
here." He smiled and said, "I'm
thankful for the three full meals
every day."
Lecture Given
In a pictorial study of the archi-
tecture of the Great Roman Villa,
Axel Boethius, professor of classi-
cal archaeology and history at
Goteborg University, Sweden, de-
scribed its importance as a docu-
ment of Roman luxury during the
reign of Nero in his lecture yester-
Prof. Boethius told how the lux-
urious facade and interior paint-
ings influenced Renaissance archi-
tecture. The chamber with a re-
volving dome left a marked influ-
ence on later architecture and im-
pressed historians of the time, the
professor continued.
Contrasting the luxuries of the
"Golden House of Nero" with Ro-
man public buildings, Prof. Boeth-
ius also pointed out the symbolic
value of the architecture and dec-
New Trend
In Language
Study Shown
Contrary to popular belief, for-
eign language study is on the in-
crease in the nation's colleges,
according to a survey by the Mod-
ern Language Association of Amer-
"The much-advertised and great-
ly exaggerated trend away from
foreign language requirements has
been halted and reversed," Prof.
William R. Parker, executive sec-
retary of MLA, said in a recent
"THERE NEVER was such a
trend," commented Prof. Charles
N. Staubach, chairman of the ro-
mance language dept. "There is
much more favorable attitude to-
ward the study of romance lan-
guages among educational ad-
ministrators than is commonly
More students are taking lan-
guage courses today than at any
time since 1947, Prof. Parker
noted. "Eighty-five percent of
the accredited liberal arts col-
leges in the country demand
some knowledge of a foreign lan-
guage for the B.A. degree," he
pointed out, "and 30 per cent
have a foreign language en-
trance requirement."
Prof. Staubach said he believed
the misunderstanding of the situa-
tion "arises from the tendency to
feature negative remarks." Only
one in ten of the 767 accredited
arts colleges ever abandoned the
foreign language degree require-
ment and three of these have re-
stored it, Prof. Parker pointed out
in his report.'
"We hope in a couple of months,
to release concrete information,
from the state of Michigan on
foreign language study," Prof.
Staubach added.
Independent of the MLA, Prof.
Vincent A. Scanio of the Uni-
versity romance language depart-
ment made a survey last year of
90 major U.S. colleges and found
a complete absence of the reput-
ed trend away from foreign lang-
uage requirements.
Civil Service Test
For Aid Offered
An examination for meteorlogi-t
cal aid positions, principally in theE
United States Weather Bureau hasI
been announced by the U. S. Civil
Service Commission.
Full information regarding the1
requirements, and instructions onc
applying, may be obtained from
the U. S. Civil Service Commis-
sion, Washington, 25, D.C.c
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Spain Provides Mixture
Of Old, Modern Worlds
By SHIRLEY KLEIN~~ - -- --
If University students like their
beer mild and their wine spark-
ling, Spain is the country to visit.
Although no longer known as
the cheapest country for tour-
ists, prices in Spain still range
far below those in most Euro-
pean countries. The countryside
is magnificent, and it's free.
AS ONE DRIVES through the
Ranges of the South, he can see
why Europeans use pint-sized
autos. The sharp curves and rug-
ged terrain necessitate this. Hordes
of strange, dark green cork trees
are noticeable along the way.
(Spain is foremost among nations
in her production of cork.)
Herds of goats roam the hills.
The nimble creatures supply
Spain with most of her milk
and butter. Tourists usually
don't drink the unpasteurized
milk, but the butter is rich and
Scrawny, hardy little burros,
loaded down with their masters',
cargo of pottery and produce, move'
to the side of the road as autos
whiz by. Some men ride the bur-
ors for transportation, dwarfing
the animals.
Along the road are pill boxes
and bombed buildings, remnants
of the Civil War. Franco's sold-
iers, uniformed in olive green, pass
by in troop trucks.
One may stop at a local tavern
for a mid-morn thirst quencher
of "cerveza." A tall, dark pastery
vender offers crisp, flaky "pastel-
Spanish homes reflects the bright
sunlight. Vibrantly red and yel-
low flowers appear from the win-
dow boxes. Side streets are so
narrow that one can reach right
across the way from his home to
his neighbor's grilled porch or
Stores in Spain open at 9 a.m.
and close at 1 p.m. for siesta.
They reopen from 4-8 p.m. when
it is pleasant to amble about the
town, perhaps relaxing with a
sip or two of wine at a side-walk
Dinner is usually served from
10:30 p.m. until midnight in Spain.
Tourists get a wide variety of
courses ranging from melon orI
"entremeses" (hors d'oeuvers) to
fish or eggs to meat and salad
to dessert, fruit, and cheese. Bev-
erages are not included in the
price of a meal.I
It is interesting to note that
in Spain charity is taken care of
by the government. Begging is
* * *
PEDRO DOMECQ, a world fam-
ous winery located in Jerez de la
negative, will debate at 4 p.m. of Witnesses."
i f . . . . ............ . ............
Driver Forum
Slated Today
Discussions of national and state
trends in driver education and
licensing will highlight the sec-
ond annual Conference for Teach-
ers of Driver Education today.
Nearly 150 persons from through-
out the state are expected to at-
tend the two sessions which will
be held at 9 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.
in the Union. Sponsored by the
Education School and the Exten-
sion Service, the conference will
also feature samples of the latest
equipment for testing drivers.
- ._
Frontera since 1730, operates on
a cooperative basis. Their em-
ployees live right on the factory
grounds. Incidentally, free samples
in abundance are offered after a
tour through the place.
In the caves of Sacramonte
in Granada are the gypsies, sing-
ing, dancing and playing their
guitars. Gaily dressed and even
gayer in spirits, they perform
for the tourists in their small,
white-washed caves, their voices
reverberating loudly until the
beat of the music seems to surge
within the onlookers.
Contrasting the night spots of
Madrid, tourist to native, one ex-
periences somewhat of a surprise.
The huge, English speaking "Villa
Rosa" serves U. S. drinks while
the "Samba", small and gay, has
a comedian doing a take off on
an American tourist.
At least one-third of the spec-
tators at a bull fight in a large
Spanish city are tourists. Venders
sell candy, ice cream, cigarettes
and other refreshments. Located
under the seats of the ring are
a chapel for the matadors, a hos-
pital and room for emergency
surgery as well as stables and room
to cut up the beasts. The smaller
the bullring the better, for then
the matador has less room to es-
cape the bull and there is more
room for the audience.
Included among the speakers are
Austin Grant, news editor of sta-
tion CKLW, Detroit; Charles Resources Honor
Brady, American Automobile As-
sociation in Washington, D.C.; Ed- Students Lauded
ward Rockwell of the Automobile
Club of Michigan; George New- Outstanding students in the
man, chief examiner of the driver University School of Natural Re-
services division of the Michigan sources were honored yesterday at
Department of State and Walter the school's annual Honors Con-
Horst, superintendent of schools vocation.
at Three Rivers. Dean Stanley G. Fontanna pre-
sided over the event which fea-
SL Banquet tured an address by Charles G. Al-
len of a Detroit firm. Erich A.
All former Student Legislature Walter, assistant to the University
members are invited to the Legis- president, also spoke.
lature's spring banquet which will Four awards were presented by
be held Wed. at the Union, accord- Allen, including the Alumni War
ing to Marc Jacobson, '55, Public Memorial to Bruce Jones, '54NR
Relations chairman. and the Donald M. Matthew Me-
Those' interested may contact morial to Donald Collins, Grad.
Jacobson at the SL's temporary The Howard M. Wight Award went
headquarters in the conference to Charles Fisher, '54NR and the
room of the Student Publications Central States Section Award to
Bldg. William Libby, '54NR.
YES . . . It's Loads of fun for
the young and the old... Come
to MICHIGRAS and thrill to
such rides as the loop-the-loop,
the ferris wheel, the merry-go-
round, and the hug.
from 7 P.M. to 1 A.M.
FROM I to 6 P.M.
The girls at Alpha Epsilon
Phi were proud of their exam
file for it included exams dat-
ing back to 1929.
Lynn Miller, '55, told the
maid to clean off the top of the
file, and apparently she was
misunderstood. The maid
cleaned the file out.
The index markers are the
only thing left.
High School
Debate T earins
Will Compete
The Michigan High School For-
senic Association is sponsoring
high school debate team competi-
tion today starting at 2 p.m. in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Trophies and gold watches will
be presented to the winning teams
debating on the question "Resolv-
ed: That the President of the
United States Shall be Elected by
a Direct Vote of the People."
Division "B" schools, which will
debate at 2 p.m., are Weidman,
taking the affirmative side, and
Detroit Country Day School, the
negative. Everett Soop is chairman
of this division.
With Ira Smith as its chairman,
Division "A" schools, Lansing
Eastern, affirmative and Owosso,
negative, will debate at 4 p.m.
Carr Talks
n Juvenile
Addressing the fifteenth annual
conference of Sixth Circuit fed-
eral judges at the Law School yes-
terday, Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the
sociology department commented
that only one-half of one per cent
of all juvenile delinquents come
before the Court.
Continuing, Prof. Carr observ-
ed that even this small number
is important because it tends to
set the pattern by which other
courts can follow.
SPEAKING on "A sociological
Theory of Delinquency Control
and the Role of Federal Agencies,"
Prof. Carr outlined the history of
juvenile delinquency and phases
of attacking the problem.
Concepts of the Federal Youth
Corrections Act and its opera-
tion were discussed by George L.
Reed, Chairman of the Youth
Correction Division of the U. S.
Parole Board.
Today's program presided over
by Chief Justice Charles C. Sim-
ons of the U. S. Court of Appeals,
Sixth District, will feature an ad-
dress by Prof. Paul G. Kauper of
the Law School on "A Comparison
of Congressional Investigative Pro-
cedures and Judicial Procedures
with reference to the Examination
of Witnesses."
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill and Forest Avenue
Dr. H. 0. Yoder, Pastor
Sunday-No 9:00 Service this Sunday.
10:00 A.M.: Bible Study.
11:00 A.M.: Worship Service. Dr. George Men-
denhall, Guest Preacher.
7:00 P.M.: Lutheran Student Assn. Meeting.
William and State Sts.
Minister-Rev. Leonard A. Parr
10:45 A.M: Reverend Richard J. Lehman, Asst.
Chaplain of the University Hospital will de-
liver the sermon on "Fear or Fatigue.
6:00 P.M.: Student Guild in Pilgrim Hall. Sup-
per will be served. Guild election of officers
will be followed by a student led program on
"Religion and the Fine Arts."
State and Huron Streets, Phone NO 2-1121
Wm. C. Bennett, Pastor
10:00 A.M.: Sunday School for all ages
11:00 A.M.: "Joseph-A Type of Christ."
6:00 'P.M.: Student Guild.
7 :30 P.M.: "The Virus of Sin."
Wed., 7:30: Prayer Meeting.
A cordial welcome awaits you here. Come and
hear the Word of God.
William and Thompson Sts.
Masses Daily at 7:00 A.M., 8:00 A.M., 9:00 A.M.
Sunday at 8-9:30 A.M., 11-12.
Novena Devotions, Wednesday Evenings 7:30 P.M.
Newman Club Rooms in Father Richard Center.
presents Series of Introductory Talks on Theosophy
every Wednesday at 8 P.M.
Place: 736 So. State St., Telephone NO 2-6295
Public is cordially invited.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Henry Kuizenga, Minister
Charles Mitchell, Assistant Minister
Donna B. Lokker, Program Assistant
William S. Baker, Minister to Students
9:15 A.M.: Breakfast Seminar dividing into
three discussion groups on Christianity and
medicine, business, and education. Fourth
group on Mormonism.
9:15 and 11:00: Morning Worship. "God Believes
in You." Dr. Baker speaking.
6:45 P.M.: Panel discussion on dating etiquette
and ethics.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. George Barger, Minister
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon: "The
Flickering Lamp."
Nursery for children during service.
9:45 A.M.: Church School.
6:00 P.M.: Supper meeting at the Congregational
Church; Elections; "Religion and the Fine
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 9:30 and at 10:45: Two Worship Op-
portunities, with the pastor preaching on, "Be
Not Faithless, But Believing."
Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, Supper and Program. Business meeting,
with election of officers for the fall semester.
306 North Division St.
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
Dr. Robert H. Whitaker, Chaplain for
Student Foundation
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Davis, Social Director
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
8:45 A.M.: Student Breakfast, Canterbury House.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Communion and Commentary,
10:00 A.M.: Student Breakfast, Canterbury House.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer and Sermon.
4:30 P.M.: Student Confirmation Class, Canter-
bury House.
6:00 P.M.: Student Supper Club, Canterbury
8:00 P.M.: Evening Prayer and Coinmentary.
8:45 P.M.: Adult Confirmation Class, Parish
House Lounge.
During the Week: Holy Communion at 7:00 A.M.
on Monday (St. Mark), Wednesday and
Thursday, followed by Student Breakfast; Stu-
dent Tea on Tuesday and Friday from 4:00 to
5:30 P.M.; Canterbury Club Picnic on Friday;
Holy Communion on Friday at 12:10 P.M.
502 East Huron, Phone NO 8-7332
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Pastor and
Student Counselor
9:45 A.M.: Student Class discussion in the
Guild House.
11:00 A.M.: Worship in Music. The Senior Choir
and narrator present Arthur Honegger's ora-
torio "King David."
6:45 P.M.: Roger Williams Guild, Dr. David
Voss will present an illustrated talk on scenes
of Biblical and historical interest in the Medi-
terranean area.
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
April 25-Probation after Death.
5:00 P.M.: Sunday Evening Service.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
The Reading Room is open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11 to 5. Friday evenings
from 7 to 9, and Sunday afternoons from 2:30
to 4:30.
530 West Stadium
(Formerly at Y.M.C.A.)
Sundays: 10:15, 11:00 A.M., 7:30 P.M.
Wednesdays: 7:30 P.M., Bible Study.
G. Wheeler Utley, Minister
Hear: "The Herald of Truth" WXYZ-ABC Net-
work Sundays: 1:00-1:30 P.M.
1917 Washtenaw, Phone NO 2-0085
Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:00 A.M.: Unitarian Adult Group-begins series
on "Civil Liberties."
11:00 A.M.: Service of Worship-Rev. Edward H.
Redman on: "God, the Universe, and Man."
Unitarian Students meet at 9 A.M. to leave for
services at the Toledo, Ohio Unitarian Church
followed by trip to Van Gogh exhibit...... ....
Unitarian Men's Club meets Monday evening, 8:00
P.M. at home of Dean Wayne Whitaker on
Lenawee Drive.
423 South Fourth Ave.
Walter S. Press, Pastor
William H. Bos, Minister to Students
Sermon Topic, "Christ Has Won a Victory for Us,
What Victory?"
Student Guild Discussion Forum: "A Christian
Approach to Capital and Labor Problems.
Neil Cords, Student Leader.
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