5-12ptj . h s
. .by Ivan N. KayeToe
Ritter TossesO
FOLLOWING CLOSELY on the heels of the Ivy League's realizationC r t
that something was wrong with college sports has come a unique r ett Bats In
lne-Hiuer; M Golfers
Lone Run Face Three
Nilsson Snares Discus At Penn Relays
attempt at solution of the current athletic dilemma advanced by
the University of Washington's Dean of the Graduate School, Dr. Har-
old W. Stoke:
Throughout a long and distinguished educational career during
which he has served as president of the University of New Hamp-
shire and The Louisiana State University, Dr. Stoke has come to the
w conclusion that college athletics is today nothing more than public
In a stimulating article appearing in the March issue of The
Atlantic Monthly Dr. Stoke backs up his contention with the
undeniable statistical evidence that the public paid over 100 mil-
lion dollars in admission money to witness collegiate athletic
competition last year. Football attendance numbered over 40 mil-
lion. Further pointed out is the sobering fact that public interest
as measured in publicity, newspaper coverage and radio and tele-
vision time is far beyond that accorded any educational activity.
Dr. Stoke declares that in no major school does the attention given
to the appointment of a president compare with that given to the
appointment of a coach. He feels, and no doubt there is much
justification for this view, that the general public could name
many more coaches than college presidents. This we feel is a reflec-
tion of the all-too-dominant position of athletics in the think-
ing of many university communities.I
Dr. Stoke's attempt at solution of the problem of misguided col-
c lege athletics is one of the oddest we have yet encountered, and he
advances it with the preface,"-at the risk of scornful disagreement."
Public Entertainment .. .
THE T FCAL POINT around which Dr. Stoke's ideas evolve is the
intellectual admission both in and outside of the universities that
our programs of intercollegiate athletics are operated primarily as
public entertainment and not as educational responsibilities. Once this
proposition is accepted, Dr. Stoke points out, the undesirable stresses
and strains will begin to disappear. Winning athletics would become
a legitimate university operation, and recruiting would then become
not only legal, but justifiable.
Dr. Stoke says that the process of securing the best athletes
becomes not only understandable, but commendable in exactly the
same manner in which a college seeks to achieve a high standard
'in any of its academic departments.
"One gives the athlete what the resources will allow-just
as Illinois offers the graduate assistant in history or chemistry
what it can to attract the best. No one thinks the less of Illinois
because it can outbid Montana for graduate students. In short,
athletic practices which are not at all appropriate to educational
activities become acceptable and legitimate as parts of a pro-
gram of public entertainment," says Dr. Stoke.
The same philosophy prevails in the hiring of coaches, where
the richest schools attract the top talent. The financial situation like-
wise is removed from the academic domain through the use of a
self-support for athletics system, arrived at by following the basic
idea that sports constitute public entertainment.
** * *
Academics Out .. .
"AND WHY," asks Dr. Stoke, "should there be concern about the
academic record of a young man who comes to a university
primarily to play on a team and whom the university has brought
for exactly that purpose?" Dr. Stoke submits that nothing is lost by
relieving all athletes of the obligation to meet academic require-
ments if they cannot or do not wish to do so.
As for rules and regulations, Dr. Stoke says, "Let eligibility
rules be drawn and enforced by those who are most concerned about
them-the athletic managements-not by the faculties." Infractions,
he declares, will be exposed by ever watchful opponents, since it is
they and no one else who would be hurt by such unfair practices.
It seems that Dr. Stoke is overlooking in his attempt at
solution of the problem of college athletics a point which we
consider basic in any discussion of the situation-namely that the
need now is for de-emphasis, not for the attachment of greater
importance to collegiate sports.
While it is true that college athletics has become public enter-
tainment, we think it would be far wiser after acknowledging that
r fact to concentrate on reducing the amount of publicity and atten-
tion in order to return the proper balance to the educational com-
* * * *
# t YAn Alien Group . .
?J RESORT in an attempt at solution to a system of mass re-
cruiting, and we feel that under Dr. Stoke's proposal the proselyt-
ing of athletes would reach enormous proportions, would undoubtedly
lead to the creation of a separate group of athletes on our campuses.
' We feel that this group, if functioning under the regulation set
forth by Dr. Stoke, would constitute a discordant element in any
r, university community.
It seems that Dr. Stoke's proposals, along with removing college
athletics from the realm of hypocracy, would also remove them from
the realm of the colleges.
Why not, if we are to go to such extremes, drop the entire
sports program and concentrate our attention on following Major
League baseball and football? In actuality, both alternatives, Dr.
Stoke's and the abandonment of the sports program would be
poor solutions at best to the present dilemma.
Let us look, as have the eight schools in the Ivy League, toward
reformation in the sports themselves, rather than admitting that
they have gotten so big that they must be removed entirely from the
hands of colleges which they are supposed to benefit.
Reducing college athletics to their proper station as games, and
nothing more, rather than enlarging their scope under the plan ad-
vanced by Dr. Stoke seems to be a more practical solution to the
current problem.i
Special to The DailyI
MADISON, Wisconsin - The
University of Michigan's baseball
team successfully opened its West-
ern Conference competition yester-'
day afternoon, as the Wolverines
edged the Badgers of Wisconsin,
Jack Ritter, pitching very ef-
fectively, handcuffed the Badger
bats by giving up a single safety,
and that late in the game. In the
last half of the eighth inning, and
the fans now beginning to pull for
Ritter to pitch a no-hit game, Gus
Vergetis smacked a single into
right field for Wisconsin's only hit.
* * *
THE LONE tally of the contest
came in the fourth frame on a
clutch hit by first baseman, Jack
Corbett. Wolverine third sacker,
Don Eaddy was given a free pass
by Badger pitcher, Hal Raether.
Eaddy, with Corbett at bat, stole
second, and this turned out to be
one of the deciding factors of the
game. For a few seconds later, Cor-
bett produced the hit which
League Foes
Buckeyes Host
Four Team Meet
In its first Big Ten meet of
the year the Michigan golf team
wlil face Ohio State, Purdue and
Indiana at Columbus today.
This quadrangle meet should
provide a good indication of the
comparative strength of these four
conference teams. Of special im-
portance will be the performance
of the Purdue squad, the 1953 Big
Ten champs.
* * *
(Special to The Daily)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-If
all the cindermen on Michigan's
track team followed in the foot-
steps of big Fritz Nilsson, coach
Don Canham's worries would be
reduced tenfold.
For once again Nilsson came out
on top-this time at the 60th an-
nual Penn Relays. The Swedish
star and captain of the track
team, hurled the discus 165 feet to
cop the event for the third suc-
cessive year.
* * *
IN SECOND place was Stuart
Thompson of Yale with a throw
of 158 feet. Rounding out the
first five were Chuck Wilson of
Princeton, Jim Robberson of In-
diana, and Grier of Penn State.
Nilsson, by winning the discus
event for the third straight year,
was the second man in history to
win the event three years run-
ning. The first time it was
done was by John Garrels, re-
presenting Michigan in the
years 1905-1907,
Canham's cindermen were not
able to duplicate last year's vic-
tory in the medley relay, as they
took a second to the powerful
Oklahoma A&M quartet. The Ag-
gies took the lead on the second
lap and never relinquished the
front running position. Their time
was a speedy 10 minutes and eight
RUNNING for Michigan were
Pete Gray in the opening posi-
tion, followed by Grant Scruggs
and John Moule, and Big Ten
mile champ John Ross in the
anchor slot. Behind Michigan
came Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh,
and Indiana.
. . scores winning run
Eaddy was particularly strong
on defense. He handled seven
chance flawlessly and madesone
RITTER allowed three walks
and struck out three. His pitching
adversary, Raether, allowed five
free passes, fanned only one, and
hit one batter.
Today Michigan will face a
fighting Northwestern outfit in a
doubleheader to be played at,
Evanston, Illinois.
The Wildcats, a hustling ball
team, could give the Maize and
Blue a lot of trouble.
MICHIGAN ..000 100 000-1 5 1
WISCONSIN ..000 000 000- 1 11
Alpha Kaps RallY
Winls I-M Softball
...smacks clutch hit
brought Michigan it's initial Big
Ten -win of the 1954 season.
The game, which snapped a
four game Wisconsin winning
streak, was played in the very
speedy time of one hour and 42
minutes. An enlightening feature
of yesterday's thrilling contest
was the scarcity of miscues by
both squads. Wisconsin, which
last year tied with Michigan
for the Western Conference
fielding crown, with a .971 mark,
had one error, while the Wol-
verines, playing an equally good
defensive game, were charged
with a single bobble.
After being held to three hits
in three innings by Gordon Ike-
mari, Alpha Kappa Kappa, made
a last ditch rally in their last turn
at bat, and pushed across eleven
tallies to defeat Phi Delta Chi
15-11 in a Professional Fraternity
softball game yesterday at Ferry
MAL BASINGER hit a grand
slam home run to break up a 2-1
pitching duel as Phi Alpha. Delta
went on to defeat Alpha Rho Chi
by the count of 10-2.
In other softball games, thel
English Department put together
two big innings where they scored
9 and 7 runs, and defeated Natural
Science 22-6. The Education De-
partment defeated Public Health
19-18, while Phi Chi won via for-
feit from Chi Sig.
PURDUE WILL be led by junior
Don Albert and Senior Dick Nor-j
ton, two of the top golfers in the
Western Conference last year.
Both Albert and Norton shoot in
the low seventies and should
Coach Sam Voinoff be able to fill
out his squad with four more con-
sistent golfers, Purdue will be as
strong as they were last yegqr.
Indiana, which appears to be
much stronger this season, has
built its team around three let-
termen. Heading the Hoosier
linksters will be Captain Elliott
Phillips, Dick Cardwell, and
James Balch. The squad will be
rounded out by Joe Brubaker, a
sophomore, playing at the num-
ber two position, Garrett Whit-
man and either Don Schieve or
Robert Dyar will play at the'
number six position.,
Ohio State, which won the con-
ference crown in 1951, will have]
the advantage of playing on itsI
home course. The Buckeyes, al-
ways a strong competitor in con-
ference meets, have the number
one collegiate golfer in the coun-
try in Tom Neiporth, the 1953,
N.C.A.A. champion.
* * *
THE BIG obstacle facing Mich-
igan Coach, Burt Katzenmeyer,
is the lack of experience behind
this year's team. Gone from Kat-
zenmeyers crew this year are Hughj
Wright, Laurie LeClair, and Bud
In an attempt to fill the gaps;
left by the loss of this trio, Katz-
enmeyer will employ Bob Mc-
Masters, a sophomore, Dick Har-
rison and Chuck Blackett, also
sophs, and Andy Andrews a jun-
ior who saw some action last year.'
McMasters, an experienced tour-
nament player, possesses a strong
all-around game and figures
prominently in future Michigan
golf plans.
Opener Today;
sier Lineup'
Playing Talent Problem Must Be Considered
Before Major LeaguesReach Pacific Coast
(Second in a series of articles
dealing with the possibility of into his defense of PCL ball play- where conditions would delight
major league ball on the west ing talent, and be supported by any normal diamond star.
coast. Today's article con- concrete facts. All standpoints considered, the
cerns the playing talent avail- THE MOST obvious point that one that will most likely bring the
able, and is there enough of I could be brought out against the majors to the West Coast is not
it) calibar of ball player in the coast the lack or surplus of baseball
league is the fact that all teams talent available, but rather the
By BILL STONEhr economic advantages of taking a
When the question of moving or in the PCL look to the majo team to a section aching to spend
establishing a major league ball so they can strengthen their own 'money on big league tickets.
club on the West Coast comes to asouth a en. The Supreme Court to the con-
head, the problem of available outfits.
trary, baseball is a business, and
playing talent must be fully con- However, other angles of at- where a gold mine is to be discov-
sidered. tack are used by the campaign- ered, a big league magnate will
A mere shift of a major league ers for major league ball on the find it. Without profit baseball
club from a city now in the Big West Coast that pertain to is like a losing senatorial can di-
League chain to the Pacific Coast amount of baseball talent pre- date--just lost.
wouldn't present any difficulty of sent in organized ball today.
this type, because the amount of Many of the majors top draw-
players now in the majors (400) er stars present and past are from
would not change. the West Coast, and have learned
* their ball in the shadow of the
. . . cops again
iVet men Meet Indiana in Home
Three Big Ten Champs in Hoo
The University of Michigan's
tennis team will make it's home
debut this afternoon at 2 p.m. at
the Varsity Tennis Courts when it
faces the toughest net squad in the
Big Ten-Indiana.
The match, a crucial one for
both combatants, will give Coach
Bill Murphy and Wolverine sup-
porters an excellent indication as
to how the Maize and Blue net-
ters will perform this season.
* * *
INDIANA, which defeated Mich-
igan easily in 1953* 8-1, and has
copped the Big Ten crown the
last two years, will present for-
midable opposition in the per-
sons of John Hironimus, Duane
Gomer, and Bob Martin-all Big
Ten champions last year,
Gomer, captain of the power
packed Hoosier squad, will pro-
bably play number one singles
and face Michigan's Al Mann.
Western Conference champ in
the number three slot last year,
Gomer has the enviable two-
year record of 27 wins and only
four losses. ..
Though early in the season, lie
is at the peak of his game this
year through eight weeks of tennis
on the West Coast. Possessing a
fine all-around game Mann will
be hard pressed to beat the In-
diana captain.
JUST ABOUT equaling Gomer's
record and ability is Hironimus
who will probably hold down ,the
number two or three singles posi-
tion. Plyaing brilliantly last year
he was good enough to garner the
Big Ten championship in the num-
ber two slot. Indiana. junior
champ in 1951, Hironimus has
won 28 and dropped but six in
two years of competition.
The third returning Western
Conference champion is wiry
Bob Martin who hails froni In-
dianapolis. Martin, who bat-
tled his way to the champion-
ship for the second successive
year, will probably play in the
number two or three singles slot,
and team with Hironimus in the
number one doubles. A rangy
6-3 junior, possessing a lot of
power, Martin has dropped only
four of 28 matches.
Bob Barker will also be in Ann
Arbor to plague the Michigan net-
men. Possessing the best record
of the returning lettermen, hav-
ing won eight out of nine in
league play, and an overall mark
of 19 victories and only three set-
backs, he will hold down the num-
ber four singles position.
* * *
MURPHY, who has been work-
ing his team hard in preparation
for the contest will present the
same lineup which has already
won three out of four matches
this season. The whole. team is
"up" for the match and have high
hopes of upsetting the Indiana
The tentative lineups are:
Al Mann vs. Duane Gomer-
number one singles. -
Pete Paulus vs. Bob Martin-
number two singles.
Bob Paley vs. John Hironimus
-number three singles.
Bob Nederlander vs. Bob Bark-
er-number four singles.
Bob Mitchell vs. Dick Bennent
-number five singles.
Bob Sassone vs. Carl Dentice-
number six singles.
Paulus and Paley vs. Hironims
and Martin-number one doubles.
Mann and Nederlander vs. Gom-
HOWEVER the California en-(
thusiasts are hollering for a majors
league team, regardless of the fact<
that one of the leagues, either the
National or American, may have
to add a team.
This ,of course has its advan-
tages. Probably the most im-
portant is from the player's
standpoint. For every new spot
available in the major leagues,
one more player otherwise doom-
ed to a career of obscurity in the
minor leagues, would have a
chance to make the big show,!
and garner both fame and de-j
cent finances.
The paramount argument against
setting up an extra major league
franchise on the West Coast was.
best put by the nationally famous
sports caster Bob Elson. Elson said
that there isn't enough talent
available to fill the 400 openings
in the big time much less adding
a couple of teams and 50 players
to the majfor league family.
- * * *
MR. ROY Corlas of the Palm
Springs, California Chamber of
Commerce, and one time member
of the San Francisco Chronicle,
counters Elson's point with two
well found arguments.
First, Corlas claims, that the
coast teams are equal to the
major league clubs in every re-
spect save speed and youth.
Also Corlas continued by stating
that using past performances as
a basis, the Hollywood Stars, de-
fending Pacific Coast league
champions, could hold their own
with second division teams such
as the Pirates and the Orioles,
and probably come out over .500
against both of them.
Corlas has made, some strong
Pacific. Billy Martin, Ralph Kin-
er, Joe DiMaggio, Tony Lazzari,
and Hank Sauer to name a few.
People on the coast deserve to
see their home grown products
succeed, and not shuffled off to
New York, Chicago, or Boston.
MANY PLAYERS would rath-
er play in the PCL than go East
just for a few extra bucks. Kevin
Conners, formally of the Cubs and
Dodgers, was one man who turned
down a big time contract to stay
on the coast.
A contented ball player is a
better performer, and an athlete
is more likely to reach his full
potential on the West Coast,
- s
s Coming soon!
earn $5000
a year..
be an officer in
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get an exciting
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Lt. Grady L4. Friday and
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able on the third floor of
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9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for those
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tion on career opportuni-
ties in the Air Force.
er and Dentice-number two doub- statements here and while at close}
les. examination he may have some-
Mitchell and Sassone vs. Barker thing, the California publicist has
and Bennent-number three doub- certainly placed himself on a
les. limb. Many sceptics could tear
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white summer
formal jackets -
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Washington ..5
New York .;..4
Chicago .....4
Baltimore ... .4
Philadelphia .3
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3 .625
3 .625
3 .571
4 .500
4 .500
4 .429
5 .375
5 .375
16 r
I 4
Philadelphia 5
Brooklyn ....5
Milwaukee ...4
Cincinnati ...5
Chicago ... . 3
Pittsburgh ...4
St. Louis ....3
New York ....3
L Pet.
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3 .625
3 .571
4 .556
3 .540
6 .400t
5 .375
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