tr DNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1954
s WEDNE asSDAY.. rAPwsuiisL a14. V1IV
The Disinterested Observer:
A Monologue
Y EAH, THAT'S ME. You want to ask a
few questions? Sure, go ahead. No, I
don't mind. Sure, I'm sure.
Would you repeat the name? How do
you spell it? O-p-p-e-n-h-e-i-m-e-r. Op-
penheimer. No, I don't know him. Nev-
er met. Never spoke to him. Why, I have-
n't even heard of him.
Why, I don't even know my next door,
neighbor. Never even seen him.
Am I married? Sure. But let me assure}
you I've never even met my wife. Too risky,
you know. We don't even correspond.
A-Bombs? Bigger and better you say.
Never heard of them.
But I told you I never heard of Oppen-
Did I know that he associated with
Communists including his brother in the
40's. Why, yes. Hey, what do you mean
by "associated" anyway? He was seen in
the presence of Communists? Even spoke
to them? I see, that explains it. So what?
You say he fell in love with a Communist
and married a former one? I thought that
was generally know years ago. Oh, you're
just bringing it up again? I see.
Are you sure he didn't carry home the
books of a questionable young miss when he
was seven?
You'll check? Good.
He contributed money to Communist
causes, you say? Well, I'll be darned. Op-
posed Franco in the Spanish Civil War?
Nasty him, but didn't a few hundred thous-
and other Americans do that?
You're checking on that, too. Fine.
Sure I know we're buddy buddy with
the Generalissimo now but we weren't
twenty years back, or were we? I don't
know what I'm supposed to believe any
You'll check. Okay.
He opposed the building of the hydrogen
bomb? That's treason, you say? The man
has nq moral sense? Only foreigners and
traitors think that way?
I guess so ... but what about a guy like
Urey. You know, the Nobel Prize winning
physicist? Didn't he do the same? Do you
think he's a traitor?
You're checking? Good.
You say he hired Comunists to work
in the Los Alamos atomic plant? That's
interesting. Where did you hear that?
You can't say. I see.
But were these 'Communists' employed in
security jobs? You don't know but you'll
check. Thanks.t
You're not questioning his loyalty, you
say, only his security standing? Would you
repeat that. I didn't quite get you.
"We don't question his loyalty but he is
a poor security risk."
Oh, I see. That sounds good. I like epi-
grams, too.
But this one works, you say? It gets re-
sults? A few thousand people in govern-
.ment employ, a few deportations, a few
servicemen? Now, the top atomic physicist?
I'll say it gets results. I wish I could make
up such effective epigrams. How do you go
about it?
You'll check? Thanks.
You say it's all for security? To keep us
all secure? You and me and the world?
That sounds fine. But I'm so secure
now that I'm ready to be buried.
Aren't you?4
You'll check? Sure.
-Mark Reader
Student Government
Through the British Eye
(Reading University, England)
IN THE COURSE of the present debate on
the possible reorganization of student
government on this campus, I offer this cri-
tical comparison with all the deference due
from a visitor to his host. I have tried to
analyse some of the underlying features of
student government in Britain and the
United States, rather than making a more
polemic discussion of their pros and cons.
Although, as in any such treatment of
two very diverse systems, the discussion
must of necessity be in terms of generali-
ties, four points of comparison are out-
standing. -The first of these is the fact
that most of our universities are small
enough for the student government to
call what is ostensibly a General Meet-
ing of the student body. Five or six
thousand is a relatively large size for a
British provincial university; my own,
Readiig University, with only one thous-
and, is slightly smaller than average.
There, In attendance of one-third at a
general meeting brought a gathering of
about three hundred, which is still a man-
ageable number. In all matters of legis-
lation-and, if need be, of judicial ruling
--the general meeting of the students is
still the last word. Obviously here, with
about 17,000 students on campus, this has
long ceased to be practicable. Perhaps
we, in our insularity, feel that you have
lost something in/this size. The only
counterpart here to this process of refer-
ing a matter to the entire student body, is
the referendum. While an all-campus
referendum does in theory give everyone
a fair "say" (even if It be of one word
only), it is a very far cry from an all-
campus debate on the pros and cons of the
issue at stake.
This is to some extent a superfluous cri-
ticism in that this problem is innate in the
large State University; accepting this, it
then becomes more important to 'see that
the highest body of legislative appeal is as
representative as possible. This constitutes
the second main point of difference. The
Student Legislature here has its analogy
in most British universities In some kind of
representative council. Usually, the Parlia-
mentary precedent is adopted to the point
that each member of this council (usually
excepting the executive committee) repre-
sents some section of the campus-usually
one of the residential units. Its legislative
powers, however, combine those of the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee and the Student
Legistture, rather than compromising those
of the latter, alone. Students living in lodg-
ings are grouped into a district or districts
for the purpose of the election. Each unit
conducts its own election of representatives
to the council, so that there is at least an
approach to the desirable state that most
of the electorate know at least most of
the candidates. The five or six members of
the executive committee are the only coun-
cii members elected on an all-campus basis
and these people are usually known over
the whole campus, as is possible with a
small number of students who will normally
have heard any potential executive candi-
dates speak at general meetings.
The close contact between students and
their representatives is regarded as im-
portant, not only for the election, but sub-
sequently. Each student has someone to
tration. They have in this way two contacts
with the legislature: one, as a member of
the general meeting (which perforce meets
only three or four times a year), and the
other through lobbying their representative
-the counterpart of writing to their Con-
gressman. The Student Affairs Study Com-
mittee of this University is considering some
kind of districting as a means of electing at
least part of the contemplated "Student Ex.
ecutive Council." A recent article in The
Daily suggested that this procedure is seen
by some members of the S.L. simply as an
alternative to the Hare System, the weight-
ed ballot or the single transferable vote. In
fact, it means much more than this: the
elect members of the typical British stu-
dents' "representative council" are more
than mere representatives in Burke's sense:
they are in some ways nearer to delegates,
mandated on behalf of those sections of
the student body that they represent. To
this extent it might be claimed that the
British counterpart to a member of the S.L.
has closer contact with at any rate one
group of students. Equally, each student
identifies himself more closely with what-
ever legislative decision or action is taken
by the student government.
This has the advantage that the Uni-
versity authorities come to accept a de-
cision of the representative council as
being "student opinion." There is no need
to collect signatures or to hold a refer-
endum to find out the way the wind is
blowing. For, in effect, it might be argued
that the holding of a referendum here
and the general meeting of the students
(in Britain) both represent in some meas-
ure the failure of the legislature to assess
the reactions of the student body at large
to a particular issue. The type of legis-
lative body envisaged by the Student Af-
fairs Study Committee would thus seem
to be nearer to the British system than
the present S.L. organization,
The third most striking difference is, I
think, in the whole framework of organiza-
tion making up the student government.
Here, to put it very simply, there are a num-
ber of bodies concerned with student acti-
vities which work to some extent side by
side, each one largely independent of the
other: the most important of these include
the S.L., the Joint Judiciary, the Inter-Fra-
ternity Council, Pan-Hellenic, and the In-
ter House Council, all of these coming with-
in the province of the Student Affairs Com-
mittee. Student publications and athletics,
which in most British Universities come sole-
ly under the jurisdiction of the student gov-
ernment, are here controlled independently
of the Student Affairs Committee. Of all
of these bodies directly concerned with some
aspect of student activities, some are purely
student bodies, while others are part stu-
dent, part faculty.
This system-particularly the separating
of the Legislature from the Judiciary-is in
some ways a parallel to their separation in
the Constitution of the United States. Per-
haps our own lack of a written constitution
is reflected in the system of a typical Bri-
tish University, where the functions of the
several bodies just mentioned are frequently
combined, with others, in a single legis-
lative "pyramid." This usually consists of
an executive committee, of which the stu-
dent president is normally the chairman,
nt fh n r.ofhe r.mirl the + mmi ,
& Geneva
HE DATE AGREED upon at Berlin for
the Geneva conference coincides, we
would bear in mind, with the end of the
fighting season in Indo-China and the be-
ginning of the heavy rains. Organized mili-
tary operations on any scale, on the ground
and in the air, will be bogged down for many
months. When, therefore, the foreign min-
isters are in Geneva, there are not likely to
be important military developments. The
fighting will have died down with no vic-
tory, no military decision, in prospect.
Because of the weather there is no like-
lihood of an acute military emergency,,
though other emergencies are not to be
ruled out. There will be no emergency
as there was in Korea in the summer of
1950 when the South Korean resistance
collapsed. The situation in Indo-China
bears almost no resemblance to that of
Greece when we had to intervene. During
the Geneva meeting the French Union
will still be In possession of the ports; it
seems difficult to imagine how or why the
Chinese should intervene directly at a
time when serious warfare is not feasable
and after the unmistakable warnings from
this country,
The net of all of this is that there lies
ahead of us a political struggle within the
context of the military stalemate. We may
asume that ever since the agreement at
Berlin to have a conference when the fight-
ing season was over, every significant move
by all concerned has been addressed to the
political situation of the conference.
The assault on Dien Bien Phu is quite
surely just that. The war cannot be won by
a military decision nor can its be lost by a
military decision in this terrible little bat-
tle. But if Dien Bien Phu falls, it will be
difficult for the Westerners at Geneva to
speak with confidence of the military paci-
fication of the hinterland. On the other
hand, a successful resistance will make it
impossible for the Viet Minh to claim that
they can drive the French out of Indo-
China. If the French Union can hold a
place like that, there is no doubt that with
the support of their allies they can hold.
the strongholds at the ports where they can
receive virtually unlimited support.
* * * '
WE MUST suppose that our own diplo-
matic activity is also addressed to pre-
paring the situation for Geneva. Its object,
I venture to think, is not merely to do again
what has been done before-to warn the
Chinese against committing their army or
their air force. It is also to see to it that in
the military stalemate, the West has a
strong negotiating position which eliminates
the need and the danger of a political sur-
render. This can be achieved by establish-
ing the certainty that the main strongholds
on the coast cannot be lost and will not be-
Such a limited but definite objective
should not be confused with the vague
and unlimited objectives which are being
talked about. It is not the grandiose fol-
ly of taking over this war from the French
and fighting it ourselves in their place.
Nor is it based on the notion, mainly
wishful thinking, that we can create na-
tive armies to do it for us. Effective diplo-
macy is based on saying that you will do
that which you are plainly and visibly
able and willing to do. The Western pow-
ers are fully able to make it certain that
the main parts are not conquered or sur-
They cannot promise a victory in this
Asian civil war. For that war is fought in
the villages where the power and the in-
fluence of the West are at a minimum. But
they can certainly make it impossible for
the communists to take over the ports, and
without them they will never "have" Indo-
China in any effective sense of the word.
With this made reasonably certain, the ne-
gotiating position at Geneva will be con-
siderably stronger.
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
as against that of "checks and balances" in
the existing system here. In so far as the
contemplated pooling of the authority of
the S.L. and S.A.C. in a "Students' Execu-.
tive Council" would increase the legislative
power of this new body, it again seems that
this would correspond to an approach to
the British system.
As a further aspect of this last point,
the role of the Cabinet within the S.L.
constitutes the fourth difference. Its
nearest equivalent in the typical British
University is the executive committee of
the representative council. On the whole,
a student executive committee takes a
more aggressive and definite "stand" than
the Cabinet of the S.L., which might be
likened at times more to a steering com-
mittee. The average executive committee
of our universities will take a definite pol-
icy and urge this upon the council, the
relationship between executive and coun-
cil paralleling in some ways that between
Government and Opposition in Parlia-
ment. If the executive were in fact to
take some action considered of import-
ance in the student world, and were sub-
sequently to loose the confidence of the
council in this respect, those members of
the executive supporting it would then
normally resign, and a new executive be
appointed from the council. Again this
system might be said to have some of the
advantages and disadvantages of our sys-
"OeOf Use Is Going To Settle Thing.
For .A Long Time"
/ /ItK
Tl.ftwinted from P ebruary 2. IM,5
W ASHINGTON-On Dec. 15, 1950, I lunched with Frank Stanton,
president of the Columbia Broadcasting System during which
he appeared enthusiastic about a sponsor's proposal to use my
radio-TV program on his network. Later that same afternoon, Sena-
tor McCarthy delivered a speech against me from the libel-proof
safety of the Senate floor demanding that my sponsor cancel, that
newspapers drop the column and that no radio network use my
After that, Mr. Stanton sent word officially that time could'
not be cleared for a program by me, though unofficially it was
made known that Edward R. Murrow, CBS vice-president in
charge of news, was really the man who had emphatically turned
thumbs down.
From this background, I watched Senator McCarthy's TV casti-
gation of Ed Murrow the other night with more than usual interest,
understanding, and I might add, sympathy.
It seemed to me that McCarthy did a more effective job than
the anti-McCarthy critics gave him credit for. He had, of course,
the help of some of the best hucksters along Park Avenue. Two ad-
men from the famed B.B.D. & O. firm helped him prepare the film,
though they did so without the knowledge of the firm's head, Mr.
Bruce Barton. Carl Byoir, prewar public relations man from Nazi
Germany, also helped. And the film which resulted can be shown
and reshown by McCarthy all over the USA with no chance by Mr.
Murrow for rebuttal.
WHAT McCARTHY very cleverly did was adopt the old Stalin
technique that any man who was the enemy of Stalin was also
the eneniy of Russia. McCarthy's enemies likewise, were the enemies
of the USA, ergo Mr. Murrow being an enemy of McCarthy is respon-
sible for the growth and expansion of the Soviet Union.
Now it happens that Mr. Murrow has done a great deal to
warn of the expansion of the Soviet Union. It also happens that
McCarthy has helped rather than hindered that expansion. For
if there is any one man in the U.S. Senate who has indirectly
voted for the growth of Soviet Russia and directly helped those
expansionist objectives it is Joseph R. McCarthy.
This, I recognize, is a statement which will make McCarthy
sympathizers see red. But let's look at the black-and-white indis-
putable record of the senator who spent so much time the other
evening warning of Soviet expansion.
1. The Communists vigorously opposed the Marshall Plan to
strengthen free nations of Europe. McCarthy repeatedly voted against
the Marshall Plan.,
2. The Russians have spent millions of rubles to build powerful
jamming stations to block the Voice of America. McCarthy's reckless
heckling of the Voice of America did more to undermine it and
weaken its influence than all the Russian rubles put together.
3. McCarthy's first crusade in the Senate was to accuse Ameri-
can Army officers of torturing Nazi prisoners who shot down 150
defenseless American prisoners in the Malmedy massacre. McCarthy's
inflammatory and reckless speeches were not only inspired by a
Communist agent, but were so played up by the Communist press
that millions of people still believe the American Army was guilty.
His false, unfair charges seriously hurt American prestige and the
U.S. military government in Germany.
4. More than anything else the Kremlin would like to under-
mine the morale of the U.S. Army. Judging from McCarthy's
Malmedy attacks and his current heckling of the Army he is
succeeding where the Communists failed.
5. The Kremlin would also like to undermine the American
diplomatic service. No single person has contributed more toward
that goal than McCarthy.
6. Moscow would like to encourage isolation in the USA, make
the American people apathetic, discouraged, resentful toward the
rest of the world. That is the kind of an atmosphere in which Soviet
expansion can continue with no risk of intervention from an aroused
American public.
UNFORTUNATELY the constant harping by McCarthy on the
alleged mistakes of American diplomats, of the American Army,
of our allies, has induced such an atmosphere. For instance, in 1948,
when I suggested democracy letters to Italy during the Italian elec-
tions, an average of 1,000,000 letters a week crossed the Atlantic.
The American Embassy said they played an important part in de-
feating the Communist Party.
But last year when I and others proposed the same letters to
Italy, Americans were disinterested and discouraged. Only a
trickle of letters resulted. The Communist won heavy gains. And
Soviet expansion, which McCarthy talked so much about, had
scored a significant victory in a country which is all-important
to the Vatican and to millions of Americans of McCarthy's
religious faith.
Three years ago the crusade for Freedom and various Americans,
including this writer, launched a barrage of freedom balloons into
Czechoslovakia and Poland, aimed at doing exactly the thing Mc-
Carthy talked about-discouraging Soviet expansion. The balloons'
leafiets-11,000,000 of them-told people behind the Iron Curtain
that the American people had not forgotten them, encouraged them
to resist Soviet pride.
That campaign took thousands of dollars and months of hard,
ditorium A, Angell Hall. The lecture is
scheduled as a part of the annual
School of Music Honors Assembly, and
all music students and faculty are urg.
ed to attend.
University Lecture, auspices Michi-
igan Section of the American Chemi-
cal Society, "Chemical Applications of
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies,"
Dr. Richard A. Ogg, Jr., Professor of
Chemistry at Stanford University, Wed.,
April 14, 8 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Build-
ing. Dr. Ogg will also address the Chem-
ical Physics Seminar on the same day
at 4:10 p.m., 2308 Chemistry Building.
He will talk on "Nuclear Magnetic Re-
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Classical Studies, "The
Form of Greek and Elizabethan Drama,"
H. D. F. Kitto, University of Bristol,
Thurs., April 15, 4:15 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Series. The second lecture of
the series "Pivotal Concepts in Philos-
ophy of Art" will be held Thurs., April
15, in Kellogg Auditorium at 8 p.m. Su-
sanne Langer will speak on "Creation."
Academic Notices
Seminar in Appied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., April 15, at 4 p.m. in 247
West Engineering. Speaker: Professor
C. L. Doiph will continue. Topic: The
estimation of solutions of elliptical
boundary value problems by the meth-
od of Treftz and Rayleigh-Ritz.
Geometry Seminar. Wed, April 14, 7
p.m.,3001 Angell Hall. Mr. J. H. Walter
will speak on "Automorphisms of the
Projective Unitary Groups."
Course 402, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar in the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., April 15, at 4 p.m. in 3409 Mason
Hall. Dr. Leo Katz of the Mathematics
Department, Michigan State College,
will speak on "A Probability Model for
One-Dimensional Group Organization."
Home Gardening. Four classroom lec-
tures, covering spring and summer work,
will be followed by four classes con-
ducted in selected gardens, available
through the courtesy of their owners.
Lecture topics will include lawns, an-
nual flowers and vegetables, shrubs,
and perennials. Outdoor classes will em-
phasize identification and use of orna-
mental and utility plants; landscape
design, successful cultural practices
exemplified in the gardens chosen for
study. Student problems may be pre-
sented for class discussion. Eight weeks.
$8.00. Registration may be made dur-
ing the half hour preceding the class in
the room where the class is being held.
Instructor, Ruth Mosher Place, Lec-
turer in Gardening. Wed., Apr. 14, 7:30
p.m., 176 School of Business Adminis-
tration, on Monroe Street
Doctoral Examination for Dewey
George Force, Jr., Education; thesis:
"A Comparison of Physically Handi-
capped Children and Normal Children
in the Same Elementary School Classes
with Reference to Social Status and
Self-Perceived Status," Wed., April 14,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at
4 p.m. Chairman, I. H. Anderson.
Doctoral Examination for Ronald Kay
Getoor, Mathematics; thesis: "Some
Connections between Operators in Hi-
bert Space and Random Functions of
Second Order," Thurs., April 15, East
Council Room, Rackham Building, at 3
p.m. Acting chairman, D. A. Darling.
University Symphony Orchestra, Jo-
sef Blatt, Conductor, will be heard in
a concert at 8:30 Wednesday evening,
April 14, in Hill Auditorium. The pro-
gram will open with "Till Eulenspie-
gel's Merry Pr.anks," by Richard Strauss,
followed by Debussy's Nocturnes. Nua-
ges, Fetes, and Sirenes in which the
orchestra will be assisted by members of
the Michigan Singers, Maynard Klein,
Conductor. After intermission the
group will play Beethoven's Pastorale
Symphony (No. 6, in F major). The
concert will be open to the general
public without charge.
Student Recital: Richard Branch, or-
ganist, will present a recital at 4:15
Thursday afternoon, April 15, in Hill
Auditorium, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bache-
lor of Music. A pupil of Robert Noeh-
ren, Mr. Branch will play compositions
by Buxtehude, Bach. Roger-Ducasse,
and Durufle. His recital will be open
to the general public.
Carillon Recital. Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur will be heard In
the first of a series of spring recitals at
7:15 Thursday evening. His program will
include a South German Pilgrim's Song,
"0 Du Allerheiligste," seven Passion
Week hymnns, and Bach's "In Tear of
Grief," from the St. Matthew Passion.
Student Recital. Diana Sims, student
of violin with Gilbert Ross, will play a
recital in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Bachelor of Music
degree at 8:30 Thursday evening, April
15, in Auditorium A, Angell Hall. Her
program will include Vitali's Chaconne
in G minor, Copland's Sonata for vio-
lin and Piano, and Brahms' Sonata in
D minor for Violin and Piano, with
Anita Carlton, pianist. The general pub-
lic is invited.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Accessions 1953, Paintings by Jo-
sef Albers, Original Drawings for Book
Illustrations, all showing through May
2. Hours: 9-5 weekdays; 2-5 on Sundays.
The public is invited,
Events Today
Lantern Night. There is an import-
ant meeting today for all Song Leaders
of groups planning to participate in
Lantern Night. The meeting will be
held at 5 p.m. in the Fencing Room
in the basement of Barbour Gymnasi-
um. Please bring the song your house
plans to sing. This meeting is very im-
Americ'an Chiemic~al Society TLecture,
(Continued from Page 2)
at 1500 hrs. in uniform ror the Kala-
mazoo drill meet. Bring your white
Pershing Rifles. All Pershing Rifle-
men report to T.C.B. at 1925 hrs. in.uni-
form. Parade routines must be learned
for the Armed Forces Day Parade, Bring
gym shoes.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent-Faculty led Evensong, Chapel of
St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m.
The Congregational - Risciples Guild.
Discussion Group at Guild House, to-
night at 7 pm.
Xf Chapter of Pi Lambda Theta will
hold its spring Invitational Tea this
evening. at 8 in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building. Thir-
ty-seven women from various depart-
ments on campus have been invited.
Museum Movies. "Birds ' of the
Marshes" and "Birds of the Wood-
lands," free movies shown at 3 p.m.
daily including Sat. and Sun. and at
12:30 Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Mu-
seums Building, Apr.,13-19.
The Stump Speakers Society of Sigma
Rho Tau is having a smoker for Inter-
ested engineers and archtects, this eve-
ning at 7:30 p.m., in Room 3M of the
Union. Included in the program will be
the movie, "Mutiny on the Bounty,"
Lutheran Student Association, Holy
Week service with Holy Communion
will be held this evening at 7:30 at the
Lutheran Student Chapel, Hrillat For-
est Avenue.
Coming Events
Premiere Production of Eugene Hoch-
man's 1953 Hopwood Award winning
play, Veranda on the Highway, will be
presented by the Department of Speech,
at 8 p.m., in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, Thurs., Fri., and Sat., April 22,
23, and 24. Tickets will go on sale at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office Mon.,
April 19, for $1.20 - 90c - 60c. A special
student rate of 500 will be In effect
opening night.
Student League for Industrial Demo-
racy. NORMAN THOMAS, famous au-
thor and lecturer, and Socialist Presi-
dential Candidate, will speak in Rack-
ham Hall at 8:15 p.m. on Thurs., April
15. The address is entitled "Govern-
ment Without Planning" and will start
off the forthcoming SLID series of dis-
cussions on the current economic reces-
sion. ALL interested persons are cordial-
ly invited.
La p'tite causette will meet tomor-
row afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in
the wing of the Michigan Union Cafe-
teria. Calling all students of French.
Here Is an informal coffee-hour where
you can practice speaking French. Ev-
eryone welcome!
Deutpher Verein-Kaffee Stunde will
meet on Thursday at 3:15 in the Union
taproom. Dr. F. A. Brown, of the Ger-
man Department, will be present. Ex-
cellent opportunity for all to speak
and hear German in an informal at-
Scabbard and Blade Meeting Thur.,
April 15, 1930 Hours, 212 North Hall.
The International Tea, sponsored by
the International Center and the Inter-
national Students' Association, will be
held Thurs., Apr. 15, from 4:30 to 6
o'clock, third floor, Rackham Building.
Floor show by Latin-American students.
Alpha Phi Omega. General meeting
Thurs., April 15, in Room 3A, Michigan
Union at 7:30 p.m.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting Thurs., Apr. 15, at 7:30
p.m. Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent-Breakfast at Canterbury House
following 7 a.m. service of Holy Com-
munion, Thurs., April 15.
Episcopal Student Foundation:. Stu-
dent-Faculty led Evensong, Chapel of
St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m.,
Thurs., April 15.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Supper hike, Thurs., Apr. 15, 5:30 p.m.,
leaving from Guild House.
Kappa Phi. There will be a supper
meeting Thurs., April 15, at 5:15 at the
Methodist Church. Please be present,
Skiers--ULLR members and Aspen
group. Everyone is invited to ULLR Ski
Cubbanquet to be held 6:30 p.m., Wed.,
April 21 at the Union. Call Ellen Brown
NO 3-1561 for information or send res-
ervation price of $2.75 to 398 Jordan
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under tho
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric V'etter ...............City Editor
Virginia Voss.......Editorial Director
Mike Wolff......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver. .Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker...... Associate Editor
Helene Simon........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell...Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler....Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin. ,...Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1
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