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April 14, 1954 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1954-04-14

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. WEDN KSDAY, "RM 14, 1954




Student Sets Gilbert Words to Music

The world premiere of "Thespis"
written by Sir William Gilbert
with music by Jerald Bilik, '55SM
will be presented by the Gilbert
and Sullivan Society tomorrow,
Friday and Saturday, April 15 to
17 at 8 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn
When the original score to this
production was lost Bilik wrote
music that he felt was in the style
that Sullivan would have written.
THE SHOW concerns a group of
stranded actors who change places
with the gods on Mt. Olympus.
However the mortals aren't
too successful as gods, and there
are many complaints. A trial is
held and the real gods return
disguised as newspapermen. The
trial turns against the mortals
and they are chased back to
earth by the gods, who reveal
their identity.
Special costumes have been
rented for this production as well
as for "The Sorcerer" which will
also be presented. This is a Gil-
bert and Sullivan production con-
cerned with "mixed-up" love af-
With the sacrifice of J. Welling-
ton Wells, played by Jimmie Lo-
baugh, Grad., there is a happy
ending to the affair.
Tickets are on sale in Lydia
Mendelssohn box office at 75 and
90 cents for tomorrow and 90 cents
and $1.20 for Friday and Satur-
Arbor Group
Makes Debut
The Arbor Players, Ann Arbor's
newest repertory group, will make
its debut tonight with a four day
presentation of Tennessee Wil-
liam's "The Glass Menagerie" in
the Masonic Auditorium.
Staging the production so that
three sides will be open to the
audience, the group ran into many
problems. Inadequate lighting in
the Masonic Auditorium was solv-
ed by borrowing old Arts Theater
* * S
BAD ACOUSTICS was another
problem. To remedy this they
moved the play as far out to the
center of the stage as possible.
Since the audience will be closer
to the stage than usual, real pieces
of glass have to be used, which
runs into money.
The four-character cast fea-
tures Ted Heusel, University
alumnus, previously associated
with Student Players and Civic
Theater, Jim-Bob Stephenson,
Grad., Robin Hall and Nancy
Born who was a member of Arts
Heusel who also doubles as di-
rector will portray the role of the
Gentleman Caller. The part of
Tom, the misfit son who is a
drunkard will be played by Steph-
Mrs. Hall will play Amanda, the
impoverished and memory-ridden
mother and Miss Born is cast in
the role of Laura the shy, crippled
daughter. Paul Bowles' music from
the original Broadway production
will be used.
S* *
t semi - autobiographic "memory"
play was William's first dramatic
success and was awarded the New
York Drama Critics Circle Award
for the 1944-45 season.
The Arbor Players was founded
' by John Kokales, a local business-
man , formerly associated with
Civic Theater, and Heusel. Back-
ing for the new company came
from local theater enthusiasts and
businessmen interested in the fu-
ture of theater in Ann Arbor, ac-
cording to Kokales who is business

manager of the group.
Tickets are on sale at the Ma-
sonic Temple box office, which
will be open from 1 to 6:30 p.m.
daily. Curtain time is 8:15 p.m.
Stanford Chemist
To Lecture Today
Two public lectures dealing with
nuclear magnetic personance will
be given today by Prof. Richard
Ogg of Stanford University's
chemistry department.
Prof. Ogg will participate in a
University chemistry department
seminar at 4:10 p.m. in Rm. 2308,
Chemistry Bldg., given in connec-
W~n with physics authorities.
His second lecture, based on
.'Chemical Applications of Nuclear
Magnetic Resonance," will be giv-
en at 8 p.m. in Rm. 1300, Chem-
istry Bldg. This talk is sponsored
by the American Chemical Society.
Bromage To Head
Forum Tomorrow
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the
,.political science department will
moderate a forum on "Govern-
ment Structure" to be held in the
f Kearsley Rural Agricultural High

-Daily--Dean Morton
Beginings of Music School
Described by Dean Moore

Tracing the history of the music
school Dean Earl V. Moore said
yesterday it has evolved from a few
courses given in the literary col-
lege into a series of courses now
serving more than 500 students.
Beginnings of the present school
can be found in the University bul-
letin of 1880-81, he pointed out,
when Prof. Calvin Cady began
teaching two courses in choral
practice and two in harmony.
These courses were offered as part
of the literary college curriculum,
leading toward a bachelor of arts
ABOUT THE same time, the old
Ann Arbor School of Music was
organized, including among its
directors and officers many Uni-.
versity faculty members, officials
and townspeople. Under their
sponsorship, Prof. Robert A. Stan-
ley came here in 1888 to replace
Prof. Cady.
Prior to this, the University
Musical Society, now in its 75th
year, has been organized, in-
cluding among its objectives a
University music school. This it
founded in 1894.
Cameron Plans
Teheran Journey
Prof. George G. Cameron, chair-
man of the Department of Near
Eastern Studies, will travel to
Teheran this month to take part
in an Iranian celebration honor-
ing the philosopher-scientist Avi-
He will deliver an address on
Avicenna, whose 1,000th birthday
anniversary will be the' occasion
for a celebration attended by in-
ternational scholars. During the
festival the tomb of the medieval
thinker Hamadan will be formally

This ancestor of the present
music school was authorized to
teach applied music, later includ-
ing the instruction of harmony,
counterpoint and sight-singing for
students not eligible for literary
college courses in the same sub-
jects. At first, however, no degrees
were offered to students complet-
ing the two-year program.-
Until 1922, Prof. Stanley taught
music courses in the literary col-
lege and directed the music school
at the same time. When he re-
tired that year, Prof. Moore took
over both posts. It was not until
eight years ago that his title was
formally changed to dean of the
music school.
IN 1923 a four year curriculum
leading to a bachelor of music de-
gree was first set up, with en-
trance requirements similar to the
University's being established. The
music school then developed a full
program, but used faculty mem-
bers from the literary college to
teach non-music courses, such as
speech and languages.
Six years later, the Regents
approved an affiliation between
the music school and the Uni-
versity, assuming responsibility
for granting degrees.
Then, in 1944, graduate work in
music was expanded to include
doctor of philosophy and doctor of
education degrees, both granted
by the Rackham school. This year,
the school was further authorized
to establish a doctor of musical
arts degree.
Today the school includes not
only its Maynard Street building
but also facilities in Hill Auditor-
ium, Burton Tower, Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater, the Congrega-
tional and Baptist churches, Lane
Hall, Ann Arbor High School,
Harris Hall, the Rackham Bldg.,
the education school and Angell

Book Trade
Interviewing for manager and
assistant manager of the Stu-
dent Book Exchange will begin
at 3 p.m. Monday in Student
Legislature's temporary offices
in the Student Publications
Duties of the manager and
his assistant include supervi-
sion of book collections and the
Determined by a base salary
plus commission, pay for the
spring5semester manager stood
at $150 (when assistant and
manager posts werecombined).
Fall exchange manager re-
ceived $160 and the assistant
got $68.
Further information may be
obtained from Vie Hampton,
Drug Use
"Hopped Up" monkeys live in
the basement of the University
Pharmacology Bldg.
Findings on these drug addicts
were reported by Prof. Maurice H.
Seevers, chairman of the pharma-
cology department, and his asso-
ciates at the Atlantic City confer-
ence of the Federation of Ameri-
can Societies for Experimental
Biology, yesterday.
& * ,R
THE EFFECT of narcotics on
the monkeys were found to paral-
lel man's responses.
If deprived of narcotics a
mildly dependent monkey may
be anxious, yawn a lot, weep,
hiccup, shiver, even quarrel or
scrap, while the severely depend-
ent animal becomes pallid, loses
weight, convulses and sometimes
Continued use of narcotics cause
deterioration of brain tissue in
monkeys, said Prof. Seever and
added that other studies have
shown similar deterioration in
Monkeys which do survive the
more extreme forms of dependence
on drugs suffer irretreivable dam-
age to the white matter of all
portions of the brain, the study
Cold-blooded animals do not de-
velop dependence on narcotics the
report said and Seevers comment-
ed that this seemed to indicate
that some more specialized neur-
ological unit is involved in drug
'AI Arabian Night'
To Be Presented
"An Arabian Night" under the
sponsorship of the University Arab
Club will be held from 8 p.m. to
12 midnight Saturday in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall.
The program will include sing-
er Miss Fadwa Abed, three dancers
and an all Arab orchestra from
Detroit. Social dancing and re-
freshments will also be included
in the evening.
Tickets at $1 per person may be
purchased at the International
Center in advance or at the door.

While Ann Arbor settled into an
unaccustomed silence during the
long spring recess, politics, both
domestic and international, raged
with a little more than usual ra-
Main items in the news includ-
ed maneuvering by the contro-
versial junior senator from Wis-
consin, speeches by Attorney-Gen-
eral Herbert Brownell and Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower and
an unprecedented revolt in the
British House of Commons against
Prime-Minister Sir Winston Chur-
* * *
McCarthy Investigation
For the past several weeks the
McCarthy - Army feud has been
occupying the headlines. But of
significant importance last week
was the quick coming and going
of Boston attorney Samuel P.
Sears as special counsel to the
Senate inquiry in the McCarthy-
Army dispute.
Sears was selected April 2 as
a counsel, who while distinguish-
ed, if not pre-eminent, had never
reacted for the public record to
Army policies, Senator McCar-
thy, or McCarthyism.
However it developed that Sears
had praised McCarthy's opera-
tions and had supported phases
of his investigations.
His appointment lasted just five
days, ending noon, April 6. Chal-
lenges as to his impartiality
brought Sears' resignation before
he actually started work.
* * *
April 8 when Ray Jenkins of
Knoxville, Tenn., was named spe-
cial counsel for the Senate inves-
Jenkins, described as "the best
trial lawyer in East Tennessee,"
was approved unanimously by
three Democrats and three Re-
publicans of the Senate Perma-
nent Subcommittee on Inves-
The committee had previously
assured itself that Jenkins had no
public record of support or oppo-
sition to the Wisconsin Senator.
Members of the Senate Subcom-
mittee met for several hours be-
Competition Open
For NSA Contest
Competition is now open for
this summer's International Stu-
dents Relations Seminar, sponsor-
ed for the second time by Na-
tional Students' Association.
Winners of the contest will re-
ceive scholarships covering room,
board, tuition and transportation
to the seminar.
Applications for the seminar,
due May 10, are available at the
Student Legislature Bldg.
National Mental
Health Discussed
"The National Mental Health
Program" was the subject chosen
by Robert Felix, director of the
Mental Health Division of the U.
S. Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare, in a lecture-yes-
terday sponsored by the School of
Public Health.

hind closed doors yesterday with
Robert T. Stevens, Secretary of
the Army, for the purpose of com-
pleting preliminary arrangements.
Eisenhower Speaks . ..
During the vacation, President
Eisenhower delivered a reassuring,
heart-to-heart talk to the Ameri-
can people in an attempt to quiet
the multiplicity of fears that beset
the nation. In his informal talk,
delivered without a manuscript,
the President spoke specifically
about the unwarranted "hysteria"
concerning the Russian menace
and the predicted depression.
Eisenhower alluded that the Ad-
ministration's policy is sufficient-
ly foresighted to hinder any fu-
ture Communist aggression and
abhorted the people not to become
overly excited about the present
state of the economy noting that
a psychological "chain-reaction"
of fear can be a major factor in
determining immediate economic
CLOSELY AKIN to the Presi-
dent's address was a speech deliv-
ered by Attorney-General Herbert
Brownell in which he discussed
current Communist activities and
what the Government was doing in
an attempt to combat communism
at home.
He outined what the Depart-
ment of Justice, the F.B.I. and
the courts are doing in their
dealing with the Reds.
The Attorney-General's talk also
included a list of legislative recom-
mendations designed to make more
adequate the handling of Reds.
Probably the chief item in this
list was a proposal for sanctioning
the use of wire-tap evidence in
Federal courts in cases involving
national security.
THE HOUSE of Representatives,
however, passed a Democratic sub-
stitute for the Administration's
wiretapping bill. This bill would
permit the Attorney-General to
use any wire-tap evidence he al-
ready has as evidence in Federal
courts against alleged spies, sabo-
teurs and traitors.
The substitute bill was ap-
i Gradua
Order your C
next year
Keep in conta
campus after
.all NO
.L6$.-... .

McCarthy, H-Bomb Take No Vacation

Medical Defense Plan Devised
To Handle Bombing Injuries

In the event of atomic bombing
in the Detroit area the Univer-
sity would increase its medical fa-
cilities sixfold, causing Ann Arbor
to become the medical center of
the state.
The University Hospital, in co-
operation with Civil Defense Offi-
cials, has designed a plan provid-
ing for emergency changes which
would permit the treatment and
hospitalization of 6,000 casualties.
ACCORDING to Dr. Roger B.
Nelson, associate director of Uni-
versity Hospital and hospital co-
ordinator for Civil Defense opera-
tions of hospitals throughout
Washtenaw County, the first step
in the plan would be a mass evac-
uation of about 90 per cent of the
hospital's present patients.
Under the defense plan, pa-
tients would be screened for type

of casualty before arriving in
Ann Arbor, where they would be
hospitalized according to the
type and seriousness of the in-
Victims of radiation burns would
be sent to Alice Lloyd Hall, other
radiation casualties would be
housed in Mosher, patients requir-
ing general observation would be
sent to Stockwell, and all head
and chest injuries would be refer-
red directly to the University Hos-
By drawing from the schools of
medicine and nursing, it would be
possible for the hospital to double
and even triple the number of doc-
tors and nurses on duty. As every
available car, station wagon and
ambulance would be pressed Into
service, Ann Arbor's traffic would
exceed that of an entire season of
football Saturdays.

proved by a 378-to-10 roll call
vote and sent to the Senate
where its fate is not certain.
Commons Revolt . .
Recent disclosures of H-bomb
power not only dominated the na-
tional interest in this country but
also Great Britain. Laborite mem-
bers of Parliament there immedi-
ately introduced a motion into
the House of Commons calling on
the Government to take the "ini-
tiative" to control the "grave
threat to civilization" posed by the
H-bomb blast.
The Laborites called for high-
level talks between Prime Minist-
er Churchill, President Eisenhow-
er, and Soviet Premier Malenkov
for the purpose of controlling the
H-bomb, easing international ten-
sion and a reduction of arma-
* * *
THE lawmakers sparred with
Churchill over the atomic issue
but the Prime Minister refused to
disclose whether or not the United

States was storing atomic weapons
in Great Britain. They also ex-
pressed indignation that the Unit-
ed States had undertaken its H-
bombtests without conferring
with Britain.
Churchill provoked some of the
worst and fiercest abuses yet lev-
eled at a Prime Minister in Par-
liament when he began criticizing
the handling of atomic affairs by
the post-war Labor Government.
At one point during the course of
the violent condemnation of the
Prime Minister, Churchill stood
with outstretched hands claiming
"I have a right to be heard' while
the Laborites shouted "Resign!"
This incident represented the
first occasion on which the Prime
Minister was. apparently unable
to dominate debate on a major
international issue. It also reveal-
ed that the present Conservative
Government plans to support this
country in experimentation with
the H-Bomb as well as in inter-
national policy, many observers

E r




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