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March 09, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-09

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. I





An Editorial
TO DATE, 28 petitions have been taken
out for the 22 Student Legislature
seats open in the campus spring elec-
tions. Deduct from this number the three
or four petitions which inevitably never
get returned plus the three or four can-
didates who drop out during campaign-
ing, and the result nullifies any prospects
for a vigorous election contest.
This, numerically outlined, is SL's prob-
lem. And since SL is still SL-future re-
organization plans aside--it is a campus
problem as well.
If the present ratio of candidates run-
ning to posts available holds or improves
only slightly, student government faces
two alternative predicaments. Most pes-
simistically, SL could decide, with no elec-
tion contest in sight, to remove itself from
the ballet. This would mean no student
government. Or, taking a resigned but
somewhat brighter outlook, SL could go
through with the election, automatically
seating all but a few of the candidates.
This would mean a weak student govern-
Obviously, more candidates are the only
successful way out. Bnt the platitudinous
plea that SL is only what its members
make it, although true enough, is in-
sufficient in terms of present circum-
stances. Although the Student Affairs
Study Committee did not intend such a
result, its tentative plans to reorganize SL
out of existence are discouraging can-
didates from running. Paradoxicay,
though, a competitive election is neces-
sary to the real success of reorganiza-
tion work. Without a strong member-
ship, SL will be in no position to uphold
its ideals of representativeness and vital-
ity before the study committee, and an
essential check on the significant reor-
ganization work will be missing.
The deadline for turning in SL peti-
tions is Saturday. In a sense, it is also
thedeadline for assuring that a strong
student government-whether or not with
the initials SL-remains on campus.
-The Senior Editors
Harry Lunn, Eric Vetter, Virginia
Voss, Mike Wolff, Alice B. Silver,
Diane D. AuWerter, Helene Si-
Free Air Time
For McCarthy
SENATOR McCARTHY has, in his own eyes
at least, risen to great heights. He is so
important, he tl'inks, that he must be given
free air and' TV time to answer every poli-
tical attack made upon him.
There is a Federal Communications Com-
mission ruling which provides for equal ra-
dio and TV time to political parties. The
Senator is trying to capitalize on this law.
He has already abused the privilege of free
time to answer former President Truman.
Now he wants to reply to Democratic chief,
Adlai Stevenson.
If the Senator is granted this privilege,
then conceivably any political figure who
has been slighted over the air could de-
mand, free time to reply. Fortunately there
are not yet many people in public life who
insist upon the limelight to the degree the
Senator does.
Apparently McCarthy, who is so concern-
ed with the "abusement" of constitutional
rights, can see no danger in his own abuse
of a federal ruling which was not designed
to give individuals free air time to advance
their own political careers.
-Dorothy Myers
Why Join?

THE EVIDENCE increases daily that it
would have been the part of wisdom
and safety to have joined nothing, said
nothing, written nothing, associated with
nobody that could possibly cause embar-
assment in the future. That is the lesson of
the Thirties; and it has been employed with
a vengeance, especially by the strident min-
ority of extreme "anti-Communists" whose
successful imitation of Communist methods
imposes severe psychological limitations on
other people's freedom.
If there is one place, for instance, where
there must be complete receptivity to new
ideas, where the interchange of thought and
clash of opinion ought to be absolutely un-
trammeled it is the college or university.
And yet the national and local pressures,
ranging from loyalty oaths and screening
boards to full fledged investigations have
created an atmosphere adversely affecting
even those centers of our intellectual life.
College students are advised to "join noth-
ing-it's safer."
And indeed it is. It is much safer for both
student and faculty member to refrain from
becoming members of organizations, sub-
scribing to publications, engaging in de-
bates that might at some future time be,
cited;to show that they held dangerous-or
at least unpopular-thoughts.
The result is a slow attrition of real in-
tellectual freedom which many teachers
have commented on in the past few years
but the worst effects of which may not be
felt for' years to come.


"They're Thinking Of Backing Up Now"

McCarthyism and the
Founding Fathers


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


ON WEDNESDAY of last week the Presi-
dent said he was glad '"to state that
Sen. Knowland has reported to me that ef-
fective steps are being taken by the Re-
publcian leadership to set up codes of fair
procedure." That same day Sen. Knowland
and Sen. Ferguson, who speak for the Re-
publican leadership, said that each chair-
maneof a committee, and Sen. McCarthy is
one of these chairmen, would be allowed to
decide whether he would accept, indeed
whether he would even consider, recommen-
dations that the "leadership" might make.
What now? The President is on notice
from Sen. McCarthy that he will not mend
his ways and he is on notice from the
Republican leadership in the Senate that
they will not regulate the activities of
McCarthy. The President cannot, there-
fore, continue to "assume," as he said in
his statement, that "every governmental
employee In the Executive branch, whe-
ther civilian or in the armed forces," .. .
"will be accorded the same respect and
courtesy that I require that they show to
the members of the legislative bodies."
There is a solution for this problem of
the President's deep down in the fundamen-
tal conception of the American Constitu-
tion. The founding fathers understood per-
fectly the problem which for the time being
we call McCarthyism. The problem arises
from the facts of human nature, namely
that self-restraint cannot be counted upon
to keep the lust of power within bounds.
When all the exhortation and the preach-
ings have been applied, there will still be a
tendency in almost all men, a strong ten-
dency in some men, a vicious tendency in a
few men ,to expand their power until they
encounter an obstacle which checks them.
The mechanism of the American Consti-
tution is designed to bring into being checks
and balances which will keep all parts of
the government within reasonable bounds.
This system of checks and balances is
there as the final resort 'when pleading
and persuasion fail, as so often in human
affairs they do fail. The show-down last
week was conclusive on this point,,not
primarily because of the brutal insolence
of McCarthy's reply to the President but
because of the open refusal of the Re-
publican leadership in the Senate to im-
pose any restraints upon McCarthy. That
marked the failure of pleading and per-
suasion in this case.
It is the President's right and it is his
duty to check the invasion of the Executive
branch of the government by the McCarthy
Committee. When the next overt act oc-
curs he should do what he should have done
when Gen. Zwicker had been maltreated. He
should say that it is against the public in-
terest to subject the employees of the Exe-
cutlive branch of the government to Mc-
Carthy's treatment, that this terrorism and
intimidation are destructive of the morale
of the government. He should declare that
the Executive branch of the government,
+M U
Six Concerti Grossi, Op. 3, by G. F. Han-
del, presented by the Collegium Musicum,
Hans T. David, director.
THE FIRST program by the Collegium Mu-
sicum in auite some time was as excit-
ing and stimulating as any of the season.
Consisting of six early Concerti Grossi by
Handel, the performances were all spirited,
both from the standpoint of the 18th cen-
tury and happily the 20th, and at the same
time musical, reflecting the unwavering de-
votion and keen understanding of Prof. Da-
Prof. David brought to these concerti
vital and robust interpretations, antithe-
tical to the refined, suave readings some
professional orchestras might give. The
effect was of players gathering for an
evening of fun with the audience present

not as an austere body of onlookers but
themselves sharing in the enthusiasm.
The spontaneous ovation given the play-
ers after the last piece underlined this

while it recognizes the value and importance
of Congressional investigations, will not deal
with this particular committee because it
is abusing the power of investigation. Until
its powers have been curbed and its pro-
cedure reformed, he will not as Chief Exe-
cutive permit anyone in the Executive
branch of the government to deal with this
The application of this check will reverse
the field. The President will no longer be
pleading, quite in vain, for fair treatment.
He will have acted to protect the Executive
branch of the government against abuse. It
will then be for McCarthy to find out whe-
ther the Senate can and will enable him to
compel the President to withdraw his order.
There is no power in the Senate, which
could be exercised in support of McCarthy,
to coerce the President in a matter of this
kind. The "leadership" would not dare to
challenge the President on the ground that
McCarthy must not be restrained.
*«* *
THE PRESIDENT'S obligation to cooper-
ate with Congress and with its commit-
tees is not a one-way affair. There is a cor-
responding obligation on Congress to coop-
erate with the President. It is pernicious
nonsense, and a complete denial of the prin-
ciple of the Constitution, to assert the su-
premacy of Congress and to claim for it
powers that can be abused and for which
there is no remedy.
In the American system no man, no in-
stitution, no branch of the government is
a power to itself, and all are kept within
the bounds of the Constitution. This is
done not only by their own self-restraint
-though that is so necessary-but by the
checks and balances which restrain all
powers. In the present case the leader-
ship in the persons of members Knowland
and Ferguson, being unable to restrain
McCarthy, the restraint must be imposed
by a check from the other end of Penn-
sylvania Avenue.
This is the way the Constitution is meant
to work. It contains no precise and com-
prehensive definition of the perogatives of
the three branches of the government. The
founding fathers were too wise to attempt
the impossible, which is to define in ad-
vance how men in the future were to deal
with all the conflicts and abuses of power
that were likely to arise. Nor have the
courts ever laid down clear and precise
boundary lines.
The ultimate principle is simply that
arbitrary power is abhorrent to the Con-
stitution, and under it men are expected,
they are given the facilities, and they are
required, to resist arbitrary power when-
ever it becomes manifest.
How is it to be determined whether pow-
er is arbitrary and is being abused? It is
determined in the American system through
the debate which is carried to the people
when the exercise of power is checked, and
the issue has been drawn.
(Copyright, 1954, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
sic +
Outstanding among the players were Prof.
Heger, oboe, Mr. Hauenstein, flute, and Bar-
'bara Garvin andsNathalie Dale, solo violin-
ists. The featured soloist of the evening was
Evelyn Brooks, who performed beautifully
on the Spinettino, a delicate cousin of the
Harpsichord, in the sixth concerto.
The obvious beauties of performing this
music in a small hall where players can
communicate the spirit of such intimate mu-
sic free from the pomposity of the large
concert hall, and likewise the interpreta-
tions which brought out the many varied
moods and dramatic contrasts in the con-
certi, were hovever the main reasons why
the concert became so fine a musical ex-
perience. Unfortunately Prof. David's speech
before the concert began was both lengthy
and tedious.
The response this concert evoked defin-
itely proved that our musicologists have

been too sparing with their talents, a pre-
dicament which Sunday night demonstrated
should not last for long.'
-Donald Harris


(Continued from Page 2)
June graduates, in chemistry, chem-
ical engineering or food technology.
For additional information about
these and other employment opportuni-
ties, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Classical Studies, "Homer
and the Origin of the Historical Con-
sciousness," Bruno Snell, Rector, Uni-
versity of Hamburg, Germany, Wed.,
Mar. 10, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
Academic Notices
Seminar on Fluid Stability will hear
Mr. J. Shea, Engineering Mechanics,
speak on Rayliegh's Treatment of In-
stability of Parallel Flows on Tues.,
Mar. 9, at 3 p.m. in 1504 East Engi-
neering Building.

Geometry Seminar, Wed., Mar.
p.m., Room 3001 Angell Hall. Prof.
Rainich will speak.

10, 7
G. Y.


Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross, and
Emil Raab, violins, Robert Courte,
viola, and Oliver Edel, cello, will pre-
sent the first of two programs at 8:30
this evening, in the Rackham Lecture
Hall. It will open with Haydn's Op.
74, No. 1, in C major. The first per-
formance of Villa-Lobos' Quartet No.
14 will follow. This work was commis-
sioned by the University of Michigan
and written for the Stanley Quartet.
After intermission the group will per-
orm Beethoven's Opus 130 in B-flat
major. The public will be admitted
without charge.
Wolverine Band Concert Postponed.
The concert of the Wolverine Band,
previously announced for 8 p.m., Wed.,
Mar. 10, in the Union Ballroom, has
been postponed. The new date will be
announced later.
Elena Nikolaidi. the glamorous Greek
contralto of the Metropolitan Opera
Association, will make her Ann Arbor
debut in the ninth concert of the
Choral Union Series Friday, March 12,
at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. Mme.
Nikolaidi will be accompanied on the
piano by Stuart Ross, presenting the
following program: "Parto, parto" from
"Clemenza di Tito"; Haydn's Die See-
jungfer and Schaferlied; a group of
four songs by Schubert; "Bell raggio
lusinghier" from "Semiramida" by Ros-
sini; Ravel's Habanera; Faure's Aus
bord de l'eau; Respighi's Nebbie; and
"O mio Fernando" from "La Favorita"
by Donizetti.
Tickets are available at $3.00, $2.50.
$2.00 and $1.50, at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower; and will also be on
sale on the night of the concert after
7 o'clock in the box office of Hill Audi-
Concerts-May Festival. The sale of
tickets for single concerts will begin
Wednesday morning, March 10, at the
offices of the University Musical Soci-
ety in Burton Memorial Tower. To avoid
confusion and to conserve time, it will
be appreciated if purchasers will be pre-
pared with correct amountsfor pay-
ment. Tickets are priced at $3.00, $2.50,
$2.00 and $1.50.
The Philadelphia Orchestra will par-
ticipate in all six concerts; and the as-
signment of soloists is as follows:
Thursday, April 29, 8:30. Lily Pons,
soloist; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor.
Friday, April 30, 8:30. Lois Marshall,
soprano; Blanche Thebom, contralto;
Leonard Rose, Cellist. University Choral
Union, Thor Johnson, Conductor.
Saturday. May 1, 2:30. Brahms pro-
gram. Jacob Krachmalnick, violinist,
and Lorne Munroe, cellist; Eugene Or-
mandy, Conductor, The Festival Youth
Chorus, Marguerite Hood, conducting.
Saturday, May 1, 8:30. Zinka Milanov,
soprano; and Kurt Baum, tenor; Eugene
Ormandy, conductor.
Sunday, May 2, 2:30. Mendelssohn's
"Elijah" - Lois Marshall, soprano;
Blanche Thebom, contralto; John Mc-
Collum, tenor; William Warfield, bass;
University Choral' Union; Thor John-
son, Conductor.
Sunday, May 2, :30. Arthur Rubin-
stein, pianist; Eugene Ormandy, Con-
7-7 - m a

The Young Democrats will meet in
Room 3M-N of the Union tonight at
7:30. The main business will be ex-
planation of the role that the Young
Democrats will play in the forthcom-
ing city election. We will hear ad-
dresses from thrbe of the candidates:
Mrs. Cain, Dean Coston, and Brett
Miller, Sr. All members please try to be
present for this very important func-
Episcopal Student Foundation, Tea
from 4 to 5:15 at Canterbury House fol-
lowed by Student-Faculty led Evensong,
Chapel of St. Michael and All Angels.
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Tea at Guild House, 4:30 to 6 p.m.
Museum Movies. "Heredity and En-
vironment" and "Heredity in Animals,"
free movies shown at 3 p.m. daily in-
cluding Sat. and Sun. and at 12:30
Wed., 4th floor movie alcove, Museums
Building, Mar. 9-15.
S.R.A. Council meets at Lane Hall,
5:15 p.m.
Square and Folk Dancing. Everyone
welcome. Lane Hall, 7:30-10:00.
Coming Events
American Association of University
Professors. Governor G. Mennen Wil-
liams will discuss the University bud-
get at an open meeting to be held Wed.,
Mar. 10. at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheater. All members of the staff
are invited.
The Literary College Conference Steer-
ing Committee will hold an important
meeting on Wed., Mar. 10, at 5 p.m. in
Dean Robertson's office in Angell Hall.
Society of Automotive Engineers.
There will be a field trip to the G.M.
Transmission Plant at Willow Run on
Wed., Mar. 10. Meet in front of East
Engineering Building at 12:50 p.m. This
trip is free to members and there is a
small charge to non-members.
3rd Laboratory Bill of Plays will be
presented by the Department of Speech
this Friday and Saturday, Mar. 12 and
13, at 8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Included on the bill are Aris-
tophanes' satiric comedy, THE FROGS;
Rupert Brooke's thriller, LITHUANIA;
and Frank Wedekind's ironic comedy,
THE TENOR. All seats are reserved at
25c each. Tickets will be available at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office start-
ing Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.
Academic Freedom Sub-commission
of SL will meet at 4 on Wed., Mar. 10,
in the Union.
Hillel. Reservations or cancellations
for Friday evening Kosher dinner must
be in by Thursday afternoon-Call NO
Sigma Alpha Eta will initiate its new
key members during the meeting Wed.,
Mar. 10, at 7:30 p.m. at the Women's
League. Dr. Harlan Bloomer, Director of
the Speech Clinic, will be initiated as
an honorary member. Students and fac-
ulty are invited to attend.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House
following 7 a.m. Ember Day service of
Holy Communion, Wed., Mar. 10.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Silent
Luncheon for students and faculty
members. Canterbury House, 12:10ap.m.,
Wed., Mar. 10.
Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
dent-Faculty led Evensong, Chapel of
St. Michael and All Angels, 5:15 p.m.,
Wed., Mar. 10.
Wesleyan Guild. Lenten Matin in the
chapel Wednesday, 7:30-7:50 a.m. Be
in the lounge from 4-5:30 Wednesday
for the mid-week refresher tea!
The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
Discussion Group meets at Guild
House on Wed., Mar. 10, 7 p.m.
Lane Hall Symposium. "The Nature of
the Church," led by The Rev. John F.
Bradley, Ph.D., at Father Richard Cen-
ter, 8:15 p.m., Wed., Mar. 10.
told, when a gentleman retired
to his study to read the London
Times with an open atlas at his
elbow. This day is long gone and
for much the same reason that at

The Older Version,..
To the Editor:
IN A LETTER to Tuesday's Daily,
Mr. John Leggett explained at
length that Stalinists do not be-
lieve in liberty. Surely this is true,
and it can hardly be pointed out
too often. Mr. Leggett also point-
ed out, with obvious gusto, that1
few people are now willing to de-
fend the civil rights of Stalinists.
If I have understood him correct-
ly, he is asserting as a matter of
principle that it is all right to deny
liberty to people who don't believe
in it.
This principle is, at any rate,
currently popular. We should un-
derstand, however, that it is not
traditional Americanism. On the
contrary, it is a repudiation of tra-
ditional Americanism.
The founding fathers, when,
they wrote the B,1ll of Rights,
might very well have provided
that freedom of speech be limited
to reasonable people, or to people
who are not exasperating, or to
people who believe in freedom of
speech. But they. made no such
provision. Perhaps the omission
was an oversight. On the other
hand, perhaps not.
Also, the founding fathers might
have limited freedom of religion
to certain sects - namely, those
sects whose foreign adherents
practice tolerance at times and
places where they have the power
to persecute dissent. This restric-
tion also was omitted. And its
omission makes the amendment
in question somewhat more sweep-
ing than it otherwise might have
It is pretty clear, then, that the
principle of liberty-for-libertar-
ians-only is at best an innovation.
It is directly contrary to the ideas
expressed in the Constitution. You
might call it the simulated-Gold-
en Rule: Do unto others as you
are afraid they might do unto you
if they got the chance.-
I like the original better in each
--Edwin E. Mose
** *
Call To Action ...
To The Editor:
IN A HIGHLY rational environ-
ment like our University, an
appeal to political action is seldom
necessary. But there are times
when this appeal becomes impera-
tive, when a continuing period of
political inaction may further pro-
mote the loss of those freedoms
upon which our society is based.
It is my belief that McCarthy's
strength is growing in an obvious
and brutal fashion. He is taking
and holding new power at every
step. His actions are those of the
demagogue in political office. The
symbols he uses to manipulate the
public are shoddy with age, but
they still serve to arouse the aud-
ience he seeks. I believe that he
wishes full control of the state at
a higher level than his present
role will permit. I believe that
Senator McCarthy is a real and
present threat to the democratic
In Germany many politically
aware groups and individuals
thought the rising Hitler a fool,
someone not to be seriously con-
sidered. Remember the lonely fight
of the Journal Simplicissimus that
tried to expose his tactics of terror
and to shoy the public his real
purpose. The campaign stopped
after the offices and press of the
journal were destroyed by.a few
of Hitler's early followers.
Some of the more sophisticated
in our University look with dis-
favor upon public actions that
identify their political nature.
Some in the safety of containment
would rather observe the change
in the society than take positive
steps to .preserve their present

A retreat into cynicism is a re-
fusal to think the general problem
through; careful thinking will in-
dicate that the burden of oppo-
sition lies with those aware of the
danger and in positions capable
of effecting change. Education in
a free society places a responsi-
bility upon the recipients of the
learning. That responsipility Is in
part to protect the democratic
process from fanatical subversion
and the possible resulting tyranny.
I have said that this is an ap-
peal, perhaps in too many words.
In closing, I hope again that our
many excellent teachers will con-
sider this man as a real threat to
our state, and that their thinking
will lead them to action against
this growing force.
-Tom Linton

I have also been in Paris, Ma-
drid, and Brazil where I have lived
for twenty three years and I do
not understand how Mr. Picard
wants to compare girls in these
large cities with U of M coeds.
If you notice, Mr. Picard, Ann
Arbor has a population much
smaller than the cities I men-
tioned above, and it is impossible
to compare personality, appear-
ance ,character, and friendliness
between a large city and a small
town.nSince you mentioned Brazil
in general without referring to
any particular city, I assume you
must have gone to some little
town in far away Matto Grosso
probably, unless you think that
Brazil is the name of a city like
Paris, Madrid or Heidelberg . .
This puzzles me since the univer-
sities you visited are located in
Rio de Janeiro,sSao Paulo and
other large cities.
Now, tell Mr. Picard, did you
date any coed in Brazil? If so,
what kind? If you haven't, when
you come down again look me up
and I'll be glad to show you what
you missed.
By the way, were you blindfold-
ed or was it just a dream?
-F.L.G. de Tullio
- , *
SL & SAC Study Group
To the Editor:
AS THE student member of the
Student Affairs Committee
Study Committee, I have often
heard that the work of our com-
mittee is discouraging participa-
tion in the coming Student Legis-
lature election. The effect of the
committee should really be just
the opposite. That is, as we con-
sider the many plans toward effec-
tive student government, the ex-
isting organizations must be able
to continue. Only through them
will the committee hear the ex-
pression of student opinion on the
many problems we are to meet.
The SAC study group is present-
ly working on a plan for a single
responsible student government
organization. Only the preliminary
decisions have been made. The
vital details that will determine
the character of the student gov-
ernment remain to be decided. We
will report our findings to the Pre-
sident of the U.
If our study results in the es-
tablishment of an effective stu-
dent .government-one that is
granted responsibilities, and is
able to carry them out-we will
have done our job well. But cer-
tainly there will be a lapse of time
between the report and any im-
plementation of a new student
government structure. D u r i n g
that time the work of the present
student organizations cannot be
Our committee, then, needs the
interest of student groups in the
formulations of its plans. Also,
there is so much work to be done
in the interim in the field of stu-
dent government, the SL, and all
other student governing groups
must not be allowed to fail
through lack of interest.
-Susan Popkin













At the Michigan .. .
James Stewart and June Allyson.
PERSONALITY OR style or "that certain
tain something," whatever you call it,
is an asset to any expressive work. For the
musical film, and particularly for the "mu-
sical biography," it is practically a neces-
sity. Fortunately, the makers of "The Glenn
Miller Story," technicolor bidgraphy of the
late band leader, have given as much at-
tention to finding a style for the film as
Miller himself, according to the script, spent
in seeking a personality for his music. As
0rQ1f .a e n mn l.hn c Cnmn of flip en ,vp

fierceness Hollywood usually allows only
to composers in the throes of purer cre-
ation. Once found, however, "the sound"
pays off in terms of montages of records
and sheet music and front pages of Var-
iety. Miller then goes on to entertain
the troops in Europe during the war un-
til his death, presumably in an airplane
crash over. the Channel.
These familiar ingredients are thoroughly
redemmed largely through the presence of
James Stewart and June Allyson in the roles
of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miller. Stewart's par-
ticular touch is again effective in this part,
and Miss Allyson personifies "the American
girl" once more with an already instinctive

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter..................City Editor
Virginia Voss......... Editorial Director
Mike Wolff ....... Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver.Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor
Helene Simon..........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye..............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.... Assoc. Women's Editor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin. ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
Don Chisholm....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1


Events 1[Today least two of the nouns in that- first * * *
sentence are today faintly offen- Int'l Coeds . .
irs. Harlan Hatcher willyentertain sive: a "gentleman" is a dying
the Women of the University Faculty ideal, except on the understand- To The Editor:
at a dessert meeting this evening,'d
7:15 p.m., at her home on South Uni- gnt th eve; Ada by can
versity Avenue.! get to be one; and a "study" is in M JR. PICARD STATED that he

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