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March 06, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-03-06

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The Housing
A lt2rntatives
DEFENDERS OF men's residence halls are
justifiably disturbed over the possibility
that a business-minded University admin-
istration may convert more men's housing
for use by women students next semester.
The present housing and enrollment sit-
uation bears out these fears. For the past
three years there as been a proportion-
ately greater increase in women's under-
graduate enrollment than in men's. In ad-
dition undergraduate women are required
to live in organized University housing with
few exceptions, while their male counter-
parts are allowed to leave the dorms and
shift for themselves after their first year.
At the same timeno new University hous-
ing has been made available to take care of
the influx.
Obviously a population pressure situation
has built up in which women, by virtue of
University policy, have top priority.
Thursday night the Inter-House Council
suggested three possible solutions to the
problem. There are other approaches, each
with an argument opposing it from the ad-
ministration point of view.
The only real solution to the problem, as
long as the University is unable to build
additional dormitories, lies in limiting the
size of undergraduate women's enrollment
to the housing facilities available.
There is one important point that must
be faced by the administration.
In a case where a choice must be made-
which shall take priority, the education of
men or the education of women.
By housing more women in men's resi-
dences at the expense of forcing upperclass-
men out to compete in the scramble for off-
campus living quarters, many men students
are going to be squeezed out of the Univer-
sity. Living outside of the residence halls is
at best an expensive proposition. With more
men competing for off-campus quarters
prices could be expected to go even higher.
To a University with responsibilities to
the state and nation for turning out edu-
cated men to fill positions in its industries
and public service there can be no ques-
tion where the priority lies.
There are only two alternatives: either
provide more housing for women-not at the
men's expense-or limit enrollment of wo-
men students to the amount of authorized
University housing available to them.
-Gene Hartwig


..Leter to tke &clitor ...


A LEWIS AND LEWIS (William and Ethel
Kudrna, husband and wife) showing of
watercolors and ceramics opened Tuesday
evening at the Forsythe Gallery, 1101 Martin
Place. It will continue through April 1st,
hours from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays
and Thursdays, or by appointment.
William Lewis has been a regular con-
tributor to local shows in the past few
years, and most of you who have attend-
ed them regularly will best remember him
for his watercolors, although his contri-
butions include some very good oils, mo-
biles, and even ceramics. My attention
first fastened on him as one party to a
three-man exhibit at Rackham a year a
half ago, and his efforts since then have
only heightened my initially high opinion
of his talents.
Although more than competent in sever-
al. media, Lewis prefers to work in water-
colors, and his persistent experiments and
practice show in his complete mastery of
technique. He takes excellent advantage of
the relative freedom of his medium, combin-
ing grace with power, movement with sub-
stance, in the same composition.
"Flying Dutchman" is one of the nest
representational works in the show; the col-
ors are dark but rich, and the composition is
full of appropriately violent movement. All
the components-line, color, composition,
conception-combine to make this one of
the most striking pictures in the gallery. An-
other ship (No. 15), in a placid mood, shows
Lewis' ability to handle mass in a composi-
tion without allowing the bulk to weight it
down. Its heaviness suggests power, and the
movement, though slow, is unmistakable.
The pure abstracts are hardly less com-
pelling than the others, although there is
less one can say about them. They exhibit
the same qualities of line and color, rang-
ing from quite subdued to very bright con-
Lately, night scenes of cities seem to
have captured Lewis' fancy,- and there is a
whole series of these on display. All of
them combine the abstract with the rep-
resentational with good results. In no
case does the painter trouble himself over-
ly with naturalism, but in every case his
compositions vividly communicate his feel-
ing for his subject. "City Across the Wa-
ter" is as successful as any, and may be
taken as a typical example. Considered as
an abstract construction, it is difficult to
imagine a neater balance of flowing and
static lines, or of color areas. As a "view,"
it is recognizable and psychologically true,
with the lights sparkling through the sur-
rounding gloom. The combination is an

artistic unit, impressive and exciting, and
cannot be described in words.
Perhaps the most unusual painting in the
show is "Aircraft Factory," which is also
the piece that has its roots in the oldest
tradition. The brush-strokes are unmistake-
ably influenced by the Chinese. Done en-
tirely in red and black, with a little gray
wash, on white, it combines very nicely the
oriental approach with the modern subject.
It would be difficult to select any one
painting in the show as outstanding, or even
one type as preferable to another. The selec-
tion is well-balanced, and the paintings are
of an almost uniformly high quality. In an-
other material, Lewis' "Red Mobile" is also
very good-a fairly large, constantly shim-
mering piece, very "free" and highly decora-
* * * *
E THEL Kudrna Lewis has also contributed
her pots to a number of exhibitions, but
her name will be less familiar to gallery-go-
ers, both because this is her first large show-
ing, and because pottery is relatively unob-
trusive among the arts, much more limited
in form and color than painting, and con-
sequently less individualistic.
Within the rather confining limitations
of her medium, Mrs. Lewis works veryv
well. Her choice of forms is conservative;
her bowls,rvases, and free-forms are simi-
jlar to work that has been done in pot-
tery for centuries. At the same time, one
notices her high regard for craftsmanship,
and her shapes are as honest as the earth
she works with, having character and a
quiet beauty.
In her glazes, Mrs. Lewis also prefers the
subdued and simple colors and combina-
tions. An opalascent blue bowl (No. 8) is
about as bright a glaze as she cares to use.
There are a number of mottled browns, and
where decoration is used at all, it is unaf-
fected and well adapted to the particular
shape (see No. 14, a striped vase).
My favorite among Mrs. Lewis' pieces is a
carved vase (No. 13) of modest proportion,
whereon a pattern has been incised in the
raw ware around the base, and covered with
a delicate cream-gray glaze. Throughout her
work, the same general good quality pre-
vails, and the most pleasing thing about
them to me is their warmth.
As a footnote to the show as a whole, I
might add that the arrangement is tasteful
and calculated to make up an extremely
pleasing display. The pieces not already sold
are up for sale, and are all of them, in my
estimation, considerably underpriced.
-Siegfried Feller

Rubbish ...
To the Editor:

"Have A Care, Sir"


Washington Merry-Go-Round'

THE article, "Men Gripe About
Coeds" on the front page of
today's Daily is an insult to the
student body of the University and
an example of The Daily staff's
confusion about what is good jour-
nalism. On page six were several
very worthy news articles which
certainly should have filled the
space taken by this bit of foolish-
ness. To suggest that the student
body is more interested in the
men's opinions of the coeds ankles
than in their SL is truly an in-
sult to that student body.
If The Daily staff is interested
in social relations on campus that
is fine and good. A constructive I
survey of possible solutions to
campus social problems would be
worthy of the staff's efforts and of
space in the paper, but if The
Daily is so hard up for front page
material that rubbish like this
must be printed I recommend Dick
Tracy or an Advice to the Lovelorn
column be used instead.
--Betty Cope
Sloppy and Ugly. .
To the Editor:
AFER READING the article by
Murry Frymer concerning the
Michigan mans attitude toward
co-eds on this campus, we would
like to make a few comments. ,
Concerning Stan H e r m a n 's.
statement that older co-eds have!
a more mature dating attitude
than younger co-eds, we feel thati
after his three and a half years at
a University it is truly a world-;
shaking deduction that older peo-i
ple are more mature than youngerJ
As for Tom Skrentny and his
supressed desire to walk around1
campus "ill mannered, sloppy, and1
ugly," we suggest that he join his
fellow Michigan men who have
caught the spirit quite well. 1
It is gratifying to realize that
the logical intelligence of the ar-
ticle is a reflection of the quality,
of our Michigan males!
-Janice Glass
Peggy Schwartz
* * *
On Rushing .. .
To the Editor:
IT SEEMS that The Daily has
really gone to bat in favor of
spring rushing. It i fine that a
campus newspaper and an organ
of public opinion should take a
stand on an issue. It is only regret-
table that such an issue should be
so publicly debated. Supporters of
both sides of the question are now
well aware of the basic issue, and
it is not necessary for the Daily
to so obviously attempt to insti-
tute a breach which does not exist
between independent and affiliat-
ed women, not that the supporters
of the issue are divided into these
two groups. However, in presenting
the two sides of this issue, The
Daily has certainly made the dis-
tinction between independent and
affiliated women most clear.
I feel that affiliated women are
voting on an issue, the outcome of
which will determine the strength
and position of sororities on this
campus in years to come. I don't
think that belief in a group of
which one is a member can be
called "selfish." Affiliated women
are very sincerely interested in the
individual, since they, too, are
individuals live as individuals and
incidentally, rushed as individuals.
A strong Assembly and a strong
Pan-Hellenic Association creates a
healthy and beneficial situation.
When one group dominates the
other, the competition is no longer
an asset in forming valid policy.
Some affiliated women feel that
the strength of their organizations
will be deleted if spring rushing is
re-instated. These women only ask
the preservation of a system that

they feel supports the liberal atti-
tude prevalent on this campus,
and gives the co-ed a chance to
make a choice - a choice which
should be her own.
--M. Ann Heidbreder
* * *
Student Courtesy..
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH the grievances cited
in Miss Loewenberg's article on
the standards of courtesy prevail-
ing in campus restaurants were
well founded, I believe half of the
subject remains to be covered. I
refer to the courtesy, or rathe the
lack of it, displayed by students
in these same establishments. .
Ample material for a "follow-
up" article could be found by ob-
serving such student practices as
their continuing to occupy tables
long after they have finished eat-
ing despite the fact that other peo-
ple are waiting, and especially the
use of partly filled cups of coffee
or glasses of water as receptacles
for cigarettes and napkins.


fH44 TkG ywyxq rNd'ront P' T ~'

the driving ban, at this time, is
the definite lack of parking space.
This has been all too evident to the
residents of University Terrace
who are faced daily with the prob-
lem of either beating their neigh-
bor to the insufficient number of
parking places or parking their car
on the curb which is usually an
invitation for a parking ticket.
Even married students, who are
allowed to have a driving permit,
choose to leave their cars parked in
front of their apartments. The
chances of parking one's car near
campus are so slim that they pre-
fer to walk. Modifying the driving
ban would result in more cars but
with the same number of parking
places which eventually would lead
to havoc.
I cannot readily see the need for
allowing students to have cars on
campus. In cases when a definite
need exists the administration is
very willing to issue driving per-
mits. However, there are few
places on campus, or for that mat-
ter in Ann Arbor, which are so
far that one cannot walk to get to
If one views the situation ob-
jectively, which I believe I am able
to do because I would in no way be
affected, one must conclude that
the cons far outweigh the pros in
this issue. Let us review what the
cons are: 1) insufficient parking
space, 2) increased traffic probab-
ly demanding more police power
and resulting in greater traffic
problems, 3) a diversion factor in
the now closely knit campus, 4)
tremendous parental objections,
5) social inequality to those stu-
dents who are unable to afford a
car, 6) greater number of inci-
dents of immoral behavior.
There is only one pro in this is-
sue and that is that lifting of the
driving ban would enable students
to get around Ann Arbor more
speedily and perhaps get home on
weekends and vacation period by
When criticizing the president of

a university the critic must be able
to justify his criticism. To date
none of these "critics" have found
it necessary to do so.
-Eve Kemmel
A Cactus and A Rose .. .
To The Editor:
FROM the viewpoint of a disin-
terested observer I cannot feel
that the opinions voiced in Mr.
Frymer's survey express the com-
mon opinion of the University's
male population.
I have observed women students
in universities in Paris, Madrid,
Heidelberg, and Brazil as well as
in most of the states. After almost
two years at Michigan I have con-
cluded that in the areas of per-
sonality, appearance, character,
and friendliness the U of M coeds
rate with the best.
Perhaps a man doesn't truly
appreciate the beauty of' a rose
until he has seen a cactus.
-F. J. Picard
* * *
"I Suceeded" ,,,



At Angell Hall Auditorium .. .
THE SECOND in this year's series of Com-
posers' Forums featured four works by
composers new to these concerts, a setting
of three traditional Yiddish folk songs, and
Aaron Copland's Piano Variations, which
continues the policy of presenting a work of
an established composer along with the stu-
dent works.
Copland's Variations, dating from the
1920's or his middle period, were a welcome
addition to the program since their novelty
in exploiting the piano's percussive charact-
er was in stark contrast to the more tradi-
tional focus of the student works. Anita
Carlton gave a lucid and penetrating inter-
pretation of their poignant and sharp need
while also bringing out their underlying
The Three Yiddish Songs were given
piano accompaniments by Elaine Fried-
man, and very sensitively, never trying to
steal the show from the melodies or ob-
scure their expressive intent, yet never
banal but providing rhythmic interest and
tonal stability. Sophia Fedonis, mezzo-so-
prano, and Ellen Sherman, pianist, per-
formed them convincingly.
Fred Fox's Serenade for Violin and Piano,
Gordon Sherwood's Two Piano Pieces, Noc-
turne and Toccata, Judith Marcus' Two
Songs, and the Violin Sonata of Barbara
Garvin comprised the original student com-
position. Mr. Fox's Serenade had both lyric
and harmonic interest and lay well for the
violin. The Piano Pieces of Mr. Sherwood
were indeed imaginative, this factor com-
pensating for their lack of architecture. Wil-
liam Deppman's performance gave them
energy and fire. The songs of Miss Marcus,
performed nicely by Marilyn Eliason, so-
prano, and Ann Pletta, piano, had a lovely
lyric flow, though their brevity indicated
that more of the same would have made
them nicer.
Miss Garvin's Sonata was performed by
herself in the solo role and Bruce Wise at
the piano. They also performed Mr. Fox's
Serenade. The strongest point of the Sonata
was its melody which sang particularly well
on the violin. Its weakest point was the
structure of the last movement. Its lasting
effect was however that of song, a lovely at-
tribute which would likewise be well-received
in other works by this composer.

WASHINGTON - When naive, fair-mind-
ed Secretary of the Army Stevens hud-
dled with Republican members of Senator
McCarthy's investigating committee, Sena-
tor Mundt of South Dakota typed out their
mutual agreement with three fingers on a
In it he inserted a paragraph that the
trouble inside the Army-over Major Per-
ess, General Zwicker, etc.-was all the
fault of the previous Administration, re-
ferring of course to Truman days.
"No," remonstrated Secretary Stevens,
"that was not the case, and it would not be
fair to say so."
* * * *
PUERTO RICO'S statesmanlike Gov. Luis
Munoz-Marin has been asked why he re-
leased nationalist leader Albizu Campos
from jail last September despite the fact
that Campos lived for two years in the home
of Oscar Collazo, one 'of the two nationalists
who tried to kill President Truman in 1950
and who also plotted against Munoz-Marin.
Discussing this with me, Governor Munoz
"Campos had become a martyr to many
people and the longer he remained in jail,
the more martyrdom he assumed. Actually
he was a mental case. And now that he is
released from jail, people can see how crazy
he is and no longer take him seriously.
"While in jail, Campos wore cold towels
around his head to protect him-so he
claimed-from atomic rays from the Unit-
ed States," Governor Munoz explained.
"He was convinced that the United States
government was directing atomic rays into
his jail cell to kill him.
"Now that he is out of jail, he still wears
the towels around his head, and of course
people realize that if the United States had
the power to direct such a ray they would
have used it first perhaps on such a person
as Joe Stalin. So he has become quite ludi-
crous to the people who one looked up to
him as a great martyr.
"The editor of Bohemian, the Cuban mag-
azine, for instance, was among those who
wanted to make a martyr of Campos; play
him up as a victim of United States oppres-
sion. However, when they came to see him
and realized his mental condition they,

alists went out of their way to try to get
messages to him and also to revere him as
a saint.
"I doubt whether Campos had much to do
with this unfortunate incident," the Gover-
nor concluded. "It is a few young hotheads
who were responsible."
* * * *
SENATOR Ferguson of Michigan, chairman
of the powerful Republican Policy Com-
mittee of the Senate, seemed to mean busi-
ness when he.announced an overhauling of
Senate investigative procedure. He even told
newsmen that the overhaul was aimed at
Senator McCarthy's methods. It was also
made known that the President himself
wanted such an overhaul.
However, the charming Senator from
Michigan is not a man who shows great
determination when put on the hot spot
as far as other Senators are concerned.
Once before, when he was chairman of the
committee McCarthy now presides over,
Ferguson let it be known he would probe
the speculation of Sen. Elmer Thomas
of Oklahoma, a Democrat who used his
high place on the Senate Agriculture Com-
mittee to speculate in cotton and other
farm products.
Though Ferguson actually started the
probe, he suddenly called it off.
His right-about-face took place after re-
ceiving a letter from Senator Thomas-sub-
sequently published in this column - in
which Thomas told him he knew of certain
favors received by the Ferguson family from
the Chrysler Company in Detroit.
After receipt of the Thomas letter, the
Senator from Michigan said no more about
probing the Senator from Oklahoma.
Though Ferguson started out with a bang
regarding a probe of McCarthy's tactic, he
has now quietly decided that any committee
reforms shall be "mutual consent." To this
end he is currently in the process of call-
ing up Senate committee chairmen, asking
them to please follow the rules of fair play.
* *
YOU CAN jot it down for future reference
that Postmaster General Arthur Sum-
merfield's much-publicized plan to boost
the pay of postal workers won't pass Con-
gress-at least, in its present form.,
Chief objection to Summerfield's S60,-

To the Editor:
AS THE sun must every morning
rise in the east and every even-
ing sink below the horizon to the
west; as one side of a right tri-
angle must be the hypotenuse; so
must, by definition, a philosopher
be able to arrange his thoughts in
a precise and definite manner. It
is because of this that I feel I must
take issue with The Daily and The
Detroit Free Press in re: my stated
opinion on the Michigan co-eds, as
it appeared in these two publica-
tions on Wednesday and Thursday
It will be recalled that both pap-
ers introduced my opinion with the
words, "Tom Skrentny, '54 tried
to sum it up . . . " Sirs, I beg your
pardon. Tried indeed. As a deli-
gent student of the philosophies
and the fine arts I feel I can safely
say that I have arrived at a point
of culture wherein I need no longer

try" to do things. Attempts I no
longer make-success I constantly
achieve. Therefore I did not "try"
to sum it all up-I succeeded in
summing up the situation, and, I
might add, did so accurately and
efficiently. I will admit however, to
soft pedalling my personal feelings
to a certain extent so that irrita-
tion of the "fairer" sex might be
minimized. This I did out of the
bountiful goodness of my heart.
I direct this letter to all men on
campus who are irritated with my
sympathies on this matter, and
leaving you with a bit of philoso-
phizing-Buy Bonds and Go to
Church on Sunday-I close, hoping
for a change.
-Thomas Skrentny
Go West, Young iIan. ..
To the Editor:
DON'T any of the men at Michi-
gan have a good word for the
coeds? I was highly enraged for
my sex by certain statements in
The Daily article on Wednesday.
My purpose in this letter is not to
return to the men the same kind
of unjustified insults that were
dealt to us, but to try and defend
Michigan women.
The dating situation may seem
bad to the men but believe me it's
just as bad for the women. You'd
never think that there are two
men to every woman on this cam-
pus if you'd see the number of
girls sitting in the dorms on week-
ends. With the present ratio if
only fifty peicent of the fellows
had a date on Saturday night
there wouldn't be one girl with-
out a date. Still, the figures never
seem to be that perfect. You say
Mr. Adams that we are too hard
to date. Don't you think that co-
eds enjoy social life too? We don't
go out with a fellow as a favor
to him. I think that most girls are
willing to date a fellow whom they
meet socially without that list of
What annoyed me most was the
complaint about the looks of the
coeds. Mr. Tennenbaum, I feel that
your statement is quite rash. Have
you looked carefully around your
classes? Chances are you won't find
any raving beauties but the girls
are nice looking and some are pret-
ty. At least we aren't as ugly as
you intimate. I'll bet you're no
gorgeous George yourself.
As to the comment that we're
too inteligent, thanks for the com-
pliment, but if 'you don't like it
my only advice to the young man
is: Go West, Go East, Go North,
So South, But Leave Town Quick.
-Judy Wiener
* * *
Don't Throw Stones .. .
To the Editor:
THE Michigan Daily lies before
me. I have just completed your
article entitled, "Men Gripe About
Coeds." I have only one thing to
say to all those who have been so
derrogatory towards the looks of
the Michigan coeds . . . "People
who live in glass houses should not
throw stones."
As for the intellect of these
young women, well, it's a heck of
a world if the men are admitting
that the women are smarter than
they are. ... Progress towards an
evident truth is being made. I
must say that it is indeed a sad
case if men can judge a woman
merely by the measurement of an
ankle. There's a great deal going
on above that part that deserves
some consideration,
I'm a New Yorker and I don't
believe that in all my life and aft-
er my many travels, I have met a
finer, more intelligent and con-
genial group of girls.
-Roberta Rosenblatt, '57

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Harry Lunn.........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter..............City Editor
Virginia Voss........ Editorial Director
Mike wolf.......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane D. AuWerter.....Associate Editor
Helene Simon....... .Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell.... Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisier... Assoc. Women's Fditor
Chuck Kelsey ......Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin. . .. Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
Don Chisholm.....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1





The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIV, No. 106
General Faculty 'Meeting. There will
be a general faculty meeting at 4:15
p.m., Mon., Mar. 15, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, to permit the President
to discuss with the members of the fa-
culty the state of the University. All
members of the teaching staff, includ-
ing teaching assistants and teaching
fellows, are invited to attend.
Selective Service Test. It is recom-
mended that all men, those in ROTC
included, take the Selective Service
Qualification Test which will be given
April 22. Applicants should apply in per-
son at the Ann Arbor Selective Service
Board No. 85, 210 West washington
Street. You should apply before 5 p.m.
March 8.
Correction: Late permission for wo-
men students who attended "Ariadne
of Naxos" on March 2 will be no later
than 10:50 p.m.
Late permission for women students
who attended "Ariadne of Naxos" on
March 3 or March 4 will be no later
than 10:50 p.m.

Events Today
Ariadne of Naxos, Richard Strauss'
comic opera, wili be presented in Josef
Blatt's English translation tonight at
8 p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. Tickets for this Department
of Speech and School of Music pro-
duction are on sale at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Box Office 10 a.m. until 8
p.m. for $1.75-$1.40-$1.00.
S.R.A. Saturday' Lunch Discussion.
"Why Interreligious Work?" or "If You
Have a Faith, Why Aid a Man in Pur-
suit ofa Differing Faith?" 12:15 noon
at Lane Hail. All students welcome.
The Inter- ArtsUnion will hold its
weekly meeting this afternoon at 2 p.m.
in the League. All interested persons are
Hillel. Sat., Mar. 6, 9 a.m. Sabbath
morning services followed by kiddush-
luncheon. Sunday, 5 p.m., Hillel Chorus.
6 p.m., Sunday evening supper club.
The Lutheran student Association
will meet at the Student Center, cor-
ner of Hill St. and S. Forest Ave., at
8:15 p.m. this evening'to go to see the
Martin Luther picture.
Coming Events
Undergraduate Math Club. The next
meeting of the club will take place
Monday evening, Mar. 8, at 8 p.m. In
Room 3-B of the Union. Prof. Piranian
will speak on "Cantor Sets." All inter-
ested are invited to attend.
The Russky Kruzhok will meet Mon-
day evening at8:00 in the International
Center. Featured on the' program will be
a talk on the Moscow Art Theatre by
Conrad Stolzenbach, student in the De-
partment of Speech. Refreshments. Ev-
eryone interested in Russian is cor-
dially invited to attend.




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