Yl r e
111w iAa
See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
!Gun ty
Experiments In
Against Polio
Slated Here C
School Children S
Will Participate WA
A new vaccine described as "the cused o
most promising yet" in combating tatives
polio is soon to be tested in Wash- "I
tenaw County, Dr. Albert C. Heus- defense
tis, State Health Commissioner English
announced yesterday.
At the same time Heustis named "W
S1 other counties in the state to
participate in the experiment to
t try out the vaccine-Salk, named
after its founder, Dr. Jonas E. U
Salk, a former faculty member of
the University's School of Public ia
Health. *
ACCORDING to Dr. Otto K.
Engelke, director of the Washte-
naw County Health, Department
about 8 thousand elementary
school pupils of the first second
and third grades will take part in The
the test tentatively set for April tration
Public, private and parochial p.m. M
schools have been included in Looker
Dr. Engelke's list and he has Gene
consulted with city and county cials an
school officials. But according Supervi
to latest reports no final verdict April 5.
on local participation has been
reached by Ann Arbor's Board ACCO
of Education. laws, U
Contacted yesterday Jack El- are 21
.1M Ait d f , hn have be
nocence Pleade
Puerto Ricans
ommitted for 'Defense of Col
ays Woman Leader of Shoot(
SHINGTON-(P--Formal pleas of "innocent" were
strict Court yesterday for four Puerto Rican Natio
f shooting down five congressmen in the House of
would like it to be charged that what, I committe
of my country," said Lolita Lebron, 34 years old,
. She describes herself as the ringleader in the at
* * * *
E CAME here to defend the independence of our
chimed in RafaelCance
r~- 1 25-years-old, another d
Va ccine
d Secret Data
Open Says
[miry Former Red
ers ' Testifies Before
entered in McCarthy Probe
nalists ac-
Represen- WASHINGTON - A former
Communist said yesterday at a
d was the Senate Investigating Subcommit-
in broken tee hearing that he had access to
tack. classified documents from 1945 to
1950 while employed by a private
country," laboratory doing work on radar for
Miranda, the Army Signal Corps.
1ir Mirand, He also named another member
efendant. of the Communist cell to which he
gs, calmly belonged in testimony before the
irply with committee heeded by Sen. Joseph
louse four McCarthy (R-Wis.).
floor was * * *
llets from ACCORDING to a United Press
dispatch, Peter A. Gragis, of Lev-
ittown, N. Y., said that he was a
at all stra- Communist cell member at the
artroom to Nutly, N. J. Federal Telecommu-
rd against nications Laboratories, a private
erto Rican firm.
Frank McGee, a former co-
worker at the New Jersey plant
he first of 'eas also a member of the cell,
a plea. She according to Gragis.
ie proceed- McGee, claiming the privilege of
Wish inter- protection against self-incrimina-
to help her tion under the Fifth Amendment
to the Constitution, refused to sayj
k about it if he now is or was a Communist
Lbleito during the time he worked for the
like It tlaboratories, 1944 to 1947.
I commit- * *
my coun- "+ .
Fear Cited
As Reason
[Y Join
deadline for voting regis-
for the city election is 8
onday City Clerk Fred J.
said yesterday.
ral election of city off i-
d members of the Board of
sors will be held Monday,
* * *
DRDING to state and locals
nited States citizens who
years old or over and who
en Ann Arbor residents for
The brief preceeding
judicial, contrasted sha
the wild scene in the H,
days ago, when thef
sprayed with pistol bu
a public gallery.
U. S. marshals stooda
tegic spots in the cou
maintain order and gua
any new outbreak by Pu
* - * *
the four asked to entera
appeared confused by th
ings, but after a Span
preter was called upon t
she said:
"I would like to talk
in one respect. I would
be charged that what.]
ted was the defense of
Ex-Senator Says
He Told Truth
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -. Sen. Joseph
R. McCarthy (R-Wis.) dropped his
two million dollar libel and slan-
der suit against former Sen. Wil-
liam Benton (D-Conn.) amid
clashing statements as to why the
action was abandoned.
Benton, who had accused Mc-
Carthy of perjury, fraud and de-
ceit, said the Wisconsin senator
"refuses to face examination un-
der courtroom conditions." He said
McCarthy never could have won
the suit "because I told the truth
about him and he knew it."
* * *.
McCARTHY said his lawyers
had advised him they were unable
to find anyone who believed Ben-
ton's charges. Under these circum-
stances he said, it would be im-
possible to prove he had been dam-
aged, and just to demonstrate that
Benton's charges were false would
"not be enough."
-Daily-John Hirtzel
Quartet vWins Gulantics First Prize
zay, upernen env o c -oosANB--Y that advocates ov-
in Ann Arbor said the scheduled at least 30 days may vote in the try." erhoing the oe ov By JOY STANLEA fall of Dixieland," "h opened while drumming a selection e
polio vaccine test "was all news to forthcoming election if they have e the doorGvenmntbyftlothxela boilrwro om?"ed tiledr"moti." seetine
"But you do enter a plea of not force and violence belongs in a Gulantics audience cheered the the door to the boiler room?" titled "Motif."
me." He indicated that the Board registered. guilty?" Judge James W. Morris booby hatch," McGee said. Deny- "Four Breezes," a vocal quartet
of Education would first have to However, the perenial ques- ing taking part in or haying know- made up of Amos Taylor, singing Last year's Gulantics winner, Awarding the prizes, Miss A
aprove participation for pupils tion asked is may University as . g ledge of spying at the laboratories lead, John Moore, Jim Echols and Ed Ravenscroft, '57A&D, once ica, 1954, Miss Evelyn Ay, prese
"for mal pach students meeting these require- Yes, on those grounds, Mrs. McGee claimed he does not advo- Billy Borders, into first place in again proved his popularity ed the dramatic reading that
"No formal approach to the ments vote?" Lebron replied. cecam oethe sixth annual revue at Hill - ----- - - - her the state championships
Board has been made yet," he Looker, referring to a provi- Judge Morris entered pleas of e s a m e Selections by the Men's G
so inteHe also gold he Is not now a Auditorium last night. Selctinsby heMens
stated sion in the City Constitution, innocent for all four and set Aprils ygEP T Club featured Russell Christop]
#tated paid Communist Party organiz-. Introducing themselves as the ,_Gad,______Itint___esa
* * * pointed out that "a student at 5 as the tentative date for their Grad., SM, in "It Ain't Necessa
DR. NGEKE escibe howcolegewhois ree romparnta tral.er, but declined to answer west, south, east winds and the 1 .1
DR. ENGELKE described how college who is free from parental trial. whether he favors overthrowing blizzard, the $100 prize winners H annah G ives So"from"Porgy and Bess" wh
the vaccine test will be conduct- control, regards the place where Meanwhile in Casualty Hospital the government by "peaceful commented, "Whether you know won him first place in Gulan
ed. Half of the school children the college is situated as his the condition of Rep. Alvin Bent- means." it or not there is money involved." ] three years ago.
will receive three doses of the trial home, has no other to which to ley (R-Mich.) remained unchang- Sen. Jackson (DWas.), also * * * TP lan "Carmen," Nemerovski and I
vaccine and the other half will be return in case of sickness or do- ed and still serious yesterday, fou' present at the hearing asked Gra- SECOND PRIZE of $50 went to ler style and a tap dance featur
innoculated with a harmless sub- mestic affliction, is as much en- days after he was shot by the gis whether he worked witih secret Jimmy Lobaugh, GSM, for a comic In a recent testimony before Jim Ellis and Billy Wells, Mic
stance. These students will act as titled to vote as any other resi- Puerto Rican radicals from the material while in the Communist rendition of the fourth farewell the House Armed Services appro- gan State College football play
the control group for researchers dent of the place where the col- Congressional gallery Party, but Gragis replied that tour of a matronly singer. priation committee, John A. Han- and Sally Morrison concluded
The major research activity le ated. * *many companies "were rather nah, Assistant Secretary of De- non-competing acts in the p
will be conducted on a nation- HOWEVER the City careless in calling attention to The Anceo Francisco Trio fense proposed three solutions to gram.
wide scale by Dr. Thomas Fran- pote t, sth e sjec arrenwhat was classified." copped the third place prize the problem of accommodating an First place winner of the tal
cis, Jr., Chairman of the De- pointed out, students are Subject Sen. McCarthy recessed the of $25. overabundance of Army ROTC show will travel to MSC to app
partment of Epidemiology, un- caenge p05. rea- meeting after the testimony by the students into active service as of- in their comparable revue.
der the auspices of the National soning behind this policy is the Seen f 4 mti afte th b Under a blinking Club Gulan-
Foundation of Infantile Paraly- following statement from national next meeting time for his investic- s sign, emcees Merritt Green, f
elections rules: "The presence of Stadium boots and storm jack- gating subcommittee. '56L, and Howard Neto intro- HA reported, according to the f
Speaking for the Washtenaw a student where an institution of ets have had a prolonged 'stay 'd4e combined talents to Army Times, that the possibility of
County Medical Society, Dr. Paul learning is situated if not suffic- among chilled University students 7- duce the 11 competing and non- having students serve a three-
Barker said his organization will ient to entitle him to vote there." this week. SL Cinema Guild competing acts. month tour of active duty was no Petitions for 22 Student Le
"assist in carrying out the test." The contention of the voting The weatherman however pre- * * *. longer being considered because it islature seats to be filled in al
registrar is that the "intention" Ttendhoer.trd-yTo Show Thriller OTHER ENTRIES in the com- was unjustified to men who have campus elections, March 30 a
of the student when voting must dits a warmei rend ene efret for today
and tomorrow with an expected Student Legislature Cinema peting division included Mary El- been denied deferments for con- 31, may be picked up from
D ance Tickets c student are* reiding here high of 35 degrees today. rester- Guild will feature "The Thirty- len Eckert, '5SM, playing a Cho- tinuing their college education. a.m. to noon today and from
only to secure an education, day's low of 10 degrees saw coeds nine Steps" at 7 and 9 p.m. today pin scherzo; Van Bruner, '54A&D The first proposed solution, the to 5 p.m. daily through Frid
Tickets, priced at $2.75, for e A o t ienc oany bundled snugly in kneesox and and 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Archi- and Patricia Scott, '57, in a mod- Times said, that is now in effect in the SL Bldg.
hsel B 9pm.itoh1 to- substanthi rldenh of . w e ffle, srti the tecture Aud. ern dance depicting a saga in the is to utilize some of the excess men
Producedegh ftie ooe mfles potngteTwenty candidates elected
held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.to-i On te o th hn the. cheks seen ingths. Produced by Alfred Hitchcock, life of a shipwrecked sailor and by having those qualified enter te L aure ilerve
day in the League, will still be the spy thriller will star Robert the Ann Arbor Alley Cats with Air Force flight-training.
available in the League Under- rules referred to read, "a resi- Only two or three ernches of Donat and Madeline Carroll, their rendition of "the rise and In addition room will be open- two semesters and two for o
graduate Office from 9 a.m. to dence for voting purposes may be snow are expected to remain on - - _- ed by dropping a "reasonable" semester terms.
noon. acquired when a student does not the ground by Monday. S-number of reserve officers from Petitions for nine J-H
i intend to return home,' but plans However it's not as cold as it active duty. However, Hannah
E e t GietofoanapeibelntofertrdrpetotredgeS ta e "D em ocrats D enounce atv uy oeeHna posts, seven Unionviecrs
to remain at the place of educa- might be. In March 1943 the tem- I pointed out that only a minimum dential positions, three meu
Experts Give tion for an appreciable length of perature dropped to three degrees amount could be forced out so as hers of the Board in Control
time, is not certain of the place below zero, but then the high for f n ii aotculbeordot50s hrsftefordnCorl
f his futueresidence or is fe that Senate FE PC Bioy Passage to avoid any threat to morale. Student Publications and o
ofhsftr eiec ri reta ot ntesm erw s enaL In order to accept the remain- Board in Control of Inter -Co
TIcning surplus, Hannah appealed to legiate Athletics are also aval
TpeaingcathngorIdeasC o f r aood eLANSING-(R)-A Fair Employment Practices (FEPC) bill rolled Congress for an increase in the able.
lean University T , 1 *through the Senate yesterday amid Democratic cries that the measure authorized amount of officers for
legs Uy"isn't worth the paper it is written on."t pese, the yearonly definite four senior class posts in t
four adUist University faculty Thn members j / rLvNew
yesterday gave their views on Democrats had sponsored the bill but were dismayed when the Atpresent,th ton asfiterary and engineering co
"Ideas about Teaching and Learn- Republican majority cut off the power of the proposed FEPC to issue Lt. Gen. William B. Kean's recent leges may pick up petitions1
ing." subpoenas to compel the appearances of witnesses or those accused assurance in a letter to University the SL Bldg.
Chairman of the symposium, By The Associated Press of discrimination in job hiring. President Harlan H. Hatcher that Deadline for returning
which was sponsored by the Com- MARRAKECH, French Morocco-Terrorists tried for the second * * * * all June, '54, Army ROTC grad- Deale fetrning
mittee on College Relations for time in six months yesterday to kill the pro-French Sultan of Moroc THE BILL went to the House by a 20-11 bipartisan vote, but incp t would receive reserve com- ompleted petitions to' the .
graduate students and faculty, was co, Moulay Mohammed Ben Arafa. the House, Rep. Eugene C. Betz (R-Monroe), chairman of the State missions.
Prof. Howard R. Jones of the edu- But he suffered only a slight head wound in the explosion of Affairs Committee, said he would*>
,cation school. Speakers included in two hand grenades while he was praying at a mosque in this tradi- be surprised if his committee re-
addition to Prof. Jones Prof. Rob- tional southern capital of French Morocco, ,ports out the bill. .VALID STATISTICS:
ert Lado, associate director of the * * * * * * "I am personally opposed to
English Language Institute; Prof. HANOI, Indochina-Vietminh BARROW, England - Britain the bill," Betz said, "and the
William C. Trow of the educa- commandos raided Hanoi's big - Friday launched a new subma- committee has always voted 6-3 C
tion school and Donald Lippitt, civil airport Thursday, blowing rine hailed by experts here as to kill FEPC measures."
progr m director of the Research up at least 12 transport planes the world's fastest. The 225-foot Sen. Cora M. Brown (D-Detroit), By BOB KANY
eadin ff the ymium, before they were beaten off. The craft-boosted along by hydro- one of the bill sponsors, said the order. Only difference between the lower part of their norms w
Leading off the symposium, attack crippled the vital airlift gen peroxide which most women Senate intended to "destroy the Science yesterday offered a set- two were that consideration was men rank them somewhat hig
Prof. Trow refuted obsolete ideas to the embattled French Union know as hair bleach-was de- bill" when it removed the subpoena tlement of the crucial campusIn about the middle range, th
about learning. Punishment does bastion of Dien Bien Phu. veloped from captured German question, "do males or females at was mutual agreement that e
not aid in learning," he pointed Ipuesior"oaleeosfealsnadtpswith anwasmutuawagrementshats-
t d rn h nwar secrets. power- Michigan make the worst dates?" nes and pleasantness were assess- an intelligent conversations
out, "but tends to motivate atti- ** ' * The Senate defeated her motion ed as more appealing 'by men. -and emotionally mature were q
tudes which are not favorable to- WASHINGTON - The Army . to let the commission petition Cir- Contrary to conflicting opinions(
ward itE o yesterday asked Congress foes cuit Courts for subpoenas to com- expressed by students earlier in When it came to least essen. import
wardnhit."toyesterday yeaskedl Congress, tforwo sxes wer
Lippitt discussed the individ- authority to proceed with land h h d dpel the appearance of witnesses. the week, Prof. Robert O. Blood of tal qualities, the osees wre
ual's problems of learning in a acquisitions for Detroit's guided uance of aid to five European Sen. Harry F. Hittle (R-East the sociology department in a re- agabnin aseeent The ao used by Prof. Blood in compil
grop."Goupnomscaneiheemisies.feseseatins aihtofieeurpeatSn.Hary .cittpuR-astdaeachieprtonoamusdaing ofbenga scilodinerand usdryiPofkBoodinaopi
group. "Group norms can either m ssile defenses' nations even though they have Lansing) replied that the Legisla- having a lot of money and cloth- his data was whether the date
suport pressures toward conform- The request to purchase un- shipped more than six million ture always has been slow to give es or a car. were lowest on the casual or serious. Heree at
t-v orn tard inividua iniia-f, - rt --. ,* .c ards and norms which identify oa r e ws n hsal or erious. ere nna
n- McCarthy sued Benton two
years ago, accusing him of Ili-
bel, slander and conspiracy" to
er- have the Wisconsin Republican
nt- ousted from the Senate.
won The litigation was based on
Benton's charges before a Senate
;lee Elections subcommittee in sep-
her, tember, 1951, that McCarthy com-
rily mitted perjury, fraud and calcu-
ich bated deceit of the American peo-
tics ple in pressing his campaign
against what McCarthy termed
Vil- subversives in the government.
ing * * '*
chi- MEANWHILE as result of the
ers, recent clash with the Senator a
Stevens out?
)ear By The Associated Press
CHICAGO - Rumors early
today claimed that Secretary
of the Army Robert T. Stevens
had resigned his post following
his much heralded controversy
with Sen. Joseph McCarthy
g- (R'-Wis.).
1- However, in Washington, de-
ad fense department sources said
9 they had no confirmation that
1 Stevens had submitted -his res-
ay ignation.
Stevens was not available for
comment but his wife said he
to had not resigned his post.
ne top aide to Army Secretary Ste-
vens quit his job yesterday in pro-
op test against what he called the
i.. failure of Stevens' superiors to give
n- him badly needed support in his
of fight with the Senator.
ne John F. Kane, special assist-
l ant to the secretary, announced
i- his resignation in a letter which
charged that Stevens had not
or received "full fighting support
he in the gallant battle you are try-
)- ing to put up for the Army."
in Adlai Stevenson said yesterday
he is sure thg Army has not cod-
all dled Communists-as charged by
5LI Senator McCarthy - "any more
than previous Democratic ad-
ministrations ecv e r coddled a
single subversive, traitor or spy de-
Stevenson, the 1952 Democratic
presidential nominee, struck 'out
against what he called "McCar-
thyism" on his arrival here for
the Southeastern Democratic Con-
The former Illinois governor
hile said that if he is asked for advice
her. by Democratic candidates in this
zere year's campaign for control of
ing Congress, he will urge them to
list oppose "McCarthyism" because he
ute said it was "distasteful and pos-
sibly injurious to the United
mlnyg Quartet
ItPP Co cet 1atP(
k A