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December 10, 1953 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-10

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Gymnasts Open Against Notre Dame
By DAVE BAAD ed up five wins against three After the Wolverines had won
Michigan's gymnastics team gets losses in dual matches and fin- their first three meets in fine
off to its earliest start in history , ished sixth in the Big Ten meet. fashion a year ago, both were de-
this Saturday when it brings up Those include, in addition to clared ineligible at the turn of the1
the curtain on the 1953-54 season Johnson, Dick Bergman, Lee semester and Loken's gymnasts!
with a non-conference match Krumbholz, Harry Luchs, and Jim were able to rack up only two
against Notre Dame. Barbero. more wins while dropping three.
Coach Newt Loken, opening his I *
seventh year as the Wolverine gym JOHNSON, A senior from Wind- Ks
coach, has never before taken a sor, Ontario, is expected to be a
squad intO action until after the high point man for the Wolverines Chicago, Illinois, was number two
Christmas holidays, and it is ques- this season. He picked up a second
tionable whether the shorter pre- in free exercises and a fourth in
paration time will hamper the the high bar in the, Big Ten meet

TM Matmen Move
Into Final Round

Michigan Five Expected To Improve

team in its initial performance.
* * *
THE FIRST Big Ten dual meet
is January 16th against Wiscon-
Led by all-around star, cap-
tain Mary Johnson, Loken has
five 'lettermen returning from
last season's outfit which rack-

last spring and garnered enough
other points in the remaining ev-
ents to be rated fourth for all-
around performance during the
afternoon's festivities.
The return of Krumbholz and
Luchs who missed the second
semester last year should help
the team considerably.

you just cant beat...
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This is the fabric that thinks it's cashmere-the
remarkably wrinkle-resistant, washable, soft and
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Deep comfort-cut armholes, ribbed waist that
holds its shape. New lineup of masculine colors.
607 East Liberty
NO 8-906$
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Semi-finals yesterday and byes
have set the stage for the I-M
wrestling finals tonight at 7:30.
The matches, to which everyone
is invited, will be held in the small
gym in the Hoover Street sports
palace. Printed programs and
wrestling meets which have seen
a great number of pinnings prom-
ise to make it an enjoyable even-
* * *
SIGMA ALPHA MU placed three
men in the finals to lead the par-
ade in the fraternity division. Al-
pha Tau Omega, Sigma Alpha Ep-
silon and Delta Tau Delta each
placed two to follow close on the
heels of the Sammies.
An exciting finish was the fea-
ture of one of the 167 pound
semis. In his match with Pat
Mahoney of Sigma Chi, Bob Mac
Millin of ATO was the victor with
a pinning in the very last second
of the period.

123--Siegel (SAM) bye; Cutler (DTD)
130--Moss (SAM) won by default
over Kiiemecky(ATO) 1:33; Kott
BTP) pinned Markhus (SAE) 2:29
137-Kearney (ACACIA) pinned
Hulstrand (SAE) 2:15; Davidson (PLP)
147-Schaupp (DTD) beat Bardner
(ZBT) forfeit; Sandercock (BTU) de-
feated Fitch (DTD) 3-2
157-Wolin (SAM) defeated Beatty.
(ATO) 6-0; Majorous (ATO) pinned
Carlson (SC) 2:00
167-Hineman (TX) pinned Elli son
(SPE) 0:48; Mac Millin (ATO) pin-
ned Mahoney (SC) 3:59
177-Cox (PGD) pinned Friedland-
er (TDP) 0:27; Engel (SAE) defeated
Rich (PDT) 7-5
Heavyweight-Bardley (SAE) de-
feated Kaminsky (ZBT) 6-0; Smith
(CP) defeated Bates (PDT) 4-:2
123-Enciso (Cooley) bye; Shiroma
(Williams) bye
130-Cook (Williams) bye; Maza-
ticks (Adams) bye
137--Hamady (Reeves) defeated
Sassone (Williams) 2-0; Levy (Lloyd)
defeated Niedermeir (Adams) 5-3
147-Watson (Lloyd) pinned Pearl-
man (Reeves) 3:35; Spertus (Huber)
defeated Friedrich (Cooley) 4-2
157 - Marfia (Hinsdale) pinned

"Sure, Michigan's cagers looked
good Tuesday night, but more im-
portant, they can and will look
These words came from some-
one more qualified than anyone
else to make such a statement,
Coach Bill Perigo. Those who have
followed the hoopsters from the
beginning of practice will have to
* *. *
WHILE everyone turned in a
good performance, players like Jim
Barron and Tom Jorgenson will
have much better nights through-
out the course of the season.
Despite the fact that he led the
Wolverine scorers Tuesday with
24 points, Barron has shown pre-
viously that he's capable of bet-
ter ball and the 6-0 soph will be
the first to admit it.
Jorgenson, also a sophomore,
gave the crowd an excellent dem-
onstration of his ball handling and
passing ability. Yet he connected
with but 23 per cent of his field
goal attempts and none of his un-
orthodox fadeaway lefty jump
shots which he usually hits with

. _

likely will slacken off his hot scor-
ing pace of the first two encount-
ers and will have some poor nights
during the season, there is some-
thing to be kept in mind.
Williams is in just his third
year of organized basketball
Therefore every time he plays
another game, he absorbs some-
thing new and improves the phases
of the game that he has previously
learned. It will take time and pro-
gress may be slow, but the coaches
feel that Williams is going to be
a good ball player.
* * *
THESE ARE but a few of the
reasons that Perigo believes that
Michigan will give anyone a good
battle on the hardwood floor this
Paul Groff sky, who played very
well Tuesday night, dazzling the
crowd with his passing and do-
ing a great job off the boards,
can be expected to perform in a
similar manner throughout the
season. Ray Pavichevich came
up with a good floor game and is
very likely to dent the twines
more often.

Tuesday. Milt Mead adding re-
bounding strength and John Cod-
well with his speed and defensive
ability give Michigan depth such
that it's very hard to determine
who are the regulars and who are
the subs.
Yet despite the bright picture
that has been painted, it must be
remembered that the Big Ten as
a whole is much stronger. In fact
the Western Conference is close
to. if not the best conference in
the country, basketball wise.
So while Michigan fans may not
necessarily see their team improve
its record by very much, they def-
initely will see some of the best
basketball played in the nation.
to please!!
"Workmanship - Service -
Sanitation is the Idea"
The Daseola Barbers

. . . starts seventh season
point man after the third meet,
and Luchs defending Big Ten
champion in the parallel bars.
Bergman, a flying rings spe-
cialist and Barbero a second
year performer on the side horse
round out the squad's veteran
Although there are no returning
lettermen trampoliners this year,
junior Bill Winkler may develop
into a consistent point winner for
IT'S ONLY his second year on,
the tramp, but Loken thinks that
before the season finishes, he will
New Proposal
CHICAGO - UP) - Big Ten
football coaches Wednesday
urged adoption .of a plan that
would make selection of the
conference's Rose Bowl entry
automatic in case of a co-
Opening the annual Big Ten
winter meeting, coaches recom-
mended that in case of a tie in}
the standings at the end of theI
regular season, the last team toI
have made the Rose Bowl trip
be disqualified.
be contributing valuable additions;
to the Wolverine point totals.
Sophomore Jack Burchfield
and senior Ron Fox add depth
to the trampoline position, hurt
through the ineligibility this se-
mester of versatile Frank Ad.
Adams, an outstanding tumbler
and high bar performer as well as
a tramp man, will be back in com-
petition the second semester and
might make the Wolverines a,
threat in the Western Conference
tourney this season.

In the residence halls division,
Gomberg House with two victories
in the heavyweight class and one
in the 157 pound class led the list
of victors. Four houses are bunch-
ed behind them with two men be-
ing placed. They are Cooley, Hins-
dale, Adams and Lloyd.
Gomberg's Paul Melgard's 44
second pinning of Al Klein of
Strauss House in the heavyweight
class was the shortest match of the

Ikola Fulfills
As A.ce Michi


When the cry "I Like Ike" is
sounded by Michigan hockey en-
thusiasts it surprisingly does not
refer to the President of the Unit-
ed States.
It is directed instead at a 5-8
155 pound senior, whom Wolver-'
ine coach Vic Heyliger has called
"one of the all-time great Michi-
gan goaltenders, Willard 'Ike"'
IKOLA, who hails from EvelethW
Minnesota, "the cradle of U. S.
hockey players," was tabbed for
future stardom even before his de-
but in collegiate ranks. In fact, al-
though not yet even a varsity let-
terman he received a bid to com-
pete as a member of the United
States Olympic hockey team.
As goalie for a fabulous Evel-
eth High School puck squad
which copped 75 straight games
in registering three state cham-
pionships in a row, Ikola, was
selected as an all-state choice
for all those seasons. This exper-
ience, plus the influence of his
older brother Tom, who perform-
ed in the twines for Colorado
College and put in several years
play as a "midget" competitor,
undoubtedly did much to develop
Ike's catlike reflexes, uncanny
judgment, and sheer daring
which has characterized his per-
formances at Michigan.
In the 1951-52 ice campaign, his
first as varsity goalie, Ikola bounc-
ed back from early season face in-
juries to become an All-American
squad member. A second team
choice for both the All-Midwest1
and All-N.C.A.A. Tournament sex-
tets, Ikola also led all MCHL goal-
ies with an average of only 2.66
tallies per game.
HIS WOLVERINE teammates,
convinced That their custodian of
the cords was essential to Michi-
gan's 1952 N.C.A.A. Championship
victory, named him as their most
valuable player.
In the 1952-53 season, Ike
again led the Maize and Blue to
victory in a World Series of col-
legiate hockey -- the N.C.A.A.
playoffs. In the championship
game against heavily favored
Minnesota, Ikola's magical feats
Greene 29, Williams 28
Taylor 30, Cooley 27
ZBT 35, DU 27
Phi Kappa Tau 32, LCA 25
Sigma Nu 29, Phi Delta Theta 28
Theta Xi 29, Sigma Phi Epsilon
Delta Tau Delta 4, SAM 1 (1st
Place Playoff-quarter finals)








Kauffman (Gomberg) 1:38; Knott * * * Don Eaddy, who tallied a num- near Michigan Theater
(Gomberg) pinned Coulter (Allen WHILE Harvey Williams most ber of his favorite jump shots
Rumsey) 1:30 ___________________________________________________________
167 - Resouse (Hinsdale) defeated,
Kisstler (Reeves) 6-2; Dahl (Adams)
pinned Richardson (Huber) 1:58
177-Kucera (Cooley) defeated Mc- Topcoats with or without
Kenzie (Williams) 6-3; Baker (Strauss) p '3 wiuZin uninns $40.00
defeated Koos (Allen Rumsey) 9-4 ,3, $in-,0 up
Heavyweight-Melgard (Gomberg)
pinned Klein (Strauss) 0:44; Zako Smithison Suits $40.00 up
(Gomberg) defeated Forsyth (Strauss) -
5-1 ________ _,:._I Slacks, $7.95 up
Sport Coats, $24.95 up
Pioneer Suspenders and
et-m nderBelts 1.50 up
rah N ei Sport Shirts by Shapely ue ts $ .50 up
$3.50 up Suede Jackets $22.50 up
in guarding the Michigan goal Beau Brummell Ties Heavy Winter Jackets in
rates Heyliger's vote as Ike's fin--r$1.50 Up waist length or sur coat
est performance.k x5styles, $10.95 up
A demon in the nets all that Jerk's Soxr 55c up s $
evening, Ikola held the high scor- Gates Gloves Sweate5s by Gantnor
ing Gopher aggregation to just $7.95 up
three markers. Bath Robes in Seersucker Jewelry by Pioneer
Bogged down with almost 45! $6.95
pounus of paraphernalia, a Mich- Terry Cloths, $11.95 Bill Folds, $3.50 up.t '"
igan goaltender represents an in-
vestment in equipment of nearly Gabardines, $1 1 .95 Shapely Shirts, $3.50 up
$200 to the University. As any Corduroys, $15.95 white or colored
denizen of the Colesium will as-
sert, in Willard Ikola's stock the Gift Certificates Champ Hats, $5.00 up Linen Hankies, 35c up
investment has brought in huge
dividends. WALK A FEW STEPS
College Basketball 217 East Liberty St.
Illinois 80, Butler 482 Ea Lb ySPhone NO $-8420
NHL Hockey
Detroit 3, New York 3

Graduate Plan

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ary and to attend the university during
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Compensation will be commensurate with
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Compensation growth will be on the same
basis as the full-time members of the en-
gineering staff. In addition, the candidate
will be eligible for all other benefits ac-
cruing to full-time employees.
Tuition covering the required number of
units necessary to obtain an advanced de-
gree will be paid by McDonnell Aircraft
Candidates will be selected by officials
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Interested candidates should contact their
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