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December 10, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-10

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.I. IJXwti7L.1 , Ill:t.l:lrljvL lVi L:jJ3

In the Age of the Conference
Table, a Neglect of Diplomacy


SOME TIME SOON the Western govern-
ments will have to liberate themselves
from the compulsion to go on trying to do
business in a series of public conferences.
Much more often than not their effect
is to frustrate rather than to facilitate
serious negotiation. Indeed it wold hard-
ly be an exaggeration to say thatwhatever
can be accomplished in the way of agree-
ment at these meetings, could have been
accomplished much more easily through
normal diplomacy. Moreover, any ques-
tion that cannot be resolved through nor-
mal diplomacy will usually be made more
insoluble by bringing it to one of these
public, multi-lateral meetings.
There is, as Bermuda has been showing,
an inherent absurdity in holding confiden-
tial talks behind barbed wire to keep away
200 correspondents who represent the press
of the world.
If the government leaders were 'communi-
cating privately with one another, they could
fail to agree but could go on trying to agree.
But when they become involved in one of
these public affairs, the fact that they have
failed to agree on something or other dur-
ing one confused and crowded weekend be-
Comes, when it is broadcast to the world,
very nearly the equivalent of a failure to be
able ever to agree.
The main reason why the governments
go on holding these conferences-which
everyone or almost everyone dreads-is
that they are afraid of being misunder-
stood if they do not hold them. They go
to them as Presidents go to baseball games
when they prefer golf.
They go because the great public of man-
kind, yearning for peace, has got it fixed in
its mind that unless there is a public con-
ference there can be no serious discussion
and negotiation. What the people want is
discussion and every kind of attempt to
negotiate among the allies and with our ad-
versaries. As long as the public conference
is supposed to be the only way of having
discussions and beginning to negotiate, there
will be an overwhelming public demand in
all countries for the calling of these con-
The point is clearly illustrated in the pro-
longed exchange of notes with the Soviet
Union about a conference on Germany.
The substantial fact is that none of the
principal governments involved in such a
conference can now agree to a settlement
which unites Germany within defined fron-
tiers. This is well known in London, Paris
and Washington, in Bonn, Warsaw and
Moscow. A public conference is, therefore,
unsuitable and undesirable. It cannot agree
though this is the real policy of all con-
cerned-not to attempt to settle now.
Under these circumstances the main
problem becomes how not to incur the
unpopularity of refusing to go to a con-
ference. And after that the problem is
how-when unhappily all have gone to
the conference-they will be able to go
home again without appearing to have
broken off the negotiations.
It is impossible not to go to Berlin to
meet Molotov because we have felt con-
strained to keep on saying that we wished
to meet Molotov. And he, after speaking his
real mind to his satellites and allies in the
Communist world, found he could not af-
ford the unpopularity of being the one who
did not wish to go to the meeting that no-
body in fact wants to go to.
It would have been a bold move, not
without risks of course, to have told Molo-
tov that we very much wished to discuss

and negotiate but that it would be bet-
ter not to have a public meeting until we
all felt satisfied as a result of confiden-
tial discussions that we were going to ac-
complish something useful by holding a
public meeting. This would have been a
novel procedure and it would have re-
quired a careful and candid public ex-
planation. But it might have cleared the
air, and some time or other something of
that sort will have to be done.
For if agreements of any kind can be
negotiated now with Moscow, there is no
doubt that they can be negotiated more
effectively through diplomatic channels.
And if no agreements can now be negotia-
ted, then it would be better not to raise
false hopes, leaving the world more embit-
tered than it was before.
* * *
A RETURN TO diplomacy, as against pub-
lic meetings, is desirable in dealing with
our Communist adversaries. It is, it seems
to me, indispensable in dealing with our al-
lies and friends. This applies most particul-
larly to the crucial question of the rela-
tions between France and Germany. They
are now passing through a difficult, even a
dangerous phase. Yet the prospect is by
no means hopeless and it should not be be-
yond the resources of good diplomacy to
see France and Germany through their dif-
But the one sure way to ruin the whole
prospect is to imadine that the issues can
be settled by a "show-down." Britain
and America can encourage and induce a
Franco-German reconciliation. They can-
not compel a reconciliation. They can do
nothing but harm by making threats that
cannot be carried out-as for' example,
the threat to abandon France and to em-
brace Germany instead. A show-down of
that kind, even a serious threat of such
a show-down, would be as disastrous for
Adenauer as for the present democratic
regime in France. For almost certainly it
would produce a popular front government
in France, and in Germany it would put
the Bonn government at the mercy of the
nationalists and the neo-Nazis.
Because public conferences have to show
quick results, they always increase the risk
that the politicians attending them will at-
tempt to get quick results by a show-
Franco-German relations are at bottom
quite promising, and could become very good
indeed. An essential requirement is that
they should be in the hands of men who are
more concerned with the reconciliation than
they are with the date on which E.D.C. is
finally ratified. Our own diplomacy in
dealing with France and Germany suffers
from the idea that we are lobbyists who
must get the papers ratified in order that
we can then go back to Congress and lobby
there for the appropriations.
That will not work. It would be better
to keep telling Paris and Bonn that our
objective is a Franco-German partner-
ship that they both have entered into
willingly-and that we mean to stay with
them both, abandoning neither of them,
for as long as it may take to bring that
great end about.
In this way, by making clear our determi-
nation not to leave them, not to lose pa-
tience, not to kick over the table, we can by
our presence and by the healing effects of
a continual support that is not to be ques-
tioned, prevent the catastrophe of an ir-
refutable break between the French and the
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

No Lines
WITH THE permanent conversion of the
dormitories to hold more students, the
long troublesome problem of inadequate
telephone facilities in the women's dorms
has gone from bad to worse.
With only one switchboard serving over
1,500 women, it is an almost impossible
and extremely discouraging task to reach
a party in one of the hill dormitories
during the peak hours. Students wishing
to call out must often wait twenty min-
utes for the operator to answer. On fin-
ally obtaining one. the student is often
greeted with, "sorry, all our outside lines
are busy," and a quick click of the re-
If she still has the desire to make her
call, she must again wait a long period for
an operator or go to a pay phone in the
lobby. Overloaded facilities also cause fre-
quent disconnections, crossing of wires so
that all that can be obtained is another ex-
tension in the same building and buzzing of
the wrong rooms. Women's dorms seem to
be much harder hit than men's dorms in
these respects.
Another often criticized problem of the
system, discourteous operators, is more like-
ly due to the fact that the harrassed switch-
board workers don't have the time to be
On many floors, 20 or more people share
one extension. Compared to average ser-
vice, this equals a party line of six average
size families. Even most rural phones
are not so overburdened.
If the dormitories have been converted to
house more students, facilities should be in-
creased accordingly. Two or three more ex-
tensions on each floor would go a long way
towards alleviating the strain. Plans should
be made in the near future if the dormi-
tories' policy of adequate service is to be
-Freddi Loewenberg
At the Michigan .. .
UP 'N' ATOM, presented by the Mimes
LIKE THE heroine of a Mickey Spillane
novel, this Union Opera comes at you in
sections. Some of the sections are very funny;
others would best be called functional:
they function to make it a full-length show.
Howard Nemorovski's book makes a. val-
lant and often successful effort to weld
together two violently dissimilar elements:
the atom-bomb builders of Oak Ridge and
the barefoot hill-billies of the environs.
The potentialities of the situation, for wit-
ty social comment or just plain belly-
laughs, are only partially realized: per
haps the scientists are too much like the
hillbillies, or the hillbillies like the scien-
tists. The only backwoodsy characteristic
the show cones up with is the shot-gun
wedding situation, a gimmick that was
pretty well-worn before vaudeville gasped
its last. However, though none of the char-
acters is profoundly original, they do have
a pretty good time together.
The lyrics and music are, on the whole,
a good deal sharper than the dialogue. The
numbers "Oak Ridge," and "Live and Learn"
were particularly good.
Traditionally, the female impersonators
of the show have a pretty narrow line to
tread: they must be graceful enough to
make the attempt worthwhile, and gauche
enough to keep it all good clean fun. The
female leads, and the singing and dancing

choruses, did this admirably, and with a
good deal of sparkle besides: their routines
are never sluggish.
Jimmie Lobaugh's performance as a kind
of grande dame scientist is the outstanding
individual part in the show, and he does it
up handsomely. He has a Perle Mesta vital-
ity and a professional way of getting the
part across. Ron Poland, the comic female
romantic lead shares this kind of profes-
sional touch in his happier moments of put-
ting across a Judy Canova type. The male
leads, Bob Cutting and John Geralt, blend
nicely as a background for these outstand-
ing performances, and do their mugging
with irrespressible boyish charm.
One is disappointed with the second act
-the first act promised something livelier.
It had a hilarious scene involving liquor
magnates, a character name of Mike Ram-
mer, and a good deal of smoothness and dis-
patch in getting the show under way. The
second act tends to seem like a Russian vil-
lage festival: everyone leaping about with-
out much point. All in all, though, it's an
entertaining show.
-Bob Holloway

-~ *
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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Academic Freedom tion, Readers of The Daily will
remember that this issue has not
Committee . . . been conjured up by Mr. Lodor
To the Editor: but has been a regular source of
Ccomplaint of the foreign students.
CADEMIC Freedom Week is ov- The Daily has previously publish-
er. Some 600 students parti-. edeioilatce n etr
cipated in the meetings and many ed editori ubearticl remindDettr
more read, heard and discussed the International Student Organ-
questions raised in these meetings. Kahn, a resolution was passed by
But this is only a beginning. ization (the body representing the
Since what happens to academic foreign students) not in the dis-
freedom affects us all, it is im- tant past, asking Dr. Gale to re-
portant that all of us at least sign on a certain issue. Moreover,
have a basic understanding of ththehe president and other high of-
issues involved. Very soon we will ficirs . e enapproachon
be witnessing an investigation by ficials have been approached on
the House Committee on Un-Am- the issue mentioned by Mr. Lodor.
erican Activities right here in Mi- Dr. Kahn at best, could have
chigan. The papers say some 75 come in contact with only a few
people have been summoned. What out of the thousands of foreign
are the facts about the cases? students that have gone through
What will be our reaction to this this University. Dr. Kahn could
committee? only have gathered a smattering
The Academic Freedom Sub- of the problems concerning these
Commission can continue to help students. This could hardly give
bring the various viewpoints to him a comprehensive perspective
the attention of the campus of the multifarious, divergent and
through more forums, discussions, rather intricate problems which
newsletters, etc. Delegates from the foreign students encounter.
fourteen campus organizations His letter reminds us of a fable
helped plan Academic Freedom in which a priest was showing a
Week, but in order to expand our visitor the Temple of Diana. The
influence, many more organiza- priest pointing at gifts and dona-
tions must join the sub-commis- tions remarked that those gifts
sion. Thursday we will discuss our were offered by people who prayed
perspectives and plans for the on sinking ships and were saved.
coming year. If your group is in- The visitor asked, "Where are the
terested in joining the Academic gifts from those who prayed and
Freedom Sub-Commission, come drowned?"
to the meeting Thursday at 4 p.m. From whatever one gathers by
in the Student Legislature build- talking privately to foreign stu-
ing (512 S. State) Individual stu- dents, the concensus of opinion
dents interested in helping with seems to be with Mr. Lodor's view.
the plans are welcome to attend. Mr. Lodor, rather than being de-
-Paula Levin, Chairman bunked as "loosely attacking the
Academic Freedom j University's institutions" should
Sub-Commission !be commended for his forthright,
constructive and timely criticism
of an important institution like
International Center . . . theaInternational Center-criti-
To the Editor:- cism which should help the ad-
THE READERS of The Michigan ministration in formulating its
Daily would agree that The future policy for the Center, and
Daily has shown a sense of ma- in its choice of a suitable person
ture judgement in the past in as director.
publishing letters to the editor. -Jane Faily
Dr. Kahn in his letter has stated . Vivian Mailman
that Mr. Lodor's letter is a loose Jack Danielson
attack on a University institu- Shirley Danielson

(Continued from Page 2)
Phi Delta Theta
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Tau
Phi Rho Sigma
Phi Sigma Delta
Phi Sigma Kappa
Psi Omega
Psi Upsilon
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chi
Sigma Delta Tau
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Triangle Fraternity
Zeta Beta Tau
December 13, 1954
Arab Students Club
Delta Theta Phi
Geddes House
Helen Newberry
Phi Delta Phi (afternoon)
Theta Xi (afternoon)
December 12, 1953
East Quadrangle
South Quadrangle
West Quadrangle
wig and Robe Ball
Social Chairmen of student organiza-
tions are reminded that the calendar is
closed to student-sponsored activities
for the seven days prior to the begin-
ning of a final examination period.
Final examinations for the present se-
mester begin January 18. This means
that no approvals may be given for
events scheduled after January 10. So-
cial Chairmen planning to register an
event for the week-end of January 8,
9, and 10 are requested to submit appli-
cations for approval to the Office of
Student Affairs before leaving for the
Christmas holidays if possible.
University of Michigan Choir, May-
nard Klein, Conductor, will present its
annual Christmas Concert at 8:30
Thursday evening, Dec. 10, in Hill Au-
ditorium. The Choir will open the pro-
gram with Palestrina's Kyrie, from Missa
Hodie Christus natus est. The Michi-
gan Singers continue the concert with
two excerpts by Schutz' Christmas
Story; and the Choir, assisted by a
Brass Ensemble conducted by Clifford
Lillya, sing Gabrieli's In Eccesis, with
soloists Perry Daniels, baritone, and
Mary Ann Tinkham, soprano. The Mad-
rigal Group, composed of six members
of the Choir, will sing a group of
Christmas carols..Following intermis-
sion J. S. Bach's Magnificat will be per-
formed by the Choir with a special or-
chestra. Soloists in this work will in-
clude Joan Marie Dudd and Gloria
Soice, sopranos, Mary Ellen Boosa, con-
tralto, Charles Wingert, tenor. The con-
cert is open to the public without
Correction. The Opera Scenes pro-
gram, previously announced for Mon-
day and Tuesday, Dec. 14 and 15, in
Fellowship Hall of the Baptist Church,
will be given in Auditorium A, Angell
Hall, on Monday and Wednesday eve-
nings, Dec. 14 and 16.
Academic Notices
School of Education Makeup, Senior
Personality Tests may be taken either
on Fri., Dec. 11, at 3 p.m., in 1025 Angell
Hal, or on Sat., Dec. 12, at 8:30 a.m. in
Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., Dec. 10, at 4 in 247 west
Engineering. Speaker: Doctor Imanue
Marx. Topic: On the Structure of Re-
currence Relations."
Mathematics Colloquium, Fri., Dec. 11,
at 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Ed-
win Weiss will speak on "Bounded
Topological Rings." Tea and coffee at
3:45 in 3212 Angell Hall.
Course 40, the Interdisciplinary Sem-
inar in the Application of Mathematics
to the Social Sciences, will meet on
Thurs., Dec. 10, at 4 p.m., in 3409 Ma-
son Hal. Professor James Tobin of the
Economics Department, Yale Univers-
ity, will speak on "Mathematical Models
and Business Cycle Theory."
The Department of Biological Chem-
istry will hold a seminar in 319 West
Medical Building at 4 p.m., on Fri., Dec.
11. The topic for discussion will be
'Some Aspects of the Induced Biosyn-
thesis of Enzymes," conducted by Mr.
H. B. Pahl.
Doctoral Examination for Stanley
Louis Berlnsky, Speech and Psycholo-
gy; thesis: "A Comparison of Stutter-
ers and Non-Stutterers in Four Condi-
tions of Experimentally Induced An-
xiety," Fri., Dec. 11, East Council Room,
Rackham Building, at 10 a.m. Co-Chair-
men, H. H. Bloomer and E. L. Kelly.

Doctoral Examination for Buford Don
ISmith, Chemical Engineering; thesis:
"The Hydrogenation of Carbon Monox-
ide and Carbon Dioxide on a Steel Cata-
lyst," Fri., Dec. 11, 3201 East Engi-
neering Building, at 3 p.m. Chairman,
}R. R. White.
Events Today

son flall, Arthur M. Mizener Profes-
sor of English at Cornell University,
and author of The Far Side of Para-
dise, a biography of . Scott Fitzgerald,
will speak on "Nature and the Novel."
All graduate students and faculty mem-
bers of the English Department are in-
vited to attend.
The Pre-Medical Society, will meet on
this evening at 7:30 p.m., in Angell
Hall, Auditorium C. Dr. Robert Hodges,
Assistant Resident in Rariology at
1 University Hospital, will be the speaker.
Refreshments will be served after the
program. Non-pre-medical students who
are interested are also welcome,
Hillel. 4 p.m.-Class in Jewish Holi-
day Observances; 7:30-Class in Advanc-
ed Hebrew; 8 p.m.-Music-Fr-All. Res-
ervations for Kosher Dinner Friday. at
6 p.m. must be made by Thursday.
The Congregational - Disciples Guild.
Mid-week Meditation In Douglas Chap-
el, 5:00-5:30 p.m. Freshman Discussion
Group at Guild House, 7-8 p.m.
Mathematics Club Christmas Party,
this evening 8 p.m. For transporta-
tion or further information call Mrs.
Donald Darling, NO-3-4531
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timony meeting tonight at 7:30 p.m.,
Fireside Room, Lane Hall. All are wel-
S.L. Academic Freedom Sub-Commis-
sion meeting this afternoon, at 4 p.m.
in the S.L. Bldg. (512 S. State). Evalua-
tion of Academic Freedom Week and
plans for the coming year.
Baha'i Students' Discussion Group.
Meeting at the League tonight at 8
p.m. Everyone is invited to participate
in the informal discussion on the meth-
od for establishing a just and udrable
peace. Also on Sun., Dec. 13, 4 p.m.,
Mr. William Randolph Lacey will speak
at the League on "Cycles in Materialism
and Religion."
Le Cercle FrancaLs. French Christmas
Carols will be rehearsed today at 4 pm.
in Rm. 3L of the Michigan Unip.
Anyone interested in participating is
welcome to attend!
Graduate Record Concert. The weekly
concert will not be held his week (to*
day) because of the free Christm
Concert by the University of Michigan
La p'tite causette will meet thi
afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in;
the wing of the north room of the
Michigan Union cafeteria. This relaxed
Informal atmosphere will do wOcder
to improve your conversational French.
All interested students are invited
Kaffee Stunde of The Deutscher Ver-
ein will meet today at 3:15 p.m. in the
Union. Everyone is welcome.
The Freshman Engineering Council
will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 1072
East Engineering Building. The public
is invited.
International Center Weekly Tea will
be held today from 4:30 to 6 at the
International Center,
Coming Events
Psychology Club. Dr. Kristofferson will
discuss the work being carried on by
our Psychology Department and will
conduct us on a tour through the dif-
ferent labs. All interested will meet in
2429 Mason Hall on Fri., Dec. 11, at 3:15.
The Russky Kruzhok will hold its an-
nual Russian Christmas Party at 8
p.m., Fri., Dec. 11, in the International
Center. Russian singing, games, and
refreshments. Students interested In
Russian are warmly invited to attend.
Episcopal student Foundation. Tea
from 4 to 5:30 at Canterbury House, Fri.,
Dec. 11, followed by student-led Eve-
ning Prayer in the Chapel of St. Mi-
chael and All Angels. All students in-
Episcopal Student Foundation. Cal-
terbury Club, Fri., Dec. 11, 7:30 p.m. at
Canterbury House--a Tree Decorating
Roger Williams Guild. Annual Christ-
mas Party Friday evening at the Guild
House, 8 o'clock.

"Say, That's An Idea"







SAY THAT the Ann Arbor Art Asso-
ciation's "Four Ann Arbor Artists" is
memorable is to understate the case con-
siderably. This organization has gotten up
many fine shows in the past, and on this
occasion they have outdone themselves.
Work by J. T. Abernathy, Jack Garbutt,
Chet Lamore, and Tom McClure (who has
been treated- by a colleague) is on display
on the Rackham mezzanine until Decem-
ber 18th, hours from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
daily, Sundays excepted.
MR. LAMORE must by now, if he has
given it any thought, be getting tired of
having eggs chucked at his large oils for no
better reason than that they don't suit me.
It has been suggested more than once that
I specifically point out the flaws, if any, in
a particular piece, and proceed from there
to more general criticism. Such advice is
volunteered in a friendly spirit, no doubt,
but is nevertheless useless, as well as self-
deceptive. I feel fairly certain that most
painters realize that "objectivity" in a re-
viewer is sham, or perhaps worse.
Take Lamore's "Inferno Landscape, for
example. I might remark that the con-
struction shows a too strict adherence
to plan, hence is too rigid, or flat, or
immobile; that, for all its brilliant colors,
the painting is too chilling. Possibly some-
one exists who would believe that such
remarks are objective, and take stock in
them. Rut "too nuch" necessarily imnlies

end, everyone must decide for himself
whether an artist has anything to com-
municate to him, and if so. whether this
communication, on whatever level, is re-
For my part, I best appreciate Lamore's
small oils, in which I almost always detect
a trace of humor. Try Man and Image or
Night Blooming Garden, two of his best.
What puzzles me most about my own re-
action to Lamore's oils is that, whether
working on a large scale or small, his tech-
nique is essentially the same, yet they ef-
fect me so differently. Perhaps kis style
doesn't lend itself well to magnification.
Another point of variance is that most of his
smaller subjects are representational, where-
as his large ones usually are not. But this
difference is in itself not significant, un-
less to the artist.
On the whole, Lamore's abstractions are
what I would call "unromantic surrealism,"
if there can be such a thing. Surrealism
depends for its effect largely on shock
through incongruity (as in Dali), or eeri-
ness (as in Tanguy and much of Chirico). In
almost every case, perspective is utilized
to help achieve the desired impact, and La-
morehas chosen to dispense with the de-
vice, preferring to work in planes, as do
the cubists. It's distinctive, but doesn't
arouse my sympathy. I feel uncomfortable
before such a collosus as Flight because
something seems to be missing-it just
doesn't click.
In his renresentational work. or when-


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WASHINGTON-White Houses advisers, previously split as to
whether the President should crack back at Senator McCarthy,
are now less divided. The McCarthy strategy of swamping the White
House with telegrams h plus his charge that the White House was

concealing Western Union figures, plus earlier McCarthy criticism,'
has made even General "Slick" Persons realize that Ike can't appease
General Persons, with Vice-President Nixon, has been thet
most persuasive of the Ike-advisers who believe the President e
must get along with McCarthy, not oppose him.
But now it's the belief of almost everyone who tries to counsel ant
idealistic but politically inexperienced President that the Senator.
from Wisconsin has used the Eisenhower Administration to build
himself a rabid following which can't be dissipated overnight. In
effect, the Administration has supplied the steppingstones by which
the man who now defies it has risen to power.
Here are some of the steppingstones the Administration has in-
advertently handed ts chief Republican critic:
STEPPINGSTONE NO. 1-Carbon copies of all Eisenhower Ad-
ministration investigations are automatically given McCarthy. That
was how .he knew the Army was probing 'the Signal Corps at Fort
Monmouth, N.J. The Army had been working on this for months, and
after McCarthy obtained copies of Army reports, it was a simple
matter for him to call witnesses, usurp the headlines.
STEPPINGSTONE NO. 2-Attorney General Brownell white-
washed the Senate Investigating Committee's report on McCarthy;
also let the statute of limitations expire on the Senate probe of

The Department of Aeronautical En-
gineering is sponsoring a seminar by Dr.
H. E. Bailey on "Wing-Body Interfer-
ence at Supersonic Speeds" to be held
this afternoon at 4 p.m. in 1504
East Engineering Building. All inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend.
The English Journal Club will meet
this evening at 8 p.m. in 2429 Ma-

Sixty-fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter.................City Editor
Virginia Voss......... Editorial Director
Mike Wolf........Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker......Associate Editor
Helene Simon...........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye...............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell. Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler.. . .Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin.....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden......Finance Manager
James Sharp.....Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

THE U.S. AP tY, in its emancipated if not
infinite t 1om, allows brass to prove
itself brass before it calls it brass. There are
just as many brass hats (by our meaning)
among the ranks of the newly graduated
lieutenants commanding platoons as there
are among the colonels in the Pentagon.
Brass (U.S.A.) is not a rank, or a relative
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