1954 J-Hop
Feature Music of Ray
Anthony, Buddy
Recent Disc Jockey Poll Shows
Orchestras As 'Tops in Nation
Martha Cook To Entertain at Annual Supper
Ray Anthony, Buddy Morrow
and their orchestras will provide
music for dancing at the 1954
J-Hop, to be held from 9 p.m. to
2:30 a.m. 'Friday, February 5, in
the Intramural Building.
The Anthony aggregation was
recently chosen the top band of
the year by Billboard's national
disc jockey poll, while Buddy Mor-
row's group was picked as the
most promising "newer" band.
Alpha Xi Delta 1 vs. Hobbs
and Kleinstueck 1 vs. Hinsdale
are WAA basketball games to
be played at 5:10 p.m. tomor-
row. Others scheduled are
Jordan 2 vs. Couzens 3 and
Stockwell 1 vs. Prescott at 7:15
p.m., while Zone 1 plays Couz-
ens at 8 p.m.
Billed as the "Young Man with
a Horn", Anthony formed his own
orchestra in 1946. His band is
presently composed of five trum-
pets, four trombones, five saxes,
drums, bass and a piano.
Featured vocalists with the band
are Tommy Mercer, Marcie Miller
and the Skyliners, a vocal quin-
One of the most important fac-
tors in Anthony's rise as a "name"
band has been the popularity of
his records with the nation's disc
jockeys. During his first year of
recording, platters such as "Mr.
Anthony's Boogie", "Count Every
Star", "Tenderly", "Sentimental
Me" and "Darktown Strutters
Ball", chalked up sales of more
than two-million.
Recently, his recording of
"Dragnet" has been played on the
air-waves daily.
Another record, "Rose, Rose, I
Love You", boosted Buddy Morrow
and his orchestra into popularity.-
However, before the sales of
this record made it financially pos-
sible, there was no regular "his
orchestra." Morrow, his trombone'
and his arrangers were turning1
out a Morrow brand of music on
each record with a different group
of studio musicians. By 1951, "his
orchestra" became a reality.
Morrow's ability on the trom-
bone won him a scholarship to
the Juilliard School of Music at
the age of 17. During his studies
he was offered a job with the Paul
Whiteman orchestra, He then
went on to play in many of the
nation's well-known bands.
The present Morrow orchestra
features three trumpets, four
trombones, four reeds, drums, bass
Guests of honor at Martha
Cook's annual Messiah Supper',
which begins at 5 p.m. today, will
be Mr. and Mrs. Howard Peckham.
Mr. Peckham is the new director
of the William Clements Library.
This traditional event is held
yearly in honor of the out of town
guests who perform in the Mes-
siah concert. This year the ar-
tists will indlude Maude Nosler,
Carol Smith, Walter Fredericks
and Norman Scott.
Other special guests will be
President and Mrs. Harlan Hatch-
er and about 75 Administration
faculty members.
Before going into dinner, ,the
guests will have a chance to meet
their hostesses and the special
guests in the receiving line. In-
cluded in this line will be Mrs.
Leona B. Diekema, resident direc-
tor, Mr. and Mrs. Peckham, Presi-
dent and Mrs. Hatcher, Mary Mar-
garet Koyka, general chairman of
the event, Vonda Genda, house
president, and other house offi-
cers and guests.
After dinner there will be cof-
fee and dessert in the Blue Room
and each of the women in the
building is free to invite a per-
sonal guestfor dessert.
Entertainment at the party will
be provided by the Martha Cook
choir, under the direction of Pa-
tricia Mallett, and the Lawyers
Glee Club, directed by Justine
Among the song selections are
Leisring's "0 Filii et Filiae," Pales-
trina's "Adoremus Te," Pergolesi's
"Glory to God in the Highest" and
Martin Shaw's "Fanfare for
Christmas Day."
Another feature of the enter-
tainment will be a Christmas read-
ing with a musical background
done by Nancy Kovac.
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds
and a piano. Frankie Lester and
Jean McManus provide the vocals.
Reservations for this year's j~
Hop can be made Dec. 14, 15 and
16 ,in the Administration Build-
in g. Tickets, priced at $7, will go
on sale Monday, Jan. 4, immed-
iately following Christmas vaca-
With J-Hop returning to a Gne
night dance again this year, the
committee has scheduled a con-
cert from 3 to 5 p.m. Saturday,
Feb. 6 in Hill Auditorium to round
off the weekend. More informa-
tion about this event will be re-
leased at a later date.
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