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December 06, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-12-06

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Daily Managing Editor
interchange last week was the first im-
portant development indicating the Admin-
istration intended to fulfill its function of
leadership since the President won the ex-
cess profits tax battle several months ago.
Administration condemnation of Sen.
McCarthy has been expected for some
time, but the condemnation has always
been delayed with the implied excuse
that the Administration was waiting for
a significant issue to act on. The way
the Administration has proceeded thus
far, one can only be satisfied that action
came at all.
The President's remarks that the election
next fall should rest on "a progressive, dy-
namic program enhancing the welfare of
the people of our country" rather than on
the Reds-in-government issue is well tak-
en, but will be far more reassuring when
the progressive, dynamic program appears.
Thus far evidences of a coherent, well-
directed program have been absent in Ad-
ministration statements. This lack of co-
hesion has been due in great part to the
President's concept of leadership which was
aimed at gaining Congressional cooperation
and understanding in order to enact the
necessary revisions in domestic policy. When
the policy backfired early in the "honey-
moon" period after the inauguration, the
President was forced to enter the excess
profits tax controversy. Unfortunately the
successful outcome of this dispute did not
change the early policy and the Administra-
tion lost ground.
With time running out before the im-
portant 1954 elections, the oncoming ses-
sion of Congress assumes crucial im-
portance for the legislative record of the
upcoming session *111 determine GOP for-
tunes in the fall election.
The decision to challenge Sen. McCarthy
was a reassertion of the leadership display-
ed In the tax squabble. Abdication of the
Administration position through later va-
cillation over McCarthy or the domestic pro-
gram cannot occur if a GOP majority is to
be maintained. Should the President fail at
this juncture, the party does not deserve
to keep its majority.
WEHAVE BEEN following the statements
of Harvard President Nathan M. Pusey
on the Communists in education question
with interest and have developed a great
respect for his judgment and policies. Ad-
mittedly a private university differs from a
state supported institution, but Pusey's
statement Friday that Harvard should not
be judged for the few Communists or sym-
pathizers who have atended the university
but for the other 100,000 graduates who have
contributed greatly to this country's growth
in every area should stand for any univer-
Pusey has a way of placing the issue
In a perspective that Sen. McCarthy is
continually trying to distort with his
chares. The Harvard president has con-
tinued to develop a thesis of the respon-
sibility and independence of his institu-
tion in face of McCarthy's specific at-
tack on Harvard through the legislation
he is introducing to cripple that univer-
sity and other institutions which disagree
with his brand of patriotism.
The Harvard Corporation has pursued an
equally commendable policy in deciding
that a teacher should not be fired for re-
fusing to answer questions of congressional
investigators on ground that his answers
might incriminate him. In retaining sev-
eral controversial faculty members, the Cor-
poration showed its concern for the cir-

cumstances of individual cases and refused
to be intimidated by the investigation.
At McCarthy's
Dear Mr. President:
SINCE SENATOR McCarthy has recogniz-
ed that the American people should
have something to say about this nation's
policies and has suggested to those who
agree with his views on foreign policy to
write to you declaring such unavoidable
agreement, I hereby add myself to the mil-
lions who concur in these views, not because
of the views themselves, but upon realizing
their source.
The policies with which Senator Mc-
Carthy has asked us to agree, of course,
are not especially impressive. But the
overwhelming reputation of their advo-
cator naturally offsets any inherent ridi-
culousness. The idea of telling Britain
with whom it should or should not trade
seems an ideal way to alienate our allies;
but I guess that's all right as long as we
don't need allies. The suggestion that
the United States discontinue aid to coun-
tries that trade with Red China because
their economic stability requires it seems
a rather expedient method to weaken the
free world : hut T ruze it daen't make

The Driving Ban Issue


For Removal .
ON THE BASIS of the study made by Stu-
dent Legislature in addition to those
done by offices of the Administration it-
self, there can be little doubt that the driv-
ing ban by-law has ceased to serve a useful
purpose and has in fact become. an ana-
chronism in the mid-century life of the
Perhaps the most telling argument ad-
vanced for abolishing the regulation stems
from the fact that it is not receiving
anywhere near adequate enforcement at
presnt. The student who is caught in a
violation or without a permit is looked
upon as being either exceedingly unclever
or very much the victim of regretable
circumstance. To point out to a college
student that driving a car is wrong be-
cause he is now at the University of Mi-
chigan when he has been doing so
throughout most of his ,high schol career
is something he finds extremely difficult
to understand.
Automobiles are as much a part of every-
day American life as bicycles are part of
the everyday existence of the European.
Continuation of the restrictions are in this
sense totally unrealistic.
To properly enforce the by-law would re-
quire a University police force costing thou-
sands of dollars a year. The University can
ill afford to spend money for these pur-
poses when a multitude of other projects
far more beneficial to the students could
be better served.
The Student Legislature recommendation
to the Board of Regents called for a sub-
stitute by-law removing driving restrictions
except for freshmen under 21 years old. As
a suggestion having a better chance of pass-
ing the Board than complete removal would,
it has much to commend it. However, en-
forcement would still be a problem.
The only answer remains complete re-
moval of all restrictions to be replaced by
Student Affairs Office regulations re-
quiring registration of all student-driven
cars with the University, adequate insur-
ance coverage and a safety check of the
automobile. A small registration fee could
be charged to cover costs. Indications are
that students would be willing to cooper-
ate with such a program. They could also
expect that violations of the driving privi-
lege would be dealt with severely by the
The next logical step for the University to
take in the problem is to lift the driving ban
on a one year trial basis as has been done
at Illinois. At the end of this time it could
be determined whether it is a feasible idea
for students to be allowed to drive.
-Gene Hartwig
New Books at Library
Bester, Alfred-"Who He?": New York;
the Dial Press, 1953.
Herhey, John-The Marmot Drive: Al-
fred A. Knopf; New York, 1953.
Lamming, George-In the Castle of My
Skin: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.; New
York, 1953.
Osgood, Cornelius-Winter: W. W. Nor-
ton & Co., Inc.; New York, 1953.
Siemel, Sasha - Tigero!: Prentice-Hall;
New York, 1953.
Straus, Robert & Bacon, Seldon D.--
Drinking in College: Harvard University
Press; New Haven, 1953.

Against Removal . . .
THERE IS NO valid reason for a com-
plete removal of the University driving
ban. The present restrictions are certainly
not unfair because any student in Ann Ar-
bor who absolutely must use a car may ob-
tain a permit for one. The regulations are
qualified giving sick or physically handi-
capped students, students who need busi-
ness permits, etc., permission to operate an
One protest that is continually heard is,
"Well, at other Big Ten universities . ..
Michigan is unique, now, in its restric-
tion of automobiles, but why, just because
"every other campus permits cars," should
Michigan necessarily do the same?
The average Michigan student does not
really need a car. He is in Ann Arbor for
the purpose of getting an education. His
activities are centered in a compact area,
within easy walking distance of the resi-
The absence of cars creates a feeling of
equality which would, to a certain extent,
be lost if many students started using au-
tomobiles as a means of transportation. The
college-town atmosphere which pervades'
the campus would be destroyed, and the cold
impersonality of which we are often accused
would become a reality.
To say that the number of cars would
not increase because anyone who wants
to drive does so now is almost ridiculous.
There would be students who would bring
their cars to Ann Arbor simply because
they knew that they could drive. The par-
ents of students, although they generally
approve of the driving ban, would be
much more lenient in letting students
have cars at school if there were no re-
Along with the increase in cars would
come an increase in -the accident rate, viola-
tions of the liquor law, and traffic and
parking problems.
The pedestrians and the motorists on our
streets seem to be ignorant of one another's
presence as it is. A greater number of auto-
mobiles would raise the chances of, acci-
Our campus has the problem of a great
deal of outside traffic, and if driving were
suddenly legalized for students, the problem
would increase almost to the point of im-

-Daily-Bill Hampton
"This 'MICHIGAN UNION', gentlemen-is that something
I should have anything to do with?"


SPITE OF the dull gray weather that seems inevitable as win-I

ter approaches, student activity in several campus organizations
was far from dull this week.
* * * *
OPERATION INQUIRY-The Inter-House Council came to life
Thursday as it began mapping out plans for a complete student-ad-
mirgstration evaluation of the Michigan House plan. Although pres-
ent dormitory and quadrangle systems on campus have long been
denounced by students as uncomfortable and completely distaste-
ful, the IHC action seems to be the first positive move students have
taken to publicly evaluate the problems involved so that future Uni-
versity housing arrangements will be more suitable and enjoyable.
* * * *
COMPLAINTS OF BIAS-Charges and denials of racial dis-
crimination in hiring policies of the Union dining room confused a
campus that was largely unaware of rumors that for years have
been circulated to the effect that no Negro waiters or waitresses are
allowed to work in the dining room. Although Union officials quickly
said the charges consisted of only "an isolated case," Student Leg-
islature members and Union student officials seemed prepared to
make more certain there was no formal or informal policy toward
Establishing a board that would not only delve further into in-
vestigations of local discrimination but would also attempt to "edu-
cate" local merchants by 'talking over the problem' is one plan ap-
parently acceptable to a majority of the Legislators. Disagreements,
however, have arisen over what groups should be represented on the
board and whether it should be enabled to use such direct economic
pressures as picketing discriminatory stores and promoting an anti-
discrimination sticker campaign.
* * * *
MEAGER TURN-OUT-Only 55 percent of University seniors
turned out to take personality tests conducted throughout the week
by the Commission on Human Resources, although a larger percent-
age may be chalked up later this week when make-up sessions will
be given. Attempts of the researchers are directed toward determin-
ing personality characteristics of people preparing for professional
and non-professional occupations. If it can be proved that stu-
dents do not now find jobs in their fields of concentration, Commis-
sion directors may suggest revisions in college curriculums to 'meet
the needs' of liberal education scholars.
* s * *
MORE TALK-Students, University administrators and faculty
members attempted to iron out certain University problems in dis-
cussions arranged by the Union secretariat committee. Under con-
sideration were criticisms of the North Campus, the Michigan House
Plan, counselling services and present methods of integrating foreign
students into University life.
-Dorothy Myers
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

The greatest problem,
most evident, is that of
creased number of cars.
the streets would make
that there is very little
space on campus.

and by far the
parking an in-
A good look at
anyone realize
excess parking

(Continued from Page 2)
American Airlines will have repre-
sentatives at the Sharaton Cadilac Ho-
tel in Detroit on Tues., Dec. 8, between
the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., and on
Wed., Dec. 9, between the hours of 10
a.m. and 2 p.m., to interview young
women interested in stewardess posi-
The Boy Scouts of America will have
their Assistant National Director of
Personnel conducting interviews in De-
troit on Mon., Dec. 14. Men graduates
interested in a professional career in
Scouting are invited to schedule ap-
pointments. Since the Boy Scouts will
not have a representative visiting the
campus this semester, they are especial-
ly interested in having February grad-
uates talk with their representative in
Detroit. Thos men wishing to make ap-
pointments may contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371, for further information.
Teacher Candidates: Mr. Averill, As-
sistant Superintendent of the Lansing
Public Schools will be at the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Wed., Dec. 9. He is particularly
interested in speaking with Early and
Later Elementary Teaching Candidates,
but would be pleased to meet anyone
interested Inteaching in Lansing. For
appointments call, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
College Teachers for Pakistan. The
Bureau of Appointments has been in-
formed of vacancies in a large uni-
versity in Pakistan in the fields of!
English, economics, history, and ge-
ology. Interested persons please con-
tact Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building, for further in-
formation. Phone Normandy 3-1511, Ext.
The Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. of
Chicago, Ill., would like to hear from
any graduates, primarily Mech. E. or
Met. E., interested in working for the
The Nitrogen Division, Allied Chem-
ical & Dye Corp., in New York City
is offering employment opportunities to
1954 graduates in Chemistry and Engi-
Sneeringas well as those in Accounting,
Law* and Business Administration. Po-
sitions exist in the Development, Pro-
duction, Sales, and Public Information
The Design Division at the Mare Is-
land Naval Shipyard in Vallejo, Calif.,
is seeking graduates with B.S. and M.S.
degrees for positions as Electrical En-
gineers, Electronic Engineers, Marine
Engineers, Mechanical Engineers, and
Naval Architects.
The City of Detroit Civil Service Com-
mission has announced an open ex-
amination for the positions of Recre-
ation Instructor and Junior Recreation
Instructor. Men and women graduates
who have specialized in Physical Edu-
cation or who have advanced training
in recreational activities through par-
ticipation in a recreational program are
eligible to apply.
Macy's, Kansas City, Mo., will hold a
Career Open House tor senior men and
women during the coming Christmas
holiday, Mon., Dec. 28 through Tues.,
Dec. 29. The purpose of the Open House
is to enable college people to see a re-
tail organization functioning and to
analyze the opportunities the field
might afford for a career.
For additional information about
these and other employment-, oppor-
tunities, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
Ext. 371.
Students planning to take the Pro-
fessional & Technical Assistant Exami-
nations or the Public Administration
Intern Examination, being given by the
New York State Department of Civil
Service on Jan. 16, 1954, are reminded
that the deadline for acceptance of ap-
plications is Dec. 11, 1953. Application
blanks and complete announcements
are available at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Geological and Mineralogical Club, "The
Geology of Minnesota," Dr. George M.
Schwartz, Director of Minnesota Geo-
logical Survey, Minneapolis, Mon., Dec.
7, 8 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium.
University Lecture, auspices of the
Geological and Mineralogical Club,
"Hydrothermal Alteration and Ore
Deposits,"-Dr. George M. Schwartz, Di-
rector, Minnesota Geological Survey,
Minneapolis, Tues., Dec. 8, 4 p.m., 2054
Natural Science Building.
Lecture by Prof. Sydney Chapman,
auspices Departments of Astronomy,
Aeronautical Engineering, Physics and
Geology. Tues., Dec. 8, 4:10 p.m., at
the Observatory. Topic, Theories of the
Aurora and Geomagnetic Disturbance.
Logic Seminar. Tues., Dec. 8, 4 p.m.,
411 Mason Hall. Dr. J. R. Buchi will
continue his discussion of "Church's
Theory of Lambda Conversion."

Interdepartmental Seminar on Ma-
chine Computation. Mr. Donald E.
Lamphiear, Survey Research Center,
will speak on "Computing Census Prob-
lems on the. UNIVAC," Mon., Dec. 7,
at 4:30 p.m., 429 Mason Hall. Mr. Lam-
phiear has had experience with the
Bureau of Cendus UNIVAC, having
worked at the Bureau before coming to
The Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar will meet Mon., Dec. 7, at 3 in
3001 Angell Hall. The topic is in discus-
sion of "Mathematics and Language."
Actuarial Seminar, Mon., Dec. 7, at
2:10 p.m., 37 School of Business Ad-
ministration. Mr. Bicknell will con-
tinue his talk on "Forces of Decrement
in Insurance Mathematics."
Geometry Seminar, Mon., Dec. 7, at
7 p.m., in 3001 Angell Hall. Dr. D. Kaz-
Iarinoff will continue his talk on "Two
Circles in Space."
Christmas Concerts. "Messiah" will be
given two performances Saturday at
8:30 and Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in
Hill Auditorium, under the auspices of
the University Musical Society.
Performers will include Maud Nosler,
soprano; Carol Smith, contralto; Wal-
ger Fredericks, tenor; Walter Scott,
bass; the University Choral Union; the
Musical Society Orchestra; with Mary
McCall Stubbins, organist; and Lester
McCoy, conductor.
Tickets will be on sale until Satur-
day noon at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Tower; after
7 o'clock Saturday night, and at 1:30

U. of M. Museum of Art, Alumni Me-
morial Hail, Fleischman Collection of
American Paintings, Nov. 15 - Dec. 6;
A half Century of Picasso, Nov. 25
through Dec. 20. Open from 9 to 5 on
weekdays; 2 to5 Sundays. The public
is invited.
Events Today
Roger Williams Guild. 9:45 a.m., Stu-
dent Class discusses "What Students
Can Believe About Salvation." 6:45
p.m., Jack and Judy Brown will tell of
their work-camp experiences in Wash-
ington, D.C.
Wesleyan Guild. 9:30 a.m., Student
Seminar: "The True Church: Not Many
But One." 5:30 p.m., Fellowship supper.
6:45 p.m., Worship and program. Rev.
H. L. Pickerill will lead a discussion on
"The Basic Essentials for a Successful
Marriage." 7:30 p.m., Fireside Forum. Lt.
R. M. Davis will show slides of Norway
and Denmark.
Unitarian Student Group: Meet at
Flecher's, 1030 E. Huron, 7:30 p.m.
There will be a reading and discussion
of plays and short stories.
Evangelical and Reformed Student
Guild: 7 p.m. "Symbolism in the
Church" - Guest Leader Mrs. Theo.
Schmale of Bethlehem Church.
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Mr.
C. Stacey Woods, General Secretary of
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship will
speak on the subject, "The Return of
Christ"-4 p.m., Lane Hall. All stu-
dents invited. Refreshments,
Episcopal Student Foundation, Holy
Communion at 8 and 9 with breakfast
following at Canterbury House. Sup-
per at 6 p.m. Even Song, Alice Lloyd
Memorial Service, at 8 p.m. with Coffee
Hour afterwards.
Lutheran Student Association. 7 p.m.
Student Discussion: "This We Believe."
Congregational-Disciples Guild. 7 p.m.
Meet at Guild House to go to the Slos-
son Home, 2101 Devonshiare Rd., for an
informal discussion on "living Chris-
tianity in the home."
La p'tite causette aura lieu demain,
le 7 decembre, a 3:30 jusq'a 5:00 a la
Michigan Union Cafeteria. On parle
francais, on bolt du cafe, et surtout on
s'amuse. Tous sont bienvenusi
Hillel Foundation:
Sixth Day of Hanukkah-candle light'
Ing, 7:30 p.m.
5 p.m.-Hillel Chorus
6 p.m.-Supper Club sponsored by
IZFA-featuring Latkes
8 p.m.-"Hanukkah Whirl"-daning
to Mel Sachs and Band
Monday Is the Seventh Day of Han-
ukkah. Candle lighting ceremony at
7:30 p.m.
The Graduate Outing Club meets at
2 p.m. at the rear of the Rackham
Building. There will be a cross-coun-
try hike followed by an indoor supper
at Rackham. Those who have cars are
urged to bring them to help with trans-
portation to the country.
Coming Events
Foresters' Club meeting, Tuesday, De-
cember 8, 7:30 p.m., 2054 N. S. Speaker
will be H. Raymond Gregg, Assistant
Chief Naturalist, US. Park Service.
Topic of talk: "Target Tomorrow." All
Natural Resources School students in-
vited: Refreshments.
Students Interested in the Field of
Social Work are invited to a social
hour, sponsored by the Huron Valley
Chapter of the American Association
of Social Workers, to be at the League
on Mon., Dec. 7, from 4 to 6. Oppor-
tunities in social work will be described,
andtrefreshments will be served. All stu-
dents are welcome.
Kaffee Stunde of The Deutscher Ver-
ein will meet Mon., Dec. 7, 3:15 p.m. In
the Union. Everyone is welcome.
The Women's Research Club will meet
Mon., Dec. 7, in the West Lecture Room
of the Rackham Building at 8 p.m.
Miss Adelia Beeuwkes is to speak on
"Applied Research in the Field of Nu-
trition" and will show moving pictures
on the subject.
Social Work Supervisors' Institute.
School of Social Work students who are
in field work are invited to participate
in the supervisors' institute on The
Role of the Evaluation at the Union
on Wed., Dec. 9, starting at 9:15 a.m.
with coffee.
Museum Movie. "Maya of Ancient
and Modern Yucatan," free movie
shown daily at 3 p.m. daily, including
Sat, and Sun. and at 12:30 Wed., 4th
floor movie alcove Museums Building,
Dec. 8-15. ,

Young Republicans. Annual Meeting,
Tues., Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m., League. Final
Report of the President and Election of
Officers. Attendance of all members
urgently requested.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harry Lunn............Managing Editor
Eric Vetter .............City Editor
Virginia Voss......... Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker........Associate Editor
Helene Simon. .........Associate Editor
rIvan Kaye.. .............Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.... Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell......Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisier....Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden.......Finance Manager
James Sharp...Circulation Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1




The problem of enforcement at the pre-
sent time is one of the major issues against
keeping the ban. Increasing the University
police force would solve this. It is true that
the cost would be greater than at present,
but would it be any more than that of fi-
nancing parking facilities or traffic en-
forcements? If the ban were lifted, all
traffic enforcement would be in the hands
of the Ann Arbor police. The Ann Arbor
taxpayers, who would have to foot the bill
for this additional cost, would certainly not
be too heartily in favor of it.
-Janet Rearick

SWas hington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-It isn't often that labor
leaders express appreciation of prose-
cution threats by the .Justice Department.
Last week, however, when some of New
York's biggest piers were shut down by one
segment of the Longshoremen's Union, AFL
leaders praised the work of U.S. Attorney
J. Edward Lumbard in Manhattan and his
collegaue, Leonard P. Moore, in Brooklyn.
What happened was that the mobster
longshoremen hiring bosses who had
criminal records were denied licenses by
the new New York-New Jersey Water-
front Commission. Therefore, the bosses,
unable to operate, staged a protest strike.
Hitherto, these hiring bosses have oper-
ated the "shape-up," which means that
longshoremen line up in front of them
and are picked by the bosses for work.
This is how kickbacks have been paid in
the past, and it is this procedure that the
new AFL Longshoremen's Union seeks to
break up.
Among those denied a license was Spanish
Calvo, hiring boss for U.S. Steel's Isthmian
Line pier in Brooklyn. Immediately, other
mobsters struck and the pier closed down.
In Manhattan, piers 84 to 93, North River,
were shut down tight. Harold "Mickey"
Bowers, boss of this area, sent his long-
shoremen out on strike when Danny St.
John, hiring boss of one pier, was denied a
license because of a criminal record.
Also on the North River, Tony Achalites,
hiring boss for the Moore-McCormack pier,
was denied a license and asked Moore-Mc-
Cormack to give him a job as a cooper.
They refused, whereupon their pier was

The situation could have been dangerous.
For the steamship companies, anxious that
their ships sail, could have made things
nasty for the new bi-state commission which
is supposed to police the waterfront, s
This was where the two U.S. attorneys
jumped in. The work stoppages were in
violation of the federal injunction which
continues until Christmas. So U.S. attor-
neys Lumbard and Moore immediately
sent their agents down to the waterfront,
started to serve subpoenas, made it plain
that there would be prosecution.
As a result, the entire waterfront next
day went back to work.
Note - The new AFL Longshoremen's
Union now has more than 12,000 pledge
cards, or more than half the membership
necessary to organize the waterfront.
* * * *'
James Conant has sent a special report
to the State Department urging that West-
ern Germany be rearmed this year even if
France flatly refuses to go along. Conant
says France must not be permitted to con-
tinue to stall European defense against
If the French delay approval of the
European army plan to rearm Germany,
then Conant advises that Germany be
brought into the North Atlantic Pact, as a
full member by September.
He also has advised Eisenhower to warn
the French of this alternative at the Ber-
muda conference. This is now on the Eisen-

Correction '. '
To the Editor:
The Daily on Friday morning
published a speech of mine to
Ann Arbor Democrats on the sub-
ject of Brownell's recent accusa-
tions. It has inaccuracies serious
enough for me to request you to
publish this correction. I was
quoted as having said that "Harry
Dexter White was not in a position
to harm the country", and that by
removing White "from a manager-
ial position to the International
Monetary Fund, Truman entirely
removed White's potency as a pos-
sible spy." It would be quite im-
porsible for anyone to make such
statements with any assurance uf
their truth, and I am sure I did
What I did say was that White
undoubtedly had access to quan-
titlies of secret information, since
he and his staff were concerned
with a great many governmental
operations raising fiscal and cur-
rency problems-especially those
foreign operations which required
conversion of foreign currencies.
No cne without access to the secret
files of the F. B. I. can possibly
say whether he passed on any of
these documents, or if he passed
some, which ones. Even thos3 few
people who do have access to the
F. B. I. files can probably riot
do much more than guess as to
what was done or might have been
done. Whether White did "harm
the country" I do not know,
though I am sure he was in a
position to harm the country by
disclosing heavily classified mater-

war policy, on military strategy
or the main directions of our
policies. He clearly must have
had a part in preparing the so-
called Morgenthau plan for Ger-
many, which was soon repudiated.
As head of the Division of Mone-
tary Research he dealt with is-
sues of fiscal policy, the most im-
portant of which were intorna-
tional and entirely open. To claim
that White became "ope of the
most important men in the world",
as Time Magazine for example has
done, is to mislead by gross mis-
As to the effect of White's trans-
fer to the International Monetary
Fund, again it would be utterly
impossible to say that this "en-
tirely removed White's potency as
a possible spy". What I said was
that the Fund was and is con-
cerned with stabilization of for-
eign currencies, that White wasj
one of 12 directors appointed from
different countries, and that in
this position he was even less con-
cerned with general U. S. policy
and had very much less access to
classified material.
I regret that your report gave
the impression that I spent my
time condoning spies in our gov-
ernment or minimizing the- harm
they could do, if White as now
claimed was a spy. What I tried
to describe was the extreme dif-
ficulty of determining the right
course after President Truman in
early February, 1946, received the
full report on White, while the
head of the F. B. I. refused to
permit disclosure of his sources
of information, untested charges
were being made against numerous


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