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November 04, 1953 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-04

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To Try Out
For Gulantics
First Set of Tryouts
Scheduled Saturday;
Varied Acts Needed
Tryouts for Gulantics will be
held from 9:30 a.m. to noon and
1 to 5 p.m. this Saturday and next
Saturday in Rm. 3G in the Un-
Second tryouts will take place
Dec. 4 and 5.
THE COMMITTEE in charge of
Gulantics is looking for entertain-
ers of all kinds for the February
production. Singers, dancers, musi-
cians, comedians and individual or
group performers are asked to
try out for the annual amateur tal-
ent show.
In Gulantics, the "G" is for
Glee Club, the "U" is for Union
and the "L" stands for League,
plus "antics."
Representing the Glee Club is
Bob McGrath who can be reached
at 2-1147, the Union representa-
tive, Tom Leopold, 2-2118, and
heading the League representa-
tion is Joyce Clements whose phone
number is 2-5675.
COMPETITORS are asked to
appear at their audition as fully
x prepared as possible, with the ac-
tual Gulantics show in mind. A
perfect performance is not expect-
ed, but all potential ability should
be shown.
Costume or special attire
should be thought out, if the
auditioner plans to wear any
kind of costume.
If accompaniment is required,
competitors should provide their
own, and required properties
should also be kept in mind.
PERFORMANCES must not ex-
ceed ten minutes.
Voicing their slogan that there
Is talent everywhere on cam-
pus, but nary a chance to dis-
play it, the committee offers
Gulantics as a solution to the
Gulantics lets the audience de-
termine the winner. The top three
acts receiving the most applause
on the audiometer cop the three
grand prizes.
- *
LAST YEAR Ed Ravenscroft,
'56A, drummed his way into first
place and $100.
Second prize of $50 went to
the Vaughan Shadows, a vocal
trio composed of Evie Challis,
Nora Granito and Donna Wes-
terlund. Singer Robin Renfrew
copped third place.
Appearing last in the program,
the surprise faculty act included
the Dean of Women, Deborah Ba-
con, Prof. Preston Slosson of the
history department and Assistant
Dean James H. Robertson of the
literary college presenting their
"We're Not Predicting" routine.
producing the review are assumed
by the three sponsors. The League
Y handles the talent, the Union
manages the staging and the Glee
Club takes the financial risk and
carries on the publicity for the
This year's Gulantics revue,
the sixth annual production,
will be presented sometime in.
February. Usually about ten
acts compete for cash prizes in

the show held before capacity
audience in Hill Auditorium.
Those who are interested in
auditioning are asked to sign up
on the cards which have been dis-
tributed in the houses and dormi-
Don't Miss
kNovember 7
U. of M. vs. Illinois
at Champaign

Hillel Members Will Hear
American Zionist Leader

|Coeds Will Sponsor Panhel Ball

Included in this week's activi-
ties at Hillel will be guest speak-
er, Leon Kay, Detroit industrial-
ist and leader of the American Zi-
onist movement.
Kay will speak on Chaim Weiz-4
man's "Pioneer of Israel" at 8:45
p.m. Friday. The program will
consist of a memorial prayer, mu-
sic and songs.
* *
THE EVENT will be held in the
new Hillel building at 1429 Hill
Street. President of the Hillel
Council, Fred Kapetensky, an-
nounced that the new site will be
dedicated Nov. 23.
Registration for classes at Hil-
lel will end at 8 p.m. tonight. In-
struction is available in He-
brew, modern Israel and other
Jewish studies. There is no
charge for these courses. The
IZFA Dance Group will hold
their regular meeting at 8 p.m.

Brith, a Jewish fraternal orga-
Religious activities for the year
include services on the Sabbath
and holidays, observance of all the
festivals and an inter-faith pro-
gram with other campus religious
groups. Meals are also served to
students who observe the dietary
The social program features
open houses, dances, mixers, week-
ly coffee hours, Sunday night sup-
per clubs and the annual variety
show, "Hillelzapoppin'."
The building is open to all stu-
dents from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. on
weekdays, from 9 a.m. to midnight
on Saturdays and from 9 a.m. to
10:30 p.m. on Sundays.
Badminton Club's
Plans To Inclucd

Affiliated coeds and their dates
will dance to the music of Alan
Zito and Red Johnson in the
background of a southern garden
at their annual Panhellenic Ball
to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
Saturday in the League.
Silhouettes of glamorous south-
ern ladies and chivalrous gentle-
men will adorn the walls of the
League ballroom, while magnolia
trees and Spanish moss will re-
mind those attending of the south-
ern setting.
A STEAM BOAT steaming up a
southern river will be found in the
League hallway. However, this is
to be a special type of boat, a Pan-
hel steamboat, with a flag for
each sorority on its mast.
Traditionally each sorority
has a specific room to gather and
chat, informally. This year all
these rooms will be decorated in
silhouettes and colored lights.
Coffee will be served in one

the bands of Tommy Dorsey,
Woodie Herman, Ralph Flana-
gan, Sammy Kaye and Vaughn
Monroe, Zito has played on sev-
eral radio networks.
Red Johnson and his combo will
entertain couples in the Hussey
FEATURING Dave Caviteh play-
ing the saxaphone, Bill Herman,
trumpet,. Joe Moore, trombone and
Jim Pallin at the drums, leader
Red Johnson will preside at the
Organized last spring, this is
a new band on campus. However,
Johnson has conducted and or-
chestrated the Union Opera for
the last two years.
Panhel Ball is open to all affil-

iated women and their dates.
Pledges are also invited to attend.
Any transfer affiliates whose
house is not represented on cam-
pus may contact Phyllis Thombs,
at 2-2539 in the evening, for tick-
Tickets are still being sold by
one member of each sorority at
$3 a couple.
The Interviewing and Nom-
inating Committee announces
the appointment to two senior
positions. Katie Wakeman,
'54Ed. will take over the chair-
manship in February and
Jackie Shiff has been elected

FAVORITE FOODS--Food served in all University residence halls
such as Barbour is planned by a staff of dietitians who sound out
student opinion and decide what the favorite foods are. Weekly
discussion groups are held, during which suggestions for changes
are made.
Dietitians Seek To Please
Majority ofT U' Residents

"Music for All," a program of se-
lected chamber music will be pre- Weekly Tourney
sented at 8 p.m. tomorrow night.
All those interested are asked to While most of the birds have
bring books to study. migrated to the South, birds of
* *;* another type will be whacked high

Hamburgers, swiss steak or mac-
aroni and cheese-it's up to the
staff of dietitians to decide just
what foods will be placed on the
menu each day in the University
residence halls.
Although complaints are some-
times heard from the students, the
staff is not trying to make enemies
by feeding the residents all their
"pet" peeves.
IN FACT, the chief dietitian,
Miss Kathleen 'Hamm, and her
staff of dietitians in the various
quads and dorms maintain that
they endeavor to serve what every-
one likes, but that it is impossible
to satisfy everyone.
By observing what is taken
from the serving counter and
what foods are consistently left
over and also by listening to
student comments, the dietitians
planning the meals have come to
conclusions about just what the
''favorite'' foods are.
In the women's dorms, for lunch
hot dogs and hamburgers head the
list, with salad plates and bacon
and tomato sandwiches running a
close second. Tuna fish salad
sandwiches are also popular, as
well as soup, especially cream of
tomato, cream of mushroom, veg-
etable and chicken noodle. Dieti-
tians have found that students
complain when soup is not served
every noon.
In the area of salads, fruit and
tossed greens seem to be well-
liked. Jello salads also are welcome
on the dinner counter.
* * *
FOR DINNER, spaghetti and
meat sauce and garlic biead are
greeted with. enthusism, according
to the dietitians. In the line .of
meats, beef, especially swiss steak
or cube steak, and chicken are
French fries and mashed po-
tatoes lead the parade as far as
potatoes are concerned, while
among the vegetables green
beans, peas and carrots seem to
be liked by many of the stu-
dents. Miss Hamm stated that it
is difficult to get variety in plan-
ning vegetables, because there
are so very few to choose among.
On the bread counter, students
seem to favor dinner rolls, biscuits
and muffins rather than plain slic-
ed bread.
Eggs for breakfast bring on a
few morning smiles, as well as do
orange juice or tomato juice.
IN PLANNING desserts, the die-
titians have found that ice cream
heads the list, with apple crisp,
fruit cobblers, pies and jelow fol-
lowing. Fruit is well-liked at lunch
and pie seems to be preferred over
cake and cookies.
Milk, of course, is a top favor-
ite, while coffee helps students -
to wake up in the morning.
Last year all baking for the

dorms and quads, including cake,
pie and cookies, was done in the
Food Service building. However,
the system has been changed this
year, so that each residence hall
is doing it's own baking. Rolls and
bread as well as ice cream are still
made by Food Service.

FOR STUDENTS who are not
taking the trip to Illinois, there
will be a listening party Saturday
afternoon at Hillel.
The married couples group will
get together Saturday night at
8 p.m. for the "Corner Delica-
tessen" featuring dancing,
games and a delicatessen supper
at $1.50 per couple. Chairman
June Molof urged all interested
to come.

There are openings for more
The menus for all the dorms are men in the Hillel Chorus which
the same, while the quads also get meets every Sunday at 5 p.m. The
together in planning theirs. The song fest is followed by the sup-
dietitians take turns planning a per club at 6 p.m.
week's meals, starting with a mas- , * *

and low over a five foot net, when
the Badminton Club holds its first
meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight at
Barbour Gym.
Sponsored by the Women's Ath-
letic Association, membership in
the club is open to any male or
female student on campus who
may join the club and use all its
According to manager Margaret
Bell, the purpose of the club is to
develop skills in the game and pro-
vide students with an opportunity
for recreation and relaxation.
Instructions will be furnished by
a member of the Women's Phy-
sical Education department and an
intra-club tournament will be held
at the weekly meetings.
An all-campus doubles and
singles badminton tournament is
annually, sponsored by this or-
ganization. Veda Cohen and Mar-
garet Smith copped first and sec-
ond place in the singles division
last year.


ter meat menu.

A WEEKLY general discussion
is held, at which suggestions for
changes are made. By getting to-
gether to plan, it is hoped more
ideasand variety will be secured
and a few more tastes satisfied.
However, each dietitian is free to
make any changes that she thinks
will please her house better.
In feeding the men, the die-
titians have found that they do
not like quite the same things
as the coeds. Besides wanting
larger portions, they do not seem
to like casserole dishes or salad
In planning menus, the dieti-
tians try to consider first, what
the students like. Also taken into
account is what can be afforded
on food budget, nutritive value,
food in season, difficulty of prep-
aration and combinations of f a-
vor, texture and color that go well
Certain standards set up by the
National Nutritional Council must
be met, also.
Miss Hamm, as chief dietitian,
is administrator for all the resi-
dence hall dietitians. There is a
dietitian in each quad and dorm.
The larger residences may have
several assistants as well.

HILLEL organization tries to
satisfy the religious, social and
cultural needs of Jewish students.
A membership in Hillel costs $2.
This fee helps to finance the an-
nual program.
More than 200 foundations in
the United States and Canada
are all sponsored by the B'nai




A notice to those girls who are helping their hus.
bands obtain their college training.
have an important responsibility in helping your
husband further his career. It is up to you to
choose a position that offers stability, good wages,
and a chance to advance.
have such openings for order typists and tellers.
Also we have openings in the near future for tele-
phone operators. Visit our employment office soon.
Michigan Bell Telephone Co.
323 East Washington


dcn'44 ~jCaom/u4


SA N D LE R OF BOSTON presents a streamlined moccasin, TIPPECANOE*, with a
new kind of handsewn stitch on the vamp. Sure bait for compliments, sure footing for fast
action ... surely, you'll want a campus-bound pair. 4$
I. S. Pat,150729
17 Nickels Arcade

House athletic managers will meet
at 5 p.m. today at the Women's
Athletic Building.
JUNIOR PANHEL -- There will
not be a meeting of the Junior
Panhellenic Association today be-
cause of work at the Fresh Air
Camp with Junior IFC. Members
of Junior Panhel will meet as us-
ual at 4:30 next Wednesday in the
ern dance club will meet at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow in Barbour Gym,
dance studio. Now members are
still welcome.
MICHIFISH - All members of
Michifish willmeet at 5 p.m. to-
morrow for the Ensian picture.
Women are requested to wear
street clothes and meet at the
Geddes St. entrance of the new





No t=

5 '

for the pedestrian parade
$ 95.


, I

late-day costume
The three-piece ensemble leads an enviable
day and night life., . from afternoon to
cocktails and on to dinne. The scooped blouse
sparkles with bead and embroidery,
over a reed-slim skirt. . . with a box jacket
_ over all for the costume look. Blue, aqua, white,
navy or mauve rose. Sizes 10 to 16.



W& " - " f f a



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