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November 04, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-11-04

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Daily Managing Editor
THE Literary College Faculty recommen-
dation reinstating the questionnaire
method of gaining student opinion on
courses and faculty members is undoubtedly
one of the most outstanding reports of its
kind to be made on this campus. With exreme
thoroughness the nine man committee ap-
pointed last fall to assess the controversial
student evaluation question studied the en-
tire historical background of such surveys,
learned of the systems employed in other
colleges and consulted with interested stu-
dens, faculty members and administrators
before reaching their decision.
Accepted Monday by the Literary Col-
lege Faculty, the committee's recommen-
dations stand as a great improvement
over former systems used here and should
fulfill the central purpose of improving
instruction in the Literary College.
The chief improvements include:
1) Recognition of the unsatisfactory ap-
proach of numbered recommendations
which lead to a superficial averaging of a
course or instructor and do not provide def-
inite points on which the effectiveness of
the course may be measured. The faculty
instead substituted written answers as the
sole means of expression on the college level
and as the preferred method in individual
2) Placing greater emphasis on improving
instruction with the surveys and less import-
ance on using them as a basis of faculty pro-
motion, demotion or salary determination.
This wasaccomplished by limiting admin-
istrative use of the results to the depart-
ment level where there is greater know-
ledge of the instructor's technique and
course objectives than there would be on
the college level where results could for-
merly be utilized.
3) Division of the survey into two parts
-one to include broad questions on the col-
lege level, and the other to request more
detailed answers on the department level
with discretion left to the individual de-
partment as to mode of questioning so that
departmental needs might be met.

4) Provision for a standing faculty com-
mittee to set up the surveys and related
procedures, advise departments in prepar-
ing their questionnaires as requested and to
act as a continuing study group to propose
alterations to the plan as need for changes
sems to arise.
The overall spirit of the new plan stress-
es improvement of the quality of instruc-
tion, and by the very tone of questions,
will cause the student to reflect more
deeply on the purposes of the course and
the progress he is achieving in relation to
these purposes than did the old method
which tended to emphasize facile number
evaluations. Success of the new program
depends on the extent to which both fac-
ulty members and students approach the
survey in this spirit.
In the faculty area this will involve care-
ful determination of questions for the sur-
vey, perhaps drawing in opinion of student
leaders on preparaton of the college sec-
tion as they were asked to comment on the
whole problem when the committee for-
mulated the recommendations during this
last year.
Success will rest on the manner in which
individual faculty members consider reports
on their work and use the constructive com-
ment to perfect their teaching methods and
course content.
It will also depend on the earnestness
with which the individual department ap-
proaches the survey and utilizes its results
to develop the departmental program and
the placement of faculty members to take
advantage of any specialized instructional
ability that the surveys might reveal.
In the student area, success of the pro-
gram will rest with the maturity and sense
of responsibility of every student who fills
out a questionnaire. Only by transcending
considerations such as of the last bluebook
the instructor gave, and evaluating the
course material and instruction in relation
to its contribution to the student's technical
training and intellectual development can
the student make an honest contribution to
the survey system.

DEARBORN'S notorious Mayor Hubbard
hit the headlines again last weekend.
This time, "Orvie" made news by sicking
the Dearborn police on a bunch of men who
were distributing anti-city administration
political handbills throughout the city.
All but three of the 22 men arrested were
released within an hour. The three detained
were freed on five dollar bond to face war-
rants the next morning.
Hubbard, of course, is the man who won
a recall election in February, 1951, after he
was accused of being unfit. He is the same
man who refused to pay a libel judgment
against him and received national publicity
when he fled to a forest retreat to avoid
subpoena servers and a jail term. He is the
same Mayor Hubbard who disguised himself
so he could attend the Democratic National
Convention last year without being slapped .
with a summons.
The handbills which aroused the ire of
Mayor Hubbard and' the swift action of
his police force were in the form of an
eight page tabloid newspaper called "Dear-
born Facts." The paper was published by
the "Citizens for Christie for Mayor Com-
mittee." James Christie, Jr., is opposing
incumbent Hubbard in the Dearborn mu-
nicipal elections.
Christie himself passed out some of the
literature. He tried hard to get himself ar-
rested, but police frustrated him by refusing
to notice his activities.
Bad as Mayor Hubbard may be, it seemed
that he was correct, at least legally, in ord-
ering the arrests.
Under a Dearborn city ordinance passed
in 1947, it is unlawful for any person to
distribute any printed matter which, tends
to expose any individual to hatred, con-
tempt or ridicule unless the literature has
clearly printed on it the "true name and
post office address" of the person or or-
ganization having the handbill distributed.
The leaflets gave no address for the
"Christie for Mayor" group.
Being held up to ridicule and contempt is
not a new experience for Mayor Hubbard.
Detroit newspapers and even national mag-
azines have done a good job on that score
Still, the handbills seemed clearly to vio-
late the law, although candidate Christie
said two lawyers had assured him it con-
tained nothing "libelous."
Among other things, the newspaper de-
picted the mayor stuffing money in his
pockets, asking for' handouts from Dear-
born businessmen and hiding behind the
Fifth Amendment to the Constitution. The
Fifth Amendment drawing showed a figure
holding a hammer and sickle emblem, hid-
ing behind a numeral 5.
Of course, Hubbard's complaint that the
literature was a "hit and run sheet-who is
there to take the blame should I want to
take action?" is somewhat ironic consid-
ering Hubbard's own much publicized flight
from legal judgment.
Dearborn, pretty much sewed up politi-
cally by Mayor Hubbard (a Christie
spokesman complained the other day that
"they" have stopped our using billboard
advertising) ought to be fed up with its
noted top official by now.
Nevertheless, the people of Dearborn ought
not to indorse the irresponsible campaign
tactics used by the Christie Committee.
-Jon Sobeloff

. . cetteri to tk 6dito ..

British Guiana ...
To the Editor:
MR. JOHN LEGGETT is in er-
ror in some of his assumptions
concerning my Government's re-
cent action in suspending the Con-
stitution of British Guiana.
The political make up of the
newly-elected Jagan Government
is of little concern. More to the
point is the action of its chief Min-
isters under the new and progres-
sive Constitution of April, 1953.
For from accepting responsibility
this group showed little intention
of making the Constitution work.
Some members had a remarkable
conception of their rights and dut-
ies. A Labor Minister who retains
his trade union post, an Education
Minister who attacks colonial ad-
ministration and a Prime Minis-
ter's wife who campaigns for radi-
cal revision of the new Constitu-
tion, show how little the Jagan
Government was ready to imple-
ment the Constitution under which
it had been elected.
On the contrary, it was clear
that their aim was to get control
of the whole life of the territory
and run it on authoritarian lines.
In these circumstances, the only
way in which the British authori-
ties could safeguard the colony's
political advance and economic
development was to withdraw pow-
er from the Ministers-as it was
fully within their right to do-and
to set up an interim Government
that would make constructive de-
velopment its first aim after the
maintenance of law and order.
Far from being a product of
"reactionary intellect,'' this action
of Her Majesty's Government has
been taken solely to meet the dan-
ger hanging over the colony to
protect the life and liberty of itsj
people. It marks no change in thef
British policy of guiding all our
colonial territories to responsible
self-government in conditions that
ensure them an orderly social sys-
tem, the highest possible standard
of living and freedom from ag-
gression from any quarter.
-Alex A. Walker
GOP in Virginia ., .,
To the Editor:

"Brain Washing" Trouble


6/ N~



practice. The Fair-Play Sticker
project appears to be a most prac-
tical and effective way of dealing
with the question. The establish-
ment of a joint commission to
handle complaints as they arise is
another good idea. Why not use
both? Certainly the matter of off-
campus housing discriminatory
practices could be well handled by
the commission although they
should not deter S.L. from the pos-
sibility of compiling a .list of non-
discriminating landlords for the
use of students.
I hope the Legislature will not
put these questions aside because
of attempts to meet immediate
threats to the democratic process.
Unil all people regardless of
race, creed, or color can feel wel-
come and achieve full and equal
rights in this country, we have not
E fulfilled the spirit of the 13, 14,
and 15 amendments to the Con-
stitution of the United States.
Valine Schor
* * *
Eggheads! . .
To the Editor:

Washington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-Arguing inside the Na-
tional Security Council recently Adm.
Arthur.Radford proposed that we outlaw the
hydrogen and atom bombs just as we out-
law poison gas.
However, the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff said he was willing to see
armies use baby A-Bombs and atomic
artillery, since they can be used on strict-
ly military targets. He would outlaw only
"block busters" which could blow up an
entire city block.
This may be the fly in an otherwise sen-
sible proposal. For no international com-
mission exists to measure the size of atomic
bombs; and once any kind of atomic weapon
is used, it would be pretty hard to regulate
NOTE-The ban on poison gas by inter-
national treaty has been pretty well kept,
-* * * *
LAST February President Eisenhower told
Howard Mitchell, conductor of the Na-
tional Symphony Orchestra, that he likes to
get to bed early, didn't expect to attend any
of the winter's concerts. The other day, how-
ever, he bowed .to custom and attended the
season's opening . . . Despite reports that
the President plays golf with "anyone handy
around. the club," each foursome is care-
fully selected in advance. He tries to com-
pose a group consisting of one Senator, one
Representative and one out-of-town visitor.
A recent , fourscme included Congressman
Les Arends, Republican of Illinois; Missouri's
Democratic Sen. Stu Symington and Colo-
rado's Gov. Dan Thornton. An occasional
club member hovers around, hoping to play
with Ike, but the President usually has his
team well organized .'. . When Ike finishes
a round of golf, he goes to the locker room,
is just one of the boys. He takes a shower,
frequently relaxes at a brief bridge game .. .
Right after Ike was elected, the Secret Ser-
vice ran a check on every employee of the
Burning Tree Club. The Club members, how-
ever, were not investigated on the theory
that no dangerous characters would ever at-
tain membership . . . When the President
plays golf there are more Secret Service men
around than there are caddies. Explained
one S.S. agent: "We keep mighty busy on
that golf course. Y'know those golf bags we
tote around contain carbines-not shotguns,
as is frequently rumored. Shotguns are for
close work, and anyone we don't like isn't
going to get close enough to the President
for a close shot."
COV. THEODORE Roosevelt McKeldin of
Maryland was the honored luncheon
guest aboard the Australian cruiser Sydney
when that vessel called at Baltimore. Ar-
riving aboard late, the Governor made his
apologies to Capt. H. J. Buchanan, who told
him to think nothing of it and offered him
a drink.

tamo Buchanan ordered all liquor removed
from the ship's mess-room.
"Don't do that for me," said Governor
McKeldin. "I don't want to deprive others
of a drink. I just don't drink myself."
"Aboard this ship," replied the Aussie
commander, "We do as our honor guest
A minute later, an American came up
to McKeldin, put his arm around his
shoulder and said:

"Governor, I can't
are that you were 45
, ,

tell you how glad we
minutes late."
s s

HAVE been greatly impressed by NOTICE to all eggheads, intel-
the campaign that Republican lectuals, so-called intellectuals,
State Senator Ted Dalton is wag-, improbable Republicans, probable
ing for the Governorship of the Democrats, Pogo fans, sundry pa-
state of Virginia. The contrast be- triarchs, and distinguished gour-
tween the Republican candidate mets-all welcome to the first ap-
and the Democratic candidate, ex- proximately annual Egghead Din-
Congressman Stanley, is some-
thing to warm the hearts of liber-
al Republicans (and constructive
conservatives) plus the exponents
of a two party system in the South.
The way that things look to me DAILY .[ FJ ICt)
the G.O.P., by obtaining a victory
in the election, can be the open-
ing wedge for real social and in- (continued from Page 2)
dustrial progress in the state.
The Democrats are busy backing 17, so that sufficient bus accommoda-'
the old political instrument of po- tions can be reserved. All visitors must
litical plutocracy - the poll tax. be U.S. citizens.
The only constructive reason that Lutheran Student Association. Tea
they can give for being perpetu- and coffee hour this afternoon from 4
ated in office is that they have to 5:30 p.m. at the center, Hill street at
been frugal in handling the state's south Forest Avenue. Everyone wel-
financial affairs" But as a matter come.
of fact the biggest cuts and sav- Israeli Dance Group, IZFA. The Dance
ings have been made at the ex- Group will meet as regularly scheduled
pense of the state's teachers, and tonight at 8 p.m. in the Hillel Recrea-
in the state school for the Blind. tion Roogr We are planning 2eexryon
(The Dems also insist on segre- there. Any newcomers are welcomed as
gating the blind Negro children well.
from the White ones-color of thea

ner featuring Candidate Emeritus
John P. Dawson.
The dinner will be of spaghetti
with choice of meat or meatless
sauces. These magnificent sauces
will be prepared by a gourmet of
international reputation, unques-
tioned dietetic integrity, and wide
experience including the Haute
Cuisine (Escoffier) and the gas-
tronomy of Tuscany (Florence,
Siena, Poggibonsi). The good for-
tune in procuring the services of
this chef is the more remarkable
in view of his shock and indigna-
tion upon discovering that no wine
could be served.
The price is a trifling dollar.
For reservations call Jan Sleicher
30811, Lois Carstenson 25560, or
Diana Hewitt 23225.
-Charles Sleicher
Young Democrats
* * *
Mail Please!
To the Editor:
A BUDDY has informed me that
he is certain you have printed
such letters as this in the Michi-
gan baily. Upon being printed it
may bring about the desired result
-mail, so I write. If done before
I'm hoping such will be done with
this letter. If not there will be no
hard feelings.
- I *don't imagine there is any
need to inform anyone that we
Flint Bar, will speak on "Mechanics of
Abstract Examination"; 7 p.m. Thurs.,
Nov. 5, 120nHutchins Hall. All inter-
ested persons are invited.
The Kaftee Stunde of the Deutscher
Verein will hold its reguair meeting on
EThufrs., Nov. 5, at 3:15 in the taproom of
the Michigan Union. All are-invited, to
meet Prof. O. G. Graf and Miss K.
Johnson of the German Department. An
excellent way to improve your conver-
sational German
Orthodox Students Society. An In-
formal social get-together will be held
on Thurs., Nov. 5, from 8 to 10 p.m. in
the basement of Lane Hall. Entertain-
ment and refreshments. All Orthodox
students.and friends invited.

here in Korea certainly appreciate
receiving mail.
It's not because we receive no
mail, but we have so much time to
do nothing being as we have no
entertainment what so ever. All
we have is three hots (meals) and
a cot.
I like to write and of course re-
ceive mail so I write. It helps to
pass the time.
I'm originally from W.Va. Have
attended W.V.U. and intend to fin-
ish Architectural Drafting at
Michigan U.
I'm 22 years young, 160 lb.,
brown eyes and blond haid. Danc-
ing is may favorite pastime. I also
like the outdoors; swimming, ski-
ing, hunting, fishing and camp-
ing. In addition to this I like to
travel and meet new people.
Photography, sketching and
building miniature homes are my
I prefer popular music and de-
test "hill-billy music," although
I'm originally a mountaineer.
Upon reading the above I'll be
indebted if one might reply.
There are many more othe than
myself who would like to do the
same. If anyone would like to do
so let me know and I'll inform
them. If you (boy or girl) have an
address of one of the fellows over
here please drop him a line. He'll
certainly appreciate receiving mail.
If and when-till then
-Pfc. Clyde V. Hindman
US 24455336 Box No. 6
Co. G. 17th Inf. Regt. 7th Div.
APO 7, San Francisco, Calif.
* * *
An Open Letter ..
To the Editor:
CONSIDER this an open letter
to the students at Ann Arbor
with perhaps a barb or two point-
ed in the direction of the fresh-
man authors of the letter 'which
appeared in the State News.
Mr. Durry and Mr. Thorner now
join the ranks of that igndble
school of journalistic endeavor
that feels phrases such as "Coun-
try Cousin" and "blood Is thicker
than water" are a necessary part
of every writer's vocabulary.
As a student of MSC since 1947
I have seen many of your mis-
guided "students" and occasionally
an alum propound in no uncer-
tain terms the charity of your uni-
versity in the treatment of their
East Lansing neighbor.
I have suffered the humility of
being trounceil royally on the grid-
iron with such scores as 55 to 0
and 55 to 6 only to read a few
days later in a Detroit daily writ-
tew by an irate U of M alum pro-
claiming the blue and gold prac-
tice of "holding down scores" when
playing"the cow college."
However, there has been more
than adequate compensation in
the exhilarating sensations that
accompanied the defeats handed
your group by the green and white.
I look forward to the same exper-
ience this coming November 14th.
My dear Messrs. Durry and
In the next four years at school,
should you last that long, you will
undoubtedly be imbued with the
knowledge and skills of your elect-
ed fields. Use those abilities well.
Do not destroy their value by your
present total lack of self-respect.
Somewhere in the next four years
make some attempt to learn the
distinction between logical and il-
logical thought. Follow not in the

THERE'S been some criticism of Secretary
of State Dulles for sending his law part-
ner, Arthur Dean, to Panmunjom, instead
of an experienced diplomat, for the prelimi-
nary peace-talks. However, Dean is an able,
clear-headed lawyer who was smart enough
to advise Wall Street to cooperate with the
Securities and Exchange Commission back
in 1933, instead of bucking it. He should be
a good negotiator.
The preliminary Korean peace talks he
is conducting are a lot more important
than the public realizes. Dean has been
told to find out whether the Chinese
Communists will do business without
clearing every move with Moscow. If so-
and if the Chinese are willing to deal
directly with us-it may be the first step
toward peaceful relations between the
U. S. and Red China.
If not, and if we get nowhere with the
Korean peace talks, the State Department
appears about ready to go for the drastic
plan long advocated by General MacArthur
of blocking the China coast and taking every
step short of war to break the back of the
Red China regime.
This is the big decision facing Dulles' law
CANNY Sen. Olin Johnston of South Caro-
lina took pains not to sit with Gov. Jim-
my Byrnes at the annual South Carolina-
Clemson football game. One year ago, at
election {time, Olin stayed with the Demo-
crats; Jimmy bolted to Eisenhower. And
when Jimmy crossed the football field. be-
tween halves the other day he was booed.
. . Johnston kept away from the boos.
... "Teen-Age Gangs," the book on juvenile
delinquency by Madeline Karr and Dale
Kramer, has attracted so much attention
that Mrs. Karr was asked by the Senate
Juvenile Delinquency committee to take an
advisory job with the Senators. She declined.
"I'm expecting a young juvenile delinquent
myself," she said ... Juvenile delinquency is
so bad in the nation's capital that the cost
of replacing broken school windows has gone
up in 10 years from $10,000 a year to $55,-
nnn tm _n -lin nliinan -xnrrpr


WASHINGTON-The Joint Chiefs of Staff,
. all able men and patriots, are in an
exceedingly unenviable position. As they pro-
ceed with their much-advertised "new look"
at defense planning and defense spending,
they find themselves painfully squeezed be-
tween an irresistable force and an immovable
The irresistible force is the revolution in
warfare ushered in by the vast technologi-
cal advances of the last decade. The im-
movable object is the immense resistance
to basic change, the vested interest in
things as they are, in all three of the ser-
vices. A single specific example may serve
to show the nature of this dilemma in
which our military leaders find them-
Nautilus, the Navy's atomic-powered sub-
marines, will shortly be operational, and the
keel of a second such submarine has been
Regulus, the' Navy's guided missile, is also
reaching the operational stage. It will be
capable of carrying an atomic warhead to
targets well over 200 miles away. Because
of its supersonic speed, it is virtually im-
possible to intercept. v
Both Nautilus and Regulus are technical
achievements of which the Navy has a
right to be proud. Yet when one asks how
these achievements might affect the Navy
itself, one begins to understand why Ad-
miral Rickover's atomic-powered subma-
rine project met with such fierce resist-
ance within the Navy. For, logically, these
revolutionary weapons will revolutionize
the Navy.
The Weapon System Evaluation Board
has never passed on the value of the
Navy's super carriers, simply because to
An n .i..,nl n..n i' a t..m.nA+ni intp-..

Negroes skin might offend the iner cJfL r
N1America. A meeting will be held immne- TheCongregational-Ddfootsteps of those who once having
little blind White children you I diately following the dance group at 9 Breakfast devotion-discussion group at learned the use of a hammer, both-
know.) p.m. A most urgent problem has aris- Guild House Chapel, Thurs., Nov. 5, 7 ered little to learn the use of the
Dalton and the G.O.P. on the en and all members are urged to be a.m. Please call by Wednesday after- nail.
other hand have promised to end there. The meeting will be open. noon if your plan to be at breakfast. Become more than the simple
the poll tax and some of the more Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is ac- Hillel Foundation presents Music- children you are.
flagrant practices of racial dis- cepting mail orders now for the De- For-Ali, classical music on a Hi-Fi- -Joseph M. Prochaska
crimination. They also promise I partment of Speech production of Max- Sound System, Thurs., Nov. 5, at 8 Michigan State College
better roads, state hospitals, direct well Anderson's poetic drama, Eliza- p.m. This week's program will feature
bettr rads stae hspialsdire~tbeth the Queen, Nov. 12, 13, 14, and 16. , selected chamber music.
non-partisan election of judges A special student rate of any seat in _setarm _
and local school boards. They also the house for 50c will be in effect for Episcopal Student Foundation. Stu-
promise a revision of the state's the November 12 performance. Tickets dent Breakfast following 7 a.m. service
backward labor laws and on this c9r the other three performances are of Holy Communion, Thurs., Nov. 5, at
basis both the A.F. of L. and the 60c -.90c - $l.20. All seats are reserved, Canteriuy House.
C.I.O. are unofficially backing Dal- Hillel. Art Committee meeting at 8 La p'tite causette will meet tomorrow
ton. p.m. Plans will be made to paint a from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing of
mural for recreation room. the north room of the Michigan Union Sixty-Fourth Year
In toto avitr for the G.O.P. ,________t ~ ea
victory cafeteria. Excellent opportunity to
in Virginia might well be a sign Russky Chorus. Meeting will be held practice speaking French. Everyone Edited and managed by students of
of new social and political res- I!tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Auditorium D.) welcome! the University of Michigan under the
ponsibility in the South and above Angell Hall. All interested students are authority of - the Board in Control of
all it may mean a real two party urged to attend corrections on the Student Legisla- Student Publications.
system for that section of thel ture Candidate open house schedule.
RgrThe open house for Betsy Barbour Editorial Staff
country. h e ship meets Thursday morning at 7 a. House has been changed from 5:00 p.m.
-David Cargo in the church Prayer Room, Thursday, Nov. 5 to 6:30 p.m. on the Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
* * * same day. Eric Vetter.................City Editor
Pershing Rifles. No new pledges will Lester House, 900 Oakland wishes to Virginia Voss........Editorial Director
SL's Dutis , . be accepted after this week. If you are have their open house at 6:45, Wed., Mike Wolff........Associate City Editor
interested in joining, report to the I Nov. 4. Vivian Mailman will be in Alice B. Silver..Assoc. Editorial Director
To the Editor: rifle range in uniform at 7:30 p.m. charge. Diane Decker..........Associate Editor
Bringi h o ur e tha p n- t gym shoes. All actives report Sg a D la T u 45 Hl a Helene Simon........ Associate Edito~
N THE light of current happen- omthe rifle range at 1925 hrs. in uni- changed its plan for an open house on van Kaye...............Sports Editor
ings in the realm of academic form . Nov. 9, and wants candidates to speak Paul Greenberg....Assoc. Sports Editor
freedom I think the S.L. is to be at dinner. Contact Ellie Haar for an en- arilyn Campbell. Women's Editor
congratulated for facing the is- gagementKh Omega Sorority will have K ay Zeiser....Assoe. Women's Editor
Sue and taking a stand which can The miganCrbventealSot- Alpha CiOeaSrrt ilhvDnCampbell...Head Photographer
be applauded bythestudent body. The Michigan Crib, Pre-Legal Soc-y an open house from 6:30 to 7:15 on
ety, will hold its next meeting Thurs., Thursday, November 5. The address is Business Staff
With a motion on Congressional. Nov. 5, at 8 p.m. in the League. The 1004 Olivia. Thomas Treeger. Business Manager
investigations, a proposed motion speaker will be the Hon. George Ed- William Kaufman Advertising Manager
in defense of Milo Radulovich and wards, Judge of Probate, Juvenile Di- Alpha Phi Omega. There will be Harlean Hankin...Assoc. Business Mgr.
the establishment of the Academic vision, Wayne County. His topic will meeting for both actives and pledges William Seiden........Finance Manager
Freedom sub-commission S.L. has be "The LAW-An Adventure in Facts Thursday in Room 3D of the UnionJames Sharp..... Circulation Manager
Freo sbCmisinSL.hsiand Ideas." Everyone is cordially in-I at 7:45. Be on time!I Ensian picturesJaeShrciultoMngr
justified its claim to represent stu- vited to attend, will be taken.
dent opinion on this particular I Telephone 23-24-1
question. f The Aeronautical Engineering De- International Students Association.
partment of the School of Engineering! First meeting of the House of Represen-j
However with its justified oc- is sponsoring a seminar to be held on tatives, Thurs., Nov. 5, 7:30 p.m., Room Member
cupation with current issues S.L. Thur.. Nov 5 ,a 4 pnm in 1504 East 3-S. Union. The representatives are . . .. - -



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