SIdito6' Bete]
Daily Managing Editor
Caught up in the spirit that pervades Ann
Arbor once a year, hordes of alumni and
parents descend on Ann Arbor today to
watch the Maize and Blue and check up on
the state of the University or the investment
'represented in their progeny. As always,
the hugeness of the physical plant will im-
press those who have been away any period
of time-this year, indeed, a complete new
campus near the Huron River got under way
with dedication of the Cooley Memorial Re-
search Building.
The concept of the University is also
broadening with remarkable speed, con-
tinually reaching out to include new areas
of research while maintaining the under-
graduate balance which has been a major
reason for its success. Alumni and parents
will, be reassured there is little concern
over the on-coming investigations of Re-
presentative Clardy and his group who
will open shop in Detroit one month from
today. Having squelched several "dan-
gerous" elements petitioning to appear in
the hallowed University halls with Lee-
ture Committee bannings, the administra-
tion has removed one source of embarrass-
ment. Then too, the Young Progressives
folded last spring, and a Daily series ear-
lier in the year showed leftist activity to
be about one per cent of that alumni clubs
commonly think occurs on campus.
A little harder .to measure, but still signi-
ficant, is the degree of progress or regression
of the student mind. We have read a flurry
of articles attempting to characterize this
generation and pin down its foibles and
virtues, but one of the most sensible ap-
peared this week and deserves consideration
in any assessment of the University student
body. Newsweek magazine studied a variety
of schools and decided this group is a more
conservative crew than has appeared in
years-conservative not only in politics but
also in dress, manner and thought. If the
University is typical, there won't be any
goldfish swallowed tonight in Ann Arbor un-
less by alumni who turned the same trick
.25 years ago, and stadium custodians will
find fewer empty bottles in the stands than
they might have in 1928. There won't be
the political arguments of the thirties nor
the veteran austerity of the late forties.
- Instead the alumni and parents will find
a stolid group inhabiting the new build-
ings, but with their stolidness goes more
than a little sense of dullness and a sus-
picion that for many students the moder-
ate, sensible veneer masks a lace of
thought or perception.
The final test will come in years hence,
but we wonder if the parents and alumni
will realize as they visit today that the
growth of the University plant has not
been matched in the intellectual growth of
the students, and that the increased techni-
cal skill of -the graduate has not been equal-
led in training him to live.
Washington-Sen. iHarry Byrd never
dreamed, when he shared a Virginia
lodge with Attorney Ted Dalton, that Dalton
would turn around and give him the poli-
tical fright of his life.
That's what's happening today, however,
in an amazing Virginia election in which
the Republicans, for the first time since
reconstruction days, are given a chance to
elect a governor.
What happened was that the Republicans,
encouraged by Byrd last year to vote for
Eisenhower, have taken him seriously and
now propose electing other Republican of-
ficials. To do so they picked the best candi-
date in the state, Ted Dalton, close friend
of Harry Flood Byrd.
The truth is that Dalton wasn't particu-
larly enthusiastic about running. An inti-
mate of Byrd's, he had enjoyed a cozy politi-
cal cooperation with Virginia's No. 1 Dixie-
crat by which he, as a Republican, got some
of Byrd's support on the national front,
while giving Byrd support on the local front.
But Eager-Beaver young Republicans
who took seriously the organization of a
Republican party below the Mason-Dixon
line, pushed Dalton into the race. A dis-
tinguished lawyer, with an unimpeach-
able record, he was obviously the logical
candidate for governor. And his cam-
paign has gone so well that the Byrd
machine for the first time in years has
been scared.
(Copyright, 1953, by the Bell Syndicate)
The Easy Way
HJlear, hear," said the original thinkers,
"this will never do. We must get up
a petition, to whit: all Europe shall wear
:white cockades in their hats to prove con-
clusively they do not discriminate against
aristocrats." And so 643 powdered heads
bent over the parchment and a petition for
a referendum of all Europe was signed.
With dispatch the original thinkers whisk-
Formosa --- The China
That Might Have Been
Taipei, Formosa-The room is handsome,
the servants are soft footed, as befits
the headquarters of a chief of state. The
man at the big desk is in his sixties now and
looks more sage than soldier, yet he is still
lithe and erect. The wise smile, the superb
courtesy, the air of timeless dignity-these
traits are quite unchanged. Such is Chiang
Kai-shek today. As basically simple.
"The enemy has lost the people yet
their system drives them always to make
new aggressive moves. Our time will sure-
ly come."
It is nearly thirty years since this man
cooly expelled the Communists from the
Kuomintang. It is getting on for twenty
years since the Japanese attacked, in order
to forestall this mans unification of China.
It is nearly four years since he fled from
the mainland, leaving his lifework in ruins
behind him. Through all these vicissitudes,
his courage has never failed him.
It is reasonable to admire such a man,
and the current fashion is even to be senti-
mental about him. There are not many
after all who have never bowed their heads.
There are not many who can be cool in
victory and still serene in defeat. Chiang
Kai-shek, beyond doubt, is one of the great
men of our time. Those who deny his
greatness are fools or worse.
Yet it is also prudent, although not
fashionable at the moment, to remember
that the weakness of this man helped to
bring disaster upon him and his people.
God knows, American policy in China was
idiotic enough in the crucial period. Yet
it was not American policy, it was Chiang
Kai-shek himself, who entrusted the highest
responsibilities of the state to such slimy
villians as Chen Yi, such flagrant traitors as
Fu Tso-yi who sold Peking to such blither-
ing incompetents as Tu Liming who lost
Manchuria, and to such public jokes as the
rapacious old Ennuch who commanded the
Chinese navy until he went over to the
Here in Formosa you can see what might
have been, from the job that is being done
by the Chen Chengs and the Sun Li-
jens and all the other able and honest men
whom the Generalissimo never used to like
or trust. There was something in Chiang's
nature that usually led him to prefer pliant
bad lots to independent minded good men;
and this tendency, plus the character of
the pre-disaster Kuomintang, had infinite-
ly more to do with the loss of China than
any American folly.
Today, furthermore, just as you can see
Chiang Kai-shek's greatness at work here
in Formosa, so you can also see the in-
fluence of his weaker side.
There are certain lessons of the past that
Chiang and those around him can be count-
ed on not to forget. The troops will never
again be left unpaid and cheated of their
rations. The currency will never again be
casually inflated. If Draconic punishments
can keep the government clean, the gov-
ernment will never again be allowed to
relapse into corruption.
Yet there are other lessons that have
not been learned in particular, the really
first class men who were put into the key
governmental posts in'the first flush of
determination to make a fresh start, are
gradually yet perceptibly losing ground
Brave old Prime Minister Chen Cheng
has less influence. The remarkable able
and courageous former governor of For-
mosa, K. C. Wu, who joined with Chen
Cheng to put through the land reform and
to give a voice in government to the For-
mosan people, has been removed from of-
fice after a palace row. The new gover-
nor, O. K. Qui, is also an able man, but
one of those who do not argue, and he
comes from the former entourage of Doc-
tor H. H. Kung, which has its own signifi-
Again, in the army, the command belongs
to Sun Li-jen, but the command is a very
limited business. There are nearly 50,000
surplus officers, there are more than 1,000
surplus generals, all intriguing for appoint-
nents. Since the Burma days and before,
Gen. Sun Li-,jen has never possessed the
Generalissimo's personal confidence. But
that confidence is still given to some of the
most deplorable survivors of the old days
such as Gen. Hu Tsung-nan and Gen. Tang
* * *
American influence has just led to Hu
Tsung-nan's removal from the critical
command on Ta Chen, the most advanced
and strategically important of the Formosan
island outposts. But army and divisional
and sometimes even regimental and battalion
commanding officers are still being chosen,
not for efficiency, but by the influence on
he Generalissimo of Hu Tsung-nan and
others of his kidney.
Cutting across this situation, and in-
teracting with it, there is the emergence of
the Generalissimo's son, Gen. Chiang
Ching-kuo as a major power here. For-
tunately, Chiang Ching-kuo appears to be
a man of the highest capacity, brilliantly
intelligent, hard as nails, absolutely hon-
'est, ruthless no doubt, but with exceptional
abilities of the sort that are badly needed.
Unfortunately the Americans here have
tended to exude disapproval of Chiang
Ching-kuo, because he heads the Army
Political Department, and because he is
not by any stretch of the imagination a
"democfatic" leader.
There are other cross currents. such as
one between Gen. Chiang Ching-kuo and
Madame Chiang Kai-shek, one. of whose
wretched nephews Chiang Ching-kuo once
goaled for currency black marketeering. But
the main present tendency is for Chiang
Ching-kuo, the rising man Lnd perhaps thej
strongest man after his father on this island,
to ally himself with the old bad lots instead
of with the abler and more forward look-
ing Chinese who are pro-American.
These political complications have a
greatsbearing on the value of our For-
mosan investment. One requirement of
American police here should certainly be
to build a bridge between Chiang Ching-
kuo and such men as Chen Cheng and Sun
Li-jen. But even this will not be good
The truth is that the Generalissimo's ten-
dency to prefer the pliable bad lots to the
independent minded good men stems from
desire, a perhaps natural desire, to have
something or someone he can absolutely
rely on. He has never felt at home with the
more modern minded and forward looking
Chinese.. Even now, he does not feel con-
fident of continuing American support. But
let the United States adopt a clearly defined
Formosa policy-a policy Chiang can rely
on more confidently than on the favorites
he dominates. Let one condition be -the
solution of the problems outlined abgve. They
Generalissimo will then "cheerfully take the
needed action to make Formosa the lean,
hard, muscular show, ready for anything,
that Formosa ought to be."
(Copyright, 1953, N.Y. Her. Trib., inc.)
.etteJ to t 6dditor .
The Cure that Diseases "Eli? Oh, Yes-Very Pretty" leagues to folow through on
To the Editor: in the past but had since neglect-
ed. The spaker's ban, discrimina-
WOULD like to clear up a point tory scholarhips and the driver's
in James Dietz's letter to The ban demanded more than casual
Daily. He claims that I think "that IIIlip-service. The reaction I receiv-
the Communist Party is just an- ed was, "But Sam, we must be
other political party." I assure Mr. tactful, diplomatic . . . after all,
Dietz along with anyone else who - we don't want to arouse resent-
might think this that I fully rea- ment." Certainly not all the legis-
lize the Communist world threat. r.lators felt this way but it seemed
However, if the cure is worse to be the prevailing attitude.
than the disease what good is the After banging my head against
cure? If in our process of saving - . this wall of misguided tact and
ourselves from the Communist diplomacy for eleven months, I
threat we destroy our democratic sat down at a meeting one night
principles, then what good will we and watched my colleagues con-
have accomplished by saving our- sider the question of Academic
selves from this threat? Freedom. Although one of the co-
-Gilbert Friedman authors of the notion, my sole con-
S* * tribution to the discussion was a
A G rim Picture plea for action, pro or con, not
procrastination. Five weeks lat-
To the Editor, er, and with considerable Daily
T HE NEWS of the last few days editorial pressure, SL passed an
has been very revealing as to academic freedom motion. It was
the policies and effects of the na- obvious at the first of these meet-
the oliies nd ffecs o thena-ings that a decision would be long
tional administration. The most s
appaling perhaps is the item that in coming. Not wishing to subect
General Motors sold$8 billion myself to any more amateur for-
Geea oossod$ ilo ensics then necessary and with a
worth of products in the first nine -hnic hedncesr adwta
months of 1953. This is a 43 per .. chronic headache from repeated
m s.Trcontact with that "wall of mis-
cent increase over their sales in SA guided tact," I stopped attending
the same period in '52. Ex GM sB ,gf~
chief sae pion '52. Ex meetings. I was subsequently re-
chieharl soti s good or the moved from office for lack of at.
for General Motors is good for ttendance but it didn't really mat-
country) being head of defense
has nothing to do with it, of course. was no disagreement between signatures. Furthermore, the Hu- ter, did it?
It was also announced that them on the subject! man Relations Committeehas been --Sam L. Davis
living costs stand now at the A little reflection will show that I studying the problem this fall; it * * *
highest in U.S. history. For sev- there is nothing unnatural about has not been procrastinating.
en straight months the consumer this. Both groups are composed of I Reader went on to make certain
price index has risen. It might students, and anyone who would I derrogatory generalizations on the To the Editor:
seem that the government is a encourage encroachments on the SL itself. One can ask whether any
friend of business. right of free thought and scholar- person who possesses neither com- A RECENT editorial accused Stu.
No wonder you open the paper ly inquiry forfeits his claim to the plete nor accurate information is dent Legislature of jamming a
to see "Eisenhower Shuns meet- name "student." truly competent to observe at all, totally childish referendum on the
ing with Malenkov." This meeting This is the sort of event that much less make a value judgment ballot. SL is actually guilty only4
could result in decreasing world should serve notice to the demo- Student government is like any of having democratic regulations
tension and that might lead to gogues that the fight to keep our material structure. Its size and which make it mandatory for SL to
cuts in armament contracts. How- universities free is not being waged stature depend on the material present any question to the cam-
ever, the administration is having by politically partisan or fringe and work put in to it; its strength pus for a vote if at least 600 stu-
a tough time resisting pressue grus h desre te depends on the firmness of its dents show their desire to have
for such talks. For this Eisenhow- present cold war between the in- constructive support. such a referendum by petitioning
er has to keep sendin his men quisitors and American Education i efor it.
around Western Europe and Asia. are not liberals and conservatives ; SLtpassee tatm h
Arlotunf peplein thisEuntry ndon't orRepublicanfuture, Mr. Reader's journalistic Last semester SL passed a reso-
A lot of people in this country don't Rp an neagerness can be equalled by the lution approving the anti-discrim-
like what's going on either. Well, the spokesmen for what is most accuracy of his information. ination sticker campaign. At that
McCarthy, Velde and their boys admirable in our civilization and
are doing their best to take care the agents of encroaching barbar- -Hank Berliner timedthe plan was placed in the
of that. Undaunted by Army de- ism. Our campus is united in the dref
nials McCarthy continues to blow effort to repulse the latter. T he JTall of Tact .. of the SL Human Relations Com-
up a big spy story down at Fort -David J. Kornbluh mittee All that remained for com-
* " T~~o theEdtrrnte.Altareandfrom
Monmouth. In the first four,* *pletion of the plan was for work to
months of the administration's new Get the Facts . . . SOME OPINIONS of mine were be done by Human Relations Com-
security program 1,456 government ?SM
woerst phra b ,4en firernmc To the Editor: recently printed in a Daily news mittee. Because the sponsor of the
darticle. Their essence was that sticker campaign was also chair-
pus we have the Radulovich case. iT IS doubtful whether any ar- "the Student Legislature is so con- man of the committee in charge,
It's easy to see why people now- (! ticle in the Daily has ever been as cerned with being innocuous that I there was no reason to doubt
adays are afraid to sign a peti- inaccurate as Mark Reader's "ed- it forgets its basic function as a swift accomplishment of a rea-
tion. itorial" on Student Legislature ref- student government - to take a sonably priced, attractive sticker.
How will it all end? I suppose Brenda. 'stand on things and to represent 'Granting that the sticker cam-
that's up to us. Mr. Reader criticized the SL for student opinion."' paign is a minor problem for SL
Steve Smale. trying to get "off the hook" by sub- The basis for this opinion arose one must also admit the Legisla-
. * *
mitting a question to the campus from my experiences as a member ture could not be expected to sit
T-Hee . which it would not answer itself. of the Legislature where I at- with baited breath watching each
If Mr. Reader had taken 30 sec- tempted to coax, cajole, even co- move of the Human Relations
To the Editor: onds to read the provision for ref- erce my fellow legislators into tak- Committee toward completion.
tNLY trouble with having an erenda in the SL constitution, I'm ing stands on current and often Very recently the need to com-
sure even he would see the absurd- controversial issues-to fulfill the plete this plan was again pointed
economics major review Speech ity f hscrtsm lacfutonfreeetngt-
Department plays is that he might tA o stide iicismnizabasic function of representing stu- out to SL. Due to such minor is-
k himself. ny s og- dent thought. Apparently my en- sues as academic freedom, the Ra-
I jus may g to The Heiress to ividual may submit a referendum thusiasm for a dynamic SL quali- dulovich case, the U.S. National
see Nafe Katter gives his "uni- -e ampspoieu petin fStudent Association; the sticker
l bearing 600 signatures is submit- task of revitalizing a dying com- campaign has not yet reached the
formly mature and rntelligent ted. It does not require SL approv- mittee. Appointed chairman of floor Ls
(theamteisain 5 al, nor can SL refuse a properly the Human Relations Committee
(the name is Sloper submitted petition. which, a few weeks earli, the Placing this topic on the ballot
Chick La Due There was no outside organiza- I Legislature had . considered abol- as a referendum does not speed ac-
tion, "disatisfied with SL's procras- ishing, I initiated several projects at least 600 students believe
T i backer,. ,.tination," on the question of anti- of a "controversial" nature (a SL apale ocesid studen
discrimination stickers for Ann Ar- Fair Play program for Ann Ar-
To the Editor: bor merchants. A former mem- bor merchants, off-campus hous- opiion, it delays action until the
ber of the Legislature, recently ing investigations and a "bias supposed mandate' is receied
of i forced to resign for inattendance, clause" project). on November twelfth.
some of the assertions made by submitted the petition with the 600 I Also, I repeatedly urged my col- Student Legislature shows no
sports editor Ivan Kaye in his ar- fear of antagonizing merchants
title concerning linebacking, . when it provides the campus with
He makes the argument thatp student book exchange and rea
theoretically the linebacker should sonably priced movies. Certainly
make every tackle. I submit that merchants who discriminate de-
this is not true, in theory or prac- PJ ILjjFFIIIA BULLEI N serve no more consideration than
Lice. istuJ the merchants give those against
.On end sweeps and off-tackle whoin they discriminate.
ys se atthe primary (continued from Page 2.) p.m. Call reservation to Lane Hall, -Leah Marks
job of a lineman is to strip the in- 3-i511, Ext. 2851. Students and faculty
At the OIphe inn-..-
LIKE LA RONDE, .this picture sets out
to have a hearty, forthright laugh at
some of the commoner failings of mankind.
It is somewhat similar to that picture in
conception, too: a series of episodes are
strung together on the device of a narrator-
emcee with something of the conjuror about
The Seven Deadly Sins, however, doesn't
approach anything like La Ronde's total
effect; it is never more than seven little
stories arbitrarily pitched together. One re-
calls the subtle irones La Ronde developed
as its theme was counterpointed and varied.
The Seven Deadly Sins quite frankly offers
nothing more unifying than the label "sin"
for the vice of each episode; and, quite as
frankly, one can find it partially unsatisfac-
tory for this reason.
This is not to say that some of the indi-
vidual episodes are not very entertaining.
Although no credits are attached to this
print of the film, the variety of technique
and approach would seem to indicate that
a different writer and director worked on
each story; combined sometimes with ex-
cellent acting, a few of the teams turned
out fine little vignettes.
The most successful episodes are the light
comedy ones, and the best of these is the
one about gluttony. It is a simple, straight-
forward member of that vast army of farm-
almost none. There is the stranded travel-
ing salesman, masquerading as a doctor,
who is looking for a bed for the night, and
the surly but hospitable farmer, and his un-
predictable wife. The whole thing moves
smartly along in the manner of the best
after-dinner speakers, to a rousing series of
punch lines.
One detects a distinct de Maupassant
flavor in the story of the once-rich and
very proud girl who takes a last, bitter
fling at high society. It is good de Maup-
assant, too: sentimentalism which loses
its curse by economy of detail and preci-
sion of dramatic development.
The episode about a serious, intelligent
little girl who thinks she's pregnant has
some fine points: the contrast between her
madonna-like acceptance of the fact, and
her elder's frivolous, day-to-day lustiness is
powerfully developed. This is the only point
in the movie at which a genuine concept of
sin, and the fall of man, enters.
The rest of the stories one can take or
leave. They suffer either from half-hearted
whimsy or incompleteness. And the grand
finale, which tries to give a point to every-
thing by pulling a big, close-to-home moral
out of the bag, is very obnoxious. It is a
point in this movie's favor that it resists the
temptation to be sensational in the peep-
show sense until the last few minutes.
-Bob Holloway
New Books at Library
Gibson. Walter-The Boat:Boston,
terference. However, from tackle Hall at 8:45 Monday morning. The ses- welcome.
to tackle, the object of a lineman sions are from 8:45 to 12:00 and 1:45
is to tackle the ball-carrier. His to 5:00. Candidates must be present at Homecoming Dinner will betspon-
both sessions, sored by the Newman Club tonight
first worry is the offensive line- at 6:30 p.m. in the Father Richard
man. The interference on such j Center. Spaghetti will be served as the
plays is generally aimed at either Concerts main course. Tickets may be obtained
the linebacker or the secondary. A e virtuosi Di Roma, consisting of at the Center. Everyone is welcome to
The irtosiDi omaconistng f attend.
guard or tackle, when he is knif- s fourteen Italian instrumentalists, chos-
ing, aims at stopping the ball car- en from the leading music centers in Hillel Foundation activities for the
rier behind the line of scrimmage. Italy, will be heard in the third concert week-end:
If he left that up to the lineback- inthe oral Uion Series, Monday e- Sat., Oct. 31, 4:00 p.m-Open House.
er, there would seldom be lost ium. Sun., Nov. 1-10:30, Council Meeting;
500. Hillel Chorus; 6:00, Supper Club;
yardage -in football. The following program will be heard:8:00,
If the lineman on up-the-middleI Corelli's Concerto Grosso in D major.0, IF paer :ji:3,Gaut
Ithie inrferenhe ill Op. 6, No. 4; Bonporti's Recitative fro Mixer-A graduate students and sen-
plays stops theCterference he will Concerto in F for Violin and Strings; ior girls are invited.
also stack up the ball carrier. It and six compositions by vivaldi: Con-
hardly seems logical that he should certo in D minor for Viola d'amore and Law School. Daphne R. Leeds, As-
insist that the linebacker hurdle Strings; Concerto in A minor for Two sistant Commissioner of Patents, U. S.
athe interference, ard'violins and Strings; concerto in B-flat Patent Office, will speak on "Federal
him and h for Oboe, Violin & Strings; Concerto in Registration under the Trade-Mark
thereby stop the back. G for Cello and Strings; and Concerto Act- of 1946," 250 Hutchins Hall, today
The trouble with Mr. Kaye's inA major for Strings. at 9 a.m.
theory is that it goes too far. The Tickets are available at the office of j
linebacker is an important man the University Musical Society in Bur- The Congregational-Disciples Guild.
ton Memorial Tower daily; and will also After-game open house at Guild
insofar - as stopping up holes be on sale after 7 o'clock o'n the night House.
wrought by offensive lineman, and. of the performance at the box'office in
making tackles on end sweeps. He Hill Auditorium. Episcopal Student Foundation. Cider
is not the team's sole tackler. and doughnuts after the game, at Can-
-George S. Flint Exhhibinon terbury House.
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Harry Lunn..........Managing Editor
Eric Vetter................City Editor
Virginia Voss........Editorial Director
Mike Wolff.......Associate City Editor
Alice B. Silver.. Assoc. Editorial Director
Diane Decker...,.......Associate Editor
Helene Simon...........Associate Editor
Ivan Kaye.................Sports Editor
Paul Greenberg.,...Assoc. Sports Editor
Marilyn Campbell. Women's Editor
Kathy Zeisler... .Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell.......Head Photographer
Business Staff
Thomas Treeger.......Business Manager
William Kaufman Advertising Manager
Harlean Hankin....Assoc. Business Mgr.
William Seiden.......Finance Manager
James Sharp......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
YR-YD Agreement . .
To the Editoy :
FEW days ago three members
f+ +e vrnina- mnrr-atc m+
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial Wesleyan Guild. Homeoeming Bar-B-Q
eoiahonoring the alumna immediately fol-
Hall,Purcell and Elmslie, Architects, lowing the game.
through Nov. 3. Framing, Right and linhgaCF.
Wrong. Oct. 30-Nov. 20, 9-5 weekdays; Michigan Christian Fellowship. Alum- ,ublc-isinvekd ni banquet and party 6:15 to 10:30 to-
2-; on Sundays The public is invited night at Lane Hall. All members and
' Ifriends welcome.