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December 19, 1952 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1952-12-19

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Michigan Icemen
Begin LoopPlay
Unbeaten Maize and Blue To Oppose
Well Balanced Colorado Puck Squad

Perigo To String Along
With Usual Starting Five

holds"and t ewo e i
Keen Successful as Wrestling Coach

(Continued from Page 1) v
Scott will probably start along
with Schlundt and Leonard as the
Hoosiers make their initial start
in Western Conference competi-
PERIGO, whose Michigan cag-
ers will again be at a decided
height disadvantage, is expected
to field the same opening unit that
has carried the bulk of the work
in the last couple of games.
Ray Pavichevich will team up
with sophomore whiz Don Ead-
dy at the guard slot, Paul
Groffsky will start at center, and

(Continued from Page 1)
COLORADO this year has a
balanced squad with three strong
lines, six good defensemen and in
Kinsley, last year's NCAA All-
rournament goalie, one of the
Inest net-minders in collegiate
The fine Tiger first line is
sparked by Captain Leo Soligo
at center with Omer Brandt and
Norm Diviny at the wings.
Brandt, popularly known as
"The Bull" was the third lead-
ing Colorado scorer last year
with 53 points tallied when he
was a member of the great
Hartwell - Frasca - Brandt trio.
Soligo was fourth in team scor-
dng with 39 while Diviney tied
for fifth with 23 points.
Colorado's second line, centered
y veteran Pete Kosick and flank-
d by Ken Simon and Andy Gam-
ucci is another strong scoring
!ireat. The third trio is com-
rised entirely of juniors, featur-
ig high-scoring Ed Robson at
ft wing, Bill Clark at the other
ank and Len Gagnon at center.
The Tigers also boast a top-
otch defensive allignment. Head-
i by such stalwarts as Len Mac-
ni, Dll "Prince" Thompson, Jim
'eir, Fred Eastwood, Dick Ken-
Me1c and Carl Lawrence, the Colo-
Ldo defense promises to be a
,ugh one to penetrate.
* , s
COAC Vic H[eyliger's Wolver-
es will have i couple of prob-
ms of their own to cope with be-
les the rugged Colorado club. In
e first place, Michigan has al-
tys had quite a bit of trouble
tting usedl to the thin air down
the mile-high cities of Col-
do Springs and Denver.
The Wolverines have also been
gued with some "second line
.d sloppy passing" problems in
eir two games played so far this
Ieyliger has attempted to
medy the difficulty with the
cond offensive trio by switch-
ig George Chin over to center
ad butting Doug Phllpott on
to wing. If this doesn't work,
sere has been talk about mov-
ig defenseinan Jim Haas up
the Wolverines will have to be
top form if they are to come
of the four games with Den-
and Colorado in good shape

as far as their aspirations in the
Midwest league are concerned.
Heyliger is pulling for at least
a- split on the road, hoping to
pick up ground on the two Colo-
rado clubs when they travel to
meet Dakota and Michigan Tech.
Both the Sioux of North Dakota
and Al Renfrew's Engineers are
rough to beat on their home ice.
Michigan plays another game on
the road after Christmas vacation,
meeting the vastly improved Mich-
igan State Spartans in a league'
contest at East Lansing Jan. 7 be-
fore returning home to play the
University of Montreal on Jan. 9
and 10.
AP Briefs
By the Associated Press
DETROIT-Aptro Prystai of the
Detroit Red Wings whip-sawed
across the goal mouth in a spec-
tacular third-period scoring thrust
that gained a 1-1 tie with the Tor-
onto Maple Leafs Thursday night.
MONTREAL-Jean Beliveau,
idol of Quebec City fans, and
Bernie Geoffrion scored three
goals apiece last night as Mon-
treal whipped the New York
Rangers, 6-2, in. a. National
HockeysLeague game.
CLEVELAND-Ellis W. Ryan re-
signed as president of the Cleve-
land Indians late last night. His
supporters in the club's front office
dispute agreed to sell nearly all
their stock holdings.; e r
Myron H. Wilson was elected to
succeed Ryan.
LONDON-The chairman of the
! British Boxing Board of Control
said last night this country would
not recognize any bout for the
world's middleweight champion-
ship unless England's Randy Tur-
pin takes part.
C H IC A G O -- The Boston
Bruins and the Chicago Black-
hawks fought to a 3-3 stalemate
in a National Hockey League
game here last night.
Lawrence Tech 73, Bowling
Green 62
Temple 77, NYU 68
Missioni55, TCU 45
North Carolina State 75,
George Washington 68
Rice 62 Tulane 56

... Colorado captain

Underclassmen Impressive
In Inter-class Cinder Meet

Milt Mead and John Codwell
will hold down the forward po-
Eaddy, who meshed 55 points in
the Wolverines' first three engage-
ments, added only three counters
to his total in the fllinois battle,
but still ranks as his team's lead-
ing scorer. Groffsky is right be-
hind him with 55 markers.
The Wolverines will move to
Lafayette Monday night to take
on Purdue in another confer-
ence tilt. The Boilermakers,
however, shouldn't give Michi-
gan as much trouble as the
Hoosiers are expected to dish
out, as they are picked to again
fill the Big Ten basement spot
they occupied last season.
After the Purdue game Perigo's
boys will remain idle until Dec. 29
when they meet Butler here. On
Jan. 3 Michigan will face Indiana
again, this time in Ann Arbor.
IM Scores
Phi Alpha Kappa 4, Alpha Omega 3
Air Force defeated Alpha Kappa
Kappa (Forfeit)
Tau Epsilon Rho 4, Phi Delta Epsi
Ion 0
Education 5, Dental Lab 1
Nu Sigma Nu 4, Law Club 3
Phi Chi 4, Alpha Chi sigma 4
Phi Epsilon Kappa defeated Phi Del-
ta sigma (Forfeit)
Political Science 3, Education 3
Delta Sigma Delta 4, Psi Omega 2

"Balance, co-ordination, andI
mastery of the holds used are the
most important qualifications of
a good wrestler," points out Wol-N
yerine wrestling Coach Cliff Keen.1
Coach Keen, who has beenc
Michigan's wrestling mentor since;
1925, is one of the most successfult
coaches in Michigan history. Dur-1
ing his 28 years of coaching his1
teams have won well over 80% of1
all their matches.
* * *
UNDER KEEN'S tutelage the
Wolverine matmen have finished
no lower than 3rd in the Big Ten
Conference in 24 out of 28 sea-
sons. Last year they placed sec-
ond only to Illinois in the Con-
ference finals.
Keen has produced more than
his share of National Champions,
eleven, in all.
Ed Don George, who later
became World's Professional
Heavyweight Champion, learned
his wrestling here at Michigan
under Keen, while in 1928 Keen
had four of his Michigan wrest-
lers representing the United
States in the Olympics.
Keen himself was an outstand-
ing wrestler in his college days
at Oklahoma A & M. In fact,
he won the 158 pound National
Wrestling Championship. Even
now Coach Keen keeps himself in
good condition and spends much
time demonstrating the proper

KEEN'S ORIGINAL interest in
wrestling dates back to when he
had just enrolled in college. One
day while he was on the gym floor
shooting a little basketball, one of
the fellows on the wrestling team
having no one to spar with asked
Keen to practice a few holds with
Sinc6 the wrestler was about
thirty pounds lighter than him-
self, Keen thinking that he
could easily take care of thej
fellow readily agreed. After a
few minutes in which the wrest-
her had thrown him all over the
mats, Keen began to wonder
how it was done. To find out he

Coach Keen admits that In the
past Iowa, Oklahoma, and Pen)n-
sylvania have emphasized wrest-
ling more than any other states
and consequently have produced
most of the good college wrestlers.
In the last several years, however,
amateur wrestling has been. rap-
idly gaining popularity in both
high schools and colleges.
"Amateur wrestling has no con-
nection with the acts that pro-
fessional wrestlers put on today,"
states Coach Keen, "amateur
wrestling like that done in college
is a real sport that depends solely
on strength and skill."

holds and

techniques to his wrest-

joined the wrestling squad
eventually becamesone of
outstanding performers of


A foretaste of the good times
ahead for the Michigan track team
was given last night as freshmen
and sophomores put on a sur-
prisingly strong showing before
losing to the juniors and seniors
The only senior to win an event
was Van Bruner, who true to form
triumphed in both the high and
low hurdles.-
OUTSTANDING performance of
the meet was turned in by diminu-
tive freshman high jumper Mark
Booth. Booth easily topped the
old time trial and freshman rec-
ords as he sailed over the bar at
6 feet, 51/2 inches.'
Senior Bob Evens also per-
formed in an encouraging man-
ner, leaping to the height of
6 feet 4 inches, the highest he
has ever done.
Sophomores Ross Coates and
John Vallortigara, who ran one-
two in the sixty, indicate that the
Wolverines may be stronger than
usual in their perennial weakness,
the sprints. Coates' time in win-
ning was :06.4.
* * *
THE ONLY other victor for the
underclassmen was Geoff Dooley,
who triumphed in the half mile
with classmate John Moule close.
on his heels. Dooley was clocked
in under two minutes.

Junior John Ross showed that
he is still running in form that
captured both indoor and out-
door conference mile titles as
he led teammates Bill Hickman
and George Lynch to the tape.
Ross' time was a swift 4:18.6.
In the two mile run junior Bob
Hall came from behind on the
last lap to beat his pace setting
classmate Buzz Guise to add to
the upperclassmen's total.
BRUNER was the meet's only
double winner, with an :08.3 clock-
ing in the highs and a :07.5 time
in the lows. In both events he
was followed over the finish line
by sophomore transfer student
Tom Hendricks.
A quartet composed of Grant
Scruggs, Dan Hickman, Bill
Barton, and Jack Carroll raced
to victory over both freshmen
and upperclass units in the mile
Freshman Bill Bryant and jun-
ior Roger Maugh tied for honors
in the pole vault with the bar at
12 feet 9 inches.
First place in the broad jump
went to junior Bill Micheals.
Micheals is in his first year of
varsity competition.
With Fritz Nilsson still recov-
ering fro ma leg operation, and
unable to compete, George Ham-
mond took the shotput for the


Ray Robinson Leaves Boxing;
To Continue Business Career

NEW YORK - ( P) - Middle-
weight champion Sugar Ray Rob-
inson positively retired from the
ring yesterday to devote his time
to his business and dancing ca-
reer, making the announcement
through Abe Greene, commission-
er of the National Boxing Asso-
ciation in a backhanded punch atj
the New York State Athletic Com-
As New York stripped Robinson
of his title Dec. 4 for not defend-
ing within six months, the' 32-
year-old Harlem dandy made his
formal retirement through Greene
in a mimeographed release.

Sugar Ray, one of boxing's all
time greats with only three de-
feats in a brilliant career of 137
pro fights, said in an interview:
"At this stage of my career I
don't feel I can give my follow-
ers the best I have. I don't want
to let them down.
"A lot of very big people, and
I mean very big people, in box-
ing put a lpt of pressure on me
to go through with a Randy
Turpin match. But I felt I
should have made this an-
nouncement long before.
"I don't want to be like a lot
of others who didn't retire in

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Campust 619 E. Liberty -- Downtown: 121 S. Meint
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Holiday Cage 'ilts Hold Key to Big Ten Title

With only three Big Ten games
played thus far this year, the
Christmas holidays should hold
the key to who the next Confer-
ence hardwood champion will be.

__ _ _


7Ae Peqfect 9(t-
TkA io~i i~n~n~i~n I

The indication is already that
the Illinois cagers are shaping up
as the team to beat. In its only
Big Ten game Illinois had com-
plete mastery in handling Michi-
gan a 96-66 drubbing. Loyola
failed to bother the Illini in their
single non-conference contest.
WISCONSIN, holding a 1-0
conference record by virtue of a
75-70 tilt over Iowa, will be in
close contention for the winner's
laurels. Marquette fell victim to
the Badgers, 76-55 in the season's
Laboring under the burden of
losses to Illinois and Iowa, the
Wloverines would have a long
way to climb to get back to the
top of the Big Ten heap.
The Hawkeye quintet has split
1-1 in Iowa's two conference
games. Although Iowa doesn't
possess a team equipped to take
the championship, they appear
good enough to finish in the top
portion of the listings.

TOP BILLED games for the hol-
idays include the Ohio State-Illi-
nois game and the Wisconsin-Iowa
game. JANUARY 2-31
TO OUR Between Main St.
n tI MANY & Fourth Ave.
* ... and Open During The Holidays
For Your Convenience
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% v


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