.I I s ., ,
__ __
WE'RE NOT quite used to greeting
In columns oft analytical.
But take our word, this is no hoax.
We're tired of being critical.
For once a year when snow descends
And shopping has a zest,
We think of all our many friends,
The good, the better, the best.
So first to Harlan Hatcher goes,
A special Yuletide greeting.
And Christmas brew to the Mrs. too.
We're happy for your meeting.
To Plerpont, Niehuss and Ira Smith,
Don't tell the freshmen the old guy's a
Frank Robbins, Art Brandon, Dean Walter
A season's wish without a curve.
Merry Christmas, Bert Watkins and Dean
We've got the thought if not the card.
Jim Robertson and Walt Bud Rea,
We ~won't forget you on the merry day.
,, To Dawson and Slosson and Lionel Laing,
Special salutations from all the gang.
And how we'd be slipping if we failed to
Professor John Reed of chicken pox fame.
The best to Sam Estep, George Peek and
Frank Grace,
To Senator Pollock and dear Doctor Brace.
We think more of Santa now than Bias Claus,
So let's close the wide editorial jaws,
And send out the very best that can be,
To good King Thorpe and the IF of C.
To Willens, Rog Wilkins and old shepherd
We hope for a Christmas that's jolly and
And this is extended to all of SL.
For you, we ring loudly the gay greeting
Throw the red ribbon 'round Ehlers and
In spite of publicitymen they have sent us.
And hang a green wreath in the star cham-
ber room,
Where Biller and company lower the boom.
We salute all the coeds, the loud and serene,
Who labor for God, League and Kauffman
the queen.
We'll have to send holly - we haven't got
For Captain Tim- Green, who wiped all
their noses.
In the water. its Jeffries and Davies and
In the air, it's Don Hurst-we sing Hallelu
To Fritz, Bennie, Fisher and Bill Perigo,
We give you our blessings despite sport-
dom's woe.
And huddled in offices over the fire,
To you grass roots folks, we have now
no ire
For Ostafln, Streiff, Bull Zerman & Co.,
Three tons of mistletoe speckled with snow.
We've forgotten the tales of Moncrieff and
Today we can wish them nine lives of
Here's hoping St. Nick turns defeat into joy,
For Eldersveld, Meisel and you-know-who
of Illinois.
And to the proud victors-Ike, Hansen and
A Joyful vacation on the shores of Key
For Lobanov-Rostovsky - vodka by the
For pestered Don Weir - a rest from the
And whether your soul goes to heaven or hell
To you, Comrade Shaffer, a joyous Noel.
There are those whom we only infrequently
Like tl e Ruthvens-to you, a merry Yule
Ebgneezer Scrooge changed his mind in
this season,
So bless you, eight Regents-Noel is the
We could go on further except for the space.
But believe us, our hearts have a warm,
private place,
For the one we can't mention-it's sad, but
it's true.
& very Merry Christmas from The Daily
to you.
-The Senior Editors: Crawford Young,
Barnes Connable, Cal Samra, Zander
Hollander, Sid Klaus, Harland Britz
and Donna Hendleman.
BOVE THE CHEERS at the railroad sta-
tions other noises have been increasing-
ly audible: the, voices of the professional
"antis," yelling for political blood regard-
less of national responsibilities; the voice
of a military man who seems to be invert-
ing his Clausewitz to read, "Politics is the
continuation of war by other means"; the
voices of the nimble opportunists whose gy-
rations would be amusing were these men
not in such positions of power; and finally,
the most ominous voice of all: that of the
tough guy who continues to gey undeserved
attention and deference simply because the
... And a Happy New Year
" . . 0or.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following editorial was
written by Leonard Greenbaum, former Daily
editorial director, on the occasion of the 1950
yuletide. Mr. Greenbaum's observations seem to
be quite applicable as of today.)
THERE HAS BEEN much talk about low
student morale and the overall. mental
depression. In true academic fashion we
have all sought far and wide for the answer.
We have turned campus problems into sym-
bols of universal destruction and tragedy.
Cliches have been cast at the flounder-
ing students: "Keep a stiff upper lip;"
"Turn to your creator;" and "Do your
duty toward the academic advancement
of mankind."
And only a few voices seem to have come
up with a rather obvious solution-TAKE
Toward December of each year we natur-
ally get a little tired of the academic life.
The fall months are the longest unbroken
period of school we have. An annual let-
down is no rarity.
On a cold morning it's often more com-
fortable to stay under the warm blankets
than to trudge across the diag to another
early morning lecture. It's the same story
every December.
Only this year we have got the war and
the draft and the A-bomb and the Commun-
ists. Why say that we're just a little lazy
and a little tired of the routine 'when we
can tack the problem onto the extended
imagery of a fiery world holocaust. It's
grand, its magnificent, its heroic!
But a simple VACATION can clear up
a great deal of the neurosis.
Shrug the world's problems off your shoul-
ders and have a merry Christmas and a
happy New Year. It'll do wonders for your
-Len Greenbaum
by Carlos Baker, published by the Princeton
IF YOU ARE NOT Ernest Hemingway, one
of the quickest ways to find willing read-
ers is to write about Ernest Hemingway. It
is not going too far, I think, to call Hem-
ingway the most surprising living Ameri-
can. He is the man that everybody under-
stands and that nobody understands.
Carlos Baker, professor and critic, has
turned his particular attention in his new
book to Hemingway, "the writer as artist."
This has meant that his subject's fasci-
nating personality and background has
received only minimal attention. Some re-
cent critics have gone so far as to sus-
pect aloud that these elements were about
all that remained to support Heming-
way's reputation. Mr. Baker, however, in
focusing his attention on Hemingway's
literary efforts, thinks otherwise. In spite
of the fact that his volume is as much
a tribute to as it is a judgment of these
works, the study is substantially fresh,
creditably thorough, and at times, even
inspiring in its deep, but essentially re-
sponsible, admiration for its subject.
Mr. Baker primarily is interested, he
says, in "examining Hemingway's mature
work in detail, as a whole, and outside the
critical stereotype of that work which has
grown up in the past twenty-five years."
Logically enough, this is carried out by a
detailed analysis of Hemingway's technique
in the five major novels, "The Old Man and
the Sea" is mentioned only in a footnote,
two non-fiction books, and many short
stories. It considerably expands the glimmer-
ings of other men who have been finding
"affirmations" in the old Hemingway, as
well as the new. In rejecting the standard,
brand "lost generation" criticism of its sub-
ject, it goes on to explore a series of symbols
which recur in the various works and which
have gone, largely unnoticed until now.
The nucleus of all of this is an extremely
apt explanation of the ramifications of Hem-
ingway's guiding principle: "A writer's job
is to tell the truth." Describing "the way
it was," Baker points out, is much more than',
simple naturalism. It embraces, in Heming-
way, a principle of double perception in
which the first need "is the abillity to look
within and to describe that complex of
mixed emotions which a given set of cir-
cumstances has produced in the observ-
er's mind. The other necessity is to locate
and to state factually and exactly that out-
er complex of motion and fact which pro-
duced the emotional reaction."
The basis of Hemingway's power, Baker
submits, is his ability to steer a course
between the pathetic and theapathetic
fallacies. Numerous examples illustrate
Hemingway's power to "invert truly."
This faculty is, of course, coupled with his
talent for bringing the "light. of magic
suggestiveness" across the commonplace
surface of words. This total entity is what
Conrad has called, "the presented vision."
This presented vision of course transcends
mere naturalistic "truth."
With the above foundation, Baker goes on
to a systematic analysis of the five major
novels and the subsidiary works. In general,
he has unalloyed praise for "The Sun Also
Rises," "A Farewell to Arms," and "For
Whom the Bell Tolls." The "To Have and
Have Not" trilogy, Baker regards as a con-
siderable technical experiment which only
partly came off.
With "Across the River and Into the
Trees," the thirtieth anniversary work,
which found such wide disfavor among the
reviewers, Baker is inclined to be charitable.
Admitting that the novel shows serious
faults of communication," Baker discusses
it primarily as a lyrical utterance of the
spiritual essence of Hemingway's thirty
years. "If," Baker writes, "'A Farewell to
Arms' was his 'Romeo and Juliet' and 'For
Whom the Bell Tolls' his 'King Lear,' this..
mid-century novel could perhaps be called
a lesser kind of 'Winter's Tale' or 'The
Tempest.' "
Throughout Baker's estimate is a con-
tinuing sense of Hemingway's growth. The
retrogressions in Hemingway's work, Baker
submits, has been only apparent retrogres-
sion. Each experiment that has not met
with complete success has been followed
by a work that showed a new awareness.
-In fulfilling his capacities, Hemmingway
has demonstrated a remarkable ability not
to be sidetracked. Criticized for politi-
cal apathy, personal eccentricity, and art-
istic fraud, he has so far survived every
fad and gone on as a devoted craftsman.
"Hemingway, the Writer as Artist" en-
dows a living legend with several heroic di-
mensions. Suffice it to say, that Mr. Baker's
analyses are as absorbing as the man he
writes about. It is refreshing to find a re-
sponsible scholar willing to go out on a limb
for the work of a contemporary American
author. In case it matters, Professor Baker,
in his ivied halls, is pretty much sold on
the man as well. -Bill Wiegand
Rosenberg Ad ...
To the Editor:
IN RESPECT to your mail bag,
or sometimes called letters to
the editor.
Life is sweet, isn't it? Now that
death faces espionage agents or
(those who like to pick up some
change on the side) it appears all
their little free followers are cry-
ing. Are they afraid of what may
be in store for themselves? Per-
haps! "The Rosenberg Cleme
Clemency.' Oh! What a story of
half-truths that some of the
American Public will swallow as
whole-truths. They may even
become spirited enough to write
letters to Truman with don't kill
them, don't kill them. But, wait-
think! Half-truths, espionage.
How is it to stop? Should the price
be paid for such trivial acts?
Some would almost think it is like
a child being punished for taking
a piece of candy without permis-
sion. Realize there is more at
stake than this, an excellent case
to prove to their co-workers that
there awaits more than a few
years off their life span. Those
years being a prison term.
Besides these years which mean
nothing to them as their business
is still going on, they are being
paid to be there, they already have
been paid for what they have pro-
duced in the way of information,
they pay no lawyer fees, and yet
maintain the concept that they
may have their term shortened by
continual retrials. Why with the
recent publications (paid ads) one
would almost think there wasn't
any evidence for a trial in the first
place, but surely there was as these
half-truths try to convey the idea
that they are innocent.
This is in reply to your well paid
ad in respect to the Rosenberg
Clemency. I did not believe the
Daily or its staff would permit
that type of material to appear in
its contents. However, a dollar is a
dollar no matter where it comes
from nowadays,
As I sign off in disgust.
--Francis Lawrence
Wise Up' ,,
To the Editor:
BY YOUR OWN admission (Un-
heralded Vigil-running the
same story on Korea two days in
a row) no one reads about the Ko-
rean War.
I wonder how many other stor-
ies on your front page day after
day attract the same amount of
Why don't you wise up and con-
centrate on covering events like
sports on your front page that
people are interested in and other
papers don't offer?
If I want to read about nation-
al and international news, I buy
a paper that can give completer
coverage than the Daily.
-Marshall Cowlick
* * *
Monroe St. Comment .
To the Editor:
THIS morning I picked up a copy
of your earnest competitor,
the Monroe Street Journal and,
upon glancing through it, discov-
ered an editorial, with the name
of one Richard Demmer appear-
ing at the bottom. His message,
dealing with proposed changes in
labor legislation, struck me as be-
ing hauntingly familiar. Upon
leafing through recent issues of
the "real thing," the Wall Street
Journal, I found, in the Decem-
ber 8th issue, the identical editor-
Mr. Demmer apparently thinks
along the same lines as the edi-
torialist for the Wall Street Jour-
nal. In fact, he thinks with the
same words, the same puctuation,
the same sentences, and the same
"Look-Maybe They'll Do It To Themselves"
t r l wxiriro IPD'
budget, choses the bands, etc. The
only thing the University does is,
through the Committee on Student
Affairs, (which includes student
members), to approve the Hop just
as all other student events must
be approved.
The decision to hold J-Hop only
one night this year was made by
the 1954 J-Hop Committee, large-
ly through the recommendations
of the 1953 J-Hop Committee and
Dean Walter Rea, who makes no
decisions regarding the huge un-
dertaking but who is an invalu-
able help and highly appreciated
advisor to the Committee.
Attendance at J-Hop has grad-
ually dropped from a post-war
peak of 2,800 couples (when we
had 21,000 students and ful wal-
lets on campus) to last year's at-
tendance of approximately 1,000
paid couples for the, two. nights
For the past two years the Hop
has lost money on a two-night
venture because of low attendance.
This loss is the responsibility of
the junior class, which cannot'
very well hope to make up the de-
ficit from the profits of the fol-
lowing year's Senior Ball, a dance
which has lost money for the past
six years.
Has the thought ever occurred
to Messrs. Wagner and Johnston
that the student body, and not the
University has brought about the
necessity of holding J-Hop on on-
ly one night this year? Doesn't it
seem ridiculous to hold a dance
which only 1,800 couples wish to
attend on two nights?.
paragraphs. The theme of both is
identical: "So, too, will the newc
labor laws be shaped by what thef
labor unions now do under theirt
new leadership."
\ The differences are insignifi-
cant. The Wall Street Jounral ac-
cuses Senator Taft of "acumen,"s
while Mr. Demmer; who must ownY
a dictionary, feels that the sena-
tor is inspired with mere "quick-
ness of perception.}' One editorial
says "punitive" and the other,A
"harmful" (laws, that is, not
It is a strange coincidence. r
-J. B. Reid
* * *
Lecture Committee...
To the Editor:I
THIS MONTH is a sad anniver-
sary. Once again Freedom of1
of Speech has been adjudged an
ideal too dangerous to exercise in
the campus community. The Bill
of Rights, adopted in December1
161 years ago restrains "abridging4
the freedom of speech;" and the
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, adopted by the UN Gener-;
al Assembly four years ago thisg
month proclaims that freedom.;
A fine way we have celebrated at1
this University! We have been
deemed anew this December to be
unprepared to cope with the ideas
exposed to ordinary citizens in the
world outside. True, freedom of
speech- is not prohibited, but it is
definitely abridged. Holders of
subversive, erroneous, or unpopular
views (some of them, anyway!)
may indeed speak off-campus or
"privately"; and what happens
then? The audience consists large-
ly of that inner circle which al-
ready mostly agrees with what is
being said, the ideas propounded
meet with little honest discussion
or opposition, and inbreeding con-
Apparently the horrible ideas'
from which the Regents and the
Lecture Committee would protect
us are so strong that they cannot
be combatted by the quality of
education offered - by the Univer-
sity of Michigan! Why not let
them be heard under the most
favorable auspices possible for the
presence and expression of con-
trary opinions? Students (who are
so often told they are the future
citizens of the world) may thus be
prepared more successfully to meet
in argument unacceptable ideas
and to determine for themselves
(are they not being educated
here?) what ideas must be com-
Let us not accept this recent
defeat as final, but continue ef-
forts to build this University into
the marketplace of ideas which
it ought to be, in which all shades
of opinion may be heard fairly'
and judged with the aid, not the'
attempted censorship, of those
responsible for our education.
--Ed Voss
* * *
Lecture Committee*.. .
To the Editor:
THE LECTURE Committee has
acted again in its traditional
manner. The turning down of the
SL brief is a clear demonstration
of opposition to the will of the
majority of students and faculty
as represented thru both the ref-
erendum and their representative
bodies. This action shows disre-
spect and, moreover, constitutes a
direct slam against SL, the literary
college faculty, and other organs
thru which student and faculty
democratically express their opin-
The recent ruling on speakers
at private meetings imposes a dan-
gerous press censorship and re-
stricts freedom of assembly. Al-
though it has certain positive as-
pects, it seems to have been de-
signed as an appeasement measure
to placate the original student de-
mand for an end to the Lecture
Committee. We cannot accept this
token. We must continue the fight
to bring freedom of speech to this
--Marge Buckley
* * *
J-Ho p , ,
To the Editor: -
IF MESSRS. Ralph Wagner and
Wayne Johnston had bothered
to find out the facts, their tirade
on the "University's" inept hand-
ling of J-Hop would not have been
the "simple farce" of ina)ccuracies
and untruths it was. Evidently
these gentlemen cannot even read
the Daily correctly. If they will
take the trouble to get out old
copies of the Daily, they will find
that the 1954 J-Hop Committee,
not the University, made all, the
announcements Messrs. Wagner
and Johnston alleged to have been
made by the University.
The J-Hop is organized by a
committee of nine students, jun-
iors elected in the all-campus elec-
tions by the junior class, which 'is
the sponsor "of the dance. This
committee makes all the decisions
regarding the dance, draws up the
. . .... ,...s .. . ..... . o- .....
T ..«S.. r1..1....
Washington Merry-Go-Round
F-LouisZa o
Finance Chairman
1953 J-Hop Committee
* *
Orchids . .
To the Editor:
0RCHIDS TO the Daily's fightin
courage as, exemplified by its-
publishing Crawford Young's edi-
torial on the University's public
relations program. Without a
doubt, this article is the flimsiest
and vaguest piece of writing that
has wandered onto the editorial
page yet.
You, deserve a dozen orchids for
showing your face after that pub-
lishing job, Daily. Man, that took
real backbone!
-Mary A. DeWan
P.S. Come on . . . I dare you to
publish this!
IN the nineteenth century Ameri-
cans were borrowers of culture.
In the twentieth we are still bor-
rowers, according to our critics in
Europe and Asia. We have appar-
ently, nothing to export in that'
line of goods. We have to offer only
a flood of mechanical inventions
from the motor car and the air-
plane to the washing machine,
soft drinks, and the deep freeze.
The conception that the United
States consists of one-hundred-
and-fifty-eight million peqple, all
of whom are descendants of Eu-
ropeans, Africans, and a few Asi-
atics who brought over with them
and implanted on our soil the
seeds of their own cultures, seems
to be neglected. We have even.
borrowed from the Indians, as
well as the Spanish, as anyone
can see who visits the Southwest.
An American attacked by for-
eigners for our materialism has
never known what to say. He can
speak to no avail of our orches-
tras, of the constant stream of
classical and modern music that
night and day crowds the air-
waves, of our theatres, our muse- ,
ums of art, our vast universities,
and of our modern literature
translated and read abroad by
millions of Europeans.
-The Saturday Review
Sixty-Third Yea?
Edited and managed by students Of.}
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in ontrol of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......,Managing Editor
Barnes Connable . ...City Editor
Cal Sainra.. ....... .Editorial Director
Zander Hollander...... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus........Associate City Editor
Harlnd Britz.......Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman....Associte Editor
Ed Whipple...............ports Editor.
John Jenks. Associate sports Editor
Dick Sewel..Associate sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green............ Business Manager
Milt Goetz...:....Advertising manage
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg...F..Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.C... Circulation Manager
Telebhne 23-24-1
WASHINGTON - Congressional election
probers, digging through the files of big
contributors, have come across the amazing
way in which one Texas oilman tried to
influence the election in 20 states out of
the 48.
The oilman is H. R. Cullen of Dallas,
one of the wealthiest men in the U.S.A.,
who placed a minimum of $53,000 behind
his pet candidates during the recent cam-
Naturally the candidates he backed if
elected will be inclined to favor legislation
backed by Cullen, such as tidelands oil and
the 27/2 per cent oil depletion tax allow-
Cullen didn't scatter his money. He
pinpointed it on certain candidates. Fur-
thermore, he didn't confine it to candi-
dates in or near Texas. He reached out
all the way to Connecticut to spend $1,000
to defeat Sen. William Benton, the Demo-
crat who had the courage to oppose Sen.
Joseph McCarthy.
Likewise he sent $5,000 up to Wisconsin
to help Senator McCarthy in his primary,
with $3,500 to help re-elect Sen. William
Jenner of Indiana, the man who c'alled Gen.
George Marshall a traitor.
H ERE IS A detailed account of how the
big Texas oilman parlayed his political
money all over the United States:
MacArthur's primary in New Jersey; and
SENATOR BREWSTER of Maine-$1,000.
Brewster, a Republican, had supported tide-
lands oil and various measures Cullen ad-
vocated. Defeated.
SENATOR WATKINS of Utah-$1.000.
Watkins, a Republican, had opposed Cul-
len on tidelands oil, but was wavering.
He had backed the 272 per cent oil de-
pletion allowance. Won. -
PAT HURLEY in New Mexico - $1,000.
Hurley, a Republican, was former attorney
for Sinclair Oil, agreed with Cullen's gen-
eral ideas. He lost.
SENATOR MALONE of Nevada (R.)--
$1,000. Won.
SENATOR ECTON of Montana (R.)-
$1,000. Lost.
SENATOR KEM of Missouri (R.)-$1,000.
North Dakota-$1,000. This was an at-
tempt to defeat GOP Senator Langer in
the North Dakota primary. Langer had
voted against tidelands oil and against
the 271/2 per cent oil depletion allowance.
Langer won.
JAMES B. PATTISON-$3,000. Candidate
for Congress in Texas. Lost.
CULLENNALSO sent $500 to each of the
following Republican congressmen: C.
W. Bishop and Charles Vursell of Illinois;
Donald Jackson, Ernest Bramblett, Oakley
Hunter, John J. Allen Jr., and Joe Holt, all
of California; Edmund Rowan of New York;
Personnel Requests.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University.
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University.Notices shouldbe sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.)
VOL. LXIII, No. 72
T.I.A.A.-C.R.E.F. There are approxi-
mately 175 faculty members who are
participants of the T.I.A.A. retirement
program who have not yet-stated their
desires regarding the College Retire-
ment Equities Fund. Since the plan is
to go into effect Jan. 1, 1953, for those
who do desire to participate, an indi-
cation of each member's desire in this
Personnel Requests.
The City of Saginaw has openings for
Civil Engineers. A bulletin with de-
tailed information is available to Feb-
ruary graduates and others interested.
A list of the companies coming to
interview before examinations will be
posted in the Daily on Jan. 6, 1953.
Those interested should check there
or contact the Bureau of Appointments,
Ext. 371.
All seniors graduating in February
who are interested in registering with
the Bureau of Appointments, or those
who have not returned the material,
should contact the office as soon as
possible. In order to receive assistance
in placement one must fill out the
necessary forms before leaving school.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Hugh Fer-
dinand Schaefer, Chemistry; thesis:
"Catalysisin Inorganic Hexammine
Synthesis,"' Fri., Dec. 19, 1952, 3003
Mrs. Roth will speak on th'e Algebras
of Logic.
Doctoral Examination for Eugene
Huff Beach, Physics; thesis: "Angular
Distribution Studies of P31 (d,p)P32*
Reactions," Sat., Dec. 20, 2038 Randall
Laboratory, at 1 p.m. Chairman, H. R.
Rackham Symphony Choir, Maynard
Klein, Conductor,;will present a Christ-
mas concert at the Detroit Rackham
Memorial Auditorium at 8:30 Saturday
evening, Dec. 20. Soloists will include
Arlene Sollenberger, contralto, Robert
Kerns, baritone, Mary Jewell and Ver-
nette Sublett, sopranos, and Robert
Courte, violist. Kenneth Jewell will con-
duct the Rackham Singers in one group
of songs, and Mary Helen Munson and
Justine votypka will serve as accom-
panists during the concert.
The general public is invited.
v. a f-2 a