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December 14, 1952 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1952-12-14

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Annual Holiday Programs
Will be Performed Today

Dance Clubs . ..
Performances of the annual
holiday dance program, co-spon-
sored by the Modern Dance and
Ballet Clubs, will be given at 3:30
p.m. and 8 p.m. today in Barbour
Gym Dance Studio.
There will be no admission
charge for the program, to which
both students and townspeople
have been invited.
by members of the two co-recrea-
tional clubs, sponsored by the
Women's Athletic Association will
be executed.
.The program will open with
an interpretation of the Bach


t4CN,i1,M Cma~n


-Petitions for Assembly Ball are
due at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the Un-
dergraduate Office of the League.
Coeds may sign up then for in-
terviews to be held from 4 to 5:30
p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday. All independent women
are eligible to petition for the nine
MORTARBOARD - There will
be a meeting at 10:30 today in the
League for all members of Mortar-
* * *
be a meeting of all members of
Senior Society at 4:30 today in
the League.
* * *
The schedule for this week's all-
campus women's basketball tour-
nament is as follows:
Tomorrow at 5:10 p.m.-Stock-
well IV vs. Ann Arbor Girls I; Jor-
dan III vs. Kleinsteuch I; at 7:10
p.m.-Cheever I vs. Hobbs I; Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma II vs. Alpha
Epsilon Phi I; at 8 p.m.-Alpha
Omicron Pi I vs. Vaughn I; New-
berry II vs. Cook II.
Tuesday at 5:10 p.m.-Delta
Gamma II vs. Alpha Delta Pi I;
Angell I vs. Kleinsteuck III; at
7:10 p.m.-Pi Beta Phi I vs. Alpha
Xi Delta II; Jordan I vs. Alpha
Xi Delta. at 8 p.m.-no games.
Wednesday at 5:10 p.m.-Delta
Delta Delta II vs. Gamma Phi Beta
I; Alpha Delta Pi II vs. Stockwell
II; at 7:10 p.m.--Delta Zeta I vs.
Mosher II; at 8 p.m.-no games.
Thursday at 5:10 p.m.-Kappa
Kappa Gamma I vs. Stockwell I;
Palmer II vs. Newberry I;; no
games have been scheduled for the
other times.

"Prelude." Robin Squire was the
choreographer for this dance.
Christmas carols will form the
background for the next number
on the program, followed by a chil-
drens' concert.
* * *
MRS. GERALDINE Miller will
dance a solo entitled, "Tinsel,
Mistletoe and the Shining Star."
Other numbers included on the
program are three folk songs,
variations from "Les Sylphides,"
and the "Toy Shops," with Doris
Taylor responsible for the choreog-
raphy for this dance.
John Chaiapuris and Doris
Marsh arranged the next number,
called "Carnival." "Fog," with
choreography by Wini Ingram and
"The Stranger at Three Pidgeons
Inn" by Mrs. Miller and Jim
Stasheff will conclude the pro-
Manager of the Modern Dance
Club is Henrietta Hermelin, while
Vera Simon handles the Ballet
Club.. Miss Betty Pease is advisor
for the two groups.
. *
Community Sing...
The Michigan Women's Glee
Club will be one of the choral
groups participating in the 24th
annual Junior Chamber of Com-
merce Christmas Community Sing
at 7 p.m. tonight at Hill Auditor-
Community singing of carols by
the audience will highlight the
* * *
CHORAL GROUPS on stage will
include the St. Thomas High
School Choir, Sister Mary Delima,
Conductor; University High A
Capella Choir, Frank McCowan,
Conductor; Ped-Ford Chorus, L.
H. Fender, Conductor and Lyra
Male and the Ann Arbor High
School Choir.
The Ann Arbor High School
combined Girl's Choruses will
sing from the balcony. Maynard
Klein will conduct the University
of Michigan Women's Glee Club
and John Merrill will. serve as
Musical Director of the evening.
Mrs. Shirley Lay Bayless, daugh-
ter of Prof. and Mrs. Walter E.
Lay, will direct the Community
Christmas Sing. Mrs. Bayless is a
graduate of the University and
teaches in the East Lansing Pub-
lic Schools. She is a member of
Gamma Phi Beta and President
of the East Lansing Gamma Phi
* * *
ACCOMPANYING carol singing
of the choral groups and audience
will be Marilyn Mason Brown at
the organ.

Coeds Called
To Final JGP
Role Tryouts
Elimination tryouts for the Jun-
ior Girls' Play will be held from 2
to 5 p.m .today and 4 to 6 p.m.
and 7 to 10 p.m. tomorrow in the
Coeds listed below are requested
by Sue Shafter, director, to attend
the final tryouts.
* * *
THE LIST begins with Nancy
Ackin, Mary Ann Alexander, Ann
Arthur, Phyllis Bailey, Kay Bak-
er, Mimi Baxter, Betty Beckwith,
Marge Beenan, Phyllis Bettman,
Bev Blancett, Ruth Blight, Bar-
bara Boegehold, Barbara Bos, Cyn-
thia Boyes, Evelyn Brahce, Betty
Brassfield, Margaret Brown, Edith.
Buckwalter, Pat Carrigan, Ann
Christenson and Linda Churchill.
The list continues with Coby
Cockburn, Marge Darling, Jean
Davenport, Mary Ann Davidson,
Mary Day, Tula Diamond, Judy
Drake, Carla Drije, Aggie Bunn,
Jane Ellet, Joann Ellis, Karin Fa-
gerburg, Ann Fenech, Barbara
Fithian, Dee Foley, Enid Foster,
Mary Ellen Fryfogle, Nancy Fuller,
Gret Gay, Carolyn Good and Sally
Others include: Sylvia Hagopian,
Dawn Hameister, Beth Hanson,
Georgia Hertzman, Martha Hill,
Janet Hodges, Diane Holbrook,
Judy Johnson, Sue Kalmar, Mil-
dred Knapp, Fran Kochin, Mary
Jo Kohl, Lee Koplow, Ruth Kran-
ty, Mary Kuhns, Dolly Limbrock,
Judy Loehenburg, Marilyn Lama,
Kay McLaughlin, Betty Magyar
and Betty Mares.
OTHERS ARE Marge Meade,
Barbara Meier, Gret Meier, Es-
ther Miller, Margo Miller, Ann
Moran, Centes Morrill, Patti Mur-
phy, Louise Olmstead, Judy Potts,
Margaret Paysner, Ann Peatrie,
Virginia Pike, Ann Plumpton, Jill
Predmore, Joan Prescott, Diane
Prettie, Charlotte Pritchard, Bev
Pack, Susie Riggs and Mary Rea.
The list continues with: Ann
Schmitz, Marge Schroer, Sally
Scoggin, Verona Smukel, Bobbi
Snyder, Sue Spurrier, Robin
Squire, Marilyn Stelt, Lucille
Stansberry, Diane Swendeman,
Phillis Thombs, Sue Trometer,
Barbara Wagoner, Katie Wake-
man, Bev Warwick, Lois Wasser-
man, Mary Lynn Weber and Don-
na Westerland.
The list continues with Rosalie
White Sandy Whittingham, Sue
Wilson, Marie Wollsheid, Barbara
Young, Mickey Masten, Marilyn
Rauschenberger, Joyce Roper, Eu-
nice Ruff and Nancy Rein.
All junior coeds who did not
have an opportunity to tryout last
week are requested by the JGP
Central Committee to attend the
tryouts today and tomorrow.

Skits for the annual Fortnight
are receiving a hasty last-minute
breparation for the evening's pro-
gram which will be presented at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Pattengill
Auditorium, Ann Arbor High
The program is sponsored by
Assembly Association of Indepen-
dent women, and combines several
activities that originally were
spread over a period of two weeks.
* * *


to feature in their skits about
campus life.
These skits will be judged on
the basis of originality, effec-
tiveness of presentation, clarity,
and audience response.
This year the judges will be
Phyllis Kaufman, president of the
League; Roger Wilkins, president
of the Senior Class; and Merritt
Green, captain of the football
MEMBERS of Jordan will en-

FAVIT VFAR. the rnaAc urhn havA

maintained the highest scholastic tertain with "Live and Learn,"
averages are honored before the

audience. Cups are presented to
the individual houses with high
scholastic averages, also.
House presidents are installed
by the president of Assembly
Board, and receive their house
president's pin.
High spot of the evening is the
competition between dormitories,
league houses, and cooperative
houses for the top awards on
the skits they have written and
*. * *
THE TITLE of' Fortnight is
"Santa Says It," and decorations
will be centered around this theme.
Residences chose various proverbs

'Hanukah Whirl'

Hillel will present "Hanukah
Whirl" from 6 to 10:30 p.m. to-
night at the Hillel building. A sup-
per club has been scheduled from
6 to 7:30 p.m. with a Hanukah
candle lighting ceremony follow-
ing. After the ceremony, there will
be dancing to the music of Paul
McDonough's orchestra. Admis-
sion is 50 cents for members and
65 cents for non-members for the
supper and the dance is free for
members and fifty cents for non-

Tuesday Through Saturday: 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
Open Mondays until 8:30


Kleinsteuck with "All's fair in berry with "A rose by any other tionally present their skit, which
love and war," Henderson with "A name." does not actually enter into the
little learning is a dangerous Victor Vaughn, Angell House, competition, but is usually one of
thing" and Barbour with "Boys Stockwell, Couzens, Palmer, Hobbs, the best-received features of the
will be boys." Prescott, Cheever and Mosher will ' evening's program, according to
Others on the program are also have a spot on the program many coeds.
Cook presenting a version of and Senior Society and Assembly A door prize consisting of two
"When in Lower Slobovia, be a board will present skits. tickets to Gulantics will be pre-
slob," Hinsdale with "Never put WHILE THE skits are being sented to the coed with the win-
off until, tomorrow" and New- judged, the housemothers tradi- ning program number.

Assembly To Present Annual Fortnight Skits Tuesday;
Coeds To Be Honored For Maintaining High Averages

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6 N


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As merry as a
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