City Editor's
Daily City Editor
SOMETHING has happened in the dor-
It's not so much the food, nor the regula-
tions. Students in residence halls have been
complaining about almcst every aspect of
dormitory living for years.
This year, in addition to the perennial
failings, there is a striking culmination
of a worsening situation. The quality of
student leadership in the quadrangles has
taken an appalling nosedive.
A small group of individuals, for some
reason or other, have insisted on transplant-
ing their prejudices and strange motivations
into a series of narrow actions. Some of
these have seeped into news print. Others,
of less import, are going on everyday.
Although quad governing bodies are not
formally approved by the Student Affairs
Committee, they exercise a strong influence
on one segment of student affairs. And in
practice their responsibility to the rank-and-
file is virtually non-existent.
If someone disagrees with the views of
the red brick country club, he gets the
'blackball (the Braun affair). If a dis-
senter publicizes charges against the
group, attempts at censorship are made
(the Perry affair).
'All this would seem to indicate some feel-
ings of insecurity, some qualms about wheth-
er a monopoly on truth has actually been
acquired. Perhaps a little sober reflection
is in order for these gentlemen.
It is certainly not uncommon that extra-
legal bodies should flex their biceps. But if
they are of importance 'to the community,
they should do so with an eye toward re-
T HAPPENE some time ago, but it's still
worthy of attention.
The Michigan Alumnus (circ. 13,000)
printed a full page inside cover ad entitled
"A Message to 150,000 Michigan Alumni."
Sponsor: Michigan Alumni for Eisenhower
and Nixon.
It occurred to us that an official publica-
tion of the University of Michigan, which
theoretically takes great pains to avoid
airing of partisan opinion, is straying a bit
from consistent actiot.
FREEDOM of tie press, Steve Wilson's
flamgsword," has been getting a
drenching of late. And we don't have to look
to dispatches from 'Argentina or Spain for
the trend.
It's happening on American campuses.
The limitations gradually being placed on
the collegiate press represent a very dis-
heartening pattern. Judging from the atti-
tudes behind the censorship moves, no col-
lege paper can really be safe.
Editor and Publisher, top-grade fourth
estate trade magazine, concluded from a
recent survey 'of' college administrations
that things are just ducky. Unfortunately,
they chose to employ a double 'standard
in judging their fledgling brethren. For
instance, the practice of relaying "ques-
tionable copy" to a University public rela-
tions office was passed over as a matter
of responsible procedure.
Regardless of E & P's conclusions, some
sample responses to its questionnaire are of
"I believe in pretty full freedom for the
student newspaper but .. . for purposes of
promoting. accuracy and responsibility in
journalism," news and editorial copy should
be checked "at times" by the administration.
-President Milton S. Eisenhower of Penn-
sylvania State College.
Our student paper "is produced in the
laboratories of the School of Journalism and
is supervised closely for all technical opera-
tions. Moreover, one of the staff reads all
the editorials and other matter to keep a
weather eye on the general academic land-
scape . ."-P. I. Reed ( director of journ-
alism, University of West Virginia.
"We believe in imposing the fewest re-
strictions and controls . . . but the presi-
dent's office has an obligation as a last
resort, in protecting the institution, if it
becomes necessary against the efforts of
irresponsible campus journalism . ."-E.
B. Lemon, Dean of Administration, Oregon
State College.
Couched in these high-sounding phras-
ings are definite threats to a free press.
Editor and Publisher would recognize them
if these were Congressmen talking, not
college officials. It is a very black picture.
But here's one we liked, ,from President
Robert Gordon Sproul of the University of'
California: "It is good for students to carry
full responsibility ... and the mistakes they
make are not only effective educationally,
but are less important than the administra-
tion and the public think at the time they
occur . .. After all, one of the basic free-
doms we are all trying to protect is the
freedom to criticize and complain-the free-
dom to gripe."
Yet even the California paper, you may
recall, got in hot water with the Regents
last year over the Communist issue.
We couldn't sleep well if we attempted to
defend all the alleged errors in judgment
made during the past several years by a
few college newspapers. There is some evi-
dence of occasional irresponsibility.
But the essential fact is the cause of
such mistakes, not their mere existence.
And that is the simple relationship be-
tween paternalism at the top and de-
* The Boredom Is Intolerable
By CAL SAMRA trated and nervous, the campus is none-
Daily Editorial Director theless unable to channel its latent ideal-
THIS CAMPUS has a peculiar personality ism. This apathy is reflected in both the
of its own, but, like all personalities, it i Student Legislature and, to a lesser extent,
a changing, moving organism, inexplicable The Daily. With the exception of the
andindfinble nhas its emotional cycles, elections, the lre politicalinfetv clubss have been,
d indefinable. It bysteaens, large, iefctive d s. ,At a
sometimes reaching a pitch of mad fervor, time when issues have taken on interna-
Goaded on by a "cause," it plunges forward tional and crucial significance, it has be-
frantically, mystically, spurred on by a sense come fashionable to be indifferent.
of rational selfrighteousness. Then, sudden- What has happened in two years to a
ly its youthful spirit sinks, prostrate before campus which once was bursting at the
an insurmountable obstacle-no longer en- seams with every kind of activity? The
ergetic but resigned, no longer idealistic but answers are not so simple.
cynical, no longer courageous but deferen-, To a great degree, the blame lies with
tial. the Administration. Its paternal mien has
Two years ago, the campus was riding squelched much of the enthusiasm which
on a crest. It was sensitive, even paranoic. was once a vital part of this University. Its
There were "causes" to embrace then; dogmatic attitude on both the 'fraternity
right and left there were causes. The bias clause issue and the Lecture Committee
Slosson-Phillips debate . . . Birth of a has, in effect, relegated the Student Legis-
Nation . . . World Federalism . . . Bias lature to an insensible, highly innocuous
Clauses ... all thunderous issues. organization, forever soul-searching and on
the defensive.
It was a different campus then. SL up in Generally,however, the absence of sprite-
arms . . . The Daily hammering out its ly thinking on campus is open to a broader
pungent barbs . . . the young politicos all interpretation. The nation as a whole has
in a frenzy .. . rallies and debates on the been caught in a tide towards conservatism
diag . . . sturdy veterans passing effete and moderation, and this movement has
Bohemians at the Union ... the YP's pam- just now made its impact on the University.
phleteering militantly . . . a tolerant fresh- Conformity is now to be preferred to origin-
man stopping for a moment to read a cock- ality.
eyed appeal . . . a senior sniggering on the To criticize this natural process would
side . . . refractory right-wingers duelling be comparable to complaining because
with refractory left-wingers . .. the bom- the sun comes up every morning. But it
bastic espousal of principles and "causes" should be recognized as something which
the surreptitious Nefus Club carefully is not at all healthy or desirable. The
planning its next move . . . cajoling and free development of the mind is a value
argumentation . . . some say yes, others say which is peculiar to a democracy, and
no . . .cautious liberals trying to glean a there is no reason why we should ignore
bit of sanity out of a clashing, fermenting it through stupidity or timidity.
campus . . . the public relations department In the end, this campus will have to
trying to anticipate what would come next. Intend hscmswl aeto
shake itself out of its doldrums. It is this
In two years, things have changed con- writer's fond wish that something might
siderably. The campus has lost its viril- soon be done around here. The boredom is
ity. The issues are still with us. But frus- intolerable.
+ ART+
THE CHIEF attraction at the University piece in either gallery that I wouldn't cheer-
Museum of Art is a showing of litho- fully give my eye teeth for. Words are, of
graphs, including a feature display illus- course, inadequate to describe a Tamayo, a
trating the process of hand lithography. Kandinsky, or a Masson, and the mere men-
Hours are 9-5 all week, Sundays 2-5; the tion of practically any name among the ex-
exhibit closes December 31st, so if you're hibited should be sufficient to attract a con-
leaving Ann Arbor for the holidays you'd siderable audience.
best hasten.
Hardly less enticing is the bonus offer-
Fifteen progress proofs of Jean Charlot's ing, in the North Gallery, of some thirty-
"Sunday Dress" (South Gallery) illustrate odd "Drawings by Americans." Here too,
the various steps necessary to complete a most of the contributors are contempor-
color lithograph. In the far corners of the aries, and a few of them are represented
same room are two cases, one containing in the adjoining rooms. The total effect
an instruction book and the necessary im- of the museum's current bill-of-fare is
plements to make such stones as are dis- pleasing indeed.
played in the other. Between the two are * * * *
eight panels of photographs of litho- A few final notworthy items:
graphers at work, and the rest of the wall At the Forsythe Gallery, 1101 Martin
space is given to finished plates. All of the place, the works of Carlos Lopez, chiefly
lithographs are accompanied by the 'usual drawings, through December, Wednesdays
pertinent information, plus notes on the and Thursdays, 10-5, or by appointment.
specific methods and techniques used.
It seems that nearly every important conPotters' Guild Christmas sale of hand-
temorar seem stat hnea ever mprtanth. comade ceramics, in alley at rear of 337
temporary artist who has ever tried his Maynard, off Williams St., open week-days
hand at lithography is represented here. 10-4 and 7-9, Saturdays 10-4 only.
There is very little duplication of anyone's
work in either the South or West Gallery, A modest showing (both in size and price)
so the gallery-goer gets a really extensive and of lithographs and etchings, good, in the
excellent sampling, both in black and white vicinity of the fireplace, Bob Marshall's Book
and in color, of many different styles. Shop, store hours, through Christmas. Happy
There is little point in dwelling long on a holidays.
show as fine as this one; there is hardly a -Siegfried Feller
1 wi
"Hear Ye, Hear Ye - Darmnit, Listen To Me!"
() .'
i i
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Biting an Apple...
DURING THE recent campaign.
the Democrats shrieked that
a Republican victory meant a
sure, swift economic depression
and bellowed about a return to
1932 days. Now that the election
is safely over, the present Secre-
tary of the Treasury has come for-
ward to predict "permanent pros-
perity for the U.S.," in a recent
Chicago speech.
Was that pre-election strategy
really an honest method of cam-
paigning, or was the party of the
"intellectual" in fact indulging in
a bit of plain, old, habitual, rabble-
rousing. ?-J. B. Reid
On the Democrats.. .
A LETTER BY Mr. Willard Han-
sen appeared in The Daily last
week arguing thatneven though I
disagreed with the majority fac-
tion I should have remained in the
Young Democrats, working for
what I believed to be its improve-
ment. His argument would have
been valid up until 1936. Then,
the two factions within the party,
those favoring and opposing the
New Deal philosophy, were ade-
quately represented in party policy
decisions. That year, however, the
New Dealers made a tragic and in-
excusable mistake. They eliminat-
ed the 2/3 voting rule and substi-
tuted majority rule in its place.
From that time on, the danger
was always present of the New
Deal faction seizing control of the
party and squelching its opposi-
Since 1948, they have made that
danger become a reality. This year,
the ADA, "brains" behind the
New Deal, concocted a loyalty
oath, pushed through their plat-
form, nominated their candidates,
and wrote the presidential cam-
paign speeches. The minority fac-
tion was given no other role than
to vote for the candidates on elec-
tion day.
I found the same trend develop-
ed in the Young Democrats that
was present at the national level.
The dominant left-wing faction,
drunk with its new-found power,
not only refused to cooperate with
the minority but finally restricted
the opposition to five minutes
when it desired to speak. This, to
me, is not just totalitarian. It
shows the sheer hypocrisy of the
members. They dare preach, with
self-righteousness, the furthering
of' minority rights while, at the
first chance, they are ready to
crush every minority in their own
Those who have bolted, as my-
self, feel the party has passed the
point where the present majority
faction can be internally checked
again. If their guess is -wrong and
the 2/3 rule is reinstituted (though
the time is quickly approaching
when even the 2/3 rule will not
protect the minority) the Indepen-
dent Democrats are prepared to
rejoin their party organization.
Otherwise, they can only watch
patiently buthregretfully while the
Fair Dealers continue to purge or
antagonize into bolting every di-
vergent group within the party.
,-Bernie Backhaut
* * *
J-Hop Blues.. .
THIS IS THE last straw! The
University, unsatisfied with
merely permitting J-Hop to de-
teriorate i n t o "just another
dance," now threatens to reduce it
to a simple farce! This year, we
are told, J-Hop will be held on
one night only, instead of the tra-
ditional two nights. In an effort
to "explain" its action, the Uni-
versity states that fewer and few-
er couples are attending J-Hop
and, because of that fact, it can-
not afford to have a two-night
dance. Has the thought ever oc-
curred to University officials that
more people would attend J-Hop
if they were offered two top-rate
bands. Last year Michigan State's
J-Hop featured Ray Anthony. But
who did we have for our J-Hop?
Two "has-beens!"
Adding insult to injury, the Uni-
versity furthermore stated that
on J-Hop Weekend, since the
dance would be held on Friday
night only, the Saturday night
curfew would be 2 a.m. instead of
4 a.m. as before. Does the Univer-
sity think its student body con-
sists of a bunch of high-school
adolescents? It goes without say-
ing that a student body consist-
ing of men and women eligible to
fight in Korea are certainly able
to take care of themselves proper-
ly on a big weekend!
We vehemently object to this
unwarranted infringement o n
what once was one of the most
famous collegiate social events in
the country! No wonder the stu-
dent body has so little respect for
the administration and its poli-
cies! Yes, indeed, this is the last
straw! -Ralph Wagner, '54
Wayne Johnston, '53
WASHINGTON-Sen, Bob Taft of Ohio, who hit the ceiling when
President-elect Eisenhower designated a Democrat, Martin Dur-
kin, as Secretary of Labor, is due for another unpleasant surprise.
Eisenhower advisers are quietly planning to sidetrack the
controversial Taft-Hartley act and support a new labor-manage-
ment bill more conciliatory to labor.
However, the thing that will really send up Taft's blood pressure
is that Ike's advisers, as a further gesture to labor, will endeavor to
enact the new bill without Taft's name on it.
The legislation will be sponsored by Congressman Sam McConnell,
Pennsylvania Republican, who will be chairman of the House labor
committee in the next Congress. McConnell comes from a wealthy
Philadelphia suburb, but believes in being fair to labor and sponsored
the Federal Mine Safety Act.
BIGGEST peeve of Harry Truman, as he is about to leave the, White
House, is something he discusses only with close friends-the fact
that he has had to take the rap for crooked internal revenue col-
lectors who, he says, were "handed down to me" from pervious Demo-
cratic administrations.
"I didn't appoint any of those fellows who went sour, except
one in New York, who was already in the bureau, and I got rid
of him right away when I learned about his unfitness," Truman
recently told an old friend. "I inherited all the others."
Truman added that he wasn't blaming his old boss and predeces-
sor, Franklin Roosevelt, who he said couldn't be expected to foresee
that the collectors would turn crooked after he appointed them.
"Those bad actors let both Roosevelt and me down," the President
grumbled. "But what really burns me up is that I have had to take the
brunt of the criticism for allegedly appointing low-caliber men to pub-
lic office, when I didn't appoint them.
"The Republicans also have accused me of .being easy on the
Communists, when the truth is that I have prosecuted and put in jail
more Communists than any President in history."
Truman said he had been a "good soldier" in taking the
brickbats of the last campaign and that he intended to remain
silent after leaving the White House, rather than give his GOP
critics "the satisfaction of thinking that I am trying to place the
blame on someone else."
Note-internal revenue irregularities were exposed in this column
in great detail as early as 1949. Yet the President never moved in to
clean up until about two years later.
* * * *
PRESIDENT-ELECT Eisenhower is already running into trouble
with the McCarthy wing of his party.
The McCarthyites have discovered that one of Ike's special
advisers on government reorganization, Bernard L. Gladieux,
formerly sat in judgment on Commerce Department loyalty cases.
This automatically casts suspicion on him in McCarthy's book,
because the Commerce Department passed on the loyalty of such
alleged pro-Reds as William Remington and Michael Lee.
Gladieux once served under Henry Wallace-another red mark
against him to the McCarthyites. In the Commerce Department,
Gladieux had the power to overrule the loyalty board's findings on
appeal cases.
He is now working with blueblood Nelson Rockefeller, on revamp-
ing government bureaus.
Loudest voice against Gladieux is that of McCarthy's GOP
colleague, Sen. George Malone of Nevada. Malone has been
whispering that Gladieux is a "protege of Henry Wallace." Malone
doesn't seem to know it, but both Nelson Rockefeller and Milton
Eisenhower were also friends of Henry Wallace; in fact, Milton
worked under him in the Agriculture Department.
It would appear that a change in administrations won't stop the
guilt-by-association clamor.
* * * *
MADAME Pandit has urged General Eisenhower to allow Chester
Bowles to stay on as American ambassador to India. Madame
Pandit reported that Bowles was the most popular ambassador ever
sent to India and it would be a shame to recall him at this time....
Senator Nixon was the guest of Mexico's big real-estate man at
Acapulco, Melchor Perusquia. Funny how Nixon loves real-estate
men. . . . Congratulations to Louis Urow for his dissenting report
against the whitewash of Lieut. Joe Shimon, the Washington cop who
tapped telephone wires for Maine's Senator Brewster. Urow was the
only member of the police board who called a spade a spade. . .
Reporter magazine really exposes the wiretapping racket in its issue
this week.
* * * *
IT'S A LONG SHOT, but one thing that might play into Eisenhower's
hands in unsnarling the Korean embroglio is a report from central
intelligence that there are signs of a split between Russia and Com-
munist China.
Apparently the split opened up as a result of the Indian
_ _ A
At the Michigan . .
cer Tracy and Gene Tierney.
FAILING TO produce a dramatic, unified
movie, the producers of Plymouth Ad-
venture were obviously content to try for
historical accuracy. Even here, they have-
n't succeeded too well, hampered by an ov-
erpowering reverence for pilgrims and rocks
and such.
The subplot on which the picture hing-
es progresses fitfully to a rather lame
conclusion. Spencer Tracy, as the cyni-
cal hard-drinking captain of the May-
flower, tries throughout the voyage to
force his attentions on the wife of a lead-
ing Pilgrim. In this situation, Gene Tier-
ney's only possible decision would appear
to be perfectly clear-cut, and she does
repulse the captain vigorously. Although
she may have been despondent about the
affair, her suicide seems motiveless and a
little silly. To some extent, though, Tracy's
talents offset the inadequate script.
THERE IS something far more terrifying
about the hydrogen bomb tha.i the fact
that it has reduced the atomic bomb to a
.22-calibre rifle alongside a large cannon.
What is most terrifying about the hydro-
gen bomb is its grotesque lack of impact
The celebrated John Alden-Priscilla Mul-
lins romance is given a lukewarm and un-
distinguished performance by Van John-
son and Dawn Addams. Johnson is able to,
and does, speak for himself in the best
American-boy fashion, while Miles Standish
languishes as a mere soldier.
Most of the scenes are done in the hum-
drum square-rigger tradition that plagues
both pirate and pilgrim movies. Among the
exceptions is a storm sequence which con-
veys something of the terror that voyagers
packed below decks must have felt. The
final shot, the Mayflower sailing into a per-
fectly symetrical sunset, is more typical
Beside the artistic incompetency, there
is a gross misrepresentation of the Puri-
tan and his cause. None of the severe,
unattractive aspects which marked this
sect in its early days are allowed to glim-
mer through. Dissolving into a welter of
enthusiasm toward the end, the picture
advances this little group as a very foun-
tainhead from which religious toleration
and popular democracy flowed ready-
made. There's not much left for a movie
about the American Revolution to accom-
The accompanying cartoon is one of those
little germs created by the avant-garde school
of animators. Its calculated simplicity and
(Continued from Page 2)
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club. Supper at 5:30 p.m. Program 6
p.m.: Christmas Candlelight Song Serv-
ice in the Chapel.
Westrminster Guild. Christmas sup-
per at 5:45 p.m. with Roger Williams
Guild, to be followed by carol singing
and worship service.
Evangelical and Reformed Student
Guild. Informalmeeting at 7:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall, before going to the Carol
Sing on the steps of the General Li-
brary at 8:15.
Roger Williams Guild. Begin a stu-
dy of First King, 9:45 a.m. Meet in
Guild House at 5:30 p.m. to go in a
group to Presbyterian Church for sup-
per and join the Westminster Guild
in their evening program. Following
this, we will join the Caroi Sing on the
Library Steps, winding up the evening
with Wassail at Lane Hall.
Hillel. Brandeis Camp Institute alum-
ni meeting 4 p.m., Hillel Building. Dis-
cussion group.
Newman Club. General meeting, 7:30
p.m. Guest speaker: Professor Wheeler.
who will talk on "Christian Approach
to Racial Problems."
Canterbury Club. Annual Canterbury
Club Christmas dinner and tree-trin-
ming party will be held tonight at 6
UNESCO Council cultural meeting in
the Recreation Room of the Interna-
tional Center, 603 E. Madison St., at
8 p.m. Continued topic: "Racism in
South Africa"-a symposium of South
African foreign students moderatedby
Professor Preston W. Slosson of the
History Department. Refreshments fol-
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
2 p.m. at the rear entrance of Rackham
Building. Hiking and ice skating.
Michigan Christian Fellowship. Rev.
Challis, of St. Mark's Methodist
Church in Detroit. will speak on "The
Coming of Christ" at 4 p.m. in the
Fireside Room, Lane Hali. Everyone
welcome. Refreshments.
Corning Events
Political Science Round Table will be
held on Tues., Dec. 16, in the Rackhiam
Amphitheater at 7:45 p.m. Topic for
discussion will be "Political Behavior
Research in the Detroit Metropolitan
Area." Participants will be Dr. Samuel
J. Eldersveld, Dr.,Ronald Freedman,
Mr. Sidney Belanoff, and Mr. Richard
W. Dodge. A social hour will follow
the program. All interested persons in-
Volunteer Naval Research Reserve
Unit 9-3. On Mon., Dec. 15. 7:30 p.m.,
Deutscher Verein meeting, Tues., Dec.
16, at 7:30, in 3 Tappan Hall. Short
Christmas program to be followed by
Physical Therapy students. Meeting
of all juniors who have declared their
intention of concentrating on Physical
Therapy,rues., Dec. 16, Room 4303,
Univ. Hospital. It is urgent that you be
present, but if impossible to attend, call
Virginia Wilson, 31531-Ext. 337, and
make arrangements for another ap-
U. of M. Rifle Club will meet Tues.,
Dec. 16, at 7:15 at the R.O.T.C. Rifle
Motion Picture. Ten-minute film,
"Animals in Winter," shown Mon.
through Fri. at 10:30, 12:30, 3:00, and
4:00, 4thi floor, University Museums
La P'tite Causette will meet tomor-
row from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the North
Cafeteria of the Michigan Union.
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold their annual Christmas Carol-
ing Party Tuesday night. The group
will meet at the Center at 7:30 for car-
oling and afterwards will return there
to enjoy Mrs. Yoder's homemade Christ-
mas cookies.
Civil Liberties Committee meeting
Tues., Dec. 16, 7:30, at the Union. Im-
portant discussions and elections of
officers for spring semester. Members
and interested students are invited.
Sixty-Third Yea?
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable ......Ed.City Editor
Cal Samra........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander..... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus ..... Associate City Editor
Harland Brits........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman . ..Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...........Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell. Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler....... . Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Asaoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green............. Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg ... Finance Manager
'Tom Treeger.fl. rultion Managzer