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December 13, 1952 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1952-12-13

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Face Blues
* * * *

. .'.By Ed Whipple

OT 0
ToniW.,gh t
f M'a Tornt
NTo Compete
r 'For Trophy
(Continued from Page 1)

Some psychological jockeying on a couple of trial runs has moved
Colorado College into the pole position for the Midwest Hockey League
race that gets underway next weekend with Michigan's important in-
vasion of .the Rocky Mountain area.
College hockey coaches are notoriously and passionately pessi-
mistic, but Cheddy Thompson, mentor of the CC sextet, generally
outdoes all his cohorts two or three times during each season. He made
his maiden effort for 1952-53 this week after his Tigers mauled Toronto,
11-3, one night and lost to the same foe, 4-3, 24 hours later.
Thompson explained the reversal of form with "over-confi-
dence." Then he went on, "I wish people would take my team for
what it is, not for what it would have been if we hadn't run into
eligibility trouble. No one will ever know what kind of a team we
would have had ...
He added, "If there's anyone we want to beat, it's our 'friends'
from Michigan. And we're not conceding a thing, Just like in the
NCAA finals last year." (Michigan trounced Colorado College, 4-1,
for the championship).
"So what if Michigan has four lines, five defensemen, and two
goalies? There isn't a team in the league we can't beat with the ma-
terial we have now. Our big job is to get the team mentally right for
Michigan. We hope to have 'em up," declared the Tiger mentor who
was elected "Coach of the Year for 1951-52."
The Old Lingo ...
THAT'S THE 'time-worn but effective, "We ain't got nuthin', but
we're gonna try like H--" lingo that Illinois' football team used to
upset Michigan this fall. But then, tears by Thompson is nothing new.
He and the rest of the Colorado cortege went wild over their mis-
fortunes last year. And they still remember: Thompson said the
showing Colorado made in Ann Arbor last year "even after Frasca
was hurt could be the keynote of the Michigan series next week. We
showed it wasn't impossible to beat Michigan, even though we were
Tony Frasca; leading scorer for the Tigers at the time, broke
his ankle in a two-game series here last winter. Tiger partisans
were demanding blood for the crime, although no one but Frasca
himself was to blame. Then Ron Hartwell, next highest scorer,
was declared ineligible for the NCAA tourney. How they howled
over that one.
Actually it was only by virtue of the relaxed eligibility standards
of his own school that Hartwell was allowed to play an extra season.
Thompson knew all year long Hartwell was ineligible by NCAA stand-
ards. So in the "official" NCAA tournament program appeared a full-
page cartoon captioned: "There's a JOB to be done; Win one for
Tony and one. for Ron." Thompson's team managed only half the
Job. They beat4Yale, and lost to Michigan.
So Ahat's the background on the bloodletting in the Broadmoor
Ice Palace next Friday and Saturday. Each game counts two points
in the league standings, since the two teams meet only twice during
the 9eason. Michigan:should gain a split in order to stay in the run-
ning for the league title.
* S * *

Wolverines, Iowa Play
First Conference Game

Iowa can't depend on past rec-
ords when it breaks open the Big
Ten basketball season with Mich-
igan tonight.
In the last ten Michigan-Iowa
contests Iowa has taken eight of
them, winning seven straight on
its home court, where tonight's
game will be played.
* * *
THE HAWKEYES, however, will
be facing a new type of Wolverine
basketball which has netted Mich-
igan winstagainst Marquette and
Butler. with an average of 82.5
points per game, much higher than
its past offensive averages.
After dropping Butler, 62-52,
In its first game Iowa was edged
by Oklahoma, 63-62, at Norman.
Coach Bucky O'Connor has been
working on offensive and defen-
sive rebounding since the de-
feat. "I was encouraged by some
sections of the Oklahoma game
and I think the experience of
fighting back from fair-sized de.
ficits helped the team," O'Con-
nor said.
To counterbalance the Wolver-
ines' speedy race-and-shoot of-
fensive the Iowans will depend on
6-2 sophomore forward Deacon
Davis, and guards Ken Buckles
and Chuck Jarnagin, both jun-
iors. Davis has averaged 18.5 points
thus far, Buckles, 13.5 points, and
Jarnagin, 10.5 points. Jarnagin is
rated as one of the team's better
* * *
ROUNDING OUT the Hawkeye
first five are forward Herb Thomp-
son, captain of the team, and cen-
ter Gene Hettrick. Thompson, who
finished third among Iowa scorers
last year is another excellent re-
The center situation is pro-

Wisconsin's Badgers Surprise Experts

viding troubles for the Iowans.
Gene Hettrick, at 6-6, is one of
the crack shots on the team but
is not a very accomplished re-
Alternate center Bob Miller, also
6-6, on the other hand is a good
rebounder but is not a good shot.
THIS IS WHERE the loss of
Chuck Darling All-American cen-
ter is being felt; Darling was an
all-round top man on shooting and
With no man on the starting
five under 6-2 Iowa holds a
slight overall height advantage
but Michigan's forward wall of
Milt Mead, 6-7, John Codwell,
6-4, and Paul Groffsky, 6-4, out-
size all but Hawkeye center Het-
The Wolverines' balanced scor-
ing provides Iowa with another
worry. Guard Don Eaddy has 33
for two games, and Groffsky has
32. Ray Pavichevich, guard, has
25; Mead, 22; and Codwell 21.
THIS MEANS the Hawkeyes will
have to concentrate their defense
on all the Michigan team instead
of picking two or three men as the
men to watch.
In an effort to bottle Michigan's
speedsters the Hawkeyes will at-
tempt to tighten up on defense
even more than in their previous
games. They have held opponents
to 57.5 points in two non-confer-
ence games while Wolverine op-
ponents have slipped in 75 points
a game.
Home court advantage may
prove very important for Iowa
since it has won 45 and lost 11 con-
ference games at home in the last
nine seasons, and only five in the
last three years.

Alex McClellan and Reg Shave
form the rugged second string de-
fense line.
fans will be in for a treat tonight
in the form of roughhouse skat-
ing and body checking. The game
will be played under Canadian
rules which permit body check-
ing anywhere on the ice.
The Wolverines, in deference.
to Toronto's Blue uniform, will
wear white jerseys tonight for
the first time in several years.
In a last minute decision yes-"
terday afternoon, Heyliger de-
cided to play without the usual
colors and he ordered a new set
of white togs.
Fiery redhead John McKennell,
the onlyrToronto native on the
Maize and Blue squad, will be
skating against a lot of his old
friends tonight. . . . The Wolver-
ines had a light drill yesterday
afternoon, concentrating mainly
on passing and shooting.
TORONTO needed an assist
from Michigan in its game against
Michigan State last night. A large
part of the Blues' equipment got
lost en route and Vic Heyliger
quickly agreed to lend the Cana-
dians any equipment they needed.
Toledo Site
Mat opener
Michigan wrestlers face one of
their stiffest tests tonight at To,
ledo when they open the current
season against a power-packed To-
ledo University squad.
Coach Cliff Keen's Wolverines
will be confronted with practically
the same outfit that last year lost
only one dual meet, finished first
in the Mid-west Olympic tryouts,
and snared fourth place in the
NCAA Championships.
* * *
IN TOLEDO, where an amazing
crowd of over 4,000 is expected for
tonight's mat dual, the Rockets
are thirsting for revenge, as the
Maize and Blue has been the only
team to whip them in dual meet
competition for three seasons.
Toledo can enter, with the pos-
sible exception of former captain
and NCAA 191-pound champ,
Harry Lanzi, and graduates in
February and may not do any
grappling this season, the iden-
tical star-laden team it had last
Lanzi's brother and present
Rocket captain, Ed, handed Mich-
igan's 177-pound Big Ten champ,
Dick O'Shaughnessy, his only loss
last season.
TONIGHT O'Shaughnessy will
wrestle in the heavyweight divi-
sion for the first time.
His 'vacated 177-pound spot
will be filled by Harold "Pep-
per"nHolt, a junior who was on
Keen's squad two years ago but
was ineligible last season.
The Wolverines' second Confer-
ence titlist, Captain "Snip" Nalon,
will lead his team from the 130-
pound division.
* * *
IN THE OTHER lighter weights,
sophomores Joe Atkins and Andy
Kaul will go at 123 and 137 pounds,
The only senior on the squad,
Joe Scandura, is top man at 147-
pounds, while junior Miles "Tiger"
Lee is set at 157 pounds, where he
nabbed third place in the Big Ten
meet last March.

On another junior, Don Horne,
will rest Michigan's chance in
the 167-pound division.


Under-rated Wisconsin served
notice of its title aspirations to
the rest of the Western Conference
with two recent one-sided triumphs
over formidable opposition.
The surprising Badgers thrash-
ed Marquette, 76-55, at Madison,
and then traveled to New Orleans
to carve a resounding 81-60 tri-
umph over Loyola of the South.
previously regarded the Wisconsin
entry as little more than a second
division club after all-conference
guard and high scorer Ab Nicholas
13 Toledo University .........There
a University of Pittsburgh ..Here
9 Indiana University.........Here
17 University of Iowa ........There
31 Northwestern University ...There
7 Michigan State College ......Here
14 University of Illinois .......Here
21 Purdue University........There
28 Ohio State University...Here
6-7 Conference Tournament


finished out his three-year var-
sity career in 1951-52.
During that campaign, Wis-
consin had to stage a late season
rally to fashion a 5-9 Big Ten
mark and a seventh-place fin-
ish. But included in this seem-
ingly futile record, were last-
gasp wins over Illinois and Iowa,
the Western Conference cham-
pion and runner-up, respectively.
Coach Harold (Bud) Foster has
geared this year's offense around
6-7 pivotman Paul Morrow, and
with the big boy hitting the cords
with increasing accuracy, the hust-
ling Madison five has taken up
where it left off at the tail-end of
last season.
* * *
MORROW WAS the league's
14th best point-getter in '51-52,
collecting 165 counters for an 11.8
average. In two outings during the
current campaign, the bespectac-
led center has amazed observers by
hitting for 25 and 24 points-good
enough for a 24.5 average.
Backing up Morrow in the
scoring department is sopho-
more flash Dick Cable, a fleet-
footed forward who found the

range for 8.1 markers per game
in 14 outings last year.
Currently Cable is shooting with
phenomenal success, counting 17
tallies in each of the Wisconsin
wins. This unexpected scoring
punch on the part of Cable has
been in a large part responsible
for the success of Foster's charges.
* * *
ALTERNATING at the other
front-court post are Tony Stracka
and Ron Weissner, a couple of
capable operators who saw little
more than reserve action with last
year's squad.
These two contributed 16
points to the opening 21-point
triumph over Marquette, a team
that Michigan took into camp
by an 80-72 margin.
Voster also employs a rotating
group at the back-court spots, but
in these positions the Wisconsin
mentor runs four players in and
out of the game.
Seniors Chuck Siefert and Tom
Ward, the former a starter on last
year's first-string unit, gain the
nod in the opening lineup, while
Roger Godfrey and 6-5 Bob Weber
are available for the all-important
relief duty.

y Toronto an Indicator . . .
THEN TWO DAYS LATER Vic Heyliger moves his Wolverines up
he road to Denver from Colorado Springs for two more Important
tests. Each of these games is also worth two points, and again a split
of the series is a "must." CC and Denver are generally conceded to be
the teams to beat in the league again this year. Neil Celley's Denver
team has beaten Toronto twice, 8-3, and 7-2.
That would make tonight's Michigan-Toronto game something of
an indicator. Comparative performances will show to some extent the
power of Michigan, Michigan State, Colorado College, and Denver,
since all will have played Toronto by this evening. Incidentally, Thomp-
son has journeyed from Colorado Springs to watch the Wolverines
and Toronto battle.
Incidentally again, Toronto's hockey forces dropped into the
Coliseum yesterday afternoon. They journeyed to East Lansing by
bus last night for the game with MSC and then returned.
It seems trunks with Toronto's equipment were shipped from
Denver a week ago, and Toronto hasn't seen them since. Hence
the only jerseys the Blues have are almost the identical color of
That necessitated some scrambling around in a hunt for white
jerseys for the Wolverines. On such short notice the only available at
last report belonged to the football team. So McKennell, Matchefts,
Chin and Company likely will be wearing gridiron apparel for their
performance tonite.
HI'at Coaches Keen and IBetzig
Make Hit with Wrestling Film

1833 Washtenow Ave.
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
Dec. 14-God the Preserver of Mon.
11:00 AM.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
5:00 P.M.: Sunday Evening Service.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bot-
rowed, or purchased.i
The Reading Room is open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11 to- 5, Friday evenings from
7 to 9, and Sunday afternoons from 2:30 to
502 E. Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister
9:45 A.M.: Student Bible class will discuss
1st Kings.
11:00 A.M.: Church worship. Sermon, "Christian
5:30 P.M.: Roger Williams Guild: Meet at the
Guild House to join with the Presby Guild for
supper and their evening's program. After-
wards, we will join the SRA Carol Sing on the
library steps, followed by Wassial at Lane Hall.
Rev. Leonard Parr
10:00 A.M.: Church School.
10.45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon: "'Gifts
Christ Brought."
Tuesday Student Tea: 4:30-6:00.
There will be a Christmas Supper and festivities
from 5:00-7:00 at the Guild House.
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Rev. Henry Kuizenga, Minister
Rev. Charles Mitchell, Assistant Minister
Rev. Wm. S. Baker, Student Minister
Sunday Morning Service: 9:00 and 11:00 A.M.
Sermon: "Of Stars and Wise Men."
Sunday Morning 10:00, Student Bible Seminar.
Sunday Evening 5:45, Westminster Guild. Christ-
mas supper with members of Roger Williams
Guild as guests.
1917 Washtenaw Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister
Mrs. W. S. Bicknell, Parish Assistant
Mr. E. J. Schuss, Student Advisor
Miss Jane Townsend, Organist
10:00 A.M.: Adult Discussion Group. Mr. Harold
Guthrie, Reviewing Chapter 3 "Today's Chil-
dren and Yesterday's Heritage."
11:00 A.M.: Rev. Edward H. Redman preaching
on "The Life and Times of Jesus."
5:15 A.M.: Jr. High Group at home of Emmet
Hooper, 1210 Bydding Road.
7:15 A.M.: Unitarian Student Group - Games,
Music, Social.

No. Division at Catherine
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
Miss Ada Mae Ames, Counselor for Women
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:00 A.M.: Holy Comrhunion (followed by Stu-
dent Breakfast at Canterbury House).
11:00 A.M.: Church School.
11:00 A.Mr.cMorning prayer. Sermon by the Rev.
Wilbur Schutze.
6:45 P.M.: Canterbury Club (University Stu-
dents), Canterbury House.
8:00 P.M.: Choral Evening Prayer and address
by the .Rev. Henry Lewis.
Wednesday and Thursday 7:00 A.M.: Holy Com-
munion, followed by Student Breakfast at
Canterbury House; Friday 12:10 P.M.: Holy
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill Street at South Forest Ave.
Henry 0. Yoder, D.D., Pastor
Sunday-9:25 A.M.: Bible Class.
10:30 A.M.: Worship Service - "What Does
Christmas Mean to You."
7:00 P.M.: Christmas Program.
Tuesday-7:30-10:30 P.M.: Carolling and Christ-
mas Party.
120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erand J.Wangdahl,
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
9:45 A.M.: Discussion Class, Pine Room.
10:45 A.M.: Worship: "Christmas Must Be
Found" Dr. Large preaching,
5:30 P.M.: Fellowship Supper.
6:45 P.M.: Worship and ProgramA. Professor
Wallace of the Music Department will speak
on Christmas music.
Welcome to Wesley Foundation. Rooms, open daily.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 10:30: Service, with Holy Communion,
Sermon by the pastor, "Eyewitnesses of His
Sunday at5:30: Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Club, Supper.
Sunday at 6:30: Annual Christmas Candlelight
Song Service in the Chapel.
Wednesday at 7:30 A.M.: Matin Communion
Wednesday Evening from 8 on: Pastor and Mrs.
Scheips' Open House in their living quarters.
State and Huron Streets, Phone 2-1191
Wm. C. Bennett, Pastor
10:00 A.M.: Bible School.
11:00 A.M.: "The Perfecting of The Saints."
6:15 P.M.: Grace Bible Guild Supper.
7:30 P.M.: "The Rise of a New Prophet."
8:00 Wednesday: Mid-Week Prayer Service.
A Friendly Church where the Word is preached.
423 South Fourth Ave.
Walter S. Press, Pastor
William H. Bos, Minister to Students
Irene Applin Boice, Director of Music
10:45 A.M.: Worship service, sermon by the pas.
tor, subject: "No Room in the Inn."
7:30 P.M.: Student Guild at Lane Hall. Informal

Swimmers See First Action
Today in Michigan AAU Meet


Michigan's great w r e s t l i n g
coach, Cliff Keen, has scored a
hit in the movie world.
A wrestling film directed by
Keen and assistant coach Bob Bet-
zig, and produced by the Univer-
sity Audio-Visual Education Cen-
ter, has been literally sweeping
the country since its release a
month ago.
* * *
HIGH SCHOOLS and colleges
from New York City to Steam-
boat Springs, Colorado, have been
creating the greatest demand for a

single movie that the University
film service has ever experienced.
Betzig and Dave Space, both
former Wolverine mat stars, pro-
vide the demonstrations in the
movie, which shows in clear and
concise form wrestling maneuv-
ers from the simplest and most
fundamental to the more dif-
ficult and intricate ones.
The most widely-read magazine
in the coaching field, "Scholastic
Coach," goes into mild ecstacies
over the 50-minute film.
"This is definitely one of the
finest technical sports films ever
produced," the magazine states,
and then goes on to heap more
plaudits on the Michigan coaches:
"In short, it is the answer to a
wrestling coach's dream. The team
of Keen and Betzig rate a bouquet
for this beautiful job."
Ez -


Matt Mann will unveil his twen-
ty - eighth Michigan swimming
team this afternoon and evening
in the State A.A.U. meet to be held
in the pool at the Intramural
Sports Building.
The qualifying heats will be run
at 2:00, and the finals are slated
to commence at 7:30. Over 200 en-
trants, including some 60 affil-
iated with the University, will par-
ticipate in the eighteenth annual
aquatic contest.
EIGHT MEN'S and three wo-
men's events will feature the com-
petition, with Don Hill and John
Chase, both of Michigan, out to
defend their titles in the 50-yard
free-style and 100-yard back-
stroke respectively.
By the time the last race has
been run, Coach Mann should
have a good idea of the capabil-
ities of his untried freshman
swimmers. Throughout the years,
the A.A.U. meet prior to the

opening of the regular seison
has provided both fans and
coaches a sneak preview of the
Wolverine natators.
The A.A.U. meet gives outstand-
ing unattached swimmers all over
the state a chance to compete
against top-flight talent. There is
no team score, everything is done
on an individual basis, with medals
being given for first, second and
third places in each event.
Pre-season dopesters have tab-
bed Michigan as a strong team, but
none as yet have picked the Wol-
verine swimmers to de-throne the
mighty Ohio State crew which has
dominated the Western Confer-
ence since 1949.

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(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Sts.
Rev. George Barger, Minister
Sunday, December 14
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship
Sermon: Dr. E. K. Higdon on "Looking Ahead."
Nursery for children during service.
9:45 A.M.: Sunday School.
Student Guild House, 438 Maynard Street
Marilynn Williams, Associate Director




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