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December 13, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-12-13

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Extracurricular Matters

safe to say that American students are
thought of in other parts of the world
mainly in terms of their extra-curricular
life. British students, for example, are
frankly amazed at the amount of time
Americans appear to devote to parties, fra-
ternities, and hybrid activities like The
Daily, the League, and the Union, and they
are thoroughly encouraged in their views by
our export crop of motion pictures.
On the other hand, the average activity-
minded American student arriving in Ed-
inburgh is scarcely confronted by a lack
of things to do. Within the precincts of
the university alone, there are a range of
clubs, societies, and extra-curricular oc-
cupations sufficient to equal almost any
school in the States.
Some of these vary from our own insti-
tutions only in superficial ways. There is
a large, well-fitted Men's Union, structur-
ally and governmentally similar to the Mi-
chigan Union, with the exception of the
Tap Room, which is really a Tap Room.
The Women's Union is a newer organization,
and is somewhat less well-developed, but
draws a number of enthusiastic women into
its. activities each year.
The student government-the Students'
Representative Council-has been function-
ing more or less effectively since the 1880's,
and from its earliest days has had a great
deal of influence in campijs affairs, per-
haps more than any comparable student
government at home. Its age might have
something to do with this, since it came in-
to existence when there were big things to
be done, and it has managed to maintain
its reputation through times of slack agen-
das. It is interesting to note that SRC's at
Edinburgh and other Scottish universities
were legislated by a special act of Parlia-
ment concerning student's rights.
The oldest organizations in the Univer-
sity are the debating societies; one, the
Dialectic Society, has been operating al-
most continuously since 1787. These
groups reflect the traditional British in-
terest in formality and argument, and
each meet one night a week in a special
hall ii the Old Quad. I was struck by the
ease with which a debating society can,
provided with a rather ambiguous reso-
lution, produce several hours' worth of
reasonably good wit and rhetoric, punc-
tuated by "Sir!" and encasing specious
argument. Congress might be much more
interesting if such training grounds were
available in America.

As at Michigan (except during election
periods), the most active political groups are
those on the radical fringe. There is a Com-
munist society at Edinburgh which delights
in showing films on various Soviet Five-
Year Plans, and, in a different category, a
Scottish Nationalist club, whose goal is
separation from the Sassenachs.
Campus publications are The Student and
Jabberwock. The first is a bi-weekly news-
humor maagzine which is rather good in
its way, while the second tends to literature
of a Scottish orientation. I am told that
there was a short-lived university newspaper
which disappeared a year or two ago.
A number of miscellaneous organiza-
tions, most of which I am not familiar
with, also exist to serve an equal number
of functions and fancies. One large and
popular one is the New Scotland Society
whose members dress up once a week in
their colorful regalia and engage in a
quaint and often beautiful kind of square
Along into the spring of the year, Edin-
burgh and neighboring towns as far as the
Borders undergo an upheaval known at
Charities Week. Managed by students, this
is a campaign to collect funds for the chos-
en charities, and involves student variety
shows, parades with floats, and such indivi-
dual projects as might pick up a few odd
coppers for the kitty. Informed sources have
explained to me that one appeal of this per-
iod are the opportunities offered for semi-.
organized hell-raising, but the amount of
serious effort expended actually puts it into
a higher class than that.
Every three years, students elect their
Rector, who represents the students to
the administration, and sits at the head
of the University Senatus. The most re-
cent rectorial election was last spring,
when Sir Alexander Fleming, the discov-
erer of penicillin, was elected over deter-
mined opposition from the supporters of
such men as Jimmy Logan, a Scots come-
dian, Premier Mossadegh, and the Aga
Khan. This is not a farce, though it may
sound like it; a man must accept the
nomination, and being elected carries
considerable honor and responsibility with
It should be clear by this little outline
that the Edinburgh student cannot be con-
sidered as an academic drudge, any more
than the American student is represented
by the hyper-collegiate types wandering
through the campuses of the Hollywood
sets. Their entertainments and Inclina-
tions are remarkably like your own, pur-
sued with the same basic spirit.
Next: The Scottish Student

Washington Merry-Go-Round]

Pride & Peace
SEVEN YEARS is a long time to continue
pouring research, money, men and blood
into a bubbling pot labeled UN without tas-
ting the stew of success; yet after seven
years of UN deliberation, the closest we
have come to a solutin to peace is a clear
definition of who and what starts war.
The Norwegian committee for the No-
bel Peace Prize added the final crushing
blow when it announced that there would
be no award this year. It seems that the
committee doesn't think head-wagging
and finger-pointing worth the 30,000 dol-
lars in prize money the Nobel award car-
ries with it.
This week the People's Congress for Peace
is meeting in Vienna under the sponsorship
of the Russian Cominform. The Kremlin
evidently believes that it is time for the No-
bel Award to rest in the hands of the U.S.-
S.R. next year; consequently they are en-
tering the Conference with a new plan-
Previous to this time pacifism was re-
garded as the evil of all peace efforts. Re-
cently an editorial in the Hungarian Com-
munist magazine, "Magyar Nemzet," de-
clared, "We cannot tolerate within the peace
movement any symptom of detrimental pa-
cifism." This time, however, the Russians
have pulled a complete reversal, and ap-
peasement is the keynote of the Vienna
If this Conference runs true to form-
which is a foregone conclusion-it should
be little more than a three-ring circus
having little or nothing in common with
the objective. The peace-loving delegates
will cajole and damn the United States
in no uncertain terms, and then pack up
their bags and go home, complacent in
their belief that they have done some-
thing to further the cause of peace.
On the other hand, perhaps we should
wish them success in their pious efforts.
After all, the Soviet Union could undoubted-
ly use the $30,000.
-Dorothy Sedlmayr
AS THEY APPEAR, by John Mason Brown;
McGraw Hill.
CERTAINLY one of the most vulnerable
and oft-attacked posts on today's news-
papers and magazines is that of the critic,
the reviewers of plays, books, movies or mu-
sic. Much of this criticism of the criticism is
no doubt justified. Astute, constructive, crea-.
tive reviewing is an art not too clearly evi-
denced in contemporary journalism.
Those looking for a change from the
unequivocal, perfunctory type of critical
daily reporting so often found today, often
turn to the columns of the "Saturday Re.
view" where John Mason Brown has long
resided by way of his column "Seeing
Things." In his new book, Mr. Brown has
gathered the best of his reviews, added a
few other items, and presented them again
to the reading public to be viewed en
Brown's reviews are really essays, as all
good reviews should be. Quite often the ac-
tual performance receives only a few para-
graphs in a long article. Brown likes to give
background, anecdotes, personal experiences.
He will talk about drama, not a play, about
literature, not just a book. In his columns,
plays, musicals and books, find their place
not only in relation to the contemporary
scene but also to a more overall literary and
cultural scene.
This is not to say that Brown's articles
resemble scholarly works. To the contrary,
he writes in what may be termed a popular
style, mixing his astute observations with
a witty style that lends itself to sharp,
hard-hitting phrases.
Brown also allows his critical credo
to creep into the volume. The business of

criticism, he says, "is not a matter of ec-
static 'Yes's' or thundering 'No's'." Crit-
iscism is bound to have its reservations in
the midst of praise and to recognize that
merits can exist along with faults." As
we read on we see that Mr. Brown prac-
tices what he preaches.
Aside from his criticisms, Brown man-
ages to include his portion of a radio debate
with Al Capp over the value of comic books.
"The bane of the bassinet, the marijuana
of the nursery," he terms them.
Best known for his reviews of drama and
musicals, Brown includes a goodly dose of
both. His interest in Shaw is shown by the
inclusion of reviews of Saint Joan, Don Juan
in Hell and an essay on Shaw's genius.
Brown obviously had a great time en-
joying The King and I, Guys and Dolls,
and Pal Joey. He was puzzled over popu-
lar response to Billy Budd, dissappointed
with Disney's Cinderalla. T. S. Eliot's
dramatic theories irk him as much as Edith
Sitwell's reading of Macbeth.
While Mason Brown the critic may lack
the sharpness of wit and the erudition of
Shaw the critic, his criticisms still make for
very fine literary enjoyment.
--Harland Britz
Editorials printed-in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

"Let's See, Now - That Makes- "
k i
The UNESCO 'Curse
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following speech was recently broadcast by Jas-
per H. Kohn, Commander, Dept. of Michigan, Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Dealing as it does with UNESCO and education, The Daily is reprinting it
as an indication of current resentment against "internationalism."
EARLIER THIS MONTH we commemorated Aristice Day. But for
most of us the word Armistice brings to mind Korea where the
forces of freedom are engaged in a show-down fight against the op-
pressive Godlessness of the Communistic foe. While we commemor-
ated the armistice of November 11, 1918, an event which took place 34
years ago and seems a part of the distant past, the Communists have
been playing a merry fiddle around the conference table and the
armistice which at one time last year seemed probable, seems more
remote now than ever.
We are not only engaged in battling the forces of godlessness
in far off lands but we are faced with dire problems involving our
security right here in our own sanctuary. One of these problems
is the threat of world citizenship ideals in our public schools.
These problems are embodied in the UNESCO study program al-
ready in force in many of the public schools of our state and
The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States and Michigan
have pledged themselves in a fight to bring the evils of this program
out in the open so that Americans can see it for the insidious plot it
is to enslave the minds of our children before they are able to fend
off its deep-seated affects.
May I say that the V.F.W. does not condemn any sincere effort on
the part of the United Nations or any other organization to help the
nations of the world achieve an honest understanding of one another
in the interests of world peace. But we do criticize the manner in
which UNESCO, in its publications, attempts to propagandize under
the guise of seeking"world understanding."
Let me review the situation: First, UNESCO propagandizes for
world citizenship, a thought distasteful to every loyal American.
Secondly, it propagandizes for the rewriting of textbooks to be used
in our schools for textbooks which will conform to a pattern drafted
by "one world" experts. In other words, either delete or distort the
study of American History and of the men who made this country
the greatest, strongest and richest in the world; Next, it propagan-
dizes for an educational system so completely dominated by the state
-a world state in which local, state, community and parents will have
no voice in the education of their children. Further, it propagandizes
for a curriculum in our schools whose ultimate aim is not so much
"international understanding" as it is "internationalism."
It seems to reduce the home training to a minimum; to pro-
pagandize for setting the compulsory school age for beginners as
low as possible, no older than five years, so that the young chlid
may be taken out of his home environment and placed under
school influences, thus to be more carefully molded to fit into his
niche in the "World State." It also seeks to propagandize for a
corps of teachers completely trained in internationalism and im-
bued with World Statism so that they can effectively indoctrinate
our children,'especially those under 13 years of age-indoctrinate
them with this Utopian internationalism; a corps of teachers who
will teach our children to belittle our American culture and in-
stitutions; a corps of teachers to instill in our children a disregard
for home influence, or their parents' opinions; a corps of teach-

ers whose goal is to train our children to be citizens of a World
State rather than to teach them to be loyal and patriotic citi-
zens of the United States.
If some of these accusations sound extreme, I urge you to read an
official UNESCO publication titled "A Handbook for the Improve-
ment of Textbooks and Teaching Materials." Then read a series of
pamphlets by UNESCO titled "Toward World Understanding." This
series is published by UNESCO and sold by Columbia University Press
in New York City. It is the source material for the "E" in UNESCO
and meant as a teachers' guide for planning their study program. The
revelation of this literature prompted the delegates to the 53rd Na-
tional Convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars at Los Angeles
this summer, to call for and pass a resolution condemning and op-
posing it.
Permit me to quote some examples of UNESCO thinking. They
say, their objective is peace. But here is the price they ask for their
perverted kind of peace. Listen to UNESCO, and I quote:
"As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism,
education in world-mindedness can produce only rather precar-
ious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family
that infects the child with extreme nationalism."-end of quote.
UNESCO -seeks to censor the word "war." Korea is the supreme
example. Our men are dying every day, yet there's no war going
on, it's just a police action,
Since we have taken up the battle against UNESCO, I have re-
ceived a few letters in defense of it. These innocent adherents point
to defenses of UNESCO but they fail to point to its many condem-
nations. We all know the Senate and the House of Representatives,
the two main legislative bodies of our land, are investigating the UN
for alleged communistic influences. These groups do not investigate
unless they have conclusive and unrequiting proof that there exists
in the UN subversive elements. You have all read of the several top
level UN workers who have been dismissed for alleged communistic
traits. More are sure to follow.
The V.F.W. does not accuse the communists of governing UNESCO
although there are Reds in the organization and they have a way of
engendering their views and infiltrating their thoughts into the pro-
gram. We do not believe that the adherents of a UNESCO program

Howard Fast ...
To the Editor:
You ask why certain people on
this campus are supporting the
"victims of 'American oppres-
sion'." Maybe a little light can be
thrown on this subject by view-'
ing it objectively. As the progres-
sive views are allowed such small
coverage in today's papers, they
feel that this space should be tak-
en up in words on the lack of free-
dom in the United States rather
than on explanations of the Soviet
Union's policies. We may be
thankful that there are people
who are willing to put in their
time to protect the rights of all
American citizens by trying to
throw some light on the facts
which are not well known in most
of these cases.
The lament by Howard Fast on
the Nazi purge of writers etc. was
used as an illustration to point out

what is happening in the United
States today. As for his not using
the Soviet Union as an example,
Mr. Fast does not believe the stor-
ies he hears about the Soviet Un-
ion. Fast, along with millions
throughout the world who get a
chance to read Soviet commentar-
ies, is not led to believe the Am-
erican interpretations of Soviet
In answer to your third ques-
tion, I would like to ask you why
it is that people from all over the
world can travel into and around
in the Soviet Union while Ameri-
cans cannot get passports if they
even hint that they might go to
the Soviet Union to find out for
themselves what it is like? Why
is it that other countries have a
student exchange with the Soviet
Union when America cannot?,
Surely it would not be because
the U.S. Government does not
want the American people to find
out what the Soviet Union is like.
-Donald Van Dyke


WASHINGTON - The Hungarian Com-
munist minister to Washington, Dr.
Emil Well, attended a meeting at the Bar-
bizon Plaza hotel in New York on Nov. 9
which should constitute ample evidence that
he is meddling In American politics. Fur-
.thermore he was obviously encouraging Am-
erican Communists and Hungarian-Ameri-
cans to oppose the United States.
It is contrary to diplomatic rules for a
foreign envoy to meddle in the politics of
any country, and a diplomat who does so
is subject to recall. One such historic
precedent was the case of Sir Lionel
Sackville-West of the ;British embassy
who was immediately sent back to Lon-
don when lie wrote a private letter ad-
vising an alleged British citizen in the
United States to vote for Grover Cleve-
land in the Harrison-Cleveland election
of 1888.
Dr. Weil, a practicing physician who ad-
ministered the drug during the trial of
Cardinal Mindszenty in Budapest, has been
stationed in Washington for more than two
years. However, the State Department so
far has found no excuse under the rules of
diplomacy for requesting his recall.
On, Nov. 9, however, the minister got
official permission to go from Washing-
ton to New York, where he turned up at
the Barbizon Plaza Hotel Theatre for a
celebration in honor of Hungary's na-
tional hero, Kossuth.
Main speaker was Carl Marzani, the young
Italian-American who worked in the OSS
and State Department during the war and
was convicted afterward of failing to re-
veal he was a Communist.
MARZANI'S SPEECH consisted of an at-
tack on Eisenhower, Truman, Steven-
son and the American policy of building up
Zurope's military defenses.
"Eisenhower is like all the rest of the
capitalistic imperialistic warmongers,"
Marzani told his enthusiastic audience,
with Minister Weil sitting in a forward
row, "like the boys in the Pentagon, like
General Omar Bradley who says that war
has to be carried to Moscow in order to
stop the shooting.
"Well, let me tell you friends, Bradley
will be in Moscow if he starts an all-out
war. But will be there as a prisoner--like
Von Paulus.
"There is no difference between Eisen-
hower and Stevenson," Marzani continued.
"The are all representatives of the im-

will fight?" declaimed the former State De-
partment official convicted of hiding his
Communism. "It will fight against, not for
the United States.
"DON'T FORGET, my friends, that 800,-
000,000 people cannot be disregarded.
They have to be reckoned with. These peo-
ple are socialistic and are not easily stop-
"You who are assembled here to com-
memorate Kossuth have the power to
change everything here in this country,"
said Marzani, working up to his climax.
"Go out and work, work, work. You have
to collect signatures for petitions. Write
to_ the White House. Flood them with
letters, telegrams. Demand that the shoot-
ing be stopped in Korea ....
"The FBI ' creates concentration camps.
But you, you have the power to decide who
should be in those concentration camps."
At the end of his speech, which received.
a tremendous ovation, Marzani announced
that a political action committee would be
formed for propaganda.
"Go out from here and propagandize your
neighbors," Marzani urged. "Work un-
ceasingly for the peace, for the defeat of the
capitalistic imperialistic vicious American
In the back of the theatre, he said, were
contribution boxes. "Deposit your con-
tributions as you go out. If you want to
make a larger contribution send a check
to Ameriki Magyar Szo, (a pro-Communist
paper). Every man, woman and child is
expected to take part in this great pro-
ject. Don't rest. Go out and spread the
The audience roared.
NOT ONLY did Dr. Weil sit all through
this without leaving-as any other dip-
lomat would have done-but at the end, the
theatre spotlight focused on him and other
members of the legation staff. Whereupon,
he got up, bowed several times. Again the
audience roared.
As the meeting broke up, Dr. Weil, wife-
and legation staff moved toward the exit.
There he put a contribution in the box
--to be used to undermine the American
government and deliver the American
people out of their slavery.
A lienient interpretation of the rules of
diplomacy might decree that Dr. Weil had
broken no rule up until the time he made

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters 'exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (before
11 a.m. on Saturday.)
VOL. LXIII, No. 67
Faculty Fellowships. Applications and
and carbon copies of letters of recom-
mendation for Faculty Fellowships of-
fered by the Fund for the Advancement
of Education must be received in the
Office of the Graduate School no later
than Mon., Dec. 15, at 4 p.m., to be con-
sidered in the 1953-54 competition.
Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. The Uni-
versity Sub-Committee on Discipline
has reviewed the recommendations of
the Joint Judiciary Council, which
state that:
"The president, social chairman, and
other representatives of Delta Tau Del-
ta, have appeared before the Joint Ju-
diciary Council and admitted that on
the evening of October 31, 1952, the
Delta Tau Delta fraternity held an un-
authorized party at a cottage at Long
Lake at which alcoholic beverages were
supplied and served by the fraternity,
the Council recommends that Delta
Tau Delta be fined $500, to be paid
to the Cashier of the University, and
that they be placed on social probation
for the balance of the current school
year, that probation to consist of the
following: 1) Prohibition of mixed par-
ties held by the fraternity or any of
its representatives, with the exception
of a Christmas formal on December 13;
2) ineligibility for any awards in com-
petitive activities in which the frater-
nity might participate, with the excep-
tion of awards in intra-mural athletic
"The Council further recommends
that the president, the vice-president
and the social chairman of the frater-
nity be required immediately to resign
their positions, and that the fraternity
be warned that any further misconduct
will result in a more severe penalty."a
The Sub-Committee on Discipline
confirms the recommendations of the
Joint Judiciary Council and orders that
the Delta Tau Delta fraternity comply
with those recommendations.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Philip Ed-
mund Bocquet, Chemical Engineering;
Thesis: "The Streaming Potential Con-
cept," Sat., Dec. 13, 4017 East Medical
Building, at 9 a.m., Chairman, C. M.
Doctoral Examination for George Bly-
den Jackson, English Language and
Literature; thesis: "Of Irony in Negro
Fiction: A Critical Study," Dec. 13,
West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at
9:30 a.m. Chairman, A. L. Bader.
Doctoral Examination. for Robert
William MacDowel, Mathematics; The-
sis: "On Spaces and Algebras of Con-
tinuous Functions." Sat., Dec. 13, at
10 a.m., East Council Room, Rackham
Building. Chairman, S. B. Myers.
Doctoral Examination for B. David
Trease, Romance Languages and Litera-
tures; Spanish: thesis: "Jose Joaquin
de Mora: A Spaniard Abroad," Sat.,
Dec. 13, East Council Room, Rackham
Building, at 2 p.m., Chairman, E. An-
Doctoral Examination for Kenneth
Myron Yoss, Astronomy; Thesis: "Pho-
tometric and Spetrophotometric Tech-
niques for the Curtis Schmidt Teles-
cope," Sat., Dec. 13, at 2 p.m., 31 Ob-
servatory. Chairman, F. D. Miller.
Doctoral Examination for Otto Wil-
helm Neuhaus, Biological Chemistry;
Thesis: "Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Acety-
lated Protein," Mon., Dec. 15, at 9:30
a.m., 313 W. Medical Building. Chair-
man, Lila Miller.
Doctoral Examination for Max Sto-
ber Smith, Education; thesis: "A Case
Study of Educational Policy Develop-
ment in Highland Park, Michigan"
Mon., Dec. 15, 4015 University High
School, at 4 p.m. Chairman, H. R.
Interdepartmental Seminar on Meth-
ods of Machine Computation. Prof.
Arthur Burks, of the Philosophy De-
partment, will speak on "Relationship
between Symbolic Logic and Comput-
ing Machine Circuits" in 429 Mason

Beginning at 8 o'clock, a half hour of
instruction will be presented for new
members and any old who wish to par-
ticipate. Mr. M. van Ameyde of Detroit
will be the caller.
The Newman Club is sponsoring a
Student-Faculty Tea, 3-5 p.m. All stu-
dents are urged to come and meet Cath-
olic faculty members.
The Newman Club is having its an-
nual Christmas party, 8:30 to 12 p.m.
All party-goers are requested to bring
a small gift for exchange and a cani
of food which will be distributed to the
Hillel. Services will be held Saturday
morning at 9 a.m. at the Hillel Build-
ing at 1429 Hill Street.
Beacon. Lunch at noon in the League
Cafeteria. Adjourn at 1:15 to Profes-
sor Price's studio in Burton Tower to
read a play.
Orientation seminar (Mathematics):
Mon., Dec. 15, 3 p.m., Room 3001, An-
gell Hall.
SPhysical Therapy students. Meeting
of all juniors who have declared their
intention ofTconcentrating on Physical
Therapy, Tues., Dec. 16. Room 4303,
Univ. Hospital. It is urgent that you lt
present, but if impossible to attend, call
Virginia Wilson, 31531-Ext. 337, ant[
make arrangements for another ap-
Coning Events ,
Student Players. There will be try-
outs for February production of "~Phila-
delphia Story" by Philip Barry. Michi-
gan League, Sun., Dec. 14, 2 to 5 p.m.;
Mon., Dec. 15, and Tues., Dec. 16, 7:30
to 9:30 P.m.
Hillel presents its Hanukah Whirl
on Sunday evening, Dec. 14. From 6 to
7:30 the Hillel Supper Club will be
held. There will be a candle-lighting
ceremony in commemoration of Han-
ukah from 7:30 to 8. Dancing to Paul
McDonough's Orchestra from 8 to
10:30. Refreshments, entertainment, and
door prizes. Everyone invited.
SRA All-Campus Carol Sing, Sun.,
Library Steps, 8:15 p.m. followed by
Wassailat Lane Hall.
Volunteer Naval Research Reserve
Unit 9-3. On Mon., Dec. 15, 7:30 p.m.,
Mr. Hidehiko Takiyama, formerly
Lieutenant, Imperial Japanese Navy,
Research Section, will speak on "Rela.
tion of Japanese Naval Research to the
Imperial Navy," with particular em-
phasis on the speaker's work in the
suicide torpedo program. Place: 2082
Natural Science Build:ig.
saturday Luncheon Discussion Group,
Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. Mr. Dewitt C.
Baldwin, Director of Lane Hall, will
lead the discussion.


Sixty-Third Yea?
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Edit rial Staf
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable. . ....City Editor
Cal Samra...... ....Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus ...... Associate City Editor
Harland Britz.......Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple ............Sports Editor
John Jenks.....Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler.......Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Asidoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green .......... Business Manager
MiltGoetz........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston.... Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg..... Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager




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