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November 22, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-11-22

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On the Driving Ban



BY A CONVINCING referendum vote of
5,542 to 1,782, students have affirmed
their desire to have the present University
driving regulations either modified or re-
pealed outright, with 2,702 voters asking
complete abolition of the controversial driv-
ing ban. These results clearly indicate that
student opinion wants a change in the sta-
tus quo, and should give the administration
the necessary student support to back up
necessary revisions.
In addition, the results confirm the
arguments that present regulations are
unenforceable and that removal would
not create any greater traffic problem
than already exists.
The referendum showed that 575 students
are driving illegally on campus, while 708
students disclosed that they possessed cars
with University permits. These figures indi-
cate that the enforcement of existing regu-
lations has fallen down completely, since
an extremely large group is succeeding in
evading the law.
In regard to the traffic and parking situ-
ation, the vote revealed that there probably
would be no substantial change in the num-
ber of cars on campus if the ban were re-

moved completely. Since it appears rela-
tively easy to skirt existing rules, most of the
students who want automobiles here seem to
have them. Altogether more than 1,200 stu-
dents said they had cars now, and approxi-
mately 1,200 said they would have them
without the ban.
Thus it would seem that repeal of the
measure would not add to the present traf-
fic difficulties. Instead, removal of the ban
would permit the University to save the
money now being used for red-tape and
police vigilance to curb violations.
With this information to back them up,
administrative officers should be able to
present a convincing brief to the Regents
asking for liberal changes in the existing
The handling of the referendum is an
excellent demonstration of how effectively
the University and the Student Legislature
can work together on common projects. The
referendum, mutually beneficial to both par-
ties, will probably result in improvement of
University regulations from the student
standpoint as well.
-Harry Lunn

Washington Merry- Go-Round

WASHINGTON-General Eisenhower's re-
cent conference with military chiefs at
the Pentagon did not lead to much hope
that he could end the Korean War on his
forthcoming trip.
The picture given him on the whole
was gloomy. In fact, considerably more
casualties may be necessary before there
can be any conclusion in Korea.
In general, the President-elect was told
that the Communists had built up their
strengthg to a peak of 1,200,000 men. They
took advantage of the truce talks to put
across this build-up, and it now develops
that the Chinese were weak and crumbling
when they asked for a truce-apparently for
the purpose of stalling for time. From our
point of view the truce talks were one of
the crucial mistakes of the war.
Eisenhower was also given the rather
ominous news that signs of a Communist of-
fensive have been reported. The forward
placement of enemy artillery along the Ko-
rean battle front looks like an approaching
large-scale attack. Also there has been a
build-up of light bombers just across the
Yalu river, which is a bad sign. For light
bombers are chiefly used for offense.
There was no indication that an of-
fensive was being timed for Eisenhower's
visit to Korea-though that could be the.
The President-elect was told that, if an
offensive does come, UN troops were suf-
ficient to hold the line, though the line
might be dented in spots.
Eisenhower asked each member of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff the same question. Of
Admiral Fechteler, chief of naval operations,
he -asked: What kind of shape is the Navy
in in Korea? Fine shape, Fechteler replied.
Eisenhower got about the same answer
from Gen. Joe Collins, Army Air Force.
He did not discuss his trip to Korea with
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, though he told
Secretary of Defense Lovett that he would
let him know about the trip in two or three
Gosden, partner in the team of Amos
and Andy, were playing golf the other day
and discussing the question of fame.
General Eisenhower complained a bit
that his new-found fame restricted his
movements and his normal way of living.
But Gosden assured him that fame is
very fleeting.
Gosden went on to explain that for a good
many years he was supposed to be one of
the biggest figures in the entertainment
world, but since Amos and Andy had gone
on television, three Negro actors had been
hired to play the parts-Tim Moore as
Kingfish, Alvin Childress as Amos, and
Spencer Williams as Andy.
"After the TV films are made," Gosden
explained to Eisenhower, "They are taken
to a theatre for a preview before a live
audience, at which we dub in the audi-
ence applause and reaction.
"And after it's all over, the three actors
who have only just taken over these TV
parts nearly get mobbed, while Charlie Cor-
rell and I who have been playing them for
years, get shoved aside."

MOVING-OUT DAY is approaching for
the following:
LESLIE BIFFLE, astute Secretary of the
Senate. Biffle, famous for making Alben
Barkley Vice-President, for giving away
canned tomato juice at Christmas, and for
dressing up as a chicken salesman to take
election-campaign soundings, will not be-
come minority senate secretary when the
Democrats lose control. He is tired of poli-
tics and will go into business.
popular Chilean envoy to the U.S.A. He is
packing his bags not because a General
won an election in this country, but be-
cause, Carlos Ibanez, won an election in
his country.
ERNEST GRUENING, Governor of Alas-
ka. Gruening has been Governor of Alaska
-and a good one-for 13 years, longer than
any other man in history. Probably he has
been Governor longer than most governors
of states. His term expires in April at which
time he will resign. He is not removable at
the pleasure of the President.
MIKE STRAUS, Commissioner of Recla-
mation. Straus, an old personal friend of
Harold Ickes, is turning in his resignation
to Eisenhower. But in the final Truman
budget he is proposing a long list of dams
and power projects which Republican sena-
tors in the west very much want, but which
Eisenhower budget-pruners will probably
CARLOS REYES-Press secretary of
the Chilean embassy. He is moving out
because he once refused to shake hands
with the new Chilean ambassador to the
U.S.A., Anibal Jara. Jara once edited a
Chilean magazine in New York, looks like
John L. Lewis, and wrote the anti-Am-
erican speeches of President Ibanez which
helped him win the recent election.
MOVING-IN DAY is approaching for the
COL. GORDON MOORE. brother-in-law
of General Eisenhower. A retired Army offi-
cer, married to Mamie's younger sister, Col-
onel Moore is in the public-relations busi-
ness. He will get some of the big accounts
once given to Democrats.
TOM STEPHENS, probable new ap-
pointment secretary to Eisenhower. For-
mer assistant to campaign manager Her-
bert Brownell during the Dewey try for
the White House, Stephens has been with
Ike most of the time since he arrived
from Paris, is efficient, hard-working,
good team-worker.
Dakota. For years Langer has been some-
thing of a GOP stepchild. Republicans once
tried to bar him from taking his Senate
seat, since then he has voted frequently
with the Democrats, especially on domestic
issues. Now Langer moves into one of the
most important spots in the entire Senate-
chairman of the Judiciary Committee. Re-
publicans have been doing their best to per-
suade him to take another post, but their
hands are tied. For all Langer has to do is
vote with the Democrats and this one vote
would permit the Democrats to organize
the Senate.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

The H-Bomb
And Europe
PARIS-A new Western strategy, depend-
ing much more heavily on strategic air-
power and such new weapons as the hydro-
gen bomb, seems likely to emerge from the
crisis that is now overtaking the Atlantic
Initially, at least, President-elect Eis-
enhower may well be reluctant to adopt
this new strategy, since it involves dras-
tic revision of his own plans for Western
European defense. Yet he can hardly es-
cape the central fact, already reported in
this space. Our allies are no longer work-
ing towards the defense force of ninety-
eight ready and reserve divisions, as re-
quired by Eisenhower's former planning
staff at SHAPE.
Under extreme budgetary pressure, our
allies have lowered their targets. As a result,
even continuing American aid plus recruit-
ment of the Germans will not produce a
force of much more than sixty-five divi-
sions by 1954. Certain of our allies, most
notably the British chiefs of staff, have
therefore developed a new strategic concept,
to rationalize, as it were, their own lower-
ing of targets. This new Western defense
concept comes in three parts.
First, the primary deterrents of Soviet
aggression are to be America's strategic air-
power and America's stock of atomic wea-
pons, prospectively reinforced by the hydro-
gen bomb, the British atomic bomb and the
small but growing strategic airpower of Bri-
Second, however, Western Europe, the
great prize of Soviet aggressive ambition, the
real key to the forward airbases which
make our strategic airpower truly effective,
is emphatically not to be left naked and
undefended. There must be a tough, effec-
tive, "covering force" to discourage any at-
tack on Europe.
Third, better plans must also be laid to
help this covering force to "cut the ene-
my down to size" by right uses of the new
weapons. The ninety-eight division
scheme for Western European defense
was based on an intelligence estimate that
the Kremlin could attack with 100 divi-
sions across northern Europe, and send
seventy-five more southwards against
Italy, Yugoslavia and Greece. The new
weapons should be used to prevent such
large Soviet forces from being supplied,
by severing their communications with the
Russian homeland, as well as to destroy
these attacking forces themselves.
On the surface, this looks likea scheme
that will allow our hard-pressed allies to
stabilize their rearmament at approximately
the present levels; will allow us at home to
stabilize our aid to Europe also; and will
afford what is essential-a secure defense
of the free world. In the end, the new con-
cept will do all these things. At first, how-
ever, adoption of this new concept will force
a temporary increase of American military
investment, while simultaneously testing the
Eisenhower Administration's political and
diplomatic skill to the utmost.
Budget-wise, what sticks out a mile is
the vastly increased importance that the
new defense concept will confer on Am-
erica's offensive and defensive air power.
As previously disclosed in this space,
President-elect Eisenhower will find wait-
ing for him at the .White House deeply
alarming studies of the air picture by the
most capable American scientists and ex-
These studies indicate that improved Rus-
sian air defenses are beginning to neutralize
our strategic air strength. If this is al-
lowed to happen, our whole atomic stock-
pile will, in effect, be sterilized. These stu-
dies also indicate that the growth of Rus-
sia's strategic airpower and atomic stocks,
combined with the weakness of our own air.

defenses, will open the United States to
crippling surprise attack within about two
years. These are fearful trends, which must
be arrested at whatever cost. The cost of a
"crash program" to avert these trends will
certainly be large.
Meanwhile, any slackening of our mili-
tary contributions to Europe will deprive
Europe of its essential covering force.
The short-range political and diploma-
tic problems are equally repellent. With-
in the American armed forces, adoption
of the new Western defense concept will
surely touch off a major row-the first
to protest probably being Generals Ridg-
way and Gruenther. Among the allies,
very definitely including the Germans,
the reduction of Europe's defenses to a
mere covering force will arouse still more
bitter protests. These protests can hardly
be stilled, and sensible Western defense
plans cannot possibly be made, unless we
somewhat relax our present-policy of total
atomic secrecy.
You cannot convince Europeans that a
covering force will be good enough, you can-
not make sound allied plans for strength-
ening this covering force with the new
weapons, if any mention of atomic bombs is
strictly forbidden in inter-allied discussions.
We must at least be ready to disclose to our
allies, not how the bombs are made, but
what the bombs will accomplish; not how
many we have, but whether enough will be
available for the European planners. There
are many other problems that might be

--eter3 to i e dietor

900 Voices .,..
To the Editor:
IN ITS LAST meeting the Stu-!
dent Legislature passed a reso-
lution constituting a Committee
on Evaluation of Campus Organi-
zations. The announced member-
ship of this committee proved to
be a shock to me, as it must have
been to many other international
students on this campus.
As constituted by the said reso-
lution, in addition to the appoint-
ed members, the committee would
include represtatives from the
Union, the League, the Daily, Pan-
hellenic Assembly, the Interhouse
Council, and the Interfraternity
Council. The pity is, that, there
being nearly 900 foreign students
on this campus, the so-called rep-
resentative body of the students
on this campus did not feel the ne-
cessity of including a representa-
tive from the International Stu-
dents' Association on this com-
mittee. One person in the SL. did
present an amendment to the ef-
fect that a representative from
I.S.A. should be included on this
committee, but (presumably) due
to lack of support the particular
member withdrew his amendment.
I was present at this meeting
as one of the many candidates
and was pained to see the inter-
est of the foreign students shatter
once again. May I, through these
columns, ask the legislature in gen-
eral and the persons responsible
for the constitution of this com-
mittee in particular, why the need
was not felt to have a representa-
tive from the I.S.A.? Does the Stu-
dent Legislature consider the
I.S.A. less representative than the
I.H.C. or I.F.C., or does it think
that the international students on
this campus do not deserve to be
represented on such an important
It is a fact that a great majoi-
ty of the foreign students do not
come under either I.H.C. or I.F.C.
The I.S.A. is the only organization
which can represent their inter-
ests. Moreover, because the pur-
pose of the said committee is to
evaluate the campus organiza-
tions, and because there are a
great number of national organi-
zations on the campus, most ofI
them being affiliated to the I.S.A.,
there is a definite need for taking
a representative from the I.S.A.
Is that too much for the 900 for-
eign students to expect of the S.L.?
I as an International student of
the University of Michigan ear-
nestly request the S.L. to re-con-
sider their stand and I suggest that
a representative of the IS.A. be
included on the proposed commit-
tee. It would not only be very use-
ful for the efficiency of the com-
mittee, but would also go to a
great extent towards the improve-
ment of the public relations of the
-Rajesh Gupta
Correction . *
To the Editor:
A LETTER dealing with Union
Opera tickets appeared in The
Daily several days ago bearing the
name of Robert F. Shallow. Des-
pite the fact that the name was
misspelled it was close enough to
my name to make it appear that
I wrote the letter. I neither wrote
the letter, support the ideas con-
tained therein, nor have any in-
terest in the matter with which
it deals. If a student wishes to pre-
sent charges of that nature, he
should have the self-respect to
use his own name and accept the
criticisms arising from it.
-Robert Scott Shellow
(Editor's note: The Daily apolo-
gizes to Mr. Shellow for the em-
harassment caused him by the letter
to which his name was forged.)

Opera Tickets . .
To the Editor:
L AST SUNDAY a letter appeared
in this column and was fol-
lowed by an editorial on Thursday
concerning Union Opera Tickets.
Since Lambda Chi Alpha's name
was mentioned in both, we want
to explain briefly our position.
The letter came as a complete
shock and surprise to us. It was
neither authorized nor approved
by us. We were satisfied with our
seats for the Union Opera and
didn't feel that there had been any
favoritism shown.
-Bill Markstrom
President of
Lambda Chi Alpha
* * *
Why Is It?.. .
To the Editor:
WHY IS IT that the liberal ele-
ments are not accurately repre-

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"Think This Is Too Soon To Hang 'Em Up?"
/ ~


in a democracy, but everyone
should be treated equally. In reply
to Mr. Sharpes letter appeared a
480 word letter by Mr. Zakariasen.
I believe it to be only fair that
Mr. Sharpe be allowed to answer
in the same number of words. Yet
Sharpe was accused of being a
letter hog, of writing 600 words
when he wrote around 500, and of
bursting into The Daily office. I
doubt very much if Sharpe did
burst into the office (as was indi-
cated) for he had requested an au-
dience with Mr. Samra before go-
ing to The Daily Office. Aside from
this, I believe that anyone who
knows Mr. Sharpe will agree that
he is smart enough not to go burst-
ing in to anything like a confer-
ence as this is just the thing that
would give The Daily reason to
criticize his actions.
But no matter what the liberals
do they always end up on the
wrong side of the fence. This is
because they do not get fair cov-
erage and no one is able to find
out the good side of a person un-
less he is on the side of reaction
and conservatism.
Even Sen. Morse gets criticized
for the views which he holds, es-
pecially since he left the Republi-
can Party.
-Valentine Birds
* * *
Rah Rah? . . .
To the Editor:
RE: FOLLOWING the Philoso-
phers, by Cal Samra.
It was with pleasure that I read
your charming analysis of our cur-
rent philosophical tendencies.
Fortunately there are Editors
on The Daily with a keen sense of
the value of careful rational
thinking, and of the necessity of
keeping the student body posted
on the marital habits of a great
It is really a shame that your
article "Following the Philoso-
phers" did not come out under the
auspices of the "This I Believe'
The level of thinking in your
excellent presentation reveals the
same range as was exhibited in
the more than imbecilic state-
ments of a few of the "This I Be-
lieve" credos.
Please continue these scholarly
"footsie-minded' articles, for sure-
ly with enough of this type of
editorializing we may achieve a
new low in the Rah Rah approach
to philosophic criticism.
-Tom Linton
Korea & Africa...
To the Editor:
IN RE MR. ED Shaffer's recent
ravings (appearing Tues. Nov.
18 issue-title "South Africa") it
would seem a few corrections are
necessary to arrive at some re-
mote resemblance to the truth;
(1) The war in Korea is not
"against the non-white peoples of
Asia," as Mr. Shaffer states, but
an attempt to stop Communist ag-
gression-a war against those who
believe in the Communist method
of conquest and government by
terror and concentration camp-
the race of the aggressors having
nothing to do with it.
(2) The refusal of the U.S. to
agree to Communist truce condi-
tions has been based upon the

ing the wishes of only the party
(3) Korea was an action sanc-
tioned by the United Nations-
after an out and out act of ag-
gression had been committeed by
the North Korean (Communists)
against the South Koreans.
For the U.S. to interfere in the
present "Malan crisis" in South
Africa, as Mr. Shaffer seems to
suggest we do, would certainly be
interference in the internal af-
fairs of another sovereign nation
-without authority of UN sanc-
(4) The Communists in South
Africa, as everywhere, have been
behind much of the racial hatred;
for the Communist philosophy on
racial issues is' (a) Stir up racial
hatred and anomosity, (b) capi-
talize upon it for Communist
purposes (c) but as far as making
any sincere effort to help elimi-
nate racial tensions thru educa-
tion-the Communists have no in-
terest, as continued racial ten-
sion is a necessary tool for them
in their world wide march to dic-
-Beecher F. Russell
* * *
Lane Hall Pamphlet . .
To the Editor:
M ANY WHO react more private-
ly than we who write letters
to the editor have indicated an
interest in further contributions
to the discussion engendered by
the recent "This I Believe" series.
Consequently we are announcing
the forthcoming publication of a
pamphlet containing the four lec-
tures in the series, the state-
ments published in The Daily, and
some additional statements which
we hope will augment and round
out the collection now available.
This is an open invitation, the
same as that already sent to oth-
er contributors:
"This invites you to make a very
great contribution; nothing less
than a statement of your private
beliefs, your personal rule of
life, your independently-arrived-
at sense .of values - all in 500
"Moreover, we'd like you to tell
not only what your be'liefs are
now, but how you reached them;
and if they have changed, then
what caused the change. We want
this very personal. We'd like you
to tell of things or events in your
life, personally important to you,
which resulted in changing or
strengthening your beliefs.
"There are some things we do
not want. We do not want a ser-
mon . . . or editorializing or sec-
tarianism or 'uplift' or 'finger-
pointing' or the riding of hobbies;
we do not want your views on the
American way of life or democracy
or free enterprise. These are of
vital importance - but another
subject. Simply stated, we want
you to tell us what you live by
\ "Although this is designed to
express moral and spiritual be-
liefs, it is not concerned with any
specific form of religion. This is
your decision, for it is your be
lief." (We are concerned with
what you believe, not what you do
not believe.)
Anyone who wishes to contribute
may turn his statement in at Lane
Hall before December 5.
-C. Grey Austin
The Compass...
To the Editor:
WHILE the "issue" of the N.Y
Compass has perhaps already
received undue attention, we fee

f. .
oblige us to entertain any illu-
sions about the "liberalism" of the
Compass, long lists of Good Works
notwithstanding. This "liberalism"
is what we are "against." The long
history of the type of quasi-lib-
eral, pseudo-left orientation fol-
lowed by the Compass and simi-
lar publications provides ample
justification, we think, for our
We submit, therefore, that in
the battle for democracy and in-
dividual freedom, it is better to
fight alone, with our eyes open,
than to seek the support of groups
which while crying aloud in the
name of freedom, at the same
time not too subtly sanction its
-Henry Esner, Jr.
John Leggett
* * *
Quad Formalities...
To the Editor:
UPON GOING down to dinner
this evening, I was greeted by
the checker with the statement
that "the axe has fallen today,"
upon which he pointed to a no-
tice posted' by the dining room
door. The notice contained the
dress regulations passed by the
South Quad Council, a body which
in the past contributed much to
the improvement of Ann Arbor's
finest housing units.
I must state here, before I con-
tinue, that I have enjoyed living
in the South Quadrangle, that I
hope to continue living here for
five more years, and that I gen-
erally hold nothing but respect for
the South Quad Council and the
regulations passed by the Coun-
cil. However, I feel that in this
instance the Quad Council has
acted harshly, more in the manner
of the WCTU than that of an
honorable organ of student gov-
The dress regulations, which I
assume, attempt to create or
maintain gentlemen within the
Quardrangle, are in the very na-
ture of their crude reminder, of-
fensive to those of us who are
gentlemen and unsuccessful in
their attempt to create gentlemen
of those of us who are not so by
the time we reach college.
I should suggest, as an aside,
that the Quad Council consider
tablecloths every bit as befitting
gentlemen as dress shirts, ties, suit
coats and dress pants.
I should suggest also as an
aside, that fatigue pants, which
are specifically prohibited in the
new regulations, since they are
found acceptable in the classroom,
at church, and at concerts, be also
acceptable in the dining rooms of
the Quadrangle.
I am sure that the notice was
intended as a reminder for those
very few who come to Sunday din-
ner in tee shirts and blue jeans
but these few people can be given
private reminders without insult-
ing those of us who have under
stood the regulations from the be-
ginning and have come to dinner
dressed respectably. Because a
very few men cannot use discre-
tion and tasteis poor reason for
the South Quad Council to come to
their level and thus mar the high
respect most of us hold for sen-
sible, mature student government.
Louis R. Zako, '53
"THEY THAT dally nicely with
words may quickly make
them wanton."

-Viola in "Twelfth Night"
"THE MORE pity that fools may
not speak wisely what wise
men do foolishly."
-Touchstone in "As You Like It"

Taft Senate Leadership


WASHINGTON-It is General Eisenhow-
er's hope that the delicate question of
the Senate Republican leadership can be
worked out in private conferences, and his
friends are quietly working toward that end.
There is no disposition in the Eisen-
hower camp to deny that Senator Taft's
declaration of availability for the job is
somewhat embarrasing. They do not wish
to oppose him and will try to avoid any
semblance of a showdown on the issue.
They confess thy would prefer not to have

~hc~iau &iP

tioned a long list of legislative problems he
expected to suggest to the General for con-
sideration. It was all done much in the
manner of teacher laying out homework for
the class.
If it were left strictly to the senators,
Taft could certainly win in the balloting.
However, they have a new President; it
is to their interest for him to succeed and
he has much power and patronage at his
.h .ica lga nal etr i at

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable............City Editor
Cal Samra.......... Editorial Director
Zander Hollander...... Feature Editor
Sid Klaus ....... Associate City Editor
Hariand Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor
John Jenks......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell.....Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler........ Wowen's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Stafl
Al Green .......... Business Manager
Milt Goetz........Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston . . ..Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg ..... Finance Manager
Tom Treeger.......Circulation Manager


sented in The Daily and in other belief that it is morally wrong to
newspapers throughout the coun- force Chinese and North Korean
try? Is it because the newspapers prisoners to return to the Com-
and the elements that control munist terror which they dread.
them are afraid of the actual truth A popular fallacy is that Com-
in the matters the liberals repre- munism is a form of "Peoples
sent? Democracy" - that those coun-

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