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May 24, 1953 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-24

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SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1953




of Special

Alpha Lambda Delta

Academic Procession


Phi Beta Kappa

. (Continued from page 2)
Charles Lathrop Pack.
Foundation Prize
Frederick MacDonald Smith
Phi Lambda Upsilon Awards
James McKee Ryan
Louise Elizabeth Morgan
Phi Sigma Scholarship Award
Jeremiah George Turcotte
(ho Chi Prizes
Bruce Allen Brown
Robert Allen Wiley
Oreon E. Scott Awards
Kathleen Mary Bond
Angelo Cantera
Rosemarie Gertrude Koch
Joan Elizabeth Larsen
Iris Marie Leja
Nancy Greider Van Dyke
John William Velz
Yun Ching Liu Chou
Bruce Redmond Jones
Barbara Joan Rassweiler
Raymond Eugene Stenseth
Alvin Green
Rita Joan Levine
Carol Virginia Lutz
Elaine May Platsky
Richard Herbert Sewell
Norman Albert Zilber
Sigma Alpha Iota Award
Joan Marie St. Denis
Sigma Delta Chi Recognition
Jack Renirie
Winifred Forbes Delchamps
Alan Edward Luckoff
Sims Senior Scholarship
Alvin Green
Arthur C. Tagge Scholarship
George Harry Aster'
John Lake Goodyear, B.Des.
Ellery Culver Green
Vivian MacLeod
Fielding H. Yost Honor Award
John Mitchell Chase, Jr.
George Shordon Dutter
Donald Merrill Hurst
Frank Wallace Jeffries
Miles David Lee
Ronald Melvin Martinson
Roger Edward Maugh
Milton Erwin Mead
Wayne Frederick Melchiori,
Bernhardt LaFald Pederson
Joseph Michael Scandura
Thad Charles Stanford
Robert Frederick Timm
David John Tinkham
George G. Booth
Traveling Fellowship
James Livingston, B.Arch.
Avery Hopwood and
Jule Hopwood Awards
Major Awards
Joan Claire Striefiing
Saul Gottlieb
William Brown Trousdale
Minor Awards
Richard Bayles Bracken
Robert Francis Vaughn
William Victor Holtz
Harry Dallas Miller
Theodore Herzl Solotaroff
Harry Dallas Miller
Allison Dean Shumsky

Robert Francis Vaughn
Anne Katherine Stevenson
Meyer Morton Trophy
Eugene Peter Knutson
Harold D. Osterweil Prize
Alan Milton Warshawsky, A.B.
Judy Clancy, '53, Chairman, fall
Jean Martin, '53, First Vice-
Chairman, fall
Ann Plumton, '54, Second Vice-
Chairman, fall
Barbara Buschman, '53BAd, Se-
cretary, fall
Barbara Bos, '54Ed., Assistant
Secretary, fall
Lee Fiber, '54, Chairman, spring
Barbara Bos, '54Ed., Acting

Freshman Honor Society for
Women, 1924
*Susan Caroline Armstrong
*Marcia Lee Ash
Phyllis Elaine Ash
*Rebecca Sue Badger
*Sonya Tucker Barsky
*Mary Susan Beck
*Sally Jane Beuthien
*Allison Brewster
*Yvonne Annette Bristol
*Marilyn Drexel Bush
*Dorothy Sophie Chacarestos
*Rita Agnes Czewski
*Georgiana Davidson
*Cynthia Diamond
*Carol Downs
*Gay Elizabeth Duerson
*Elaine Laura Edmonds
*Alice Jane Faily
*Barbara Carol Faulkner
*Lorraine Freedman
*Patricia Jane Goddard
*Alice Elizabeth Goldsmith
*Anna Grace Gonda
*Rea Mae Gordon
*Sandra Lee Gordon
*Mary Jane Linhart Grabill
*Marjorie Norma Greenfield
*Valda Arija Heine
*Nancy Wandalie Henshaw
*Judith Barbara Hirschfield
*Barbara Katherine Hubbard
*Elizabeth Jeanne Hunter
*Alice Elaine James
* Cathy Elizabeth King
*Suzanne Kipnis
*Dorothy Ann Klein
*Kathryn Mary Kneiske
*Cynthia Louise Krans
*Joyce Ellen Lane

*Joan Etta Levin
Marcia Belle Lubeck
*Jean Eloise McCaske d
*Elizabeth Winifred McDonald
*Darlene Doris Martenson
Carole Michels
*Mary Grace Miller
*Louise Harriet Milligan
Ruth Richele Misheloff
*Claudia Irene Moore
*Donna Kay Netzer
*Clara Eva Oppenheimer
*Bernice Judith Oshinsky
*Nancy Ann Petricoff
*Alice Ann Pletta
*Lois Ellen Pollak
*Joanne Gita Popper
*Cynthia Gay Potter
*Elizabeth Joanne Richter
*Greta Saldinger
*Laura Jean Salmon
*Patricia Ann Sarris
*Sally Elaine Schimmel
*Judith Ann Silverman
*Diana May Skaff
*Janet Anne Smith
*Laura Louise Smith
*Myra Jean Snider
*Nancy Jane Somers
*June Helen Stone
*Naomi Judith Subar
*Shirley Alyce Tews
*Irmgard Claudine Isle VandenBerge
*Barbara Anne Watson
*Lynn Marie Zimmerman
Eta Kappa
Electrical Engineering Honor Society
Lester Kear Arquette, Jr.
John Elgin Bacon
* George Richard Curry
*Vincent Dambrauskas
William Louis Danek
*George Alexander Davidson
*Lawrence Richard Griewski
*Robert Owens Harger
George LaVerne Heminger
*Barry Henning
*Loren Bainum Johnston, Jr.
*Michael Eugene Mitchell
Henry Walter Mosteller
*Robert Nathaniel Newsom
*John Gardner Oliver
Francis Eugene Pickel
*James Leonard Roof
*James Robert Shaner
*William Warren Sherman
Russel Lee Vance
*Frederick Marshall Waltz
Kenneth Ray Webster
George Augustus Wilcox
Beta Gamma
Commerce Honor Society, 1913
*James Easterbrooke Douglas, Jr.
*Wlimson Henry George
*Roger West Gilmore
*George Kown
*Raymond Steven Tittle, Jr.
*Randall Otto Zempel
*Norman Albert Zilber

Scholastic: Honor Society, 2776
*Margot Jane Abels
Joan Audrey Abramson
Eileen Maloney Aigler
*Carol Wavea Alchin
*Thomas Roscoe Arp
*Nancy Kathryn Baehre
*Helen Ruth Beatson
*Neil Norlin Bernstein
*Kathleen Mary Bond
*Nancy Lee Bonvouloir
*William Ronald Brashear
*Jack Alan Brown
*Angelo Cantera
*Robert Breay Carbeck
*Russell Edwin Carlisle
James Thomas Cassidy
Sally Margaret Colberg
*Thomas Arthur Dell
*Harry August Easom
Lea Eisner
*Lois Ann Chlopan Esbrook
*Nancy Jane Etherton
Grace Irene Fink
*John Clovis Fontaine
*Arthur Maxwell Freedman
*Victor Wessel Gladstone
*Gerald Joseph Gleich
*Robert Howard Good
*June Carol Granstrom
Robert Sanford Hall
*Earle I. Hammer
*Lois Amelia Harzfeld
*Harold Marcus Herman
*William Thomas Hicks
*Frances Randall Hill
*Frederick Horwitz
*Robert Harry Hunt
*Mary Catherine Hutchins
*Berne LeeuJacobs, Jr.
*James Paul Jacobs
*William Robert Jentes
*Robert Franklin Johnston
*Kathleen Emden Keely
Alton Earl Klickman
Jeanne Louise Kress
Joanne May Kress
*Joan Elizabeth Larsen
*Iris Marie Leja
*Rita Joan Levine

*Ward Burton Litton
*Douglas Clark Long
* Carol Virginia Lutz-
*John Lacy McKnight
Patricia Ann McVeigh
David Roger Manwaring
*Alice Mencher
*Walter Leslie Meyer
Carol Gay Miles
*Herbert Anson Mills
*Louise Elizabeth Morgan
*John Howard Nadeau
Franklin Charles Norman
*Robert Benjamin Olsen
*Phyllis Jane Peterson
*Barbara Ann Petrie
*Leonard Reed Piggott
Reginald Philip Pugh
George Craig Ramsay
*Barbara Joan Rassweiler
*Frances Helen Reitz
*Warren Jay Robbins
*Walter Rudolph Roberts
*Paul Gerard Rohlfing, Jr.
*Richard Zola Rosenfeld
*Phyllis Elaine Rust
Robert George Schuur
*James Arthur Sellgren
*Richard Herbert Sewell
*Beth Maxine Smilay
*Lois Solinger
*James Aldrick Sonnega
*William Boaz Stason
Norma Kay Stecker
*Ruth Adelle Stein
*Sandra Lois Gotslralk Stotsky
*Lawrence Collins Sweet
John Talayco
*Lillian Elizabeth Teegarden
*Norman Carl Thomas
*Jeremiah George Turcotte
*Nancy Eleanor Greider Van Dyke
*Neal Arthur Vanselow
John William Velz
Myron Vinocur
George Joseph Viscomi
*Charles Hamilton White
*Howard Penney Willens
*Joyce Joan Winter
*Ronald Gene Witt
*Joy. Anastasia Xenis
Pi Kappa
Scientific Honor Society, 1886
*Jack Schroeder Gillette
*Barry Henning
*Harold Marcus Herman
*Bruce Allan Highstrete
*Berne Lee Jacobs, Jr.
*Michael Eugene Mitchell
Norma Kay Stecker
*Donald-Edward Tackett
*Joyce Joan Winter

Chi Epsilon
Civil Engineering Honor Society,
Robert Arwed Baltzer
Allyn Wallace Barrows
*Robert Thomas Beattie
William David Betts
Pravin Gopalji Bhuta
Robert Swanson Burd
Harry Butler
Hasan Huseyin Cetin
Millard Arthur Derr, Jr.
Ka Lun Fogg
Duane Albert Fultz
Herbert Allen Gold
William Albert Homne
Tawfiq Nicolas Khoury
Eric Borge Kollgaard
Muwafag Mohamed Hasan Kubba
Richard Leslie Lowery
Constantin Pavloff
Melvin LeRoy Peden
Bernhardt LaFald Pederson
Jacque Leslie Pell
Hazim Jamil Rassam
William Louis Rieger
Paul Arthur Rodenbeck
Stanley Elmer Sattelberg
Norman Glenn Schroeder
Donald Alan Shoff
John Litchfield Snyder
*Zdlaw Edward Sulkowski
Htun Thein
Robert Neal Tracy
Maung Thin Tu
Moises Wasserman
James Miller Wiggert
Marvin Lynn Zuidema

PROCESSION-The pomp and scholarly dignity of an
academic procession brightens the campus scene only occasion-
ally for such events as June Commencement and very special
:TU:i~s-- -------*. * ,, --
Greek Honor Societies
ear Guest Speakers

Sigma Xi, scientific honor socie-I
ty, swung into its 50th anniver-I
sary meeting May 13 with a talk
by Prof. E. Newton Harvey of the
Princeton University zoology de-
partment on bioluminescence, the;
light produced by living organ-
isms such as the firefly.
Other lectures highlighting the
activities of the honorary were six
talks ranging from crop produc-
tion to a proposed plan for a new
trans-isthmian ship canal by the
late Prof. William Hobbs of the
geology department.
ALONG THE same line, Phi
Sigma, honorary fraternity in the
biological sciences, this year pre-I
sented a series of lectures dealing
with scientific subjects of a broad
nature including a talk by Prof.
William J. Schull of the zoology
department on the potential ge-
netic effects of the atomic bomb.
At the annual initiation ban-
quet in April for Pi Sigma Al-
pha, political science honor so-
ciety, Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann
of the history department point-
ed out the relation of the study
of diplomatic history to the
study of political science.
Prof. Catherine B. Heller of the
architecture college related her
impressions of South American
architecture at the spring initia-
tion ceremonies of Tau Sigma Del-1
ta, honorary fraternity in archi-
tecture and the allied arts.
Bacon explained to more than 651
new initiates of Alpha Lambda
Delta, freshman women's honor-
ary, about the rich and full life
to be enjoyed from spiritual andI
personal relationships and scholar-
ship. The honorary played hostess
for a day this spring at the newly-
organized student-faculty lounge
in the Michigan League.
Prof. Preston Slosson of the

history department spoke to the
freshman men's honor society,
Phi Eta Sigma, Thursday at
their annual initiation dinner.
In an effort to aid students in
their classes, the freshman society
compiled a list of courses taken
this year bymembers and turned
it over to the Survey Research,
Center to help begin a remedial
study program similar to the,
remedial reading program already
in operation, where society mem-
bers could act as tutors,
* * *
ONE OF 14 faculty members
and 260 students initiated into Phi
Kappa Phi, national senior honor
society, Wednesday, Prof. Leslie
White of the anthropology depart-
ment spoke on "The Development
of Civilization." At the same time
two $100 awards were given to
students selected by Dean of Stu-
dents Erich Walter and Dean
Bacon. ,
Prof. Lyman L. Bryson of the
education school at Columbia
University spoke on "The Amer-
ican Scholar-1953" at the an-
nual Phi Beta Kappa banquet
April 20, where 107 literary col-
lege students were initiated into
the society.
j At a regular biweekly meeting
in November of Scabbard and
Blade, ROTC honorary society,
Turkish Army Capt. E. Kabartay
delivered a talk on Turkey's posi-
tion in the Middle East and the
effects of American aid to Asian
THE MILITARY honorary held
its annual initiation ceremonies at
a banquet preceeding Miltary Ball
March 15. Dean Walter J. Em-
mons of the engineering college
spoke to 38 new initiates on the
value of a college education and,
the contribution of military cours-
es to a student's career.


_Tau Be
Engineering Honor Society, 1885
Lester Kear Arquette, Jr.
Frederick John Asmus
Durmus Ali Attila
Charles Forrest Averill
*David Lee Ayers
John Elgin Bacon
Robert Arwed Baltzer
*Richard Earl Balzhiser
*Robert Thomas Beattie
John Andrew Bing
Leland David Boddy
*Victor Loren Brooks
Arthur Theodore Bublitz
Harry Butler
James Douglas Butt
James Edward Cline
Paul Jerome Coleman, Jr.
Glenn Elmer Coury
Harry Eugene Criel
*Ronald David George Crozier
*George Richard Curry
*George Ronald Dalton
William Louis Danek, Jr.
*George Alexander Davidson
Francis Nipher Dawson, Jr.
Larry Peter DeBoer
Clarence Donner
Richard Elton Eggleton
*Jack Kincaid Ehlers
Robert Knapp Erf
Paul Strimple Fancher
*Donald Edgar Firth
*Morton Robert Fleishman
Ka-Lun Fogg
Gordon Ball Fox
Paul Garson Friedman
Martin Fruitman
*Lawrence Richard Griewski
George Edwin Gryka
*Surendralal Kishorilal Gupta
Markar Mike Hachigian
*Howard David Hall
James Arthur Hamburg
William Patrick Hegarty
George LaVerne Heminger
*Barry Henning

*William Oscar Hermanson
*Bruce Allan Highstrete
Philip Andrew Hogan
William Albert Horne
*Loren Bainum Johnston, Jr..
*William James Kelly
Eugene Harry Kemp
John Thomas Knudsen
Eric Borge Kollgaard
Thomas Edward Kriewall
*William Stephen Kristofetz
*James Albert Leacock
*Dean Norman Lind
Robert Bruce MacGregor
*Lawrence Riedling Mack
Ronald Melvin Martinson
Joseph Casmere Mazur
*Leonard Grandy Miller
*Michael Eugene Mitchell
Ernest Mulder
*Robert Nathaniel Newsom
*Warren Elliot Norquist
*John Gardner Oliver
Edward Carl Palmer, Jr.
William James Parker
Bernhardt LaFald Pederson
Francis Eugene Pickel
Delbert Herman Preston, Jr.
*Richard George Reimus
Reed Elsmere Romine
*James Leonard Roof
*James McKee Ryan
Norman Glenn Schroeder
*James Robert Shaner
*William Warren Sherman
*Hugh Latimer Smith
William Hobart Strickler
*Zdzislaw Edward Sulkowski
Russell Lee Vance
Paul Edward VanCleve
Jack Michael Van den Bogaerde
*Charles Edward Wagner
*Frederick Marshall Waltz
Moises Wasserman
Ronald Emmett West
George Augustus Wilcox
*Joseph Gerald Yope

Pi Tau Sigma
Mechanical Engineering Honor
Society, 1915
Charles Forest Averill
* David Lee Ayers
Robert WesleyeBeavis
Yvan Emile Brabant
Hanoch Brafman
*Victor Loren Brooks
Lewis Alexander Burnham
Harry Yong-Hwa Choi
George Louis Cotter, Jr.
*George Ronald Dalton
Larry Peter DeBoer
David Henry Edwards
Leonard Ellis Fain
William Charles Filkins
* Donald Edgar Firth
*William Oscar Hermanson,
Fay Leroy Higgins
Leonard George Holder
Selmer Orvil Iverson
Robert Melvin Kashmerick
Eugene Harry Kemp
Richard Donald Kendall
John Thomas Knudsen
*William Steph4 Kristofetz
William Janse Landman
*Dean Norman Lind
Carl Ewing Lindow
Ronald Melvin Martinson
Roger Edward Maugh
Joseph Casmere Mazur
Ernest Mulder
*Warren Elliot Norquist
Edward Carl Palmer, Jr.
David Robert Randall
Reed Elsmer Romine
*Frank Corbett Starbuck
Harold Ernest Surface
Norman Roy Thal, Jr.
Leonardo James Treichler
*Charles Edward Wagner
William Clayton Williams
David Ping-Zu Wong
Robert Woschitz
*Joseph Gerald Yope
Tau Sigma
Honorary Fraternity in Archi
tecture and the Allied Arts,
*Constance Beth Davies Abernathy
Beverly Irene Arble
Virginia Drury Biggers
Ellery Culver Green
*Gerald Eugene Harburn
Joyce Charlotte Lallier
Vivian MacLeod
James Howard Paul
Ralph Urban Price
Kenneth Clark Rice
Melvin Hugh Sachs
Joseph F. Savin
Charles Wilburn Scurlock
Robert Hall Weatherill
William Henry Whittingham
Rho Chi
Pharmaceutical Honorary Frater-
nity, 1922
Richard David Allen
Carol Joan Diamond
Phyllis Marion Moore
Mona Louise Roesner
*Raymond Eugene Stenseth
*Shirley Ann Swinson
Pi Kappa

Honor Society for Women, 1978
Beverly Irene Arble
*Nancy Kathryn Baehre
Evelyn Ruth Brooks
Joan Brown Campbell
Judith Ann Clancy
*Donna Arlayne Mayer Clark
Sondra Naori Diamond
Elizabeth Ellis
Grace Irene Fink
Nancy Sue Fitch
Lois Anne Gauger
Jean Belle Jones
Pauline Louise Kurtz
*Mary Ellen Nielsen
Nancy Jane Pridmore
Joanne Phillips Sanders"
Eleanore Joy Sidenberg
Senior Class
Roger Wilkins, '53
Barbara Riley, '53Ed.
John Flynn, '53A
Warren Norquist, '53E
Joseph Samyn, '53P
Toby Regenstreigh, '53DH
Roger Easton, '53BAd
Bonnie Bray, '53N
Wesley True, '53SM
,Wilbur Flelke, '53D
John Lodwick, '53L
Clayton Mammal, '53M



Phi Kappa
Scholastic Honor Society, 1897
*Margot Jane Abels
*Constance Beth Davies Abernethy
Eileen MaloneyAAigler
*Carol Wavea Alcin
*Nancy Kathryn Baehre-
*Russell Charles Baum
*Helen Ruth Beatson
*Neil Norlin Bernstein
*Kathleen Mary Bond
*William Ronald Brashear
*Helen Frances Brown
*Mary Katherine Brown
Malcolm Campbell, Jr.
*Robert Breay Carbeck
James Thomas Cassidy
Clarence William Donner
*James Easterbrooke Douglas, Jr.
Lea Eisner
*Lois Ann Chlopan Esbrook
*Nancy Jane Etherton
Robert Edward Farmer, Jr.
*Theodore Earle Feenstra, Jr.
Gordon Ball Fox
Jane Whitfield Gabel
*Williamson Henry George
*Roger West Gilmore
*Victor Wessel Gladstone
*John Charles Gray
*Sarendralal Kishorilal Gupta
Robert Sandford Hall
James Arthur Hamburg
* Earle I. Hammer
Hugh David Hammerslag
*Robert Owens Harger
*Lois Amelia Harzfeld
*Barry Henning
*Harold Marcus Herman
*William Oscar Hermanson
Howard Wesley Hilfinger
*Frederick Horwitz
Ekrem Ihtiyaroglu
*Berne Lee Jacobs, Jr.
*James Paul Jacobs
*Robert Franklin Johnston
*Kathleen Emden Keely
*George Kown
Jeanne Louise Kress
Joanne May Kress
Thomas Edward Kriewall
Carolyn Krigbaum
*Phillip Iayford Lake
*Iris Marie Leja
*Naomi Frieda Margaret Lemkey
*Rita Joan Levine
*Douglas Clark Long
Sibyl Marion Lutz
Patricia Ann McVeigh
*Alice Mencher
*Walter Leslie Meyer
Carol Gay Miles
*Herbert Anson Mills
*Michael Eugene Mitchell
Phyllis Marion Moore
*Louise Elizabeth lorgan
*George William Myers, Jr.
*Warren Elliot Norquist
*John Gardner Oliver
Noriko Osawa
*Phyllis Jane Peterson
*Leonard Reed Piggott
Reginald Philip Pugh
George Craig Ramsay.
*Richard George Reimus
*Frances Helen Reitz
*Warren Jay Robbins.
*Walter Rudolph Roberts
*Paul Gerard Rohlfing, Jr.
*Richard Zola Rosenfeld
*Lucy Gabrielle Rosenthal
*Phyllis Efaine Rust
Joseph Michael Scandura
Arno Peter Schniewind
*James Arthur Sellgren
*Richard Herbert Sewell
*James Robert Shaner
Marian Clarissa Snyder
*Lois Solinger
*James Aldrick Sonnega
*Charles Peter Spoelhof
*William Boaz Stason
*Ruth Adelle Stein
*Raymond Eugene Stenseth
Martin Walker Story
*Sandra Lois Gotshalk Stotsky
*Zdzislaw Edward Sulkowski
*Raymond Earl Sund
*Donald Edward Tackett
*Lillian Elizabeth Teegarden
*Jeremiah George Turcotte
*Florence Virginia Turner
John William Velz

*Ingrid Marie Peterson Waltz
David Forrest Weigel
*Charles Hamilton White
*Henry John Williams
Anne Willits
*Richard Noel Wolf
*Joy Anastasia Xenis
*Randall Otto Zempel
*Norman Albert Zilber
Pi Sigma~
Political Science Honor Society, X922
*Harold Eugene Abrams
*Neil Norlin Bernstein
*Maurice Shulman Binkow
*Nancy Lee Bonvouloir
Mary Ann Chacarestos
Judith Ann Clancy
Charles Frederick Clippert
Edwin Henning Conger
*John Clovis Fontaine
*Victor Wessel Gladstone
Zander Hollander
Sidney Nathan Klaus
*Sidney Charles Kleinman
David Jay Kornbluh
David Roger Manwaring
Oscar Junior Miller
*Herbert Anson Mills
*Maurice Howard Oppenheim
Lawrence Wilbur Sperling
*Norman Carl Thomas
*Neal Arthur Vanselow
Gretchen White
Charles Louis Willems
*Howard Penney Willens
. *Ronald Gene Witt

Phi Eta Sigma

Freshman Honor Society for
Men, 1923
*Robert Miller Appleman
*Eugene Harvey Axelrod
*Roger Werner Bachmann
*Carlos Gonzalo Benavides
*Henry Adler Berliner, Jr.
*John DuVall Boyles
*Jack Edward Burchfield
John Dale Campbell
*William Allan Caro
Toby Citrin
*Luther Elic Claborn
*Allan George Clague
*David John Clemons
*Arthur Sheldon lubok
*Keith Hal Coats
*Joseph Edward Coleman
*Robert Peter Colton
*Fred Proffitt Coulter
*Robert Marshall Cutler
*Richard Louis Degowin
*Melvin LeRoy Edwards
*Richard Barry Eisenstein
Willis Lynn Everett
*Grover John Farnsworth
*John Edward Fay
*Nathan Samual Firestone
*Joseph Louis Fishman
*Arthur Samuel Friedman
*Lawrence Asher Frohman
Murry Frymer
Robert John Galacz
*David Harold Gasman
*Ward Douglas Getty

*Merrill Lee Kaufman
*Robert Cyril Kay
*James Daniel Knipp
*Dwight Alan Kraai
*Marc Richard Kromelow
*Bernard Edward Levine
*David Yale Levine
*Edward Richard McCliment
*Paul Donne Maker
*John Frederick Meyer
*James Eardley Midgley
*Maurice Carlton Miller
*Paul Charles Mundinger
*Pascal Joseph Pascoff
*Carl Richard Peterson
*Donald Edward Potter
*Conrad Arnold Proctor
*Gerald James Roos
*Jordan Rossen
Frederick Jay Sansone
*Leonard Schreier
*James Edward Segesta
*Robert Gordon Sewell
*Howard Sidney Shapiro
*John Harris Shepherd
*Arthur John Sist
David MacDonald Smith
*George Sperling
*Philip Spertus
*Harvey James Stapleton
*James Dillon Stasheff
Charles Arthur Stickels
*Raymond Earl Sund
*Marvin Wayne Teutsch
Charles Edward Tippy



Phi Lambda Upsilon

SigmaDelta Pi
Spanish Honor Society, 1919
Melba Lita Abril-Lamarque
Lorraine Alma Baldwin
*Betty Bayliss
*Lillian Bickert
Richard Allan Conover, Jr.
Marjorie Ann Cramer
Nancy Carolyne Dorsey
James Echols
Katherine Margaret Eggleston
William Richard Eggleston

Chemical Honorary Fraternity, X899
Willard Curtiss Blackney, Jr.
Leland David Boddy
*Ronald David George Crozier
*Robert Howard Good
*Surendralal Kishorilal Gupta

*Howard David Hall
William Patrick Hegarty
*William Thomas Hicks
*Robert Franklin Johnston
*James Albert Leacock
Donald Lloyd Maxwell

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