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May 24, 1953 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-24

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SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1953



Center Slates
Dance Class
Indian Dances Taught;
Lessons Administered
Both in Private; Groups
Private and group lessons in the
dances of India will be presented
by the International Center dur-
ing the coming summer session.
Under the direction of Mrs.
Sunalini Devi Rajam, a series of
eight lessons will be given to all
students who are interested in
acquiring the art of Indian danc-
Mrs. Rajam, who has her own
dance studio in Bombay, has done
professional stage work in some
of the larger cities in India. She
has- also worked as leading lady
in European companies staging
Shakespearian and Indian classi-I
al plays.
For fifteen years Mrs. Rajam
as studied Indian classical music.
She has also taught dancing and
drama for a number of years and
is considered one of the pioneers
in the fields of Indian and classi-!
cal dances.
Performing major character
roles in seventy pictures has con-3
stituted another part of Mrs. Ra-
jam's career.
Anyone who would like to ob-
tain additional information about
the dancing course or would like;
to sign up for the series of les-
sons can get further details at the
International Center.
During the regular school year,
classes in social dancing are held
weekly by the International Cen-
Coeds from the sorority houses
and women's dorms serve as vol-
unteer partners for the foreign
students attending the lesson ses-
The plan was first originated
among the women themselves, and
an alternating system of volun-
teer service was set up in the fall
of 1951.
This activity has given campus
women an opportunity to visit the
International Center and become
acquainted with the many other,
activities that take place there.
Foreign men also get a chance to
meet a cross section of American

Commencement Ends

Activities for


University Women To Act As Delegates
At National Sorority Bi-Annual Meetings

Completing several years of col-
lege study, the graduating class
of 1953 will take part in their last
activity at the University when
they participate in Commencement
Exercises, to be held on Saturday,
June 13.
Attired in black caps and
gowns, the entire' senior class will
assemble at 4:30 p.m. on Ferry
Field. The procession will be ar-
ranged by schools, with the grad-
uates joining their respective
groups at a specified place on the
PROCEEDING to she stadium
in four columns, the class proces-
sion will keep step to the music
of .the Michigan Marching Band.
The line of march is set to begin at
5:30 p.m.

form at the Commencement Ex-
Picked by the Senior Board to
represent the class, Howard Wil-
lens, president of the Student
Legislature, will deliver a short
* * *
CONTINUING the ceremony, the
officers of each school will lead
their fellow graduates past the
speakers platform, where they will
receive token diplomas.
* * *
DUE TO THE complications in
delivering so many diplomas at the
time of the exercise, the actual
diplomas will be distributed after
the ceremony. The place of dis-
tribution will be announced later.

_____ _

National conventions will high-
light summer plans for delegates
from Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha
Delta Pi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Al-
pha Xi Delta and Kappa Delta
sororities as they meet with other
chapter members to plan strategy
for the next two years.
Linda Leaver, first vice-presi-
dent of the local chapter of Alpha
Chi Omega, will represent her
group at Alpha Chi's bi-annual
convention June 27 to July 2 at
Baniff in the Canadian Rockies.
* * *
TAKING TIME out from con-
vention proceedings, Alpha Chi
delegates will travel to Lake Louise
for an afternoon of sightseeing.
Alpha Delta Pi delegates from
82 chapters will also travel to

the Canadian Rockies to attend
theirbi-annual conference.
Bea Johnson, President of the
local Alpha Delta Pi chapter, will
board the A.D.Pi special train on
June 19 for a week of convention
pagentry at Baniff.
REPRESENTING the local Kap-
pa Delta chapter, Betty Ann Gru-
schow, president, will travel to
Bilpxi, Miss. on June 28 to July 2
for the Kappa Delt bi-annual na-
tional convention.
Leea Pierce and Charlotte
Havers acting as alternate dele-
gates will travel with Miss Gru-
schow to the conference.
At these conventions various
awards and scholarships will be

presented to the chapters and in-
dividual members.
l * *
ner, Grad., was awarded a $1000
scholarship for graduate work at
the Alpha Delta Pi centennial con-
vention in Macon, Ga.
Pasadena, Calif. will be the
scene of the bi-annual Alpha
Xi Delta national convention
July 4 to 12.
Representing the local Alpha Xi
chapter, Ann Houck will lead a
discussion of rushing techniques
at the convention.
Traveling south to Memphis,
Tenn., Wanda Michaels will at-
tend the Alpha Omicron Pi bi-
annual national June convention.

-Daily-Tim Richards
SNAPPY STRAWS-Members of Chi Phi Fraternity and friends
lounge in the sun on the library steps. The Chi Phi's sport white
straw hats; the newest fad on campus.
Straw Sailor Hats Start
Unusual Fad on Campus

White straw sailor hats with
bright scarlet and blue bands have
recently invaded the campus.
The Chi Phi fraternity men
have started -this unique fad. It
seems that several of the fellows
in the house saw the show "The
Happy Time" 'with Charles Boyer
and Louis Jordan in which the
latter very gallantly tipped his
straw hat to almost every made-
moiselle he encountered.
After the show, while discus-
sing the picture several of the
Chi Phis decided to buy straw
hats similar to the one worn by
Louis Jordan. The idea spread
like wildfire.
Finally at the next chapter
meeting the entire house voted to
order the hats with bands bearing
t he symbolic colors of the frater-
nity. A stylish Detroit haberdash-
ery was able to supply the hats.
Fortunately the hats arrived in
time for the fellows to initiate
them on campus Friday, May 15,
which is nationally recognized as
straw hat day.
Amazed stares and curious com-
ments greeted the men as they
sported these dashing berets.
Many students inquired as to what
race track they were soliciting for,

while others asked which ball
game they were going to see. Some
"jokers" replied that they were
bound for "Patty Murphy's fu-
One middle-aged lady yelled
"23 skidoo" as she noticed the
hats which apparently broughtj
back pleasant memories of the
rip-roaring twenties. The moth-
ers who attended the Mother's
Day festivities at the house also
reminisced over past experiences
which the not yet obsolete hats
The Chi Phis have donned this
sporty headgear for several sere-
nades.Cheers of "dig those crazy
hats" can often be heard as the
fellows approach.
They form a chorus line and do
the bunny hop as they render
three or four lively numbers.
It seems that almost every wom-
en's residence is eagerly awaiting
a visit from this fraternity as
these particular serenades have
received excellent comments.
The Chi Phis intend to continue
wearing their hats during the
summer. In fact, the hats are fast
becoming a standard tradition of
the house. Perhaps, soon, one can
expect to see this apparel donned
for formal occasions as well as
casual affairs.

For the exercises a speakers
platform will be erected between
the 35 and 40 yard line on the
south-west side of the field, with
the graduates sitting in the
stands above it. Parents and
friends will be seated around
the seniors.
If the weather does not coop-'
erate, the plans will be changed
slightly. Keeping in contact with
several weather stations in the
area,the-committee has planned
to hold the exercises at the Field
douse in case of rain.
* * *
IF THE ceremony is to be held
indoors, the University fire alarm
will sound at 4 p.m. on Saturday.
In that case, the seniors will as-
semble at 5 p.m. in the Field House
and take their seats. Sections will
be marked out by schools.
The actual ceremony will be
the same, whether held indoors
or in the stadium.
OCCUPYING an important place
in the exercises, the principle
speaker will then present his ad-
dress. He will first receive an
honorary degree.
Taking the platform, the dean
of each school will then present
his class. The graduates will
stand up with others who are
receiving the same degree.
PRESIDENT Harlan H. Hatcher
will then speak a few words of
congratulation to the graduating
For the first time at the Uni-
versity, the graduating seniors
will be represented on the plat-


Tailleur-trim, picture pretty na t
with white arrows that circle your hipline
on popular navy or pastels.. ..Rayon-acetate

summer-weight suiting.

Misses sizes.






Q tat Pricei

dal are ir

MENT - Eight games comprise
events in this week's softball
schedule. They will be played on
the following days:
Monday at 5 p.m. -Alpha Chi
Omega II vs. Kappa Delta I* (B);
Barbour I vs. Alpha Chi Omega I
(A). At 7 p.m.-Couzens I vs.
Palmer I* (A); Stockwell IIIvs.
Couzens II*P (A); Alpha Chi
Omega III vs. Angell I* (B) ; Mo-
sher I vs. Hinsdale I* (B).
Tuesday at 5 p.m.-Winner of
Jordan I vs. Delta Delta Delta will
play Delta Gamma I* (A); winner
of Couzens and Palmer I will play
the winner of Stockwell III and
Couzens II (A).
* * *
ASSEMBLY - Assembly board
will meet at 3:30 tomorrow at the
* * *
will be a house presidents meeting
at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow at the
League. All house presidents are
requested to attend the meeting.

._ _._!

0 t - , p e4 eci/
(Open Monday Noon till 8:30 P.M.)
Beautiful SPRING COATS -- pastels, darks
- long or short ... originally to 69.95..
at 35.00
Three groups of BETTER DRESSES of all
kinds, also rayon suits . . originally were
to 39.95.
10.00, 12.95, 19.95


. .>



'yj ,.
F "..('
. z a- 1 f<r."
.+. f. 'ft'$~y +' '1"{ v..k 'i-;a" ,.
. ' 3 F}S Zy*"j t;:i4 }n ,
I S1gs ff a:'{. .:. >,
;: ..-ir' 2 l ? " "

Adelciar color-terrific
combine for easy variety

Blouses -w$495
Skirt -$595

at 39.95
white and pastels . .
originally were 49.95.
Group of 100%' WOOL
all 100%/ lovely wools. . .
originally were to 79.95.
at 3.98


A. Sleeveless blouse in sea green,
white, blue, grey, maize, pink
or bamboo. B. Off-shoulder
blouse in white, pink, black,
sea green or bamboo.
C. Unpressed pleat skirt in olive,
red, peacock, navy, brown,

at 5.00
of all kinds.
SKIRTS of quilted cottons,
orlons, and pastel wools.
Group of better BLOUSES,
nylons and crepes.
at 1.49
Closeout group of Hats,
Blouses, Gloves, Jewelry,
(2 pairs of Nylon Hose,
45 and 51 gauge.)

Weer America's most-
asked-for bra in this Low-
Cut version . . . the or-
iginal Whirlpool-stitched
cup for superb support,
lasting comfort. In cot-
toni nvlon white

4. . ~~


charcoal or violet.
D. Tulip neckline blouse
in white, pink or turquoise.
Blouses, sizes 30 to 36.
Skirt, sizes 10 to '18.


Group of Better
Blouses, Skirts.





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