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May 24, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-24

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SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1953

The Prosecutor
Of Alger Hiss
*THE HISS TRIAL proved the wisdom of
an old saying in the law, that regardless
of the merits in any lawsuit, victory goes to
the lawyer who made the most successful
Lest these callous words be thought to
have been spoken in a momentary peak of
disgust by a malcontent, they should im-
mediately be credited to their author--
Judge Thomas F. Murphy, the man who
was prosecutor in the Alger Hiss case.
These words were uttered Friday night
before an assemblage of Detroit lawyers.
Throughout the speech, as reported in
the newspapers, Judge Murphy did not at-
tempt to defend or even discuss, the merits
of 4he Hiss trial, but rather, he spoke as if
he were playing in some competitive sport
where victory at any cost is the sole goal.
The Honorable Judge speaks again:
"I saw that the jury was impressed with
his (Hiss') appearance. He was a brilliant
lawyer himself, he had a wonderful memory
Qnd I knew I could never catch him in a lie.,
The problem would then seem to be,
how to catch Hiss in a lie-or perhaps,
if he did not lie how to confuse, bam-
boozle and weary the man so that what
he said in this state could be interpreted
as being a lie.
Murphy cleverly saw how this might be
accomplished. He says: "But I noticed he
could not answer questions with a simple
"yes" or "no," as had Whittaker Chambers.
Hiss went off on long tangents in answer to
the simplest questions. I decided that this
was his weakness."
Now with the newly discovered Achilles'
heel, Murphy pounced on Hiss' vulnerabil-
ity. He goes on: "Consequently, I kept him
on the stand as long as I could . . . What
came through to the jury was an evasive,
insincere, confused sort of person.
"In short, I believe Alger Hiss convicted
himself by talking too much."
This is Murphy's account of the Hiss
trial. It appears that the judge is somewhat
pleased with his shrewd legal manuevers.
Perhaps, the evidence against Hiss was so
strongly against him that any tactics were
justified to bring home the conviction. This
was probably not the fact, however.
Throughout the trial none of the issues were
clear cut. As Murphy says, "regardless of
the merits in any lawsuit, victory goes to
the lawyer who made the most successful
Murphy, by his reasoning did not con-
vict Hiss on the truth of the case, but
quite frankly admits that he won be-
cause he was better prepared. It appears
that Judge Murphy's standards of law is
not truth but efficiency.
The court found Hiss guilty but Murphy's
latest statements make one turn away in
anger at the man who carried out the "suc-
cessful" prosecution.
-Mark Reader

Ethics & Social Organization:
An Economist's View point'


"Thmey Say You May Be Able To Get Up Next Year"


ORGANIZATION by Kenneth E. Boulding
with a commentary by Reinhold Niebuhr,
Harper & Brothers, New York, 1953.
THE ORGANIZATIONAL Revolution is one
of a series of studies initiated under the
Federal Council of Churches "on the ethics
and economics of society." The purpose of
this particular study-Prof. Boulding pre-
fers to call it a discussion-is, as the title
suggests, to appraise ethically (perhaps we
are being redundant) the effects of the
growth of organization in our time.
It is admirable that ethics was not rel-
gated to the professional philosopher to
compare first principles, and allow others
to fill in the "details." Ethics is a domain
inviting the "wellrounded" individual since
ethical considerations exist everywhere,
often in highly complex situations so that
special competence in many fields is re-
quired even to recognize them.
It seems, therefore, to this reviewer that
few more qualified persons could have been
chosen to discuss the problem. Prof. Bould-
ing is a true social scientist. He can write
with learning and insight on economics, his-
tory and sociology. Moreover he can review
certain particular concepts in their broader
settings as concepts applicable to all of so-
cial science. Furthermore, there is strong in-
dication that Prof. Boulding has probed his
conscience often and has constructed from
his experience a well thought out scheme of
A certain hesitancy attends this review in
that the reviewer, an undegraduate, cannot
presume to be on equal footing with the au-
thor. Nevertheless, it seems that the task is
not primarily to argue, but to ask from this
sort of book: Did I learn something new?
Has a new perspective opened? Even when I
disagreed id I more fully appreciate the
problem? Has the book pricked my compla-
cency on certain subjects? My answer to
these questions regarding Prof. Boulding's
book is an emphatic 'yes,' due not only to
Boulding's ability but his wise .inclusion of
other experts' views when they conflicted
with his.
To begin his study, Prof. Boulding of-
fers a theory of organization. His main
point here is that a stable organization
which is able to change but yet remain
alive must possess control mechanisms to
keep the sensitive variables within the
limits of toleration. An example of a con-
trol mechanism is a thermostat adjusting
variation in temperature.
Every organization has such a mechan-
ism. The questions are, however; how sensi-
tive should the mechanism be? How shall we
ensure that it receives the correct informa-
tion? How shall we ensure that its "instruc-
tions" are properly carried out?
As social organizations increase in size,
the communication system becomes more
complex. The distance between indicator re-
ceptor and effector increases. The problem of
controlling discontent by recognizing it and
adapting to it becomes more ,acute as rela-
tionships become more formalized. This is
the more internal problem of social organi-
zations. It is here that Prof. Boulding scores
the Soviet Union. He writes: "Organizations
follow certain necessities of their own, almost
independent of their ostensible purposes. The
family type of intimate relationship which is
the highest expression of the spirit of human
love can be achieved only in an organization
of family size. . . . As organizations grow
larger and larger, relationships must of ne-
cessity become more and more formalized,
and the most acute problem of society is
to achieve the right degree and kind of for-
malization. A society whose theoretical struc-
ture has never faced this problem, and
which tries to apply a familistic ethic to a
brontosaurian organization, will end in a
terroristic rigidity."
The external problem of social organiza-
tion is the familar one of power diffusion.
It seems that as organizations increase in
size, consentration of power ensues. When
there are many centers of power the action
of one irritates the others but little; when
there are few, the competition becomes al-
most unbearably intense. Such an observa-
tion, asserts Boulding, is corroborated by to-

day's current events.
The operations of the market, it seems
to Prof. Boulding, meets the internal and
external problems of organization better
than any other arrangement. This is due,
he contends, to the fact that the market
is the meeting point for organizations
which are both small and numerous be-
cause the market is a sensitive control
mechanism. Change occurs when an or-
ganization is unable to satisfy as well as
others. Boulding holds that coercion has a
small effect in market operations.
Of interest to the economist especially, is
At the State .*.
Heston and Susan Hayward.
WHILE IT may not be as disappointing as
the current selection at the Michigan,
this film does not measure up on many
points. It seems to be a perfect transforma-

the, concern raised about the inflationary
pressure caused by economic organization.
The market becomes imperfect, wages and
prices get sticky and the cumulative effects
of a deflation are such that a depression
would be the result.
"If, however," Boulding suggests, "we can-
not have a deflation we can never correct
an inflation; by that very fact we have intro-
duced a long-run inflationary bias into a
full employment system." Of course, those
who are unorganized-the orphans, pension-
ers, retired. etc.-are severly hurt by infla-
tion. It is in this area that Prof. Boulding
would look to government which could use
such devices as taxation.
One wonders what effect unions have had
in redistributing more of the national in-
come to labor. According to Boulding, it
has had none. Increase in wages, he argues,
have been due to great productivity, not
greater bargaining strength. Unions have,
however, filled a great need. They have giv-
en the worker status and a stake in our so-
ciety, Boulding adds, thus we are fortunate
enough not to contain a disaffiliated pro-
Prof. Boulding's critics maintain that
without unions the rate of growth of the
economy would not have been as high
since, "it may be true that profits continue
to run as high percentagewise as ever des-
pite union organization. Maybe so .. .But
it isn't the crucial fact . . . (which) is that
these are profits made off the expanded de-
mand of worker-consumers who are able
to buy more stuff . .. in the market place
precisely because they have collectively
asserted a power in the market place. "
It seems to this reviewer that Prof. Bould-
ing's argument comes off a little better. For
as we know the one most influential factor
determining the level of national income is
the amount of investment. A rise in wages
due to union could actually deter investment
in a period of deflation. Indeed it is a fact
that during a depression the share of nation-
al income going to labor increases, although,
of course the total drops considerably.
There are many other points of contention
in this book, but the one which engages my
attention the most is Prof. Boulding's views
on coercion. He holds that coercion per se is
evil. He blasts our national defense program,
especially the draft, because they rely on
coercion. As he puts it. "Conscription to my
mind is a form of slavery and an evil more
repugnant than slavery; for whereas the
slave is generally compelled to do humble and
productive trades, the conscirpt may be com-
pelled to become a killer of God's children
and a destroyer of His creatures."
Reinhold Niebuhr answers. He holds that
so long as man has "original sin"-so long
as h "feels the pressures of his own needs
more than the needs of others"-coercion
is needed. His point: " .. . from the Chris-
tian standpoint at least, we cannot regard
as evil and structures, systems, laws and
conventions by which partly unselfish men
are held together in large-scale coopera
tion The order and justice which they
achieve must be regarded as an approxi-
mation of a loving community. It is of
course not the loving and just community.
It is merely an approximation under the
conditions of sin,"
Niebuhr adds that coercion per se is neu-
tral. It is the purpose toward which coercion
is directed that gives it the moral tinge.
Coercion is bad whe nthere is only one center
of coercion. A just society is one of counter-
vailing power. Evil exists where man has for-
gotten his mortality and tries to be God-
omnipotent and omniscient - consequently
ruling out opposition. I think that here
Boulding has been beaten.
It is my opinion that man is selfish
enough to never be fully able to transcend
self interest in exercising power. It is when
we recognize this that we achieve a just
society. It is true that those societies over-
looking men's limitations have resulted in
greater tyranny then those which have
not. Prof. Boulding would have us ignore
the power threat from the Soviet Union.
While a war involves us in terrible guilt,
even more terrible would be ours if we
were to withdraw from our responsibilities

and allow tryrannical Russia to subdue the
world, extinguishing that freedom which
Prof. Boulding and the rest of us value so
In summary The Organizational Revolution
is a most provacative book, but not the sort
you curse at for its unintelligent bias or ig-
norance. This is a provacative book in the
best sense of the word. It has touched sensi-
tively on those issues arising from the com-
plexity of our technological era, and has of-
fered intelligent and mature opinions on
those issues.,
-Leonard Sand weiss
number two, Charles Heston, no end of
trouble, worry, and duels, for he feels he
must defend her honor even though it seems
to matter little to her.
Miss Hayward has some difficulty being
a sturdy farm wife, but manages most
adeptly when the script calls for weeping
and pipe-smoking. Perhaps her constant

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WUASHINGTON-It was President Eisen-
hower himself who decided on the big
three meeting in Bermuda. The main pur-
pose he had in mind, he confided to friends,
was not necessarily a subsequent meeting
with Premier Malenkov, but to pull the dis-
jointed policies of the Allies back together.
Eisenhower became convinced that
something must be done to heal British-
French-American wounds after reading
Senator McCarthy's speech blasting ex-
Prime Minister Clement Attlee. He be-
gan conferring with his advisers immed-
iately thereafter, also exchanged some
secret messages withhWinston Churchill.
Churchill and Eisenhower have got into,
somewhat the same habit of conferring with
each other by telephone or private cable as
did FDR and Churchill during the war.
And in one of these exchanges, Churchill
suggested that he and Ike meet privately
without the French.
Naturally this leaked out. Naturally, also,
it made the French sore. The British denied
that such a conversation ever took place,
which only served to make the French sorer,
However, the State Department insisted all
along that the French must participate.
Eisenhower has been deeply worried of
late over the way American, British and
French friendship was drifting apart. As
one who delivered the famous Guildhall
address in London, a milestone in Anglo-
American relations, and as one who in-
sisted that no officer who couldn't get
along with the British serve in a key post
under him, Eisenhower felt especially sen-
sitive on this point.
He also realized that if the Allies did sit
down for a big four conference with Malen-
kov, the Russians would be able to split
them wide open if policies were not patched
up in advance.
THOUGH President Eisenhower is still
hanging back regarding the proposed big
four conference with Malenkov, Prime Min-
ister Churchill is doing just the opposite.'
Despite his 78 years, he has become the
eagerest eager beaver on the diplomatic
Twice he has even talked secretly with
the Soviet Ambassador in London, Jacob
Foreign Minister Anthony Eden, who has

The A merican Traveler
(EDITOR's NOTE: The following gambits and ploys are designed to keep
the traveler "one-up" on his host, on board ship or in foreign lands so that
shaky American-European and Anglo-American relations can be preserved.
The author who has spent ten months in Western Europe, has chosen from
an enormity of such ploys those which seem most often utilized and most
effective as practiced by American tourists within the last few years.
FROM THE MOMENT one steps on a trans-oceanic liner to the mo-
ment one disembarks again on native American soil, the basic prin-
ciples expounded by Stephen Potter in "Lifemanship" should not be
Once one has analyzed the thinking behind these principles,
they can easily be adopted to meet any situation.
Rough Passage Gambits:
ON PARTICULARLY rough passages when 98 percent of the pas-
sengers are moaning below in their cabins, the Rough Passage Ex-
pert will remain healthy, hungry, full of pep and oblivious to the roll
of the vessel. If a dinner partner should, one day, venture weakly up
to dinner, the expert will discuss said tablemate's illness, the mal de
mere of the other passengers and how soothing he finds the endless
toss and vibration of the ship. Insist that such illness is, of course, en-
tirely psychosomatic.
If the seas should calm down somewhat, a slight, but continual
rocking motion simulated by the expert at dinner will convince
anyone with squeamish tendencies the ship is really on the verge
of collapse.
Pleasant Passage Ploys:
ON PLEASANT, sunny crossings the oceanman is advised to make
a big fuss about his weak stomach, heart and lungs; insist on be-
ing moved to a private, outside cabin; demand stewards and steward-
esses pay special attention-bring all meals to the stateroom, supply
fresh flowers daily and carry little notes to other passengers. (No one
else'is apt to be ill on such pleasant crossings, so the ship's employees
will have plenty of time.)
Solicitous visitors should be given intricate details of one's
symptoms and made to feel like over-healthy peasants. "This type
of delicacy has been in our family since our ancestors came over on
the Mayflower," may be suggested with subtlety.
First Class Travelmanship
TRAVELING FIRST CLASS presents a few exceptional problems.
Dinner dress is required and larger tips are expected. An experi-
enced First Class Travelman can easily surmount such difficulties.
First night out, elaborate habit is not customarily stressed.
Therefore, the First-Class approach is for the lady to appear in a
Dior gown, the gentlemen in tails and striped trousers saying:
"There is no excuse for slovenliness at any time."
When the other passengers appear in formal dress, the true First-
classman enters in patched, tattered rags joshing the other passen-
gers for their stuffiness.
It is expected of expert Firstclassmen that they will seek the
lower depths of the third class bar, sun deck and dining room with an
appropriate "just wanting to see how they feed you down here."
"That's exactly the same cake we had for lunch four days ago."
Emphasise how stuffy everyone is above, but only to the first-
class people who accompany one. A Firstclassman will confine him-
self to this adventurous group so the dowdiness of third class travellers
won't be disturbing to the more sheltered ladies.
If the majority of passengers seem active and lively it is wise
to seat oneself on a deck chair and be seen in that same chair for
the entire trip. This can be facilitated if one is identical twins,
traveling as one person of course.
As it is assumed that first class passengers are of some comfort-
able financial position, it is possible to seemingly forget to tip ship
employees. Only first class passengers, however, can employ this
gambit without fear of being termed miserly rather than aristocrat-
ically forgetful.
Second Class Voyagemanship:
Second class travel is not recommended.
Third or Tourist Class One Up-Manship
SPECIAL PARTICULARLY effective gambits are available for'
A true touristclassman never travels to save money, he is gen-
erally a "writer" and is traveling tourist class to be with the people.
He does not associate with the people however. He merely studies
them. A monocle, plus-fours, and bowler are recommended. Never
carry portable typewriters, a heavy old fashioned table model with
three lackeys to carry it is much more effective. When traveling tour-
ist class one's servants should be assigned to first class.
Simple, but obviously expensive clothes should always be worn.
Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" may be car-
ried about (Harried mothers will appreciate your reading aloud to
their kiddies and for this Gibbon is undoubtedly most efective.
A slight limp, consistently affected will serve to embarass the
more athletic of one's fellow passengers and a continual cough will
discourage smokers.
Student Trans-Atlantic voyagemanship-
Being a student entails special obligations. The public expects con-
tinual rowdiness and debuachery from the college crowd. If one
catches sight of a fellow student quietly studying or politely convers-
ing with an older passenger a subtle reference to the "obsoluteness of
the text" or "how quaint and old fashioned" to cheer-up the old buz-
zard. A reference to old-world manners should discourage any polite-
Conversation between two students brushing up on some for-
eign language can be successfully plonked with "nothing more

refreshinz than an honest American accent."

(Continued from page 2
Plant Engineers; graduates in E.E., M.E.,
or Chem. t, may apply. In addition,
there are job opportunities for both
graduates and non-graduates in the
fieldseof Quality Control, Production
Control, and Time Study.
Pontiac State Hospital in Pontiac,
Mich. is interested in hiring a Recrea-
tional Therapist. Men and women June
graduates with aptitude, interest or
training in recreational work may make
Montgomery Ward in Chicago, Ill., is
offering positions as Jr. Copywriters in
their Mal Order and Retail Sales Divi-
sions to women, June, graduates who
have majored in English or Journalism.
Advertising majors will also be con-
The Haviland Products Co., Manu-
facturing Chemists, in Grand Rapids,
Mich., have an opening in their organi-
zation for a Sales Correspondent.
Selling Research, Inc., in New York
City would like to hear from men and
women, June, graduates who would be
interested in starting a career in Mar-
keting and Sales Research.
Ames Co., Inc., Ethical Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers, in Elkhart, Ind., have
an opening for a Sales Representative
in east Detroit. Anyone interested may
apply; a background in Pharmacy, Pre-
Med, or Science is desirable.
The Arctic Construction and Frost
Effects Laboratory of the New England
Division, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army,
in Boston, Mass., needs Civil and Soil
Mechanics Engineers for frost and
permafrost research studies.
The Pennsylvania State Civil Service
Commission has announced an examina-
tion date for positions as visitors in the
Dept. of Public Assistance. The final
date for filing applications is June 5.
The Carnegie Institute of Technology,
Pittsburgh, Penn., is announcing a
two-semester Secretarial Course espec-
ially planned for graduates of liberal
arts colleges who are interested in ca-
reers as executives' secretaries.
Kline's Department Store in Detroit
is inviting ten women from various
colleges to represent their school on
the store's College Board this summer
A local firm in Ann Arbor needs a
secretary for the period from June 8 to
June 18, 1953. women applicants should
know typing, and some shorthand is
preferred but not necessary.
For appointments, applications, and
additional information about these and
other openings, contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Teachers -for Guam. The Government
of Guam is very interested in hiring a*
person interested in teaching in the
public schools for Guam. They desire
a person for two years. Married couples
are acceptable. The salary is excellent.
For further information contact Bur-
eau of Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Building, University extension 2614.
Psychology Majors. One of the larg-
er automotive corporations in the De-
troitoarea wishes to employ several psy-
chology majors for psychological and
medical research this coming summer.
Applicants should have a limited
amount of statistics. For further in-
formation call Bureau of AIpointments,
University Extension 2614.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues.; May
26, 4 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. Wm.
LeVeque will speak on Uniform distribu-
tion modulo one.
Zoology Seminar: Elaine C. Pierson
will speak on "The Developmental
Morphology of Amia calva," and Robert
M. DeWitt on "The Biology of Physa
gyrina: Ecology and Life History," on
Tues., May 26, 7:30 p.m., 2116 Natural
Interdepartmental Seninar on Meth.
ods of Machine Computation. Meeting
May 25, 4:30 p.m., 429 Mason Hall. "Op-
eration of the WRRC Computers," Mr.
verne Lorrowe, Analog Computation
Department, willow Run Research Cen-
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Merkle DeWitt, Zoology; thesis: "Stud-
ies on the Biology of Physa gyrina
Say; Ecology and Life History," Mon.,
May 25, 2089 Natural Science Building,
at 9 a.m. Chairman, F. E. Eggleton.
Doctoral Examination for Arthur Rob-
ert Cohen, Social Psychology; thesis:
"The Effects of Individual Self-Es-
teem and Situational Structure on
Threat-Oriented Reactions to Power,"
Mon., May 25, West Council Room, Rack
ham Building, at 10 a.m. Chairman, A.
F, Zander.
Doctoral Examination for Duncan J. 1

McGregor, Geology; thesis: "Strati-
graphic Analysis of Upper Devonian
and Mississippian Rocks in the Mich-
igan Basin," Mon., May 25, 4065 Nat-
ural Science Building, at 10 a.m. Chair-
man, K. K. Landes.
Doctoral Examination for Stewart
Raynor Wallace, Geology; thesis: "The
Petrology of the Judith Mountains,
Fergus County, Montana," Mon., May
25, 4065 Natural Science Building at
1 p.m. Chairman, E. N. Goddard.
Doctoral Examination for William
David Winter, Psychology; thesis: "The
Prediction of Life History Data and
Personality Characteristics of Ulcer Pa-
tients from Responses to the Blacky
Pictures," Tues., May 26, 6625 Haven
Hall, 10 a.m.. Chairman, G. S. Blum.
Doctoral Examination for Hector An-
drew Pecorini, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "Kinetics of the Homogeneous
Liquid-Phase Reaction between Propy-
lene Oxide and Methyl Alcohol Cat-
alyzed by Sodium Hyroxide," Tues.,,
May 26, 3201 Engineering Bldg., 1:30
p.m. Chairman, J. T. Banchero.
The Toronto Symphony Orchestra,
Sir Ernest MacMillan, Conductor, will
fill the open date in the 75th Annual
Choral Union Concert Series, Feb. 10,
1954, in Hill Auditorium-according to
an announcement just made by the
University Musical Society.
The complete schedule of Musical
Society concerts for 1953-1954 is as
Choral Union Series-Roberta Peters,
Oct. 7; Boston Symphony, Oct. 22; Vir-
tuosi di Roma, Nov. 2; Horowitz, No-

ciety Orchestra, Mary Stubbins, or-
ganist, Lester Mccoy, conductor. Solo-
ists: Maud Noser, soprano; Carol
Smith, contralto; Walter Fredericks,
tenor; and Norman Scott, bass,
Chamber Music Festival-February
19, 20, and 21, with Griller Quartet
(2 concerts): Sidney Griller and Jack
O'Brien, violins, Philip Burton, viola
and Colin Hampton, cello; and the
Reginald Kell Players (one concert);
Reginald Kell, clarinet, Joel Rosen,
piano, Melvin Ritter, violin and Aurora
Natola, cello.
Orders for season tickets for the
Choral Union Series and Extra Series
are now being accepted and filed in
sequence at the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. Tick-
ets will be mailed September 15 to ad-
dress given.
Tickets for "Messiah" and for the
Chamber Music concerts will go on sale
over the counter at the offices of the
Musical Society, Burton Tower, on
October 15.
University of Michigan Symphony Or-
chestra, Wayne Dunlap, conductor, as-
sisted by the Stanley Quartet and Fes-
tival String Orchestra, will present a
concert at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, May
24, in Hill Auditorium. The Festival
String Orchestra will include the Ann
Arbor High School Orchestra, Eliza-
beth Green, conductor, Cass Technical
High School Orchestra, Detroit, Harry
Begian, Conductor, Hillsdale High
School Orchestra, Robert Lint, Con-
ductor, and Lincoln High School Or-
chestra, Ferndale, Mildred Bachellor,
Conductor. The program will include
works by Chausson, Tschaikowsky, Mo-
zart, vaughn Williams, and Britten,
and will be open to the general public
without charge.
Rackham Symphony Choir, Maynard
Klein, Conductor, will give a concert
at 8:30 p.m. Tues., May 26, .in the
Rackham Memorial Auditorium in De-
troit, with soloists Norma Heyde, so-
prano, Patricia Ternes, soprano, Arlene
Sollenberger, contralto, and William
DeMaria, bass. It will include works
by Lully, Brahms, Bontock, dePres,
Palestrina, Bach, Host, Rossini and
Moussorgsky. The general public is
Student Recital. Dolores Lowry, so-
prano, will be heard at 8:30 Sunday
evening, May 24, in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall, singing a program in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music. It
will include works by Mozart, Handel,
Debussy, Fourdrain, Verdi, Brahms,
Strauss, Rachmaninoff, Paul Creston,
and Roger Quilter. Miss Lowry is a
pupil of Harold Haugh, and her re-
cital will be open to the general public.
Student Recital. Kathleen Bond, or-
ganist, will present a program of com-
positions by Sweelinck, Bach, Franck,
Vierne, and Reger at 8:30 Monday
evening, May.-2~5, in Hill Auditorium,
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music. Miss Bond is a pupil of Robert
Noehren, and her program will be open
to the public.
Student Recital: Albert Cohrt, vio-
linistwill be heard at 8:30 Tuesday
evening, May 26, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall, playing a program in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music. Miss
Cohrt is majoring in Collective Strings,
and will be accompanied by Nancy
Wright in compositions by Pugnani,
Tartini, Dello Joio, Reigger, and Brahms.
She studies violin with Gilbert Ross,
cello with Oliver Edel. The general
public is invited.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Student Exhibition, College of
Architecture and Design. Open through
Mays31 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on week-
days; from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sundays.
The public is invited.
Events Today
Westminster Guild members and Pres-
byterian students are invited to meet
at the Church at 4 p.m. to go to the
home of Rev. Baker for a picnic supper.
Presbyterian Grads and "older young
people" will join the Young Adult
Group of Methodist Church at 7:30
p.m. to hear Rev. Large speak on "Pro-
testant Denominations-How They Dif-
fer." Meet in Social Room, stay for the
social hour.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
1Club: 6 p.m., Fellowship and Recogni-
tion Dinner. Talk by Dr. H. G. Petering
of Kalamazoo, "The Challenge Christ-
ianity Lays Upon a Scientist."
Graduate Outing Club meets 2 p.m.
at the rear of the Rackham Building.
Cars provided to take members and

friends to the country for hiking and
outdoor games.
Coming Events
Motion Picture. Fourteen-minute film
(silent) "Cecropia Moth," shown Ikon.
through Sat, at 10:30, 12:30, 3 and 4
o'clock, and on Sun., May 31, at 3 and
4 o'clock only, 4th floor, University
Museums Building,
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable..........City Editoy
Cal Samra.........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander.......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus .. Associate City Editor
Harland Britz.........Assoeate Editor
Donna Hendleman......Associate Editor
Ed Whipple... ......... . .Sports Editor
John Jenke. Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell...Associate Sports Edito'
Lorraine Butler........W.Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor-
Don Campbell.......,Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green............Business Manager
Milt Goetz .,,....Advertising Manager.
Diane Johnston. .. .Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin...Circulation Manager







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