FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1953
'53 Senioi
To Presen
,Annual B
T Fational Golf Day To Open
oeaUe So. dM oiit Yearly Tournament
Streamers, Professors' Sketches
To Decorate Bluebook BallTonight
Tniversity tu enTls, moTeurs, r essionas
To Vie Against Julius Boros, {open Charmpion
For the past week, seniors have
"fiendishly" been cooking up dec-
orations for "Abstract Aires," the
83rd Senior Ball which is to be pre-
sented tomorrow night from 9:30
p.m. to 1 a.m. in the League Ball-
0, room.
Marion Charles and Bud Kil-
gore, who are in charge of decora-
tions, have planned the decora-
tions in a completely abstract
HOWEVER, all is not abstract.
A mural, which is to cover one wall
of the ballroom, has conventional
trees and grass in it. This scenery
flat is to act as a background fort
the very modern cutouts which will!
be fastened to it.
Programs will also be in an
abstract mood. They will be
takeoffs on the work of Peip
Mondern, a contemporary art-
ist, who works with areas of
red, blue, yellow and black lines.
Louis Zako, co-chairman of the
dance, says that many local, na-
tional and international figures
A have been invited naming Brandy,
President Eisenhower, Sen. Joseph
McCarthy, Georgi Malenkov and
General Nam Il, of the North
Korean forces.
* * *
ZAKO ALSO said that Brandy
called him and wanted to know if
he should give hir lady friend a
corsage for the dance. Zako told
him "no," because, according to
tradition, women do not receive
corsages this dance.
J The dance is semi-formal,
which will give women an op-
portunity to wear their summer
formals, and men can wear any-
thing from a business suit to a
Paul McDonough's band will
play for the affair and Ed Ravens-
croft, Gulantics 1st prize winner,
will "beat out" a drum solo for
intermission entertainment.
Members. of the Senior Ball
dance committee are Jeanne
Freshour and Louis Zako, general
Tickets may be purchased at the
Administration building from 21
p.m. to 5 p.m. for $2.25.
Musical Society
Gives Program
Honoring Women
Members of Mu Phi Epsilon,
presented their annual musicale
honoring freshmen women recent-
ly at the home of President and
Mrs. Harlan Hatcher.
Participating in the musicale
were Ann Young, '55SM, who gave
a piano solo and Ruth Orr, Grad.
SM, singing soprano solos.
Jane Stolz, '55SM, played the
violin and the program concluded
b with Betty Ellis, '53SM, playing a
piano solo.
Ten freshmen women were re-
cognized for receiving the highest
scholastic averages in their class
in the School of Music.
Included in the group are Jane
Cesler, Janet Dixner, Beverly
Franzblau, Fern Law, Mary Matt-
feld, Betty Jo Richter, Phyllis
Rode, Martha Taugher and Shir-
ley Tews.
Rebecca Badger was awarded
s the Mu Phi Epsilon scholarship
medal for the highest average.
Newly elected as president of
Mu Phi Epsilon is Lucille Stans-
berry, with Jane Stolz as vice-
president. Camilla. Heller is re-
cording secretary and Ellen Sher-
man is the new corresponding sec-
s retary.
Ann Young will serve as treas-
urer, with Ann Pletta and Carol
Leybourne as rushing chairmen.
The list of officers continues
with Betty Ellis and Lenore.
Brooks elected historians; Carol
Van Asselt, alumnae secretary and
Connie Jackson, student council
June Howe was elected chaplain;
Ida Nyberg, warden; Faith Cook,
chorister, and Joyce Roper, pro-
gram chairman.
e ..1 1
Jamming the fairways, Univer-
sity students will comprise only a
small fraction of the populace out
to beat National Open Golf Cham-
2Cham- pion Julius Boros Saturday in the
second annual nationwide Golf
Sponsored by Life magazine and
the Professional Golf Association,
the tourney, commemorating Na -
tional Golf Day, is open to old
aid young alike, in fact to any-
one who pays the $1 entrance fee.
WHILE BOROS has beaten both
the outstanding amateurs and
pros in the field, students still
have a chance to beat the champ
When the golf kingpin plays
on the difficult Oakmont Coun-
try Club Course, in Pittsburgh,
Pa., individual golfers through-
out the country will attempt to
better his score using their han-
-Daily-Betsy Smith.
les and Bud Kilgore are For entrants who do not have
on Senior Ball decorations. handicaps, the Galloway system
will be in effect. Under this plan
9:30 pm. to 1 a.m in the --a person's handicap is 80% of
the difference between his aver-
age scorer and par.
P s
AFTER PLAY is completed on
event would be too difficult to
administer here as most stu-
dents do not have established
However the veteran added that
play will continue on the course
as usual from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday with the customary 75
cent fee prevailing.
* * *
ALSO IN observation of Na-
tional Golf Day Saturday the
Standish Evans house will hold
their own tournament. Residents
of this house will estimate their
own handicap and then those
shooting in the 70's or 80's will
draw for first prize.
The 14 members of this house
literally eat, sleep and breath
golf, as all are attending school
on Standish-Evans Scholar-
ships awarded to outsanding
caddies by the Western Golf As-
sociation and Detroit District
Golf Association.
Probably able to beat any men's
house on campus at the game, the
group includes Bud Stevens, one
of the mainstays of the varsity
team, and Bob McMasters and Ray
Zanarina, freshman team mem-
Oblicious to many spectators,
Mrs. Violet Hanley of the Women's
Physical Education Department,
one of the nation's most outstand-
ing women golfers still heads for
the golf course at every spare mo-
s In recognition of her ability,
Mrs. Hanley was selected manager
of the first women's golf squad,
the Ryder Cup Team, to play in
international competition.
Greeting couples as they enter1
the Union Ballroom for Bluebook
Ball, to be held from 9 p.m. to mid-
night tonight, will be a huge blue-
Placed over the bandstand, the
timely replica will highlight dec-
orations at the semi-annual dance.
. * * *
STREAMERS from the walls
and ceiling, as well as smaller
bluebooks about the room will also
help carry out the theme.
In keeping with the exam week
accent, caricatures of local pro-
fessors have been drawn on
slates about a foot square. These
sketches will line the corridor
leading to the ballroom.
Souvenir programs, in the form
of miniature bluebooks, will be on
hand for all women attending the
* * *
FEATURING THE music of Jim
Gilmartin and his orchestra, the
ball is open to everyone on cam-
pus. Fast becoming a tradition, it
is one of the last social events of
the semester.
Planned to help students
"dance away those bluebook
blues," the semi-annual affair
will help attending students re-
lax during intermission with a
Included in the program will be
vocal and piano varieties by Tom
Leopold. Leopold, who is social
chairman of the Union Executive
Council, will present "Isle of Capri"
and "Frankie and Johnnie."
* * *
LEOPOLD, IN cooperation with
Dick Pinkerton, secretariat-chair-
man of the Union Executive Coun-
cil, will entertain the audience'
with a comedy argument.
The team, which has provided
laughs at several other campus
functions, will also do imperson-
ations of the well-known Ink
Continuing the show, Audrey
McIntyre will do Hawaiian spec-I
ialty numbers.. Dressed in tradi-
tional costume, she will be accom-
panied by the Hawaiian Club.
Miss McIntyre studied in Hawaii
last summer and while there,
learned to do the hula.
Bringing the program to a close,
Al "Wildcat" Wahl will sing novel-
ty numbers, accompanying him-
self on the baritone "uke."
Tickets for the ball, the only
specialty dance &ponsored by the
Union this spring, may be pur-
chased at the door. They will be
sold for $1 per couple.
General chairman of the ball is
Santo Ponticello. In charge of
decoratiogs are Pete Degroot and
Don McNaught. Dick Myers and
Bill Cartwright are handling pro-
Publicity is being handled by
George Fomin of the Union Pub-
licity Committee and John Col-
It. .i1
Friday and Saturday Nites
Broadcasting every Saturday Evening
over WHRV from 10:30 to 11:00
and Guests
W* l* ). 314 E. Liberty St.
Ph. 2-3972
ClUlYou Must Be21
brewing up a gluey concoction to usec
"Abstract Aires" will take place from
League Ballroom.
Merit-Tutorial Committee
Provides Student Service
If Economics 51 or Chemistry
5E is bothering anyone, students
at the Merit-Tutorial desk in the
Under-graduate office of the
Michigan League may be able to
offer study aid.
The Merit-Tutorial Committee
of the Michigan League offers tu-
toring services to both men and
women, and keeps a file of activity
records for every women on cam-
pp.* * *
"BOTHERED" students should
contact the committee and ar-
range a meeting with a tutor in
their field. A tutor can offer help
with individual problems for the
oncoming exams.
Tutors receive $l per hour,
except those who tutor in Phy-
sics or Chemistry, whose fee
is $2.
Requirements for a tutor are a
B average in the tutor's field of
specialization or an A grade in any
other subject.
* * *
is open from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. to
5 p.m. on Tuesday and from 1
p.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday.
With the aid of the dorm
and sorority activity chairmen,
Merit-Tutorial also has an up
to date file of all the extra-cur-
ricular activities in which Uni-
versity women participate.
Filed under the year of gradua-
tion of the women, the list is used
by honor societies seeking women
candidates and consulted when
coeds petition for campus activi-
ties. After graduation the women's
names and activities are sent to
the Bureau of Appointments.
These lists may help the women
on campus in obtaining post-grad-
uate jobs. and furthering her
graduate school activities.
All records of activities are filed
on a cumulative card, and include
such things as campus clubs,:
church guilds, WAA sports clubs,
class projects, music organizations,
and honor societies.j
Iris Jeja has headed the Merit-I
Tutorial Committee this year. She!
has been assisted by Ruth Blight,
Shirley Coy, Vonda Genda, Bar-
bara Palmer and Phyllis Peterson.
Phyllis Peterson will serve as
chairman next year.
the 18 holes, golf courses will re-
cord all results on special score
sheets and send them into the
tournament sponsors.
All golfers who better Boros'
score, which will be announced
between 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Saturday on CBS will receive
gold medals inscribed with "I
Beat Julius Boros" and the date.
Proceeds from the tournament
go to the USO and National Golf
AROUND THE Ann Arbor area,
four of the courses, the Municipal,
Barton Hills. Plymouth and Ann
Arbor Golf and Outing Club ex-
pect large turnouts. However the
Huron Hills Country Club and
University course will not par-
ticipate in the program.
According to the manager of
the U course, Harry Koseberg.
who has been a professional
player for 30 years, the national
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