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May 22, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-05-22

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FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1953

Big Three
NEWS THAT the Western Big Three pow-
ers-Great Britain, the United States
and France-will meet in June has struck a
hopeful note in the muddled situation in
which the Allies now find themselves.
Relations between these three countries
have been increasingly strained during
the past year.Bitter attacks against top
members of Britain's government have
even taken place on Capitol Hill recently,
over problems which may well be resolv-
ed when Eisenhower, Churchill and a new
French Premier confer.
Most important of these problems is a
consideration of what policy the Allies will
take now that the Russians have, on the
surface, released some of the pressure of
the Cold War. This conference may even
pave the way for a Big Four meeting next
fall with Malenkov, but before such a meet-
ing, the Allies should formulate a common
policy on as many points as possible.
Exchange of prisoners in Korea should be
included as a "must" item in the agenda of
the conference, since Britain and France
have often failed to understand America's
opposition to forceable repatriation of Chi-
nese and Korean POW's.
America, in turn, has failed to under-
stand the problem that Europe faces in
being forced into a dollar shortage be-
cause we have refused to trade ot any
large scale with them. Perhaps the Big
Three powers can agree on a more lib-
eral reciprocal trade policy which is neces-
sary if Europe is to maintain some sem-
blance of economic stability. The three
countries might well adopt a compromise
plan under which the United States would
lower its present high tariffs and other
trade barriers if France and Britain would
agree to further the European Defense
Although it is overly optimistic to hope
for complete resolution of all problems be-
tween the Allied powers, the conference it-
self should certainly help to knit the Allies
into the common front that is necessitated
by the Cold War, and to unite all three in
preparation for a fall meeting with Malen-
kov. It is most important, however, that
in the present conference the United States
take the position of a leader of the Allies,
rather than a dictator of them. Only if such
a tone is adopted by Eisenhower can the
United States hope for any agreement be-
tween the Allies.
-Dorothy Myers
'HEPERFORMANCE last night of the
University Choirs was magnificent. It
was a triumph for the performers and their
director, Maynard Klein, and a significant
and excitin gexperience for the audience.
Tennyson has the character Ulysses speak
of all experience as an arch through which
gleams the untraveled world. At risk of
stretching the allusion, each piece performed
last night formed one such arch, each arch
fitting into the next, all with the same beau-
ty of contour. It finally formed an enormous
vault over the listener-and an overwhelm-
ing one.
The first half of the program consisted
of an interesting alternation between. six-
teenth century and twentieth century re-
ligious works. The Renaissance composers
selected were Victoria, Isaac and Wert,
while Kodaly, Poulenc, Bartok, Hindemith

and Stavinsky represented the twentieth
century choral tradition. Particularly well
done were the first and third motements
of Stravinsky's "Symphonie de Psaumes."
This three movement symphony for chor-
us and orchestra Stravinsky has spoken
of as being a demonstration of his use of
the thesis "art for art'i sake." His appli-
cation of this being that one should
learn to love music for itself--to judge
it on a higher plane and realize its in-
trinsie value, not to seek in it any emo-
tions." This is interesting but he seems
to present his -own antithesis and leave
room for dispute when he chose for his
text Psalms 38, 39 and 150 which indeed
encourage an emotional source and re-
sponse in their demands to praise the
Lord and exalt Him.
The choir projected wonderfully the
strength of the first movement as well as
the changing intensities of the last move-
ment. The lack of orchestra was hardly felt
with Mr. Doppmann's effective condensa-
tion to pianistic means of the instrumental
The Mozart "Requiem" occupied the sec-
opld half of the program. Here the four
soloists-Ruth Orr, Mary Roosa, Charles
Green, and Robert Kerns--full choir, Mary
Hatchins, accompanist and Mr. Klein began
a steady crescendo toward perfection from
the start. The beautifully matched ensemble
of the soloists in the "Recordare" movement
and the choir's performance of the "Hostias"
movement was especially indicative of the

Advertising & Sociology

.. oLetterj to Ike &citore.

DURING THE past decade, advertisers
have eagerly dug into the reservoir of
psychological and sociological research in
order to find more effective methods for in-
creasing sales. To meet the demand, some
scientists have become the hirelings of the
merchandising hucksters.
Recently there appeared an article in
The Nation which attempted to explain
the advertisers' interest in social-scien-
tific data. The theory behind this rela-
tively new demand for psychological in-
vestigastion in marketing research is that
by obtaining a better understanding of
human behavior and attitudes, business-
men will be able to launch more effective
advertising campaigns.
Thus, top advertising agencies have in-
vested huge sums in applied research on
the assumption that the social scientist can
provide very useful assistance in devising
and developing sales-promotion techniques.
The Psychological Corporation in New York.
and Social Research, Inc., in Chicago are
two applied social science outfits that have
conducted marketing research in almost
every field of selling and for almost every
type of product.
An example of how psychological and so-
ciological knowledge has been used to in-
crease sales is shown by a campaign to pro-
mote gum-chewing in an Eastern Pennsyl-
vania coal-mining area. The Institute of
Psychoanalysis was consulted, and supplied
three reasons for why people chew gum;
1) for oral comfort 2) for release of ten-
sion 3) to express symbollic hostility and
aggression. The advertising company took
over from there, and worked out a series of
comic-strip ads emphasizing how frustra-
tion and tension can be relieved by chewing
gum. A minimuM of words were used in the
comic strips in order to reach a not too
literate public. The results of the campaign
showed a. marked increase in the sale of
chewing gum~ consequently, the campaign
was expanded to other markets.
Certainly the data supplied by the In-
stitute of Psychoanalysis enabled chewing
gum manufacturers to make higher pro-
fits, but in so doing they helped to shroud
the real cause of the peoples' frustration.
Instead of attacking the problem at the
social or economic level, and thereby at-
tempting to get at the basic causes of
frustration and anxiety in this mining
town, a panacaea-chewing gum-was of-
The above illustration is a typical case of
how mass problems, which can only be rec-
tified by dealing in terms of cause and ef-
fect, are dealt with on the absurd level of
advertising. The obvious results are that
no attemp is made to comprehend and seek
a lasting solution to the adverse situations,

and at the same time. the people are wan-
tonly exploited and duped.
The social scientist's role in so-called
"scientific advertising" is of fundamental
importance, because he is the expert that
supplies the advertisers with experience and
skill in determining human desires, needs
and motivations. Therefore, if some psycho-
logists and sociologists continue to devote
their energies to developing methods for in-
creasing the effectiveness of cigarette ads,
aspirin ads, patent medicine ads, etc., they
are in effect working to manipulate legiti-
mate consumer desires.
Social scientists have, in the past,
shown evidence of being interested in lo-
cating the origins of irrational patterns
of human behavior, and in suggesing
changes that would result in more rational
public behavior and thinking. They have
not divorced themselves from the social
scene, or the problems therein. Yet, each
year moroe psychologists and sociologists
are devoting their energies to collecting
data for marketing research agencies. Why
is this so? Is the academic work of the
universities dull and uninteresting? Or
are the profits which can be made in
marketing research so great as to tempt
many underpaid instructors? Perhaps
these are all influencing factors.
However, a more fundamental reason
might be that the social sciences are not
receiving sufficient funds to do the type of
theoretical work that goes on in universities.
Recently the natural sciences have been re-
ceiving the bulk of most research endow-
ments from foundations, industry, and the
federal government. Only a relatively small
percentage of most major grants are allo-
cated to the social sciences.
Consequently, the social scientist fre-
quently does not have the funds to do ba-
sic research, and turns to high-paid work
in applied fields such as advertising.
Thus, it should be obvious that the social
sciences are confronted with a serious and
urgent problem; finding a solution will not
be easy. Whether the problem can be solved
by giving basic social scientific research
more support is a case for investigation. Yet,
ultimately it will be up to the psychologist
and sociologist to do a little ethical "social
searching." and consider the implications
of doing such applied work. It does not take
a vivid imagination to see that advertising is
only one of the fields which can utilize the
discoveries and applicaitons of the social
scientist to manipulate and mold thought.
Political demagogues might be the next to
seek the services of scientists who could
show them how to persuade, cajole, arouse
and exploit most effectively.
-Eugene Abravanel

From Ed Sullivan
To the Editor:

"Care To Look Over Our Line, Friend?"

YOUR MAY 13th issue isn't a
very pleasant acknowledge-
ment of either the money or1
,hought that was invested in my
selection of your Glee Club as the
first Big Ten representative on the
show. I picked pretty good com-'HTA
pany for them, Rex Harrison and,
Lili Palmer in the first TV appear-
ance of the late G.B. Shaw's ma-
erial, Billy De Wolfe, Ben Hogan,
the Gae Foster Roxyettes, etc.
It has been proved, by audience:
reaction from all over the land
that Glee Clubs, no matter how.
excellent, should do two numbers
in our format. West Point, Prince-
ton, U. of Pennsylvania, Tuskegee,'
Fisk University and other schools.
have scored solidly as a result.
The national reaction to U. of Mi-i, -
chigan was fine except on your ";t ~.
campus, or perhaps within the rL
confines of your office. All of 7 ...,
these other schools winced when I n '
cut them to two numbers, on their'
first date, but each of them learn-
ed we were correct in so limiting
them and are annual visitors to
the program. Notre Dame, I think,
has made three or four visits to
the show and Dan Pedtke, their: "s
director, will tell you that al-I
though he first dissented, he's a
hearty believer now that it's well ity to bring this to Miss Miller's
to leave an audience wanting attention, I am
more. --Arthur Ryan
Michigan did the Victors' Song President,
and their very strong Shad Rack. Delta Kappa Epsilon
The mail from towns and cities * *
throughout the country was splen- ITen Years? .
did. With raves for your soloist
Russ Christopher. To the Editor:
But not only do I believe I know E
a trifle more about show-business TEN CYEARS ago The General
than you guys-I think that 32 Mills Company published an
years as a newspaperman quali- ad with a picture of a German
fies me to suggest that a college radio announcer. The copy un-
newspaper should have called me der the picture read something
for the other side of the story you like this, Tune him in . . . who
have distorted. Failing in that, caresSure it's enemy popag
don't you agree that there existed da. But a free country can take
some sort of ethical compulsion to it in doses as big as they send
send th~e victim a copy of the at- and no harm done. Right beside
tack? Don't you agree that there I us is the antidote . . . the facts."
now exists another compulsion, Yes, ten years ago it was no
that of squaring the damage done crime to express your ideas; it was
to the show and to me with your no crime to read or listen to what'

S -
Je V,
3 "
I Irf

wrong; they are just shown one
side. Have the students and citi-
zens of America deteriorated so
in ten years that they are no long-
er to be allowed to administer the
antidote of facts themselves?
Not only has our right to listen
been taken away but now some
people, very small and ignorant
people, are trying to deprive us
of our right to read "controver-
sial" literature. It's time that this
sort of thing stopped or we shall
soon have a country such as is
described in Huxley's Brave New
World where the people think
only what they are told to think.
Ten years ago it was said, "Sure
it's enemy propaganda. But a free
country can take it in doses as big
as they can send and no harm
done. Right beside us is the anti-
dote . . . the facts." Does ten
years change all that?
-Fred Gannon
* * *

I am a graduating senior (whose
name was among the correctly
spelled on "that important page")
from Bus. Ad. School. I have se-
cured a position with a large firm
in New York City but now I find
out that GM or Paw Paw National
Bank is my fate. What do you sug-
gest I do? Shall Icome' down from
the "plush 9th floor lounge of the
coldly efficient Bus. Ad. building"
without using the elevator or
stairs? It all seems so hopeless
I am a music student, "emanat-
ing nervous tension," whose
friends, unfortunately, are not all
from Music School. Do you think
there is any other way for me to
reach Julliard standards? But my
immediate problem is, tow do I
get to the Betsy Ross Shop?
I am a sophomore who would
like to know how to make the big
switch from Lit School to Bus Ad?
How can I invade the select crowd
that frequent that structure on
the corner of Monroe and Tap-
pan? What can I do with my old
Lit School acquaintances, and must
I forsake my Ed School roommate?
If so, does anyone need an extra
red and white bedspread 84" by
I, dear Ensian editor, am one of
the few who have no problem. I
have decided, rather than grad-
uate with such horrible memories
into an even worse future, I am
leaving. I am going east, so I can
remember my alma mater with a
fond feeling, like the eastern law
All kidding aside, we sincerely
feel that the stupidly sardonic re-
marks accompanying the spreads
on the individual schools and col-
loges, were in extremely poor taste
and not of the caliber that should
be found in a University yearbook,
which is read by so many people
all over the country.
If the purpose of those caustic
comments was to discourage po-
tential students, you might very
well have succeeded. If the purpose
was to make a pleasant remem-
brance for the graduating class,
you failed.
-Eleanor Klein, '53BAd
Gloria Mohnar, '54SM
Roberta Licht, '55LS&A
Marilyn Walsh, '55LS&A
* * *
Another View .. .
To the Editor:
sportswriter Dick Lewis for
his stimulating column of Michi-
gan's perennial 2nd place track
team. He has expressed the senti-
ments of many of us. Here's hop-
ing he keeps writing in the same
honest and candid manner.'
-Bill Gradner
* * *
Critics . .
To the Editor:
R E: May Festival Reviews
"Reviewers are usually people
who would have been poets, his-
torians, biographers, (musicians,)
if they could: they have tried
their talents at one or the other,
and have failed; therefore they
turn critics.'-Samuel Taylor Col-
eridge, Lectures: Shakespeare and
-Elizabeth Andrews
*'* *
Corrections ..
To the Editor:
WITH respect to your article on
offshore oils, Texas was not
admitted to the Union by the
treaty of Guadalup - Hildago.
Moreover, I have yet to hear of
such animals as "presential ap-
probation." "a 228-116," or Senator
"Norse." Incidentally, you might
have taken the extra i'e" out of
preceeded" and reinserted it in the
word "vetos," which appears three
lines above.
e Why not at least try to be ac-
curate now and then, especially

on the front page.
-G. Edgar Gross




why Point Four Deserves
$115 Million

IN ITS TWO years of operation Truman's
Point-Four Program has given aid to 35
ba6kward nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin
This aid consists of teaching-not giving.
Under the present active criticism of
our foreign policy, its inconsistency
and its "protectionist tariffs," any pro-
gram that offers to our allies the oppor-
tunity to help themselves is of vital im-
A program designed to prove to these peo-
ple that they can become financially inde-
pendent and to show them how to achieve
this goal is infinitely valuable. This is es-
pecially true when the areas under consider-
ation are Communist "fringe areas," as are
the large majority of Point Four countries.
Recently a request was placed before Con-
gress to authorize nearly 115 million dollars
for the next fiscal year to continue this pro-
gram. Currently there is some danger that
the present 'economy-minded Congress will
deny, or at least reduce the amount of the
proposed appropriation.
The dangers that would result from this
move are obvious. First, the United States
cannot hope to support a large part of
the world indefinitely. What we can hope
to do, however, is to teach those nations
that have the necessary resources how to
become self-sufficient and independent.
Point Four does this--successfully.
The success of the program can be meas-
ured partially by the actively growing Com-
munist opposition to it. At first merely the
butt of Red ridicule, recent Communist at-
tacks on it have become increasingly more

Communism cannot stand up under the
equality of attitude fostered by such a plan.
Nations that are economically independent
or that have hopes for independence are
less likely to succumb to Communist doc-
trines than those which have no alterna-
tive but to accept that which is extended to
In the presentation of this alternative lies
the real value of the program. Point Four
stresses public health methods, the three
"R's" and ways of increasing food produc-
tion. And when this has been done, people
of the Point Four nations are taught to take
over the activities initiated by the Ameri-
It cannot be denied that Point Four
has made mistakes-many of them. It
has supplied equipment that has proved
useless in view of the fact that the ne-
cessary technical knowledge was lacking.
In providing the unnecessary it has often
overlooked the essentials. But it is still
a young organization and it s learning.
The declared objective of Point Four ac-
cording to Jonathan B. Bingham, Deputy
Administrator of Point Four in the State
Department prior to its transfer to Mutual
Securities Director Harold E. Stassen is "to
work ourselves out of a job."
While there is even the most remote pos-
sibility that this objective can be reached,
the Administration, which has placed so
much stress on economy, cannot afford to
reduce even slightly the amount of money
to be allotted to Point Four.
-Fran Sheldon

campus circulation?
You might point out, f'rinstance,
that I've made a deliberate effort
to incorporate colleges and uni-
versity groups in the program, for
the past five years. This fall I'm
adding Georgia Tech, to represent
the south, and I'm now working
on a Coast university to give that
area representation. Georgia Tech
will do two numbers or a medley
within the same time limits. Other
top TV shows haven't shown an
equal eagerness to spend money
along these lines but I always have
felt that whatever support we can
extend is well worthwhile, al-
though glee clubs are difficult to
photograph excitingly.
I thoroughly understand your.
loyalty to any group representing
University of Michigan. But I do
feel strongly that the treatment!
handed our show wasn't justified
and I amdhopeful that you will be
so persuaded.
-Ed Sullivan
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Sullivan is
referring to the half page advertis-
ment which appeared in the May 13
issue of The Daily. It should be noted
that the intentions of the Glee Club
were purely along promotional lines.
The advertisement was placed as an
encouragement to the students to
attend the Spring concert of the Glee
club and not, as Mr. Sullivan infers,
an attack directed at "Toast of The
Town" or him personally.)
* * *
Deeke Pinning . .
To The Editor:
AFTER MUCH hesitancy, the
brothers of Delta Kappa Ep-
silon have requested me to write
concerning Miss Miller's interest-
ing article describing the activities
of various and sundry fraternities
on campus in regards to pinning.
Through some oversight or misun-
derstanding, our fraternity was
unmentioned. We feel that our
actions are worth a comment and
more than passing notice.
When a brother is pinned in the
"Deke" house, or anywhere else.
the Dekes notify the happy girl by
Western Union telegraph, suggest-
ing a suitable night for the
assignation. On the then ap-
pointed night, the brothers march
lock-step to the residence, singing
that rousing "Deke Marching
Song." At the door, we announce
ourselves with a friendly "Dekes
On The Rooftops" and await the
appearance of the annointed. We
burn no crosses, nor any other
gaudy symbol, for ours is a somber
ritual, as former audiences will 'at-
tent. When the lady in question
appears, we sing softly "I Can
Tell", an old DKE love song, to
acknowledge her arrival. As
president, it is then my duty to
step forward and welcome her
Into the brotherhood with a
friendly handshake and short

you wished. We had at least thisI
much freedom ten years ago, but'
do the people of Ann Arbor and
the students of our great univer-
sity realize what has happened
sincethen? Firstathat institution
of free learning and open minds,
The University of Michigan,* has
denied its students the right toI
hear "controversial" men speak.
The people of Ann Arbor and the
students of Michigan are no long-
er allowed to hear both sides of
the story. They are no longer al-
lowed to choose between right and


'Ens ian . .
To the Editor:
WE HAVE just read our 1953
Ensian and with trembling
hands we write you, hoping that
you can tell us the names of those
who prescribed our horrible fates
in that "brown and green" mon-
ster, so we can ask their advice
concerning our "inevitable" fu-




(Continued from page 2)
of the Land and Freshwater Mollusk
Fauna of the Bahamas, with a List of
the Species Occurring on Cat and Lit-
tle San Salvador Islands," Fri., May
22, 2089 Natural Science Building, at 1
p.m. Chairman, F. E. Eggleton.
Doctoral Examination for Guilford
Lawson Spencer. II, Mathematics: the-
sis: "The Compressible Flow about a
Pointed Body of Revolution of Curved
Profile with Attached Shock Wave,"
Fri., May 22, West Council Room, Rack-
ham Building, at 2 p.m. Chairman, C.
L. Doiph. '
Doctoral Examination for John Bil-
heimer Cornell, Anthropology; thesis:
"Matsunagi: The Life and Social Organ-
ization of a Japanese Mountain Commu-
nity," Fri., May 22, 3024 Museums Build-
ing, at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, R. K.
Doctoral Examination for Leon Abra-
ham Hargreaves, Jr., Forestry; thesis:
"The Georgia Forestry Commission-Ob-
jectives, Organization, Policies, and Pro-
cedures," Fri., May 22, 2045 Natural Sci-
ence Building, at 8. a.m. Chairman, S.
W. Allen.
Doctoral Examination for Homer D.
Swander English: thesis: "The Design
of Cymbeline," Fri., May 22,,414 Mason
Hail, at 8:i5 pin. Chairman, John Ar-
Doctoral Examination for Sanford
Marion Helm, Musicology; thesis: "Carl
Friedrich Abel, Symphonist: A Bio-
graphical, Stylistic, and Bibliographi-
cal Study," Sat., May 23, East Council
Room, Rackham Building, at 10 a.m.
Chairman, Hans David.
Doctoral Examination for Dale Maur-
ice Riepe, Philosophy; thesis: "Early
Indian Philosophical Naturalism," Sat.,
May 23, 2208 Angell Hall, at 10 a.m.
Chairman, William Frankena.
Doctoral Examination for Leo Thomas
Hendrick, English Language and Lit-
erature; thesis: "Henry James: The
Late and Early Styles," Sat., May 23,
East Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing, at 2 p.m. Chairman, J. L. Davis'
Doctoral Examination for Lloyd Big-
gle, Jr., Musicology; thesis: "The
Masses of Antoine Brumel," Sat., May
23, West Council Room, Rackhamn
Building, at 4 pi. Chairman, Louise
E. Cuyler.-

Begian, Conductor, Hillsdale High
School Orchestra, Robert Lint, Con-
ductor, and Lincoln High School Or-
chestra, Ferndale, Mildred Bachell ,
Conductor. The program will include
works by Chausson, Tschaikowsky, Mo-
zart, Vaughan Williams, and Britten,
and will be open to the general public
without charge.
Student Recital. Dolores Lowry, so-
prano, will be heard at 8:30 Sunday
evening, May 24, in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall, singing a program in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music. It
will include works by Mozart, Handel,
Debussy, Foudrain, Verdi, Brahms,
Strauss, Rachmaninoff, Paul Creston,
and Roger Quilter. Miss Lowry is a
pupil of Harold Haugh, and her re-
cital will be open to the general public.
Student Recital. Kathleen Bond, or-
ganist, will present a program of com-
positions by Sweelinck, Bach, Franck,
Vierne, and Reger, at 8:30 Monday
evening, May 25, in Hill Auditorium,
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music. Miss Bond is a pupil of Robert
Noehren, and her program will be open
to the public.'
Events Today
Sociedad Hispanica. Annual picnic at
Fresh Air Camp. We meet at flagpole
at 5:30 p.m. and go by car. Arroz con
pollo and salad will be the menu. En-
tertainment and dancing. All welcome.
Tickets being sold in R.L. Building
until noon Friday.
Great Books Seminar sponsored by
the graduate group of the First Pres-
byterian Church meets this evening at
8 p.m. at the Student Center. Shirley
McCormick will review "The Big
Change." Social hour.
Pi Sigma Alpha. New members may
pick up their certificates and keys
today from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. and to-
morrow from 8 until noon from Miss
Gieske in the Political Science Office
4601 Mason Hall.
Wesley Foundation. Senior Banquet
6:15 p.m., Social Hall of the Methodist
Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer-
sity Museums, "Glacier Park Studies'
(color) and "Highland Holiday" (color)
7:30 p.m. Kellogg Auditorium. No ad.






Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under them
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawtord Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Counable............City Editor
Cal Samra. ...........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander........Feature Editor
Sid Klaus. ......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz. .......Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman......Associate Editor
Ed Whipple.............. Sports Editor
John Jenke......Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell...Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler . Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell. Chief Photographer

A rchitectlure A uditoriumn
ter Pidgeon and Roddy MacDowell
1HE REMEMBRANCES of an old man,
packing up to leave the Welsh valley
where he was born, are the materials of this
picture. The verisimilitude thus obtained has
its good and bad points: tenderness and clar-
ity of detail are mixed with a tendency to

boy gets his feet badly frozen, Pidgeon brings
his Treasure Island and the will to walk
again. Not so convincing is the preacher's
embattled attitude against his bleak, hell-
fire-conscious congregation. One is never.
sure whether he is to be taken as the prophet
of a new era or simply as the scourge of his
several holier-than-thou parishioners. He is
made to stand for all kinds of vaguely relig-
ious virtue, and consequently often seems

Business Staff
Al Green. ..........Business Manager
Milt Goetz.......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.


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