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March 24, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-24

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T UL SDAY ) MA; vCil 24, 1953

U __________________________________ I ____________________________________________________ I

Korean War Approaches

IT TOOK A "Britisher, Anthony Eden, to
tell the American public that there is no
immediate way out of the "partial war" in
As it becomes more and morerapparent
that Ike's abortive campaign promise to
"bring the war to a quick and honorable
close" was an empty pledge, it also be-
comes more imperative to examine the
several approaches to an eventual, long
range solution to the Korean war.
Briefly, there have been four approaches
advanced. They are: an all-out offensive to
the Yalu, aid to Chiang Kai-shek for peri-
odic raids on the Chinese mainland, a China
blockade, and a large-scale buildup of ROK
troops for the eventual replacement of Am-
erican troops in the front lines.
The proposal for a drive to the Yalu,
championed by Gen. Van Fleet, is at best a
military risk. There is absolutely no as-
surance that such a drive would be a mili-
tary success. Eisenhower has made it clear
that there will not be the extended draft or
stricter rotation system which Van Fleet
has asked for to carry out such an offensive.
Moreover, even if the UN army were
strengthened by these measures, there
are at least one million Chinese firmly
entrenched between UN lines, and the
Yalu. It is highly doubtful that a big
push now will drive the strong Communi-
ist forces from Korea.
With such a risk involved, it would be
entirely unwarranted to sacrifice 40,000 lives
-the estimated loss in such a drive.
The "help the cause with Chiang" ap-
proach is equally insufficient. For the past
year and a half, the former Chinese dicta-
tor has directed abortive air and commando
attacks on the Chinese mainland, yet failing
to divert Chinese forces from Korea. Beyond
this, Chiang might embroil the United
States in an all-out war with China. And
one war is never stopped by spreading it.
A blockade of China also portends risks.
In international law, a blockade during]
peacetime is tantamount to a declaration
of war. If the United States did throw a
naval blockade around China, Mao Tse-
Tung would be legally justified in pioclaim-
ing a state of war with the United States,
and by terms of Red China's 1950 pact with
Russia, in enlisting Russian aid to defend
the mainland.
In addition, a plan for successful block-
ade is based on the assumption that Chi-
na receives most of her vital goods frond

the West. While this might have been the
case a few years ago, the Western em-
bargo on strategic materials to Red China
now renders this assumption obsolete. At
the present time, China receives a large
percentage of her materials from Russia
via the Sino-Russian railroad network.
Obviously, a naval blockade would be
useless in stopping this inland trade.
Where China depends heavily on North-
South coastal trade, nothing short of com-
plete mobilization of the U.S. fleet could
halt this flow of goods.
Throwing out the above approaches, we
are left with Eisenhower's original plan of
letting "Asians fight Asians." Notwith-
standing the distasteful tone of this bit of
campaign oratory, the actual policy behind
the slogan appears to be the most tenable
both politically and militarily.
Many expes hold the view that the Rus-
sians and Chinese have offered no accept-
able solution because the Korean War's
continuation is of military advantage to
them. This becomes higPly plausible when
one realizes that the Russians themselves
are not losing men while UN military
strength is slowly being depleted.
A gradual (withdrawal of American
troops would not only mean an end to
such a lopsided affair, but would enable
the U.S. to maintain stronger land estab-
lishments along the Pacific perimeter.
In addition, the cold war, at this stage.
is largely being conducted with propaganda
jabs. The "defeat the Western imperial-
ists" Chinese propaganda approach would
be rendered, almost meaningless if there
were no Westerners directly involved in the
Korean war.
Presumably, then, the Chinese would be
more prone to call a truce in the future if
the Korean -war ceases to serve its appar-
ently dual purpose of propaganda and sap-
ping American military strength.
However, such an approach would, by
necessity, entail a long-range program. It
is estimated that it will take at least two
years of concentrated American aid to
train and equip ROK forces to the point
where they will be able to carry on the
war alone.
Because this last long-range policy carries
with it a minimum risk and a .maximum
chance for peace, it appears to be the most
plausible and positive approach to the Ko-
rean war within political reality.
-Alice Bogdonoff

Art's Festival
THIS WEEKEND the Student Art's Fes-
tival celebrates the fifth anniversary of
the Inter Arts Union. Only a few years have
passed since a handful of energetic artists
first assembled to try and remedy Ann Ar-
bor's lack of student artistic outlet, but in
this short time great strides have been tak-
en in bringing the problem towards solution.
At the time of the first Student Art's
Festival, the young creative artist faced a
barrier of administrative apathy in the
University, a want of organization where-
by creators in the various fields could meet
and pool their arts, and, most important,
a deficiency in audience reaction and
public opinion, which provides a critical
function necessary to the growth of every
young artist.
Now five years later the results of the
group's hard work is everywhere about us.
There exists an organization to facilitate
student art. The creative vyriter, previously
receiving criticism only in classes, today can
see his work published in Generation.
Through both the group's efforts and the
composition department of the music
school, the composer hears his music at a
concert. The painter and sculptor exhibit
their wares not just to classmates, but to
the campus as a whole in the Alumni Hall.
The initial nucleus of the Art's Theatre
was recruited from the Inter Arts Union.
and the anual Festivals have performed
student dramatic efforts. A great deal of
the recent revival by other campus organ-
izations in producing student plays can be
attributed to the group's prodding. The
dancer also has been benefited, and only
the overwhelming irresponsibility of the
university towards this art has prevented its
further exploitation.
Not limiting itself to student art, the
IAU's auspices have fayored local pros-
ceniums with performances by the New
Dance Group, Jose Limon, and with the
production of many plays including T.S.
Elliot's "Murder in the Cathedral" and
Christopher Fry's "Phoenix too Frequent."
During these early years the group was
perpetuated by a doubleincentive, enthu-
siasm from the artist and the audience. The
enthusiasm of'the artist still remains. But
we, the audience, can easily lapse into com-
placency, the death blow to such an organi-
Five years ago we supported the group be-
cause we too felt the need for contemporary
artistic enterprise. Today the Art's The-
atre, Generation, music school composer's
forums, and the production of student plays
by the speech department have partially
satisfied this need. But there is much work
yet to be done, as shown by this year's Fes
tival which will see poets reading their ver-
ses, the production of a student opera, per-
formances by the dance clubs, and a student
play. As in the past there is an art exhi-
bition. ,
These things, however, cannot be taken
for granted. If there is no one to watch a
dance, hear an opera, see a play, there is
no reason for the presentation in the first
place. For the artist to reach maturity he
demands an audience, and a critical one.
No one knows his shortcomings better than
the artist; he makes no claim to perfection.
He has a claim, a right, to reaction.
The responsibility of the community is
far greater at the youthful level than at
the established, museumized level of, say
Hill Auditorium. History lives through
art; it is dead on the dusty bookshelf. If
we had to choose between the legacies of
Napoleon and Beethoven, it is not diffi-
cult to see that the choice would be the
latter, though the necessity of any choice

would be unfortunate. And if there is no
audience for new creative art, the very
conception of such a choice would be ne-
Those works to be presented at the Stu-
dent Art's Festival are good. The creators
are sincere; their works promise enjoyment
not only on the artistic plane, but also the
excitement that can only be generated by
works just born. They merit attention. And
a word to those attending the festival. The
performers and creators would like nothing
better than meeting you after the perform-
ance and receiving your criticisms both fa-
vorable and unfavorable.
-Donald Harris

"Care To Cheek On Some Other Gold Bricks?"
tette~~4 TO TEDIO
' lop
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

WASHINGTON-Around the State Department, Charles E. Bohlen
is currently called "Jenkins' Ear." It may seem an odd name for
President Eisenhower's recently nominated Amnbassador to Moscow,
but the historical allusion is apt all the same.
Jenkins was the British sea captain whose pickled ear brought
on a war between England and Spain. The international situation
was pretty tense anyway when the Spanish government, having
captured Jenkins and his ship, cropped his ear as punishment for
alleged free-booting in Spanish waters. Jenkins saved the ear,
salted it and brought it back to London where it was shown in
the House of Commons as evidence of the evil deeds of Spain.
Sir Robert Walpole, the first Prime Minister of England, did not
give a snap of his fingers for Jenkins, and did not want a war. But
the ear and the outcry it provoked were too strong for the peace-
loving Walpole. War with Spain had to be declared rather shortly.
Change the names around, giving Bohlen the role of the salted
ear; and you have approximately the story of the relations between
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy and the Eisenhower administration. The
nomination of Bohlen as Ambassador to Moscow has transformed what
was always a tense situation into a situation of open war.
In certain pompous quarters, previous reports of possible
trouble between the Eisenhower administration and Sen. Mc-
Carthy have been ignorantly dismissed as mere trouble-making.
But as these words are written, Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles has accused Sen. McCarthy's particular friend and ally,
Sen. Pat McCarran, of indulging in untruth. Sen. McCarthy has
countered by calling Secretary Dulles a liar, almost in so many
words. This is war, and no mistake about it.
It is a war that Secretary Dulles and President Eisenhower went
to great and perhaps unwise lengths to avoid. When Sen. McCarthy
renewed his attack on the State Department immediately after the
inauguration, he was not brusquely reminded, as he might have been,
that his own party was now running the State Department. Instead,
the department, urged on by the White House, made a series of
considerable concessions to McCarthy.
One of the most important of these concessions was the appoint-
ment of R. W. Scott McLeod as State Department Security Officer.
McLeod is an ex-FBI operative who has served more recently on the
staff of another McCarthy ally, Sen. Styles Bridges. The appointment
of McLeod was one item in a sort of concordat that Vice President
Richard Nixon attempted to arrange between McCarthy and the ad-
ministration. (Besides other quiet, useful work, the Vice President
has been making a particular effort to keep the Congressional inquisi-
tors in order.
In this situation, Secretary Dulles decided to send Bohlen's
name to the Senate. The decision was warmly approved by Presi-
dent Eisenhower, who is an old friend and golf-partner of the
State Department Russian expert. When told of this decision,
Bohlen warned the Secretary that some Senators would undoubt-
edly object to his role at the Yalta Conference. Bohlen added
that he could not,'in honor, do anything but tell the truth about
Yalta as he saw it.
Thus Dulles had plain warning of the first hurdle-the sharp in-
terrogation of Bohlen by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
The hurdle had already been got over, when McCarthy seized upon
the Bohlen nomination as the opportunity for a final showdown with
the State Department.



i w m a n u



A SEMI-FORMAL atmosphere of check-
ered tablecloths and beer pervaded the
hallowed confines of Hill Auditorium last
evening as Arthur Fiedler conducted the
Boston Pops Tour Orchestra through as
variegated a program as one could imagine
by such a combination. Refinement and sub-
tlety have never been their forte, but cer-
tainly the maximum amount of noise ema-
nated from a minimum number of musicians
(75, to be exact).
Of primary interest to me, who had
never seen the Boston Pops Orchestra in
person before, was the question of whether
it actually sounded the same as it does on
recordings and broadcasts, and if so, could
this sound be conveyed by the "Tour" Or-
chestra, which is obviously a trunjated
version of the original. Naturally this
problem is too large to solve at face value
on first exposure, but I have a few ink-
lings. The Boston Pops Tour Orchestra
does, once in a while, achieve that char-
acteristic sound peculiar to and identifiable
with the Boston Pops Orchestra as heard
on recordings and broadcasts. So far as I
can determine, however, the reasons it
does not sound the same all the time are
two: (1) the Tour Orchestra is smaller,
and (2) I suspect that the Boston Pops
Orchestra, as well as others of its ilk,
have become as dependent upon the mar-
vels of electronic amplification for dynamic
effect as have most of the modern crooners.
The program was divided into three portions.
The first consisted of Berlioz' Rakoczy
March, the Overture to "Mignon," by Thom-
as, some waltzes from "Der Rosenkavalier,"
and the. "Espana" Rhapsody by Chabrier.
They all received the usual zesty treatment
which has come to be expected of there play-
ers. A few clues to the mystery of the Bos-
ton Pops "sound" were contained in their
arrangement of the set of waltzes usually ex-
tracted from Richard Strauss' opera "Der
Rosenkavalier." These clues consisted main-
ly of doublings in the instruments of higher
frequencies, such as triangle, bells, piccolo,
etc., and emphasis of the lower bass parts.
These effects are partly responsible for the
brilliance and boom that result. One is led
to wonder whether such doublings are not
also arbitrarily added to the scores of works
composed specifically for this medium.
The middle portion of the program was
comprised of three more lengthy works;
Tchaikovsky's "Italian Caprice." Ravel's
"Bolero,"' and the "Hungarian Fantasy" for
Piano and Orchestra, which Liszt arranged
from his "First Hungarian Rhapsody."
Hilde comer gave the piano solo terrific pow-

work requires. A slower tempo was often
adopted to accomplish the more difficult
passages, and some rather wild gesticulations
of the arms resulted in erratic rhythmic pat-
terns simply because the hands could not be
returned to the keyboard fast enough. The
orchestral playing of this entire part of the
program seemed listless (no pun intended),
as if the members bf the orchestra were tired
of playing these pieces. The Tchaikovsky
fared rather well in spite of this, and
emerged as the most substantial music-mak-
ing of the evening.
After the second intermission the mood
brightened up considerably, and an or-
chestral ragout of popular songs arranged
by Mason caused considerable audience
response during its playing, especially
with "Alexander's Ragtime Band." The
inevitable "Fiddle Faddle" served as tran-
sition to two 'martial equines' of the first
water; the "Fast Track" Polka by Eduard
Strauss and the Ride of the Valkyries
from Wagner's "Die Walkure." Amazing-
ly enough, they had saved some reserve
power for this last, which was overwhelm-
ing for sheer intensity of sound. As I left,
the audience was applauding-a trombonist
for his skill in announcing encores with
flash cards.
Needless to say, none of the performances
could be desribed as definitive. I only regret
that I haven't met this organization in its
natural habitat, complete with aforemen-
tioned atmospheric accoutrements. But even
through last night's concert was not a deep
musical experience, I must admit it was
-Tom Reed

Al, Bill &Crl .
To the Editor:
AM CARL. The same Carl that
J. Fred Lawton referred to in
his contribution to last Sunday's
editorial page. But you wouldn't
know me now.
I'll start from the beginning.
Two days after Mr. Lawton's visit
to my engineering office Al left
my employ. It seemed that he had
won a Nobel Prize and took up the
offer of a research position at
Princeton. Bill, whom you may
also remember, left soon after-
wards, having secured a govern-
ment position as engineering con-:
sultant to the AEC.
Very soon afterward I was faced
with a problem which required
their aid. But they were no long-
er there to come when I pushed
the familiar buzzer. The problem
remained unsolved, my business
failed, and the bank from which I
had just secured a $100,000 loan
took it over.
I am in Ann Arbor now, writing
this from the kitchen of my old
fraternity, which was kind enough
to give me a job washing dishes.
* * *
The JCP .,.
To the Editor:
BECAUSE The Daily does not
offer a review of the Junior
Girl's Play, I feel it my duty to
inform the public of its worth
this year.has well as stating a few
of my own sentiments about the
nature of its acceptance . . . in
relation to another musical, Un-
ion Opera.
First a quick review. Being a;
bit more than mildly interested in
musical comedy, I have taken it
about my wallet to see as many
Broadway musicals as I could af-
ford in New York and sometimes
Detroit, and may I most truth-
fully say that some of the num-
bers in J.G.P. were equally as
good, if not better than many top
Broadway shows. When one con-
considers that the talent is drawn
entirely from junior women who
came to the University primarily
for an education, it becomes an
amazement that they can be as
polished and professional looking
as they were Thursday night at
Senior Night. The music is the
kind everyone walks out of the
theater singing; the plot is no
triter than most legitimate shows;
and the dancing and solo singers
were so good that I didn't have to
make one caustic remark.
I walked out of J.G.P., however,
a little angry, and that was be-
cause I began to realize that it
doesn't get enough credit. I un-
derstand that Union, Opera has
a Broadway director come from
New York or someplace such and
throw the almost budgetless pro-
duction together. Granted it is al-
ways entertaining to see men
dressed as women trying to look
like men dressed like women, and
granted women dressed as men
aren't usually as funny, but might
I add that the women aren't try-.
(Continued from Page 2)
Roger Williams Guild. Yoke Fellow-
ship meets at 7 am. Trhurs., morning
in the Prayer Room of the First Bap-
tist Church, followed 'by breakfast to-
gether in the Guild House. We are

ing to get the kind of laughs that
Union Opera gets. I am not trying
to belittle Union Opera because I
enjoy seeing it; however, I am
trying to raise the Junior Girls'
Play to an equal footing with Un-
ion Opera. Last night J.G.P. was
as good as any of the five Union
Opera's I've seen.
Sue Shafter as the director de-
serves the highest of praise as
does Sue Nassett as dance direc-
tor. In fact, everyone connected
with this year's Junior Girls' Play
merits about the highest of accla-
-Ann Lewis, '53
* -OG * .*
G. B. Shaw. .
To the Editor:
W ELL, I never thought of label-
ing myself as one of "Shaw's
followers" (Shaw would writhe at
such a phrase), but Mr. Huebler's
letter of March 19 regarding a
movie review, Christianity, and
love, did it.
Far from being unable to inter-
pret Christianity validly because
he was not a Christian (to inter-
pret Mr. Huebler's lovers' anal-
ogy), Shaw's views of this religion
have augmented validity to many
who value the scope of unfettered
mind he has leveled on the sub-
As Shaw said, Mr. Huebler, "We
used to be told that the people
that walked in darkness have seen
a great light. When our people see
the heavens blazing with suns,
they simply keep their eyes shut,
and walk on in darkness until
they have led us into the pit."
-G. T. Shea
Rent Hike . ..
To the Editor:
EXTRAaT FROM the minutes
of a recent Kelsey House
Council meeting:... "The Univer-
sity officials refused to divulge
information on the room rent in-
crease. It was their contention
that this was administrative busi-
ness and did not concern the stu-
-Neil Letts
Alan Rice
i *
On M~JcCarthy .. *
To the Editor:
MUST point out, that in addi-
tion to being "smeared" by
Communists, Mr. McCarthy has
been severly criticized by all the
leading liberals of this country,
those who believe in the basic
American principle of the integ-
rity of the individual. It is true
that the Communists would love to
lower the boom on the senator, it
is obvious that their purposes are
different from those who cringe
at the flagrant misuse of power
which disregards the traditional
philosophy of democracy. I do not
want Communists infiltrating the
mechanism of our government and
they must be rooted out, but I am
just as much opposed to disgrace-
ful accusations of those whose pol-
icies differ from the Accuser as I
am to the Communist menace it-
self. Under the pretense of fighting
Communist activities, Mr. McCar-
thy has repeatedly undermined the
principles of democracy that he
professes to uphold. Mr. Don Con-
verse, in his half hearted attempt
to defend the Accuser, shows that
he has learned very well the les-
sons on how to identify every op-
position with "Communists."
We want a continuation and ex-
tension of American principles
where a m'an can oppose his gov-
ernment without fear of being in-
timidated, even if his views on a




McCarthy's pretext is that Boh-
len's file contains material that
caused the new State Department
Security Officer, McLeod, to re-
fuse clearance. McCarthy has im-
plied that he has heard this story
from McLeod himself. This seems
to mean that McLeod, whose ap-
pointment was supposed to be a
peace-preserving act, has already
been grossly disloyal to Secretary
The case also raises, in acute
form, at least two major issues.
It is understood on the highest
authority that the most impor-
tant evidence allegedly damag-
ing to Bohlen takes the form of
anonymous letters. One ques-
tion, therefore, is whether the
poison pen is to reign supreme
among us, with Sen. McCarthy
in the role of kingmaker. The
other question, of course, is
whether President Eisenhower
is to be master in his own house,
or must yield to the McCarthy-
ite Republican wing.
"Target for tonight, John Fos-
ter Dulles; target for tomorroww,
Dwight D. Eisenhower," is the way
one shrewd Capitol Hill observer
has summed up the McCarthy op-
erational plan. Dulles has been
driven to fight back already. The
signs are that the President is
getting ready to fight back too.
(Copyright, 1953, N.Y. Her. Trib., Inc.)
The (Congressional) investiga-
tions may "drive a few genuine
Communists out of their jobs--
and, unless they are scrupulously
careful, a few innocents as well.
But they can hardly change -he
pattern of American education,
except to make it more cautious.
-The Manchester Guardian


tP~t.Mn IL

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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Crawford Young .....Managing Editor
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Cal Samra........... Editorial Director
Zander Hollander .....Feature Editor
Sid Klaus.......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple....... .....Sports Editor
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Subscription during regular school
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Washington MerryGo-Round

WASHINGTON -- President Eisenhower
solemnly promised Anthony Eden be-
fore he departed that the U.S. would con-
sult Britain In advance before ordering any
atom-bomb attacks from British bases. One
of Eden's main purposes in visiting the White
House was to get this assurance. ... Prime
Minister Churchill instructed Eden to dis-
cuss this because he was afraid that, in
event of a sudden Russian attack, American
atomic bombers would take off for Moscow
without informing him. . . . Eisenhower as-

Mich., lost out in the bidding for an Air
Force contract and went crying to their
congressman, Clare Hoffman of Michigan.
The congressman promptly ordered his
House investigating committee to in-
vestigate the air force for refusing to
award the contract to his constituents.
The Chief of Air Force procurement, Brig.
Gen. Walter Bain, was hauled behind closed
doors to explain. He pointed out that the
contract was for $3,500,000, yet the Fon-
tana brothers had made only $156 profit

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