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March 24, 1953 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-24

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________________________________________________________________________________________________ I -I

Michigan Golf Squad Hopes
To Repeat Championship

Johnson Named'
Most Valuable

M' Baseball Hopes Rest on Big Three'

Gaining momentum as the sea-
son progressed, last year's version
of Bert Katzenmeyer's linksters
finished with a 9-5 record and the
Big Ten Championship.
Na Rookies
,Whitew ash,
"Yanks, 9-0O
By the Associated Press
ington Senators overwhelmed the
New York Yankees, 9-0, yesterday
-'as Al Sima and Sonny Dixon, a
pair of rookie pitchers, combined
for a six-hitter.
The Senators specialized in
long-ball hitting, six of their eight
isafeties going for extra bases.
The Yankees failed to move a
runner past second base. Sima
gave up four hits in six innings
and Dixon allowed just two hits
in the final three.
BRADENTON, Fla.-The Phil-
adelphia Phillies hit three hom-
ers to wallop the Milwaukee
Braves, 11-5, yesterday and gave
star pitcher Robin Roberts in-
other spring training victory.
Roberts gave up only three hits,
and no runs, before retiring in
favor of pinch hitter Bill Nichol-
son in the eighth.
* * *
LAKELAND, Fla.-The weath-
erman intervened yesterday to pre-
serve the Detroit Tigers' winning
' streak against National League op-
position as he washed out their
exhibition game with the St. Louis
"Cardinals while the Tigers trailed
3-1 in the last of the fifth.
MIAMI, Fla.-The Brooklyn
4. Dodgers concluded their spring
campaign here yesterday with Carl
Erskine shutting out the Phila-
delphia A's, 8-0. It was Brooklyn's
eighth victory in 10 games at
* * .
GLENDALE, Calif.-Home runs
by Carl Sawatski and Paul
Schramka spiced a 10-hit, 9-6 vic-
tory for the Chicago Cubs over
Portland of the Pacific Coast
t League yesterday.
The Cubs had a 4-0 lead after
the first half of the second inn-
ing, but the Beavers scored all
their runs in the bottom half of
that frame.:

Except for one disastrous after-
noon here in .Ann Arbor when the
Maize and Blue wound up in third
place behind Purdue and Ohio
State in a quadrangular meet with
Northwestern, the Wolverine golf-
ers won every meet after they re-
turned from their annual spring
jaunt through the South.
* * .*
THE LINKSMEN, who don't get
too much practice before the
spring recess due to our usually
damp Ann Arbor weather, head
south each spring vacation to get
some steady golfing and to meet
some southern competition.
Last year the Michigan aggre-
gation fell before the well-sea-
soned squads of Wake Forest,
North Carolina, and Duke. How-
ever, upon returning to Michi-
gan and northern competition,
Katzenmeyer's crew showed the
form that later was to pave the
way to the conference crown.
Five straight victories were
quickly racked up over Purdue,
Ohio State, University of De-
troit, Illinois, and Michigan State
before the linksters were finally
toppled by the Buckeyes and Boil-
ermakers the second time around.
* * *
PACED BY Dean Lind, John
Frazer, Dick Evans, who have since
graduated, Russ Johnson, sensa-
tional sophomore prospect who has
entered the army, and returning
lettermen Lowell LeClaire and
Hugh Wright, the golfers bounced
back and soundly defeated U. of
D., 20%-6%, Albion, 17%-%, and
Michigan State, 16-2, before go-
ing to Champaign to annex the
Big Ten Championship.
Johnson, who expects to re-
turn to the Michigan links squad,
after a two year hitch with Un-
cle Sam, really came into his
own at the close of lastnseason
by finishing in second place, only
a stroke behind the leader, in
the individual race at the league
tourney at Champaign.
The loss of the nucleus of his
squad will definitely add to the
worries of Katzenmeyer, but with
many hopeful linksmen moving up
from the freshman' ranks, along
with the return to action of Jack
Stumpfig, a letter-winner from two
years back, the Maize and Blue
mentor will undoubtedly come up
with a combination that should
provide Michigan with a winning,
if not a championship golf squad.
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Daily Classifieds


* * *

... dons new uniform
Garner Two
Michigan swimmers swept two
National Junior AAU titles last
weekend, competing against some
of the nation's best young swim-
mers in4 the Indianapolis Athletic
Club pool.
Sensational freshman Jack
Wardrop sped to victory in the
150-yard individual medley, mov-
ing the distance in the remarkable
time of 1:30.9. This time is only
one and one tenth of a second
off of Bumpy Jones' national col-
legiate record. Jack's brother,
Bert Wardrop, was an easy second,
coasting in with a time of 1:35.0.
ALSO GRABBING a title was
diver Jim Walters, who easily took
the three meter board event, pil-
ing up 205 points. Walters, only a
sophomoreand Michigan's ace div-
er, was pressed by two of his
teammates for the title, freshman
Chris Keller who took third, and
Bud Hurd, who finished fourth.
The Indianapolis meet featur-
ed only two National Junior AAU
events, for the junior meet is
spread out for several weeks,
the events being held at differ-
ent places. These Indianasolis
events were held in conjuncfion
with the Midwest AAU meet, in
which Michigan had no swim-
mers entered.
Competing against the Wolver-
ine mermen, were such former
stars as Bob Gawboy of Purdue,
who gave, Michigan's Jones quite
a tussle in the individual medley
a few months back, and Larry
Meyer, former Indiana ace.

Standout gymnast Marv John-
son has been accorded dpuble hon-
ors by his teammates.
In a recent meeting Johnson, a
junior, was voted the team's most
valuable gymnast for the 1953
season and at the same time was
named captain of next year's
squad. He will replace Don Hurst
at this post.
* * *
A DEPENDABLE performer dur-
ing the whole season Johnson real-
ly fell into the limelight when
standbys Lee Krumbholz and Har-
ry Luchs were declared ineligible
midway through the campaign.
From then on Johnson had to
become the work horse of the
team, being one of two all-
around men which Coach Newt
Loken had left. In this capacity
he came through ably, compet-
ing in five of six events in many
meets and picking up points in
most of them.
Johnson is a top threat on the
parallel bars, high bars, and fly-
ing rings. The only event in
which he has not competed.is the
* * *
BY FAR Johnson's greatest
show was in the 1953 Conference
Meet at East Lansing. Facing the
"cream of the crop" from the Big
Ten he grabbed fifth place in the
all-around ratings by placing in
four events.
He took second place in free
exercise, copped fourth on the
horizontal bar, seventh on the
parallel bars, and captured ninth
place on the flying rings.
Beside Johnson's exploits in the
Conference clash stands his sea-
son dual meet record. He led all
Michigan scorers in total points,
registering "high" totals in the
Michigan State and Illinois meets.
* * *
WITH ANOTHER year of expe-
rience behind him and with some
of the Big Ten's besttmen gradu-
ating at the end of the year the
versatile gymnast should be an in-
spiring leader for the 1954 squad.
From Windsor, Ontario the tal-

... double honors
ented educationfmajor will enter
his fourth year of competition.
Coach Newt Loken calls Johnson
"a steady, hard worker in prac-
tice; the keenestwofkcompetitors
in meets."
NHL Playoffs
Open Tonight.
DETROIT - (AP) - The Detroit
Red Wings open defense of their
Stanley Cup tonight against their
"cousins" from Boston.
Winners of five straight Nation-
al Hockey League titles, the high-
powered Red Wings are heavy
favorites to trim the Bruins in the
best-of-seven series. Many think
they'll do it in four straight games,
The Wings and Bruins will meet
in the second game of the series
here on Thursday, then more to
Boston for No. 3 Sundaymight.
Montreal, meanwhile, will be
playing host to Chicago in the
opener of their best-of-seven set
in Montreal tonight.

Michigan's chances of retaining
the Big Ten baseball crown it
shared with Illinois last season will
rest heavily on the same mound
trio who pitched the Wolverines
to the top last year-Jack Corbett,
Mary Wisniewski, and Dick Yir-
While none of the "Big Three"
ranked among the conference's top
hurlers, their consistent twirling
accounted for all ofMichigan's
eight loop victories, as well as its
four setbacks.
* * *
CORBETT, who hails from
Westfield, New Jersey, paced
Coach Ray Fisher's young 1952
staff with four victories against a
pair of defeats, as the fast ball
tossing junior was one of the few
Maize and Blue moundsmen serv-
ing them up from the right side.
Both Wisniewski and Yirko-
ski, who turned in identical 2-1
conference records last year, are
southpaws, as is sophomore
Jack Ritter who shows a lot of
promise of stepping into the
number four spot on Fisher's
current mound crew.
Thus the Wolverine hurling pic-
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ture will probably be focused on
the port side for at least two more
years, as lefties Wisniewski and
Yirkoski, like Corbett and Ritter,
will be around for at least one more
- WISNIEWSKI is only a sopho-
more, while Yirkowski, although
a senior in standing, has one more
year of eligibility remaining after
this one, since he was out of ac-
tion his sophomore season.
With such a situation the
genial Fisher is faced with the
not unhappy situation of build-
ing his pitching corps for this
and next season around the
same nucleus of twirlers who
starred for him last year.
Several other mound hopefuls

are making notable bids for start-
ing roles in the daily workouts in
the Yost Field House batting cages.
* * *
Garby Tadian, and Bob Carpenter
have all been coming along in the
early practice sessions, and are ex-
pected to add some depth behind
Corbett on the starboard side of
the rubber.
Sophomore Fagg and junior
Tadian saw limited action last
year, while Carpenter, -,another
junior, is making a courageous
comeback after being sidelined
last year with a siege of polio.
Bob Woschitz, Les Shalon, Bill
Morman, and Milt Heath round
out the current crop of Wolverine
mound aspirants.

New Spring Arrivals
for the
Sus, Sport Coats, Topcoats
by Hyde Park and Clothcraft
The Suits: 49.50, 52.50, 64.00
The Sport Coats: 27.50 to 35.00
Wool Tweed Topcoats:
47.50, 49.50
Gabardine Topcoats
by Alligator: 39.75
They're cravenette,
7.50 - 8.50 - 10.00
Manhattan & Van Heusen
dress and sport shirts.
Wembley and
Beau Brummell Ties.
Pioneer Belts
and Suspenders.
Manhattan Fancy and
White Handkerchiefs,
Interwoven Hosiery,
Hickok Jewelry.
ttmeans h
- custome

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Daily Classifieds



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"How does your business


program prepare a college graduate
for a career in General Electric?"
...CHARLES O. BILLINGS, Carnegie Institute of
Technology, 1954
The answer to this question, given at a student information meeting
held in July, 1952, between G-E personnel and representative college
students, is printed below. If you have a question you would like an-
swered, or seek further information about General Electric, mail your
request to College Editor, Dept. 123-2, General Electric Company,
Schenectady, New York.


R. J. CANNING; Busines
Training Course . . Genera
Electric's business trainin-
program offers the college
graduate the opportunity to
build a career in the field of
accounting; finance; and
business management in one
of the most diversified com.


accounting and business piactices of the modern eco'
nomic enterprise, and as a supplement to the practical
experience provided by the job assignment,

panies in the country.
Since its beginning in 1919, more than 3,000 students
have entered the program-one of the first training
programs in business to be offered by industry.
The program's principal objective is to develop men
well qualified in accounting and related business studies,
men who can become administrative leaders in the finan-
cial and general business activities of the Company. I
Selection of men for the program is based on inter-
views, reviews of studentsi records, and discussions with
placement directors and faculty members. Selection is
not limited solely to accounting and business administra-
tion majors. A large number of men in the program are
liberal arts graduates; engineers; and men with other
technical training.
When a man enters the program he is assigned a full-
time office position in accounting or other financial work
and enrolled in the .formal evening education program.
This planned classroom work is a most important phase
of the program. 'The material presented is carefully se-
lected and well integrated for the development of an ade-
quate knowledge of accounting and business theory, pro-
cedures and policies followed by the Comnanv. acenihI

e ,In general, the program trainee is considered in train=
ing for three years during which time advancements are
f ,made to more responsible types of accounting work. After
completing academic training the trainee's progress and
interests are re-examined. If he has demonstrated an apti-
tude for financial work he is considered for transfer to
the staff of traveling auditors or to an accounting and
financial supervisory position. From here his advance-
ment opportunities lie in financial administrative posi-
tions throughout the Company. Trainees showing an
interest and aptitude for work other than financial, such
as sales; purchasing, community relations, publicity, etc.;
are at this time considered for placement in these fields:
Today, graduates of the program hold responsible posi-
tions throughout the entire organization. Management
positions in the accounting and financial field throughout
the Company, such as Comptroller, Treasurer; finance
managers, secretaries, and others, are held in large part
by graduates of the course. Men who have transferred to
other fields after experience in financial work include
public relations executives; managers of operating divi-
sions and departments, presidents of affiliated Companies;
officials in personnel, employee relations and production
divisions, and executives in many other Company
This partial list of positions now filled by former busi'
ness training men is indicative of the career preparation
offered by the business training program; and of the
opportunities that exist for qualified men interested in
)e-a1Yatb- ariecin- ._A . _. ,.

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