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March 12, 1953 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1953-03-12

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Swim Show
To Highlight
Michifish To Present
Preview of Numbers
From 'Acquademics'
Michifish, the coed swimming
group, will present highlights of
the coming spring swim show,
"Aquademics," at the all campus
Union Open House to be held from
1 to 5 p.m. Saturday.
A sneak preview of a variety of
entirely new formations will be
performed by the precision swim-
ming group as one of the feature
attractions in the two shows to be
given in the Union pool.
Many members of the Michifish
club will be performing in public
for the first time in rhythmic
numbers ranging from a South
American tango to the ballet,
"American in Paris."
Joan Riska and Joan Groehn
will present a synchronized num-
ber, "Harlam Nocturne," while
Marian Charvat and Margaret
Lord will exhibit their skill in
"Blue Violins."a
Using the Spanish music, "Ad-
ios," Harriet Thorn and Mary
Ross will display some fast mov-
ing swirls in this South American
Other numbers included in the
program will be "Dream of 01-
wyn" performed by Margaret
Lord and Mary Crouch and "Opus
in Pastel" executed by Mary Hart
and Bernadette Schildberg.
Taking the spotlight, Margaret
Lord will do a take-off on Holly-
wood swimmers in a novelty, solo,
Stunts will be demonstrated
x during the show, which will end
with the traditional block "M"
Other features of the open
house include the General Motors
Previews of Progress show, which
will feature "A Dress Rehearsal
of the Future." Original experi-
ments in the field of popular sci-
ence will be used to develop the
Also at the head of the list of
activities at the open house are
the play-off matches for the all-
campus championships in bill-
lards, pool, ping-pong and bowl-
Competition will be keen in the
semi-finals and finals, as the ex-
perts vie for the four trophies
which will be presented to the
winners at the completion of the
Concluding the open house fes-
tivities, a mixer will be presented
from 3 to 5 p.m. In the North
Lounge on the first floor of the
Union. The Ann Arbor Alley Cats
will provide the musical moods at
the dance.
For those interested in getting
a bird's eye view of the campus,
the Union tower will be open all


'Wolverun Derby. Entries
Due Tomorrow at Union

Waring Concert Sales Continue

-Daily-Tim Richard
SENIOR ADVICE-Everybody wants to get into the act including
these "staid old seniors," Nancy Pridmore and Peggy Logan, as
they try to tell Mary Hodges, general chairman of JGP, how to
run- her show. The senior women will view the junior play,
"Vanity Flair," as partofthe Senior Night festivities on Thurs-
day, March 19 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Tickets for the
senior event are $2.85 per person.
Law Students To Present
Annual 'Chancellor's Court'


All entries in the second "Wol-
verun Derby," scheduled as one of
the featured events of Spring
Weekend, to be held Friday and
Saturday, March 27 and 28, will
be due at 5 p.m. tomorrow in Rm.
3D of the Union.
Entry forms have been mailed
to the presidents of campus hous-
ing groups.
* *
gible male student may drive one
of the racers. University women
may take part by sponsoring one
of these drivers.
Special events co-chairmen,
Elizabeth Maire and Fritz Glo-
ver, have urged that women's
groups wishing to sponsoracar
take the initiative in calling
men's residences to participate
with them.
The special events committee
has also ruled that any car that
has been entered in another race
can not compete in the Wolverun
Derby. Racers used in the derby
two years ago may thus not be
used again unless they are rebuilt.
The race will be held on E.
Washington St., behind Health
* * *
PRIZES AND trophies will be
awarded the cars reaching the end
of the course in the fastest time.

Awards will also be given for
the best looking racer, which
will be judged on the basis of
workmanship, originality and
make of the car.
The derby's best dressed driver
will also be awarded a prize by the
central committee.
Any group may enter as many
cars as it wishes, and a $2 entry
fee will be charged for each racer.
* * *
THESE CARS must meet cer-
tain specifications which have
been set up by the central com-
mittee. Copies of these specifica-
tions have been mailed to each
house and have beenprinted in
earlier issues of The Daily.
A member of the Spring
Weekend central committee will
be on hand each day from 3 to
5 p.m. in Rm. 3D of the Union
to give aid to groups entering
cars or to answer any questions
about Spring Weekend which
individuals may have.
The first "Wolverun Derby" was
held as part of the Tennis Ball
Weekend sponsored by the Un-
ion and WAA in 1951.
This "race" was also held on E.
Washington St., although many
of the cars failed to reach the
finish line.

Box office ticket sales are con-
tinuing for the Fred Waring con-
certs scheduled for 7 and 9:30
p.m. Saturday in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets for the show which will
feature all the Pennsylvanians
and members of the Waring tele-
vision program are priced at $2.40,
$1.80, and $1.20.
Waring remembers Ann Ar-
bor as the spot where he began
his professional career in show
business. After playing for a
J-Hop in 1922 Waring was per-
suaded to perform for a one
week stand at a movie theatre
on Maynard Street.
The University played a role in
the Pennsylvanians' life once
again after they had found their
mark in show business. Stuart
Churchill, a student at the Uni-
versity, was discovered by Waring
singing in a local restaurant.
According to Charles Rein-
hart, manager of a local restau-
rant, the custom used to be to
have vocalists in eating estab-
lishments in Ann Arbor.
These singers performed in ex-
change for their board.
Until recently Churchill per-
formed with the Waring troupe as

a tenor. He now arranges music
occasionally for the group as well
as continuing on his own career.
One of the first musical films
in Hollywood was done by War-
ing and has as its theme, Mi-
chigan Memories. The film it-
self was entitled "Varsity Show"
and featured University songs.
Although the Pennsylvanians
found success in radio, their re-
cent fane has been found through
the medium of television.
The Ann Arbor concerts of the
Fred Waring tour group will con-
sist mainly of the personalities
that are featured on the regular
television programs.
Dancing, speciality acts and
soloists will be featured as well
as the famed Waring Glee Club
and orchestra.
Waring, himself, claims he en-
joys the new medium of television
as it creates a feeling of good fel-
lowship and an all-for-one spirit
that he feels is necessary for a
One member of the television
family who was disappointed that
he couldn't accompany the Penn-
sylvanians is the casts' red-head-

ed mascot, Mike. He is an 11 year
old boy who first appeared at a
rehearsal selling newspapers two
years ago.
Waring and the Pennsylvanians
have claim to many firsts besides
having a mascot.
The musical group was the
first major musical show to have
five 15 minute radio shows a
week, and the first orchestra to
be televised.
The television cast claims they
are anxious to go on the extend-
ed tour throughout the nation
since it gives them a chance to
regain personal contact with audi-
ences which the tight demands
of television have forced them to
The independent women re-
ceived the first place trophy for
their presentation of "Panic In
the Sheets" at the "Hillelzapop-
in" show last night. Honorable
mention was awarded to Sigma
Alpha Mu for their act, "Tit
for Tat."


The Student Bar Association of
the Law School will present its
annual dance, Chancellor's Court,
from 9:30 p.m. to midnight, Sat-
urday, at the V.F.W. Ballroom.
The history of this dance is dif-
ferent from that of the two other
Law School dances, Wig and Robe
and Crease Ball, in that it does
not go back to the days of Tommy
Rather, like the Student Bar
Association itself, it is of fairly
modern origin.
It is generally assumed that the
reason for having this dance grew
out of a strong public policy in
protecting property rights of lo-
cal residents.
When the lawyers were allowed
out only twice each year, they "let
off steam" with such gusto that
all sorts of damage was done to
local dance emporiums.


,1cro'44 Ca'mpu4


After taking these losses year
after year, the local "entrepre-
neurs" joined forces and issued an
edict: "Have more dances, or have
less; to wit, none!"
Faced with this ultimatum, the'
Student Bar Association, conven-
ing in one of the local bars, de-
cided that the first alternative was
the more to be desired and resolv-
ed that from then on there would
be another annual dance.
But then the problem of nam-
ing this event arose and the Stu-
dent Bar Association was at a
And then the great idea struck:
why not name this dance after
one of the courses in the Law
School, in which no one knew
what was going on and in which
everyone was confused?
This idea spread like wildfire
and searching through the cata-
logue, the following quotation was
seen: "Equity I-A, Study of the
remedies available in the equity
court, concentrating on a study of
specific satisfaction, in which
nothing is specific and no one is'
satisfied." This was it.
But to give it an historical
touch, it was decided to revert to
the early English name given the
equity court, and thus, "Chancel-
lor's Court."
Paul McDonough and his or-
chestra will provide the music for
McDonough, w h o composed
some of the leading songs for last
year's Union Opera, will also pre-
sent several short scenes from that
production as intermission enter-
Tickets are now on sale at the
Law Quad at the Price of $2.50
per couple.
This is an all-Law School dance,
not in any way limited or restrict-

Profiles * . . piflbox

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Beautiful colors . . . new
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bedecked. Priced from 2.95
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Sapphire's grey-hazed taupe ...
fashion's mood music for all the greys.
blued or dusty ... beautiful harmony
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black shoe, the navy shoe. Contour
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your new Suit
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our stocking tone is



The International Center will
hold its weekly tea from 4:30 to
6 p.m. today in the Center. All
foreign studentsdand American
friends are invited.
RIFLE CLUB-Rifle Club mem-
bers will meet for practice from
8 to 9 p.m. today in the rifle
range at WAB.
BALLET CLUB--Intermediate
members of the Ballet Club will
meet at 7:15 p.m. today in the
Barbour Gym Dance Studio, with
the beginning classes meeting at
8:15 p.m.

. .

sculptured shells . . . tiny
sailors .. .
At Right is white pique Leaf
Rhinestone studded sculp-
tured beauty at 6.95.

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student interested in modern
dance is invited to attend a meet-
ing of the co-recreational Modern
Dance Club from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.+
today in Barbour Gym.

Just off South U. on Forest
Business Hours:
Monday, Noon till 8:30
Tuesday thru Saturday 9:30-5:30

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ed to members of

the Student Bar


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The newness and wonder of Spring,
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NEW, eye-catcher styles with softly feminine lines,
just what you dreamed of for your newest
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the feel of finest washable "Polished"
Satin-Cord Cotton ,. .. neatly tailored, made with
cultivated elegance.
STRIPPED BLOUSE with a convertable collar . . .
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MUSTASHE COLLAR... latest fashion innovation
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Covered up or gaily open, ARTHUR MURRAYS

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