A Matter
Of Functions
TUESDAY'S ACTION by the Student Af-
fairs Committee in granting the Stu-
dent Legislature authority to study and pass
on student organization constitutions marks
an important advance toward increasing
SL's power and scope of activity. - SAC's
delegation of authority permits the Legisla-
ture to enter the constitutionally-outlined
field of coordination of student organiza-
tions, a field that has been largely closed
to effective action in the past.
The SAC decision is particularly sig-
nificant in light of the current debates
on reorganization which will soon come
out into the open when the student com-
mittee studying campus integration as-
sembles initial reports later this spring.
By giving this power to SL, the SAC has,
In effect, voiced its confidence in the res-
ponsibility of representative student gov-
ernment on campus.
By retaining ultimate approval power on
organization constitutions, the SAC can re-
view SL's capability of working out details
of these charters. Eventually, final author-
ity regarding student organization consti-
tutions might logically be granted to the
all-student body if its capabilities were
By delegating part of its work, and a
small measure of its authority, the Com-
mittee has shown its belief that at least
some of its functions can be fulfilled by
other groups. *Presuming that the Legis-
lature administers its newhduties with
sense and responsibility, the SAC deci-
sion may have the far-reaching signifi-
cance of leading the way to a long hoped-
for centralized representative student gov-
ernment with a large measure of author-
ity over student affairs.
It would be well to remember that the
position of SAC itself is still a big question
mnark in any widespread reorganization
scheme. As primarily an organizational
representation group, its philosophical po-
sition in the present campus government
set-up is open to question.
There seems to be an inconsistency in a
campus governmental structure which
juxtaposes an organizational committee
along side of a representative group, with
the resulting division of authority and
If the student body is to control its own
activities and affairs, the representational
group shoUld logically attain primacy, and
the function of approving constitutions of
student groups should be one of the func-
tions belonging to this central representa-
tive authority.
--Harry Lunn
-Assistant President Sherman Adams
has pulled a neat device to get around civil
service laws and banish all Democratic
staff members on the council of economic
advisers. Under civil service, Adams can't
fire the staff members outright. So he is
simply letting the appropriations expire.
When all the Democrats are out, then more
money can be appropriated and a brand new
Republican staff hired ... However, Adams
isn't on good terms with the Senate appro-
priations chairman, Sen. Styles Bridges,
even though both are New Hampshire Re-
publicans. So Adams tipped off the House
appropriations chairman, Congressman Ta-
ber of New York, who in turn telephoned
Senator Bridges and got him to let the
Economic Council's appropriations die.
4Gen. Mark Clark has cabled Washington
recommending the United States start a
big psychological offensive in the Far East
to capitalize on Stalin's death. To that
end, he has already sent American planes
to drop leaflets behind the Chinese lines
in Korea, telling of Stalin's death, but
believes the United States should do far
more in a coordinated program with the
British. He agrees with Marshal Tito
that it may be possible to turn Mao into
a Chinese Tito-if the Allies play their
cards right..
telligence, usually pretty good, has come up
with the weird theory that Stalin has been
dead for a month and that the Russians in-
stalled an impostor in the Kremlin to fool
the world.. ....What French agents report
is that Stalin died suddenly during the
week of February 2 in Moscow. Where-
upon the news was kept quiet while the
politburo secretly entrenched itself to make
certain there would be no revolt . . . . Stal-
in's double was even allowed to meet with
two foreign diplomats - Argentine Am-
bassador .Hector Bravo and Indian Am-
bassador Krisla Menon, according to French
Since neither had ever met Stalin before,
they were completely fooled and the West
assumed that Stalin was still alive .
Meanwhile, Molotov, Malenkov and Beria
were preparing a series of phony announce-
ments telling of Stalin's illness, spacing
theta out over a four-day period so that
the Russian people would not be too shock-
ed . .. . American intelligence is inclined
to doubt the French information, but admits
there's one bit of evidence supporting it.
For some mysterious reason. Russian troops
Church Investigations
. . LEG. he- to te Plilo-
I T APPEARS that Rep. Harold Velde's at-
tempt to plunge his House Un-American
Activities Committee into investigating a
flew "hot-bed" of Communist activity has
resulted in a complete wash-out.
The Illinois zealot's proposal to smoke
out alleged Communism in the nation's
churches and among its clergy has arous-
ed a storm of protest, no only from reli-
gious leaders, but even from the Con-
gressman's own colleagues on the com-
Velde intimated Monday that his pro-
jected investigation would "probably in-
clude individual members of the cloth, in-
cluding some who seem to have devoted
more time to politics than they havedto the
ministry." '
Velde is under the interesting impression
that it is his duty to tell the clergy when
they have overstepped their bounds and
moved into the sanctified, political mena-
Apparently, for Velde, clerical treading
of any sort into the secular realm is ta-
boo. He forgets, however, that even an
individual clergyman is part of the body
politic, and as such, has the same poli-
tical rights as any other citizen.
Velde's idle threats of clerical investiga-
tions followed closely statements by certain
churchmen that Velde himself is morally
unfit to examine the educational field. His
threats thus seem to be motivated by blind
Velde was quick to recant when the
churchmen decided to make a fight out
of the question. Backtracking, Velde now
says that church investigations are merely
a possibility.
Had he considered the implications of
Congressional investigations into the reli-
gious. sphere, perhaps he would not have
spoken so quickly. Any Congressional in-
vestigation, no matter to what purpose,
must be able to justify its existence on the
basis of using its findings for eventual law-
However, the Constitution, via the First
Amendment, guarantees that Congress
shall make no laws concerning the es-
tablishment of religion. Therefore, Velde's
projected probe, if it were to result in
law-making, would clearly run against the
spirit of the Constitution.
The Congressman at first suavely tried to
get around this point by proclaiming he
would investigate individuals rather than
Now, two members of his House group
have already signified their unwillingness to
enter into religious inquiry, and at the same
time, have demanded the right to keep clos-
er tabs on their chairman. Perhaps Velde
alone will no longer decide which institu-
tions are to be subjected to investigation.
The most heartening upshot of the inci-
dent is the embryonic beginnings of popular
revulsion to Velde's plans. Those who have
remained neutral up until this time have
demonstrated their determination to keep
Velde out of the religious sphere.
It is .hoped that those who are willing
to defend this aspect of their private
lives will now come more readily to the
defense of the equally important aca-
demic part of their existence which Velde
is currently undermining.
In any case, Velde has committed the
greatest political blunder of the year, and
for the first time seems to have been suc-
cessfully stopped by popular indignation.
-Mark Reader
cua R E N T IAV E S 1
Hollywood on movie audiences. Even
0- *Crawford looked embarrassed.
There is a young love involvement too,
STOP YOU'RE KILLING ME, with Broder- utilizing every cliche within cannon shot
ick Crawford of the subject matter. The pair who handle
THE CONTINUED success of GUYS AND these roles don't deserve much better-they
DOLLS seems to have lead movie pro- seem to have broken into the movie non-stop
ducers to assume that any adaption of Da- from their high school senior play.
mon Runyon is ipso facto a success. Well, A new juvenile makes his appearance in
this movie provides the ocular proof that it this picture and raises precocity to new
just isn't so .heights of obnoxiousness. The rest of the
picture's humor is not a whit better,
Runyon's bizarre characters from the thought. Compounded of equal parts of
Broadway half-world are metamorphosed sadism and stupidity, It tries for laughs
into something like the problem children with situations like hauling corpses from
of a school for the mentally retarded. doorstep to doorstep. Enough to make one
Broderick Crawford plays a bootlegger yearn for the good old pie throwing days
forced into becoming a respectable brewer of the Keystone Kops.
by the repeal of Prohibition. He and his The effect of -viewing the movie through
mob are represented as baffled by the a muddy fishbowl is cleverly obtained by
formidable world of high finance. Occa- the use of a half-breed color process. But
sionally Crawford bursts into song, a la at least it provides an interesting diversion
Mel Torme. This is undoubtedly one of the from, a thoroughly tedious picture.
most exquisite tortures ever wrought by -Bob Holloway
Georgia Settlers .. .
To the Editor:
THE DAILY'S Editorial Director
Cal Samra, in his "Behind the
Lines" of March 3 made the fol-
lowing slanderous statement about
the South:
"Many of their ancestors were
prigs who were transported from
Newgate Prison in England back
in the 17th century." Some of the
Daily's readers may already know
it, but Mr. S. neglected to add
that these prisoners transported
were those, including some of the
aristocracy, imprisoned for debts
which was the practice then in
England. The Columbia Encyclo-
pedia states with regard to Geor-
gia that "great care was taken
in choosing the colonists-charity
settlers who were financed by trus-
tees and adventurers who paid
their own way."
Mr. S. continued his "Behind
The Lines" with the following:
"These prigs, having established
their fortunes, dotted the entire
South with half-breeds who also
made their fortunes."
"Perhaps it would be more
agreeable to their peace of mind if
they remain in blissful ignorance
of their gentic constitutions," he
continued. "The rest of the tale
speaks for itself."
This seems to attempt to give
the impression that a large scale
mixture of the -white and negro
races exists unknown in the
South. While only a minute's
thoughta is necessary to realize
that this could not be true, why
did Mr. S. feel compelled to try
to create such a false impression
as this, as well as the one first
Mr. S. is obviously one of those
who draw no barriers in criticizing
the Southern white population for
alleged mis-treatment of the Ne-
gro, yet in doing so, themselves
exercize the same intolerance that
they decry by their failure to give
recognition to the historical and
sociological problems involved.
-Douglas Carr
(EDITOR'S NOTE: While it is true
that a goodly number of the trans-
ported prisoners were debtors rep-
resenting the English aristocracy, it
is also true that a larger number
were nothing but thieves, murderers
and profligates. Moreover, the case in
question must be examined from a
genetic, as well as a sociological per-
spective. From this point of view,
there is no such thing as a "pure
blood line" among humans, and con-
sequently, no grounds for racialcar-
. . * .
Citizenship Program...
To the Editor:
THE PURPOSE of Student Legis-
lature is to work for the im-
provement of the educational com-
munity. This educational commu-
nity consists of administration,
faculty, and students, but seldom
do all these segments work togeth-
er for this goal.
Student Citizenship Program is
now being conducted by SL for
the benefit of the campus. Admin-
istrators, faculty, students worked
together throughout the planning
stages and are now engaged in
participating in this truly al-cam-
pus event.
This series itself, although di-
rected mainly for the benefit of
freshmen and sophomores, is val-
uable for all participants. Under-
classmen will gain the most by
virtue of having the most years
remaining in their student lives,
but certainly none can afford to
feel above entering a program de-
signed to help you utilize your time
at the university in the manner
most beneficial for you.
It is said that the chief function
of a university is to teach students
to think. It is also generally be-
lieved that this goal is achieved
through all activities carried on
during your stay at college as well
as through the compulsory class-
room-course programs.
Student Citizenship Program is
designed to help everyone under-
stand, to stimulate thinking about
topics which are problems because
we exist; topics which are prob-
lems deserving of consideration so
long as we consider ourselves alive.
This SL-conducted program is
one of the few where every seg-
ment of the campus comes togeth-
er in honesty to discuss, question,
listen, participate, further plan
our lives during our stay on cam-
The budgability necessary to at-
tend is slight compared to'the in-
formation, stimulation, participa-
tion to be gained from leaving the
(Continued from Page 2)
Motion Pictures, auspices of Uni-
versity Museums, "Amoeba," "Amoeba
"You Fellows Heard About Pearl Harbor Yet?"
Portrait of a 'Eunuch'
.-Georgi Malenkov
WASHINGTON - To the leaders of the
West, Georgi Malenkov, the inheritor
of Joseph Stalin's vast power, is the man
nobody knows. No American official has
had any real contact whatsoever with this
shadowy figure, who now holds the fate of
the world in his hands. Yet there is one
man who has had the experience-prob-
ably unique in the Western World-of ob-
serving the new Russian ruler at close
range, and for several hours at a stretch.
This man is a short, roly-poly, percep-
tive, brave, and highly intelligent Czech,
Dr. Arnhost Heidrich. Dr. Heidrich was
the Secretary General of the Czech For-
eign Office, until he escaped from Czecho-
slovakia after the Communist rape of his
country. Dr. Heidrich now leads the dus-
ty, weary life of a refugee in Wash-
ington, but before his escape, he was
rated a brilliant diplomat, and he is still
a brilliant man. To hear his describe
his meeting with Malenkov, in his heavy
Czech accent is to catch a vivid glimpse
of the strange figure who has emerged
from the shadows to rule the great So-
viet empire.
The time was July, 1947. A Czech mis-
sion, including Pres. Klement Kottwald,
Foreign Minister Jan Masaryk (who killed
himself soon afterwards), and Dr. Heidrich,
had been summoned to Moscow. The
Czechs were bluntly warned by Stalin that
Czechoslovakia must under no circum-
stances join the Marshall Plan. Having felt
the crack of Stalin's whip, the Czechs were
bidden to partake of Stalin's lavish hos-
pitality, at a dinner in the magnificient
state dining hall of the Kremlin.
At the head of the table sat the great
Stalin himself, smoking incessantly-"If I
cannot smoke, I cannot eat," Stalin re-
marked to his guests. Heidrich sat a few
places away from Stalin. On one side of him
was Andrei Vishinsky, nervous and obse-
quious, his arrogance all muted in the pre-
sence of his master. On his other side was
the man who now rules Russia, Georgi
constantly distorted and misrep-
resented by their political oppo-
nents. It is, therefore, of more
than routine interest to note that
they have recently rejected an op-
portunity to present their side of
an issue which we think would be
rather important to them. Last
week, under the auspices of the
campus SDA, they were invited, to
participate in a debate on "The
Political Significance of the
Prague Trials."
These trials have been widely
interpreted as ushering in a pe-
riod of officially sponsored anti-
semitism in the Stalinist coun-
tries. In view of the fact that the
international Communist Parties
have always claimed the fight
against discrimination to be a
cardinal principle, pointing to
Russia as a shining example, we
are puzzled by the total silence
of the local Stalinists and their
sympathizers when they are pro-
vided with an opportunity to pub-
licly defend their position and are
apparently unwilling to do so.
-Henry Elsner, Jr.
John Leggett
Food for Thought...
To the Editor:
"When you first see Malenkov at a little
distance," Heidrich recalled, "you think he
looks very strong and muscular-like a
porter. Then, when he is close to you, you
see that what seemed to be muscle is really
fat. He does not look like a porter at all.
He looks like a eunuch-yes, exactly like a
Turkish eunuch."
Malenkov, says Heidrich, is "a very un-
pleasant man to speak to." The layer of
fat over his face acts like a mask, con-
cealing all expression. Only the eyes are
alive in the fat, still, mask-like face, and
these, Heidrich says, "are small, very
black, very, very cunning, and very, very,
very cruel."
Malenkov is "obviously not a man from
the intelligentsia." Molotov, and Beria even
more, impressed Heidrich as men of extra-
ordinary intelligence. As for Stalin, Heid-
rich listened to him for hours at a time
on two missions to Moscow, and he rates
Stalin as an authentic genius, a man of
towering intelligence, although also "a cruel
and very cowardly man." Malenkov, Heid-
rich sensed during his hours at his side, is
shrewd and crafty rather than intelligent.
But Malenkov, he also instantly recognized,
has something which Stalin had, and which
Molotov and Beria lack.
Molotov and Beria are machine-like
men; they are not drivers of the machine.
By contrast, as soon as Heidrich met Mal-
enkov, he said to himself, "This man has
power." He sensed in Malenkov a tremen-
dous inner force and. assurance, although
he calls Malenkov a "retiring man," mean-
ing one who exercises his power secretly,
in the shadows. Heidrich is sure that the
machine-men, Molotov and Beria, cannot
seriously challenge Malenkov's power.
Such a challenge, he thinks, can come on-
ly from the Generals.
This, then, is the new face of the enemy,
as it appeared to a brilliant trained observ-
er over a period of some hours. With the
smooth, soft skin and the cruel eyes, it is
not a reassuring face. For what consolation
books and social life when youI
return to them.
Refreshments aren't promised.I
What is promised is a refreshing,
informative, stimulating addition
to your education.7
-Leah Marks
* * *
Turning Inward . ..
To the Editor:
MUCH HAS been written and1
said about the current apathy]
of students toward activities. As
has been indicated, part of the
cause may be dorm provincialism,
fraternity conformism, or perhaps,
the uncertain draft status of the
student who is unduly bent upon
studying. There is one important
aspect, however, which, I believe,,
has so far been overlooked. That
is the "turning inward" of many
of our "Beat Generation."
It seems that too many of us
are middle-aged minded too early:
in life. Before we act, each conse-
quence is ponderously weighed,
and we always conclude that the
middle way is best. The accent is
disproportionately upon respon-
sibility. Unfortunately, all zealous-
ness is left to the megelomaniac
Communists who have in a rather
perverted way attained the type
of cynicism which some might'
like to call maturity. Why is this?
Why do we no longer spontaneous-
ly rebel once in a while? Why do
we avoid joining organizations?
The answer certainly isn't on an
articulate level for all of us, but
our actions show that we have
been disillusioned too often. Our
emotions have been seduced too
often, and we have been contin-
uously spent while wagering all our
resources on one scheme after an-
other or one war after another.
Socialism, or humanism, or, for
some, communism or capitalism-
these have all lost their redemp-
tive flavor. And to many, religion
never had any flavor.
Here on campus, who is inter-
ested anymore in knocking on a
stone wall to get the lecture com-
mittee ban removed or discrimin-
atory scholarships ended? Oh, per-
haps we might still knock, but
who would try to hammer, per-
chance, ram? The University
preaches this and that profound
value, but still responsibility is
what counts. The sacred document
is no longer really the Declaration
of Independence or the Holy Bible
but The Love Song of J. Alfred
The fashionable thing to do now
is to express one's regrets, damn
the whole thing, and withdraw
quietly into a corner in the com-
pany of a wife or girl friend and
a few decent friends. By so doing
we do not shockingly discard val-
ues but rather locate values on an
individualist plane.
Given only the outside world,
there is enough reason to feel
"beat." But at the University of
Michigan, where every half-ideal-
istic scheme to implement what
are long-honored and profound
values is arbitrarily destroyed, the
reasons are greatly magnified.
--Leonard Sandweiss
Pedigreed Pedagogue..
To the Editor:
REVISIONS far-reaching, may
soon affect teaching,
If certain professors, polemic,
Should win their debates that the
best teacher-rates
Are grades made in fields academ-
C1,nnnca nra flfr* 'I. O +a l,,.nO +iflc
Is more than enough to excuse
He may serve subject-matter on
a high-level platter,
With never a method that's sound;
But, surely, his class will be able
to pass,
If he just waves his transcript
When faced by the facts that his
discipline's lax,
No classroom or hallway control,
How helpful, the knowledge, that,
back there in college,
He headed his class honor roll!
Whenever he's late, staff or classes
can wait;
His standing's in nowise dimin-
Why, he was the star of the gard
And his was the first paper flfn-
If, lacking in prudence, he says
that his students
Are stupid and so are their par-
Remember his grade was the best
ever made
In Cicero, Caesar, and Terence!
Reports for the day, he may shun
or delay,
The grading of papers neglect;
His Greek letter key will still guar-
Implicit, professional respect.
If he can't get along with the per-
sonnel throng,
In faculty meetings, a terror,
Check his Stanford-Binet, and
what can you say,
Except that the rest are in error?
At noontime, at lunch, with the
rest of the bunch,
To whom he may spare a stiff
It should furnish a thrill to the
Just to watch him eat salad, cum
Well, briefly, we feel that the
Is a balance of right combinations;
It's someone who packs, not only
the facts,
But the magic for human rela-
-Harry C. Snider
Prague Trials . .
To the Editor:
A PERSISTENT complaint of the
campus apologists for the So-
viet Union is that their views are
REFERENCE: Letters to the Edi-
tor March .6, 1953 signed by
Susie, Barbara, and Judy.
Can you kids cook?
-George Baker
SL, Take a Stand ...
To the Editor:
THE Student Legislature has oft-
en discussed vital issues dealing
with academic freedom. In view of
the current investigations of Col-
leges and Universities by the
House Un- American Activities
Committee in the East, and the
threat of an impending visitation
on instiutions in this area, it would
seem that this situation would eli-
cit some positive reaction on the
part of the Student Legislature.
However, this has not been the
case. Certainly this indicates a lax-
ity on the part of the Student
Legislature... .S.L., take a stand!
-Arthur Rose, '55M
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Crawford Young.......Managing Editor
Barnes Connable.........City Editor
Cal Samra.........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus .......Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........ Associate, Editor
Donna Hendleman.....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple...........Sports Editor
John Jenks ...Associate Sports Editor
Dick Sewell..Associate Sports Editor
Lorraine Butler....... Women's Editor,
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Don Campbell .... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Al Green..........Business Manager
Milt Goetz ....... Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston....Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg.......Finance Manager
Harlean Hankin.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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subscription during regular school
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by Dick Siblei
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