____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ___I
TODAY the Board of Regents comes face
to face with the issue of whether to
open its meetings to the public.
Although this has been a recurrent cam-
paign issue, it has by tradition dwindled
into obscurity between elections. But now,
due to a determined drive by the Michi-
gan Press Association, a decision one way
(w the other appears to be forced on the
We believe that the time has arrived to
lift the shroud of secrecy which surrounds
the meetings, and let the people of the state
have a chance to observe what their repre-
sentatives are doing. They have a right to
Of course, the nature of the material dis-
cussed dictates privacy for some of the
proceedings. But this difficulty could easily
be overcome, as pointed out on this page
Tuesday by Barnes Connable, by meeting as
a committee of the whole behind closed
-doors to handle the discussions where pub-
licity would hamper the proper considera-
tion of the issue. The official vote, though,
and accompanying discussion if so desired,
could and should be a matter of public rec-
However, despite what we believe, along
,with most students, as indicated by the un-
animous. Student Legislature vote Wednes-
day night for open meetings, prospects for
open doors appear dim. Press reports have
quoted most Regents as being opposed to
the open meeting proposal. It is quite evi-
dent from the state attorney general's recent
decision that there is no legal basis for
forcing the Regents to open their meetings.
If the Board does as expected and declines
a ringside seat to the press, perhaps a
compromise within the framework of such
a refusal could be worked out.
If the Board scheduled a press con-
ference after each session, first arming
reporters with the customary mimeo-
graphed release, a healthy interrogation
could remove much of the taint of secrecy
which now accompanies Regent action.
This would have the dual advantage of
allowing the Board to retain its cherished
traditions, and still bringing the meetings
closer to the democratic ideals of public
At any rate, let us have a clear-cut
statement of policy from the Regents on
secret meetings. We hope the Board will
show the same willingness to discuss the
matter with the MPA as the State Board
of Agriculture of Michigan State College.
If they cannot see their way clear to open-
ing meetings, a positive move towards fuller
press coverage would undoubtedly go a long
ways towards settling a dispute which is ir-
ritating to both parties.
-Crawford Young
SL Versus Bias
"Okay, Ellis-Take Uold'
WEDNESDAY night, the Student Legisla-
ture, by passing a watered down version
of an anti-bias bill, proved again that it is
an organization easily daunted by setbacks
and one not likely to gain power or the
confidence of the student body.
SL approved a bill which will force
fraternities to submit a petition before
their national conventions every year for
the removal of bias clauses. It further
stipulates that the Student Affairs Com-
mittee shall deny recognition to any fra-
ternity not taking this action.
But SL cut the very teeth out of the
whole idea of bias clause removal by =de-
feating a motion which would introduce a
1957 time limit. Thus, what SL finally
passed is a statement of principle, which
cannot be enforced.
It is doubtful that any national fraternal
organization will give anything but the
"once over" to any such resolution. Pre-
senting such a motion will merely be con-
sidered in the future as but a necessary evil
by both the local chapter and the national
Last year, a local fraternity presented
just such a motion for bias clause re-
moval before its national convention. The
chairman announced that such a motion.
was on the floor and that anyone who
wished to could leave. They followed this
suggestion explicitly and in the end, there
wasn't even a quorum present to act upon
the proposal.
However, in spite of SL's vaccilation, the
issues on bias clauses are still clear to those
that would look:
Calling Hours
A SMALL, but articulate cheer is in store
for the change in women's calling hours.
It must be small, for such an obvious need
for the change had disgruntled campus
women and men since blanket one thirty
permission was granted on "big" nights
more than two years ago.
But the cheer, we hope will also be so
clear and unmistakable in its meaning
that rulemakers in the future will hot
make the mistake that the planners in the
past did. Next time they make a rule,
whether it deals with hours, lateness, par-
ties, automobiles, drinking, or fires in the
dormitories, may they remember to make
it consistent with existing rules, or bring
old rules in line with it.
This seems to be merely a matter of logi-
cal planning.
We don't think its too much to ask.
--Donna Hendleman
1). The University is a democratic insti-
tution in a democratic society.
2). Discrimination as to race or creed or
color is decried in the basic documents of
this country.
3). Therefore, no organization which in
any way legally condones such discrimina-
tion has any place in this society, much less
in a state supported institution which sup-
posedly teaches the ideals of democracy.
To counter and cloud the issues, sup-
porters of bias clauses have brought in
the much used argument that morality
cannot be legislated-passing a rule to
cut out discriminatory clauses will not
stop discrimination. This has been ad-
mitted by supporters of anti-bias legis-
lation since the onset of the argument.
It is basically a problem of education.
But that is no excuse for the maintenance
of a constitutional barrier against social
progress in a democratic society.
One of the reasons given by supporters
of the worthless document SL passed the
other night is that such a bill would have
a better chance of passing SAC. This again
is an example of vaccilation. A time limit
motion was passed last year by SAC and
there is no reason to assume that it would
not be approved once more.
And even if it were defeated by SAC, it
will be better than having a document which
means nothing.
Caution was a n o t h e r watchword
mouthed by the bill's partisans. They
felt that by passing a bill merely advo-
cating the removal of discriminatory
clauses it would gain the signature of
President Hatcher and not be vetoed as
was a time-limit bill last spring by Presi-
dent Ruthven.
But President Ruthven last year vetoed
the principle contained in the old bill, which
is the same as the one in the new resolu-
tion. He did not repudiate the resolution"
because of the time-limit clause which gave
the motion its power.
If President Hatcher follows the example
of his predecessor, than this watered-down
effort of SL's will also be vetoed.
SL could have repudiated the adminis-
tration's stand by passing the same mo-
tion as last year and left the administra-
tion with the choice of accepting or, by
refusing, making itself look innocuous in
the eyes of the students and the people
of the State.
SL could have taken another brave step
in establishing itself as a power to be reck-
oned with. They could have gained im-
measurable respect from the student body.
Thstead, they again proved the contention
that they are a glorified debating society
composed of the campus's most popular
young dillitantes.
-Jerry Helman
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Loyalty Resignation
At Hill Auditorium .. .
The Titan, produced and edited by
Robert Flaherty.
T'HIS IS the sort of film which critics love
to discuss in "arty" terms: dynamic
tensions, composition, dramatic texture, the
subtleties of photographic technique... all
those words which flow so easily when one
doesn't know just exactly what else to say.
Such words, however, tend to frighten
away the layman, and The Titan scarce-
ly deserve any such treatment. The fact
is that it might well be considered in these
esoteric terms (and few films actually
reach the point of excellence where such
discussion is warranted)-but it also
stands as a beautifully constucted, highly
entertaining moving picture which almost
anyone might enjoy.
Essentially, it is the story of Michelangelo,
a titan of Renaissance Italy, who in his ex-
traordinary life created perhaps as much
beauty as any one man ever has. Sculpture,
architecture, painting-he mastered them
all, and went beyond his predecessors in.
each. He made his work his life, a life
guided and moved by the intensity and cre-
ative awareness of the Renaissance.
To describe this life on film, then, the
producer Flaherty turned directly to the
works of the man, the great marble statu-
ary,.the buildings, and the paintings, tracing
in thlm 'the dramatic story of an artist's
And the story is, without a doubt, drama-
tically convincing. Without resorting to
obvious tricks, Flaherty recreated the setting
and the story, using only those materials
which could be found in Italy today.
No actors are seen. Instead, the mas-
ter's sculpture is photographed in such an
imaginative way as to make them come
to life on the screen. No great battles
are fought before the lens. Instead, in-
spired camera-work,music, and narration
brings to life paintings describing the
burning of the fanatic Savonarola at the
stake in Florence the altercations of the
Medici, and the pomp of a papal court
in Renaissance Rome. Everything is there,
and in considerably more convincing
shape than it ever could have been pre-
sented conventionally.
In the accompanying short subject, some
woman bangs out a Chopin Polonaise in a
singularly uninteresting fashion.
-Chuck Elliott
FOLLOWING clearance by the State De-
partment Loyalty and Security Board,
Oliver Clubb, formerly head of the Depart-
ment's Office of Chinese Affairs, resigned
his position this week.
Clubb took the view that "the same
loyalty security process, while resulting
in my vindication, has seriously damaged
my future career prospects in the Foreign
Service." Therefore, he felt that the only
course open to him was to leave the De-
Suspended last June 27, Clubb was re-
stored to duty on February 8 when he was
finally cleared of both loyalty and security
charges. In similar actions some 500 other
State Department employees have had their
backgrounds investigated, but the number
of those suspended has never been revealed.
Although the State Department has never
disclosed the nature of the charges made
against him, Clubb stated that the accusa-
tions concerned:
"(1). Some elements alleged to have been
contained in my political philosophy and at-
titudes during the New Deal Nineteen Thir-
ties and 1940 (the lastest cited date)
"(2). My purportedly 'close and habitual'
associations with a number of Americans
and foreign nationals, which associations
were also mainly in the pre-war period, and
"(3). A visit to the office of the New
Masses magazine 19 years ago."
Clubb concluded that an examination of
his 23 year service record in the Depart-
ment refuted these charges to the satis-
faction of the loyalty examiners.
Incidents like Clubb's resignation appear
on the surface to be highly unfortunate and
tend to stand as condemnations of the whole
loyalty-security program instituted by the
government. They raise questions as to the
worth and methods of such investigations.
However, two examples stand as proof of
the necessity of some kind of loyalty check
on our officials. These are the cases of Alger
Hiss and William Remington, both State
Department officials of importance who
were found to be unfit to act as American
diplomats. They were investigated at first on
what seemed inaccurate and trivial reports.
Remington, indeed, was cleared in the first
investigation and wrote an article in the
New Yorker telling how he had been hor-
ribly maligned and ill treated. In a second
investigation he was convicted.
An objection to loyalty board methods
raised by Clubb concerns the lack of pub-
licity which attended his investigation and
the accusations against him. Through the
veils of secrecy little of the proceedings
but the public can hardly pass judgment on
their worth:We do not know which elements
of his philosophies were under attack, what
people he had such close contact with, or
what his exact relation to the New Masses
magazine involved. The citizen can only rely
on the board to pass considered and, fair
judgment on each loyalty case.
In this light, Clubb's resignation might
well be regarded as unfortunate on his
part. Though he may be dissatisfied with
the loyalty review system and its handling
of the case, this is hardly enough reason
to think that loyalty review has made
him useless to the State Department. No
one likes to have their loyalty doubted or
to be suspected as a security risk, but of-
ficials in the public trust must take inves-
tigation as one of the unpleasantries of
their job.
If the loyalty program is to be effective,
the investigated personnel, because of their
importance to the nation's security, must
cooperate in §ome measure with the loyalty
board. Such action as Clubb's does nothing
but place the whole loyalty-security program
in a worse light than its purpose merits.
--Harry Lunn
At The State *..
FIXED BAYONETS, with Richard Base-
hart and Gene Evans.
THIS IS probably the worst war movie
Ann Arbor has seen in years.
It literally abounds with stock cinematic
tricks designed to arouse stark emotions;
they all leave a flat taste in the mouth.
The story, not overly original, concerns
a gun-shy corporal who, through the un-
fortunate death of his three superiors, is
left in command of a rearguard battalion.
His metamorphosis to a rough, tough kill-
er is the subject of soul-stirring facial
contortions and innumerable "inner
Since a picture generally makes use of
dialogue and scenic effects, it is rather
amazing to find these almost totally lacking
in "Fixed Bayonets."
Incidentally, the war being fought- is be-
tween Americans and Chinese Communists,
Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-It isn't pleasant to contemplate, but the ines-
capable fact is that Russia is not only outproducing us in planes,
but is building up a reservoir of battle-tested pilots to fly them. The
blunt fact is that the Kremlin is using Korea as a graduate school to
train Russian pilots how to fly against American planes.
Rotating "classes" of Russian pilots have been manning the
MIG's over Korea and learning American combat techniques
firsthand. The present class showed up in Korea on November 1,
is now about ready to graduate.
Each class takes the same prescribed course. The first month is
spent making navigational flights across Korea. The second month is
spent observing American formations at a safe distance. During this
period, the MIG's will occasionally make a pass at a bomber forma-
tion, but it is all in practice. They never fire a shot. The MIG's also
take care to keep out of the way of Air Force F-86 Sabrejets during
their breaking-in period.
By the third month, however, the Soviet student-pilots begin
to tangle with American fighters-preferably with slower F-80
Shooting Stars and F-84 Thunderjets. As the Russians gain ex-
perience, they mix it up with our crack F-86 squads.
The result is that the green Russians are shot out of the skies at
the rate of 13 to our one. But the survivors become tough, skillful pi-
lots, baptized by fire and able to hold their own against our best.
NOTE-In contrast, we send only our crack pilots to Korea, give
our new pilots no battle training. Reason is that we are so short of
F-86's that we cannot risk letting greenhorns fly them in combat.
FOR THE FIRST TIME in years, a Senate committee will defy the
unwritten code of Congress and question congressmen.
Specifically, Arnold Bauman of the Senate D, C. Crime Com-
mittee wants to know why certain congressmen have been so
chummy with racketeer Frankie Costello's Washington lobbyist,
Murray Olf.
T-Men have actually traced long-distance phone calls to Olf from
Costello's partner, dandy Phil Kastel. Olf also kept racketeer Joe
Adonis overnight in his hotel room while Adonis was hiding out from
the Senate Crime Committee. Olf himself has a criminal record.
Yet this same Olf has been living in style at the Congressional
Hotel, has entertained at least 50 congressmen at cocktail parties.
A handful of congressmen have been extra close to Olf, and at least
one has actually run errands for the racketeer.
Bauman intends to find out why. He personally will call on
the congressmen and take their statements. Among those who
can expect a visit are Congressmen Morrison of Louisiana, Murphy
of New York, Rabaut of Michigan and Willis of Louisiana.
NOTE-Fear that something like this would happen was one
reason why the Senate Crime Committee had a hard time getting
its work extended.
SECRET AGREEMENT has been reached among the principal
advisers and supporters of Spanish dictator Franco to make
Martin Artajo, present foreign minister, the heir-presumptive to the
dictator when the Generalissimo retires-which will probably happen
early in 1954.
Franco himself took the initiative in this decision and backed
Artajo as his official successor. Until recently, the 64-year-old "strong
man" cherished dreams of a personal dynasty. He hoped his daughter
Carmen, an only child, married last year to the Marquess de Villa-
verde, would present him with a grandson, in which case he planned
to keep the dictatorship in the Franco family.
Her first-born, however, was a girl, as all the children in her
maternal line of descent have been for five generations. Franco is
now convinced that the tradition will continue.
Tired after 13 years as chief of state, therefore, and suffering
from diabetes, the man who, with a decisive assist from Hitler and
Mussolini, overthrew the Spanish republic, now wants to make sure
there is no chance of a comeback for democracy.
Foreign Minister Artajo, at 53, is a reliable if uninspired wheel-
horse of the Falange, Spain's Fascist organization, and the only offi-
cially recognized political party in the country. More important still,
he has been okayed by pro-Franco capitalists and Catholic leaders.
Franco has often told close associates he believes the monarchy
should be restored in Spain, but feels that present members of the
Bourbon family, ousted from the throne in 1931, are all "weak" and
eventually would give way to a new republic.
The Generalissimo's one big ambition now is to get his govern-
ment accepted by the United Nations and, if possible, by NATO. He
thinks he can achieve at least the first of these aims within another
two years; then he wants to step down triumphantly, perhaps on the
15th anniversary of his entrance into Madrid at the end of the civil
Despite the apparently unanimous support fer Artajo, actually
his choice has stirred undercover jealously in Falangist ranks, plus
serious discontent among monarchists who backed Franco on the
assumption that some day he would bring back the royal family.
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
'U'Heating<. .
To the Editor:
TAKE THIS occasion to call
your attention to a completely
neglected problem on the campus,
i.e. the proper heating of build-
ings. Annually remarks are being
made about the lack of use by
students of study halls and librar-
ies. This has even been used as an
excuse for shortening library
hours. Yet it seems that whenever
the temperature outside goes up
one degree, that inside goes up
two. (Can't let nature get ahead
of us you know!) A few rounds
of this causes a turkish bath ef-
It have heard it said around the
libraries that students wear too
many clothes. With temperatures
just a few degrees above freezing
outside they can't go around in
their underwear! That's hardly
appropriate campus attire any
One of the reasons given for a
shortening of library hours is an
economy drive by the state legis-
lature. Has this perchance brought
about an overabundance of fuel?
If my point isn't sufficiently
clear, let me say that whenever
it gets warmer outside, it gets too
much warmer inside. Any high
grade moron can tell you that the
thing to do as the weather gets
warmer is to turn down the heat.
If this is too simple for an insti-
tution of higher learning, may I
suggest that the school of engi-
neering produce a refrigeration
coil to be fitted around the steam
pipe thus cooling the steam as it
passes through.
-Leon Hinz
* * *
Tafts 6 Pdiy.
To the Editor:
WE WOULD like to take excep-
tion to some of the views ex-
pressed by the reviewer of Senator
Taft's "A Foreign Policy for Amer-
icans." It is our belief that Mr.
Lunn misrepresented Taft's views
on at least three important issues;
United Nations, Atomic Attack,
and European Defense.
There can be no successful in-
ternational organization until the
nations that wish to comprise such
a government are willing to co-
operate. There must be some basis
for agreement between nations be-
fore co-operation is possible. Un-
fortunately in the UN there is no
real basis for agreement and not
even an actual desire on the part
of all participating nations for
peace (i.e Russia). Before an un-
derlying law is possible we must
have a basic co-operation and
agreement in order to protect the
United States. Until that time we
cannot afford to relinquish any
measure of our sovereignty to an
organization that does not possess
such an underlying agreement;
therefore, while present world
conditions exist we must retain
the veto power.
Recognizing some limitations on
the ability of the U.S. to defend
itself and to participate in the of-
fense against Communism, Taft
is concerned about placing the
greatest emphasis where it will do
the most good. This is not the
buckshot method proposed by
some, simply because we haven't
got that much buchshot. Taft feels
that if the Europeans are willing
to defend themselves we should
give them as much aid as we can.
(Continued from Page 2)
Coming Events
School of Music Student Council:
Meeting for both old and new mem-
bers Sat., Feb. 16, 11 a.m., 404 BMT.
Westminster Guild: Fellowship Sup-
per and World Student Day of Prayer,
5:30 p.m., Sun., Feb. 17.
Graduate Outing Club. Meet at tie
rear of the Rackham Building, Sun.,
Feb. 17, 2 p.m. Hiking if weather per-
Square Dance Section of the Faculty
Women's Club. February dance, 8:30
to 11:30 p.m., Sat., Feb. 16, Barbour
Gymnasium, with Dave Palmer of
Jackson as the caller.
Alpha Kappa Psi, Professional Bus-
iness Fraternity. Rushing smoker at
their house, 1325 Washtenaw, Mon.,
Feb. 18, 7:30 p.m.
He has endorsed Eisenhower's pro-
gram of SHAPE on this basis. If
the Europeans are not willing to
defend themselves it would, be
fruitless for us to attempt to de-
fend thembecause of the propor-
tions of the task. This is a reason-
able stand that we believe most
Americans can adopt. This policy
basis will not create a "soft spot*
in Europe unless, in fact, the
Europeans wish to create that
"spot" themselves.
Certainly the explanation of de-
tailed programs in foreign policy
to meet the fancy of the reviewer
would be an unrealistic approach
to this book.
--Ned B. Simon
Taft for President Club
Agronsky Reports.,
To the Editor:
Some readers of the Michigan
Daily may be interested in the fact
that a local radio station, WHRV,
has cancelled the broadcasts of
the intelligent and outspoken news
commentator, Martin Agronsky.
The station manager, Steve Fili-
piak, informed me on the tele-
phone on both Feb. 2 and again
on Feb. 4 that the American
Broadcasting Company had
changed the time of Agronsky's
broadcasts, and that WHRV would
put him back on the air when it
learned of his new schedule.
But the ABC network did not
change Agronsky's time, for I
heard him at the regular time of
8:00 a.m. on Feb. 4 over Station
WTOL in Toledo (1230 on the
dial). Filipiak's misinformation 'is
therefore curious, to say the least,
and raises the question of . the
accuracy of what is said on his
own program, which customarily
both precedes and follow's Agron-
I should like to suggest that
Agronski's listeners and other lib-
erals write to WHRV, urging that
he be put back on the air, and
that meanwhile they listen to him
over WTOL (both AM nad FM, I
believe). Let Junior Lewis rant
and rave and let Uncle \Gabriel
blow his horn every night, but let
Martin Agronsky start the day
out right every morning by coun-
teracting the commentators who
would exhume Warren G. Harding
and Calvin Coolidge.
--Eric W. Stockton
EDITOWS NOTE: Agronsky was
placed on WHRV by a local newscast.
Filipiak on his disc jockey show, re-
quested listeners to write comments
on the change. The response con-
vinced the station that Agronsky had
acquired a large following and an-
nounced that Agronsky will be heard
at 8:15 a.m. Monday through Satur-
day starting next week over WHRV,
following the local newscast.
Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .......Managing Editor
Bob Keith .................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
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Bob Vaughn.........Associate Editor
Ted Papes.......... ... Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James...........Women's Editor
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Sally Fish...........Finance Manager
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- I think Gus the Ghost ought
to be invited to the meeting
to decide whether you should
..%. . -- - a_-_4 . I k w
A party? I daresay if you decide
not to have your sixth birthday 0
.- an d 1 n I ~ ,I, 4j Iw .. -
A rousing vote of confidence
in your Fairy Godfather: then
a testimonial banquet in my