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April 25, 1952 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1952-04-25

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FRIDA, APRIL 25, 1952


________________________________________________________________________________ I

Forgery of the Newspaper, Michigan Daily

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is the transla-
tion of the article that appeared in the Moscow
Literary Gazette attacking The Michigan Daily.
ON JAN. 15 of this year the newspaper
"Michigan Daily," published in the city
of Ann Arbor, State of Michigan, USA,
printed a vile anti-soviet forged document.
According to the paper; at the end of
last year in a certain mysterious Soviet
periodical "Krashdna Sovetski" there ap-
peared a series of articles under the gen-
eral title "Raid on Washington." The
"Michigan Daily" put out a "resume" of
this fictitious series and printed its alleged
"final article."
In the brazen forgery, cooked up by the
American newspaper, there is described an
incident in which a group of Soviet soldiers
during the third World War crossed the At-
lantic in a submarine and made their way to
the American capitol. "The raid's purpose,"
boldly declares the "Michigan Daily," "was
to murder General Eisenhower and all other
'greedy exploiters' who should fall into the
hands of the raiders."
The newspaper "Michigan Daily" is pub-
lished by the University of Michigan, at
which about 28,000 students are studying.
This academic institution exists on state
subsidies and mainly on "donations" com-
ing from Wall Street. These "donations"
comprise at the present time a round sum
-nearly 20 million dollars. The monopo-
lists are not spending their dollars for
nothing. They control the whole life of
the university, appoint the board of re-
gents, determine the character of the
academic programs, select the teaching
staff, etc. The rector of the University of
Michigan, James Pickwell Adams, com-
bines his pleasant task in the field of en-
lighienment with profitable activity as
director of the "Providence Washington
Insurance Co.," "Anchor Insurance" and
"Davol Rubber." In addition to this he is
a trustee of the rank reactionary "Catho-
lie Association of Young Men" (YMCA).
With such a solid gentleman it is pos-
sible without difficulty to come to terms
on anything.
WHAT IS THE TASK which the "Michi-
gan Daily" provocateurs have placed
before themselves? Why was this crude for-
gery fabricated.Z
It is not hard to figure out the scheme:
they wnt to convince American readers that
the USSR also has its "Colliers" and that
war propaganda against the USA is being
The provocateur roar of the Michigan
ink gangsters is doubtless closely connect-
ed with the shameful failure of the war-
mongering issue of the American maga-
zine "Colliers," which was devoted to'the
"perspectives" of a third world war and to
the mad dreams of the Pentagon strate
gists of occupying Soviet lands.
When provocateurs and diversionists are
caught in the act, their masters pretend
complete innocence and act as though they
had nothing to do with it. Something of
this nature happened in connection with
the war-mongering issue of "Colliers."
The French weekly "Tribune de Nation"
recently summed up the total results of these
provocations. "The special issue of 'Colliers'
devoted to the Third World War," writes
the weekly, "caused unfavorable reactions
not only abroad. In the USA themselves this
extravagant anticipation of events was se-
verely criticized by circles which are cer-

tainly not inclined towards "appeasement."
(Thus in the language of American news-
papers is called the policy directed towards
an understanding with the USSR-Ed.) Be-
sides those who accused Colliers of direct
instigation of war, many Americans found
in its initiative a sort of psychological error
"Colliers" was nowhere successful. The
hooliganish trick of the warmongers' or-
gan caused a storm of protest and indig-
nation. And then the masters turned their
backs to the provocateurs.
General Wedemeyer in a special report to
the State Dept. declared with irritation that,
as a result of the publication of the warmon-
gering issue of "Colliers," the movement
against war and the USA's war program
grew stronger in America and Europe.
General Eisenhower emphasized that "Col-
liers" had hampered his activity in putting
together the notorious European army.
Mister Acheson forbade the publication of
"Colliers" in a separate brochure as had
been earlier intended. The information or-
gans of the USA and "Voice of America" re-
ceived the Secretary of State's order to
make no mention of the articles published
in the issue.
The U.N. Secretariat directed an official
protest to the editors of "Colliers" against
the "unauthorized use of the UN em-
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt called the provoca-
tive issue "a most unfortunate publication"
which caused in Europe a "hostile feeling"
towards the USA.
However, (as is proper in such cases), new
cadres began to be organized in the place
of the fallen provocateurs. At that very mo-
ment, financial and industrial bigwigs gave
special money prizes to the authors of the
inflammatory "Colliers" issue.
The bosses of US politics feel panic-strick-
en before a broad ifudience. That is why,
for new provocations, they have selected
such publications as the "Michigan Daily,"
which is neither well-known, nor possessing
any particular status.
THE MAGAZINE "Colliers" isissued in the
millions of copies and circulated in nu-
merous countries. This made all the more
deafening the crash failure of its appeals
for mass extinction of freedom-loving peo-
ples. The "Michigan Daily" is a little-
known, provincial university paper. False-
hood and slander, incitement of war hysteria
are thus hidden from broad public'opinion,
and de-concentrated. Today the "Michigan
Daily" propagandizes world conflict among
student youth, tomorrow some other provin-
cial newspaper of the same tinge will be
convincing housewives of the inevitability
of war, day after tomorrow some reaction-
ary farmers' paper will be coming out in the,
same spirit, and so forth and so on.
*Colliers" flopped; it is too late to re-
medy that. One must learn a lesson from
its scandalous failure and on that basis
... cook up a new provocation!
The "Michigan Daily" has done just that.
To give maximum credibility to its forgery
the newspaper, in its editorial column, cen-
sures "Colliers," deplores "the clearly
negative influence which their (the "Col-
liers" editors-ed.) work has had on the
growing worldwide fight for -peace." You
see, we here at Michigan stand for peace;
'we would never, don't you see, dream up in-
flammatory articles. "Colliers" tried it, and

just look, dear reader, what happened!
Starting in November, a series of articles
have come out in the "Krashdna Sovetski"
which, according to the Daily, "apparently,
are the Russian answer to the flood of war-
mongering literature, published recently in
various American magazines."
Let us turn to the contents of the cold-
blooded forgery, which breathes bestial
hatred of the Soviet Union. We pass over
the fact that the magazine "Krashdna.
Sovetski" does not exist in the Soviet Un-
ion. This circumstance bothers the re-
sourceful authors not a bit. From the ar-
ticle of a fictitious Soviet magazine the
American reader learns that Eisenhower in
1952 became President of the USA. He was
thrust on the American workers by the
Wall-Street warmongers in the Autumn of
1952. The war started when the "army of
the West" was chased out of Europe. "In
order to carry out the immediate punish-
ment of the main war criminal ... a raid
on Washington was prepared ... " And
the submarine "X," leaving its base in
Minsk (yes, yes, in Minsk-such is the
erudition of the super-educated little mi-
trophans of Michigan University!) set
out for Washington. "The boldness of our
plot apparently tool the stupid imperial-
ists completely by surprise . . ."
Any criminologist knows that the recidivist
the thief, swindler, murderer, as a rule
works out a definite pattern of crime, a
definite way of committing it.
The "Michigan Daily" forgery example
lends full support to this assertion of crimi-
nologists. This criminal pattern fairly bulges
from the pages of the "Michigan Daily,"
this pattern of the journalist-warmongers,
who, on orders from Wall Street, cook up
articles and scenarios, novels and reporting.
The "Michigan Daily" offered its reader a
full Hollywood set. Subject: Soviet soldiers,
who have secretly come to the USA and
made their way to the White House, do away
with the President, his family, his body-
guard. Background: dark, ominous night.
Heroes: melodramatic evil-doers, murdereis,
naked women. . .
*x s
IT IS DIFFICULT to say what predomi-
nates in this disgusting piece of falsifi-
cation: insurmountable stupidity and idiocy
or maniacal warmongering delirium. There
is plenty of both, to be sure. "Two hundred
yards up, above the shore," the Daily in-
forms us, "one could indistinctly make out
the white silhouette of the Lincoln monu-
ment against the gray-black sky. The re-
actionaries have erected all over Washington
huge marble buildings in memory of the
great statesmen who were tools in their
hands. Lincoln was a President who declared
war against the colored population of Am-
erica.' And all this is supposed to be an
article published in a Soviet magazine!
We do not know who was the direct
composer of this coarse provocative falsifi-
cation. It is possible that "consiiltants"
from moth-balled white-guard elements
who have even forgotten their Soviet ge-
ography were commissioned for this, with
funds so generously provided by the fam-
ous law of 1951. Or it may be that some
home-grown "specialist in Russian af-
fairs," who considers Minsk a port city,
put his dirty paw to this article. In any
case, by the "pattern" we can unmis-
takably see that the main part was played
by American paid scribblers who day
after day fan up war hysteria, make pro-
paganda for war and aggression and the
mass lynching of simple people. From all
this war-mongering scribbling there wafts
the humanity-hating policy of the Penta-
gon and the State Department.
Were the "Michigan Daily" provocators
more succesesful than their "Colliers" pre-
decessors? Did the American war-propa-
gandists this time succeed in drawing simple
people into the spiders-net of falsehood and
slander? No, they did not succeed. The op-
eration which the Michigan paper undertook
fell through miserably. In "Colliers" they
did not reckon with the peoples' aspiration
for peace, they did not understand that the
time has passed when one could with im-
punity wave a torch near a powder keg. The
"Michigan Daily" provocateurs failed to re-
alize the common sense of the everyday Am-

Mr. D. L., an inhabitant of Ann Arbor in
the State of Michigan, where the paper is
published, sent us the clipping from the
"Michigan Daily" and gave to this filthy
provocation the evaluation it deserves.
"Dear Sirs," writes D.L. "The newspaper
article attached to this letter was published
in this form on Tuesday, Jan. 15, in the
editorial page of the paper "Michigan Daily,"
which is published by the students of the
University of Michigan under the direction
of the Board of Controls of Student Publi-
"Since it is assumed that this article is
a translation from a Soviet magazine and
since the contents of it are such that its
publication in the USSR would be con-
sidered a criminal act (the law concerning
incitement to war and sadistic violence)
I suspect that this particular article is a
deliberate, slanderous attack against the
Soviet Union.
"As an American citizen, I request that
dome sort of protest be declared against this
obvious falsehood."
Your are right, Mr. D.L.! Yes, the filthy

Yoo Hoo! Boys!Are You Displaying The Flag
.."°% -.R C
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

JUNE 2 - JUNE 12, 1952
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and recitations, the
time of class is the time of the first lecture period of the week;
for courses having recitations only, the time of the class is the
time of the first recitation period. Certain courses will be examin-
ed at special periods as noted below the regular schedule. 12
o'clock classes, 4 o'clock classes, 5 o'clock classes and other "ir-
regular" classes may use any examination period provided there
is no conflict (or one with conflicts if the conflicts are arranged
for by the "irregular" classes).
Each student should receive notification from his instructor
as to the time and place of his examination. In the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts, no date of examination may be
changed without the consent of the Committee on Examination

Time of Class
(at 8
(at 9
(at 10
MONDAY (at 11
(at 1
(at 2
(at 3

Time of Examination
Saturday, June 7
Tuesday, June 3
Monday, June 2
Wednesday, June 4
Friday, June 6
Thursday, June 5
Thursday, June 12
Monday, June 9
Wednesday, June 11
Tuesday, June 3
Friday, June 6
Thursday, June 5
Thursday, June 12
Wednesday, June 4


To the Editor:
THE word, "imposition," as fre-
quently used in recent issues
of The Daily whenever religious
convictions are at stake, is intend-
ed to designate the effort to per-
suade others that one's convictions
are based on truth and should
therefore be held by all men. This
use of the word, I believe, is a
coward's way out.
I happen to be one of those
pathetic characters-"throwbacks"
of an earlier age perhaps-who
believe that, in religious contexts
also, there is an absolute distinc-
tion between truth and falsehood.
Holding as I do that the Christian
Gospel is at bottom a news broad-
cast from heaven directed 4f all
men everywhere, I am committed
to the belief that all Gospels con-
flicting with the Christian one
are false. Am I then being unchar-
itable or simply logical? My faith
also demands that I try to win
others for it-is this possibly im-
position? If so, every man who

thinks and opens his mouth at all
is guilty.
Language is a patient thing.
There are people who tell us that
to speak for Christianity is prop-
aganda but - O zenith of en-
lightenment - to speak against
it is not! One could go further and
assert that tobe silent on the
subject is to declare it unworthy
of notice and, hence, to be opposed.
Neutrality is humbug.
Others want a definition of re-
ligion covering all major faiths.
Again this is a refusal to recog-
nize that the religious YES of
Christianity cancels out the re-
ligious NO of a contending faith.
It is like asking for a definition of
chemistry which also covers al-
In the interest of free discussion,
let's stop crawling behind such
verbal subterfuges as I have men-
tioned. The word IMPOSITION,
a hard-hitting piece of Latinity,
should be reserved for the mode of
persuasion that takes place at
-John Vriend




These regular examination periods have precedence over any
special period scheduled concurrently. Conflicts must be ar-
ranged for by the instructor of the "special" class,

Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32
Russian 2
German 1, 2, 11, 12, 31
Chemistry 4, 21
English 1, 2
Psychology 31
Sociology-Psychology 62
Economics 51, 52, 53, 54. 102,
153 (sections 2 and 3)
Sociology 51, 54, 90
Political Science 2
French 1, 2, 11, 12, 31, 32,
61, 62
Speech 31, 32

Monday, June 2
Monday, June 2
Tuesday, June 3
Wednesday, June 4
Saturday; June7
Saturday, June 7
Saturday, June 7
Monday, June 9
Tuesday, June 10
Tuesday, June 10




Wednesday, June
Wednesday, June





Senator Kerr

FOR THE FIRST TIME in 20 years, the
Democratic party has the opportunity
to choose a new leader. The honor bestowed
upon the man to succeed Mr. Truman is a
great one. He will be the leader of a party
that has, for a fifth of a century, been con-
tinually given the popular approval of the
American people.
To deserve this honor, any nominee must
be one who has continually championed
the Administration policy and worked for
its enactment. Robert S. Kerr, Senator
from Oklahoma, meets both of these qual-
In all fields of politics, whether it be as
Senator, governor, or party leader, he has
distinguished himself.
When Robert Kerr became Governor,
Oklahoma was in a debt of more than $43,-
000,000, teachers' salaries were pitifully low,
and neither Negroes nor women had any
post in the State Administration.
Kerr was able to eliminate the enormous
Oklahoma debt. When he left the governor-
ship to serve in the United States Senate,
the state had a $40,000,000 surplus in its
treasury. Yet, Governor Kerr was able to
provide social services to the state along
with desire for economy. Teachers' salaries
were raised 40%: workmen's compensation
payments were also substantially increased.
Soil conservation developments, the largest
highway program in the history of Okla-
homa, and flood control projects were en-
acted to meet the needs of growing Okla-
By far, the most outstanding qualifica-
tion of Bob Kerr is his ability to unite
people under him. Though, as governor,
he had some of the top business men in
his administration, the president of the
OklIhma FederAra tino fnab osad- CA

groes to three administrative posts, carried
the Negro districts by four to one, and was
recognized as a champion of minority rights
by being elected to the board of directors
of the National Conference of Christians and;
Jews. At the same time he was elected twice
as chairman of the Southern Conferences
of Governors. Here indeed is a rare indi-
vidual-one who can both win support of
minority groups, and, at the same time, be
well-liked throughout the Democratic South.
In the senatorial election of 1948, Okla-
homa's voters gave their former governor an
overwhelming 175,000 vote majority. A
staunch Fair-Dealer, Senator Kerr has voted
"right" for 21 out of 22 key labor votes, and
94% of the Administration program.
It was in foreign policy that Bob Kerr
gained national prominence. Immediately
after the dismissal of General MacArthur,
when many Democrats felt it "unwise" to
publicly speak against the policies of
MacArthur, Senator Kerr delivered a
message on the Senate floor, exposing the
nihility of the MacArthur program. Noted
Washington correspondent Marquis Childs
wrote about Robert Kerr, shortly after this
speech, "Senator Kerr is one of the most
resourceful men ever to come to the Sen-
Senator Blair Moody commented on Sen-
ator Kerr's ability to campaign, "Bob Kerr
is by all odds the most colorful rough-and-
tumble debater in the Democratic corner,
and has ground some of the ablest Republi-
cans to mincemeat in floor debate."
From his log cabin beginning, Bob Kerr
overcame early adversities. His rugged de-
termination drove him on to success as an
independent oil producer, and later, as Ok-
lahoma's governor and senator.

(Continued from page 2)
Hillel Services will be held at 7:45
and Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at
1429 Hill St.
Michigan Arts Chorale will meet at
the second floor of the League, 6:50 p.m.
Motion Pictures, auspices of Univer-
sity Museums. "Pond Life," "The Snap-
ping Turtle," and "Snakes are Inter-
esting." Fri., April 25, 7:30 p.m., Kel-
logg Auditorium. No admission charge.
Graduate Student Mixer, 9 to 12 mid-
night. Music by Paul MoDonough's
Quartet. Refreshments. Graduate stu-
dents and their friends invited.
Acolytes. Meeting, 8 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg. Prof D.
Ivan Dykstra of Hope College will speak
on "The True, the Real, and the Good."
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, 8 p.m. Dr. Stanley P. Wyatt, Jr.,
will lecture on "Radio Waves from
Space." After the lecture in 3017 Angell
Hall, the Students' Observatory on the
fifth floor will be open for telescopic
observation of Saturn and a double
star, if the sky is clear, or for inspec-
tion of the telescopes and planetarium,
if the sky is cloudy. Children are wel-
comed, but must be accompanied by
Tennis Instruction-women Students.
An additional class in tennis Is to be
offered on Fridays at 3:20 beginning
April 25 at the Women's Athletic Bldg.
Students who are interested should
register immediately in Office 15, Bar-
bour Gymnasium.
Coming Events
The 46th Annual French Play: Le
Cercle Francais will present "Le Monde
ou 1'on s'ennuie," a three act French
comedy by Edouard Pailleron, on Wed.,
April 30, 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater. Box Office open Tues., April
29, from 2 to 5 p.m. and Wed., April 30,
from 2 to 8 p.m. Free admission to mem-
bers of le Cercle Francais upon presen-
tation of their membership cards.
Graduate Outing Club meet at the
rear of the Rackham Bldg., 2 p.m., Sun.,
April 27.
Red Cross Water Safety Instructors'
Course. This course will be conducted
by the Red Cross starting Mon., April
28, 7 p.m. at the Intramural Pool.

P. Slosson will be the keynote speakef.
An Israeli student will tell of his ex-
periences in the War for Independence.
Film on Israel progress. Everyone is
Finance Club. Prof. Wilford J. Eite-
manewill speak torthe Club on "Gamb-
ling, Speculation, and Investment from
the Theoretical Points of View," Tues.,
April 29, 4 p.m., 131 Business Adminis-
tration Bldg. Free coffee following the
program. Everyone is invited.
The Intramural Rifle Match practice
is to be held evenings of April 28,
through May 1. The actual match firing
of the Rifle Championships is to take
place May 5 through 8. Interested per-
sons may sign up in the Union Lobby
or call Glenn Beckwith, S. Q., ext. 830.
40 10

sent of the Classification Committee.
Time of Class Time of Examination
(at 8 Saturday, June 7
(at 9 Tuesday, June 10
(at 10 Monday, June 2
MONDAY (at 11 Wednesday, June 4
(at 1 Friday, June 6
(at 2 Thursday, June 5
(at 3 Thursday, June 12

June 2 to June 12, 1952
NOTE: For courses having both lectures and quizzes, the time of
class is the time e;the first lecture period of toe week; for
courses having quizzes only, the time of class is the time of the
first quiz period.
Certain courses will be examined at special periods as noted
below the regular schedule. All cases of conflicts between assign-
ed examination periods must be reported for adjustment. See
bulletin board outside of Room 3209 East Engineering Building
between May 14 and May 21 for instruction. To avoid misunder-
standings and errors each student should receive notification
from his instructor of the time and place of his appearance In
each course during the period June 2 to June 12.
No date of examination may be changed without the con-





Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott ........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ..................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum. Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Ron Watts .............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ........... Sports Editor
George Flint ....Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker .....Associate Sports Editor
Jan James .............. Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
BnsIness Staff
Bob Miller ...........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ....Advertising Manager
Milt Goetz......Circulation Manager

E.M. 1, 2; M.I. 82; Spanish
Draw. 1; M.I. 135; German
Chem. 4, C.E. 21, 22
P.E. 11, 12, 13
P.E. 31, 32, 131; Psyc 31
Ec 53, 54, 1Q2, 153 (Sec 2, 3)
C.E. 1, 2, 4; Draw. 3; M.I.
136: Eng. 11
Draw. 2; E.E. 5; French
Irregular classes may use
vided there are no conflicts.

Monday, June 9
Wednesday, June 11
Tuesday, June 3
Friday, June 6
Thursday, June 5
Thursday, June 12
Wednesday, June 4
*Monday, June 2
*Tuesday, June 3
*Wednesday, June 4
*Thursday, June 5
*Saturday, June 7
*Monday, June 9
Tuesday, June 10
*Wednesday, June 11



any of the periods marked* pro-

Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary
changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
Courses not covered by this schedule as well as any necessary
changes will be indicated on the School bulletin board.
Individual examinations by appointment will be given for


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