Phi Gums
Top Phi belts,
Of lPt
MICHIGAN ATHLETIC COACHES better call for Mr. Einstein.
Although most people don't know why everything is relative (in
mathematical terms, at least), any Wolverine sports fan will tell you
that the recent, Big Ten championships in swimming, track, and
wrestling prove the Princeton professor knows what shape the world's
The reason? In all three instances, the Michigan teams were
among the strongest, if not the strongest, in modern history. Yet
all three wound up a couple of steps away from the winner's circle.
Michigan teams were great, but the competition was Just a trifle
Take the dirt track derby down in Champaign.
To say that the meticulous Don Canham was loaded this season
is an understatement. The personnel on this present Michigan track
team holds 11 varsity records, indoor and outdoor. It is young, it is bal-
anced, it is cool under fire.
At Champaign, captain Don McEwen came through with a.
great personal effort, doubling in the gruelling mile and two mile,
and picked up nine points for the Maize and Blue. Sophomore
John Ross duplicated his fellow Canadian's effort with a record-
breaking win in the mile and a close second in the 880. Fritz
Nilsson and Tom Johnson turned up first and second in the shot
put, the best Michigan has done in that event since the days of
Charley Fonville. And another Canadian sensation, Jack Carroll,
gave Illinois star Cirilo McSween a lesson in running the quarter
The result of all this was a second place. The Illini had the depth
in every event-manpower to burn. And a little of the bad luck which
has dogged recent Michigan track teams still remains. Van Bruner
failed to touch his best effort in the hurdles, both high and low, and
teammate Walt Atchison hit a barrier in the trials for the lows to elim-
inate another chance for points.
OSURecruits Swimmers .. .
IN SWIMMING, it was a different combination of circumstances
which yielded an also-ran position for Michigan. Although in-
eligibility in mid-season deprived Olympic coach Matt Mann of some
of his more valued performers, there was still talent of championship
calibre around the varsity pool.
But there's a small difference between Mann's teams and those
of Ohio State. Whereas Michigan swimmers come here becuse of
the tradition of the Wolverine and the personal attraction of the
venerable Mann, the Buckeyes draw their personnel through a
powerful recruiting net which extends to such farflung spots as
Hawaii and South America. In addition, eligibility rules at Colum-
bus are not considered the most stringent in the conference.
Add it all up and the result is Ohio State aqua-power the like of
which has never been seen. Even with Ron Gora and the rest of the
men felled by study difficulty, the Michigan! team wouldn't have bqen
good enough, even though they've broken enough varsity and pool
records to satisfy ten Wolverine squads.
Too Little, Too Late .. .
FOR CLIFF KEEN, longtime standout among wrestling coaches, it
was a matter of too little, too late.
The too little was in the matter of individual championships. Dick
O'Shaughnessy, a workmanlike sophomore, grabbed a crown along with
Snip Nalan. But the large share of the Wolverines didn't even get near
the championship round. That was where the too late came in. The
all-around ability of this well-conditioned grappling team showedup
in the consolation round, where a sudden plethora of points pushed
the Keenmen up to second place in the final standings.
It was again a matter of relativity. Although in dual meets' the
Michigan athletes had been able to handle almost all the conference
opponents in their weight class, the potent first round field provided by
the team championships was too great an obstacle for the grunt-and-
groaners. (They say they don't really grunt and groan in the college
sport, but they should if they don't.)
It all adds up to a call for Mr. Einstein. Anyone have a logarithm
table handy?
Conference Finish Bears Out
McCoy's Hardwood Forecast
® 4
MCF Gains
Phi Gamma Delta led all the
way to turn back Phi Delta Theta,
45-38 last night and move into
the final round of the first place
"A" basketball playoffs.
In other court action, the Michi-
gan Christian Fellowship over-
came a 9-4 first quarter deficit to
down the Foresters by a 31-28
count and reach the finals of the
Independent "A" playoffs.
* * * - a n
FIRST PIACE Fraternity "B"
playoffs saw Delta Tau Delta edge
Chi Psi by an 18-17 margin.
The Phi Gams took a com-
manding 10-5 quarter advan-
tage, and were on top, 20-17 at
the half way point. Pacing the
winners' attack were Joe Mid-
dleton, Bruce Haynam, Jack
Stumpfie and Charlie Emery
who teamed up for a total of 39
points. Chuck Hoffer paced the
losers with 12 markers.
As a result of its seven-point
victory, Phi Gamma Delta will
face the winner of the Sigma Chi-
ATO tilt in the finals.
FORWARD Herb Spencer, who
collected 15 points, paced the MCF
to its comeback win over the For-
Behind throughout the first
quarter, the MCF attack picked
up momentum in the next ses-.
sion as the winners assumed an
18-15 halftime lead. MCF moved
out to a 24-20 margin after
three quarters and withstood a
last-minute Forester rally to
take the verdict.
Delta Tau Delta built up a 13-9
halftime advantage and had just
enough left to hold off a Chi Psi
surge and win out by a single
point. Chi Psi was on top late in
the game, 16-15, but in the thrill-
packed final moments, the first
half leaders regained their edge to
eke out the win.
harvest led Beta Theta Pi into the
second place "A" finals with a 34-
24 decisionover Sigma Alpha Epsi-
The annual professional frater-
nity swimming meet returned Del-
ta Sigma Delta as the new cham-
pion by a38-33 tally over runner-
up Alpha Kappa Kappa. Nu Sigma
Nu took third place with 24 points,
followed by Phi Epsilon Kappa
with 22 and the Law Club with 19.
In gaining the win, Delta Sigma
Delta nabbed firsts in the medley
relay, the 50-yard breast stroke
and the 200-yard free style event.
Dave Siebold paced the winners
by grabbing the latter two events.
Intramural Scores
Phi Gamna Delta 45, Phi Delta
Theta 3t
Beta Theta Pi 34, Sigma Alpha Epsi-
Ion 24
Sigma Phi 30, Sigma Nu 15
Alpha Delta Phi 23, Delta Chi 13
Alpha Sigma Phi 15, Theta Chi 11
MCF 31, Foresters 28
Delta Tau Delta 18, Ci Psi 17
Hinsdale 2, Reeves 0
Cooley 2, Huber 1
Strauss 3, Prescott 0
Taylor 3, Lloyd 0
Tyler 2, Van Tyne 0
Anderson 2, Chicago 1
Wenley 3, Scott 0
Grapefruit League
Pittsburgh (N) 4, Seattle (PCL) 2
New York (A) 7, Boston (A) 6
Chicago (A) 7, St. Louis (A) 6
St. Louis (N) 3, Boston (N) 0
M ajor Injuries Hamper
Tiger Pucksters in NCAA
Colorado College, a team that
was greatly feared by Michigan
just a little more than a month
ago, enters the NCAA tournament
this Friday evening riddled by key
injuries and ineligibilities.
The Tigers, who, like Michigan,
will be playing in their fifth
straight collegiate championship
tournament, face Yale in the
semifinal contest. Should they
* * *
ond game saved the Wolverines
from being eliminated from con-
sideration for a coveted bid to
Colorado Springs.
The Tigers took the first game
of the series, 5-3, but lost the
second one in an overtime thril-
ler, 7-6. However, the series was
a costly one for Colorado, as
they lost their leading scorer
and spark of their first line,
Tony Frasca. Frasca suffered a
broken ankle in the first game.
To add to his troubles, Cheddy
Thompson, Tiger coach, has just
been informed that Ron Hartwell
who led the squad's scoring for
the season is ineligible for this
weekend's tournament. It has just
been discovered that Hartwell was
playing his fourth year of collegi-
ate hockey. That leaves Omer
Brandt as the only remaining
member of the Tiger's highest
scoring line.
However, if the Tigers lack
scoring punch, they'll still have
plenty of defensive power. Their
goalie, Ken Kinsley, was praised
by Vic Heyliger, Wolverine men-
tor, as the toughest that his squad
has seen all season.
Boston 3, Detroit 2
Military Ball
on display
Today and Tomorrow
in Administration Building
Dayton UpsetsFavored St. Louis, 68-58
NEW YORK-UP)-Fluid-moving Meineke scored 16 and Grigsby tussle of it, leading most of the
Don Meineke and driving Chuck netted 22. first half and then staging a late
Grigsby provided Dayton with a Duquesne, poised top-seeded rally after Duquesne had taken a
killngpoe-twond- chded ast. niht favorite, eliminated Holy Cross, 57-46 third quarter lead.
to upset second-seeded St. Louis, 786 o*opee h*em-ia
the Sugar Bowl Champion. 68-58 b8-c8et ofcmt the semi-fienal NAIB BASKETBALL
in the quarter-finals of the Nation- e Eastern Illinois 11Huron 78
al Invitation Basketball Tourna- The towering Dukes will meet Utah state 85, Clarion State 68
ment at Madison Square Garden I LaSalle and Dayton will take on New Mexico A & M 86, Mississippi
last night. third-seeded St. Bonaventure to- Lawrence Tech 97, Washburn 80
The graceful Meineke, utilizing morrow night to see who battles it NBA BASKETBALL
an almost unguardable pivot shot, out in Saturday's finals. Rochester 82, Indianapolis 81
and Grigsby, the 6-foot-5 senior The scrappy Crusaders of Holy Boston 88, Philadelphia 84
who specializes in driving layups, Cross, winner over Seattle Monday, OTYale 91,THER BASKETBALL
who specis indrivn ayus Cross, hd su a raPennsylvania 64
tallied 38 points between them. gave the favored Dukes quite a Syracuse 71, Canisius 61
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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. . . ineligible star
win, they will qualify to play the
winner of the Michigan-St. Lawr-
ence game in the finals on Sat-
urday night.
COLORADO should need little
introduction to Wolverine follow-
ers. They clashed with the Maize
and Blue in a crucial two game
series last month and almost
wrecked Wolverine hopes for a bid
to the tournament. At the
time, second place was at stake
and only a comeback in the sec-
Headquarters for,
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MACGREGOR "The Greatest Name in Golf"
NOW-a Great Name in Tennis
Along with his other talents,
Wolverine cage coach Ernie Mc-
Coy rates as one of the top, prog-
nosticators in the business, in view
of his pre-season Big Ten predic-
The grey-haired mentor, who
brought his charges home with a
7-15 slate for the second succes-
sive season, saw Illinois, Iowa and
Indiana battling it out for the
top spot in an early December
Illini had "exceptional strength
at center in Bob Peterson and
Johnny Kerr." These two poured
in a total of over 400 points to
pace Illinois to itsrsecond straight
conference crown.
He continued his analysis by
stating, "Although Iowa lost
Frank Calsbeek by graduation,
they still have Chuck Darling,
a really great player and anoth-
er fine one in Bob Clifton." Dar-
ling bore out McCoy's confi-
dence by shattering just about
every Big Ten scoring mark
there was to shatter.
One of the top mid-western
scouts, McCoy also forecasted the
rise of Minnesota's Gophers into
the heights of the first division.
* Speaking of Wisconsin, the
Michigan hoop tutor warned that
guard Ab Nicholas would have to
be reckoned with. Even with Mc-
Coy's warning, the Wolverines
could not do the reckoning as the
But McCoy missed the boat in
predicting better things for his
own hoopsters. An eighth place
western conference deadlock, with
four wins and ten losses, failed to
concur with the coach's opinion
that his hoopsters "should improve
as the season moves along."
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