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March 12, 1952 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1952-03-12

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E ----

New York Police Comb'
City for Schuster Killer



NEW YORK - Nineteen thou-
sand New York City policemen,
looking for a suspect in the slay-
ing' of Arnold Schuster, failed
again yesterday to uncover their
man as FBI men pondered a
threatening note to Schuster's
Residents of their quiet Brook-
SL Announces
Spring Slate
Of Candidates

(Continued from Page 1)

In contention for the single seat
on the Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics are these six
sophomores; Bob Neary, Sheldon
Chambers, Miles Lee, Barry Way-
burn, John Ross, and Milt Mead.
The literary college senior
class presidency is a four-way
race . between .Bob . Goodwin,
Gene Bohi, Doug Lawrence, and
Rog Wilkins. In the vice-presi-
dential race are Bob Steinberg,
Sherb. Brown, and Crawford
Two women, Nan Brewer and
Mary Ann Suino are after the sec-
retary post while the treasurer
position is between Jerry Rovner,
Edwin Kerr, and Sid Klaus.
For senior class president in the
engineering college, the candidates
are Warren Norquist, Bill Hick-
man, and Herb Gold. Running for
vice-president will be Dick Pereles,
Ronald Foulds, and Jerry Kuisel.
Running for secretary are Al-
len Krass, John Knudsen, and
Don White, while the candidates
for treasurer are Pete Lederman
and Ken Cannestra.
Eighteen candidates are seeking
the six Union vice-presidencies.
Running for the position from the
combined schools are Dick Dem-
mer, '53; Bob Baker, '52; and
Norm Zilber, '53.
Candidates from the Engineer-
ing college are Jack Ehlers, '53;
Sam Alfieri, '54AD; Sam Deyo,
'53; and Bob Erf, '53.
Union vice-presidential candi-
dates from the literary college are
Dave Ponitz, '52; Lou Zako, '53;
Chris Brown,"53; Mort Scult, '53;
and John Messer, '52. From the
Medical School the candidates are
Mel Reinhart and John Finger.
Law School candidates are James
Callison and James LoPrete, '53;
while Dental School students af-
ter their post will be Fred Pine and
Anno Vander Pine.

lyn neighborhood receded in ter-
ror behind locked doors. Schuster,
a young clothing salesman, was
shot Saturday, 19 days after his
tip had led to the capture of the
nation's number one bank robber,
William (Willy) Sutton,
THE NOTE,, the 12th threat
which has come to the Schuster
home since Sutton was jailed,
said, "One life is not enough.
There will be more," as the New
York Times reported it.
Headed by 150 top detectives,
the entire New York police force
has been alerted to find escaped
convict Frederick Tenuto, a for-
mer prison mate of Sutton's,
who was reportedly seen in the
vicinity of the crime last week.
The giant manhunt was touched
off Sunday when news of the deed
was broadcast to a shocked pub-
lic. Monday, two newspapers and
a radio station posted a $12,000 re-
ward for the killer, and yesterday
New York Mayor Vincent R. Im-
pellitteri said he would ask the
city to add $25,000 to the sum.
THE SEEDS of the crime were
sown months ago when an FBI
circular describing Sutton fell
into Schuster's hands. When the
handsome 24 year old World War
II veteran ,found himself riding
opposite the robber in a New York
subway three weeks ago, he quick-
ly notified the police.
His only reward were the bul-
lets which killed him as he was
coming home from work Satur-
day night. Previously he had
received 11 notes, threatening
to take his life.
Now, the police have posted a
continual guard around the
Schuster home. Fearing that some
kind of a maniac may have per-
petrated the deed, they are also
guarding employees of a bank
which Sutton recently held up.
The bank workers helped identify
the robber when he was first
brought to jail.
While the police look and the
people cringe, local papers in the
city have been fired up. To the
New York Times, the crime "con-
jures up a picture of a criminal
society with its own crooked laws
and its own deadly methods of
carrying them out."
Michigras Meeting
The Michigras central commit-
tee chairmen will meet at 4:45 p.m.
today in the Union, according to
Pat Smith, '52, general co-chair-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11
a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXII, No. 111
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Hatcher will be at home to students
from 4 to 6 o'clock, Wednesday, March
All Married Veterans: Applications
for the University Terrace Apartments
are now being accepted from out-of-
state veterans as well as in-state vet-
erans. Applicants must be married at
the time of making application. Please
bring a copy of your marriage certi-
ficate and military discharge papers.
Apply at Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Administration Bldg.
Registered Social Events for the com-
ing week-end:
March 14
Abby House
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Epsilon Pi
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Kappa Psi
Alpha Sigma Phi
Angell House-Chicago House
Chi Psi
Couzens Hall
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Sigma Theta
Gamma Phi Beta
Kappa Sigma
Palmer House
Scott House
Sigma Alpha Mu
March 15
Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Kappa Kappa
Beta Theta Pi
Chi Phi
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Sigma Delta
Gomberg House
Greene House
Inter-Cooperative Coun'
Kappa Phif
Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi Chi
Phi Delta Epsilon
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Kappa Sigma
Phi Kappa Tau
Phi Rho Sigma
Phi Sigma Delta
P Lambda Phi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phij
Theta Chi
Theta Delta Chi
Theta Xi
Zeta Psi
March 16
Graduate Outing Club
Lawyers Club
Phi Delta Phi
Stockwell Hall
Opportunities for June engineering
graduates for Commissions in the US-
NR: A representative from the Depart-
ment of the Navy's Bureau of Ord-
nance will be on campus Fri., March 14,
to discuss commissioning of qualified
engineering June graduates as Ord-
nance Specialists in the grade of En-
sign, on an inactive status for duty in
event of mobilization. Male candidates,
at least 19 years old, who are veterans
and will obtain a degree in engineer-
ing, physics or a PhD in applied mathe-
matics are eligible. During the day, the
representative will be at the Bureau of
Appointments for interviews. Call Ext.
371 for an appointment. A group meet-
ing will be held at 5 p.m., 229 W,. Engi-
neering, for all interested students.
Employment Interviews
Representatives from the Naval and
National Bureau of Standards' research
laboratories located in California will
be at the Mechanical Engineering De-
partment, 225 W. Engineering, Thurs-
day and Friday, March 13 and 14, to
interview engineering, physics, elec-
tronics and mathematics seniors and
graduate students for employment. A
group meeting will be held at 5 p.m.,
1042 E. Engineering, Wed., March 12.
Sign at ME for appointments.
Harris-Seybold Company will be on
the campus Monday morning, March
17, to talk to men interested in Sales,
Manufacturing and Finance. Call the
Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 371 for
Summer Positions: Students interest-
ed in summer employment will have an
opportunity to examine the Bureau of

Appointments' personnel requests from
camps,'resorts, and industries, Wednes-
day afternoon, 1 to 5 p.m., Room 3B,
Union. Those students who have not
yet registered for summer employment
may do so at that time.
The director of Camp Manitow, lo-
cated near Cheboygan, will be at room
3B, Union, Wednesday, 1 to 3:30 p.m.
to interview men for general counseling
and riflery positions. For appointment

call at 3528 Administration Building+
phone University extension 2614.


Personnel Requests
The state of Michigan Civil Service
announces examination for Librarian .
Requirements for Librarian I: gradu-
ation from an accredited college (lib-
rary science degree is not required) with
additional credit given for training or
experience in library science. Applicants
who have not graduated as of April 2,
1952, but who anticipate graduation
from college by September, 1952, will
be conditionally accepted for the Li-
brarian I examination. Those condi-
tionally accepted will not be consider-
ed for appointment prior to proof of
The U.S. Civil Service Commission
announces an examination for police-
woman. This position includes investi-
gations to determine the causes of de-
linquency and steps for the removal of
such causes, applying methods of social
case work, investigations to determine
necessity of legal action for social treat-
ment of individual women and girls,
supervise places of commercial recrea-
tion and investigate complaints re-
ceived, from citizens and community
agencies. Requirements include four
years of progressively responsible ex-
perience which c ,uld consist of social
case work or group work; counseling
individuals on personal problems;
teaching which has included consider-
able responsibility for making home vis-
its and assisting people in adjusting
personal problems; and participation in
community studies or In other research
involving delinquency problems. Edu-
cation can be substituted for experi-
ence if the individual has completed
successfully one year of study at a
school of social work. Major study in
sociology, including courses in case
work and supervised field work may be
substituted for experience at the rate
of 1 year of study for 1 year experience.
This examination will be given in Ann
The U.S. Civil Service Commission
announces the examination for dieti-
tians for filling positions in hospitals
and regional offices of the Veterans
Administration located in the U.S. and
Puerto Rico. A degree is required in
addition to some experience as a dieti-
The Dixie Shops, Inc. of Ann Arbor
has a position open for an Assistant
Store Manager. A man with experi-
ence or a June graduate may make ap-
plication for the vacancy.
The American Rock Wool Corpora-
tion, of Wabash, Indiana has vacancies
for Chemical Engineers or men trained
in Ceramics or Mineralogy. There is a
Training Program in Wabash after
which individuals would be placed eith-
er there or in other areas.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Building.
Personnel Interviews
The Providence Washington Insur-
ance Company of Hartford, Conn., will
have a representative on the campus
wed., March 12, to tal to June grad-
uates interested in their Training Pro-
For further information appoint-
ments and application blanks call the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Building, Ext. 371.
Simon Mandelbaum Scholarships:
College of Literature Science and the
Applications for the Simon Mandel-
baum Scholarships for the academic
year 1952-53 are now available in Room
1010 Angell Hall. Applicants must have
had at least one semester of residence
in this College.
Ushers for Michigan Union Opera
Twenty men are wanted by the Mi-
chigan Union Opera to serve as ushers
for each performance of the show. There
will be three performances-March 26,
27, and 28, in the Michigan theater.
Tuxedos, black ties and soft white
shirts must be worn. Men who wish to
serve should call the Union Opera Of-
fice in the Michigan Union any after-
noon. 3-5 p.m.)
College teaching positions in Soci-
ology: The Bureau of Appointments
and Occupatioigal Information has re-
ceived several requests for college
teaching candidates with a doctorate in
Sociology. For further information call
at '528 Administration Building or
phone University extension 2614.
Religion-In-Life lecture, Rackham
Lecture Hall, Wednesday, 8:30 p.m.
Speaker: Dr. W. A. Visser 't Hooft, Gen-
eral Secretary, World Council of
Churches, Geneva, Switzerland. Sub-
ject: "Christianity in This Kind of
World." Reception in Lane Hall follow-
ing the lecture.
University Lecture in Journalism,
auspices of the Department of Journa-
lism. "The Editorial Direction of the
Sunday New York Times." Lester Mar-

kel, Sunday editor, The New York
Times. 3 p.m., Wed., March 12, Rackham
Sigma Xi Lecture: Wed., March 12, 8
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Dr. Wil-
liam H. Hobbs, Professor Emeritus of
Geology, will speak on "Plans for a
New Trans-Isthmian Ship Canal at Sea
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of, English. "Literary Anal-
ysis," Dr. I. A. Richards, University
Professor, Harvard University. 4:15 p.m.,
Thurs., March 13, Rackham Lecture
University Lecture, auspices of the De-
partment of Botany. "Nitrogen Fixation
and Photosynthesis." Dr. Perry W. Wil-
son, Professor of Agricultural Bacteri-
ology, University of Wisconsin. 4:15 p.-
m., Thurs., March 13, Kellogg Audi-
University Lecture: Paul Henry Lang,
Professor of Musicology at Columbia
University, 4:15 p.m., Thurs., March 13,
Rackham Amphitheater. "Aesthetics of
Opera." Open to the general public.
Mathematics Lectures: Prof. Irving
Kaplansky, of the University of Chi-
cago, will give the first lecture of a
series on Abelian Groups, Thurs., March
13, 3 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall.
Academic Notices
Law School Admission Test: Appli-
cation blanks for the April 26 adminis-
tration of the Law School Admission
Test are now available at 110 Rackham
Building. Application blanks are due in
Princeton, N. J. not later than April 16.
Chemistry Colloquium. Prof. Peter A.
S. Smith will lecture on "New Zealand"
(illustrated with color slides), Wed.,
March 12, 4:07 p.m., 1300 Chemistry
Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Wed.,
March 12, 3:45 p.m., 101 W. Engineer-
ing Bldg. Prof. L. L. Rauch will speak
on "Electronic Differential Analyzer
and its Application to Nonlinear Sys-
Geometry Seminar: Wed., March 12,
4:10 p.m., 3001 A.H. Mr. J. Wright will
speak on "Linear Graphs in Projective
Orientation Seminar (mathematics):
Wed., March 12, 2 p.m., 3001 A.H. Mr.
Lyjak will speak on "Euler's Formula
and the Beginnings of Topology."
Aero Seminar: Prof. J. D. Schetzer
will continue his discussion of "Trends
in Aircraft Dynamics," Thurs., March
13, 4 p.m., in 1504 !. Engineering Bldg.
Interested students, staff and research-
ers are welcome.

World" at 8:30 p.m. in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. Music by the Schola Can-
torum. Canterbury Club: Evening Pray-
er at 5:15 in St. Michael's Chapel.
Anthropology Club: The "Metaphy-
sics of Cultures" will be discussed, by
Professors A. Kaplan and H. Hoimer at
the meeting, 7:30 p.m., West Lecture
Room, Rackham Bldg. Everyone wel-
Michigan Arts Chorale. Meet at 7
p.m., University High School Auditor-
UL*R Ski Club: Meeting. Movies, 7:30
p.m., Room 3A, Union.
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea
and talk this afternoon at the Guild
lounge. School of Christian Living, 6
Kappa Kappa Psi. Meeting, 9:30 p.m.,
Harris Hall. New officers will be offi-
gally, appointed to their duties.
U. of M. Rifle Club will fire a shoul-
der to shoulder match with the Dear-
born Rifle Club Wednesday evening at
7:15 p.m. The match is to be fired at
the ROTC Rifle Range. All members are
requested to be present. All men 'who
hope to go to Illinois should attend to
find out the final team arrangements.
Weekly Union Bridge Tournament.
7:15 p.m., small Ballroom, Union.
IZFA Discussion Group will not meet
tonight, but will meet next Wed., March
19, 7:30 p.m., League. Topic: "Planning
to Visit Israel?"
Canterbury Club: 4:30 p.m. Everyone
is invited to meet Dr. Visser 't Hooft at
Tea in the Canterbury House, 218 N.
Division St.
Aiee-Ire. Coffee Hour, 3-5 p.m., Room
2084. Movies and refreshments. All Elec-
trical engineering faculty and students
Chess Club. Meeting, 8 p.m., Rm. 3L,
Union. New members are particularly
Ukranian Student Club. Meeting, 7:30
p.m., 1024 Hill Street (new address of
Club). Topic: "Ukranian Insurgent Ar-
my During World War II." Guests are
Polonia Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m., In-
ternational Center. Dancing, singing,
and charades will be featured. Refresh-
ments. All students of Polish descent
and those interested in Polish culture
are invited.
(Continued on Page 4)

Phone 23-24-1
HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M.
2 .60 1.34 1.96
3 .70 1.78 2.84
4 .90 2.24 3.92
Figure 5 average words to a line.
Classified deadline daily except
Saturday is 3 P.M., Saturdays,
11:30 A.M., for Sunday issue.
CANARIES, parakeets, love-birds, and
finches. Bird supplies. 562 S. 7th.
Phone 5330. Hours 1-7.
ARMY-NAVY type oxfords $6.88. Sizes
6-12, Widths A-F. Sam's Store, 122
E. Washington. )38
FOR SALE-Full Dress Suit (tails) Size
38. Very good condition. Right in
style for Senior Ball, Call Sky Has-
kell, 9274 after 7 p.m. )40
BIRTHDAY Reminder-Elgin American.
Zodiac Compacts-The correct sign.
For the Correct Girl-reduced from
5.00 to 2.25. Burr Patt, 1209 So. Uni.
BRITISH BICYCLE-Lights, $26. Write:
Waldner, 423 High, Ann Arbor. )42
TUXEDO, Blue Gabardine suit. Both
37's. Reasonable. Call evenings. 2-4401,
215 Winchell, W.Q. )43

DIAMOND RING - Emerg~d-cut, 0.85
carat, flawless, blue-white, platinum
mounting. Will cost you plenty but
far more anywvhere else. Call 2-4693
evenings or write Box 10, Michigan
Daily. )41
SINGLE ROOM for man across from
Bus. Ad school. Cali 814 Hill after
six. )19R
Wed. and Sat. hours 10-4. Palmer
Studio, Michigan Theater Building.
SHIRTS laundered, 18c each. I day
service. U & M Dry Cleaners & Laun-
dry. 1306 S. Univ.
SPECIAL-on Poodle Permanents, com-
plete - $5.00. Modern Beauty Shop,
11712 S. Main, Ph. 8100. )20M
WHY bother with your laundry? We
can do it at 8c a lb. 1 day service.
U & M Dry Cleaners & Laundry. 1306
S. Univ.
THERE ARE March specials to News-
week, Holiday, US News, and other
mags available to all who phone Stu-
dent Periodical, 6007. )1P
guaranteed. Ph. 3-0254. 315 E. Lib-
erty (side door). )4B
STENOGRAPHER to work in local en-
gineering office week of April 7
Spring Vacation). Dictaphone exper-
ience would be helpful. Phone 2-5638.
APT. HUNTING? - Try Apt. Finding
Service at the Campus Tourist Home.
Rooms by day or week. Kitchen Priv.
518 E. William St., 3-8454. )5R
A PROFESSIONAL or business girl to
share attractive bungalow with busi-
ness girl. Close to town, bus lines.
$40 month. References required.
Phone 8910 after 5:30. ) 12F


Qr/u m $ciNMA
All This Week

An Intimate Theatre

Prof.,Hobbs To Discuss
Panama Canal Problem



s s s

Prof. William H. Hobbs, profes-
sor emeritus of the geology de-
partment, believes he has the ans-
wer to the Panama Canal problem
facing this generation.
And he plans to give that ans-
wer at 8 p.m. today in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater-in a lecture
entitled "Plans for a New Trans-
Isthmian Ship Canal at Sea Level."
PROF. HOBBS is intent on ad-
vancing a solution to a problem
which has been perplexing canal
engineers for quite a while.
The problem - by 1960 the
Panama Canal will not be able
to handle commercial shipping
on peak days, and by 1970, it is
estimated, will not be adequate
for the expected flood of traffic.
Prof. Hobbs' proposed solution--
the construction of twin channels
(combined open-ditch and tunnel)
through the Honduran Depression
across the Republic of Honduras.
The two channels would be carv-

* * *
ed through mountain rock. Fur-
ther elaboration awaits Prof.
Hobbs' lecture today.

111; -





Union Opera 1952
March 26, 27, 28
Michigan Theater
(Friday, March 28, SOLD OUT)
I Michigan Union, Ann Arbor, Mich.
.tickets for March 26, 27. at


CIN: GUILD Wolverine
with pride
John Ford's Masterpiece
Te Informer
) * I'a V e v'.r0 - wen TIlIC 471t11



Macdonald CAW









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