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See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
OK of Hatcher,
Regents Needed
Will Force Bias Clause Fraternities
To Ask for Removal at Conventions
Daily Managing Editor
Anti-bias clause legislation once more came to the fore yesterday
as the Student Affairs Committee passed, seven to six, a motion de-
signed to establish the University's viewpoint against discriminatory
clauses, and to make groups work toward getting rid of them.
The proposal, if approved by President Harlan Hatcher and the
Board of Regents, would require organizations with constitutional bias
clauses to act positively against them in national conventions. If
unable to present.evidence to the SAC at the beginning of each year
that they had followed this procedure, the group "shall be denied
recognition by the SAC."
PASSED IN THE Student Legislature Feb. 13, the motion has
behind it a long history of similar proposals. The most prominent
among these is a motion passed by the SL and SAC last spring, very
much like the present one except that a six-year deadline was attached,
by which time the clauses themselves had to be stricken from the
constitutions. This action was vetoed by retiring President Alexander
G. Pluthven in June, 1951.
Fourteen fraternities and one sorority are known to have bias
clauses, and will be affected by this ruling.
They will be required "to present a motion on the floor of their
... national conventions asking for the removal of such clauses,
support, and vote positively for such motion.
IF IT IS impossible to get a motion on the floor of the convention,
the organization sh'll be required to present, support, and vote posi-
tively for a motion asking for a suspension of the rules to consider
the removal of the discriminatory clauses.",
In case thatno convention has been held within the past two
years, the group must show evidence that they have petitioned for
a special meeting on the clause question.
The motion was presented and initially supported by President
Len Wilcox, '52, and Leah Marks, '52, of th SL. Against suggestions
that the Committee simply pass a statement saying that the Univer-
sity deplores the existence of discriminatory clauses, Miss Marks re-
plied: "We realize that most of the bite has been taken out of the
time-limit motion of last year-but this proposal still has one tooth
left in it, and may serve to spark positive action against constitutional
OPPOSITION was voiced by SAC members who felt that such "a
watered-down proposal would only be a farce in practice." Another
expressed the view that other means less antagonistic to the groups
concerned would be more effective in getting rid of "methodical" dis-
Wilcox countered with the observation that "the University
has no stated policy against bias clauses at present, and should
definitely have one. This motion defines a position as well as
offering a basis for positive action."
In support of the SL proposal, Wilcox read a statement which
outlined precedent action oil the subject and concluded: "Such a new
policy, in the opinion of the Student Legislature, is not only consistent
with established University policy, but fully in keeping with the educa-
tional objectives of the University of Michigan.'
A SUMMARY report by the joint SL Human Relation and Pan-
hellenic Association committee studying the sorority discriminatory
clause question was presented, telling of the results of study in this
quarter. t
It reported that a poll had been taken among sorority
women in which 567 voted against clauses and 69 for them, indi-
cated that it felt that removal of the clauses must come from
within the individual groups concerned, and remarked "all is
being done that possibly can be at the moment."
Backing up the accepted SL motion were-a list of nine illustra-
tions showing how the University already causes forfeiture of certain
rights, such as drinking, driving, and extra-curricular eligibility.
Wilcox explained that these examples were offered to support SL's
contention that the motion made no new inroads on the rights of
student groups.
The measure will be taken to President Harlan Hatcher for final
approval before it goes into effect, according to Dean Erich Walter,
chairman of the SAC.
Faculty-Student Committee
To ProbeMePhaul Dinner
A joint faculty-student committee will investigate mysterious
circumstances surrounding a Union dinner held last week on behalf
of banned speaker Arthur McPhaul, it was announce yesterday.
Although the University had previously said the Student Affairs
Comtee would handle the probe, j
S Hthe incident was not discussed at
EIdAcers1Teldj length at yesterday's SAC meeting.
* * *
* * *
-AP News Photo
TALKATIVE-Lee Romano, ex-Communist and former Local
600 UAW (CIO) vice-president, spent five talkative hours on the
witness stand yesterday, describing alleged Communist infiltra-
tion in the local.
S* s *
Reds Seen In Ford Local;
Probers Called A t i- labor
Special to The Daily
DETROIT-Reports of wide-spread Communist infiltration of
Ford Rouge Local 600, UAW (CIO) and angry "anti-Negro" and
"anti-labor" charges against the House Un-American Activities sub-
Union Chiefs
Court Order
Local Travel
To Be Resumed
By The Associated Press
Heads of three railroad brother-
hoods bowed to a federal court
order yesterday by instructing
6,000 striking engineers, firemen
and conductors to get back on
their jobs immediately.
The New York Central system
acted immediately to resume pas-
senger and freight service. Crews
were flocking back to work.
IN ANN ARBOR, NYC officials
reported that they were "in good
shape" and said they expectedI
eastbound train traffic to flow to-
day. The baggage and mail situa-
tion was also reported cleared up.
At 6:55 a.m. this morning the
first commuter train, eastbound,
left Jackson' for Detroit. The
westbound Wolverine, Motor
City, and Mercury, however,
were not expected to move untilj
early tomorrow.
The first train to leave Detroit
at 11:40 a.m. this morning will be
the Cincinnati-bound Baltimore &
Ohio. The Empire State will leave
Detroit tomorrow morning.
* * *
ALL OVER the country, NYC
strikers began reporting back to
work last night. Railroad officials,
however, said the response was
slow and soame pickets still re-
The three brotherhood heads
had no immediate comment on
the strike-ending injunction or
on how fast or complete a re-
sponse they expected to their
instructions. They told their
subordinates to "immediately
take all steps to get our members
back on the job."
Should the back-to-work in-
structions fail, the brotherhoods
would be liable to contempt of
court charges, with possible heavy
fines or even imprisonment.
SL Meets Today
Student Legislature will hold
its weekly meeting at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Anderson-Strauss
dining hall of East Quad.
...-in a close race ,. .. a smile, a victory?
Political Clubs Endorse
Action Against Speaker Ban
Three campus political groups decided last night to endorse the
"Vote Yes" committee, recently formed, to coordinate political clubs'
action against the Regents' ban on political and "subversive" speakers.
Students for Democratic Action, Young Republicans, and the
Civil Liberties Committee voted to empower representatives to take
action in "Vote Yes" meetings. Similar decisions mom the Young
committee were high points in y(
Ba tista Rules
Cuba; Arrests
Rival Politician
HAVANA--OP-Fulgencio Batis-
ta proclaimed himself undisputed,
all-powerful ruler of Cuba yes-
The 51-year-old former presi-
dent suspended for the next 45
days all government processes ex-
cept by his own decrees, a day
after his almost bloodless revolu-
tion overturned the government
of President Carlos Prio Socarras.
Prio took refuge in the Mexican
Agramonte, leader of the
Orthodox Peoples Party, was
seized at his home with his
teen-age son Roberto Jr., and
one aide, although friends said
Batista forces had told him he
would be untouched there.
The police said Agramonte had
violated new government rules by
receiving visitors. The police held
Agramonte for three hours and
then released him.'
Union Councilmen
To Meet in Dorms
esterday's dull sessions of the De-
< troit Communist probe.
Ulesio (Lee) Romano, former
vice-president of Local 600, and
confessed ex-party member, led off
and spent most of the day on the
stand, partly in description of the
activities of an alleged 2,000 Com-j
munists and sympathizers in the
giant local, partly in wordy dis-
cussions of the significance and
history of the labor movement,
ON THE HEELS of the coopera-
tive Romano's five hour stint, the
committee heard a parade of re-
bellious Local 600 officers condemn
the purpose and methods of the
Detroit hearings.
Romano claimed that the
Communist grip on the local,
whose 60,000 members make itj
the world's largest, was the
strongest it has ever been. With
up to 175 card-carrying mem-
bers, he charged that the Reds
had gained complete control of
the local's destiny.
Now a staunch supporter of
UAW President Walter Reuther,
Romano admitted he himself had
been a Communist from 1942 to
1946, explaining that he joined the
Party during the war "under pres-
sure from friends."
*' * *
BUT WITH Romano off the
stand, later witnesses, notably
James Watts and Paul Boatin, both
Local 600 officers named in the
Progressives and the Young Demo-
crats are necessary before political
coordination on the issue is unani-
CONVENED under SDA spon-
sorship, the "Vote Yes" committee
will attempt to mobilize student
opinion in favor of a referendum
on the spring Student Legislature
ballot. The referendum reads: "Do
you oppose the empowering of the
University Lecture Committee to
restrict any recognized campus or-
ganization in its choice of speak-
ers and subjects?"
The "Vote Yes" committee was
approved by SDA and CLC
groups in a nearly unanimous
The issue passed in the Young
Republicans club by a close ma-
jority vote after heated debate.
Opponents of the move objected to
binding association with other
campus political groups.
Answering the arguments, pro-
ponents of the "Vote Yes" com-
mittee's action explained that "the
effect of the Regents' rule is to
make what is legal off campus il-
legal on campus." Following the
vote, two members of YR resigned.
Truce Talks.
Still Stalled
MUNSAN, Korea, Wednesday,
March 12-(0P-Allied truce dele-
gates, fed up with Communist
stalling, today faced their tough-
est test of patience to keep the
deadlocked talks alive.
Exasperated by the Reds' verbal
gymnastics, U.S. Rear Adm. R. E.
Libby told the Communists during
yesterday's meetings:
"We are getting fed up with
your attempts to make things ap-
pear as facts that are not facts."
Even Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway
was irked to the point of calling
the Communist negotiators liars,
but in carefully-chosen phrases.
The Allied Supreme Commander,
briefly visiting Munsan from
Tokyo, said future of the truce
talks was unpredictable.
The talks remained firmly knot-
ted on two of several major issues
-Allied insistence on voluntary
repatriation of prisoners and Red
demands that Russia be included
as a "neutral" armistice inspector.
Taft, HST
Drop Behind
In Tight Vote
Concord Surge
Gives Ike Lead
By The Associated Press
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
climbed into the lead over Sen.
Mobert A. Taft (R-Ohio) last
night in New Hampshire's na-
tionally-watched GOP presiden-
tial primary.
In the surprising Democratic
popularity race, Sen. Estes Ke-
fauver of Tennessee rode to an
early lead over President Truman.
* * *
FROM 180 of the State's 297
voting places, the Republican1
count stood at: Eisenhower 20,203
{ Taft 16,700; Stassen 2,532;
Schneider 83; write ins; Mac-
Arthur 1,410; Warren 46; Bridges
In the Democratic contest,.
Ifrom 188 precincts, the totals
were: Kefauver 12,339; Truman
10,223; write-ins: MacArthur 78;
Eisenhower 72; Farley 44; Taft
21; Stassen 13; Stevenson 6;
Warren 5; Russell 3; Douglas 2;
Cox 1.
In a see-saw battle in which he
lost Manchester, regarded as one
of his large-city strongholds, Ei-
senhower rode back into top place
in the preferential contest on the
strength of a surge in Concord.
T HE PARTIAL results seemed
to indicate something of a state-
wide trend, since they included all
of Manchester's 14 wards in the
Republican and Democratic on-
In Manchester, Taft got 4,614
votes to Eisenhower's 3,746. Ke-
fauver outpolled the President.
In Concord, the Tennessee
Senator said- he regards the run
he is making as "very satisfac-
tory." But he added that his
vote "should not be interpreted
as a protest against President
A defeat for Eisenhower by Taft
in New Hampshire would dim the
general's chances of competing
with the Ohioan elsewhere, partic-
ularly in their next head-on test in
the April 15 New Jersey primary.
Victory here would give Taft a
big boost toward the GOP nomin-
ation, if he maintains winning
ways in Wisconsin and Illinois pri-
A DEFEAT of Truman by Ke-
fauver might push the President
into an early decision on whether
he intends to run again. Victory
would make Kefauver a major
contender for the Democratic nom-
At the point where nearly one-
half of the state's precincts had
been accounted for, Eisenhower
was getting about 47 per cent of
the Republican vote, Taft 44 per
At that point, eight Eisenhower
delegate candidates and one Taft
man were leading for the 10 to be
picked at large in the State's 14-
vote slate. *
Hatcher To Speak
Before Leislature
President Harlan H. Hatcher
- - - lk- P / v %-,, jl %-AL AIL Jl-.JL Wk-17
Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld, of
the political science department
told the Students for Democratic
Action last night that he believes
non-partisan groups have an im-
portant role to play in arousing
a politically apathetic public.
In a speech on the topic "Pres-
sure Groups in a Democracy,"
Prof. Eldersveld pointed out that
voting participation in this coun-
* * *
McPHAUL, executive secretary
of the Civil Rights Congress' Mich-
igan branch, was barred from
speaking on campus early last
week by the University Lecture
Committee. He spoke three days
later at a "private" Union dinner
booked under what is believed to be
a fictitious name.
It was indicated yesterday
that Dean of Students Erich A.
SL Announces Student Candidates
All-campus elections came one
step closer to realization yesterday
with the announcement of candi-
dates for the 48 student offices to
be elected during the all-campus
election, April 1 and 2.
Announcement was made by
Mike McNerney, '53, SL elections
A. 'r.+tr..n. ,myn~a iany. i-a nva. -,
Downer, '54; Bob Ely, '54; Mort
Friedman, '54; Ted Friedman, '53;
Anne Furstenau, '54; Charles Gil-
bert; Robin Glover, '53.
Paul Greenberg, '54; Stu Hirsch-
man; Fred Hicks, '54; Jean Jones,
'53: Pete Lardner, '53; 'John'
Loomis, '53; Dorothy Mackay;
Audrey McIntyre, Stan Blum-
stein, Fred Yaffe, Sue Spurrier,
Diane Hallbrook, Sue Shafter,
Paul Bachman, Karl Klipfel, San-
dy Reynalds, Merv Manning, Sally
Seymour, Pat Titcomb, John Buck,
Ann Frank.
Kent Holwadel, Don Schmitz,