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December 14, 1951 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1951-12-14

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m m

Union Dance
Will Feature
Santa Theme
Clare Shephard's band will be
featured at the Union specialty
dance, Santa's Fantasy to be held
from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. tomor-
row in the Union ballroom.
Clare's band features Vivian
Milan, vocalist, Gene Martin on
the tenor sax and Gary Hamilton
at the piano.
Specializing in danceable hotel
style music, the band gives out
with a two beat rhythm which
Clare claims anyone can dance
to without worrying about their
partner's toes.
The "Christrnas Song" a n d
"Santa Claus is Coming to Town"
will add some sparkle to ,the fes-
tive spirit of the evening.
On the smoother side, a new
arrangement of an old hit, "I
Don't Know Enough About You"
with Vivian Milan singing the ly -
rics and one of the current favor-
ites, "Sin" will be featured.
To please the patrons of the
dance, questionnaires w ill be
passed out before the dance so
that couples can indicate their
preference for any kind of num-
ber from the waltz to the black
The band wants to find out
what the students would like to
hear and they promise to play the
tunesrrequested including tangos
and rhumbas and charlestons if
couples desire them.
The Delt quartette will render
a few intermission numbers in-
cluding "Mood Indigo".Tom Leo-
pold of Soph' Satirefame will play
the piano and act as informal
emcee for the evening.
Tickets for the dance are priced
at $1.50 per couple and can be
purchased from any Union Coun-
cil or staff man as well as at the
Union main desk every day.

WITH ONLY nine more shopping days till Christmas, houses
and dormitories on campus are in a maze of plans for formals, Christ-
mas parties and caroling engagements.
The weekend of social events will begin tonight with a "Snow-
flake Fantasy" slated by the Vaughan house women. The scene will be
set by blue lights, snowflakes and stars.
Dancers will glide on an ice-skating pond dance floor to the tunes
of Hugh Jackson's band at the Martha Cook formal.
"Enchanted Knight" will be the theme of Jordan Hall's Christmas
formal tonight. The lounge will be decorated as the terrace of a me-
dieval castle representing the past days of chivalry.
Alpha Delta Pi's will take. their dates to their annual Christmas
formal, "Tinsel Twirl," where couples will view decorations of Santa's
SANTA CLAUS will take charge of entertainment at Kappa Kappa
Gamma's Christmas formal.
Modern design Christmas decorations will be featured at the
Alpha Rho Chi pledge formal.
A "roving violinist" will add atmosphere at Alpha Sigma Phi's
formal pledge dinner.
Phi Gamma Delta will hold their annual formal at the Union with
their sister sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta tonight.
The League ballroom will be the scene of Phi Sigma Delta's formal,
"The Greatest Show on Earth." The president will act as ring master
over the menagerie as Paul McDounough provides the band music.
* * * *
A DINNER at the Union will precede Sigma Alpha Mu's formal
at VFW hall. Decorations will follow a night club theme.
Ted Smith and his orchestra will be featured at the Gamma Phi
Beta "Candle Light Ball."
Alpha Omicron Pi women and their guests will dance amid angel
hair clouds and blue lights at the Union tonight. Snow and ice will
carry out the decorations at Delta Zeta's "Frozen Fantasy" formal.
Trigon will present a traditional "Gamble Inn" informal party to-
Silhouettes of carolers will be the featured decorations at the
Alpha Chi Omega Christmas formal tonight.
Bill Kline's orchestra will serenade couples at Delta Gamma's
Christmas formal. Alpha Xi Delta women and their dates will dine
and dance to Ken Norman's band at the Farm Cupboard tonight.
BOB LEOPOLD will provide the music at the Pi Beta Phi Christ-

Musical Acts
Will Highlight
Noel Moderne
Going all out to make their first
semi-formal one to remember,
South Quad has acquired an im-
pressive list of entertainers for
"Noel Moderne" to be held from
8:30 p.m. to midnight tomorrow.
Highlighting the program to be
presented at midnight in the
Quad's Club 600 will be Hal Singer,
a featured pianist on radio station
WHRV. Other entertainment will
be provided by a Hawaiian instru-
mental group and a trio from the
orchestra of Don Bari from De-
troit who will play for the dance.
"Noel Moderne," as the .name
implies, will not be in the usual
Christmas tradition but will fea-
ture novel, new style decorations
in a modern color scheme.
Two shades of shocking pink or-
naments w il1 decorate white
s p r a y e d Christmas trees set
against the aqua colored walls of
the huge dining room in which
couples will dance.
Shocking pink and silver will
be carried to the corsage favors,
which will be made up of pine
sprigs and cones, and the pro-
grams which will feature repro-
ductions of the angels to be used
in the decorations.
Greeting the couples as they
approach the Quad will be a 24-
foot Christmas tree, Santa Claus,
and a group of carolers.
Tickets for "Noel Moderne"
priced at $2.50 per couple may be
purchased by anyone on campus
from 5:30 to 8 p.m. in the lobby
of South Quad or they may be
obtained from any Quad social
chairman, council member orl
house officer.'

'LittleClub' To Open Tonight
Adding to the festive holiday light the intermission ent i-
spirit, the "Little Club", sponsored ment.
by the Association of Independent A "'bar.- set)pby membenrs of
Men, will. be open from. 9 p.m. to AIM will 'scrve- cokes and p.-otato
midnight tonight in the Michigan chips.
Room of the League. The rice of admission is $
Bob Leopold and his combo will for couples nightclubbing for the
play for dancing, featuring such whole evening or 74 cents for those
Christmas tunes as "Winter Won- arriving after 10:30 p.m.
derland," "White Christmas" and
"Jingle Bells.,, Plans are being made to e nlarge
DingBells."chanthe club after the Christmas Va-
Doing a eacomplee cphang of cation.
pace, the band will also play "Per-cain
fidia" in rhumba tempo. Leopold's
combo played at last week's pre-
sentation of Sophomore Cabaret. \1
Group singing of favorite Christ-
mas carols and songs will high-

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-Daily--Malcolm Shatz
'WINTERLACE'-Louise Miller and Elaine Rothman, general-
chairmen of 'Winterlace,' the annual Alice Lloyd Hall formal to be
held from 9 to midnight tonight, are pressing their formals for
the dance. Mel Sach's Swingtet will provide the music for the
dancing to be held in the main lounge and in the Palmer and Hills-
dale Lounges.
Greene House Semi-Formal
To Depict Country Christmas

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-e DalYCas__Y_ eY
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Mel Sach's band will be featured
at the fifth annual Greene House
Christmas formal to be held from
9 till midnight tomorrow.
Couples will enter the ballroom
through 'Santa's pack' and a

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snowstorm of confetti. Decorated
to carry out an old fashioned coun-
try Christmas theme, there will be
the gayly lit murals on the walls
of sleighs, Christmas trees and a
small country church.
During intermission, couples will
gather around the Christmas tree
in the lounge to sing carols.
Serving as committee chairman
for the dance are;Larry Lange,
decorations; Bill Demiene and
John Owen, programs; George
Baumann and Don Bird, refresh-
ments; Ted Benya and Walt Fen-
ing, cleanup Norman Lund, in-
vitations and Jerry Jacks, treas-

,i4cra,'4 Camnpo

Officials-There will be a meet-
ing of the Coaches and Officialis
Club from 4 to 6 p.m. today in
Barbour Gym. Officiating will be
done in the Basketball Club games.
* . *
Gulantics - Aspiring Gulantics
performers will have their last op-
portunity to audition for the all-
campus talent show from 1 to 5
p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 3-G, Union,
according to Dick Franlk.
J-Hop - The J-Hop Committee
has extended the time limit for
acceptance of booth reservations
to Wednesday. This applies to all
men's residences who have re-
ceived notices. The committee re-
quests that all booth reservations
be sent in immediately to Sally
Gnau, 1204 Hill St.


302 South State

mas formal tomorrow night while Helen Newberry hall will be trans- .. . ..,.... . . . . .
formed into a ski lodge for another Christmas formal.
The tunes of Hugh Jackson's band will resound from the Alpha
Delta Phi house where pledges will be honored at the Christmas for-
mal. Pines, boughs and a decorated tree will set the mood at the Alpha
Tau Omega Christmas formal. -
"Frosty the Snowman" will reside at Acacia's annual "Paddle 1)
Ball" formal tomorrow night.
A Christmas atmosphere will prevail at the Sigma Phi Epsilon
Christmas party. Gay young party-goers with flirtation
CHARACTERS FROM Dicken's "Christmas Carol" will set the necklines . . . swirling full skirts
scene in various rooms for the Phi Kappa Sigma pledge formal. bolstered by crinoline or petticoats
Christmas decorations with four foot angels will be present at
Theta Delta Chi's pledge formal while candle light, evergreens and >
red ribbon will brighten the Delta Chi Christmas formal.
A telescope will be on hand for guests to view the luminous stars Iridescent Taffetas-Antique
at Sigma Alpha Epsilon's "Stardust" pledge formal.
Celebrating the coming holidays and honoring pledges Sigma Chi's Taffetas-pastel Ottomans
have scheduled a dinner and formal at the house for tomorrow. Phi Failles and Wool Jerseys.
Delta Thetas are also planning to honor pledges at a Christmas formal
midst seasonal decorations.
Chi Phi's and their dates will dine at the Allenel and then return
Our short Iridescent Taffeta.
to an "ancient Greek temple" with a facade at the entrance and white
pillars and friezes inside. exhibiting much "above board"
HAYDEN HOUSE will be the scene of a semi-formal surrounded allure in a sleek little top
in Christmas decorations and Paul McDounough's music. Jim Servis' much dancing pleasure in a
band will provide the atmosphere for Tau Delta Phi's winter formal
on Saturday night.
Alpha Epsilon Pi's and their dates will reminisce through four
years at their "College Days" formal.
Shifting the scene from formals Zeta Psi will try to capture the
Parisian, Bohemian bazaar atmosphere for their "Left Bank" Christ-
mas party.
Entertainment at the Nelson House Christmas party will consist
of a UN skit and Indian prince of a Maharajah displaying magic..
tricks. Sizes 9-15, 10-20
Old fashioned Christmas parties and record dances are slated forAlol
Alpha Phi Alpha, Beta Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, Psi Omega, Sigma Pi, Wom---
Alpha Kappa Kappa and Phi Kappa Tau. Women's Sizes
Triangle men plan to put guests to work trimming the tree at their
party while Sigma Nus will hold a Sweater party record dance. Illustrated
Sigma Alpha Mu pledges will present "Pranksters Holiday" for
the actives and their dates tomorrow while Phi Sigma Delta pledges OPEN MONDAY EVENING UNTIL 9:00
entertain with on satire on actives at another pledge party.
Closing the weekend of social activities Theta Xi and Vaughan SOUTH STATE OFF NORTH U.
house have scheduled Christmas teas for parents and friends. ...................**.*.*. **. ',.. . . ..E.....
.. r....... r .... ... ....n ..w~r .. .. m... ... : ..r . ....: ... . . . ... ..... ..... .. .. ...*......*.. ... . . ., n.*. . . ..... ..... . ...
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