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November 08, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-08

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Latest Deadline in the State SNOW

VOL. LXII, No. 39











* *

Morey, Pell
Take Stand
For Defense
Defendants Claimi
Blurred Memory
Two of th6 three teen-agers or
trial in Circuit Court for the firs
degree murder in' the fatal club-
bing of Nurse Pauline A. Camp-
bell gave confused and spotty tes-
timony yesterday under intense
and lengthy cross-examination.
William R. Morey, III, and Ja-
cob Max Pell, 18-year-old Ypsi-
lanti youths, told the seven-man-
seven-woman jury their memories
of the details of the crime were
blurred from alcohol and fright
* * *
MOREY BROKE down severa
times as Prosecutor Douglas K
Reading prodded him to remem-
ber the part he allegedly took in
the Sept. 16 murder along wit
Pell and co-defendant David L
Royal of Milan.
"I'don't remember anything,"
the tall youth repeated. "I didn't
intend to do anything to her."
When Reading asked him to ex-
amine the rubber mallet witt
which he is accused of having
fractured the victim's skull, More3
refused to look at it. Reading
dropped the piece of evidence or
the defendant's lap and More
recoiled and threw it on the floor
Asked a third time to grasp the
mallet, the accused slayer grabbe
it with an angry gesture.
Reading also placed a photo.
graph of Miss Campbell's body
in front of Morey. The curly-
haired Michigan State Normal
College freshman turned away
after a quick glance, saying, "It
isn't pretty."
Morey said he had drunk 10 o
11 bottles of beer on the evening
-of the midnight mallet-slaying an
lost track of most of what ensued
"I remember being out of the
car . .. and looking down a
something .. . and Dave (Royal)
was pulling at me," he said.
See TWO YOUTHS, Page 2
Plot Charged
On Horsemeat
Detroit Judge John D. Watti
yesterday labelled the sale of un-
stamped, uninspected horsemeat
to Ann Arbor and Lansing res-
taurants a conspiracy.
He ordered the following to
appear Dec. 5: Theodore Pap-
pas, Jr., who has actually run
the business since his father be-
came ill ten months ago. The
younger Pappas is reportedly in
Lansing where officials said
horsemeat was being sold as
sirloin steak for 90 cents a
Thomas J. Barton, receiver and
bookkeeper for the slaughterhouse
which supplied the Belleville firm.
Stuart Kennedy, truck driver
for the firm.
Archibald Hogg, Michigan Food
Supply driver who with Kennedy
was seized by police in an alley
in Detroit as 130 pounds of un-
s t a m p e d horsemeat changed
Fiery Vulcan
Gets Worthies

Mighty Vulcan, holding court in
his forge, Mt. Aetna, sat embit-
tered at man's misuse of his be-
loved fire. Then came to him
his faithful followers, saying,
"Mighty Vulcan, hear these can-
didawes for admission to our Sa-

Big Three Makes
Similar Request
Iron-Clad' Plan Asks Reduced
Forces, Arms, Atomic Control
PARIS-(AP)-A world peace plan for regulation and reduction of
all armed forces and arms, including atomic weapons, was presented to
the United Nations by the United States, Britain and France yesterday.
President Truman, broadcasting from Washington, hailed the
plan as "foolproof" in its ironclad provisions for inspections and veri-
fications and called on Russia to join in reducing the world's stagger-
ing armaments burden.j
r x
UN OBSERVERS were almost certain, however, that Russia would
reject the three-power disarmament scheme because it incorporates a
number of proposals for arms control already turned down by the
Soviets in the UN.
They pointed out that only the inclusion of atomic weapons
in the general reduction of arms and the proposed preliminary
world census of arms were new "
in the three-power proposal..;

The broad plan, announced sim-
ultaneously in Washington, Lon-
don and Paris, is to be presented
in detail here to the United Na-
tions General Assembly. The offi-
cial announcement confirmed U.S.
plans first reported by the Asso-
ciated Press on Monday.
tions said "the United Nations
plan for the international control
of atomic energy and the prohibi-
tion of atomic weapons should
continue to serve as the basis for
the atomic energy aspects of any
general program for the regula-
tion, limitation and balanced re-
duction of all armaments and
armed forces, unless and until a
better and more effective plan can
be devised."
Soviet Russia has rejected
that plan, which the United
States sponsored in the UN. The
Russians' primary objection is to
on-the-spot inspection by inter-
national teams.
The Western peace move, there-
fore, appears designed mainly for
propaganda purposes-to throw
the Russians on the defensive and
nullify any benefits they might ex-
pect from their own peace offen-
sive. The Russians have contend-
ed the idea of unlimited inspection
is just part of an American scheme
to build up a huge spy system.
* * *
A KEY paragraph of the an-
nouncement said:
"The three governments believe
that a workable program should
include criteria according to which
the size of all armed forces would
be limited, the portion of national
production which could be used
for military production would be
restricted, and mutually agreed
national military programs would
be arrived at within the prescribed
limits and restrictions."

Union NamesE
Hamer Head
Of Michigras
Jack Hamer, '52, was appointed
general co-chairman for the 1952
Michigras carnival yesterday.
Union President John Kathe,
'52, who announced the appoint-
ment also revealed that Mark
Oscherwitz, '53, has been designat-
ed as Booths chairman for the
Hamer, a resident of River-
side, Ill., was finance chairman
of last year's J-Hop and served
on the executive committee of
IFC Ball. He is a member of
Theta Xi fraternity. Oscherwitz,
a Cincinnati member of Zeta
Beta Tau, is chairman of the
Union publicity committee and
serves on the Union executive
A biennial event on campus,
Michigras will be presented April
25 and 26.

York Times said today that
President Truman offered to
support General Dwight D. Ei-
senhower as a 1952 presidential
candidate but that Eisenhower
rejected thei offer.
The chief executive made the
offer during Eisenhoer's visit
to Washington this week, the
Times said.
The offer, the Times said, "ne-
cessarily concerned only the
Democratic nomination" and re-
peated "a similar offer with re-
spect to 1948" which Truman
made to the general at the 1945
Potsdam Conference.
The Truman offer was report-
ed by Arthur Krock, the Wash-
ington correspondent of the
New York Times.
In Washington, Joseph Short
presidential press secretary,
commenting on Krock's dis-
patch, said:
"It is not true."
Short declined to elaborate
in any way.tk
Claims U.S.
Plans War
MOSCOW-A')-Marshal Roion
Manovsky bitterly charged Ameri-
can leaders Yesterday with con-
ducting a policy of aggression and
preparing for a new war, but said
the Soviet Union s "fully armed"
to meet any attack.
Intermittent snow fell in below
zero weather as Malinovsky re-
,viewed a long parade of motorized
and mechanized army units across
Red Square on the 34th anniver-
sary of the Bolshevist Revolution.
Jet planeseand four-engined bomb-
ers flew overhead.
LEADING members of the Polit-
buro, headed by Lavrenty P. Beria
and Georgi M. Malenkov, surveyed
the scene from the top of Lenin's
black tomb.
(The prominence given Beria
and Malenkov in the celebra-
tion suggested they may have
taken over on-the-spot direction
of Soviet affairs in Moscow.
Upsets Mark
City Elections
Of Officials
By The Associated rress
A restive electorate which
seemed bent on tossing out the
yins egardless of party changed
the political complexion of scores
of city administrations in Tues-
day's elections.
Michigan's municipal elections
Tuesday, however, showed no sur-
prises-except for the weather. A
heavy snow and sleet storm kept
most of the voters at home.
*THE FINAL returns Tuesday
had the races coming out just as
most political observers said they
In Detroit, Mayor Albert E.
Cobo was re-elected three-to-
one over Edgar M. Branigin, who
had heavy backing from organ-
ized labor. It was a non-partisan
election, as in the other munici-
palities, and had no bearing on
political trends.
The Detroit results, however,
again showed that the CIO and
AFL, or organized labor generally,
are unable to swing a mayoralty
election in the highly organized in-

dustrial city.
MUCH of this apparent voter
unrest was traceable to the Senate
Crime Committee disclosures.
Senator Kefauver (D-Tenn.),
who headed the Senate Crime
probe, cited the resounding de-

Need Inspectors,
President Says
WASHINGTON-(R)-President Truman challenged Russia last
night to accept a "foolproof" disarmament plan under which United
Nations inspectors would police each country's forces and weapons,
including atom bombs.
That is the path the free world would prefer to take toward real
peace and security, the President said, but added:
"We will do it the hard way if we must-by going forward as we
are doing now, to make the free world so strong that no would-be
aggressor would dare to break the peace."
* * * *
MR. TRUMAN'S bid for the Kremlin to join in "this great enter-



Truce Parley Lags
As Fighting Flares


MUNSAN, Korea -- - UN
command negotiators conferred
for two hours and 20 minutes with
Communist delegates this morn-
ing in an attempt to obtain a

QUARTERS, Korea -- (k)-- Allied
infantrymen withdrew from a stra-
tegic hil in Western Korea early
today in the face of an overwhelm-
ing Comunist attack.

clearer picture of the Reds' latest It was the seventh time the hill
buffer zone pronosal. has changed hands in two weeks.
After a brief recess the subcom- Allied troops dug in on another
Aiterwen barcesstoheorkbwitm- hill near the Imjin River west of
mittees went back to work, with- Yonchon beat off an assault by
out taking time out for lunch. screaming, whistle-blowing Chi-
"We have just been exploring. nese Reds during the night.
We are trying to find out what
this thing means," Maj. Gen. A UN COMMAND briefing off i-
Henry I. Hodes, UN Command cer said a small Allied unit aban-
Subcommittee Delegate, told news- doned the newly-won hill north-
men at Panmunjom. west of Yonchon, some 35 miles
north of Seoul, when it spotted a
TT sforce of 600 to 800 Chinese moving
THE COMM~UNIST proposal was up the slope. As the Reds reached
offered near the end of yester- the sm pi. As tery oened
day's subcommittee session T the summit, Allied artillery opened
d sdgmet, up with a devastating barrage.
Allies have held up final judgment, The weather cleared somewhat
but an Allied communique saidityesterday after a long siege of win-
contained certain "ambiguous or ter rains. Planes of both sides were
mutually contradictory" k e y out in force.

prise for peace" was made in a r
More Snow,
Bad Win ter
The vicious mid-autumn snow
storm that struck the Midwest this
week subsided a bit yesterday but
deep drifts, great puddles of slush
and more flurries of snow fore-
warned a long, cold winter ahead.
An additional inch was laid onto
the eight-inch blanket of snow
which buried Ann Arbor Tuesday.
However, city snow plows freed the
community's main arteries from
possible traffic snarls.
. * *
THE record-breaking fall was
still having drastic results in other
parts of the nation's buffeted mid-
section, the Associated Press re-
ported. St. Louis remained under
a foot of snow while blinding sleet
and stiff winds lashed at Chicago
and churned up 35-foot waves in
Lake Michigan.
The snow was piled deep in
the Upper Peninsula and the
western section of Michigan
while the southeastern part was
plagued by slush. State deaths
resulting from the weather ran
up to at least 38 yesterday, with
{ten persons succumbing to heart
attacks while shoveling snow.
The highways were cleared for
the most part but motorists were
slowed down by skiddy roads. Uni-
versity .President .Harlan .H.
Hatcher, driving west to Kalama-
zoo, was three hours late for a
scheduled address at an alumni
club in the Paper City.
AT WILLOW RUN, airline offi-
cials reported resumption of some
flights cancelled when the #storm
hit Tuesday. Trains to Ann Arbor
were back on schedule but busses
from the West were arriving an
hour late.
City workmen labored all day
moving snow on the major streets
and sanding the glazed areas
cleared by the plows. Car-owners
'who left their automobiles parked
along the curbs were chagrined to
find their vehicles snowed in fol-
lowing the giant shoveling opera-
Thermometers slipped to 29 de-
grees yesterday as a light shower
of snow, sleet and rain poured
down continually. The weather-
man sees more snow flurries in
prospect for today with a high
mercury reading of 33 degrees.


adio and television address to the
nation, and was beamed through-
out the world by the Voice of
It was a follow-up and expan-
sion of a proposal which the
United States, Britain and
France jointly had made a few
hours earlier, for submission to
the UN General Assembly In
The first step in the plan would
be a great inventory, or census, of
each nation's military strength.
This would be followed by cuts
in armaments, and ultimately by
the outlawing of atomic weapons.
HERETOFORE Russia has balk-
ed at the continuing outside in-
spection which Mr. Truman in his
speech and the three nations i
their UN proposal made the basis
of their plan.
The President took note of that
record and asserted
"Any nation which is not will-
ing to agree to this step, and to
carry it out, is not really Inter-
ested in disarmament."
He took note, too, of the "gloomy
history of our negotiations with
the Soviet Union" and said it is
true that "we have experienced
much bad faith, deceit and broken
NEVERTHELESS the effort must
be made because it is "the right
thing to do," Mr. Truman said-
"we cannot permit the history of
our times to record that we failed,
by default."
The President coupled his pro-
posal with an implied promise
that a share of this country's
savings from reduction of the
arms burden would be devoted
to peaceful improvement of the
lot of peoples.
"If that cost could be reduced-
if the burden of armaments could
be lessened, new energies and re-
sources would be liberated for
greatly enlarged programs of re-
construction and development," he
He called that "the only kind of
war we seek - the war against
want and human misery."
** *
THE PRESIDENT laid his main
emphasis on the call for "an hon-
est, continuing inventory of all
armed forces and armaments, in-
cluding atomic weapons."
No country can afford to re-
duce its defenses unless it is
sure the other fellow is reducing
his at the same time," he said.
Mr. Truman gave this outline
of the specific disarmament steps:
"First, we propose a continuing
inventory of all armed forces and
armaments be undertaken., This
inventory would take place in every
country having substantial mili-
tary powe, and it would be check-
ed and verified in each of those
countries by inspectors who are
nationals of other countries, work-
ing under the United Nations.
These inspectors would have auth-
ority to find out what the real
facts are.


Diplomatic Corps Drop
Attributed to McCarthy

An Allied spokesman, Brig.
Gen. William P. Nuckols, declar-
ed "if there is some clarification
. . . that can be obtained fromI
subsequent meetings, perhaps we
are closer (to agreement) than
we think at the moment."
The Allies have insisted that
hostilities must continue until a
full armistice is signed. That
means any buffer zone based on
the battleline would change as the
line changed. The Communist plan
would freeze the buffer zone now
while other armistice details are
worked out.

SL May Seeky
At a quiet meeting last night,
the Student Legislature voted to
study the possibility of using non-
SL personnel to run some of the
Legislature's major projects, such
as the Homecoming Dance and
Tug Week.
The Legislature also voted to co-
sponsor a buffet dinner with the
International Student Association
Dec. 2.3

The U.S. Foreign Service is
blaming Sen. Joe McCarthy for
what it calls "a serious drop in
applications for the diplomatic ser-
In a recent New York Times
article, the Service cited the swash-
buckling senator's bombastic blasts
against the nation's diplomatic
corps and his "Communist-in-the-
State-Department" charges as be-
ing the main reason for the de-
cline in applications.
THE SERVICE points out that
in 1947, a total of 1,288 Ameri-
cans took its written examination,

dents were alarmed by the criti-
cisms of Sen. McCarthy and were
hesitant to risk their reputations
in the "precarious" diplomatic
Of course, other reasons were
cited, suchas red-tape, insuffi-
cient salaries, and a common be-
lief that only the wealthy or
"Ivy League" graduates went in-
to the Foreign Service.
However, the large number of
letters from college presidents who
replied blamed McCarthy. One
president wrote:
"The relentless effort of certain
members of Congress to prove that
there simply must be traitors and


UNESCO Panel Raps Western Policy

A general tone of resentment
towards Western imperialism ran
through the UNESCO Council
panel last night as students from
the near and middle East discussed
"A Close Up of the Changing
B. V. Gouindaraj, Grad, from
India expressed the views of most
of te fnn, m a,, r nn a h h

England was rapped numerous
times for imperialistic policies.
With a slight grin, Kirollos Mes-
siha, Grad, of Egypt explained
how the British had come
through Egypt from India sev-
enty years ago supposedly for a
"resting place" and have rested
there ever since.
More vehement towards British


mark as "too broad a generaliza-

As to the spread of Commun- "SECOND, we propose that,
ism in the East, the students while this process of inventory and
from India and Pakistan saw inspection is taking place, the na-
little danger in this area. "Be- tions work out specific arrange-
cause of the strong belief in God, ments for the actual reduction of
the Islams are very antagonistic medsfrth.
to ommnis,"Habib claimed, armed strength.
to Communism,"Hm"Third, we propose, on the ba-
Gouindaraj, of India, re-empha- sis of these two steps, that the

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