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October 24, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-24

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Ambassador to the

Dubious More
IN HIS proposed appointment of Gen. Mark
Clark as ambassador to the Vatican,
President Truman has merely recognized the
fact that the Catholic Church is a political
In terms of national interests however,
it is questionable what the United States
has to gain in maintaining an embassy in
the Vatican.
Of course, the Catholic Church stands as
an implacable foe of Communism. And need-
less to say, the Church is exercising its po-
litical power in such a way as to frustrate
Communism in Europe. But the Vatican's
opposition to Communism does not necessar-
ily justify our sending an envoy to the Pope.
We certainly do not have to fear that the
Church, ,if we failed to send an ambassador,
would let up on its efforts against Com-
munism. As long as Communism exists, the
Catholic Church will be here to oppose it.
Of certainty, if the appointment is con-
firmed by the Senate, the question will
arise in Gen. Clark's mind-"Just what
am I doing here?" Obviously there would
be no diplomacy in the real sense of the
term involved in such a strange relation-
ship, no basis for negotiations. For al-
though the Vatican does have political
power, it is not a state by any stretch of
the imagination.
As it would be, Clark would be doing noth-
ing but participating in a symposium with
Pope Pius and other members of the Catho-
lic hierarchy on the affairs of state. To be
sure, such a symposium would be unneces-
sary, for the entire world already knows how
the Papacy stands on certain issues. Nor
would the Pope's opinions have any more
merit than those of such prominent Protes-
tant clergymen as Reinhold Niebuhr.
As it is, there are no practical advantages
of giving the Papacy a greater voice in pow-
er politics. To the contrary, the President's
announcenent has created a disturbance in
the ranks of American Protestants who still
adhere to the principles of separation of
church and state, however remote the con-
nection may be.
It is difficult to believe the assertion
that the "only ones with any logical rea-
son to complain are the Communists."
The fact must be faced: the appointment
has stung Protestant leaders throughout
the country.
Clearly, if the move is going to create such
bitter dissension in American circles, it is
hardly warranted-unless the President, as
Prof. Marshall Knappen suggests, placates
the Protestants by appointing a plenipoten.
tiary to the Geneva headquarters of the
Protestant Ecumenical Movement.
--Cal Samra
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
New Books at the Library
Ascli, Sholem-Moses. New York, Rut-
nam's Sons, 1951.
Caldwell, Erskine-Call It Experience. New
York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1951.
Fowler, Gene-Schnozzola, The Story of
Jimmy Durante. New York, The Viking
Press, 1951.
Pearson, Hesketh-Dizzy . . . Benjamin
Disraeli. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1951.
Steinbeck, John-The Log from the Sea of
Cortez. New York, The Viking Press, 1951.

Logical Move
THE RECENT appointment by President
Truman of Gen. Mark Clark as am-
bassador to the Vatican has aroused a storm
of protest from Protestant laymen and clergy
that threatens to coerce either the Presi-.
dent or the Senate into rescinding the move.
Such a protest is rather remarkable since
Truman is only coming' through with the
long-delayed reappointment of an official
representative to one of the oldest sovereign
states in the world.
Protestants, including Truman's own
pastor, have come out with vague charges
and threats against the appointment-that
the nomination is showing religious favori-
tism and is violating the American prin-
ciple of the separation of the church and
state. Threats range from Protestant po-
litical boycott of Truman to forcing all
Catholic clergy in the U.S. to register with
the State Department as representatives
of a foreign power.
The appointment of Clark does not in-
stitute recognition of the Vatican by this
country. That was given to them in 1789. In
1868, the U.S. withdrew its ambassador and
has since then never appointed another.
Several presidents, however, have seen fit to
send personal representatives. But the with-
drawal of our ambassador did not mean a
withdrawal of recognition. It only broke off
formal relationships with the state.
As of, now there are 36 countries, both
Catholic and Protestant, with ambassadors
in the Vatican; the U.S. and Russia are theI
only major nations unrepresented.
The Protestants have charged violation
of American principles, but they have not
shown how these principles would be vio-
lated; they have charged favoritism, but
they have not shown how Truman has
been playing favorites when he may be
jeopardizing his political career to make
a much needed advance in American for-
eign policy.
By his move he Will not gain any Catholic
votes, since in the last election he had them
in his'hip pocket, 2-1. He would'also be run-
ning the danger of losing the Protestat
South, as the Democrats lost it in 1928 when
Catholic Al Smith ran against Hoover.
There are several valid reasons for making
the appointment. First, and most obvious, is
that it will formally ally this country with
one of the staunchest anti-communistic
forces in the world.
In taking such a step, this country would
come closer to a highly influential state and
would take a logical step forward in their
European policy since much of Europe is
Another clue to why an appointment
was made can be had when one realizes
that the nominee, Gen. Clark, has had a
great deal of experience in the cold war
and is well acquainted with Europe. An
able man such as he in the vicinity could
keep an eye on European, and especially
Italian rearmament. And there is no better
lookout post than the Vatican.
In the last analysis, it would seem that
the Protestants' objection to the appoint-
ment is not a result of the violation of sa-
cred principles or a deep interest and con-
cern over American foreign policy, but rath-
er the result of an inbred distrust for Catho-
licism. It is this that may be blinding them
to many of the issues involved. It is also
this that is specifically a violation of an
American, principle-the principle of reli-
gious tolerance. It is therefore time that
U.S. Protestants', and Catholics also, \set
aside their prejudices that come disguised
as sacred ideals, and give full support to a
practical and long needed move-the sending
of a U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.
-Jerry Helman

Capitol Report
WASHINGTON-The Senate's first word
that President Truman proposed to
make Gen. Mark Clark Ambassador to the
Vatican reached the Capitol when the ses-
sion opened Saturday.
Leading Democratic senators were pri-
vately shown legislation drafted at the
White House which would permit Gen-
eral Clark to retain his privileges and
emoluments as a five-star general while
serving as the Vatican envoy. The Presi-
dent, senators were told, wanted the bill
brought up under a unanimous-consent
agreement and passed before adjourn-
Asked how the bill was received, one sena-
tor said succinctly: "like it was a deck of
heroin." So adverse was the general reac-
tion, many did not believe it when the news
ticker revealed that the appointment had
been announced at the White House. Even
now that it is an accomplished fact, most
senators refuse to risk as much as a "no
comment" on the record.
The appointment was not discussed with
the cabinet as such. It must have been put
before Secretary of State Acheson, possibly
before Defense Secretary Lovett. At least
part of the cabinet learned of it from the
It is suggested that Secretary Acheson
may have felt the appointment would serve
to answer or to smother charges that
State is soft toward Communists. This
suggestion accepts the implication that
Catholic Church ties are the acid test of
anti-Communism-an implication that is
displeasing to Protestants.
Time will tell whether it is true that the
President has, as some politicians assert,
revived the issue of the separation of church
and state in its most virulent form. This is-
sue took a threatening shape two years ago
in the controversy over whether federal aid
to education should include some auxiliary
services to parochial schools. In the in-
terests of unity, moderate Protestants com-
promised on this in the Senate. The com-
promise proved unpalatable to the House
and, after some unpleasant personalities, the
education bill was quietly smothered.
Political discussion generally of the new
situation is surprisingly unemotional, per-
haps because the earlier controversy gave
warning that one day the issue would have
to be fought to a finish. Practically speak-
ing, it is thought that the President's ap-I
pointment will stand, that senators in both
parties will not dare to risk offending their
Catholic constituencies. It is said to be
doubtful'that a constitutional test of it can
be successfully made.
With respect, to the President's role, the
discussion is extremely uncharitable and
also pessimistic.
He is charged with bad faith. One sena-
tor declares Truman promised him person-
ally such an appointment would never be
made by him.
He is charged with having decided to act
now because he intends to break with the
long tradition of making an Irish Catholic
chairman of the Democratic national com-
mittee. His own chairmen have not been
successful and he is said to be turning to
the South and West for a successor to his
latest, William M. Bowle, Jr. One reason this
seems desirable is that so many of the big-
city machines from which Democratic chair-
men have usually sprung are deeply mired
in the tax scandals.
The naming of General Clark attracts
little support of itself and it is freely said
that the Pentagon for a long time has been
trying to rid itself of that ambitious man.
Considerable speculation attaches to what
Senator Connally of Texas, chairman of
foreign relations, will feel obliged to do.
General Clark has been charged with the

useless slaughter of a Texas division at the
Rapido River during the Italian campaign;
Texans tried hard to block his promotion on
that grounds. They are in a nice spot to put
pressure on Senator Connally; he is up next
year and threatened with a tough primary
General Clark's troops, incidentally, nev-
er cared for his famous telegram to his
wife about giving her Rome for her birth-
day. They suggested it was a gift of their
blood, sweat and tears.
It is believed also that the already disaf-
fected South will show displeasure over the
appointment. Some Southerners view it as
the final push over the anti-Truman brink.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
ribbed ex-senator from Vermont, now Am-
bassador to the United Nations, stated
that UN records showed Jessup to have
been in New York on the date Stassen
claimed he was at the White House con-
ference on China. This completely refuted
Stassen's charges that Jessup was a liar.
However, the World-Telegram, after
playing up the Stassen charge on page 1,
buried Austin's refutation deep inside the
paper, way back on page 28.
On Oct. 15-General Eisenhower confirm-
ed Jessup's statement that on Feb. 5; 1949,
the date of the White House conference on
China, Jessup was in New York conferring
with Eisenhower on extending jhis leave of
absence from Columbia University. This
again made Stassen the liar, not Jessup. The
World-Telegram carried this on page 5.

"I Distinctly I emember.
Ie GJed To Play Mah-Jo"i~-"

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer'
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


(Continued from Page 2)
University Lecture,sauspices of the
Department of English. "The Dicov-
ery of James Boswell." Sydney C. Rob-
erts, Master of Pembrooke College and
Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge Univer-
sity, England. 4:15 p.m., Thurs. Oct.
25, Kellogg Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Physical Chemistry. Prof.
K. Fajans will discuss "The Heat Capa-
city of Coordinative and Molecular
Solids," Wed.. Oct. 24. 4:07 p.m., 2308
Chemistry Building. Visitors are wel-
,Seminar in Analytical and Inorganic
Chemistry. Graham A. Stoner will
speak on "Optical Interaction Absorp-
tion," 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 25, 3003
Chemistry Building. Visitors are wel-
Seminar in Applied Mathematics:
Thurs., Oct. 25, 4 p.m., 247 West En-
gineering. Mr. T. W. Hldebrandt will
speak on "Pre-loaded Spherical Shells."
Seminar in Complex Variables: Wed.,
Oct. 24, 2:30 p.m., 247 West Engineering.
Miss Curran will speak on "Landau's
Upper Bounds for Partial Sums of Tay-
lor Series of Bounded Functions."
Algebraic Topology Seminar: Wed.,
Oct. 24, 9 a.m., 3010 Angell Hall. Dr.
Raoul Bott will speak on "A New Ap-
proach to the Steenrod Squares."
Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Wed..
Oct. 24, 3:45 p.m 101 W. Engineering
Building. Prof. h. V. Churchill will
speak on " J. B. J. Fourier and Fourier
University Extension Service an-
nounces that Faster Reading will meet
on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in 131 Bus-
iness Administration Building, instead
of in 4009 University High School. Those
who have not ;gistered may do so be-
tween 7 and 7:30 p.m. at the class
History 11, Lecture Group H-Exam-
ination Fri., Oct. 26. Hoffmans and
Slosson's sections in 348 West Engineer-
ing; all others in West Gallery Alumni
Seminar in Fibre Bundles: Wed., Oct.
24, 1 p.m., 1018 Angell Hall. Prof. N.
Coburn will speak on "Differential
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Thurs., Oct. 25, 3011 Angell Hall.
Messrs. Car Bennett and J. B. Tysver
will be the speakers.
Organ Recital: Kenneth Osborne,
Head of the Division of Fine Arts at
the University of Arkansas, will appear
as guest organist at 4:15 Wednesday
afternoon, October 24, in Hill auditor-
ium. An alumnus of the University
of Michigan, Mr. Osborne will play com-
positions by Buxtehude, Vivaldi, Bach,
Milhaud, and Franck. The public is
Events Today
Gilbert & Sullivan Society: Full cho-
ris and Principals, 7 p.m., League.
Episcopal Student Group:aChaplain s
Open House at 702 Tappan at 7:30 p.m.
Hillel Social Committee. Meeting,
7 p.m., Lane Hall.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup-
per-Discussion Groups meet from 5:30
to 7 p.m., Guild House.
Chi Epsilon: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., West
Conference Room, Rackham Building.
Guestspeaker: Mr. Homer Hayward.
Pledges come at 8:30 p.m.
Society of Automotive Engineers.
Meet at 7:30 p.m. 229 W. Engineering
Bldg. Guest speaker: Mr. Carl Doman.
Topic of movies and discussion, "This
Problem of Ford Service." All engineers
English Journal Club: First meeting
of the year, at 8 p.m., East Exhibition
Room, Rackham Bldg. Panel dis-

cussion: "What Is a Good The-
sis." Participats: Dr. Warner G. Rice,
Dr. Norman E. Nelson. Dr. H. V. S. Og-
den, and Dr. Austin Warren.
Hillel: Meeting of al perons in-
terested in singing in the Hillel Choral
Group, 4:15 p.m., Lane Hall.
Wesleyan Guild. Do-Drop-In for food
and fun, 4 to 5:15 p.m., at the Guild
lounge. Come and bring a friend.
Cabinet meeting, 8:30 p.m., in the
Green room. All Guilders are welcome.
Graduate History Club. Meeting,
8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rack-
ham building. Prof. Clark Hopkins,
Department of Classics, will speak on
his recent research in Greece. Re-
Botany Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m.. 1139
Natural Science Bldg. Speaker: Miss
Mina Winslow. Topic: North Africa-
Algeria and Morocco. Business meet-
ing important. All are welcome.
Weekly Bridge Tournament, Union
Ballroom, starting at 7:15. Beginners
are encouraged to attend. Winners wili
be given two weeks' free admission and
runners up one week free admission.
Coeds must sign out with their House
Mothers for 11:30 p.m.
University of Michigan -Rifle Club.
Meet at the ROTC Rifle Range, 7 p.m.
Marksmanship experience is not neces-
sary to become a member of the Club.
Michigan Arts Chorale. Meet 7 p.m.,
University High School auditorium.
Folk and Square Dancing. 'Meet 8
p.m., Barbour Gym. Everyone welcome.
Student Legislature. Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Anderson-Strauss dining room,
East Quad. Any student Is invited.
Members of the various international
groups on campus will be special
guests at this meeting.
Roger williams Guild: Te~ 4:30-6
p.m.tMake reservations today to attend
Varsity Night, Fri., with the Guild.
Pho&e 7332. Also make reservations to
attend the Messiah. Group order should
be turned in.this week.
Polonia Club. Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Prof. Lobanoff--Rostovsky, History De-
partment, will give a lecture on 18th
century Poland. Refreshments and
dancing. All students of Polish des-
cent and their friends are invited.
Note: This meeting will be held at
the Madellon Pound House, 1024 Hill
Coming Events
international Center Weekly Tea for
foreign students and American friends,
4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 25.
International Relations Club. Meet-
ing, Thurs., Oct. 25, 7:15 p.m., Union
Discussion on the relationship of U.N
and U.S. The new faculty advisor wil
be introduced. Members are urged to
Graduate Mixer
Fri., Oct. 26, 9-12 midnight, Assembly
Hall, Rackham Bldg., sponsored by the
Graduate Student Council.
Graduate Student Council
Meeting, Thurs., Oct. 25, 7:30 p.m.
West Lecture Room, Rackham Bldg
Will all members pleasetattend whether
notified by mail or not.
Sigma Delta Chi: Important busines
meeting, Thurs., Oct. 25, 8 p.m. League
Group picture for the Ensian will b
taken at 8:30 p.m. Report of Member
ship Committee will be discussed. Al'
members please attend.
Kappa Phi: Pledging ceremony at
5:30 p.m., Thurs., Oct. 25 at te Metho-
dist church. Supper and worshi serv
ice following the pledging. Actives
are requested to be present at the
church at 5 p.m.
Hillel: Coke Hour, Thurs., Oct. 25
3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Fireside Room, Lane
Hall. Everyone is welcome.
Wesleyan Guild: Meet at the Guild
at 7:15 p.m., Fri., Oct. 26 to attend Var-
sity Night in a group. Buy tickets In

Study Group.. ..
To the Editors!
the IFC house president's meet-
ing a progressive step toward a
solution for the discrimination is-
sue was taken. This new Human
Relations Committee that was es-
tablished will be a committee o
action. The IFC is ready to "carry
the ball" and assume the respon
sibility. Student Legislature ha
been invited to be part of thi
vital group, and by co-operation
between the IFC and SL a realis
tic picture and approach to th
problem can be reached.
There are positions open fo
three fraternity men on this com
mittee. One must be a man whos
fraternity has in its constitutio
a bias claus and one must bea
man whose fraternity constitutio
has no bias clause. These provis
ions insure both kinds of consti
tutions are represented. The thir
position is open to any fraternit
man on campus. There will b
three members of the committe
appointed by the Student Legis
lature, too. Fraternity men inter
ested in working on this importan
committee should petition the IF
Executive Council.
--Mark Sandground,
Secretary, IFC.
* * *
LS&A Curriculum ...
To the Editor:
FULLY AGREE with the recen
letter of Mr. Markinson in re
gards to the seeming ineffective
ness of basic courses in the Liter
ary College. I feel the LSA studen
is caught between a belligerent ad
ministration and an irrational col
lege catalogue. For instance, Fin
Arts 1 effectively bars student
from taking the Fine Arts course
they really want by forcing the
to waste four hours of valuabl
The counselors are very helpful
they usually hand you a catalogu
opened to "pre-requisites" when
ever you want to by-pass a cours
Finally, the student inthek
pre-requisite courses is blocked
from gaining anything beneficil
fron the course because of th
size of the class and the lack o
opportunity to meet the lecturer.
In short, I believe the curricu
lum in the Literary College de
tracts from the value of our edu
cational experience.
-Glenn A. Donaldson
To the Editor:
Mossner's defense of Vice-Pres
dent Barkley's speech; I did no
hear the speech, and would neve
question seriously anyone's reac
tions-emotional or otherwise-t
a public performance of any sor
Howeveir, one must take issue wit
his attitude toward intellectua
(I withhold the quotation mark
-the term is an accepted one).
Where shall one find intellec
tuals-where do they have a pror
er niche-if not at a university
Is not the purpose of a universit
the training and sharpening of ti
intellectual faculties of men an
women, If the word itself is to ,
treated with ridicule-here, how ci
those who struggle and fight f
those ft'w letters which indica
the beginnings, of a disciplin
thought hope to'make any hea
way in government or in huma
relations. Certainly an educatic
embraces many things - soci
training, the encouragement o
leadership, the forming of grou]
o and friendships - yets its bas
goal still centers on one idea: th

in the mind of man is the key t
more rational, more civilized liv
If you object to the political c
cultural tenets of certain person:
Mr. Mossner, call them by thei
right names-or at least, quali:
r your terminology. Don't linsul
those of us who would wear th
name "intellectual" proudly-if w
s deserved it.
-Elizabeth F. Allen
-* * *
The Lord's Day,.. .
To the Editor:
IN REPLY to Arty Goldberger
letter of Thursday, Oct. 18,
have the following:
What I had in mind in my firs
letter, Mr. Goldberger, is at one
far less arbitrary and more dis
turbing than anything you distil
led from it. In fact, your thinkir
is such as could arise only in a:
age that is born and conceived an
steeped in subjectivism. And bi

cause this age imagines that it is
we human beings who legislate
moral laws foi the universe, it is
without the cultural 'cohesion arid
community of interest that would
enable you, for instance, to under-
stand me.
No, Mr. Goldberger, the moral
order of this universe has been
established long before you or I
fcould reflect upon it. When I wit-
ness to this moral order, there-
- fore, I do not "presume," as you
s suppose, but I invite others too to
s taste the joy of conforming them-
n selves to this order. Hence my plea
- was less arbitrary than you think.
e But what I had in mind is also
more disturbing than you think.
r For it is not I, nor some senile
- benevolence sitting on a bank of
e clouds, nor chance, nor any crea-
n ture, who legislates morals for the
a universe, but the Consuming Fire
n himself: the God who made the
- universe and who, subsequently,
- revealed himself in his son Je-
d sus Christ. So any moral prescrip-
y tion that you or I may offer is
e valid only to the extent that it co-
e incides with his prescription.
- It so happened that I wrote
- in connection with library regula-
t tions and Sabbath observance.'I
C did not mean to say, however, that
anyone should observe the Chris-
tian Sabbath without becoming a
Christian. That would be a mild
but rather arbitrary demand,
What I did mean is that if young
Americans would shake themselves
free from the New Barbarism cur-
rent in this country they must get
t back to the faith of their forebears
- in other words, become Chris-
- Surely, Mr. Goldberger, students
t too are human beings created to.
- praise God and to enjoy him for-
- ever.
e -John Vriend
s5 * * *
'5 -
nHuntington Day .
e To the Editor:
eRE Arthur (ahRah) Hunting-
- We read with amusement your
e. letter of the 21st. We are petition-
e ing the Student Legislature to es-
d tablish a "Huntington Day" ' dur-
l ing which a multitudinous crowd
e of 35 "students" shall pour forth
)f to the Diag, where they will flit
up and down having the "Gosh
- best time of their lives."
- And since when has Michigan
- Spirit meant pushing weasely
freshmen around? My, you must
be tough!
-Ben 'Blackett
Jack Childs
Peter Dow
THE DIFFERENCE between the
ie right word and the almost
i- right word is the difference be.
t tween lightning and the lightning
r bug.
- --Mark Twain
t. f
s f


Washington MerErGo-Round
airv DRew eno PEARSO

WASHINGTON-Historians who evaluate
the closing days of the 82nd Congress
will probably make special note of the con-
firmation debate over Ambassador Philip
Jessup because of two things:
1. It marked the high-water mark in
this country of legislation through fear.
Such senators as Gillette of Iowa and
Smith of New Jersey were fully aware of
the unfairness of the charges against
Jessup but bowed to their fear of a small,
intolerant, vociferous segment of the Am-
erican public sometimes called McCarthy-
2. It also marked a period when news-
paper editors were criticizing the White
House on freedom of the press, while one
wing of the press seriously confused the
public by distorting or suppressing import-
ant facts so necessary to a free press.
Unquestionably the timidity of certain
senators was due in part to this confused
and poorly informed state of public opin-
ion. Unquestionably also the great majority
of newsmen in this country are anxious to
protect the truth of the press as well as its
freedom; for without the first the second
cannot survive.
'Therefore, let's look at some of the facts
in ha essn a .d .pph ,w h,,7p ,

(Sunday circulation 4,123,276), together
with the Washington Times-Herald.
The other is the New York World-Tele-
gram, published by Roy Howard, high-
ranking Republican and bitter critic of the
State Department, who also publishes 18
other papers from Pittsburgh to San Fran-
cisco and who is one of the largest stock-
holders in the United Press.
In contrast to the New York Times and,
the Herald Tribune, which were objective,
here is how the World-Telegram lived up to
its obligation of a free and truthful press in
reporting the debate over Ambassador Jes-
On October 7-Harold Stassen accused
Ambassador Jessup of lying. Jessup had
sworn under oath that he did not attend a
White House conference at which cutting off
aid to Chiang Kai-Shek was discussed.
"This matter goes to the heart of the
veracity of Jessup," Stassen insisted with
great vigor. He stated that his memory of
a conversation with the lade Senator Van-
denberg was "crystal clear;", that Vanden-
berg reported Jessup was present. Stassen
demanded that Vandenberg's diary be
The World-Telegram played up this story,
critical of Jessup, on page 1.

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ............. ..City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn'.........Associate Editor
Ted Papes............Sports Editor
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IiWellthanks anyway, Barnaby, for
Wl l thm a ac foru

f7Ynu, idea didn t work- Mr. O'Mallev-l 71

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