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October 20, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-20

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I m


SL & The Library

STUDENT Legislature won a victory Wed-
nesday when a compromise settlement of
the library hour dispute was announced.
But just how much of a victory this is,
remains to be seen. There are indications
that the triumph may be less significant
than it appears.
In the first place, the University was
planning to take action on the library
hours anyway-the problem was already
under study, and a change might well have
been made independent of SL's Gromyko
Further, the central issue in dispute has
not definitely been resolved--there has been
no promise that Sunday service will be re-
SL president Len Wilcox is optimistic, but
the library will not announce their decision
till Nov. 1-a possible stall although there
are problems to work out before Sunday
hours can be re-established.
Credit, however, must be given where
credit is due--and SL must at least be
credited with being a precipitating force
in working towards a library settlement.
Undoubtedly the bad publicity received
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

by the University when the SL boycott
story was printed all over the state has-
tened their efforts to find a compromise.
SL must also be praised for showing the
courage of their convictions by placing
themselves way out on a limb with their
boycott. By tlh time of the conference
with President Hatcher et al, "Wilcox con-
fessed that a "sawing noise was becoming
very audible." In this instance, SL made
an effort to forcefully represent a rather
apathetic, inert student opinion.
SL must also be congratulated for gain-
ing a certain measure of prestige and in-
fluence with their victory, though it be of
undetermined size. To the idealist, this will
mean a strengthened student government,
something for which the students have long
been striving. To the skeptic, this will mean
a more powerful campus clique, something
of dubious desirability.
Not to be neglected is the provision
calling for periodic conferences of Presi-
dent Hatcher with "Wilcox. This perhaps
is the biggest element in SL's victory-at
least a step towards a greater voice for
students. Again ,whether this is an ef-
fective voice remains to be seen.
So SL is entitled to some chest-beating.
Possibly they will emerge from this as a
real student government. But before any
wild rejoicing takes place, the dust must be
allowed to fully settle-SL's victory must
be analyzed in view of the final outcome of
all the unresolved issues.
-Crawford Young

Taft's Chances
SENATOR TAFT'S announcement that he
would seek the Republican nomination,
would win it, and would win the Presidency
has been accepted by many political ob-
servers as a rather optimistic statement. The
wise observers will say that the Republicans
may have to nominate Taft for want of a
somewhat more dynamic personality such
as Eisenhower, for it is crtain that unless
Eisenhower makes some indication of his
feelings toward the nomination in the near
future, Taft will have the convention lined
up behind him.
However, there are many politicians both 0;
inside and outside of the Republican Par-
ty that regard the nomination of Taft as
the end of Republican chances to win in
1952. They feel that there are too many
strategic states that will need .a strong
Presidential candidate to swing close sen-
atorial elections, but in their search for
these close votes, Taft's influence and
prestige should not be too heavily dis-
counted. If he follows his announced stra-
tegy, he will be striking at the weakest
points of the Truman administration: so-
cialism in government; corruption close to
the President; and foreign policy, parti-
cularly in Asia.
Taft's problem will be to offer a positive
Republican plan that will strike at the ex-
cesses and mistakes of the last eighteen
years, and still not frighten the voters into
thinking that some of the benefits of the last
administrations will be destroyed.
The Republicans have two alternatives for
1 Nominate Eisenhower, if he is available,
or some other Republican with "appeal" and-
wage a constructive campaign which would
be carried on actively and wholeheartedly
by all factions of the party. Eisenhower has
the personality and the administrative ex-
perience as his wartime efficiency and re-
sponsibility as European Theatre Command-
er will attest.
2. Nominate Taft and have an all out last
ditch fight for conservatism in opposition to
the Truman "welfare state." Taft does not
have the personality of an Eisenhower, but
he has the administrative and legislative ex-
perience and the political integrity and in-
tellectual honesty that is so wanting in the
present administration.
Rank and file Republicans feel that they
can surely win with the first combination,
but they are doubtful about winning with
the second. Let them remember, though,
that the Taft type of campaign could be
very effective on top of the present uncer-
tainties of the foreign situation, the pro-
mise of an even more staggering tax load,
and the steady loss of American life in
Korea which mark a strong contrast to the
administration's assurance.


"Somebody Fail To Measure Up?"




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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
2552 Administration Building before
3 p.m. the day preceding publication
(11 a.m. on Saturday).
Members of the Graduate Faculty:
Applications for Summer Faculty Re-
search Fellowships for the Summer Ses-
sion of 1952 should be filed in the Of-
fice of the Graduate School by Sat..
Oct. 27, 1951. Application forms will
be mailed or can be obtained at 1006
Rackham Building, Telephone 372.
Curtiss-Wright Scholarships of $500
each are now available to Aeronautical
and Mechanical Engineering students
who have completed at least the fresh-
man year of study in the Engineering
College, or its equivalent. To be eligi-
ble, students must be American citi-
zens, partially self-supporting, with an
academic standing above average. Ap-
plications should be filed with Prof. H.
W. Miller, Chairman of the Committee
on Scholarships, 414 W. Engineering
Building by October 26.
Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical' Fellow-
ship of $1000 available. Recipient is ex-
pected to complete the requirements
for the M.S.E. degree in Aeronautical
Engineering. Appointments to these
fellowships will be made by the Execu-
tive Board of the Graduate School on
recommendation of the Department of
Aeronautical Engineering and with the
approval of the Curtiss-Wright Corpor-
ation. Applications should be addressed
to Prof. E. W. Conion, Chairman of the
Department of Aeronautical Engineer-
ing, 1501 E. Engineering Building by
October 26.
Dr. Isador Lubin, U.S. Representative
in the Economic and Social O5uncil of
the United Nations, will deliver a Uni-
versity Lecture on "The Economic Basis
of world Peace," Mon., Oct. 22, 4:15
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
auspices of the Department of Econo-
Academic Notices
Phi Sigma Symposium.
Mon., Oct. 22, 8 p.m., Rackham As-

sembly Hall. Subject: "Eplanations
of Major Discontinuities in Plant and
Animal Distribution.' Panel for the
Discussion: T. H. Hutbbell, Division of
Insects, Museum of Zoology: Stanley
Cain, School of Natural Resources: Wil-
lam H. Burt. Division of -Mammalogy.
Museum of Zoologyi and G. Winstou
Sinclair, Department of Geology.
Seminar on Probability. Mon., Oct.
22, 4 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Prof. Raimi
will speak on "Ergodic Theory."
Doctoral examination for Terrell C.
Myers, Chemistry; thesis: "Syntheses of
vinylogs of Known Plant Growth Regu-
lators and Syntheses and Reactionsof
Some Substituted Cyclohexenones and
Cyclohexane-1, 3-Diones," Sat., Oct.
20, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., 10 a.m. Chair-
man, A. S. Dreiding.
Town and Country Club. All stu-
dents interested in co-ree outing acti-
vities are invited to a roast at Island
Park, Sun, Oct. 21. Meet at WAB at
5 p.m.
Events Today
Hawaii Club. Muu-Muu and Aloha
Shirt Social. 8-11:30 p.m., Wesley
Lounge, Methodist Church.
Wesleyan Guild: Interguild Workshop,
3 to 5 p.m., Lane Hall. Topic: "The
Impact of Guilds on Campus through
Their Individual Members." Smoras-
board at 5 p.m. Members of all Guilds
are welcome.


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Phone Call

DURING the 75 years since the telephone
was invented its use has been extended
across the world and its mechanism so per-
fected that a person in Ann Arbor can talk
to a party in China within minutes.
However, as far as the situation in the
men's and women's dorms is concerned,
the telephone might be some new-fangled
contraption dreamed up by Bell yesterday.
Indeed the plaintive calls of 'operator, oh
operator' that are heard down the line when
the receiver is removed can be likened to the
few feeble words that were transmitted over
the first line.
The impatience and anxiety felt by Bell
and his assistants in the moments during
which the first call was made are nothing
compared to the hours spent by students
throughout the entire system trying vainly
to complete a call.
Of course, the inadequate phone service
does hav ie tsadvantages. Fascinating
conversations can be carried on with
booth haunters in other dorms-any one
except that desired. Interesting reading
is being provided in some booths by com-

plaint sheets posted on the wall that read
like the notes of a prisoner, scratched on
the walls of a cave. "Twenty minutes, to
get an operator, call misplaced, gave up."
"Waited fifteen minutes to get operator
cut off in middle of call, had to wait 15
more to replace the call, no answer."
Those who finally give up trying 'to place
an important call through the dorm switch-
board, and decide its worth while to splurge
a nickel on the luxury of a dial phone, find
a lineup outside the pay booth and are
foiled again.
Since the hall phones in women's dorms
are discontinued after 10:30 p.m. the line
waiting to use the one remaining booth is
especially long.
Thus far, although a lot of paper has
been filled with statistics reporting the
inadequacy of the situation, nothing has
been done to correct it as yet.
Time is passing, the situation isn'tim-
proving And the supply of patience and
nickels is being steadily depleted.
--Marge Shepherd


Taft can certainly win the nomination as
things are going now, and quite possibly he
can carry off the election. Don't discount
his chances!
-Harry Lunn

.. y

LAST NIGHT the Arts Theatre Club open-
ed its second season with The Sulky Fire,
by Jepn-Jacques Bernard, a play which in
its French version (Le feu qui reprend mal)
has at one time or another been in the
repertory of the Comedie Francaise, and
which in the present English version has
been revived in London at least once (1944)
since its first performance in 1921. The
sulky fire: the flame which will not rekindle
-in literal terms, the relation between a
husband and wife who have been separated
by the war and who discover, when the.
At The O1pheum .. .
VAUTRIN, THE THIEF, starring Michel
DAILY reviewers are often wont to praise
a foreign film simply on the ground that
it is an import, rather than base their opin-
ion on the overall merits of the production.
This tendency may be explained by the
asumption that American movie distributors
will not introduce anything buts Europe's
Unfortunately, this assumption is rebut-
table, for "Vautrin" is definitely not one of
France's stellar productions. However, it is
good movie entertainment and deserves ap-
probation on several counts. It has the ex-
cellent photographic technique common to
most foreign films, and this, coupled with
music particularly appropriate (and directed
by Charles Munch), tends to enhance the
overall design of the plot which is based on
a story from Balzac's multi-volumed Come-
die Humaine.
The movie literally opens with a bang,
when the harried constabulary fires a
cannon to announce the escape of Vau-
trin (France's "most diabolical scoun-
drel"), from the local bastille. The cam-
era then follows the escaped convict
through his various more or less exciting
adventures, which include deceit, bribery,
blackmail, pandering, manslaughter and

husband has returned from a prison camp,
that what they went through separately
during the war years is nothing compared
to what they must go through now. An
American officer has been billeted in the
house; the husband, after the first joy of
his return--Bob Laning, as Andre Merin,
makes this return the most poignant mo-
ment of the play-becomes suspicious and
jealous, and throughout the play we watch
the couple struggle with this suspicion, as
they try to understand what the truth is
about themselves and about each other.
As the two characters grope their way
through this unmarked treacherous pas-
sage of their relationship, there is built
up in the minds of the audience an im-
pression of the frightfulness, the futility
of the Eituation which is almost too con-
vincing It is a hard play to watch.
And, I imagine, an inordinately difficult
one to act. J. J. Bernard is an exponent of
"the theatre of silences," believing that the
speeches of his characters should be as
little emphatic as they would be likely to be
in actuality, and that they should be punc-
tuated with the silences which may mean
more than words themselves, or which may
simply allow the words to take on their full
meaning. However readily this principle
commends itself to us in theory, in practice
it seems to mean that the actors are con-
stantly struggling-by gesture, by intona-
tion, by more business with the tea-cups
than it is quite right for any one play to
hold-to give a meaning to the colorless,
flat-toned speeches. When every speech is
isolated by silence, it is difficult to make
any gradations in intensity.
In the end, while we feel that nothing
has been conceded to sensationalism, that
we have seen something honest and true,
we also feel that it's gone on a very long
time, that much of it has been thin and
dull, that not many of the silences had
much going on in them. The actors, par-
ticularly Robin Good and Bob Laning who
have almost the whole weight of the play
on their shoulders, do a heroic job with
material which would try any actor to
the utmost.
,.nc wh rnrteuni ff r-

Atomic Control
WASHINGTON-An astute member of the
Atomic Energy Committee with much
prior experience in military affairs, declares
that Defense Secretary Lovett and Chair-
man McMahon of the committee are both
right oh the question of weapons for de-
fense, despite their apparent conflict. His
comment followed committee approval of a
resolution calling for maximum expansion
of the atomic weapons program.
Both, the committeeman explained, were
addressing themselves to reasonable fears.
The Secretary of Defense is afraid that
the public will be led to expect quick and
easy Atomic-weapon victories, that con-
gress will too quickly cut down on pre-
sent "conventional" rearmament.
Senator McMahon fears that the military,
lacking the congressional prod, will not do
that pioneering in Atomic weapons which
atomic development makes possible and ur-
The McMahon resolution firmly directed
the Atomic Energy Commission and the De-
fense Department to transmit to the Atomic
Committee by January 1 next a "definite
and concrete report on maximizing the role
Atomic energy can and should play in the
defense of the United States."
In a recent Senate speech, the Chair-
man declared that a proper and eventually
possible Atomic weapons program would
result in an eventual defense saving- of
$ a year. The Secretary of
Defense then felt it was necessary to knock
down any immediate optimism about mir-
acle weapons and miracle savings result-
ing from them.
The Secretary has now cautioned the press
and public. Senator McMahon in turn has
won unanimous approval of his demand for
stepping up the atomic weapons program.
The resolution will not, however, be acted
upon by congress but go directly to the
A.E.C. and defense. This is only because
Congress is so close to adjournment, ac-
cording to Senator McMahon. There is little
doubt that congress would fail to approve.
Any step that would promise relief from
present staggering defense budgets would
have nation-wide appeal.

THE SCENE IS A huge dance hall, hideously decorated with vaguely
Latin murals, in this grimy industral town. On the platform, fac-
ing the tight packed crowd is a heavy man with a half-angry, half-
amused expression on his broad, pink face. This is Aneurin Bevan, the
Labor rebel often described here as "the next Prime Minister but one,"
and certainly one of the two or three most interesting political figures
in England.
What manner of man is this, the former coal miner who as-
pires to the office once held by a Cecil, a Pitt, a Diraeli, a Church-
ill? He looks, oddly, rather like a bad little boy-his thick grey
hair is brushed like a little boy's, straight out from the part, as
his mother might have brushed it in the dreary Welsh mining
town where he was born. And he has something of the wicked
humor and the brimming vitality of a small boy.
As soon as he begins to speak, it is clear that he has something
else-that rare electric quality which brings his listeners to the edge
of theh seats, anxious not to miss a word. He starts quietly, in his
musical Welsh accent, with a few jokes-his face is not pretty, he
says, but at least the audience can see he has no horns on his forehead.
Then he begins to talk with an oddly intellectual seriousness, using
phrases like "our collective reaction to the external situation."
THE TORY hecklers smuggled into the hall soon get to work, and
Bevan abruptly changes his tone. "Oh, sit down, Moustache," he
shouts at a heckler, or at a strident lady Tory, "I can't abide meat
twice cooked or a'-nattering woman" "What about Abadan?" one
heckler yells. "I am coming to Abadan," Bevan shouts back, "and
sooner than you'll like." Then he comes to Abadan.
The Conservatives don't want war, he says, with an air of
sweet reason. No sane man wants war. But the Tories are "not
adjusted" to the changed "external situation." The smaller coun-
tries have rights now. "If the United States of America established
an industry in Great Britain we would not let the American Con-
gress say what was to be done about it." Although the Tories do
not know, what the Tories really mean when they talk of force
is-and here his voice rises to a bull roar-"WAR, WAR, WAR."
The crowd roars back. No, Bevan says, that Is not the solution.
There is another solution. Small countries, like Persia or Egypt, have
a right to manage their own affairs. But-and here his voice rises
again-THEY HAVE NO RIGHT to deny to the rest of the world what
the world needs to live; oil or communications. Thus the matter must
be settled within the world organization, the United Nations. This is
the real solution.
The crowd seems entirely satisfied by this "solution" and Bevan
shifts to firmer ground. He recalls, bitterly and vividly, the miseries of
unemployment in the Thirties, and points with genuine pride to the
raised standards of living for the workers, and the social services, un-
der the socialists. The crowd responds with violent enthusiasm, and as
Bevan ends his speech and sits down, it is clear that here is a politician
of stature, a man who must be reckoned with.
* * * * -
FROM THIS VIEW of Bevan in action, and from a previous personal
contact, certain impressions emerge. First, Bevan is neither a
would be dictator nor the leader of an anti-American crusade. He has
an itch for power, certainly, but he is not of the stuff of which dicta-
tors are made. As for the anti-Americanism of the Bevanites, this has
been wildly exaggerated. There are occasional pin pricks, certainly, but
also occasional bouquets. According to those who have followed closely,
anti-Americanism is in no sense a serious issue in this election.
Yet Bevan should be taken seriously by Americans all the
same. For this brilliant man has now become the focus for wish-
ful thinking among a minority of socialists as Chamberlain once
was among a majority of Conservatives. Bevan's "solution" for the
creeping dry-rot in the Middle East is no more a real solution than
Chamberlain's was at Munich. And just as Chamberlain's Con-
servatives put business as usual before national security, so the
Bevanites are putting free dentures before the armed strength
necessary to survival.
What is really surprising, in this tired, war-battered country is
not that there are Bevanites, but that there are so few of them. The
fact is that the British are still basically united on the essential points-
the need to rearm, and the need to maintain the Anglo-American al-
liance. For they know instinctively that if the dry-rot continues much
longer, if Britain ceases to be a great power, it will be nonsense to talk
of free false teeth-or even a toleable standard of living-for the peo-
ple on this crowded island. One suspects that Aneurin Bevan himself is
fully aware of this, and would act on the knowledge if he ever attained
the power he seeks. Even so, it is well to remember that the sort of
wishful thinking and flaccidity we ourselves have recently displayed in
the Middle East could render a left-wing brand of appeasement a real
force in England, which has travelled so long and so weary a road that
the temptation to appease is wholly natural.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Xettem 1
The Daily waelcomes communica-
tions from its readers on matters of
general interest, aad will publish all
letters which are signed by the writert
and in good taste. Letters exceeding
300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for
any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from t
publication at the discretion of the
Democracy .
To the Edior:
MANY of those iho were privi-7
leged to sit in Hill Auditorium
Thursday night and hear Vice
President Alban Barkley, must
have realized that the man who
stood before them on the plat-
form was truly a very great states-
man in every sense of the word.
At any rate, he demonstrated that
feeling to me. He showed that he
was a man thoroughly versed in
the principles and art of Ameri-
can government, and he showed
wisdom in being able to transmit
his knowledge to the people.
Besides this, the Veep showed
us that he was a common, sincere
man, who, in these days of pessi-
mism and fear, still has faith in
America's possibilities, and still
has a vision that someday we may
yet rid the world of want, misery,
and bloodshed.
There are a few so-called "intel-
lectual giants" who thought that
the Kentucky gentleman's speech
was childish, trite, and for the
most part, just a repetition of
history. That it was a repetition
of American history I will not
deny, but to call that history trite
and childish, seems to indicate
a lack of appreciation on the part
of the critics. When the day has
come that we think we are "too
big" to listen to a talk on the his-
tory of our country, I think we
have grown pretty big for our
But, there is little use to argue
with the "intellectuals," for they
believe they are always correct in
their thinking. Most people, how-
ever, who went away from Hill
Auditorium last Thursday, went
away very pleased, I think, and
years from now they will recall
that pleasant October night when
a good and great statesman came
to a little college town to speak on
the type of government that is
able to make a common farm boy
a Vice President of The United
-Gene Mossner


Air Force R.O.T.C. Band members:
Special rehearsal, Sat., Oct. 20. 9 a.m..
229 North Hal. Will need music 1 es
as we will be outside part of the time.
Roger Williams Guild Work Shop,
Lane Hall, 3-5 p.m.
Beacon Luncheon. 12 noon. League,
followed by a picnic, leaving the
League at 1 :30 p.m.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion'Group:
Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. Topic: 'What
S.L. expects of S.R.A.' Phone reserva-
tions to Lane Hall.
Coming Everts
U. of M. Hot Record Society. Record
program "Bix Biederbecke and his In-
fluences, on Jazz Musicians,"' Sun., Oct.
21, League, 8 p.m. Everyone invited.
Sunday Night Co-Ed Record Contcert
League Library (3rd floor), 8:30-10 p.m.
Program: Bach-Concerto in D minor
for piano & orchestra; Prokofiev-Con-
certo in D Major for violin & orches-
tra; Siebelius-Symphony No. 2.
Russian Circle. Meeting Interna-
tional Center, Mon.. Oct. 22, 8 p.m. 4
brief sketch of Pushkin's Eugene Onae-
gin will be presented with some, ex-
cerpts from Tschaikovski's opera. Rus-
sian refreshments and songs around
the Samovar.
La Sociedad Hispanica invites all:r
Spanish students to its first social hokur
at the League, Mon., Oct. 22 4 tot6
p.m. Refreshments and Latin-Ameri-
can dance instruction.
Intercollegiate Zionist Federation
(IZFA) and Hillel. Sichas Torah Party,
Sun., Oct. 21, Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Games and refreshments.
Graduate Outing Club. Meet at the
rear of the Rackham Building 2 p.m.,
Sun., Oct. 21. Canoeing and hiking.
Communion Breakfast, sponsored by
the Newman Club, Sun., Oct. 21, St..
Mary's Chapel. Speaker: Father Can-
field, Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit.
"Catholic Literature." Tickets obtain-
able at the Chapel Office or at the



Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
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Student Publications.
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Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
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Ted Papes ......... ..Sports Editor
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Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ....... ... Women's Editor
Jo' Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.






Rarnaby, they can't intelligently


Very well. 1

, r-,4 lC, .4 , 4.,, ,T s r., ......
You're right, Jane. The day has
slipped away, hasn't it? I can't



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