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Latest Deadline in the State
* *
* * *9
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House Sends
Tax Hike Bill
To President
Public To Face
5 Billion Boost
WASHINGTON-(P)-A $5,691,-
000,000 general tax increase on in-
dividuals, corporations and a wide
variety of manufactured products
finally passed the House yesterday.
The bill now goes to President
Truman who is expected to sign it
promptly. *
covering from a jolting setback on
a similar version'of the bill Tues-
day, ran .up a 25 vote margin for
the measure yesterdays The roll
call vote was 185 in favor of the
bill, 160 against. The Senate passed
it by a voice vote Thursday.
Thus, individual income tax
boosts ranging between 11 and 12
per cent for most taxpayers, are to
; take effect Nov. 1. So will the ex-
cise tax changes on a long list of
items including liquor, gasoline
and household appliances. This
schedule presumes that Mr. Tru-
man will sign the bill by Sunday.
On its original test the bill
was beaten by a combination of
(1) legislators demanding that
the administration slash spend-
ing and (2) others who urged
still *higher taxes and eom-
plained that the bill bore too
lightly on large incomes and
too heavily on small.
Yesterday Deniocratic leader
McCormack of Massachusetts
warned that defense spending js
going to plunge the government
billions of dollars in the red, and
said that defeat of the tax bill
would "feed the fires of inflation."
This would hurt everybody, espe-
cially the little fellow, he said.
Backers of a rider to permit
states to publish their relief rolls
hailed douse passage of the tax
bill, carrying their plan, as a major
state's right victory.
Tacked on the bill by Senator
Jenner (R-Ind.), the rider pro-
vides that no state may be denied
federal welfare funds for making
Egypt Withdraws
From Suez Area
Renews Expulsion Threat on Paper
With 'Get-Tough' Policy for Britain
CAIRO, Egypt-(/P)-Egyptian tanks and artillery pulled back
toward Cairo yesterday from the bristling British defense perimeter
along the Suez Canal.
But Egypt made a new threat on paper to kick out the British, and
Moslem extremists'demanded "revenge" on British troops. -
- * * * *
THE CANAL AREA was sealed off and placed on a firm British
war footing.
The British Embassy disclosed Egyptian Foreign Minister
Mohamed Salah Ed Din delivered a note of "general protest"
asks Firing
Of McGrath
was made yesterday for the dis-
missal of Attorney General Mc-
Grath in the House by Rep. Bake-
well (R-Mo.).
Rep. Bakewell accused McGrath
of trying to impede the St. Louis
phase of the Internal Revenue
Bureau investigation. He intro-
duced a resolution asking the
House to go on record in favor of
having President Truman fire Mc-
* s *
BAKEWELL charged that the
Attorney General, the nation's
chief . law enforcement °officer,
"sought to interfere with the ad-
ministration of justice when he
attempted to divert a grand jury
in St. Louis from its investigation
of charges against the former co-
lector, James P. Finnegan."
Meanwhile three New York
agents were suspended yesterday
in a widening probe of Internal
Revenue scandals.
The latest suspensions were
handed out to Ralph P. Demayo,
Jack. Neustadt and William H.
Dettmer Jr., a trio of tax officials
who appeared before a House Ways
and Means Subcommittee Thurs-
day for questioning about their
outside income.
A fourth agent in the New York
bureau, Mordecai Miller, was sum-
marily suspended, an hour after
he refused to make a full disclo-
sure of-his financial affairs before
the subcommittee.
against continued presence of
British soldiers on Egyptian soil.
The French-language newspaper
La Bourse Egyptienne reported
the note begins an Egyptian policy
to get tough with the British.
It said Egypt is asking the Bri-
tish to get out and says if they
don't "Egypt will be obliged to
take adequate measures to pre-
vent British military domination
of the Canal region."
Gen. Sir Brian Robertson, Com-
mander in Chief of British Middle
East land forces, returned to the
Suez by air yesterday from Lon-
don, presumably with orders to
hold the canal with the garrisons
and reinforcements pouring in.
* * *
armored forces had been posted
on the Cairo-Suez highway Thurs-
day at the height of tension over
the first clash between Egyptian
and British troops at El Ferdan
bridge Wednesday.
To escape a possible renewal of
Egyptian mob violence, soldiers'
families from Port Said and Suez,
and terminals of the 104-mile
canal, were taken inside the peri-
Congress Told
gress was informed yesterday that
the United States is capable of
striking a "terrible atomic coun-
terblow" against an aggressor.
In carefully guarded words, the
Senate-House Atomic Energy
Committee spoke of great progress
in building up the nation's atomic
"It is unquestionably true that
the atomic counter-blow which
the United* States could launch at
an aggressor would be swift and
sure and terrible," the joint com-
mittee said.-
* * *
UN Grants
Neutral Path
To. Meeting
Reds Lose Hill
Near Kumsong
By The Associated Press
United Nations liaison officers
yesterday offered the Communists
another compromise in an effort
to renewthe suspended Korean
truce talks while on the battle
front Allied forces threw Red de-
fenders off a key ridge in Central
The Allied negotiators granted
the Communists a security corri-
dcSr to the meeting site, as the
Reds had previously demanded.
* * *
IN A MORNING session, the
United Nations representatives
suggested a 400-yard wide corri-
dor between Communist-held Kae-
song and .Munsan to the meeting
place at Panmunjom.
Both liaison teams were to
meet later today to consider the
issue-one of two minor points
standing in the way of resump-
tion of fulldress armistice nego-
tiations in the bloody Korean
In the Kunsong fighting, the
Communists had taken the hill
during the night in a counter-
attack supported by a heavy mor-
tar barrage.
Allied infantrymen were within
two miles of the former Red bas-
tion some 30 miles north of Paral-
lel 38.
The Red hub is under heavy
Allied artillery fire.
ately twice last night, a pooled
dispatch from the Central front
said. One gained ground but the
Chinese were unable to hold it.
Farther east the second bat-
talion-size Communist counter-
attack was repulsed.
In the West, where Red resist-
ance had collapsed temporarily
northwest of Yonchon Thursday,
Chinese infantrymen yesterday
fought off an Allied infantry at-
tack with rifle fire and hand gren-
A late dispatch from the west-
ern front said the Allied attack for
two hills was stalled northwest of
Hawkeye Tilt
Called Must
For Squad
Bradford Plays
Last Game for 'M'
Associate Sports Editor
IOWA CITY - Michigan and
Iowa renew an almost forgotten
football rivalry at 1:30 (2:30 Ann
Arbor time) this afternoon before
a capacity homecoming crowd of
53,000 at the Iowa Stadium,
The Wolverines, who lave met
their Big Ten foe only thirteen
times previously, will be seeking
to even up their one-won-two-lost
record with their second straight
Conference win at the expense of
the Hawkeyes, victors in two. of
three outings this year.
* * *
THIS ONE is a must for the
Maize and Blue insofar as its de-
fense of the Western Conference
title is concerned. Last weekend's
decisive 33-14 victory over Indiana
was an encouraging Big Ten cur-
public the names of persons
ting aid allotments.
Stalin Writes
Korean Reds
Success Note'
MOSCOW-(P)-In an exchange
of greetings, Prime Minister Stalin
today wished success to the Kor-
ean Communists in their "struggle
for freedom and independence."
Stalin's message was in reply to
a telegram from Kim Il Sung,
North Korean Premier, which de-
clared that "the help and support
given us by the, Soviet Union are
a firm guarantee of victory in a
just war."
(The exchange between Stalin
and Kim was similar to messages
that have passed between them on
previous occcasions. It marked the
third anniversary of the establish-
ment of diplomatic and economic
relations between North Korea
and the U.S.S.R.
Publication of the exchange fol-
lowed the disclosure in Washing-
ton Wednesday that Moscow had
rebuffed a U.S. proposal, made by
American Ambassador Alan G.
Kirk Oct. 5 that Russia act to
bring about an armistice in
Kim, in his message to Stalin,
thanked the Soviet Prime Minister
for "the unselfish help of the So-
viet Union" which he said had as-
sisted the Korean People's Repub-
lic in developing and stretgthen-
ing as a democratic republic and
a peace-loving country fighting for
freedom and independence and
peace in the whole world.
'U' Gets Research
are (left to right) Margaret Pay
with Mary Jo Kohl in front.
Rebels Lead
Doek Tieup
INew York
NEW YORK-(3)-Dock Boss
Joseph P. Ryan-unable to lick his
rebel stevedores-was ready to join
them yesterday in a wildcat tieup
of the whole vast port of New
Sparked by some of the very
men who fought the strike earlier,
it spread yesterday through a
great part of the world's largest
PIERS LAY idle and ships big
and little" went unloaded.
Brooklyn reportedly was tied
up completely, including the
Army-base at Brooklyn, where
vital troops and supplies are
channeled to Korea and other
military outposts.
Ships were being diverted ta
Staten Island, where makeshift
crews were moving cargo, and to
New Jersey. Strike leaders threat-
ened to picket Staten Island and
Jersey piers "if any more ships
are diverted from Manhattan and
Rebel leaders had set 1 p.m. as
a deadline for a tieup of the whole
port of New York. Later they
amended this to say "by Monday
the entire port will be tied up."
*4 * *
THEY SAID it was about half
shut down now.
The dockers struck to jettison
a new contract. They want to
negotiate another one with bet-
,ter wage, vacation and working
The new contract took effect
Oct. 1.
Acting Mayor Joseph Sharkey
wired Washington, asking Federal
Mediation Director Cyrus S. Ching.
to try to win a settlement.
Of 149 ships' in port, customs
records showed, 55 were idled by
the strike. Tens of thousands of
tons of cargo was stranded.
The strike began Monday on
three Manhattan piers.
-Daily-Mike Scherer
coeds take over regent roles in Soph Satire tonight. The "ladies"
'sner, Karin Fagerburg, Bobbi Snyder, Ann Houck and Lee Fischer
T -o- r Soph Satire
To End TugWekTday
The old Michigan "rah-rah" tra-
dition will be dragged out of its1
dusty corner today as the tug-o-
war and Soph Satire climax Tug
Weekend activities.
Class rivalries will again 'be
aroused as the sophomores take on
the challenging freshmen in a
best-of-three tug-o-war across the
Huron River beginning at 1:30
enters its final stages when the
Fiji and Chicago House marching
bands lead a parade to the watery
battleground. One band will start
]Defense Drive
Forces Freeze
Of Color TV
WASHINGTON - (R) - Color
television for the general public
was indefinitely postponed yester-
The government called for an
immediate "freeze" on mass pro-
duction of television color sets
during the big defense drive.
Charles E. Wilson sent the re-
quest to Columbia Broadcasting
System, Inc., and won quick as-
sent from CBS President Frank
Wilson said he acted as an
emergency move to save vital
defense materials and "to re-
lease highly skilled electronics
engineers for important military
Electronics plays a major role
in such fields as radar, atomic
weapons and a wide range of other
military projects.
In New York, CBS president
Stanton said his company will
comply immediately with Wilson's
at the women's dormitories and
the other at the men's elorms.
They will converge on the
Mall and march to the Huron
River island where the tug is to
take place.
Tug Week activities were com-
menced yesterday with a scrim-
mage between sophomores and
freshmen on the diagonal. Last'
night about 35 students managed
to make quite a bit of noise in
front of the General -Library in
a Tug Week Rally.
4) * *
THE RALLY started with 15
sophomore men and one woman
gathering in front of the library
to sing praises of the Class of '54.
The ruckus they created attracted
about 20 Class of '55 rooters.
The rival classes exchanged
cheers and jeers for about half an
hour before the excitement died
Tonight at 8:30 the Soph Satire,
"Diagonally Yours," will be pre-
sented in Hill Auditorium. Tickets
for the show, which satirizes the
choosing of a college president,
will be 50 cents. They will go on
sale at 8 p.m. in the Hill Audi-
torium box office.
Truman Ends
German War
Truman late yesterday signed a
Congressional resolution ending
the state of war with Germany.
There was no immediate state-
ment from the President in con-
nection with his action.-The White
House simply announced he had
signed it.
The resolution became effective
as soon as the President affixed
his signature. It means that Ger-
mans no longer are enemy aliens
in the eyes of this country.
tain-raiser for Coach
Starting Lineups
Perry LE Swartz'drub'r
Johnson LT Johnston
Kinyon LG Turner
O'Shaughnessy C Towner
Wolter RG Lage
Stribe RT Buntz
Picard RE Fenton
Topor QB Britzmann
Putich LH Rice
Bradford RH Commack
Peterson FB Reichardt
Bennie Oos-
Faulty Circuit Holds Up
Scheduled A-Bomb Test
LAS VEGAS, Nev.-(A)-If you've ever pushed a light switch in
the middle of the night, and nothing happened, you know how the
AEC's big brass felt yesterday.
Mechanical failure in an electrical circuit blacked out the first
in a series of new atomic explosions at the Yucca Flat Dry Lake Test-
ing Ground near here.
S 4) *
CARROLL L. TYLER, Atomic Energy Commission test manager,
said that after an all day check,-
By The Associated Press
last night confirmed nine of Presi-
dent Truman's nominees to the
United Nations General Assembly
but took no action on a contro-
versial tenth - Ambassador-at-
Large Philip C. Jessup.
ZION, II.-Three Zion work-
ers were killed and a fourth was
seriously injured yesterday when
their automobile was struck by
a Chicago, North Shore and Mil-
waukee train at a Zion crossing.
WASHINGTON-The Petroleum
Administration for Defense issued
orders yesterday prohibiting the
use of one gasoline component and
severely limiting the use of an-
other for any product but aviation
DETROIT - A manufacturer,
Kenneth Heavlin, was indicted yes-
terday on charges of buying up
war surplus parts and reselling
them to the government for 87
times the purchase price.
State Board OK's
MSC Student Tax
terbaan; but that is about as op-
timistic an attitude that wil be
taken by the Michigan mentor,
who has never had to settle for
less than a tie for the Conference
flag in three years at the helm
of tie Wolverines.
Iowa, moreover, is a team
that has never been a soft'touch
for Michigan, at least not since
1902. That year, one of Fiel -
ing Yost's touchdown - happy
eleveng pulverized the Hawk-
eyes, 107-0.
See RICE, page 3
Oil Complaints
Shelved by UN
NEW YORK-(A')-The UN Se-
curity Council yesterday -shelved
the British-Iranian oil dispute in-
The next move in the explosive
situation appeared to be a new at-
tempt by the United States to use
its good offices toward a settle-
ment by direct negotiations.
* * *
THE COUNCIL climaxed a ser-
ies of tense sessions by voting 8
to 1 for a French resolution with-
holding any action in the Council
until the International Court of
Justice at the Hague has ruled
whether the Court itself had juris-
diction to intervene in the -argu-
The Soviet Union voted
against the resolution. This did
not count as a veto because the
proposal wash purely a procedural
move. Britain and Yugoslavia
The International Court at pres-
ent is considering the situation
created by Iran's seizure of Iran-
ian properties of the British-
owned $1,400,000,000 Anglo-Iran-
ian oil company under a nation-
alization law enacted last spring.
The Court's problem is whether
it has authority to intervene-
that is whether the oil squabble is
a domestic issue, as the Iranians
say, or an international issue, as
the British said in filing suit.
The decision will not come for
weeks or months.
C on-res Vte
the break in the complicated
detonating mechanism had been
"We are ready to go any time,
but we're all too tired to go back
to work tomorrow morning," said
Tyler. "Some of us have been
working 30 straight hours."
He was seconded by Dr.- Alvin
C. Graves who, with his scien-
tists, had the unique experience
which the atomic weapon
mounted, the AEC disclosed.
Movie Cowboy Saves Films From TV
TYLER, STILL in work clothes,
told a press conference last night
that the weapon was mounted on
a 100-foot steel tower.
He said the fact that the first
test would be connected from a
tower had no tactical signifi-
HOLLYWOOD-(IP)-The movie
and television industries buzzed
with anxiety yesterday ,over the
possible collapse of the multi-
million dollar business of selling
941Al mni frTV PrP ~ninL7_r
In addition, the judge ruled that
the Rogers' films may not be used
on a sustaining or non-commer-
cial basis on the TV stations be-
cause this, in effect, advertises the
MANY-a big Hollywood star has
expressed unhappiness with see-
ing old pictures played over and
over on the television circuit and