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April 25, 1951 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-25

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~. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1951 'A

Coeds To Sport


Summer Accessories



* * *:

* * *

Long, Neat Styles To Replace
Last Year's Shingled Hairdos
Beauticians Stress Face-Fitting Waves;
Pin-On Braids, Hair Pieces Allow Changes

Stores Stock Spring Formals
Of Organdy, Nylon Materials

Importance of Jewelry
In Accenting Clothes
Emphasized This Year
Clothes make the woman, ac-
cessories make the outfit; and the
most important of these accessor-
ies is jewelry.
Jewelry, like clothes, must be
appropriate to the occasion, say
fashion experts.
* * *
THE COED, who spends much
of her time in the classroom must
choose, most of her jewelry, along
simple lines. However, many new
spring fashion notes are being
added to jewelry to lend color and
life to a. college outfit.'
One new trend in styles this
year is borrowed from mascu-
line wardrobes. A local shop is
showing a pin copied from a
sheriff's badge. Made of gold
or silver, it can be worn at the
neck on a chain. /
Bangle bracelets, the fashion
of a few years ago, are being re-
ri placed by a more conservative,
style. A feminine adaptation of
a man's identification bracelet is
a rhodium-finished I.D. bracelet
featuring a band that stretches
open to slide easily over the wrist.
Inexpensively priced at under $5,
it can be engraved with name or
will be interested in a new crea-
tion by Ernest Steiner, called "Ci-
tation," which is reminiscent of
a soldier's medal. Backed by bright
ribbon, the medal can be pinned
on scarf, belt or lapel.
For daytime wear, diamonds,
rhinestones or large showy pins
are strictly tabu. On the other
hand, pearl chokers, simple gold
or silver jewelry are always in
good taste. Chunky pieces of
gilt o well with tweeds and
In the evening new touches off
glitter are added to the coed's
costume. Earrings, in a wide as-c
sortment of styles, complement
evening wear.
A CAMPUS apparel shop ad-l
vertises a three-piece set of spring'
jewelry in white beads dressed up
with colorful " polka-dots. The
necklace is a single-strand chok-
er, while the bracelet encircles the
wrist with a double-strand, andt
the earrings are a single matching
Another fashion center is fea-1
turing earrings that look well
coming and going. One ratherl
large earring clamps on bothc
the back and front of the lobe.c
Wtih the coming of a longer
hair-do for Women, the extremely
long dangle earrings of the "twen-
ties" are going out.
Jewelry, like clothes, has its sea-
sons. Although gold, silver and
rhinestones can be worn all year,
cork, coral, crystal and shell jew-
elry are fashionable during spring
and summer months only. 1

Simplicity is the keynote in the
fashion world this spring and mi-
lady's hairdo will be no exception.
This spring hair styles will be
longer, smooth at the crown, flat
on top, break into big soft curls or
waves around the face and neck,
and above all will be neat and un-
Last year's real short and often
shingled hair will be replaced by
styles that are still short, but long
enough to frame the face with
some curled or waved fullness.
Summer Wear
Receives A.d

LONG HAIR is made to appear
short by rolling it into a knot at
the nape of the neck.
For more formal wear, a short
style can be changed with the
pin-on braids and hair pieces
which are on the market today.
Individualiy in hairdos is com-
ing back. Gone are the days when
every woman's hair is arranged
exactly like every other woman's.
* * *
PROMINENT hair stylists are
advising women to study their
faces before deciding how to comb
their curls. A hairdo can make a
face seem less angular, rounder or
thinner; it can even emphasize the
eyes, ears, mouth or other good
features a person wishes to accent.
For instance, a square face
can be made to appear oval by
wearing a side part and a shell
bang. 'A round face will seem
thinner when the hair is parted
obliquely and a slanting bang is
Deep waves are replacing intri-
cate curls. A sleekly waved head
of hair is more likely to withstand
spring winds and rains and will
form a fine companion to this sea-
son's crop of hats
To accent the simplicity of style,
women will be bringing out the
highlights in their hair with rinses
that are a tone or two darker than
their natural hair color.

With the approach of pledge
formals, dorm formals, and IFC,
coeds' thoughts are turning toward
the purchase of a new formal.
Ann Arbor merchants have fore-
seen this trend of thought, and the
s t o r e s are well-stocked with
Organdy is once again a favorite
for spring gowns. A new style is
found this year in crinkled print
organdies. An especially pretty
formal seen in a local shop is a
pink print on crinkled white or-
gandy. It has' a side drape effect
with one strap.
* * *
NYLON NETS are always prac-
tical because they can be worn the
whole year. A layer of blue net

iece dress by Nelly de Grab is
of straw colored lace draped over
brilliant print giving an irides-
cent effect.

over one of pink gives an irri-
descent effect.
Another popular style is a
pastel faille strapless bodice
with the same color net skirt in
two layers, over 6ne of faille.
For the coed who Wants a little
variety this spring, plaids are be-
ing shown. A Scotch plaid strap-
less chiffon bodice with a billow-
ing white chiffon skirt makes a
stunning gown.
* * *
PIQUES, seersuckers, cottons,
and piccolas are in the stores for
those who want a gown only for
the spring and summer. They
are being shown in various styles
prints, embossments, and decora-
tions of nontarnishable metallio
Candy shades of nylon mar-
quisettes are especially captivat-
ing. This material is seen in
strapless styles with full skirts,
and also in off-the-shoulder
styles with Bertha collars.
Many of the strapless gowns
have matching stoles, capes, and
boleros. One especially pretty
champaign net formal has a gold
brocaded jacket to match in anti-
cipation of typically cool Ann Ar-
bor spring weather.
Both short and full-length for-
mals will be seen at the dances
this ' spring. Ballerina length
gowns can be found in two lengths.
-short and long, with the trend
towards the longer, ankle-length





Skin Care

BASIC ACCESSORIES-White hat, short white gloves and a
touch of jewelry show this suit'off to its fullest advantage.
Since the accessories are neutral and simply fashioned they can
be worn with almost any summer outfit. The suit is a neatly
tailored silk shantung.
* * * * * *
Scarves, Flowers Contribute
Finishing Touches to Cottons,

When the Michigan coed dons
her spring and summer cottons
this season, they will be touched
off by bright scarves and flowers
or matching belts and gloves.
Scarves, always a popular ac-
cessory, will be dominated by wide
stripes, tiny checks, and organdy
With shorts and a cotton blouse
or a "best" lightweight summer
suit, a scarf loosely knotted or
tucked in at the neck adds, a
casual touch of spring brightness
to the outfit.
SCARVES often will be topped
by a bright cluster of artificial
flowers pinned into the folds.
Flowers, especially crisp daisies,
can also be fastened to the collar
of a suit or at the waist of a
filmy cotton dress.
For dress-up o c c a s i on s,
matching accessories will be in
order. Wide belts and short
gloves with matching checks, di-
agonal stripes or Indian designs
give unity and interest to a
plain cotton.
Separate gloves will be light in
both color and fabric. Lime green,

lavender and white are featured,
but there will be a color to match
everyone's favorite summer suit or
THE GLOVES will be styled
from soft cottons that look and
feel like suede or from the ever-
popular woven string. Both allow
for coolness and comfort.
There will even be "peek-a-
boo" gloves made from the same
filmy cottons that are featured
in dresses and skirts this season.
Fashion designers, in the at-
tempt to keep everyone happy,
have come up with both very short
and very long gloves.
* * *
THE SHORT ONES,, good with
long-sleeved s u i t s or capped-
sleeved dresses rely on interesting
cut-out designs or scalloped edges
for variety.
The long variety has some-
thing new in the row of tiny
fabric or shiny pearl buttons
running along the back from
hand to elbow.
With the new elbow length top-
per and duster, long gloves will
be especially popular.

This summer's cottons will re-
flect the influence of the atomic
Scientific discoveries have pro-
duced new, revolutionary cotton
materials. Cottons have been
treated so they are crease resistant;
and guaranteed to stay crispj
throughout wilting summer days.-
been discovered to give body to
the sheerest fabrics such as1
organdy, voiles and organza. A
new satin material has been per-
fected that is made of washable
cotton but has a luxurious satin
Lastex yarns are woven in
with fabrics to produce puckered
materials. Also metallic finishes
can be put permanently on cot-
tons to give them a rich effect.
Simple, modern lines have been
ncorporated into the styles of
this summer's dresses. Skirts are
plain with inverted pleatssor cir-
cular with yards of fullness.
COMBINED with full skirts are
crisp sleeveless blouses in match-
ing colors or with contrasting
plaids and stripes. Many costumes
feature matching s h o r t s and
slacks to team up with skirts and
Blend is the by-word in the
fashion world. Soft pastel colors
such as mauves, candy pinks, ice
blues and cool yellow and greens
are blended together to form
combinations to chase off the
heat of summer.
The ever - popular sun - back
styles are v e r y revolutionary.
Strapless dresses are accented
with stoles and novel jackets cut
in unusual patterns and trimmed
with rows of buttons. ,
The feminine touch is added to
many of the simple dresses with
trimmings of white piping, eyelet,
ball fringes and sawtooth edgings.
Frilly aprort overskirts can be
worn over many dresses to make
them into an entirely different

Beauticians, emphasizing the,
importance of skin care this year,
are laying special stress on bath-
ing routine.
Moderate water and thorough
drying have been established as
two of the most essential rules for
soft, smooth texture.
"Forget old notions about fin-
ishing a warm bath with an icy
splash," the experts advise. Since
cold water tightens pores the oil
glands cannot function properly
and a dry chapped skin results.

Thorough drying is recommend-
ed in both summer and winter to
prevent the skin from becoming
rough and flaky.
Water softener in the form of
scented crystals or bath oil is
used to avoid the drying effects
of hard water and to insure plenty
of soapsuds.
If the back is gently scrubbed
with a brush and the body with a
wash rag or sponge dead skin is
removed and the oil glands are



interpreted by Anne Fogarty
The quick young touch of
Anne Fogarty brings to life
a summer garden of flower-fresh
- and petal-perfect cottons.
Outstanding in textures andt
colors, cotton again sets the
summer style . . . reflecting
the vivid imagination of
America's greatest designers.
> .s .Junior sizes.
E -
S ''\ L \ La4L \\ aL.,\
- -N
!., Fine combed cotton in an old-fashioned print
and stripe combination. SurpliWe front, sleeveless
and full, full skirt. Yellow and white, blue and ) r
white and orchid and white, 22.95.,4
2. Day-into-date dress of Bates plaid tissue ging-
ham with elasticized bodice. V-neck, front and
back. In blue and white and green and white
plaid, 25.00.



One of those happy little dresses
that charm everyone by their very
simplicity ... smart'wherever you
wear them combining good style
with sophisticated details... Finest
combed varn broadcloth, washable
Sanforized, and fast color....
Cleverly piped to outline the little
stand-up collar and deep side
pockets... full skirt.


( ff
, r.
y ,

Sizes 911-13-15.

Jonathan Logan's fabulous,
washable pique, all-over embossed
waffle design, punctuated with
glittering rhinestone buttons and
huge flared hip pockets... a dress to


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