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April 25, 1951 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-04-25

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Summer Skirts, Blouses. Vary
In Style, Fabric Combinations
Insulated Outfit Featuring Cotton Batting
Designed for Cool Comfort in Hot Weather

Variety in styles and fabrics
marks the summer's array of
skirts and blouses.
Several types of combinations
have been designed. There are
the usual separates in new colors
and materials, and a number of
complete skirt and blouse outfits.
" * s
ONE FEATURED is a very full
organdy embossed with enormous
yellow ce tered daisies. Another
is of lineb tweed, softly gathered
at the waist. Shantung is also
among the favored materials for
the summer season.
The Oriental theme has been
used in the designing of skirts
by Greta Plattry. One of her
creations is a balloon-like har-
em skirt in polished cotton.
One unusual "air-conditioned"
skirt has been designed by Bar-
bara Barondess MacLean. It is
a quilted cotton print with a taf-
feta lining. Insulated cotton bat-
Softer Colors
Indicate Trend
To Femininity
Fashion designers have had dif-
ferent ideas of femininity during
different eras; this season the
trend seems to be toward feminini-
ty through softer. lines and colors..
The severe look that has fre-
quently had a prominent place in
the fashion picture is being pushed
into the background this spring.
* * *
IN ITS PLACE are appearing
pleats, non-set-in sleeves, huge
bows, flounces and other devices to
achieve the "soft-look."
A dress of black chiffon, with
a full skirt and a large bow at
the shoulder is an example of
how fashion experts are combin-
ing material and design to create
the feminine look.
Another example of a similar
combination is a black silk mar-
quisette cocktail dress. Lace medal-
lions frame the decollete neckline.
,* * *
bows and chiffon scarves gathered
into soft puffs are being used by
leading designers causing other-
wise severe costumes to conform to
the new trend.
Wool jersey has made an af-
ter-dark appearance in the form
of a bare-shouldered camisole
dress with a pleated skirt.
During the day it may be worn
with a peplumed linen jacket.
Colors, too, are doing their bit
to make the season's fashions soft-
er and lovelier. One of the design-
ers',favorites is lilac. Others are
blue-in a clear, gentle sky hue,
rose, yellow and tortoise-shell gray.

ting is placed between the taffeta
and cotton to keep out the heat.
ANOTHER of the new skirts is
a ducktail design by Ben Reig. Al-
though slim in front, a double in-
verted pleat is in the center of the'
bias-cut back to give it fullness.
All of the skirts designed by
Ben Reig are made of very bright
colors, such as fire engine red
and emerald green.
Scarcity and high price of ma-
terials has forced some designers
to follow a trend toward thinner
fabrics and higher skirts. One such
skirt is of pleated nylon, weighing
only 10 ounces.
** *
THE TREND in the designing of
blouses has been less spectacular.
The favorite materials for this
summer seem to be linen and
pique. Some designers favor neat
sparse lines and jaunty collars
with no sleeves, while others pre-
fer smocked blouses with a draw-'
All of the designers are still
featuring the white rayon crepe
blouses with long sleeves.
Many of these blouses are plain,
with one distinguishing point of
style, such as tucks or unusual but-
tons. Nylon is being used exten-
sively in the new summer light-
weight blouses.
mending many different combina-
tions of skirts and blouses. One
such outfit, designed in Dallas, is
made from a new fabric called
The blouse is sleeveless with a
scarf collar in a soft corn yellow
while the skirt, with unpressed
pleats, is of nugget gold.
Another combination is of im-
ported silk organdy. The material
is patterned in a windowpane plaid-
The blouse has brief sleeves and
ties at the throat while the skirt
falls in folds.
* *
designed a tucked blouse of silk
tussah with rhinestone buttons, to
be worn with a pleated silk skirt.
Featured by another designer.
is an eyelet, scoop-necked blouse
worn with a linen or chambray
skirt and trimmed with eyelet
Koret of California has designed'
an outfit of linen-like rayon which'
is plainly styled. The skirt and.
blouse button down the front.
Rainwear Care
For preserving rainwear, water
resistant fabrics can be wiped
with a damp cloth to remove dust
and mud splashes, while the plas-
tic types of raincoats can be dip-
ped completely in luke-warm suds.
Umbrellas should be opened and
placed in the bathtub, says a;
manufacturer. Then they can be.
dusted with a clean, dry brushl
and scrubbed lightly with a deter-;

BOLERO ENSEMBLES-Models above show how two popular summer dresses can be converted
into three outfits. By interchanging the boleros, white and plaid are combined to give an interest-
ing contrast. The versatility of these outfits is ahnost endless. Without the boleros the dresses
become cool sunbacks; with the short jackets the ensembles are suitable for all but the most
formal occasions.
Wedding Gowns in Pastel Shades Challenge
Traditional Styles White Satin, Organdy

Bridal gowns in pastel shades
have come to the fore this year
and seem to stand a good chance
of breaking into the circle of tra-
ditional white satin.
Blush pink and ice blue are two
colors being chosen by many
brides this season, while an un-
usual orchid shade is featured by
one of the local stores. These col-
ors are being used alone and also
with top skirts of sheer fabrics to
lend a softer, more subdued tone.
TRADITIONAL white or ivory
satin with full, flowing trains and
floor-length veils, which are cor-
rect in any season, are as popular
as ever, but, nylon marquisette,
silk mousseline, lace, and taffeta
are coming into more extensive
use than before.
Spring and summer brides are
becoming more conscious of the
effectiveness of warm weather
inventions and are providing
this by the use of crisp organdy
and starched chiffon appliqued
with floral, butterfly, and bird
Economically-minded brides are
finding an ever-increasing supply
of gowns which can be used later
as dinner and dance dresses.
Among these are dresses with bo-
leros, stoles, redingotes and fitted
jackets which when removed re-
veal attractive strapless formals,

and one style features a full skirt
and train which can be removed
and has underneath a slim-skirt-
ed dinner dress.
BRIDESMAIDS, too, are wear-
ing these duo-occasion creations
which are being shown in woven
satin plaid on starched sheer chif-
fon and white over-stripings on
soft pastels. In both brides' and
attendants' gowns, puffed sleeves
and boat necklines are popular.
Only a few years ago, unless
the bride was wearing a formal
gown, custom dictated that she
wear a suit, but this is not so
any more. This year a bride
can wear a dress of the tradi-
tional style except for skirt
Ballerina, weddings are quite
popular whenra slightly more in-
f o r m a 1 ceremony is planned.,
These shorter dresses can be
found in satin, lace over satin and
the sheer fabrics, and are shown
in the new pastel shades as well
as in white.
SPANISH STYLES in white are
a rather unusual type of wedding
gown being shown for spring and
summer. One such dress is of
Chantilly lace with scalloped neck-
line, tight bodice, and a very full
skirt with a scalloped hemline.
The Spanish motif is completed
with a mantilla also of Chantilly
Juliet veils, half-hats, bon-
nets and coronet caps are popu-
lar headdresses again this sea-
son with lace and illusion veil-
ing being used, often with pearl
trim. Picture hats of crisply

starched organdy are shown for
summer, especially for garden
Halos of real flowers with veil-
ing attached are also featured,
and for the bridesmaids there are
net caps gathered over each ear
with small feathered birds or
fluffy butterflies.
One local bridal consultant ad-'
vises that important considera-
tions in planning a wedding in-
cude not onlyskeeping everything
correct, but also making the en-
tire ceremony a beautiful pageant
by choosing bridal fashions wisely.
Correct Hairdo
A woman's type can be com-
pletely changed, or her best fea-
tures accentuated and poorest°
ones played down, say hair ex-
perts, by a clever integrating of
color and form in hair-dos.
Pale tones in both hair and skin
call for simple, elegant styles. Red-
dish and brown tones can stand
much more detail of wave and
curl, while dark brown and black
hair should be more abundant
and styled with great attention to
mass and contour, they advise.
Three-and-one-half inches at
the nape of the neck is neat and
pretty, declare the beauty experts.
Top hair is from five to sevepi
inches in length, thus giving much
leeway for more elaborate and in-
teresting effects than last year's
shortie cuts.

More, Waves
Will Be Seen
In HairStyles
Fewer Curls Found
In Summer Tresses,
Authorities Announce
More waves and less curls is the
new trend in hair styles for this
The Official Hair Fashion Com-
mittee of the National Hairdressers
and Cosmetologists Association,
composed of the foremost hair
fashion authorities in this country
today, has unveiled its flattering
new styles for summer which point
to this new trend.
* * *
there will be more waves because
there is a softening influence in
the gleaming highlights of a wave
professionally styled to the shape
of a woman's face, and this will be
sought for by American women.
The first question for the
American woman to consider in
regard to her hair is: "What
does her hair-do do for her?"
the committee reports. The com-
mittee says that a hair-do can
and should be a flattering frame
for a woman's face.
In order to select a hair styling
sUited to her, a women should first
analyze the shape of her face and
then consult her hairdresser, whose'
professional training will enable
her to perfect a coiffure especially
for the individual, the committee
* * *
THE COMMITTEE explains that
the most perfect shape of' face is
the oval, but even these lucky
women need a smooth and simple
hair styling, expertly shaped and
shortened to classic lines.
Especially popular this sum-
mer will be pin-on tresses, when
chosen in a color and texture
matching a woman's own locks.
Hair pieces, whether they are
used for concealing results of over-
zealous scissor play or of funda-
mental hair problems or for chang-
ing the hair styling, are very use
ful beauty aids.
THE BEST hair pieces, accord-
ing to reports from a leading firm,
are made of real hair in natural
colors. As a rule it is difficult to
natch the texture of the hair with
that of switches made of hair that
has been bleached and re-dyed,
says the firm.
New tresses which are now
available will be especially ad-
mired for this summer because of
their extra lightness and sleek-
ness. They are fine long strands
'of silk processed to resemble real
hair and are offered in 27 dif-
ferent shades.
Styles available in the new
tresses are afigure eight chignon,
a looped and coiled braid, a plain
braid and a two bun unit. These
comparatively low priced tresses
offer enough variety for a whole
wardrobe of hair pieces, change-
able as mood and occasion demand,
the makers claim.
* * *
THE BRAIDS, chignons and
buns are protected by an invisible
net and this makes combing usual-
ly unnecessary. In the event the
silk does become disarranged, it
can be worked smooth again with
the fingers, the makers say.
Whether she. works with her
own hair or with false tresses, the
American woman will be seen this
sumnier with a smooth hair-do,
usually pulled back away from her
face and with fewer curls and
more simple waves than previously
seen in hair styles.

Attractive Handbags
Scarfs and neckwear novelties
are going to take on a new fashion
flair this summer.
Bright squares- (18 and 24")
come in neat or gaudy prints,
plain or print sheer silk and filmy
chiffon. These scarfs are especially
smart when worn with a back-
knot or a fob pin pendant or fold-
ed to grace a jewel neckline.
* * *
THE JABOT cascade is return-
ing to neckwear with its tie effects.
Also capelet collars in crisp white
and off-white are coming back to
perk up new or tired necklines.
Gay vests or. vestees help to
add life to suits. New blousette
fashions are also being shown
with suits that make wonderful
warm weather wearing In the
early summer.
Hat and scarf combinations are
being shown in soft-hued furs.
Little fur fringes in mink and
black-tipped ermine add an ele-
gant touch to a spring or summer
WIDE FUR STOLES with pocket
ends are a smart addition to the
latest styles. Fur is also being used
to trim necklines in collars of
silver-blue mink and ermine.
Embroidery, monograms, fringe
and glittering accents trim many
stoles to make them a dramatic
accessory to toss around the neck
and shoulders.
Colorful Laces
To Play Role
In Wardro bes
Romantic lace outshines all oth-
er fabrics in the fashion spotlight
this spring. }
In the afternoon sunshine," cot-
ton lace with a taffeta, rayon, or
cotton underskirt steps out to the
more important occasions. The
favorite colors are black and navy
with a white or sometimes pink
* * *
SKIRTS ARE straight or gently
flaring with the help of deep
pleats. Necklines range from the
neck-hugging variety to the por-
trait neckline, with some strapless
dresses sporting capes or stoles for
afternoon concealment.
Evening moonlight brings with
It all the beguiling witchery of
imported laces. The widely flar-
Ing short skirts and very decol-
ieife ooA.- _n os an YWW very m.



Interest in Neckwear
Noted This Season
Handbags to suit the outfit of
the day have become a must ,in
the fashion world of the summer
Bags of all colors, materials,
shapes and sizes have been design-
ed to enhance the latest -warm
weather creations.
The newest featured color is call-
ed "spiced peach" by stores with a
delicate sense of taste and "ranch
tan" by stores emphasizing the
sporty approach. For all practical
purposes the color is a very at-
tractive mixture of orange and
THE GAY summer hue is being
displayed in pouch bags, oblongs,
box-shapes, and over-the-shoul-
ders to please nearly everyone's
tastes and needs.
Designers of footwear have
respondedsenthusiastically and
have produced play shoes of the
same orange-tan color.

Always popular and practical
for summer is straw. Most of the
pocketbooks shown come in small,
convenient shapes. Natural straw
has the advantage of harmonizing
with all the bright new colors
found in summer dresses and


is the wickei4 basket 'bag, a chal-
lengefto the talents of any coed
who would like to try her hand at
making a summer purse.
All she must do is obtain ma-
terial, silk cording and a bread
basket of the size, weave and
color desired.
Directions state that the fabrie
be fitted around the inside of the
basket, leaving extra material at
the top. A strong , needle and
thread are used to sew the cloth
to the bottom and top rims of the
The cording is then inserted at
the top in draw string fashion and
the wicker basket bag is complete.






Expert Gives
Powder Hints


Round the Clock Whirers
our 'Breezy Cool
Flit C-O-O-L-Y from day to dating in our
merry cotton whirlers, some with intrigu-
ing take off jackets, sun .dresses with a
variety of cover-up accents for double
from tennis to patio-with equal grace.
BLOUSES AND SKIRTS that mix match
with individual ingenuity.


lee bodicsaeo eyfn
lace over taffeta or stiffened silk.
Color of the lace may be the.
same as the dress, sharply con-
trasting, or a blending tone. Black
over white is very popular. Two
other striking combinations are al-
so available in local stores.
* * *
ONE DRESS has pale yellow lace
over a deep golden, heavily pleated
dress. The lace skirt is in the new
graduated length, falling eight
inches lower in back than in front.
The other is a deep-pink silk.
faille strapless dress with a full
skirt permanently stiffened. The
upper part of the bodice lays in
narrow horizontal folds.
Right below this the lace, a pale
mauve, begins, fitted to the waist
and billowing out in the skirt. The
designer appropriately calls it
"Wild Rose."

Face powder can help or hinder
a woman's appearance, cosmeti,
experts maintain.
Beauty editor of McCall's mag-
azine, Dolly Reed, claims that a
satiny smooth complexion can be
attained if powder is properly ap-
If not used correctly, however,
it produces a white-face look '
which is dramatic under the arti-
ficial lights of evening but a little
frightening in the daytime or out-
Miss Reed suggests the follow*
ing steps for applying powder:
An ample antount of powder is
used on the puff to make sure
that every part of the face is
covered and evenly colored.
The powder is pressed on gently.1
but firmly, not scrubbed in or:
dabbed on only at the nose and.
forehead. Every inch, including
eyebrows and mouth, should be
covered. The powder makes a
good lipstick base.
With a powder brush or the!
back of the puff excess powder is"
brushed off in downward strokes.
To complete the process cotton
wrung out in skin lotion or cold
water is gently patted all ovgr
the face and hairline.

Make Sportswear
and SAVE!
Bright Printed Piques
SPRING COLORS for Skirts, Dresses, Shorts
at 89c yd.





avnS Summep



from 8.95
to 25.00

Start your summer wardrobe now! We
have dresses to dress up or down and
for any occasion from school thru the
summer. Come in now and see our new
fashion-headlined group. Choose your
dresses while the selection is largest.
There are so many styles including
this years very popular jacket dresses
and sunbacks, sleeveless, dresses with
matching sweaters and many others.
In a variety of materials-chambreys,
voiles, piqu6s, ginghams, shiny satins,
linen. $7.95 - 16.95. Sizes 7-15 and

Plain Colored Sport Denim
with matching Stripes or Plaids,
Sanforized and Washable
at 75c and 89c yd.

fashioned with clean cutf

::.> :



beauty and exciting col-
or-contrast . . . In finest

StriDes in Heavv Crepes

. I

i I UPi

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