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April 06, 1951 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-06

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Travel Service Offers Tours

* * * *

With only 53 days remaining in
the semester, the League Travel
Service is set to arrange Euro-
pean student tours for the sum-
mer vacation period.
A. two-and-a-half month tour
of Europe will cost $1,493 by ship.
By air the price is $1,845.
The tour, planned for Univer-
sity students by a Detroit travel
agency with the cooperation of
the League Undergraduate Coun-
cil, covers most of. Western Eur-
ope, with Switzerland as the hub.
Inquiries at the travel service
desk in the League Lobby have
been numerous and apparently
there are still many students who
expect to tour at their own ex-
The tour will leave New York
City June 28 on the S.S. Georgic.
Aboard ship there will be no dis-
tinctions such as Beau Brummel
Class or steerage class because all
the passengers will be students.
The S.S. Georgic will steam in-
to Southampton July 5. Then it's
boat-train to London and the
tour will really be under way.
After sightseeing in England
and Scotland the tour will jump
to the continent at The Hague,
then south to Munich, Milan,
Rome, Florence, and Monte Carlo.
By September the tourists will
be in Paris. After five days in the
center of the Isle de France, they
will move north to Le Havre and
reembark on the S.S. Georgic.
Arriving in New York City Sept.
14 there will be just about enough
time for students to get back to
Ann Arbor for registration.

-Daily-Ed Kozma
SUMMER TRAVEL-Coeds interested in a three month vacation
in Europe stop by the Information desk in the League to inquire
about the League sponsored tour available to any University

Ski Club Recruits Cars
For Colorado Vacation

New Members
Announced by
Phi EtaSigma
Honorary Fraternity
Lists 92 Freshmenh

Car-driving students will hav
a good chance to make easy mone
this spring vacation and see th
snowy sights of Colorado beside
The annual Ski Club trek to
the Aspen Ski Resort in Colorad
will provide the means, and driv
ing a carload there is the manne
Rockets To Be
Topie on TV
The University's rocket researc
Will be the featured Teletour a
1 p.m. Sunday on the Universit
Television Hour over WWJ-TV.
Leslie Jones, research enginee
for the Engineering Research In
stitute will describe the work be
ing done with rockets, and wi
show a short film on rocke
launching as done at White Sands
New Mexico.
Prof. Catherine Heller of th
College of Architecture and Desig
will discuss "Furnishing th
Home" on the other telecourse,
"Interior Design-the Home an
Contemporary Livi."

The Perfect
Salon Wave
for home use!
Spun- Cream
Permanent Wave
Luxury lotion; a spun cream.
oil, to give you the softest,
most luxurious wave ever.
Choice of curling method. Roll
hair or set in pin curls.
Twirl-curlers and special
hairpins included.
Fast, ea y, sae. Even Blue
Grass Shampoo and hair
pomade to condition your hair.
complete, 850 refill, 1.65
price plus 26c Federal Tlax
I'.'ri? .........

ve "THE DRIVER c a n charg
y whatever he thinks will cover th
e expenses of the trip with a littl
s. leftover-and any addition
toto cover emergencies on the road,
0 Ted Reynolds, '52E, said.
r Cars are badly needed for this
-spring's jaunt to the mountains
as this is the only way that the
troupe can make the trip at a
low cost.
"To any skier, Aspen is the mec
ca of all skiing spots. There ar
long, winding trails for beginner
h and steep, curvey ones for experts
t And the huge, open-air pool ther
y provides a wonderful diversio
from an all-day round of skiing,'
r Reynolds said.
- .
DANCING AND informal par
11 ties are going on all the time and
t more than one long-standin
$ friendship has been made over a
crackling fire, he went on.
e You don't need a complete ski
n outfit to have fun. A pair of
e jeans and an old jacket will do
, the trick. There are skis to
d rent, too."
A fallacy about the dangers of
skiing is all too prevalent, Rey-
nolds feels.
"If you're careful and don't
overdo yourself, it's not the least
bit dangerous. But, of course, if
you're going to go whizzing around
trees when you're just beginning,
you'll have trouble."
"And you can get browner in
the mountains in one week, than
you can by spending two weeks
at the beach. Ski Club members
come back looking like Tahitian
Anyone can make this trip, even
though he's not an official mem-
ber of the Ski Club by calling at
22565, Reynolds added.
Radio Forum
To Meet Here
Radio forum program "Ameri-
can Town Meeting of the Air" will
visit Ann Arbor and the Phoenix
Project April 24 for a broadcast
discussion entitled "Why Worry
About the Atom Bomb?"
Under the auspices of the Phoe-
nix Project and the Ann Arbor
Junior Chamber of Commerce, the
show will originate in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall and will be car-
ried by station WHRV and 286
affiliated network stations.
The program will be broadcast
at 9 p.m., but a preliminary meet-
ing will start at 8:15 p.m. with
George Denny, Jr., the founder of
"Town Meeting" moderating.
As yet the panel of speakers for
the program has not been an-
You are invited to visit a Kat~a-
rine Gibbs School during your
vacation. See for yourself the
pleasant stimuatin atmoshere

Phi Eta Sigma, national fresh
smen men's honorary fraternity
has announced the names of 90
men who, having attained a 3.
scholastic average for the first
semester of the freshman yeas
carrying 15 credits or for the first
e and second semesters with a total
of 30 credits, are eligible for mem-
.S bership in the organization.
According to Hal Herman, Phi
e Eta Sigma President, any studeni
whose name does not appear in
the list below should contact him
at 406 Lloyd House, West Quad, sc
- that he can check with the trans-
cript department.
Those men who are eligible to
join are: Harold E. Abrams, Quin
Adamson, William S. Allen, Jr.,
Thomas Arp, David L. Ayers, Rich-
ard J. Ball, Richard E. Balzhiser,
Joseph Berke, Gershon Berman,
Neil Bernstein, Willard C. Black-
ney, Norman Bohrer, Yvan E. Bro-
bant, William Brashear, Jack A.
Brown, Robert A. Buchanan.
The list continues with Edward
E. Burrows, John Mt. Chase, Jr.,
George L. Cotter, Jr., Glen Coury,
J. Sterling Crandall, Henry Crapo,
George R. Curry, David Daviden,
Francis Dawson, Jr., Thomas A.
Dell, Charles Drake, George Dut-
ter, Harry Earom, Ross Finney
III, Peter B. Fletcher, Ruedi Gin-
grass, David Goldstick, Robert
Golten, Paul W. Greenberg, Ro-
bert Harger.
Others eligible for membership
are Donald D. Heikkinen, Freder-
ick Horwitz, Robert H. Hunt, Ro-
bert Johnston, Frederick Kape-
tansky, Harold Katzman, Alan
Kiger, Sidney C. Kleinman, Wil-
liam Kristofetz, William V. Libby,
Douglas Long, Lawrence Mack,
David C. Marshall, John McArdle,
Mark McQuggan, Leonard G. Mil-
ler, Thomas C. Murphy, Robert D.
Neary, Maurice Oppenheim, How-
ard D. Robinson, James Roof,
Ronald D. Rosenfield, Melvin L.
Ruben, James Rupprecht, James
M. Ryan, Daniel Schechter, Fred-
eric Scherer, Arthur Schwartz,
James Sellgren.
Also included are Thomas Slyk-
house, Roger Smithe, John Som-
merfeldt, Ryan Sparber, Thad
Stanford, Frank Starbuck, Rich-
ard Storrer, Gerald Strauch, Jere-
miah Turcette, Neal Vanselow,
Frederick Waltz, Charles Watson
II, Robert Weaver, Ronald West,
William Whittingham, Ronald E.
Wilcox, Ronald Witt, Robert Wos-
chitz, Stanley Wynn, J a m e s
IFC Sing Deadline
The deadline for fraternity ap-
plications for the IFC Sing has
been set at April 23, George Cha-
pelis, chairman of the IFC Sing,
has announced.
Applications, which should in-
clude the name of the house, song,
composer, and song leader, may be
turned in to Chapelis.
- - - - -

U' Campus
Plans Events
For Holiday
- ./
F Varied Activities
T Slated for Week
Although students will pour o
of Ann Arbor today for a 10 da
vacation from books and class
rooms, a variety of activities wi.
flourish on the campus in the
The Ann Arbor Engineers' Clu
will play host to the 71st annus
convention of the Michigan En
gineering Society which opehs to
Prof. Phillip Wernette will
address the engineers on "Don't
Sell America Sport" at a noon
luncheon in the Union. The
rest of the day will be spent in
discussions of technical prob-
lems and a dinner at 6:30 p.m.
in the Union.
Highlighting the closing sessio
tomorrow will be a talk on "En
gineering Education" by retirin
Dean Ivan Crawford, of the en
gineering college. Dean Crawfor
will speak at a dinner at 7 p.m
in the Union.
Foremen's Conference
More than 1000 foremen fro
Michigan and Ohio are slated t
attend a Foremen's Conference
sponsored by the extension serv
ice here this weekend.
Today's opening program will
include talks by Prof. Clayton
Hill, of the business adminis-
tration school, on "Supervi-
sion-Model 1951" at 9:45 a.m.
and Prof. William Haber, of the
economics department, on
"Some Aspects of Man-power
Mobilization in t h e Period
Ahead" at 3:30 p.m. Both talks
will be in Rackham Lecture
Seven section meetings will ap-
praise the essentials of the jo
of a foreman and the newest tech-
niques in carrying out his neces-
sary leadership in industry.
Though all meetings are open
to University students, it has been
requested that they procure regis-
tration tags at the desk in the
Rackham Bldg. before attending
any of the sessions.
Real Estate Meeting
Real Estate men from all over
the state will gather April 10 and
11 for the annual Real Estate
Clinic at the University.
Prominent speakers expected to
address the group include Arthur
E. Baird, San Antonio realtor;
Prof. Albert C. Van Dusen, of the
Northwestern University psycho-
logy department and Louis Char-
bouneau, Detroit attorney.
Some students a n d faculty
members will journey to represent
the University in various sections
of the country during spring re-
Others To Travel
Esson M. Gale, director of the
International Center and Robert
B. Klinger, assistant counselor to
foreign students at the University,
will attend a conference on edu-
cational exchanges April 10-14 in
Denver sponsored by the National
Association of Foreign Student
Prof. James K. Pollack, chair-
man of the political science de-
partment, and Manfred Vernon
of the department, are attend-
ing a Brookings Institute con-
ference on internation rela-
tions which began yesterday and
will continue through April 10.
Meeting in closed session at the
University of Pittsburgh, the group
of educators and government of-

ficials will publish a record of
their discussions shortly after the
conclusion of the conference.
Prof. Kenneth Davis, of the
natural resources school, will
lead 16 forestry students on a
tour of Florida, Georgia, and
the Carolinas during the vaca-
tion period.
The group will observe forestry
production, management and ex-
periment stations.
High school cheerleaders from
the Upper Peninsula will attend a
University sponsored clinic April
14 at Kingsford High School.
University cheerleaders a n d
gymnastics coach Newt Loken will
conduct the clinic. Cheerleaders
Ed Buchanan, '51, Tom Tillman,
'51 Ed and William Parrish, Grad.
will assist Loken in instruction
and demonstration.
Bus Ticket Sale
Tickets for the Cleveland Club
bus will be on sale until 3:30 p.-
m. today in the Union lobby.
The bus will leave the front of
the Union at that time, according
to Bob Milner, '52, club spokesman.

Expert Hairdressers Prescribe New Solution
For Wearing Hair Until Shorn Locks Grow

* * * *4

Buckingham- Ford
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Buck-
ingham of Detroit, have announc-
ed the engagement of their
daughter, Joan, to H. Stanley
Ford, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
S. Ford of Birmingham.
Miss Buckingham will graduate
in June witi a degree in medical
technology in L.S.&A. She is a
member of Alpha Chi Omega.
Mr. Ford is a graduate of Notre
Dame University and is now work-
ing in Detroit.
The wedding will be September
1 in Detroit.

Delaney - Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. De-
laney of Grosse Pointe Farms have
announced the engagement of
their daughter, Joyce, to Richard
D. Schmidt, Jr., son of Mr. and
Mrs. R. D. Schmidt of fBound
Brook, N.J.
Miss Delaney is a junior in
L.S.&A., and a member of Alpha
Chi Omega.
Mr. Schmidt is enrolled as a
junior in the college of Business
Administration at Lehigh Uni-
versity, in Bethlehem, Pa. He is
president of Delta Upsilon chap-
ter there.
No plans for a wedding have
been made.
* *

Spring Engagements of Four Alpha Chi Omegas Announced

By LORRAINE BUTLER to wear flowing
New York's hairdressers, who not recommend
urged American women to shear mature womenc
off their locks only a short time ward lines of the
ago, are now prescribing solutions phasize any facia
for the scraggly, growing-in hair. Victor sugges
These experts hope that their mer, women b
suggestions will give some aid and tresses back a
comfort to the women who have not in the old
been trying to achieve a chignon sweep, but with
out of a shingle. tion.
* * A-* - J1 - .,...1

tresses, but does
them for more
since the down-
hair tend to em-
al lines.
ts that for sum-
rush the longer
nd slightly up,
skyscraper up-
a 'n upward mo-
stion of bangs the
Victor Vitossays
always good since
color of the eyes
d to change pro-
)man's face. Mar-
a very small, cur-
of his hair-dos.
other hand is par-

many-point program for under-
developed, growing-in tresses is
rarranging the hair in a short
1chignon effect. Michel of Helena
= Rubinstein who suggests the idea,
calls it the longer short-hair look,
y which consists of soft side waves
and the chignon either up or down
at the nape of the neck.
If the hair has become long
enough to make a bun but not
enough to keep it that way, Vic-
tor of Charles of the Ritz has
a solution.
He says that the new chignon
is helpful. It is achieved by
starting with the pageboy, then
combing or brushing the bun into
place. To keep the chignon in
place without visible means, Mr.
Victor advises a very fine net of
human hair with hair conditioner
on it.
* * *
VICTOR VITO has come up
with the idea for a sequin-spang-
led tulle chignon, which is espec-
ially good for hiding the results of
the slowly emerging hair-line af-
ter last summer's cutting. Flow-
ers or other ornaments may also
be used to hide the short hairs.
The experts give a word of
caution in using some types of
chignon, because many women
do not have the perfect profiles
and ears to wear the severe
back sweep and bun.
The hairdressers say "Don't add
to your troubles by worrying your-
self into old age if your hair does-
n't seem to be responding to all
your cultivation." The hair will
grow only a half 'inch a month
and nothing will speed up the pro-
HOWEVER, THE hair stylists
are promoting what they call the
collar length style, which should
fit many women's current hair
condition. Marcel of Elizabeth Ar-
den features a new style, which
should be perfect for this in-
between effect.
This style is pulled straight
back from the crown, waved at
the sides, coming to a V-effect
in the back and is finished off
with a couple of soft curls turn-
ed under at the nape of the neck.
Velvet bows coming down the
back of the head have been sug-
gested by Marcel as extra decora-
JUNGST is an exponent of what
he calls the high collar length,
which can be adjusted to the in-
dividual neck and head. He says
that teen-agers are young enough

As to tne quest
experts disagree.
that bangs are a
they deepen the
and can be usec
portions of a wor
cel also is usinga
ly bang for some
Victor on the o

Isolampi - Smith
Mr. and Mrs. S. E.'Isolampi of
Gary, Ind. have announced the en-
gagement of their-daughter, Nan-
cy, to Daniel R. Smith, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Smith, also of
Miss Isolampi is a junior in the
School of Education. She is a
member of Alpha Chi Omega sor-
Mr. Smith, who is now living in
Gary, recently attended Michigan
State College.
No plans for the wedding have
been made.


* *


tial to the center part, if the wo-
man under consideration is lucky
enough to have a widow's peak.
He says that bangs only serve the
useful purpose of covering up some
forehead defect.-
Campus Group
Fetes Monkey
"Who is Gunther Bdu?"
That is the question that was
baffling students last week, but
at the Alpha Epsilon Pi party
Saturday night, the answer was
given-Gunther is a monkey.
Up until the time of the party,
no one except a chosen few knew
who Gunther was going to be.
Then at the long-awaited mo-
ment he made his appearance, ac-
companied by his friend Johnnie.
Johnnie is very active and enter-
ed into the party spirit by putting
on his own show. At the party he
got acquainted with the guests by
leaping from shoulder to shoulder.
There was a birthday cake to
celebrate Gunther's fifth birthday,
and all couples attending the par-
ty had to bring a present for him.
The gifts were distributed Sun-
day to children in the University

In keeping with that after va-
cation feeling of depression, stu-
dents will celebrate "Blue Mon-
day," April 16, in co-operation
with the activities of the Blue
Team of Frosh Weekend.
This is the first official cele-
bration of the "day of the blues,"
and members of the team are in-
viting all students, freshmen to
seniors, to participate in the ob-.
=:n'* * -
bers will be sporting blue caps,
while other students hay wear
various articles of blue clothing.
The obsrvance will precede
the first day of ticket sales for
the Blue Team's "The Big
Scoop" which has been selected
as the theme for their presen-
tation of the annual Frosh
Tickets for the dance will go on
sale Wednesday, April 18, in the
League and Union.
*1 * *-
FROSH WEEKEND, the annual
project of the freshmen women,
will be held Friday and Saturday,
April 27 and 28.
Each night one of the two
teams will present their version
of the dance, featuring their in-
dividual theme.
Competition between the Maize
and Blue teams is based upon their
dance's decorations, ticket sales,
floorshow, scholarship and pro-
gram design.

Annual Spring Concert
Scheduled by Members
Of Women's Glee Club
The annual spring concert of
the Woman's Glee Club will be
presented at 8:30 p.m., April 19, in
Pattengill Auditorium..
The group, under the direction
of Mrs. Samuel Estep will present
a program of varied contemporary
choral works. It will include a
group of Latin-American melodies,
songs from the cycle of Six Love
Songs by Brahms and piano num-
bers by the accompanists, Julia
Hennig and Justine Votyka.
The first of three sections of the
concert- will consist of music by
the entire ensemble, in addition
to a group by Ellen Traxler, so-
prano soloist.
The second section will feature
American folk songs. The final
group will include a medley of
college songs.

,'.- .{.-
t ?" " ~ " Y ". .3 t J " 1. {

* * *
Wilcox - Bosch
Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Wilcox of
Alma, have announced the en-
gagement of their daughter, Car-
ol, to John W. Bosch, son of Mr.
Frank Bosch, also of Alma.
Miss Wilcox is enrolled as a
junior in the School of Architec-
ture and Design. She is affiliated
with Alpha Chi Omega.
Mr. Boscf was graduated from
Michigan State College this year
with a degree from the School of
Business Administration. He is af-
filiated with Alpha Tau Omega.
The couple has made no defin-
ite wedding plans.
Student Group
Will Celebrate
'ue Monday

A Sterling
you will treasure
always. Now
on display. Start
enjoying this
lovely pattern for
your own today.
payment plans


Be the belle of the dance
in one of our new hoop
skirts; the hoop can be
removed in jif.fy time.

v y

Plaid, flowered and
.. from 5.95.

solid chintz

6-Pc. Setting

Pantaloons, too, at 3.95.

1 1\\\\\\\\\\ Ililllllllll! _ :Illl1/iill / ' ! I

, r. t

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