iit' rndote I
Union Co-ed Policy
'HE MICTIGAN State Senate yesterday
passed a resolution condemning the new-
adopted policy for defering college stu-
nts. The Senate's action undoubtedly
emmed from a belief that the new policy
il promote "class discrimination" and will
.ove to be a great injustice to men who are
cable or unwilling to attend a college or
Such action, however, was short-sighted
id ill-advised. If the new plan called for
'aft exemptions rather than for draft de-
rments, it would be grossly unfair. This,
owever, is clearly not the case. By com-
eting their college careers students are
erely postponing the time when they will
required to enter the armed forces. They
e in no way avoiding eventual induction
to the army.
The wisdom of defering college students
as been clearly stated in previous Daily
litorials and certainly should have been
ear to the State Senate. The 'policy is
esigned to build up the moral and intellec-
al strength of the nation-to insure the
owth and expansion of the physical and
cial sciences.
As Colonel George A. Irvin, Chief of the
Selective Service Field Division put it,
the plan is designed to operate in the in-
erest of the individual, or of the insti-
ution of higher education. Every action
aken, every classification arranged, every
nduction accomplished and every defer-
nent granted must be weighed in the
scale of the national interest."
University students have not asked for
his deferment. But now that it has been
'opted, they have a responsibility to the
ation to obtain the highest degree of edu-
ction from the opportunities presented
hem and maintain a scholastic standing
ommensurate with their abilities.
ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.
IN A NOT-SO-sweeping move the Union
has come brilliantly forth to assert the
rights of women on the Michigan campus.
Escorted, they will be allowed to enter the
cafeteria for two and a half hours in the
middle of each afternoon, and for three
hours on Friday and Saturday nights.
This radical gesture (slightly dimmed
by the fact that the whole business has
been going on for several months on a trial
basis without incident) was apparently
carried off in lieu of placing both the cafe-
teria and front door issues on the ballot
this spring. Clearly enough, it was the
most conservative move the Union Board
of Directors could make, short of ignoring
the whole matter completely.
In deciding that the two questions should
not be put to an all-campus vote even among
the men, all of whom are automatically
members of the Union, the Board gave two
major excuses.
The first was that "other machinery for
a membership vote" is provided. We pre-
sume that the Board refers to a member-
ship meeting. While this is entirely in ac-
cord with democratic procedure, the facts
belie its effectiveness. Last year when the
Union readied the ballroom for a giant mem-
bership meeting less than half enough men
for a quorum showed up. Major alterations
in the constitution would have been made
that night. Is this the "other machinery"
by which the Union finds out the wishes of
its members?
Second, it was stated that a referendum
would "in no way indicate the feelings of
Union members, since most membership lies
in the ranks of University alumni." Quite
right. But that was not why the referen-
dum was supported anyway. Its sole pur-
pose was to find out what students on cam-
pus think about the restrictive regulations.
It was not meant to be representative of all
Union members.
If the referendum had been taken, one
thing, at least, would have been made
clear. The Board of Directors would
learn-by means of competently conducted
formal balloting instead of an informal,
helter-skelter straw vote-what campus
men think of Union traditions. This in-
formation should certainly be obtained be-
fore further action of any sort is pur-
sued-either to uphold the regulations or
to get rid of them.
To an outside observer, the action of the
Board can 'only be viewed as obstinate.
Nothing could have been lost by having a
referendum, except, indirectly, a small
amount of the Board's pseudo-dictatorial
power. If the students had approved of re-
moving certain "anti-women" regulations,
some pressure would necessarily be applied
to the group to get rid of the regulations.
From here, it looks as if the Board is afraid
of getting into a position where they would
be liable to pressure-even when it repre-
sents the will of the campus.
-Chuck Elliott
White Paper On The Peron Dictatorship
Li P E." t ! TSA fIi O AIA
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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
W ashington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-The questions I have heard most frequently since
returning from Europe are: "What do they think of us abroad?
Why don't they like us better?"
The questions are important. Because, while we have poured bil-
lions into Europe, first to win a war, then to feed Europe after the
war, later to reconstruct it, now to rearm it, the fact remains that we
are not popular.
To some degree our popularity can be measured by the dis-
tance of each country from the Iron Curtain. In Turkey, Yugo-
slavia, Berlin-all cheek-and-jowl with the Iron Curtain-we are
popular. But as you travel west away from Russia, fear lessens
and so does our popularity.
It is in England, a country with no language barrier and ou
strongest cultural tie, where we most need to build up our popu
larity fences. For in no other country is there more gibing at thb
United States.
THERE ARE SEVERAL reasons for this, most of them easy to un-
Reason No. 1,-The United States has replaced Britain as the
dominant world power, and no nation is ever popular when the former
Number One Nation starts playing Number Two.
Reason No. 2-The United States has been put in the light of
wanting war and of pushing Europe into war. While this is not true,
nevertheless the statements of certain irrespdnsible senators and gen-
erals, such as Gen. Orvil Anderson (relieved at Montgomery, Ala.),
favoring a preventive war, have the British scared. They are afraid
that, by being the tail on the American kite, they will find them-
selves flipped into war without having any chance to pause or argue.
Reason No. 3-The British have tightened their belts to such
an extent 'that their meat ration is now no greater than during
the war-eight pence a week. In contrast they can't help watch-
ing a wealthy, unrationed United States. Naturally they are
Reason No. 4-Is differences with the U.S.A. over China and
General MacArthur. While you find criticism of MacArthur all over
Europe, it reaches a white heat in England. There he is sometimes
called "the First Satrap of the American Empire." MacArthur, to the
British, is an advance warning of what would happen in any Allied
war. An American general, they fear, would dominate a weak White
House and likewise the fate of Britain.
* * * *
T HE ABOVE REASONS are basic and cannot be changed easily.
But there are other public-opinion factors which could be changed
overnight, if responsible people at the top worked at them. Here are
some examples:
First, Admiral W. F. Fechteler-the storm of British resentment
over the appointment of this American Admiral to command the At-
lantic fleet under the North Atlantic Pact could easily have been
avoided by Prime Minister Attlee himself. Real fact was that he was
poorly informed.
Second, canned Mexican meat-the British government's purchase
of U.S. surplus beef, from Mexican cattle butchered under the hoof-
and-mouth disease program, also stirred up a lot of unnecessary ill
The British press and people got the idea that Uncle Sam was
casting off this supposedly "tainted" meat as a bone to his poor rela-
tives in Britain. The meat was going to Britain, according to the Bri-
tish press, because Americans considered it unfit for human consump-
When Winston Churchill upbraided Attlee on the floor of
Commons for permitting Admiral Fechteler's appointment, Attlee
apparently did not know, certainly did not reply, that a British
commander would take over all fleet operations around 'British
waters, the North Sea, and in the eastern part of the Atlantic.
If this had been announced, there would have been no real criti-
cism by the British public. What the British people objected to was
the erroneous idea that an American admiral would command the
fleet in waters immediately adjacent to the British Isles.
Real fact, however, was that this canned meat from Mexico was
far more sanitary and less diseased than the chilled and frozen beef
Britain has long imported from Argentina.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
The State.. .
OPERATION X, with Edward G. Robin-
son, Peggy Cummins, and retinue.
WHAT a Stinker!
That's what I said and I'll stick by it.
This movie proves that one actor does not
a picture make. Edward G. Robinson does
his best, but it is impossible for an actor
to give meaningfulness to a drama that con-
tains none. It is almost surprising that the
star of such a fine production as "All My
Sons" would be found in a picture as esoteric
as it is innocuous.
The "amazing, breathtaking story of a
billion-dollar plot to 'shake down the
world!" is a vaguely-hinted-at plan con-
cocted by international cartelist Robinson
to corner the market in scientific genius,
with an eye to bigger and better A-Bombs
the audience is allowed to suspect. It winds
up with a minor variation of the Mad Genius
Conquer-the-World theme which I thought
was extirpated a decade ago.
At The Oipheunr...
THE ROPE, with James Stewart, John
Dall, Farley Granger, Sir Cedric Hard-
wicke, Constance Collier and Joan Chand-
SPRING VACATION may deprive most stu-
dents of the opportunity to see this
fascinating suspense melodrama, but those
who plan to stay around this weekend
shouldn't miss it.
Alfred Hitchcock commands an excellent
cast arnd the technicolor cameras, with only
a swank apartment as a set, to an impressive
cinematic triumph as Jimmie Stewart meth-
odically unravels a 'thrill' murder of the
Loeb-Leopold variety.
-Craig Wilson.
BONN, Germany-Here in Germany the
signs are plain that the Western defense
effort has already been impeded by Soviet
blocking tactic. The Kremlin's method has
been to play upon the present political weak-
ness of the British and French governments
with mingled threats of war and hints of
willingness to talk turkey about a new world
settlement at a foreign ministers' meeting.
How well the method worked may be judged
from the record.
The point of attack has of course been
the sensitive issue of the essential Ger-
man participation in the West's defense
structure. The earlier atmosphere, as well
as the attitude towards this problem of
all the general staffs in Europe, are well
illustrated by an anecdote of Field Mar-
shal Montgomery's visit to Bonn last
Autumn. At luncheon with Chancellor
Adenauer and the British High Com-
missioner, Sir Ivone Kirkpatrick, the Field
Marshal is reported to have said:
"Chancellor, the day you put your men in
uniform, the commission will come down off
the Petersberg (the Allied High Commis-
sion's mountaintop meeting place). And if
my friend Kirkpatrick and the others don't
come down of their own will, I promise to
send my fellows up there to chase them
The Field Marshal implied acknowledge-
ment of the need to grant Germany political
and military strength equality with the other
Western Allies, as a condition of German
participation. The Soviet success has con-
sisted in strengthening the French reluc-
tance to proceed with German rearmament,
and in transforming the British eagerness
into a reluctance almost equal to the French
mood. Thus the grant of political and mili-
tary equality, without which nothing can be
accomplished in Germany, has been in-
definitely delayed.
* * *
SOME MONTHS AGO, all three High Com-
missioners authorized American Com-
missioner John J. McCloy's State Depart-
ment deputy to begin discussions of Ger-
many's new political status with represen-
tatives of Chancellor Adenauer. It was
agreed that the British, French and Ameri-
can governments would publicly promise
political equality to Germany in a so-called
statement of principles. Chancellor Ade-
nauer promised that as soon as this state-
ment had been issued, and agreement reach-
ed upon the nature of Germany's military
contribution, he would take the problem of
German rearmament to the Bundestag. The
device of the statement of principles was
Oins laught
LTHOUGH spring is supposedly well ad-
vanced, the campus is due for one more
big snow, which will bury things from now
until the SL elections at the end of this
SL posters are beginning to appear.
Gone is the greening grass, and the bud-
ding violets all buried under the onslaught
of profiles and names in four inch type.
Before long it will be hard to tell clothing
and book stores from pool halls and hash
houses. Identities are smothered in the all-
encompassing rush with hammer, thumb-
tack, and scotch tape. Smiling faces and
flippant slogans will leer from every empty
wall and telephone pole, depriving the frus-
trated quadrangle student from his bul-
letin board news of the blind date service,
and luring hungry students into already
jam-packed eateries.
Ann Arbor assumes the properties of a
intended to avoid the long delays of nego-
tiating all the minute details of Germany's
new status.
The text of the statement had been all
but approved some time ago, when Sir
Ivone Kirkpatrick, who had previously ac-
cepted the whole procedure, went to Lon-
don to consult his government. After a
fortnight's absence, Sir Ivone returned to
announce that the British government
wished to take no further decisive steps
until after the projected foreign ministers'
meeting. Thus a metamorphosis of Brit-
ain's German policy was suddenly dis-
On the military side, meanwhile, the
French had long before injected the Plevin
Plan for a "European Army" into the prob-
lem of the German contribution to West-
ern defense.Under this plan, the largest
German unit would be a combat team, and
German combat teams would serve in mixed
"European" divisions.
Initially, at least, other national armies
would meanwhile survive in Europe.
Thus in its first phase, the Pleven Plan
would emphatically not offer military equal-
ity to the Germans. It would also trans-
form the headquarters of every "European"
division in the field into a UN translators'
nightmare. It was political in origin, and its
lack of support within the French General
Staff is an open secret. In view of the op-
position to the Pleven Plan in Germany, it
took some courage for Chancellor Adenauer
to send Herr Blankenhorn and Colonel De
Mezieres to Paris to discuss the European
army idea.
* * *
AT PARIS, Blankenhorn and De Mezieres
rejected mixed divisions as hopelessly
impractical, but proposed a European army
comprising German divisions serving in mix-
ed corps. The French negotiators, Herve Al-
phand and General De Larminat stated that
time was needed before this German pro-
posal could be accepted as a topic for dis-
cussion; and so the work ended. Thus on
both political and military fronts, the effort
to bring the Germans into the defense of
the West is now stalled on dead center, ap-
parently for an indefinite period.
All these complex transactions merely
prove two points. The Soviets have thus far
been shrewd in their use of blackmailing
threats of a new war, which are the 'real
reason for the desire to put all decisions off
until the Foreign Ministers have met. And
meanwhile the delay has also been facilitated
by the collapse, notably in the United States,
of the special sense of urgency that in-
spired the whole Western defense effort at
the time of the Korean defeats. Unfortu-
nately, the urgency of building a solid West-
ern defense remains just as great as ever,
and the time that is being wasted is all the
time we have.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune Inc.)
REFUSAL of the Rules Committee thus
far to grant clearance to the India aid
bill shows once again how foolish the House
was last January to restore to that group
its full powers of obstruction and delay.
The Rules Committee has a proper function
of "controlling traffic," but it often misuses
its power to prevent important legislation
from reaching the House floor. As we have
noted previously, this is a perversion of the
democratic process.
Whether or not some members of the
Rules Committee think we should grant a
million tons of grain right now (and subse-
quently provide another million) to avert
famine in India, the proposal requires im-
mediate House consideration, with accent on
the immediate. For example, an American
official in India reported only two days ago
that in one state the ration is already at the
incredibly low level of seven ounces of grain
Peace Assembly . . .
To the Editor:
THE FOLLOWING preamble was
accepted, at the Assembly for
Issues of war and peace must
not lie entirely in the hands of
statesmen. It is for the people to'
determine directly what policies
are in the national interest. In a
democracy there is no room for
j"Total Diplomacy."
We are living at a time when
world conflict is a very real pos-
sibility. It behooves the people,
therefore, to organize for peace.
The voices of the people will be
heard by the leaders and states-
men, for in war it is the people
who give life, purpose and power,
and without them no wars are
In the present age internation-
al warfare is a totally destructive
act. Scientists have warned us of
the possibility of the destruction
of all civilization. With these
warnings in mind, we must base
all reasoning about peace on the
assumption that East and West
can co-exist in peaceful coopera-
tion. Only in peace can democracy
of any kind be known. Only in
peace can men seriously plan for
progress and the good life. With-
out peace there is only the illusion
of tomorrow and all our labors
and ambitions are an idle fantasy.
In modern war there is no liberty,
no security, no compassion, no
humanity, little hope for life it-
It is the task of Americans -
students, workers and profession-
als - to see to it that their na-
tional leaders act in the best in-
terests of the whole of the people.
Peace is this interest. It is the
task of Americans tomeet in hall
and home in order that the prob-
lems of international policy be
fully considered - to bring forth
the facts of world affairs, to dis-
cuss them thoroughly, to help
create a sound and ethical solu-
tion to the problems of war and
peace, and then, most important
of all, to organize in such a man-
ner that the policy-makers of
America will be informed as to the
will of the people.
-Edward G. Voss, Co-chairman
Society for Peaceful Alternatives
Attendance . - .
To the Editor:
generous attitude of The Daily
toward cami$us- events is well il-
lustrated by the editorial on
March 30th by Leonard Green-
baum complaining a b o u t the
scheduling of a lecture in an audi-
torium which proved a bit too
small for the crowd which turned
out. Instead of congratulating
those who were able to attract an
Assistant Secretary of State to
the campus to talk about the
greatest problems of our foreign
policy, The Daily advocates the
use of a larger auditorium which
might, because of student apathy
or preoccupation, be only half
filled. If The Daily writers had
some experience in public speak-
ing or better still, some knowledge
about how uninterested or unre-
sponsive students areson this cam-
pus to the golden opportunities
presented to them in special lec-
tures, they would realize why
careful attentionsmust always be
given by sponsors to the antici-
pated turn-out of students. Sally
Rand, Bob Hope or Estes Kefauver
-might fill the Rackham Lecture
Hall today. But in our experience,
that hall has only been filled to
capacity on a very few occasions
and then principally because a
crowd was worked up by cooper-
ating organizations. The Daily
editorial recognized the calculated
risk which sponsors must take.
The problem for The Daily is
to use its columns to arouse in-
terest in lectures (it did pretty
well in the instant case, helping
undoubtedly to fill the Amphi-
theatre); to cooperate in bringing
lecturers to the campus; and to
report them accurately afterwards.
Anything it can do to develop a
real student interest in public lec-
tures will lead, as experience
changes, to the use of larger halls
to accommodate larger crowds. To
criticize two instances of over-
crowding without understanding
the larger setting is superficial
and unfair.
In any event Mr. Rusk's lecture
was one of the most penetrating,
informative a n d authoritative
speeches we have had on this
campus for a long time. Also, its
informal quality was probably en-
hanced by the ideal arrangement
and size of- the Amphitheatre
which continues to be one of the
great assets of this University. If
you missed the speech because you
were late and a few others got
there ahead of you, listen to it in
the near future over WUOM which
plans to broadcast the whole talk
-Morgan Thomas
* * *
Deferment ...
To the Editor:
EVER SINCE the revival of the
Selective Service Act, the
act's most controversial issue ha
been the failure to maintain a
definite policy toward the draf
eligibility of the college student
Now, after some nine months o:
constant pro and con haggling
General Hershey has issued a rul
ing that is to set the pattern fo
the draft board-student relation
Briefly the ruling exempts an:
student on condition that he pas
an intelligence test and maintai
a fair scholastic average while i
Whether this method of selec
tion is the best may or may no
ever be proved, or disapproved
However, I think this selective
ness is not only unfair but als
invites into our democratic prin
ciples a system with inequality a
its basis. Never, in my knowledg
of American history has an able
bodied American youth been abl
to claim exemption from conscrip
tion through, his assertation o
superior intelligence. I do agre
that college graduates are essen
tial to America's present and fu
ture security as well as develop
ment. But who can rightly sa
that one mother's son attendin
college is more vital to the nation'
defense and morals than anothe
mother's son, fighting and jeo
pardizing his life on the battle
field? Or is it fair for one bo
financially capable of an educa
tion, to seek refuge in a colleg
.. _ t
classroom while another boy, un-
able to finance a possible college
education; spends his youthful
years in battle . . .
These questio s can be answer-
ed sincerely for in each one a
good deal of discrimination and
injustice is being shown... .Also,
the armed services should not be
deprived of men with higher men-
tal ability while forced to accept
draftees with lower I.Q.s. Such il-
logical distribution can only lead
to a lack of proper leadership .. .
In crucial times like the pre-
sent, it is of more importance to
worry about the present efficacy
and morale of the army than the
future security and development
of the nation. For without the for-,
mer, there may not be a future to
plan for or worry about as con-
quered people generally find them-
selves too engrossed in the imme-
diate problems of survival.
Still Xuncle Sam's draft-bait,
-S. F. (Tony) Borowy
* . * *
Deferment . .
To the Editor:
And who is this James Gregory
who considers himself and other
college men as the "best young
men of the nation?"
--Jack Hall, Grad.
* * *
Your Welcome . . .
To the Editor:
NEVER AN organization to shirk
its duty, the Student Legisla-
ture Speakers Bureau sent a
speaker to the senior editors of
The Daily on the topic "Why Stu-
dent Legislature."
We would like to take this op-
portunity to thank The Daily for
the opportunity of discussing SL
with its staff.
-Leah Marks
for the Speakers Bureau
tCt tli7tg,
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown .........Managing Editor
Paul Brentiinger ...........City Editor
Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas ...........Feature Editor
Janet Watts ..........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan.........Associate Editor
James Gregory ........Associate Editor
Bill Connolly...........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton ... .Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels .........Business Manager
Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager
Sally Fish...........Finance Manager
Bob Miller ... .....Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matterseherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at' Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.
+ ,
Dorm Food
THE NEW WOMEN'S Dormitory has dis-
tributed food preference sheets among
the women to determine what their likes
and dislikes are and to receive, their sug-
gestions for improvement of the menu.
Students seldom complain about the
quality of the food. Our main grievances
are the manner of preparation and the
high starch content of the meals.
There is something of the suspense of a
big game hunt sea'rching through a plate-
ful of sauce to determine what hidden trea-
sure reposes coyly beneath. And it is with
the stark amazement of an archaeologist
uncovering a fossil in the ice that a student
searches through her jello to discern what
And furthermore the Conestoga wagon and the
Reo were not contemporary. This is absurd-
Come, Albert. I can prove it! And it will
shatter your faith in Tennessee Hennessy |
is there a copy bf the 1870 Automotive
yearbook in the bookshelf, Barnaby? That